Project Manufacturing

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Project Manufacturing

Oracle Project Manufacturing supports companies in the Engineer-To-Order, Make-To-Order, Seiban, and Aerospace and Defense industries. These industries plan, track, procure, and cost based on project, contract, or Seiban numbers.

Oracle Project Manufacturing supports the following key areas:

In addition, Oracle Projects provides the following main features:

The following key features are supported specifically for the Aerospace and Defense industry:

Related Topics

See the Overview in the Oracle Project Contracts User's Guide

Overview of Cost Management, Oracle Cost Management User's Guide

Overview of Flow Manufacturing, Oracle Flow Manufacturing User's Guide

Overview of Bills of Material, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide

Overview of Configure to Order, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide

Overview of On-hand and Availability, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

Serial Number Control, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

Overview of Oracle Quality, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Overview of Budgeting, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide

Bills Receivable Overview, Oracle Receivables User's Guide

Oracle Project Manufacturing Integration

Oracle Project Manufacturing is fully integrated with the Oracle Projects, Oracle Financials, Oracle Human Resources, Oracle Customer Relationship Management, and Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Management product suites. The following figure depicts the integration points.

the picture is described in the document text

Related Topics

See the Overview in the Oracle Project Contracts User's Guide

Overview of Cost Management, Oracle Cost Management User's Guide

Overview of Flow Manufacturing, Oracle Flow Manufacturing User's Guide

Overview of Bills of Material, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide

Overview of Configure to Order, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide

Overview of On-hand and Availability, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

Serial Number Control, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

Overview of Oracle Quality, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Overview of Budgeting, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide

Bills Receivable Overview, Oracle Receivables User's Guide

Project Manufacturing Flow

A contract cycle begins with a bid and proposal process by Sales and Engineering. This process includes review of profit margins and actual status on similar projects, calculation of a high-level project schedule to determine a rough-cut project duration, engineering reviews with optional new product introduction, infinite or constraint-based capacity simulation, procurement analysis for contract specific out-sourcing and requests for supplier quotes. The final result is a bid.

After the customer awards the contract, you define the project work breakdown structure and the budgeting and reporting requirements then submit for approval. The work breakdown structure represents all project activities including tasks, sub-tasks, work packages, activities, and milestones.

Project demand enters into the execution and planning system. The planning system runs a single or multiple plans across the supply chain and optimizes as needed based on constraints. Simulation of alternates provides the information required to determine the optimal scenario. The system analyzes specific project exception messages at the outcome of each planning run. It forwards the planning results to procurement and the shop floor for execution. You can route drop shipped material directly to procurement from order management, bypassing planning.

Shop floor execution uses discrete work orders, flow schedules, or a combination to manufacture (sub)assemblies. Procurement uses either blanket releases or standard purchase orders, based on the project specific supplier quotes, for procured material. The system tracks all project specific material (hard pegged) separately in the system, and permits borrowing or permanent transfers from one project to another. Also, you can track project specific quality data and analyze defects and non-conformances.

During execution, the system collects direct and indirect actual costs by project. You can analyze costs for a specific project or across multiple projects. Based on actual costs, you can perform earned value analysis, progress billing, and revenue recognition. During the execution phase the system collects quality data and analyzes it by project.

After the project is shipped and installed at the customer site, final billing, reconciliation, and close-out execute.

Related Topics

Creating Projects, Oracle Projects Fundamentals

Overview of Shipping, Oracle Shipping Execution User's Guide

Project Manufacturing Features

The following figure illustrates project manufacturing features. It also depicts the dependencies between the various products used to provide a full project manufacturing solution.

the picture is described in the document text

Related Topics

Project Definition

Project Budgeting

Project Setup for Manufacturing

Project Contract Management

Project Sales Management

Project Manufacturing Planning

Project Manufacturing Execution

Project Inventory

Project Manufacturing Costing

Project Billing

Project Quality Management

Special Features

Project Definition

To define a project work breakdown structure, you can use one of the following methods:

Before you release the project to collect manufacturing costs, define the project-related manufacturing parameters for costing and planning purposes. For example, you need to decide whether to allow netting of materials within a project group across multiple projects or to track manufacturing costs separately by project or for a group of projects. You can also use project attachments to enter project or contract specific documentation.

Related Topics

Seiban Number Wizard

Creating Projects, Oracle Projects Fundamentals

Overview of Projects and Tasks, Oracle Projects Fundamentals

Project Budgeting

To track costs against budgets, you can define your budgets in Oracle Projects. You define budgets directly in Oracle Projects or import budgets from external systems. Oracle Projects' main budgeting features are:

Budgeting related documents, such as spreadsheets, can be included as budget attachments.

Related Topics

Overview of Project Budgets, Oracle Projects User's Guide

Project Setup for Manufacturing

After your project structure and budgeting have been defined in Oracle Projects, you need to define the Project Manufacturing parameters for your project. These include:

Related Topics

Project Manufacturing Parameters

Project Contract Management

Project contract management supports contract management needs of project driven organizations including: authoring of different types of contract documents, workflow based contract administration and change management, contract funding, deliverable tracking with ERP integration, contract costing, and contract billing.

The Deliverable Tracking System (DTS) is the center of Contract Execution and tracks all execution activities related to a contract. The DTS integrates with other major components of the Oracle e-Business Suite, including: Oracle Projects, Oracle Project Manufacturing, Oracle Advanced Planning and Scheduling, Oracle Procurement, and Oracle Shipping Execution. Oracle Project Manufacturing integration allows you to:

DTS is also used to track all contract activities such as planned receipts and shipments, mailing of an initial engineering drawing or progress report submissions. You can also view and track contract related information from other Oracle applications. Key features in Oracle Project Contracts include:

Related Topics

See the Overview in the Oracle Project Contracts User's Guide

Overview of ERP Integration, Project Contracts Implementation Guide

Project Sales Management

Project sales management activities include recording customer quotation documents, project specifications, quotation and sales order information, and fulfillment.

Oracle Project Manufacturing supports:

Related Topics

Order Import, Oracle Order Management User's Guide

Drop Shipments, Oracle Order Management User's Guide

Project Manufacturing Planning

To drive project manufacturing planning, you must enter demand in the system. The system supports three ways to enter demand:

After you enter demand in the system, you can start the planning cycle. You can execute a planning cycle for a plan that spans one organization or an entire supply chain.

You must be able to separate all sources of supply and demand by project, identify components as shared or project specific, track existing inventories by project, and provide visibility to all supply and demand associated with a project.

Oracle Project Manufacturing provides:

Related Topics

See the Overview in the Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning User's Guide

Overview of Optimization, Oracle Advanced Planning and Scheduling Implementation and User's Guide

Project Manufacturing Execution

The planning cycle results in planned orders that are fed into the execution system:

The execution system addresses the inventory, shop floor, and procurement activities. Project manufacturing costs are collected during execution.

Project Work In Process

Oracle Project Manufacturing supports the following features for Project Work In Process:

Project Procurement

Oracle Project Manufacturing supports the following features for Project Procurement:

Related Topics

Overview of Outside Processing, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide

Overview of Requisitions, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide

Overview of Purchases Orders, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide

Purchase Order Types, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide

Overview of Sourcing, RFQs and Quotations, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide

Overview of Creating Discrete Jobs, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide

Overview of Non-Standard Discrete Jobs, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide

Project Inventory

Tracking inventory by project and dealing with permanent and temporary transfers from one project to another or from common inventory to project inventory is essential for a project-based environment. Oracle Project Manufacturing supports:

After completion of the assembly on the project sales order lines, the goods can be shipped to the customer for installation.

Related Topics

Project Mass Transfer

Defining Stock Locators, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

Defining Pick Methodologies, Oracle Warehouse Management User's Guide

Overview of Inventory Transactions, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

Project Manufacturing Costing

During the execution phase, project-related costs can be collected in four ways:

For expense purchases, the invoice costs flow to a project through Oracle Payables. For inventory purchases, the purchase costs flow to a project through Oracle Cost Management upon receiving into destination. As soon as invoices are matched, approved, and posted to the General Ledger, you can transfer the appropriate invoice charges (IPV, ERV, Freight, Tax, and Miscellaneous) to Oracle Projects, using the Invoice Charge Transfer Request.

For inter-company costs, the system transfers costs at cost group value (determined by FOB point), either collapsed into the material element or with elemental details.

Oracle Project Manufacturing supports project costing with the following features:

Oracle Projects supports costing with the following additional features to keep track of project progress, actual-versus-planned budget, control of project purchase commitments, and reporting:

Related Topics

Overview of Expenditures, Oracle Project Costing User Guide

Expenditure Types, Oracle Projects Implementation Guide

Applying Overhead Rate by Oracle Projects, Cost Management User's Guide

Project Billing

Oracle Projects is the repository for all project costs. You can use these costs for earned value analysis. The result of the earned value analysis can trigger project billing.

Within the Project Manufacturing solution, there are three ways to accomplish billing:

Related Topics

Oracle Project Billing, Oracle Projects Fundamentals User Guide

Oracle Project Billing User Guide

Project Quality Management

You can implement Oracle Quality for managing project quality. Oracle Quality in combination with Oracle Project Manufacturing supports:

Related Topics

Overview of Collection Elements, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Overview of Collection Plans, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Special Features

Oracle Project Manufacturing provides additional special features:

Related Topics

Overview of Model/Unit Effectivity

Overview of Task Auto Assignment

Overview of Project Manufacturing Inquiry

Seiban Number Wizard