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Trusted Extensions Developer's Guide     Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Information Library
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1.  Trusted Extensions APIs and Security Policy

2.  Labels and Clearances

3.  Label Code Examples

4.  Printing and the Label APIs

Printing Labeled Output

Designing a Label-Aware Application

Understanding the Multilevel Printing Service

get_peer_label() Label-Aware Function

Determining Whether the Printing Service Is Running in a Labeled Environment

Understanding the Remote Host Credential

Obtaining the Credential and Remote Host Label

Using the label_to_str() Function

Handling Memory Management

Using the Returned Label String

Validating the Label Request Against the Printer's Label Range

5.  Interprocess Communications

6.  Trusted X Window System

7.  Label Builder APIs

8.  Trusted Web Guard Prototype

9.  Experimental Java Bindings for the Solaris Trusted Extensions Label APIs

A.  Programmer's Reference

B.  Trusted Extensions API Reference


Chapter 4

Printing and the Label APIs

Printing is one type of service that needs to be label-aware. This chapter introduces the Trusted Extensions label APIs by using as an example the multilevel printing service that was developed for Trusted Extensions.

This chapter covers the following topics: