This chapter covers the following topics:
You can monitor the status of a job performed within Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to check its progress, resume a paused job, and retry a failed job if necessary. Each job comprises multiple phases, including prevalidation phases and main execution phases. A phase can include one or more tasks. For each phase and task, you can view the overall status as well as a detailed log.
You can monitor the following types of jobs:
- Provisioning an Oracle E-Business Suite environment.
- Deleting a previously provisioned Oracle E-Business Suite environment or cleaning up resources of an incomplete installation from an unsuccessful provisioning attempt.
- Adding application tier nodes to an Oracle E-Business Suite environment.
- Deleting application tier nodes from an Oracle E-Business Suite environment.
- Cloning a previously provisioned Oracle E-Business Suite environment.
- Attaching a backup policy to an Oracle E-Business Suite environment.
- Creating a backup of a previously provisioned Oracle E-Business Suite environment.
- Deleting a backup of an Oracle E-Business Suite environment that was stored on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
- Refreshing an Oracle E-Business Suite environment from a backup.
- Provisioning Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework for an Oracle E-Business Suite environment.
- Creating an Oracle E-Business Suite standby environment on a database service.
- Promoting an Oracle E-Business Suite standby environment to a production environment on a database service.
- Creating the VMs for an Oracle E-Business Suite standby environment.
- Validating the network defined for an Oracle E-Business Suite standby environment.
- Creating an Oracle E-Business Suite standby environment on Compute.
- Promoting an Oracle E-Business Suite standby environment to a production environment on Compute.
- Deleting an Oracle E-Business Suite standby environment.
- Checking whether an Oracle E-Business Suite environment that is not currently registered in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager meets the requirements for discovery.
- Discovering an Oracle E-Business Suite environment and registering its metadata in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager.
- Unregistering an Oracle E-Business Suite environment and removing its metadata from Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager.
- Creating a network profile. Jobs of this type are displayed only if you are logged in as an Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator.
Note: To have Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator privileges, a user must be a member of the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator group that was specified during configuration of this Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager instance. For more details, see Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute Instance.
If you added pauses in the job definition for a job such as provisioning, cloning, or promoting a standby environment, then Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager stops its processing at the specified point. For example, you can pause a job if you want to perform your own manual validations after a particular phase before allowing Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to proceed to the next phase. You can then resume the job when you are ready to proceed.
If a job fails, you can review the log for the specific task that failed to help you resolve the problem before you retry the job. When you retry a job, depending on the task that failed, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager may either continue the job from the point of failure or clean up the previous attempt and restart the job from the beginning.
Note: You must have a minimum of 10 GB of free disk space in order to run Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager jobs, including provisioning, discovery, configuration, and all lifecycle management activities.
Review Job Status
To review job status, click the Navigator icon, and then select Jobs.
Note: Alternatively, you can review a list of the jobs performed for a particular environment in the environment details page for that environment. See Review Environment Details.
You can also review the history of all jobs related to an environment by navigating to the subdirectory for that environment within the out directory (/u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/out/<environment_name>/
). Within the environment directory, look for the subdirectory that begins with the job type you are interested in reviewing and the timestamp when the job was performed.
The Jobs page lists the most recent job of each type for each Oracle E-Business Suite environment and each backup within the compartment and region that are selected in the EBS Compartment field and Region field in the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager header, respectively. The list includes jobs for successfully deployed environments as well as jobs for any incomplete or failed attempts. If you are logged in as an Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator, then the page also lists the most recent job for each network profile. Jobs are listed in order by start time.
Note: To have Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator privileges, a user must be a member of the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator group that was specified during configuration of this Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager instance. For more details, see Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute Instance.
You can optionally enter a full or partial value in the search field to display only jobs whose properties contain that value. You can search by the following properties shown in this page:
Job name
Status, either Input Validation in Progress, Scheduled, In Progress, Paused, Successful, Failed, Aborted, or Missed
Action being performed
User who submitted the job
Start time, if applicable
End time, if applicable
When you first submit a job, its status is set to Input Validation in Progress. After the validation is completed, if the processing engine is available to start performing the job, the job status changes to In Progress. If the processing engine is not immediately available, the job status is first set to Scheduled and then changes to In Progress later when the processing engine starts performing the job.
If you added a pause before a particular phase of a provisioning or cloning job, then when the job reaches that point, the job status changes to Paused. After you have performed any necessary manual action, you can resume the job. The job then returns to the In Progress status. See Resume a Paused Job.
When a job is in progress, continue monitoring it until the job is completed and its status is set to either Successful or Failed.
Note: If a mailer is configured for your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, then the mailer sends you an email message to notify you when a job that you submitted is completed successfully.
Alternatively, you can intentionally abort in-progress jobs by stopping the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM services with the stopall force
options. When you restart the services, jobs that were previously in progress are changed to the status Aborted. See Abort Running Jobs.
Note: A scheduled backup job can be run only when no other job is being performed for that environment.
If two backups are scheduled at the same time for the same environment, then Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager only runs one backup job at that time. The status for the other scheduled backup job is marked as Missed.
If a backup is scheduled to be created at a certain time but another job is already running for the environment at that time, such as adding or deleting a node, cloning, or another backup, then the scheduled backup is not created and the status of the scheduled backup job is set to Missed.
You cannot retry a missed job directly. However, you can schedule another backup or manually create another backup for the environment if necessary. See Schedule Backups and Create a Backup of a Cloud-Based Oracle E-Business Suite Environment.
For jobs with a status of In Progress, Paused, Successful, Failed, Aborted, or Missed, click the job name link to navigate to the Job Details page.
Alternatively, you can navigate to the Job Details page for an environment-related job by clicking the job status link in the Environments page or the job name link in the environment details page.
In the Job Details page, you can review the following job properties:
Job name
Environment name or network profile name
User who initiated the job
Prevalidation status
Main run status
Note: For a status of Failed, click the task link included in the status to review the specific task at which the failure occurred.
Execution start time, if applicable
Execution end time, if applicable
Job definition that identifies the phases and tasks in the job
Region in which the job was run
The Job Details page also displays a list of the phases and tasks that make up the job, including prevalidation and main execution.
After Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager starts performing a phase or task, the task list displays an icon indicating its status of the phase or task and a log icon that you can click to view the log details.
To refresh the information in the Job Details page automatically, click the Auto Refresh toggle switch. When Auto Refresh is on, the page refreshes every 20 seconds and displays the date and time of the last refresh.
If a job fails, click Download Logs to download the complete job logs. You can review the log details to help you resolve the problem before you retry the job. See Retry a Failed Job.
Resume a Paused Job
If you added a pause before a particular phase of a job such as provisioning, cloning, or promoting a standby environment, then when the job reaches that phase, the job status changes to Paused. At this point, you can perform any manual action that you choose, such as validating the results of the previous phase.
When you are ready to proceed to the next phase in the job definition, navigate to the Job Details page for the job and click Resume.
Note: You cannot resume jobs with any status other than Paused.
Retry a Failed Job
To retry a failed job, navigate to the Job Details page for the job and click Retry.
Note: You cannot retry jobs with any status other than Failed.
When you retry a job, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager marks the original failed job as the parent of the newly initiated child job. For a child job, the Jobs page and the Job Details page both display a Parent Job link along with the other job properties. Click the Parent Job link to navigate to the Job Details page for the parent job.
Similarly, for a parent job the Job Details page displays a Child Job link which you can click to navigate to the Job Details page for the child job.
Note that you can only retry a particular failed job once, so after you have retried the job, the Retry action is disabled for that job. Instead, monitor the status of the child job to track its progress. If the child job also fails, you can choose Retry for the child to try again.
Alternatively, if an attempt to create an environment or a backup was unsuccessful and you no longer want to continue, you can also choose to delete the incomplete installation or the incomplete backup to clean up any resources from it instead of retrying the job. See Delete an Oracle E-Business Suite Environment and Delete a Backup.
Note: You can use the ebscmadmin
utility to skip a task in order to enable resumption of a failed job after steps have been taken to correct the underlying issue. See Resume Job Execution After Manual Intervention.