Oracle iProcurement Content Management Help

Getting Started with Catalog Authoring

Getting Started with Catalog Management

Where do I start?

How do I manage the local catalog?

Where do I start?

  1. Determine the types of catalog content you want your requesters to see.

  2. Determine the correct content type or types to use in building your store front:: local, punchout, transparent punchout, or informational. See descriptions of content types.

  3. Consider whether or how you will control access to your catalog content.

  4. Create your content.

  5. Decide whether you will create more than one store in which to group your content zones.

  6. Group your content zones into Stores. See Managing Content Zones and Stores.

How do I manage the local catalog?

  1. Analyze your catalog structure. What categories and subcategories do you use? What descriptors, such as manufacturer or ink color, do you use to describe items?

  2. Create categories by using ; online schema maintenance or the schema loader. (You can also include new categories and descriptors when uploading catalog items, if the POR: Auto Load Shopping Categories profile options is set to Yes. For more information, see the Readme file instructions that you download in steps below.)

  3. If you created new categories in the previous step, use iProcurement category mapping to map your categories to categories set up in Oracle Purchasing. (Alternatively, you can leverage mapping in Oracle e-Commerce Gateway while uploading items. See Applying Category Mapping.) All categories must map to Oracle Purchasing categories before requesters can successfully create requisitions. Optionally use Oracle Purchasing category mapping to "rename" the categories as they are displayed in Oracle iProcurement.

  4. Optionally use the category hierarchy (or the schema loader) to create a hierarchy of categories that requesters can browse when looking for items. (Requesters can still search for items without browsing, if you do not create a hierarchy of categories.)

  5. Add catalog items to the local catalog. There are several ways:

    • Use catalog upload for updating GBPAs, BPAs, and quotes.

    • The catalog upload supports Tab-delimited text, XML, CIF, or cXML content loading,

    • Use online catalog authoring, Oracle iProcurement Catalog Help.for updating GBPAs.

    • Use Oracle Purchasing forms to update requisition templates and Oracle Inventory to update master items.The following items from Oracle Purchasing are automatically included in the Oracle iProcurement catalog: master items, requisition templates, blanket purchase agreements, global blanket agreements, and quotations. See the Oracle iProcurement Implementation Guide for details on controls.

  6. Define your local content zones. Optionally segment your zone by supplier or by category. Be sure your local content zones are assigned to one or more stores.