Manage the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Virtual Machine

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Managing the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Virtual Machine

This chapter describes how to manage the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager virtual machine after initial deployment.

Update Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to the Latest Version

Perform the following tasks to ensure you are using the latest version of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager.

Note: Unless otherwise noted, the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator performs the tasks in this section.

  1. Check the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Version

  2. Create a Backup of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Virtual Machine

  3. Check Space Requirements

  4. Update to the Latest Codelevel

  5. Switch to File Storage Service

Check the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Version

After deploying Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, you can log in to Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager and check the version by following the instructions in Log In to Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager and Check the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Version.

How you proceed will depend on your current Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager version:

The latest version is

Create a Backup of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Virtual Machine

Before you run the Self Update Utility, we strongly recommend that you back up your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Virtual Machine. To do so, follow the instructions in Cloning a Boot Volume to create a boot volume clone. You will also need to record key details of your provisioning VM for use during a restore process.

From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console on the Instances screen, click on your instance (for example, myebscminstance) to go to the Instance Details screen. Record (such as in a screenshot) the instance attributes for later use:

When you restore, you will also need the SSH key and host name of the original instance.

To obtain the host name, log in to Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM using SSH, and perform the following steps:

  1. Run the hostname command and record the name.

  2. Make a note of the contents of the /etc/hosts file.

Check Space Requirements

Before updating Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to the latest version, ensure that you have at least 5 GB of available disk space.

While logged in to the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager virtual machine, run the following commands:

cd /u01
df -kh .

If the available disk space is less than 5 GB, you can free up space by removing older files from the following directories:

If the available disk space is still less than 5 GB, you must resize the boot volume of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager before proceeding with the migration to the latest codelevel. To resize the boot volume, follow the instructions in Extending the Partition for a Boot Volume in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation.

After the volume is provisioned, for the volume resize to take effect, you need to:

  1. Run the applicable rescan commands. See Rescanning the Disk for a Block Volume or Boot Volume.

  2. Extend the partition manually. See Extending the Partition for a Boot Volume.

Proceed only after confirming that you have sufficient available disk space.

Download the Self Update Patch (Government Cloud Regions Only)

When running Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager in a government cloud region, the Self Update utility requires a tar archive or "tarball" (provided in Patch 36649102) to update to the latest version. To download the patch and retrieve the tarball use the following steps:

  1. Download Patch 36649102 from My Oracle Support to the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM.

  2. Using the following commands, change to the directory where you downloaded the patch file and extract the downloaded patch:

    $ cd <download_folder>
    $ unzip

    Unzipping the patch zip file creates a directory named /36649102 which includes the tarball file EBSCloudAdminTools_v24.1.1.2.tgz. Note the absolute path of this tarball for use in steps to follow.

Update to the Latest Codelevel

After you have created the backup of the virtual machine and confirmed the available disk space, you can proceed to update your deployment.

Run the Self Update utility to update Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to the latest version, which is

Perform the following steps:

  1. Connect to the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM using SSH and switch from the opc user to the oracle user:

    $ sudo su - oracle
  2. Run the Self Update utility as follows:

    $ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
    $ perl
  3. The Self Update Utililty first checks for public object storage connectivity.

    1. If you do not have connectivity to public object storage, the script will update using a local tarball file instead. When prompted, provide the complete path of the local tarball file as well as the stage location in which to extract the tarball file contents. Then, enter Y to continue and perform the upgrade.

      Checking public object storage connectivity.
      No connectivity to public object storage.
      Will attempt to update using local tarball instead.
      Enter complete path of local tarball file : <absolute path of EBSCloudAdminTools_v24.1.1.2.tgz>
      Enter stage location to extract tarball [/u01/install/APPS/updates]: <Accept this default or enter location of your choice>
      Using default stage location: /u01/install/APPS/updates
      Validating specified tarball. Please wait.
      Validation successful for specified tarball.
      Do you want to continue and perform the upgrade? [Y/N]? Y
    2. If connectivity to public object storage is in place, choose the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager version from the choices provided:

      Available Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager release versions: 
      Choose release version to upgrade to from the above list: 1 
  4. When prompted, enter your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator password:

    Enter Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Admin Password: 

    Note: You should have already followed the steps in Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute Instance to configure your VM. At this prompt, enter the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator password you specified at that time.

  5. Next, the Self Update utility prompts you to confirm that you have created a backup of the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Virtual Machine following the instructions in Create a Backup of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Virtual Machine.

    When prompted, enter Y to confirm that you want to continue:

    Before update, you must create a backup of the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
    Manager Virtual Machine as per the instructions in the section "Update to Latest Version
    of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager" of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide.
    To continue, you must confirm you have created a backup of your Oracle E-Business
    Suite Cloud Manager Virtual Machine or the update process will exit.
    Backup created [Y/N]?

    Note: If you have not yet created your backup, enter N at the prompt. In this case, the utility exits to allow you to create the backup before proceeding with the update process.

  6. Before continuing with the update, you should also ensure that there are no jobs in your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager with a status of In Progress, Scheduled, Paused, or Failed. See Monitor Job Status.

    It is recommended that you allow In Progress and Scheduled jobs to complete before continuing, resume any Paused jobs, and restart any Failed jobs that you want to try again. You can also choose to delete an incomplete installation or an incomplete backup to clean up any resources instead of restarting the Failed job. If there are still any jobs with a status of Failed when you perform the update, their status will be changed to Aborted. In this case, you must manually clean up any incomplete resources from the job after the update.

    When prompted, enter Y to confirm that you want to continue:

    Before upgrading, ensure there are no In Progress, Scheduled, Paused, or 
    Failed jobs. You must remove any incomplete artifacts (resources) associated 
    with a failed job before you continue with the upgrade. Any failed jobs will 
    be marked as aborted by the upgrade process and cannot be restarted.
    Do you want to continue [Y/N]? Y
  7. The utility then displays several messages recording the actions it performs. Finally, it displays a screen containing a success message, similar to the following. You can optionally review the log file to verify further details about the update.

    Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM setup successful.
    Refer to /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/out/self-update-<date>_<time>.log for complete details.

Switch to File Storage Service

As of version 22.2.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager uses the File Storage service (FSS) to create shared application tier file systems. After you update to Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager version 22.2.1 or later, you must follow the instructions in these sections to enable FSS:

  1. Assign FSS-related policies. See Assign Policies, Create Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Accounts and Resources, and Assign Policies, Create the Oracle E-Business Suite Administrators Group and Assign Policies.

  2. Create custom FSS-related network resources. See Use a Custom Network.

  3. Create an FSS-enabled network profile. See Create Network Profiles and Create a Network Profile.

Note: Note that when provisioning an FSS-based shared application tier file system, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager sets the APPLLDM variable to "product" so that concurrent manager log files are placed in a corresponding product directory under $APPLCSF.

Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager will continue to support preexisting environments which do not use FSS. However, we strongly recommend that you convert your environments to FSS. You can do so by first backing up the preexisting environment, and then provisioning a new environment from that backup using an FSS-enabled network profile. See Create a Backup of a Cloud-Based Oracle E-Business Suite Environment and Advanced Provisioning. Alternatively, if you manually configured FSS in an Oracle E-Business Suite environment, you can now use the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Discovery feature to register that environment. See Discover an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance.

Perform Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administration Tasks

This section covers how to perform administrative tasks on the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM, categorized into four sections:

Note: Apart from Start Services and Stop Services, these tasks are optional.

Common Command Line Arguments

The following are common arguments to many of the commands described in this section.


In many instances, the command line help will indicate that a password is required. The following is an example of how to securely provide a password to a command line utility such as ebscmadmin:

$ { echo <EBSCM_admin_password>;} | ebscmadmin <command> [arguments]

Configuration File

The configuration file refers to a file created as part of the user profile. This file is typically located in the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute instance in the directory /u01/install/APPS/.oci. Take note of the configuration file for your user, as this is a required argument for some commands.

Manage Services

Use for managing services.

Start Services

Perform the following steps to start services.

  1. As the oracle user, run with the startall command.

    $ sudo su - oracle
    $ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
    $ sh startall
  2. Enter the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator password when prompted.

    Enter Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Admin Password: 

Stop Services

Perform the following steps to stop services.

  1. As the oracle user, run with the stopall command.

    $ sudo su - oracle
    $ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
    $ sh stopall
  2. Enter the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator password when prompted.

    Enter Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Admin Password: 

Abort Running Jobs

Perform the following steps to abort all jobs and stop all services.

  1. As the oracle user, run with stopall force.

    $ sudo su - oracle
    $ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
    $ sh stopall force 
  2. Enter the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator password when prompted.

    Enter Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Admin Password: 

Review or Change Configurations

Use the ebscmadmin utility for reviewing or changing configurations.

For help with ebscmadmin, run $ ./ebscmadmin -h.

To get detailed help on a particular command, run $ ./ebscmadmin <command> -h.

Check the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Version

Use this command to check what version of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager you currently have deployed.

As the oracle user, change to the appropriate directory, and run ebscmadmin with the ebscm-version-details command.

For example:

$ sudo su - oracle
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ ./ebscmadmin ebscm-version-details

This will display your current version Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, the latest version that is available, as well as a brief message summarizing whether or not you need to or are able to upgrade.

Update the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Load Balancer URL

Use this command if you wish to use a DNS-registered host name instead of a public IP address in the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager UI URL.

For example, if the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager UI is already configured, the load balancer URL is, and you have registered the IP address in your DNS server as, then you can pass the URL as the LBaaS URL to the utility by using the steps shown in the following example.

  1. As the oracle user, change to the appropriate directory, and run ebscmadmin with the update-load-balancer-url command followed by an argument.

    For example:

    $ sudo su - oracle
    $ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
    $ ./ebscmadmin update-load-balancer-url --load-balancer-url=

    Run ./ebscmadmin update-load-balancer -h to review all available arguments for this command.

  2. When prompted, enter the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator password.

    Enter Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administration Password: 
  3. You will then see a confirmation screen indicating that the configuration of the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM is complete. The following is an example of the confirmation message.

    Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Load Balancer URL updated successfully.
    Ensure the confidential application is correctly configured in IDCS as per the documentation.
  4. In the Oracle Identity Cloud Service Console, open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Identity, click Domains.

  5. Select the root compartment in the Compartment drop-down list.

  6. Within the list of domains, click the link for the "Default" domain.

  7. Click Integrated applications in the menu on the left.

  8. Search for the confidential application that needs to be updated.

  9. Click Confidential Application.

  10. Review and update the values of the Redirect URL and Post-logout redirect URL fields.

  11. Click Save.

Change the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administration Password

Use this command if you wish to change the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administration password.

  1. As the oracle user, change to the appropriate directory, and run ebscmadmin with the change-admin-password command.

    For example:

    $ sudo su - oracle
    $ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
    $ ./ebscmadmin change-admin-password

    Run ./ebscmadmin change-admin-password -h to review all available arguments for this command.

  2. When prompted, enter your current Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administration password, specify the new password, and then re-enter the new password to confirm it.

    Enter Current Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administration Password:
    Enter New Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administration Password:
    Re-enter New Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administration Password: 
  3. The following message appears indicating that you have successfully changed the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administration password.

    Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administration Password changed successfully.

Change the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administrator Group

Use this command if you wish to change the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud administrator group.

  1. As the oracle user, change to the appropriate directory, and run ebscmadmin with the change-admin-group command.

    For example:

    $ sudo su - oracle
    $ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
    $ ./ebscmadmin change-admin-group <argument> 

    Run ./ebscmadmin change-admin-group -h to review the appropriate arguments for this command.

  2. Once you run the command, the following screen appears indicating that you have successfully changed the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator group.

    Created log file: /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/out/ebscmadmin/change-admin-group_20201120_022249.log
    Validating if user is authorized member of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Administrator Group 
    User is part of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administrator Group OCID: 
    Validating Group OCID 
    Changing Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Admin Group.. 
    Stopping Node and Job Server if running. 
    Starting Node and Job Server. 
    Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Admin Group changed successfully.

View a List of Compatible Load Balancers

Use this command to view a list of all load balancers that can be configured with your specific orchestration VM.

  1. As the oracle user, run ebscmadmin with the list-compatible-load-balancers command.

    For example:

    $ sudo su - oracle
    $ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
    $ ./ebscmadmin list-compatible-load-balancers <argument>

    Run ./ebscmadmin list-compatible-load-balancers -h to review the appropriate arguments for this command.

  2. A log file is created and a list of available load balancers is displayed.

    Created log file: /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/out/ebscmadmin/list-compatible-load-balancers_20201120_022822.log
    Getting list of available Load Balancers. Please wait. 
    Available Load Balancers:  
    1: ebs-prov-vm-lbaas -- 
    2: ebs1-lbaas -- 
    3: ebs2-lbaas -- 

Change the Load Balancer Associated with Your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM

Use this command if you wish to reconfigure the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM with a different load balancer. The utility will allow you to choose from a list of existing load balancers within your compartment.

  1. As the oracle user, run ebscmadmin with the change-load-balancer command.

    For example:

    $ sudo su - oracle
    $ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
    $ ./ebscmadmin change-load-balancer <argument>

    Run ./ebscmadmin change-load-balancer -h to review the appropriate arguments for this command.

    The following is an example of the confirmation message that is displayed.

    Ensure the confidential application is correctly configured in IDCS as per the documentation.
    Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager URL:
    Use "ebscmadmin update-load-balancer-url" command to update Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager URL (Optional)
  2. In the Oracle Identity Cloud Service Console, open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Identity, click Domains.

  3. Select the root compartment in the Compartment drop-down list.

  4. Within the list of domains, click the link for the "Default" domain.

  5. Click Integrated applications in the menu on the left.

  6. Search for the confidential application that needs to be updated.

  7. Click Confidential Application.

  8. Review and update the values of the Redirect URL and Post-logout redirect URL fields.

  9. Click Save.

Update the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Load Balancer Fully Qualified Domain Name

Use this command to update the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager load balancer.

  1. As the oracle user, change to the appropriate directory, and run ebscmadmin with the update-load-balancer-fqdn command.

    For example:

    $ sudo su - oracle
    $ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
    $ ./ebscmadmin update-load-balancer-fqdn <argument>

    Run ./ebscmadmin update-load-balancer-fqdn -h to review the appropriate arguments for this command.

    After running the command with the proper arguments, the output will look similar to the following:

    Created log file: /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/out/ebscmadmin/update-load-balancer-fqdn_<date>_<time>.log
    Validating if user is an authorized member of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Administrator Group
    User is part of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administrator Group OCID:
    Deriving load balancer details of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM.
    Creating OCI certificate resource.
    Updating OCI Listener, yc3-ashburn-prov-vm-listener resource.
    Updating load balancer frontend host in database.
    Stopping Node and Job Server if running.
    Starting Node and Job Server.
    Following public certificate is used for OCI certificate resource.
    Public certificate: /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/orcvm-state/signedcertificates/example.com_exdemocert.crt
    Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager URL:
    Note: Ensure the confidential application is correctly configured in IDCS as per the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide.
  2. In the Oracle Identity Cloud Service Console, open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Identity, click Domains.

  3. Select the root compartment in the Compartment drop-down list.

  4. Within the list of domains, click the link for the "Default" domain.

  5. Click Integrated applications in the menu on the left.

  6. Search for the confidential application that needs to be updated.

  7. Click Confidential Application.

  8. Review and update the values of the Redirect URL and Post-logout redirect URL fields.

  9. Click Save.

Update the Oracle Identity Service Cloud Configuration

Use this command if you wish to change your Oracle Identity Cloud Service configuration.

  1. As the oracle user, change to the appropriate directory, and run ebscmadmin with the update-idcs-configuration command.

    For example:

    $ sudo su - oracle
    $ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
    $ ./ebscmadmin update-idcs-configuration <argument>

    Run ./ebscmadmin update-idcs-configuration -h to review the appropriate arguments for this command.

    After running the command with the proper arguments, a confirmation message is displayed:

    Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager IDCS details updated successfully.
    Ensure the confidential application is correctly configured in IDCS as per the documentation.
  2. In the Oracle Identity Cloud Service Console, open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Identity, click Domains.

  3. Select the root compartment in the Compartment drop-down list.

  4. Within the list of domains, click the link for the "Default" domain.

  5. Click Integrated applications in the menu on the left.

  6. Search for the confidential application that needs to be updated.

  7. Click Confidential Application.

  8. Review and update the values of the Redirect URL and Post-logout redirect URL fields.

  9. Click Save.

Change the Parallel Worker Count

Use this command to specify the number of jobs that will be run in parallel, by updating the parallel worker count.

As the oracle user, change to the appropriate directory, and run ebscmadmin with the update-worker-count command.

For example:

$ sudo su - oracle
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ ./ebscmadmin update-worker-count <argument>

Run ./ebscmadmin update-worker-count -h to review the appropriate arguments for this command.

After running the command with the proper arguments, a confirmation message is displayed:

Worker count updated successfully.

Create a User Profile

Use this command to create a user profile.

As the oracle user, change to the appropriate directory, and run ebscmadmin with the create-user-profile command.

For example:

$ sudo su - oracle
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ ./ebscmadmin create-user-profile <argument>

Run ./ebscmadmin create-user-profile -h to review the appropriate arguments for this command.

After running the command with the proper arguments, the output will look similar to the following:

Created/Updated user specific OCI configuration file <configuration file location> successfully.
User profile creation completed successfully.

Enable Mailer Configuration

Use this command to enable mailer configuration for Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager.

As the oracle user, change to the appropriate directory, and run ebscmadmin with the enable-mailer command.

For example:

$ sudo su - oracle
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ ./ebscmadmin enable-mailer <argument>

Run ./ebscmadmin enable-mailer -h to review the appropriate arguments for this command.

After running the command with the proper arguments, a confirmation message is displayed.

Successfully enabled mailer configuration.

Disable Mailer Configuration

Use this command to disable mailer configuration for Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager.

As the oracle user, change to the appropriate directory, and run ebscmadmin with the disable-mailer command.

For example:

$ sudo su - oracle
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ ./ebscmadmin disable-mailer <argument>

Run ./ebscmadmin disable-mailer -h to review the appropriate arguments for this command.

After running the command with the proper arguments, a confirmation message is displayed.

Successfully disabled mailer configuration.

Tag Oracle E-Business Suite Environments

Use this command to tag all Oracle E-Business Suite environments associated with your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager.

As the oracle user, change to the appropriate directory, and run ebscmadmin with the tag-ebs-environments command.

For example:

$ sudo su - oracle
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ ./ebscmadmin tag-ebs-environments <argument>

Run ./ebscmadmin tag-ebs-environments -h to review the appropriate arguments for this command.

After running the command with the proper arguments, you will see output similar to the following example:

Created log file: /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/out/ebscmadmin/tag-ebs-environments_20201111_173423.log

Creating Namespace oracle-apps
Creating Tag key purpose
Tagging all EBS instances.
Tagging EBSCM.

Resume Job Execution After Manual Intervention

Resume Job Execution When Retry Button is Not Enabled

In the case where the Retry button is not enabled, you can use the following commands to update the status of a failed task to Successful in order to skip the task and enable the Retry button.

$ sudo su - oracle
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ ./ebscmadmin update-task-status --env-name=<environment_name>

Then, click Retry to resume the job.

Resume Job Execution When Retry Button is Enabled

In the case where the Retry button is enabled but the retry fails (as it tries to rerun the failed task), the force option can be used to skip to the next task:

$ sudo su - oracle
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ ./ebscmadmin update-task-status --env-name=<environment_name> --force=true

Then, click Retry to resume the job.

Standalone Tasks

Replace the Self-Signed Certificate for the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Load Balancer with a Certificate Authority Issued Certificate

When you configure Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, the listener of the Load Balancer as a Service (LBaaS) is TLS enabled for HTTP inbound connections to Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager. The certificate that is deployed by default for this configuration is a self-signed certificate. You can update the self-signed certificate with a certificate authority (CA) issued certificate using the following steps:

  1. By default the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager URL uses an IP address rather than a host name. The first step is to map the Oracle E-Business Suite IP address to a host name.

    Note: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure provides a public IP address but does not provide a public host name; therefore, you should ensure that appropriate DNS entries are present to resolve host name to the public IP address.

  2. Update the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM by following the instructions in Update the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager URL.

  3. Obtain a certificate for the host name from a certificate authority.

  4. Log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console. From the navigation menu, select Networking, then Load Balancers, and then select the load balancer you want to configure.

    Add your certificate bundle to the load balancer. See To upload an SSL certificate bundle to your load balancing system in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Services documentation.

    If you have multiple certificates that form a single certification chain, such as one or more intermediate certificates together with a root certificate, then you must include all relevant certificates in one file before you upload them to the system. Refer to "Uploading Certificate Chains" in Working with SSL Certificates in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation.

  5. While still on the Load Balancer page, click the Listeners link under the Resources menu on the left.

  6. Search for the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager's listener. Note that there can be multiple listeners associated, as the same load balancer can be used by more than one Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager. Ensure to pick the listener corresponding to the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager you are using.

  7. Click the Actions icon (three dots) associated with the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager's listener's row, select Edit from the context menu.

  8. In the Edit Listener dialog window, select the certificate bundle added above in the Certificate Name drop-down list. Click Save Changes and wait for the listener to be updated.

Manage Ksplice Uptrack Actions

Your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager virtual machine is installed with Ksplice Uptrack software that allows you to enable automatic Linux kernel updates.

To configure Ksplice Uptrack to install updates automatically, enable the autoinstall option in /etc/uptrack/uptrack.conf.

For more information, including other Ksplice Uptrack capabilities, refer to the Oracle Linux Ksplice User's Guide.