Oracle® Enterprise Manager Ops Center


12c Release 1 (


June 2013

Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Readme includes the following:

This Readme file explains how to install and upgrade Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

1 Prerequisites

See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris Operating System or the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Installation Guide for Linux Operating Systems for prerequisite information.

These documents can be downloaded from the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Documentation Library at:

2 Installation

See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris Operating System or the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Installation Guide for Linux Operating Systems for installation and postinstall configuration instructions.

These documents can be downloaded from the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Documentation Library at:

3 Upgrade

See the Upgrading section of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Administration Guide for upgrade procedures.

This document can be downloaded from the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Documentation Library at:

4 Uninstallation

You can uninstall the components of Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center. See the Uninstalling and Unconfiguring section of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Administration Guide for uninstallation procedures.

This document can be downloaded from the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Documentation Library at:

5 Known Issues

The following are known installation and upgrade issues in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center. They are grouped into the following categories:

5.1 OS Provisioning Job Fails with Invalid IPMI Command

A target system was provisioned with Oracle Linux 6.3 using version After upgrading to, re-provisioning this same target using the same default profile and plan fails with the following invalid command error:

Task: Network Install

Task Run ID: 966


Status: FAILED

Result: Netboot failed due to general error IPMI for host

exit with errors: Invalid command: /opt/sun/n1gc/pkgs/usr/sbin/ipmitool

The workaround is as follows:

1. Open the /opt/sun/n1gc/os/ file on the Proxy Controller. The path name for ipmitool appears twice.

cat /opt/sun/n1gc/os/ | grep ipmitool
platformproperties.ipmitoolpath: /opt/sun/n1gc/pkgs/usr/sbin/ipmitool

2. Remove the duplicate path entry.

3. Restart the proxy using the proxyadm command. This command is in the /opt/SUNWxvmoc/bin directory on Oracle Solaris Proxy Controllers and in the /opt/sun/xvmoc/bin directory on Linux Proxy Controllers. For example:

# ./proxyadm stop -w

# ./proxyadm start -w

4. Re-run the failed OS Provisioning job.

5.2 Issues with Upgrading to Oracle Solaris 11.1

Oracle Solaris 11.1 is supported in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center or later but is not supported in prior versions of Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

In addition, an issue with Oracle Solaris 11.1 prevents Oracle VM Server for SPARC management on Oracle SPARC T4 servers using the Oracle Solaris 11.1 OS. Upgrading the OS to SRU 1 or later corrects this issue.

5.3 If System/header is not Installed but IDR107 is, Enterprise Controller Installation Fails

Enterprise Controller installation fails on a SuperCluster with Oracle Solaris 11 with the patch idr107 installed.

The workaround is to uninstall idr107, install system/header, and re-install idr107. Alternatively, before running the EC installer, if the idr is installed and if system/header is not already installed, do this:

107.3/ set-repo
pkg install /system/header
pkg unset-publisher idr107
rm -r /var/tmp/2012-03-22/idr-install.39869.18111.d

5.4 Upgrade of Zone Still Required After Agent Controller Upgrade

After upgrading the Enterprise Controller, Proxy Controllers, and Agent Controllers, some non-global zones are not showing as upgraded.

The workaround is to restart the Agent Controller on the non-global zone. Change to the directory containing the agentadm command. On Oracle Solaris systems, this is the /opt/SUNWxvmoc/bin directory. On Linux systems, this is the /opt/sun/xvmoc/bin directory.

./agentadm stop

./agentadm start

Another workaround is to retry the zone upgrade.

5.5 Incorrect Agent Controller Status Displayed on Systems not Upgraded

After managing an asset with an Agent Controller in a prior version, when the Enterprise Controller has been upgraded, the OS asset summary in the user interface says:

Agent Managed:No

The workaround is to upgrade the Agent Controller, which will cause the correct status to be displayed.

5.6 DHCP on Remote Proxy Controller Not Preserved by Upgrade from 11g to 12c

When a Proxy Controller is upgraded from version 11g update 3 to version 12c update 1, the Proxy Controller's DHCP settings are not preserved. A DHCP Configuration job is launched during the Enterprise Controller upgrade, but the configuration changes made by this job are not preserved by the Proxy Controller upgrade.

The workaround is to to re-run the DHCP Configuration job after the remote Proxy Controller is upgraded.

6 References

The following documents are related to installing and upgrading Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 12c Release 1 (

  • Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Release Notes, 12c Release 1 ( – The Release Notes document provides instructions on installing or uninstalling the software. It also includes a list of known issues related to installation and upgrade, and postinstallation configuration.

  • Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris Operating System, 12c Release 1 ( – The document provides detailed instructions on performing a fresh installation of Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center on Oracle Solaris systems.

  • Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Installation Guide for Linux Operating Systems, 12c Release 1 ( – The document provides detailed instructions on performing a fresh installation of Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center on Oracle Linux or Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems.

  • Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Administration Guide, 12c Release 1 ( – The document provides instructions on updating and administering Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

You can can view these documents in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Documentation Library at:

7 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

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Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Readme, 12c Release 1 (


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