Working with and Executing Events

This chapter covers the following topics:

Events Overview

Marketers often participate in trade shows, conduct seminars, and create Web events to generate leads. These types of events are the key means for you to educate potential customers about a product or service and to build a brand recognition. Oracle Marketing provides comprehensive functionality to manage key marketing events.

An event can be a seminar, a class, a product demonstration, or any other activity that is location specific. You can create an event as a stand-alone activity or as part of a campaign. Using Events, a marketer can:

Topics in this section include:

The Events Process Flow

The following figure depicts a high-level process flow of working with events in Oracle Marketing. Each process has a list of tasks to be performed. They are not depicted in any particular order. You can organize them based on the business practices followed in your organization.

Events Process Flow

the picture is described in the document text

Planning an Event

Planning an event begins when you decide the purpose for your event - to showcase your product or service to existing or potential customers, for a social or charitable cause, and so on. You start by creating an event in Oracle Marketing. Next, you decide whether this event must be part of a larger marketing activity which may include other events, campaigns, and programs. If so, you will include this event as part of a program.

It is important that the event is addressed to the right set of people who will be interested in your products or services. Therefore, the next step will be to identify the segment you will address during this event.

Every event can carry a special message that will convey the substance of the product, service, or the event itself. Additionally, you may want to specify the budget required for this event, and request for approval.

It is not enough if you only plan and organize an event. It must be well promoted so that your intended audience is made aware of the upcoming event, and prepare to attend it. You can promote an event by sending out event invitations through e-mail or direct mail print campaign activities.

Executing an Event

Thus far, the event has been planned and promoted. Next, you must create individual event activities to address the requirements in all the places where it is going to be held. If the event is to be held in San Francisco, Paris, and London, three event activities must be created.

The venue for the event must be booked, and all the necessary arrangements must be made to host the event.

The agenda for the events must be planned, and a communication must be sent out inviting people to register for the event.

You must also plan for event cancellation, or a date change. Fulfillment Rules can be set up to communicate to the registrants or invitees to handle such occurrences.

Tracking an Event

You can track the event either during its execution or after it is complete. During the event execution, you may view the rosters to see how many people registered. You can also use the Event Dashboard to view the registrants based on their industry, job, or country.

You can also view the costs that were incurred for this event, and also revenues generated. Using Metrics, you can assess the effectiveness of the event activity.

One Off Events

One-off events are events which will not be repeated at regular intervals. For example, a CEO breakfast could be considered a one-off event. It is not truly part of a marketing campaign, but can stand alone or be tied to a program so as to capture costs.

Creating and Managing Events

An event holds the general description of itself and provides the structure for reporting costs and dispersing budgets to individual sessions of the event. If your company is planning to train the sales force in different cities on your new product line, for example, then the event holds information about the course content and the budgets for the individual sessions to be held in the different cities.

Procedures in this section include:

Creating an Event

Use the following information to create an event.

Navigation: Event > Events


Associating Segments to an Event

A segment can be defined as a selection criteria that will be used to generate the target groups for an event activity. For example, a segment could be defined as a condition to obtain residents living in the state of California. If this segment is associated with a target group, then the number of records satisfying the segment criteria at the time of generating the target group will be considered as part of the target list entries.

Navigation: Event > Events > Segments


Associating Products with an Event

If you are organizing an event to promote a product or service, use the following navigation to associate a product or service with it. Associating a product to an event can be used for reporting. For example, to report the number of events which promoted a specific product.

Navigation: Event > Events > Products

Associating Metrics with an Event

Use the following information to associate an existing metric with an event.

Prerequisite: The required metric must have been set up by the System Administrator.

Navigation: Event > Events > Metrics


Associating Costs and Revenues with an Event

Use the following information to associate existing costs and revenues metrics with an event.

Prerequisite: The required Cost or Revenue metric should be set up by the System Administrator.

Navigation: Event > Events > Costs and Revenues


Specifying a Budget for the Event

The budget amount you specify here may be for the overall event. Using this information, the initial estimate can be communicated to the approvers during the approval process.

Navigation: Event > Events > Budget


Defining a Message for the Event

A message can be defined as the overall theme or communication that forms a basis for the execution channel. The message associated to a marketing object is not executed automatically.

Messages are used to distinguish and position a product. Examples of messages include corporate and offering slogans, positioning statements, key branding marketing strategies, and so on. An example would be "Know More, Do More, Spend Less With Oracle Applications".

When you create a message, it is set to Active by default and is available to be associated with an event. When you no longer want a message to be used, deselect the Active check box.

Navigation: Deliverable > Messages


Specifying the Geography for the Events

An event can be held at different locations. You create individual event activities to specify details such as the venue, the speakers, and so on.

Use the following information to specify the geographies where your events will be held.

Navigation: Event > Events > Geography


Associating a Category with an Event

Events can belong to different categories. You can associate a category with an event and use it for reporting purposes.

Prerequisite: Categories should have been set up by the System Administrator.

Navigation: Event > Events > Category

Promoting an Event by Associating it with a Campaign

Events can be promoted by associating them with a campaign. Use the following procedure to associate the event with an existing campaign. You can also create a new campaign and associate the event from the Create Campaign page.

When attempting to link a campaign to an event, only campaigns of type “Event Promotion“ are displayed in the LOV. If a campaign is created through an event, it automatically creates a campaign of type "Event Promotion".

Navigation: Events > Events >

To create a campaign, see Creating a Campaign.

Publishing Notes for an Event

Events can have publishable notes. For Events, notes of type "venue information," for example, give information about the execution of an event activity related to the venue. This could include comments made by the event managers for other venue users to keep in mind. The venue information notes are available to all venue users.

Navigation: Events > Events > Publishable Notes


Click the Team link to review the team for the marketing object you are working on. You can add or delete team members.

For each team member, specify whether or not the team member is allowed to edit metrics for the marketing object. This means the team member has access to budgets, costs, and revenues as well as metrics.

About Contact Points

Whenever you create a marketing object, you can define contact points that other applications can direct customers to for further information. For example, if you specify your Web site name as the contact point, customers visiting related sites can be directed to visit it for marketing related information. You can also associate Inbound and Outbound scripts as contact points. The outbound communication about contact points such as URLs is a manual process and the information is stored here for information purposes. See Associating Scripts to a Campaign Schedule for more details.

Creating Event Schedules

Event Schedules set up the actual delivery of the event. They determine when and where an event is going to take place, what the methodology is, and how the responses will be captured.

Using Event Schedules functionality, you can:

Procedures in this section include:

Defining Event Schedule Details

An event schedule tracks individually occurring events. It also records participation and enrollment. Use this information to create an event schedule.

Navigation: Events > Event Schedules


Specifying the Invitation List for an Event Schedule

To specify the audience for an event schedule, you can create and generate an invitation list.

Prerequisite: A list of invitees

Navigation: Event > Event Schedules > Invite List or Event > Events > Event Schedule


Setting Up Event Registrations

Use this information to specify registration details for an event schedule. This includes determining enrollment numbers and pricing.

Navigation: Events > Event Schedules > Registration Setup


Registering Participants for an Event

The event registration functionality enables marketing and sales users to search for events through a simple search that returns results of events in which a user can register. By default, the Search Results overview screen contains the most recent events for which users can be registered.

Use this functionality to register external attendees for an event and to support employees in registering themselves for an event. Managers can register themselves, as well as their direct reports, as desired. If an employee does not have access to Oracle Marketing, this tab is also accessible within other applications, such as Oracle Sales, for enrollment in events.

Event registration allows the registration of all parties within the database. In addition, events can be classified as “Invite Only.” In the case of Invite Only events, only users on the invite list are allowed to register for the event.

Prerequisite: An existing event schedule with valid registration dates

Navigation: Events > Registrations


Creating Event Agenda Tracks and Sessions

The event agenda broadly describes the activities that will take place during the execution of an event. The event agenda contains details about the tracks and sessions within the event.

If an event has multiple activities happening at the same time, you can split up the event agenda into separate tracks and sessions. Use this procedure to create event agenda tracks and sessions.

Navigation: Events > Event Schedules > Event Agenda

Entering Event Coordinators and Other Resources

Event coordinators and resources act as hosts during the event. They participate as as speakers, technical personnel, marketing personnel, support executives, and so on.

Navigation: Events > Event Schedules > Resource

Creating a Deliverable

Use the information in the following topics to perform activities related to creating and storing deliverables.

Overview of Deliverables

Deliverables are marketing collateral that you can distribute to customers across multiple channels. A deliverable in Oracle Marketing is a physical or electronic collateral, which you can associate with a campaign or an event. Examples can include a brochure for an event, a promotional campaign advertisement, a data sheet for a product launch campaign, or special offers for promoting brand loyalty.

The content associated to electronic deliverables is stored in Oracle Content Manager (OCM). The OCM content is available to be used in marketing cover letters. For more information, refer the Oracle Content Manager Implementation and Administration Guide.

Some of the attributes that you can set for a deliverable include:

A deliverable may have a theme associated with it. For example, a product promotion campaign may need large, colored posters to be attached to magazines. The theme must be approved before posters can be created and used as deliverables for the campaign.

A deliverable may or may not need funds. When it needs funds, you can associate a budget to it and the budget must be approved. For example, you may need funds to contract out brochure creation to a third party vendor, whereas an electronic product data sheet may not need funds. If a deliverable does not need budget approval, an administrator can disable budget approval in the custom setup.

Once a deliverable gets both budget and theme approvals (budget is approved first and then the theme is approved), its status changes to Final Loaded and is available for fulfillment across campaigns and events. See Approvals Overview for information about the Approval process.

After the end date, you can set a deliverable's status to Expired so that it is no longer used. However, it can still be accessed. When a deliverable is no longer needed, you can archive it. An archived deliverable cannot be accessed or used. You can also cancel a deliverable any time in its life cycle. A canceled deliverable too, cannot be accessed or used. Campaigns or events which use the archived or canceled deliverables are notified of the status change.

Entering Basic Deliverable Details

Use the following information to enter the basic details when you create a deliverable.

Navigation: Deliverable > Deliverable


Defining the Inventory Options for a Deliverable

Use the following information to define inventory options for a deliverable.

Navigation: Deliverable > Deliverable > Inventory Options


Creating a Kit

You can bundle a set of physical and inventoried items or a set of electronic deliverables and attachments to create a kit of related collateral for a given promotion. You can use a deliverable as a component in multiple kits, as long as an item is not a kit itself.

Note: Do not mix delivery mediums in the same kit. For example, if a deliverable assigned as a kit is a manually stocked item, all the deliverables that you want to include in the kit must also be manually stocked items.

Use the following information to associate a number of deliverables to a kit. The kit itself must be created as a deliverable first before adding other deliverables to it.

Navigation: Deliverable > Deliverable


Associating a Budget to a Deliverable

As for a variety of objects in Oracle Marketing, budgets are the source for funding for deliverables.

Use the following information to enter an initial estimated budget to your deliverable and to create a budget request.

Navigation: Deliverable > Deliverable > Budget


Adding Associated E-Mail Electronic Files to a Deliverable

You can specify the content of an electronic deliverable for an e-mail body using the E-mail Content side navigation link for the deliverable. Use this to store corporate positioning statements, feature lists, benefits, or standard offering statements which can be used with multiple e-mail messages.

Note: The E-mail Content side navigation link can be seen only if the deliverable is created with custom setup of Activity Type "E-mail".

There are two types of electronic files available for deliverables:

Use the following information to add e-mail attachments to your deliverable.

Prerequisite: A deliverable of Activity Type E-mail must exist

Navigation: Deliverable > Deliverable > Email Content


Specifying Deliverables for the Event

Deliverables are takeaways given to participants during an event. Use this feature to only specify the deliverables for an event. You must manually fulfill them at the event. For more information on deliverables, and how to work with deliverables in Oracle Marketing, see Overview of Deliverables.

Defining Fulfillment Rules

Using the following fulfillment templates, registered users can be notified.

Some default notifications are set up using the Administration tab. You do have the ability to override the content associated with each of these actions using the functionality located within the Events tab. All changes made here, however, effect only the specific activity with which you are working.

Navigation: Event > Event Schedules > Fulfillment Rules

Creating Venues

A venue is the physical location where the event will be executed. It could be a Hotel, Convention Center, and so on. Information for the venue address, capacity, and venue contacts can be provided for the venue. Each venue can have various rooms and rates associated to it.

Venue Room

Multiple rooms can be created for each venue. When a session is created, the rooms associated with the venue are available for selection at the session level. This is mainly used for planning purposes.

Venue Rates

Use this functionality to indicate the quoted rates so that event planners can use the information to gauge their forecasted costs. The rates entered here are for reference only and can be used only as a gauge to estimate costs. The actual cost of the venue may vary based on season, customer, type of event, and additional services.

Navigation: Event > Venue

Associated Events

To evaluate venues, you can view the details of the events that are associated with it.

Navigation: Event > Venue

Viewing the Roster

The event roster provides a real-time view of the status of registrations at an event schedule level.

The event registration roster contains information regarding the customers who have registered for the event. In addition to the registrants' information, the roster also indicates the channel of registration, the status of the registrations, and information regarding the attendance.

Navigation: Event > Event Schedules > Roster

Event > One Off Events > Roster


Viewing the Events Dashboard

The events dashboard provides a graphical representation on the event roster and segregates the registrants by registration source, industry, country and job title.

Navigation: Event > Event Schedules > Dashboard