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Trusted Extensions Developer's Guide     Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Information Library
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1.  Trusted Extensions APIs and Security Policy

2.  Labels and Clearances

Privileged Operations and Labels

Label APIs

Detecting a Trusted Extensions System

Accessing the Process Sensitivity Label

Allocating and Freeing Memory for Labels

Obtaining and Setting the Label of a File

Obtaining Label Ranges

Accessing Labels in Zones

Obtaining the Remote Host Type

Translating Between Labels and Strings

Readable Versions of Labels

Label Encodings File

Comparing Labels

Acquiring a Sensitivity Label

3.  Label Code Examples

4.  Printing and the Label APIs

5.  Interprocess Communications

6.  Trusted X Window System

7.  Label Builder APIs

8.  Trusted Web Guard Prototype

9.  Experimental Java Bindings for the Solaris Trusted Extensions Label APIs

A.  Programmer's Reference

B.  Trusted Extensions API Reference


Chapter 2

Labels and Clearances

This chapter describes the Trusted Extensions APIs for performing basic label operations such as initializing labels, and comparing labels and clearances. This chapter also describes the APIs for accessing the label of a process.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Chapter 3, Label Code Examples provides code examples for the programming interfaces that are described in this chapter.