Managing Vouchers

This chapter provides an overview of voucher management and discusses how to:

See Also

Reviewing Voucher, Payment, and Vendor Information

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Voucher Management

Entering vouchers online or in batch mode is only the first part of the payables life cycle. The full flexibility of PeopleSoft Payables comes into play as you manage approval processing, error correction, and OpenItem accounting for vouchers on their way to payment.

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVoucher Approval

You can approve vouchers manually, or you can approve them through workflow. If your organization has a single approver, you may want to approve vouchers by accessing the Voucher Approval component (VCHR_APPROVE) directly. If your organization has multiple levels of approval, you probably want to use workflow.

See Also

Approving Vouchers

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVoucher Deletion, Closure, and Unposting

You can delete, close, and unpost individual vouchers using the Delete Voucher, Close Voucher, and Unpost Voucher pages. Deleting a voucher removes the voucher from your system irreversibly (although the voucher remains in the voucher tables marked as deleted, and thus available only for audit trail purposes). Closing a voucher "writes off" the remaining liability on a voucher that you are not going to pay. And unposting a voucher reverses the accounting entries that have been posted to the voucher accounting entry tables so that you can modify the voucher (usually just distribution line information) and repost.

To unpost, close, and delete a selected set of multiple vouchers at once, use the Voucher Mass Maintenance component (VCHR_MASS_MAINT).

Note. When you close vouchers that are associated with purchase orders, and/or you have installed Commitment Control, the system performs specific closure logic that can also restore encumbrances for fully paid vouchers. This functionality exists only for the voucher close component; you cannot restore encumbrances for vouchers closed with the mass maintenance component.

See Also

Unposting Individual Vouchers

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVoucher Correction and Mass Maintenance

PeopleSoft Payables provides two methods for correcting unpaid vouchers:

  1. The Voucher Maintenance Search component (VCHR_CORRECT_SRCH) and Voucher Maintenance component (VCHR_CORRECTION).

    These components enable you to search for vouchers by a number of voucher fields and error criteria, and then search for the exact voucher lines, distribution lines, or scheduled payments that you want to correct.

    The Voucher Maintenance component enables you to handle modifications and add voucher and distribution lines to unposted vouchers of any size, without the burden of calling up the entire voucher. It is particularly useful for modifying large vouchers with many voucher or distribution lines.

  2. The Voucher Mass Maintenance component.

    This component enables you to search for vouchers by a number of voucher fields and then update specific fields across all of the vouchers that meet your criteria.

    You can also use the Voucher Mass Maintenance component to close, delete, and unpost multiple vouchers that share particular field values.

    The Voucher Mass Maintenance component is ideal for situations such as a reorganization that results in a department ID change: you search for all unpaid vouchers with distribution lines that include the old department ID and update them all at once with the new department ID.

See Also

Searching for and Correcting Individual Vouchers

Modifying, Unposting, Deleting, and Closing Multiple Vouchers

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOpenItem Accounting

OpenItem accounting enables you to efficiently define, control, and maintain open accounts until all transactions for an OpenItem cause it to reach a zero balance. You can set up many types of OpenItem accounts when you define accounts on the Account page. Common examples of OpenItem accounts are employee advances, suspense accounts, and interunit accounts. Once an OpenItem account is established, you can keep track of the PeopleSoft Payables transactions that are posted to this account using the OpenItem Update page.

See Also

Using OpenItem Accounting in PeopleSoft Payables

Click to jump to parent topicApproving Vouchers

This section provides an overview of voucher approval, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Voucher Approval

You can approve vouchers manually, or you can approve them through workflow. If your business has a single approver, you may want to approve vouchers by accessing the Voucher Approval component directly. If your business has multiple levels of approval, you probably want to use workflow.

Workflow Approval

Voucher approval through workflow uses PeopleSoft Virtual Approver or Approval Framework. Both watch for transactions that require approval before they can move on to the next step in a business process—such as purchase requisitions awaiting approval before they can become purchase orders or vouchers awaiting approval before they can be posted or paid. An application engine process routes lists of such transactions to PeopleSoft Component Interfaces, which perform the processing to prepare the transactions for interaction with a user through the worklists. As users select transactions to work on in their worklists, they are presented with transaction data on the appropriate pages. Approving a transaction sends it on to the next step (such as acquiring additional user approvals) or on to a final process (such as posting).

Using workflow in approval processing has these advantages:

Basic Components of the Workflow Approval Process

PeopleSoft Payables delivers a model (or example) of how you might set up your own voucher approval workflow using the PeopleSoft Virtual Approver. This model provides a starting point for your project team to understand and modify the approval process workflow to meet your needs.

Voucher approval process flow

To adapt the PeopleSoft Virtual Approver model to fit your organization's business processes, a thorough understanding of PeopleSoft Application Designer and Workflow Administrator is necessary. This includes the ability to carefully analyze the fundamental rules, roles, and routings that your departments use to carry out their day-to-day business routines, such as approving requisitions, purchase orders, and vouchers in the procurement cycle—processes you'll want to automate using the Virtual Approver.

Workflow Approval During Voucher Entry and Update

During transaction entry, the system refers to the approval rules that govern processing for the different types of transactions. Voucher approval rules are stored on several levels of the control hierarchy: the business unit, origin, control group, vendor, and the voucher itself.

When a voucher is saved during initial entry and is not preapproved, its status is set such that it is selected by the Voucher Approval Workflow process to go through approval processing.

If a voucher has been approved but not paid, and changes are made to the following fields, the voucher is returned to a pending status—unless it was preapproved—and is sent back through the approval processing workflow. This is also true if any new voucher lines or distribution lines are inserted.

The approval process establishes that the voucher has been approved for payment processing in the system. The approval process picks up a voucher after it has been edited online or through the Voucher Build Application Engine process (AP_VCHRBLD) and is in a postable status. A voucher that does not require matching can be in one of two postable states:


The voucher is automatically approved upon balancing and validation and is ready for payment processing.

Requires Payment Approval

The voucher must be manually approved for payment.

If you have the authority to approve vouchers, you can do so using the pages in the Voucher Approval component.

A voucher that requires matching must also go through the Matching Application Engine process (AP_MATCH) to qualify as ready for payment. After the voucher has successfully passed the matching requirements, it is approved for payment. If a voucher does not pass matching, you can still pay it if you have selected the Pay Unmatch Voucher option on the User Preferences - Procurement: Payables page for your user ID, or by overriding the match exceptions.

Workflow Approval After Voucher Entry

You should have the Voucher Approval Workflow process scheduled to run regularly. After you have saved a voucher, the Voucher Approval Workflow process determines the current approval status for the voucher by calling the Virtual Approver routine. The status of the voucher is updated based on what Virtual Approver concludes according to the approval rules defined in Workflow Administrator.

The Voucher Approval Workflow process uses PeopleSoft Component Interfaces then determines which users (if any) to notify, through workflow worklists or email forms, of the pending approval. Workflow routing is initiated by calling the Virtual Router routine that performs the needed action. You can access the Voucher Approval page from your worklists, manually inspect the voucher information, and either approve or reject a voucher for payment.

When you enter the Voucher Approval component, the voucher is typically presented in a pending status—payment has not been approved or denied.

Note. The Voucher Approval page displays vouchers whose approval status is Pending and whose match status is Matched.

In the Voucher Approval Workflow process, both worklists and emails are generated as follows:

Worklists for Voucher Approval

Your worklist displays all items that have been routed to you to work on. In PeopleSoft Payables, use the workflow worklist to navigate to the Voucher Approval pages to inspect and take action on vouchers that must be approved for payment.

See Also

Running the Matching Process

PeopleTools PeopleBook: Workflow Technology

Registering Approval Transactions

Using the Approval Monitor

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

You must perform the following setup before using voucher approval:

See Also

Defining the Voucher Approval Rules, Default Currency, and Single Payment Master Vendor

Delivered Workflows for PeopleSoft Payables

PeopleTools PeopleBook: Workflow Technology

Understanding the Approval Framework

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Definition Name



Voucher Approval Workflow


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Approve, Request Voucher Batch, Voucher Approval Workflow

Run the Voucher Approval Workflow process (VCHR_APRV_WF) if you are using workflow to approve vouchers. This Voucher Approval Workflow process selects vouchers that require approval and passes them on to PeopleSoft Component Interfaces, which invokes two routines: Virtual Approver and Virtual Router.

Voucher Approval - Approval


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Approve, Approve Voucher, Approval

Approve vouchers.

Remit Vendor Address


Click the View Related Links button on the Voucher Approval - Approval page.

Review the remit to vendor's address information.

Voucher Approval - Line Information


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Approve, Approve Voucher, Line Information

Review voucher line details for the selected voucher.

Voucher Approval - Charge Information


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Approve, Approve Voucher, Charge Information

Review the accounting charges (distribution lines) for each voucher line.

Approval Framework - Vouchers – Approval


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Approve, Approval Framework - Vouchers, Approval

Worklist, Worklist. For the work item, Approval Routing, click the voucher link on the row.

Approve vouchers routed for your approval in the Approval Framework.

Voucher Header Attachment


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Approve, Approval Framework - Vouchers, Approval

Click the Attachment (n) link on the Approval Framework - Vouchers – Approval page.

Displays any attachments that are association with the voucher. The actual attachments are viewable to the approver if this option was selected on the Voucher Attachments page. You can also add additional attachments on this page.

Approval Framework - Vouchers – Line Information


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Approve, Approval Framework - Vouchers, Line Information

View line information for vouchers routed for your approval in the Approval Framework.

Approval Framework - Vouchers – Charge Information


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Approve, Approval Framework - Vouchers, Charge Information

View charge information for vouchers routed for your approval in the Approval Framework.

Voucher Mass Approvals


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Approve, Mass Voucher Approval

Approving or denying multiple vouchers that have been routed to you for approval.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Voucher Approval Workflow Process

Access the Voucher Approval Workflow page and click the Process button to initiate the Voucher Approval Workflow process. You may want to have this process run on a regular schedule.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Voucher Approval Component to Approve Vouchers

Access the Voucher Approval - Approval page (Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Approve, Approve Voucher, Approval).

Note. The Voucher Approval page displays vouchers whose approval status is Pending and whose match status is Matched.

You can use the Voucher Approval component as part of workflow, or you can use it to approve vouchers manually. Approval processing steps are the same, regardless of whether you arrived there through the worklist or by navigating through the menus manually.

Approval Information

The Approval Information group box displays the current approval status of the voucher: Pending, Approved, or Denied.

Note. If you have the authority, you can deny or approve vouchers. Vouchers do not display on this page after you have approved and saved them. Also, if you do not have the authority to change voucher status, you can only route vouchers to an authorized approver.

Before you approve a voucher, you can also view voucher line and distribution line information on the Voucher Approval - Line Information page and the Voucher Approval - Charge Information page.

Voucher Details

The Voucher Details group box displays voucher header totals.


The Details group box displays vendor details.

Click the View Related Links button to access the Remit Vendor Address page, where you can view the vendor's address.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Approval Framework - Vouchers Component to Approve Vouchers

Access the Approval Framework - Vouchers – Approval page (Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Approve, Approval Framework - Vouchers, Approval).

Use the Voucher Approval page to perform your approval tasks, including:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicApproving Multiple Vouchers

Access the Voucher Mass Approvals page (Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Approve, Mass Voucher Approval).

Business Unit

Enter the business unit to search for vouchers requiring your attention. You must enter at least the business unit.

Voucher ID

Click to access the Voucher Inquiry page and view information about this voucher.

Approval History

Click to view a graphical representation of the approval history. You can further drill down to view other approvers assigned to this routing.

Click to jump to parent topicUnposting Individual Vouchers

This section discusses how to unpost vouchers.

See Also

Modifying, Unposting, Deleting, and Closing Multiple Vouchers

Voucher Deletion, Closure, and Unposting

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Unpost Individual Vouchers

Page Name

Definition Name



UnPost Voucher


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Add/Update, UnPost Voucher, Unpost Voucher

Unpost vouchers.

Document Sequence (Unpost)


Click the Unpost Document Sequencing link on the UnPost Voucher page.

Specify document sequencing information for the unposting transaction.

Document Sequence (Repost)


Click the Repost Document Sequencing link on the UnPost Voucher page.

Specify document sequencing information for the voucher reposting transaction.

Voucher Details


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Add/Update, UnPost Voucher, Voucher Details

Confirm that you have selected the correct voucher for unposting, closing, or deletion. View the voucher details, including payment terms, discount information, amount of voucher, and tax information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnposting Vouchers

Access the UnPost Voucher page (Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Add/Update, UnPost Voucher, Unpost Voucher).

After a voucher is posted using the Voucher Posting Application Engine process (AP_PSTVCHR), PeopleSoft Payables prevents you from changing distribution line fields by disabling those fields on the online Voucher component (VCHR_EXPRESS). If you must update distribution line information after posting, you must first unpost the voucher.

Unposting a voucher instructs the PeopleSoft Payables system to create reversing entries that undo the effects of the posting. Unposting happens immediately when you save the UnPost Voucher page.

Note. Any unpaid voucher can be unposted. Fully or partially paid vouchers can be unposted only if you select Allow Unpost Paid Vouchers on the Procurement Controls - General Controls page for the related general ledger business unit.

Update Voucher

Accounting Date

Override the accounting date, which defaults from the original voucher. This field is required.

Reversal Accounting Date

Business Unit Default

Select this option to accept the business unit default as the date of the accounting reversal. The system checks the accounting date indicator on the Payables Options page and uses the specified accounting date.

Use Current Date

Select this option to make the current date the date of the accounting reversal.

Use Specific Date

Select this option if you want to enter the accounting date to which the reversals will post.

Document Sequencing Links

The following links appear only if document sequencing is enabled for the business unit.

Unpost Document Sequencing

Click to access the Document Sequence page, where you can specify document sequencing information for the unposting transaction.

Repost Document Sequencing

Click to access the Document Sequence page, where you can specify document sequencing information for the reposting transaction.

Unposting Action


Click to start the unposting process. The system issues a message prompting you to confirm the unpost. If you want to continue with the unpost, click OK.

Before you unpost the voucher, view voucher details on the Voucher Details page.

Once you have unposted the voucher, you can update it using the Voucher component or the Voucher Maintenance component and repost it. If the voucher is unpaid, then all voucher fields are available for updating (unless it is a register voucher, in which case only voucher line and distribution lines fields can be updated). However, if the voucher has been paid or partially paid, all fields are completely unavailable for edit.

Note. The unposting process is not integrated with Vertex and Taxware tax functionality, and the process does not call the Vertex or Taxware functionality to recalculate sales and use tax amounts. This means if you have these third party tax applications installed and create a voucher with erroneous tax amounts, you cannot unpost the voucher, correct the tax amounts, and repost the voucher. Instead, you must create a reversal voucher to reverse all the accounting entries in the system, then recreate the voucher with the correct tax amounts.

See Also

Selecting General Controls

Establishing Accounting Date Options

Processing Document Sequencing in PeopleSoft Payables

Searching for and Correcting Individual Vouchers

Click to jump to parent topicClosing Individual Vouchers

This section gives an overview of voucher close functionality discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Voucher Close Functionality

This section discusses:

Voucher Close Functionality

You close vouchers when you want the remaining liability to be "written off" the vendor balance and the voucher to be considered complete. For example, when you have items in dispute that you and the vendor have agreed that you will not make a payment on these items. Close the voucher to credit the expense accounts and debit the liability accounts for the portion of the voucher that remains unpaid.

To close a voucher, the voucher must be:

To close vouchers:

  1. Create the vouchers.

  2. Run the Budget Processor Application Engine process (FSPKBDP3).

  3. Run the Matching process.

  4. Run the Document Tolerance Application Engine process (FS_DOC_TOL).

  5. Run the Voucher Posting process.

  6. Close vouchers after the system completes the Voucher Posting process.

    For matched vouchers, the Voucher Posting process reverses the matching, provided the voucher meets certain requirements.

PeopleSoft Payables voucher close logic handles increasingly complex voucher close scenarios, such as the following:

The system performs various edits when you save voucher closures. Note the following restrictions for vouchers with associated purchase orders:

For vouchers without associated purchase orders, you cannot close non-PO vouchers when the voucher is associated with an adjustment voucher or reversal voucher. Vouchers associated with adjustment vouchers cannot be closed unless all related vouchers are closed first.

Note the following limitations for voucher payments:

Similar functionality exists in the payment cancellation and payment schedule cancellation functionality for payments associated with PO vouchers. This functionality enables you to cancel payments with associated liabilities.

See Understanding Payment Cancellation With Associated Liabilities.

PO Voucher Close Functionality With No Commitment Control Integration

When the closure includes purchase orders associated with vouchers, but Commitment Control is not enabled, the system provides you with the option of unmatching the voucher, in addition to closing the liability. The system:

PO Voucher Close Functionality and Commitment Control Integration

If purchase orders are associated with a voucher marked for closure, the system gives you the option of restoring encumbrance to the purchase order. If you choose to restore the encumbrance, the system automatically unmatches the voucher. If you choose not to restore the encumbrance, the system does not unmatch the voucher.

When the voucher is associated with purchase orders, and Commitment Control is enabled, the system:

The system uses these results to ensure field value synchronization between source transactions and referenced transactions, which are used in the Budget Processor process.

The following diagram illustrates the PeopleSoft Payables voucher closure processing logic for scenarios involving associated purchase orders and Commitment Control integration:

PeopleSoft Payables voucher close processing logic, for scenarios involving associated purchase orders and Commitment Control integration

See Processing Source Transactions Against Control Budgets.

Voucher Closure Processing Sequence

The following is the sequence of processes you perform to successfully close a PO voucher that has not been paid:

  1. Create a PO voucher.

  2. Run the Budget Processor process.

  3. Run the Matching process.

  4. Run the Voucher Posting process.

  5. Close the voucher.

  6. Run the Voucher Posting process again to unmatch any matched items.

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Close Voucher


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Add/Update, Close Voucher, Close Voucher

Mark a voucher for closure by the Voucher Posting process. You can close vouchers associated with POs or not associated with POs.

Document Sequence (Close)


Click the Document Sequencing link on the Close Voucher page.

Specify document sequencing information for the voucher closing transaction.

Voucher Details


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Add/Update, Close Voucher, Voucher Details

Confirm that you have selected the correct voucher for unposting, closing, or deletion. View the voucher details, including payment terms, discount information, amount of voucher, and tax information

PO Associated with a Voucher


Click the Associated POs link on the Close Voucher page.

View purchase orders associated with the selected voucher. This link is conditional, and the page appears only when the following three conditions exist:

  • The voucher is associated with a PO.

  • You have enabled Commitment Control.

  • You close the voucher with liabilities.

PO Schedules tied to the Voucher


Click the Associated PO Schedules link on the Close Voucher page.

View purchase order schedules associated with the selected voucher, and determine if you want to restore its encumbrance. The system displays purchase order and voucher quantities and amounts in the Purchase Order Schedule group box and PO ChartFields in the PO Distribution group box.

This link is conditional, and the page appears only when the following three conditions exist:

  • The voucher is associated with a PO.

  • You have enabled Commitment Control.

  • You close the voucher with liabilities.

Voucher Inquiry


Accounts Payable, Review Accounts Payable Info, Vouchers, Voucher, Voucher Inquiry

Search for and review status of a voucher and any payment information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicClosing Vouchers

Access the Close Voucher page (Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Add/Update, Close Voucher, Close Voucher).

Process Manual Close

Manual Close Date

Enter the date on which the expense will be credited and the liability debited.

Mark Voucher for Closure

Select to indicate that this voucher is to be closed with the next posting run for this business unit.

  • If the voucher is a direct voucher, no further change is needed.

  • If the voucher is a PO voucher and Commitment Control is not enabled, the system displays a message regarding unmatching the voucher. If the voucher is associated to a closed receiver line, this message also contains a reminder that unmatching the voucher also unmatches the closed receiver line.

    Select Yes to unmatch the voucher. The system determines if there are any partial payments. If there are partial payments, the system does not unmatch the voucher, but only closes the liability.

    Select No and the system only closes the liability.

  • If the voucher is a PO voucher and Commitment Control is enabled, the system displays a message regarding reversing encumbrances.

    Select Yes to restore the encumbrance and reopen the purchase order. When you select Yes to restore the encumbrance, the system determines if the purchase order linked to the voucher is reconciled. If the purchase order is reconciled, the PO Voucher Close feature prevents you from reopening the purchase order and restoring the encumbrance; the system liquidates only the remaining liability on the PO voucher. If the PO is not reconciled, the system displays the PO Associated with the Voucher page.

    Select No and the system only liquidates the liability.

Note. Once you mark a voucher for closure and save the voucher, you must run the Voucher Posting process to create the accounting entries to relieve the liability and activate the Budget Processor process. The amount relieved is applied against the original accounts.

Important! If your organization uses Commitment Control, saving a voucher marked for closure is irreversible; you cannot undo this action. You should carefully review all vouchers marked for closure before saving.

Reinvoice ERS Receipt Lines?

Select this checkbox to create new invoices from the ERS receipt lines attached to this voucher. New invoices will be created when voucher build is run for ERS vouchers.

Close Reopened Receipts?

This checkbox is not visible if the voucher is not from ERS. If the box is checked, the receipt lines will be updated so that they are in a state where they will be processed by Voucher Build creating ERS vouchers again. If it is not checked, the receipt lines will remain as they are and will not be eligible to be processed by Voucher Build again.


Select to run one of the following processes, after dating and marking the voucher for closure. Options are:

Voucher Post: Run this process to create the accounting entries to relieve the liability.

Voucher Post and GL: (Voucher Posting process and Journal Generator Application Engine process (FS_JGEN). Run this process to perform the actions of the Voucher Posting process and create PeopleSoft General Ledger journal entries.

Before saving the page, you can go to the Voucher Details page to view the details for the voucher.

See Also

Running Voucher and Payment Posting

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRestoring Encumbrances

Access the PO Associated with a Voucher page (click the Associated POs link on the Close Voucher page).

The system lists all purchase orders linked to the PO voucher on this page, including reconciled purchase orders, which are unavailable for selection.

Reverse Enc (reverse encumbrance)

Select the check box for the purchase orders that you want to restore the encumbrance on. The system updates Commitment Control field flags for the POs you selected in the DISTRIB_LINE, DISTRIB_LINE_NP, and PO_LINE_DISTRIB tables, depending on whether the PO line distribution has been finalized, or closed or cancelled. The Budget Processor and Voucher Posting processes then use these flag values to generate the appropriate budget and actuals entries.

Note. Be aware that if the selected purchase order has a status of Finalized, the system changes the status to Partial and adds the delta amount to the encumbrance.

Also, if you use matching and you opted to restore the encumbrance and reopen a completely closed purchase order (one without partial payments), then the Voucher Posting process automatically invokes the undo matching process, which reopens the PO Line/Schedule for further invoicing.

Click to jump to parent topicDeleting Individual Vouchers

This section discusses how to delete vouchers.

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Delete Voucher


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Add/Update, Delete Voucher, Delete Voucher

Delete vouchers.

Voucher Details


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Add/Update, Delete Voucher, Voucher Details

Confirm that you have selected the correct voucher for unposting, closing, or deletion. View the voucher details, including payment terms, discount information, amount of voucher, and tax information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDeleting Vouchers

Access the Delete Voucher page (Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Add/Update, Delete Voucher, Delete Voucher).

Note. PeopleSoft Payables enables you to select only those vouchers that are eligible for deletion. The vouchers cannot have been posted or selected for payment, nor can any portion of the vouchers ever have been paid.

PO vouchers with the Finalize checkbox selected cannot be deleted.


Click to delete the voucher. The system prompts you to confirm your action. If document sequencing is enabled for the business unit, the system also prompts you to enter a deletion reason. If you choose to continue, the voucher is deleted from the database, and you receive another message verifying this.

If you are using the Commitment Control feature, the Budget Processor process is automatically invoked after you confirm deletion.

Before saving the page, you can go to the Voucher Details page to view the details for the voucher.

Warning! Once you delete a voucher, you cannot retrieve it or undo the deletion. The data rows that are associated with the voucher remain in the tables so that you cannot reuse the voucher number.

Note. If you delete a voucher that was entered as a manual payment, the payment is not deleted; it remains in the system and can be applied to other vouchers.

Vouchers associated with debit memo adjustment vouchers cannot be deleted unless all related vouchers are deleted first.

Click to jump to parent topicSearching for and Correcting Individual Vouchers

This section provides an overview of the Voucher Maintenance Search and Voucher Maintenance components, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Voucher Maintenance Search and Voucher Maintenance Components

The Voucher Maintenance Search component enables you to search for unpaid and unposted vouchers by a variety of criteria. When the component retrieves the vouchers that meet your criteria, you can link directly from the search results grid to the Voucher Maintenance component for the voucher you want. On that component, you can use various search tools to identify the voucher header, line, distribution, and scheduled payment information you want to modify, as well as view error summaries for the whole voucher.

If you know the voucher you want to modify, you can skip the Voucher Maintenance Search component and go directly to the Voucher Maintenance component to perform the modification.

You can also use the search page for the Voucher component to find vouchers in recycle status and correct errors on a voucher; the advantage of the Voucher Maintenance component is that it enables you to view only the voucher lines, distribution lines, or scheduled payments that have the errors you want to update or the field values you want to modify. It also allows you to add voucher or distribution lines without opening the entire voucher. For vouchers with multiple voucher lines and distribution lines, this can save time.

Errors That You Can View and Correct in the Voucher Maintenance Component

The Voucher Maintenance component displays the following types of voucher errors:

Restrictions on Vouchers That You Can View and Correct in the Voucher Maintenance Component

The following factors restrict the vouchers that you can access through the Voucher Maintenance component:

See Also

Defining Payables User Preferences

Viewing Voucher Error Information

Modifying, Unposting, Deleting, and Closing Multiple Vouchers

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section


Select to run the Voucher Build process after you have updated any voucher information and have saved the voucher. The Voucher Build process validates the changes.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Voucher Maintenance Search


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Maintain, Voucher Maintenance Search, Voucher Maintenance Search

Search for unpaid and unposted vouchers that require maintenance (subject to restrictions).

See Understanding the Voucher Maintenance Search and Voucher Maintenance Components.

Voucher Maintenance - Summary


  • Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Maintain, Voucher Maintenance, Summary

  • Click the voucher ID in the Search Results grid on the Voucher Maintenance Search page.

View summary information about a voucher. This page is identical to the Summary page in the Voucher component.

Voucher Maintenance - Invoice Header


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Maintain, Voucher Maintenance, Invoice Header

View and modify voucher header information.

Voucher Maintenance - Invoice Lines


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Maintain, Voucher Maintenance, Invoice Lines

Search for voucher lines by various criteria and modify, add, and delete voucher line information, along with distribution line information for the voucher lines you call up.

Voucher Maintenance - ChartFields


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Maintain, Voucher Maintenance, ChartFields

Search for distribution lines by various criteria and modify, add, and delete distribution line information. Use this page to search for and correct ChartField combination edit errors.

Voucher Maintenance - Scheduled Payments


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Maintain, Voucher Maintenance, Scheduled Payments

Search for a voucher's scheduled payments by various criteria and modify scheduled payment information.

Voucher Maintenance - Error Summary


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Maintain, Voucher Maintenance, Error Summary

View all errors for a voucher.

Errors for Invoice Line x


Click the Review Errors button in the Correct Invoice Lines scroll area on the Voucher Maintenance - Voucher Lines page.

View error messages by field for a voucher line.

Errors for Distribution Line x in Invoice Line y


Click the Review Errors button on a distribution line in the Correct Distribution Lines scroll area on the Voucher Maintenance - ChartFields page.

View error messages by field for a distribution line.

Errors for Scheduled Payment x


Click the Review Errors button on a scheduled payment in the Correct Scheduled Payments scroll area on the Voucher Maintenance - Scheduled Payments page.

View error messages for a scheduled payment.

Voucher Maintenance - Miscellaneous Charges


Click the Transfer to Misc Chrgs Detail (transfer to miscellaneous charges detail) button on the Voucher Maintenance - Invoice Header page.

View miscellaneous charge codes and amounts for a voucher.

Voucher Maintenance - Freight Charges


Click the Transfer to Freight Detail button on the Voucher Maintenance - Invoice Header page.

View and modify freight charge codes and amounts for a voucher.

Voucher Maintenance - Sales Tax Charges


Click the Transfer to Sales Tax Detail button on the Voucher Maintenance - Invoice Header page.

View and modify sales tax charge information and amounts for a voucher.

Voucher Maintenance - Use Tax Charges


Click the Transfer to Use Tax Detail button on the Voucher Maintenance - Invoice Header page.

View use tax charge information and amounts for a voucher.

Invoice VAT Summary Information


Click the VAT Summary link on the Voucher Maintenance - Invoice Header page.

View the calculated VAT totals for the invoice by VAT code. You must select VAT-applicable invoice lines on the Voucher Maintenance - Invoice Lines page before you can view the detail grids on this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for Vouchers Needing Correction or Updating

Access the Voucher Maintenance Search page (Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Maintain, Voucher Maintenance Search, Voucher Maintenance Search).

Entering Your Search Criteria

Enter your search criteria and click Search to retrieve a list of vouchers that meet your criteria. Click Reset Criteria to clear the search results and enter new search criteria.

Most of these search fields enable you to search by a specific value or a range of values (in the From and To fields), but not both. Select the radio button next to the field name (such as Business Unit) to enter a specific value. Select the radio button next to the From field (such as From Business Unit) to enter a range of values using the From and To fields. The page also allows open-ended ranges using either From or To values.

Search fields without radio buttons allow specific values only.

Note. Restrict your search as narrowly as possible to increase the speed with which you retrieve your search.

Voucher Lookup Criteria

There are some dependencies between search fields:

  • You must enter a business unit before you can specify voucher IDs or invoice numbers.

  • You must enter a business unit and user ID before you can specify control groups.

  • You must enter an Origin SetID before you can specify voucher origins.

Date Lookup Criteria

Enter date ranges of various types to restrict your search. To specify a range that is up to and including the current date, you need only enter the From date. To specify a single date, enter it in the From and To fields.

Vendor Lookup Criteria

There are some dependencies between search fields:

  • You must enter a SetID before you can specify vendor search criteria.

  • You must enter a single Vendor ID or a single Vendor Name before you can specify a vendor location.

Error Lookup Criteria

Select the error types you want to see.

Schedules Lookup Criteria

Select vouchers with scheduled payments on hold.

Viewing the Search Results

Each voucher that meets your search criteria appears in the Search Results grid. To clear the grid and perform a new search, click Reset Criteria.


Displays basic voucher information. Click the voucher ID to access the Voucher Maintenance component for the voucher in a new browser window, where you can view and modify the voucher. Return to the original browser window to select any other vouchers you want to view and modify.


Displays vendor information for the voucher.


Displays the following statuses for the voucher: approval status, match status, entry status (overall voucher status), and duplicate invoice status.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Voucher Summary Information

Access the Voucher Maintenance - Summary page (Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Maintain, Voucher Maintenance, Summary).

This page is identical to the Summary page in the Voucher component.

See Viewing Voucher Summary Information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Modifying Voucher Header Information

Access the Voucher Maintenance - Invoice Header page (Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Maintain, Voucher Maintenance, Invoice Header).

With the exception of those in the Header Errors scroll area, the fields on this page also appear on the header section of the Invoice Information page in the Voucher component.

Header Errors

Displays any errors on the invoice header. These are identified by the affected field and a descriptive error message. This scroll area appears only if there are header errors.


Displays vendor information.


Modify invoice fields, as necessary.

Click the Transfer icon to the right of the Misc Amt (miscellaneous amount), Frght Amt (freight amount), Sales Tax, and Use Tax fields to access the Miscellaneous Charges page, Freight Charges page, Sales Tax Charges page, and Use Tax Charges page, respectively, where you can view details for these nonmerchandise charges.

VAT Summary

Click to view the Invoice VAT Summary Information page, where you can view the calculated VAT totals for the invoice by VAT code.

Note. You must select VAT-applicable invoice lines on the Voucher Maintenance - Invoice Lines page before you can view the detail grids on this page.

See Reviewing VAT Summary Information for a Voucher.

See Also

Entering Invoice Information for Online Vouchers

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for and Modifying Voucher Lines

Access the Voucher Maintenance - Invoice Lines page (Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Maintain, Voucher Maintenance, Invoice Lines).

Entering Your Search Criteria

Enter your search criteria and click the associated Go button to display the voucher lines you want to modify. The voucher lines appear in the Correct Invoice Lines scroll area.

There is a Go button for each field or set of related fields that constitutes a mutually exclusive set of search criteria. In other words, you can search by any one of the following fields or set of fields:

Viewing and Correcting Selected Invoice Lines

The fields in the Correct Invoice Lines scroll area also appear on the Invoice Lines scroll area on the Invoice Information page in the Voucher component, with the following exception:

Click the Review Errors button to access the Errors for Invoice Line x page, where you can view voucher line error messages by field.

Note. If you search for voucher lines with errors, the Correct Invoice Lines scroll area displays only voucher lines with voucher line-level errors. For example, if a voucher line has distribution line errors but no voucher line-level errors, it will not appear here if you search by invoice line with errors. And if you search by other criteria and the voucher line does appear here, there will be no Review Errors button for the voucher line, even if it has distribution line errors. You must use the Voucher Maintenance - ChartFields page to search for and correct distribution line errors.

Note. If you modify, add, or delete a voucher or distribution line on this page, you must save your changes before you can make modifications on the Voucher Maintenance - Chartfields page. If you do not save first, the ChartFields page appears in display-only mode and you will be prompted to save your changes. The same is also true if you made modifications to the distribution lines retrieved on the Voucher Maintenance - ChartFields page and you attempt to make changes using the Voucher Maintenance - Invoice Lines page.

See Also

Entering Invoice Information for Online Vouchers

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for and Modifying Distribution Lines

Access the Voucher Maintenance - ChartFields page (Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Maintain, Voucher Maintenance, ChartFields).

Entering Your Search Criteria

Enter your search criteria and click the associated Go button to display the distribution lines you want to modify. The distribution lines appear in the Correct Distribution Lines scroll area.

There is a Go button for each field or set of related fields that constitutes a mutually exclusive set of search criteria. In other words, you can search by any one of the following fields or set of fields:

Important! Chartfields that display here depend on how you configure options on the Standard Chartfield Configuration page.

See Completing the Standard ChartField Configuration Page.

Viewing and Correcting Selected Distribution Lines

The fields in the Correct Distribution Lines scroll area also appear on the Distribution Lines scroll area on the Invoice Information page in the Voucher component, with the following exception:

Click the Review Errors button to access the Errors for Distribution Line x in Invoice Line y page, where you can view distribution line error messages by field.

See Also

Entering Invoice Information for Online Vouchers

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for and Modifying Scheduled Payments

Access the Voucher Maintenance - Scheduled Payments page (Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Maintain, Voucher Maintenance, Scheduled Payments).

Entering Your Search Criteria

Enter your search criteria and click the associated Go button to display the scheduled payments you want to modify. The scheduled payments appear in the Correct Scheduled Payments scroll area.

There is a Go button for each field or set of related fields that constitutes a mutually exclusive set of search criteria. In other words, you can search by any one of the following fields or set of fields:

Viewing and Correcting Selected Scheduled Payments

The fields in the Correct Scheduled Payments scroll area also appear on the Payments page in the Voucher component, with the following exception:

Click the Review Errors button to access the Errors for Scheduled Payment x page, where you can view scheduled payment error messages by field.

Note. If you use scheduled payments with errors as a search criterion, the Correct Scheduled Payments scroll area only displays scheduled payments that have payment-related errors. A scheduled payment for a voucher with other kinds of errors will not appear in the scroll area.

See Also

Scheduling and Creating Voucher Payments for Online Vouchers

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Summarized Voucher Errors

Access the Voucher Maintenance - Error Summary page (Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Maintain, Voucher Maintenance, Error Summary).

View error messages by field name, organized by Header Errors, Invoice Line Errors, Distribution Line Errors, and Scheduled Payment Errors.

Click to jump to parent topicModifying, Unposting, Deleting, and Closing Multiple Vouchers

This section provides an overview of voucher mass maintenance, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Voucher Mass Maintenance

The Voucher Mass Maintenance component enables you to search for vouchers by a number of voucher fields and then update specific fields across all of the vouchers that meet your criteria.

Note. You can filter vouchers based on the vendor's financial sanctions status if financial sanctions validation is enabled at the installation level or the bank level.

See Financial Sanctions Validation and Transaction Processing.

You can also use the Voucher Mass Maintenance component to close, delete, and unpost multiple vouchers that share particular field values.

These mass changes are performed in real time by the Voucher Mass Maintenance Application Engine process (APVCHMASSMNT) when you save the component. For field-changed vouchers, you must then run the Voucher Build process to validate those changes and make the vouchers available for further processing.

Note. The Voucher Mass Maintenance component is intended as a safer alternative to using a database tool to make mass row updates to the voucher tables. By running all field-changed vouchers through the Voucher Build process, you ensure the integrity of your data. Still, we recommend that you provide access to this component only to system administrators or other users, and that users with access to this component also have access to all voucher styles.

This section discusses:

Voucher Mass Maintenance Processing of Field Replacement

The Voucher Mass Maintenance process performs the following processing for field replacement:

You must run the Voucher Build process to edit the replaced field values and complete the vouchers.

Voucher Mass Maintenance Processing of Voucher Closure

The Voucher Mass Maintenance process calls the Voucher Close Application Engine process (APVCHRCLOSE) to perform the following processing:

You must run the Voucher Posting process to create the closure accounting entries.

Note. For performance reasons, it is not recommended to run the Journal Generator process when you are closing more than five vouchers.

Voucher Mass Maintenance Processing of Voucher Unposting

The Voucher Mass Maintenance process calls the Voucher UnPost Application Engine process (APVCHRUNPOST) to perform the following processing:

Note. For performance reasons, it is not recommended to run the Journal Generator process when you are unposting more than five vouchers.

Voucher Mass Maintenance Processing of Voucher Deletion

The Voucher Mass Maintenance process calls the Voucher Delete Application Engine process (APVCHRDELETE) to perform the following processing:

See Unposting Individual Vouchers.

Fields to Search By and Replace

Not all search fields are available for replacement, including key fields, processing status fields, critical date fields, and other fields that affect defaulting. The following table lists the voucher fields you can search by and indicates which of these are available for replacement:

Search-by Field




Accounting Date


Address Sequence Number




Alternate Account


Bank Account


Bank Code


Bank SetID


Budget Date


Budget Reference


Business Unit


ChartField 1


ChartField 2


ChartField 3


Class Field


Contract ID




Entered On


Entry Event


Financial Sanctions Status


Fund Affiliate


Fund Code


General Ledger business unit


Hold Payment


Hold Reason


Invoice Date


Invoice Number


Operating Unit


Operating Unit Affiliate




Pay Group Code


Payment Method


Payment Terms ID


Post Status


Process Instance




Program Code




Remit SetID


Remit Address Sequence


Remit Vendor


Remit to Location


Vendor ID


Vendor Location


Vendor Set ID


Voucher ID


Voucher Style


Eligibility for Voucher Mass Maintenance

The following table lists the eligibility criteria for each voucher mass maintenance operation:

Mass Maintenance Operation

Eligibility Requirements

All operations

The following vouchers are excluded:

  • Vouchers currently in process.

  • Vouchers with an entry status of Scheduled or Modified (the status after field replacement is performed but before the Voucher Build process successfully builds the modified voucher).

  • Template vouchers.

Field replacement

The following vouchers are excluded:

  • Vouchers that have been approved, posted, selected for payment, or paid, fully or in part.

  • Third Party Vouchers.

  • Uncompleted registered vouchers.

  • Vouchers in a control group in Verified status.


Vouchers must meet the following requirements:

  • Vouchers must be posted, not matched, and not yet selected for payment or fully paid.

  • Vouchers cannot have a manual closed date assigned (cannot be marked for closure manually, but not yet posted).

  • Vouchers cannot have document sequencing enabled, if the default Close document type (at the voucher header's general ledger business unit) has not been set up for auto-number assignment.

  • Vouchers enabled for Commitment Control cannot reference a receiver. With Commitment Control enabled, you can close PO vouchers with the Mass Maintenance functionality, but you cannot restore encumbrances.

  • Vouchers cannot be associated with a debit memo adjustment voucher if the debit memo adjustment voucher has not been closed.


The following vouchers are excluded:

  • Vouchers that are posted, selected for payment, or paid in part or full.

  • Vouchers in Matched status.

  • Vouchers having any scheduled payments selected by the Pay Cycle process or on hold for netting processing.

  • Vouchers currently being processed in a workflow worklist.

  • Vouchers that are associated with a debit memo adjustment voucher if the debit memo adjustment voucher has not been deleted.


Vouchers must meet the following requirements:

  • Vouchers must be posted; approval and payment status are not a factor.

  • Vouchers cannot have document sequencing enabled, if the default Accrual or Voucher Unpost document type (at the voucher header's general ledger business unit) has not been set up for auto-number assignment, or if the Interunit document type (at a distribution line's general ledger business unit, if different from the voucher header general ledger business unit) has not been set up for auto-number assignment.

User voucher style restrictions are also enforced for field replacement, but not for closure, deletion, or unposting.

Note. You can perform only one mass maintenance operation on a voucher until it has gone through all post-maintenance operations (such as running the Voucher Posting process or the Voucher Build process).

On-Demand Processing

Use the on-demand processing functionality to perform Application Engine processes. The following on-demand processes are available to the Voucher Mass Maintenance component:

Field Value Displays As


Application Engine Program

Mass Maintenance

Voucher Mass Maintenance Application Engine process

Note. This application engine only applies the changes to the record. Vouchers with these field values are in a modified status and unavailable for any other processes except the Voucher Build process.


Voucher Build

Voucher Build Application Engine process


Voucher Post

Voucher Posting Application Engine process


Journal Generator

Journal Generator Application Engine process


Displayed processes depend on the selected mass maintenance operation. For example, if you select the Field Replace button, the 1. Mass Maintenance, and 2. Voucher Build options appear.

Processes are numbered to indicate the order of how the processes run. For example, if you select 2. Voucher Build, the system automatically initiates the number 1 process (in this example, 1. Mass Maintenance), and then the number 2 process (in this example, 2. Voucher Build).

See Also

Unposting Individual Vouchers

Defining Application-Specific User Preferences

Setting Up On-Demand Processing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section


Click to return to the Voucher Mass Maintenance page. Clicking this link does not cancel or undo an action that has already been performed. For example, if you delete a voucher and then click Cancel, the system only returns you to the Voucher Mass Maintenance page. It does not restore the deleted voucher to an active status.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Modify, Unpost, Delete, and Close Multiple Vouchers

Page Name

Definition Name



Voucher Mass Maintenance


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Maintain, Voucher Mass Maintenance

Search for multiple vouchers for mass maintenance and select the maintenance operation you want to perform: field replacement, unposting, closing, or deleting.

Voucher Mass Maintenance - Field Replace


Select vouchers on the Voucher Mass Maintenance page and click the Field Replace button.

Select the fields you want to replace, their replacement values, and a request ID, and run the Voucher Mass Maintenance process to perform the field replacement.

Voucher Mass Maintenance - Close


Select vouchers on the Voucher Mass Maintenance page and click the Close button.

Enter the manual close date and request ID and run the Voucher Mass Maintenance process to close the selected vouchers.

Voucher Mass Maintenance - UnPost


Select vouchers on the Voucher Mass Maintenance page and click the UnPost button.

Enter the unposting accounting date, reversal accounting date, and request ID and run the Voucher Mass Maintenance process to unpost the selected vouchers.

Voucher Mass Maintenance - Delete


Select vouchers on the Voucher Mass Maintenance page and click the Delete button.

Enter the request ID and run the Voucher Mass Maintenance process to delete the selected vouchers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for Vouchers and Selecting the Maintenance Operation

Access the Voucher Mass Maintenance page (Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Maintain, Voucher Mass Maintenance).

To select vouchers for mass maintenance:

  1. Enter one or more voucher field values or ranges of values.

    Note. Restrict your search as narrowly as possible to increase the speed with which you retrieve your search.

    Note. You can filter vouchers based on the vendor's financial sanctions status if financial sanctions validation is enabled at the installation level or the bank level.

  2. Click the Search button to retrieve the vouchers that meet your search criteria. The vouchers appear in the Search Results grid.

    Select the Reset Criteria link to clear the search results and enter new search criteria.

  3. (Optional) In the Step 2 region of the page, which appears after you click Search, you can filter the retrieved vouchers by the following Filter Criteria:

    Each of these filter criteria is associated with its own set of eligibility requirements.

    See Understanding Voucher Mass Maintenance.

    Note. If you do not apply filter criteria here, the system still filters out the vouchers by the appropriate eligibility criteria when you select the maintenance operation and open the page for that operation. The filter criteria here enable you to filter the vouchers before you begin selecting them individually.

    Note also that the vouchers available for field replacement depend on the voucher styles you have access to, as defined for your user preferences. If you select a filter criterion of All Vouchers, the results grid shows vouchers of all styles, regardless of your voucher style access. When you select field replacement as the maintenance operation to perform on your selected vouchers, however, only the vouchers whose style you have access to will be available on the Field Replace page.

  4. Select the vouchers you want to perform maintenance on by selecting or deselecting the Sel (select) options.

  5. Click the button for the maintenance operation you want to perform:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPerforming Mass Field Replacement

Access the Voucher Mass Maintenance - Field Replace page (select vouchers on the Voucher Mass Maintenance page and click the Field Replace button).

Note. If you did not use the appropriate filter criteria on the Voucher Mass Maintenance search page, some of the vouchers you selected may be ineligible for field replacement. The page informs you of the number of vouchers you selected and the number of these which are eligible for field replacement.

To replace fields on the selected vouchers:

  1. (Optional) Identify and describe the field replacement request.

  2. Enter the fields whose values you want to replace and the new values.

    There are selection fields that are not available for replacement.

    See Understanding Voucher Mass Maintenance.

    Note. The only online validation of field values is for field length and data type. The Voucher Build process edits field values for field-replaced vouchers.

  3. Select to run one of the following on-demand processes.

See Also

Running the Voucher Build Process and Reviewing Messages

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPerforming Mass Voucher Closure

Access the Voucher Mass Maintenance - Close page (select vouchers on the Voucher Mass Maintenance page and click the Close button).

Note. If you did not use the appropriate filter criteria on the Voucher Mass Maintenance search page, some of the vouchers you selected may be ineligible for closure. The page informs you of the number of vouchers you selected and the number of these which are eligible for closure.

To close the eligible vouchers:

  1. (Optional) Identify and describe the closure request.

  2. Accept today's date, which is the default, or enter another date as the Manual Close Date.

    The system validates that the close date occurs in an open accounting period.

  3. (Optional) Review any associated purchase orders.

    With Commitment Control enabled, you can close PO vouchers with the Mass Maintenance functionality, but you cannot restore encumbrances.

  4. Select to run one of the following on-demand processes.

After the process completes, a message appears informing you that it was successful.

Note. For document sequence-enabled vouchers, the system uses the default document type of Close to auto-generate a new document sequence number.

See Also

Understanding Voucher Mass Maintenance

Running Voucher and Payment Posting

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPerforming Mass Voucher Unposting

Access the Voucher Mass Maintenance - UnPost page (select vouchers on the Voucher Mass Maintenance page and click the UnPost button).

Note. If you did not use the appropriate filter criteria on the Voucher Mass Maintenance search page, some of the vouchers you selected may be ineligible for unposting. The page informs you of the number of vouchers you selected and the number of these which are eligible for unposting.

To unpost the eligible vouchers:

  1. (Optional) Identify and describe the unposting request.

  2. Select a new accounting date for the unposted vouchers in the Update Voucher group box.

    The system validates that the date occurs in an open accounting period.

  3. Select the accounting date for the reversal accounting entries in the Reversal Accounting Date group box.

    This group box appears only if:

    If there are any vouchers that are ineligible for the reversal accounting date option that you select, the system will apply the original voucher accounting date to the reversal entries.

    If you select either the Use Current Date or Use Specific Date option, the system validates that the date occurs in an open accounting period.

    The business unit default accounting date is set up on the Payables Options - Payables Options page.

  4. Select to run one of the following on-demand processes.

After the process completes, a message appears informing you that it was successful.

See Also

Understanding Voucher Mass Maintenance

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPerforming Mass Voucher Deletion

Access the Voucher Mass Maintenance - Delete page (select vouchers on the Voucher Mass Maintenance page and click the Delete button).

Note. If you did not use the appropriate filter criteria on the Voucher Mass Maintenance search page, some of the vouchers you selected may be ineligible for deletion. The page informs you of the number of vouchers you selected and the number of these which are eligible for deletion.

To delete the eligible vouchers:

  1. (Optional) Identify and describe the deletion request.

    This is required if any of the vouchers on your list are enabled for document sequencing.

  2. Select 1. Mass Maintenance, which performs the Voucher Mass Maintenance process to update the voucher tables and delete the vouchers.

    Warning! Once you click this button, the vouchers will be deleted immediately from the system.

    After the process completes, a message appears informing you that it was successful.

See Also

Understanding Voucher Mass Maintenance

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Voucher Mass Maintenance Request Information

When you perform a voucher mass maintenance operation, the system logs your User ID, the Request ID and description you entered on the Voucher Mass Maintenance operation page, the date, and the time that you requested the operation.

To view this audit information, run a query on the VCHR_MMT_RQS_HT table.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing OpenItem Accounting in PeopleSoft Payables

This section provides an overview of OpenItem accounting and discusses how to:

See Also

Using Open Item Accounting

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding OpenItem Accounting

OpenItem accounting enables you to efficiently define, control, and maintain open accounts until all transactions for an OpenItem cause it to reach a zero balance. You can set up many types of OpenItem accounts on the Account page in the ChartField Values component (GL_ACCOUNT). Common examples of OpenItem accounts are employee advances, suspense accounts, and interunit accounts. Once an OpenItem account is established, you can keep track of the PeopleSoft Payables transactions that are posted to this account using the Open Item Update page.

OpenItem Accounting Terms

The following terms are used with OpenItem accounting:

OpenItem Account

Specifies the account that requires OpenItem accounting, such as Employee Advances, CFO Suspense, and Due From/Due To Subsidiary. You set up OpenItem accounts on the Account page in the ChartField Values component.

OpenItem Key

Determines the identifying or search key for open items in an OpenItem account. For an Employee Advances account, the OpenItem key field would typically be the Employee ID or Social Security Number. This means that any voucher distribution that posts to the Employee Advances account would also carry an employee ID or social security number. This search key is required by the system and enables the association of multiple vouchers with the open item.


Each transaction that affects an OpenItem account remains an open item until all transactions for a given OpenItem key add up to 0. For example, the first open item in the Employee Advances account is normally the issuance of an advance. Vouchers entered against the initial advance become open items also, until a final voucher brings the balance for a particular employee ID to 0, at which point all open items for the employee ID are closed.

Closed Item

Transactions for an OpenItem key become closed items when the total for the OpenItem key is 0.

Note. The PeopleSoft Payables system does not automatically mark the OpenItem as closed in the distribution line table once the OpenItem balance reaches zero. However, you can manually change the status on the OpenItem transaction from Open to Closed on the Open Item Update page.

OpenItem Accounting Setup and Processing

To use OpenItem accounting:

  1. Set up an OpenItem account on the Account page in the ChartField Values component.

    For example, you could set up an employee advance account as an OpenItem account, using the Employee ID field (EMPLID) from the PERSONAL_DATA table as the open item key.

    See Entering OpenItem Accounts.

  2. Create an advance voucher.

    On the distribution line, enter the employee ID (the open item key value) in the OpenItem field. In our example, we'll enter a voucher for an advance in the amount of 1000 EUR.

    See Entering OpenItem Transactions on Vouchers.

  3. Post the advance voucher and journal-generate it.

    Here are the accounting entries for an advance in the amount of 1000 EUR.




    Emp Adv






  4. (Optional) View the OpenItem account using the Open Item Update page.

    In our example, one line for the advance voucher, in the amount of 1000 EUR, appears.

    You can also view the OpenItem account in PeopleSoft General Ledger using the Open Items - Review Status Online page.

    See Tracking OpenItem Accounts.

    See Reviewing Reconciled Open Items.

  5. Run the Pay Cycle process or create a manual payment to pay the advance:










  6. Enter a voucher for an expense against the advance.

    Again, enter the employee ID in the OpenItem field on the distribution line for the open item account.

    In this example, we enter an expense of 1100 EUR and schedules a payment of 100 EUR.

    See Entering OpenItem Transactions on Vouchers.

  7. Post the voucher and journal-generate it.

    Here are the accounting entries for the expense voucher:




    Emp Adv









  8. Create a payment for any remaining expense amount.

    In this case, we create a payment of 100 EUR.










  9. View the OpenItem account balance using the Open Item Update page.

    In our example, the OpenItem balance is zero, as the expense entry has balanced out the advance entry, and the OpenItem is closed in PeopleSoft Payables.

  10. Run the PS/GL Open Item Reconciliation process (GLPPOITM) or perform open item reconciliation manually in PeopleSoft General Ledger to reconcile and close open items in the general ledger.

    The PeopleSoft Payables system does not automatically mark the OpenItem as closed in the distribution line table once the OpenItem balance reaches zero. Since OpenItem accounting is ultimately a general ledger function, no automatic processing is done in PeopleSoft Payables. However, you can manually change the status on the OpenItem transaction from Open to Closed on the Open Item Update page.

    Note. OpenItem transactions are passed to PeopleSoft General Ledger when they are journal-generated, and can be viewed on the OpenItems - Review Status Online page. However, PeopleSoft General Ledger updates the status of OpenItems independently of PeopleSoft Payables. PeopleSoft Payables reconciles open items by open item key reference and account, while the PS/GL Reconciliation process in PeopleSoft General Ledger reconciles by account. An OpenItem that is balanced and closed in PeopleSoft Payables can, therefore, remain open in PeopleSoft General Ledger if OpenItem transactions for another open item key reference on the account remain open. Likewise, an OpenItem that is closed in PeopleSoft General Ledger does not automatically update the OpenItem as closed in PeopleSoft Payables.

See Also

Using Open Item Accounting

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used with OpenItem Accounting in PeopleSoft Payables

Page Name

Definition Name





Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Account

Create account values and designate them as OpenItem accounts.

Invoice Information


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Add/Update, Regular Entry, Invoice Information

Enter a voucher charged to an OpenItem account.

OpenItem Update


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Add/Update, Update Open Item, Open Item Update

Keep track of OpenItem accounts. View each OpenItem account that is linked to the business unit and journal line reference, as well as a summary of the total amounts and the number of lines for both closed and open OpenItem accounts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering OpenItem Accounts

Access the Account page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Define Values, ChartField Values, Account).

Note. This page is described at length elsewhere. Only fields of particular importance to OpenItem accounts are discussed here.

OpenItem Account

Select to activate OpenItem processing.

A number of edit boxes appear.

Edit Record

Enter the record definition name of the prompt table against which you want to validate the OpenItem key. For example, if the OpenItem key is an employee ID, enter the prompt table that contains a list of valid employee IDs, such as EMPLOYEE_TBL.

Edit Field

Specify the field within the OpenItem Edit Record against which you want to validate the OpenItem key. If you are using employee ID the OpenItem key, this is the field that contains your employee IDs or social security numbers.

Prompt Table

Enter the name of the prompt table that returns the current actual OpenItem rows for the account.

Description of OpenItem

Enter the description of the account that appears in prompt lists, reports, and online inquiries. This description is typically used to identify the OpenItem key that must be specified in the Ref (reference) field on the Journal Entry page or the OpenItem field on the Invoice Information page.

See Also

Adding Account Values

Using Open Item Accounting

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering OpenItem Transactions on Vouchers

This section describes both how to enter an advance against an OpenItem account and how to enter an expense against that advance.

Creating the Advance Voucher

Access the Invoice Information page and enter a voucher for the advance (Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Add/Update, Regular Entry, Invoice Information).

Enter an OpenItem account in the Account field on the distribution line (in our example, 120500), and select an OpenItem key reference (in this example, employee ID IXHEE10) in the OpenItem field.

Creating an Expense Report Voucher

Access the Invoice Information page (Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Add/Update, Regular Entry, Invoice Information).

When you enter a voucher for an expense charged against the advance, the voucher should have at least two distribution lines: one with a negative merchandise amount and one with a positive merchandise amount. Charge the negative merchandise amount to the OpenItem account (in this case, the employee advance OpenItem account, 120500) and the positive merchandise amount to an expense account. Specify the OpenItem key reference on the negative distribution line for the OpenItem account.

See Also

Understanding OpenItem Accounting

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking OpenItem Accounts

Access the Open Item Update page (Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Add/Update, Update Open Item, Open Item Update).

Note. Multiple views of this page are available by clicking the tabs in the scroll area. We document the fields that are common to all views first.

Common Page Information

Open Item Key

Displays the OpenItem key reference. In the case of an employee advance, the OpenItem key might be an employee's social security number or employee ID.


Displays the base currency for the OpenItem key reference.

Total Open Amount


Displays the open balance amount for the OpenItem reference.


Displays the number of voucher lines that comprise the open item balance.

Total Closed Amount


Displays the closed balance amount for the OpenItem reference.


Displays the number of voucher lines that comprise the closed item balance.

Scroll Control - Open Items

Select one of the following to control which items appear in the Open Item Update scroll area:

Open Item Update

The Open Item Update scroll area lets you view the various OpenItem accounts for the OpenItem reference, including the total open and closed amounts for the account.


Displays the OpenItem account number and description.


Displays the OpenItem key field that for the open item. The most common values are Employee ID and Social Security Number. You define the OpenItem key field when you define the OpenItem account on the Account page in the ChartField Values component.


The Details group box displays voucher line details for each line item under the OpenItem account, including the following.


View or change the open or closed status of the item. When you update the status, the system updates the running totals fields.

Note. The PeopleSoft Payables system does not automatically mark the OpenItem as closed in the distribution line table once the OpenItem balance reaches zero. Use this field to manually change the status to Closed.


View or update the OpenItem key reference associated with this voucher line.


Displays the voucher line number.


Displays the description that was entered for the voucher line. Use this field, along with the Amount field, to match open items to one another in order to close them.

See Also

Understanding OpenItem Accounting