Oracle Human Resources Management System Supplement (China)


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Organization Structures

Key Concepts for Representing Enterprises
Representing Organizations
GREs and Legal Entities
Organization Classifications
Creating an Organization
Entering Organization Classifications
Entering Additional Information
Finding an Organization
Removing and Deleting Organizations
Entering Audit Expenditure Setup Information
Entering BG Termination Information
Business Group: Selecting the Rounding Method for Enterprise Annuity
Business Group: Entering the Income Tax Generic Rule
Business Group: Entering Name in Chinese Character Set
Business Groups: Entering SOE Information
Business Groups: Entering SOE Detail Information
Business Groups: Entering Special Pay Tax Method
Entering Severance Pay Tax Rule
Business Group: Entering Tax Under One Yuan Information
Business Group: Entering Tax on Enterprise Annuity Employer Contribution
Entering Audit Balance Setup Information for Legal Entity
Entering Audit Element Setup Information for Legal Entity
Entering Employer Information for a GRE
Entering Corporate Information for a GRE
Entering GRE Termination Information
GRE/Legal Entity: Entering Tax on Enterprise Annuity Employer Contribution

Compensation and Benefits Management

Survey of the Classifications
Predefined Elements
Payroll Balances
Payroll Balance Dimensions

Payment and Distribution

Payroll Payment and Distributions Overview
Setting Up a Global Statement of Earnings
Running the Enable or Disable Global SOE Process
Viewing Statement of Earnings
Setting Up Payslip Information and Generating Payslips
Extracting Information to Appear on the Payslip
Running the Pay Advice Report

Payroll Management

Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting Overview
Taxes and Social Insurances in Oracle HRMS for China
China Tax and Social Insurances Information
Entering and Maintaining Public Housing Fund, Social Insurance, and Enterprise Annuity information using HTML Pages
China Statutory Deductions Retro Processing
Setting Up Special Payments Taxation Element
Setting Up Public Housing Fund and Social Insurances Deductions
Setting Up Enterprise Annuity Deductions
Setting up Values for the China Enterprise Annuity Contribution Rate User Table
Setting Up Annual Bonus Elements
Business Group: Setting Up Contribution Area Rates
Business Group: Setting Up Contribution Area Base Rules
Setting Up Income Tax for Employees in Specific Industries
Processing Income Tax for Employees
Setting up Supplementary Public Housing Fund Information
Entering PHF/SI Information Elements
Running the Monthly PHF/SI Contribution Amount Report
Setting Up Pre Tax Non Statutory Deductions
Setting up Retro Pre Tax Non Statutory Deductions
Running the PHF/SI Contribution Base Yearly Report
Running the Monthly PHF/SI Employee Movement Report
Running the Employee Income Payment Detail Report
Running the Individual Income Tax Withholding Report
Setting up Taxable Benefits
Termination Payments
Setting Up Termination Payments
Setting Up Severance Payments
Setting Up for Exporting Payroll Information for China Accounting Software Data Interface Standard
Running China Payroll Data Export Process
Overview of RetroPay Processing
When to Run the RetroPay Process
Troubleshooting RetroPay
Setting Up the Retro-Notifications Report
Setting Up Enhanced RetroPay with Component Usages and Element Time Spans
Setting Up Overlapping RetroPay Using Balance Adjustments
Understanding the Sequence of Your RetroPay Activities
Viewing RetroPay Status and History
Viewing RetroPay Enhanced Results
Running the Retro-Notifications Report (Enhanced and Enhanced PDF)
Running Enhanced RetroPay
Running Quick RetroPay

Workforce Sourcing and Deployment

Person Extra Information Types
Special Information Types
Entering a New Person (People Window)
Entering Additional Personal Information (People Window)
Creating Contract Statuses
Defining Contract Letter Types
Entering Contracts
Managing Contracts
Generating and Printing Contracts
Assignment Statuses
Defining Assignment Statuses (Assignment Window)
Entering an Assignment (Assignment Window)
Entering Additional Assignment Details (Assignment Window)
Entering Additional Employment Information (Multiple windows)
Changing Primary Assignments
Ending an Assignment (Assignment Window)

Workforce Intelligence

Information Access Overview
Information Access
Discoverer Workbooks and End User Layer
Special Person Information Workbook
Extra Person Information Workbook
HRMS - Payslip Archive Workbook


Additional Implementation Steps for China

If you are implementing Oracle Payroll for China, you must complete the following additional implementation steps.

Please see the following implementation sections in Implementing Oracle HRMS for all other implementation steps that are not specific to China.

See: Enterprise and Workforce Management, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

See: Payroll Process Management, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

See: Compensation, Benefits and Payroll, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

See: Workforce Sourcing and Deployment, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

Additional Implementation Steps

Step 1: Define Corporate and Employer Information Required Step

Define an organization in your organization hierarchy as a corporate and an employer. If your organization hierarchy does not contain an organization with corporate information or employer information , you cannot define an organization with employer information using the Employer Information window. Only organizations with employer information are displayed in the Employer field of the Statutory Info window.

See: Entering Employer Information

See: Entering Corporate Information

Step 2: Set up contribution areas and rates Required Step

Set up deduction rates for workers and employers before processing the pre-tax deductions. To process Public Housing and Social Insurances deductions, you must set up the contribution areas and rates.

See: Business Group: Setting Up Contribution Area Rates

See: Setting Up Public Housing Fund and Social Insurance Deductions

See: Entering and Maintaining Public Housing Fund, Social Insurance and Enterprise Annuity Information using HTML Pages

Step 3: Set Up Contribution Base Rules Required Step

Set up the method of calculating the contribution base for a contribution area and organization.

See: Setting Up Contribution Base Rules

See: Entering and Maintaining Public Housing Fund, Social Insurance and Enterprise Annuity Information using HTML Pages

Step 4: Set Up Termination and Severance Payments Optional Step

Before you make a termination or a severance payment, you must set up the termination and severance elements and plans. You can process termination payments using elements within particular element classifications.

See: Setting Up Termination Payments

See: Setting Up Severance Payments

Step 5: Set up Special Payments Methods Required Step

You can create input values, balance feeds, formulas, and formula results for processing Special Payments

See: Entering Special Pay Tax Method

See: Setting Up Special Payments Taxation Element

Step 6: Set Up Enterprise Annuity deductions Required Step

To enable employees and employers to contribute towards Enterprise Annuity, you must set up the Enterprise Annuity deduction rates before processing these post-tax deductions. Contributions due from both employer and employee are calculated using a percentage or fixed rate.

See: Setting up Values for the China Enterprise Annuity Contribution Rate User Table

See: Setting Up Enterprise Annuity Deductions

Step 7: Set Up Income Tax Information Required Step

Set up income tax information to calculate an employee's individual income tax and deduct the appropriate sums from an employee earnings.

See: Setting Up Income Tax for Employees in Specific Industries.

Step 8: Set Up Proration and RetroPay Optional Step

Set up the proration and RetroPay information to process these payments correctly.

See: Setting Up Proration or Retro-Notification, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

Step 9: Set Up RetroPay and RetroPay Notification Report Optional Step

Set up the retro-notification and retropay information to process backdated payments and corrections. See: Setting up RetroNotification Report

Step 10: Set Up Statement of Earnings Optional Step

Set up the online statement of earnings before you can see the values correctly.

See: Setting Up The Statement of Earnings

When entering SOE information at the Business Group level, select the predefined element sets CN_SOE_EARNINGS_ELEMENTS and CN_SOE_DEDUCTIONS_ELEMENTS and the predefined balance attribute CN_SOE_BALANCE_ATTRIBUTES.

Step 11: Set Up Discoverer Reports Optional Step

To enable you to view data in the HRMS Discoverer business areas and workbooks for China, you must set up the Discoverer functionality so that the reports reflect changes in your enterprise data.

You can find full instructions on developing the Discoverer EUL and creating and maintaining Discoverer workbooks in the Oracle Discoverer Plus User's Guide and the Oracle Discoverer Plus Administrator's Guide

See: Workforce Intelligence

Additional Information: See My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2277369.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Support Implications for Discoverer 11gR1.

Step 12: Set Up China Accounting Software Interface Information Required Step

Set up the China Accounting Software Interface to enable the entities to file their financial and accounting information in XML format.

See: Setting Up for Exporting Payroll Information for China Accounting Software Data Interface Standard
