Performing Financial Consolidations

This chapter provides an overview of consolidations with related equitization functionality and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Consolidation and Equitization

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOrganizational Structure and Consolidations

Organizations often have complex structures with multiple business or operating units and legal entities with varying degrees of ownership. If your organization comprises more than one business unit or operating entity, you can consolidate these organizations when you report on overall operations, presenting financial statements that accurately describe your financial status.

For example, assume Consolidated Manufacturing is a multinational company that has a controlling interest in a United States business, as well as numerous other subsidiaries worldwide. The balance sheet for Consolidated Manufacturing lists its United States investment as an asset. Consolidated Manufacturing also owns several buildings used by subsidiaries that record the payment of rent to corporate headquarters through intercompany accounts. While these companies are separate legal entities, they represent one unified economic entity. To gain a complete picture of the entire organization, you combine (consolidate) all the assets and liabilities of each business unit, eliminating intercompany transactions and minority interest relationships by creating consolidation elimination journal entries.

You use trees to define the relationships among business units in a consolidation, creating a separate consolidation tree for each configuration. Included in each consolidation tree are the business units being consolidated and the elimination units to which eliminating journal entries are directed.

In the following example operating business units 1 and 2 are consolidated in consolidated business entity B and operating business units 3 and 4 are consolidated in business entity D. Consolidated entity D is further consolidated with an additional operating business unit not directly related to business unit 3 and 4 to consolidated business entity C. Finally, the consolidated business entities B and C are combined in the overall consolidation business entity A.

Consolidate any combination of business units

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicElimination of Intercompany Transactions

While there may be situations that require you to report gross consolidations (combining business unit ledger balances without eliminations), in most cases, you want to eliminate or cancel out the effect of intercompany transactions.

In General Ledger, you can track intercompany transactions using Due From and Due To accounts that are automatically created by the Journal Edit process, which calls the Inter/IntraUnit Processor. These Due From and Due To rows in the ledger are candidates for elimination when you run the Consolidations process. The following example shows such a transaction when company B0002 buys software for company B0001:

Business Unit





651001—Software License Expense




142000—Due From/To B2




141000—Due From/To B1




200000—Accounts Payable



When the transactions are exclusively within the organization, you can eliminate the whole transaction when you set up your Consolidations process. In the following example, Company B0001 sold services to Company B0002. The Revenue and Expense accounts need to be eliminated in addition to the Due From and Due To accounts:

Business Unit





142000—Due From/To B0002




500200—Revenue-Services Sold




653000—Expense-Computer Networks




141000—Due From/To B0001



Using the Affiliate ChartField with a Single Due From/To Account

The Affiliate ChartField is specifically reserved to map transactions between business units when using a single intercompany account. This table provides an example of intercompany payables and receivables among three business units that each use the Affiliate ChartField:

Business Unit





140000—Due From/To Affiliates




140000—Due From/To Affiliates




140000—Due From/To Affiliates




140000—Due From/To Affiliates




140000—Due From/To Affiliates




140000—Due From/To Affiliates



Using Different Due From/To Account Values

Another method of tracking activity between business units is to use different ChartField values—typically different accounts—for intercompany transactions. Instead of using the Affiliate ChartField, you could use the following accounts to identify the same transactions that were shown in the previous exhibit:

Business Unit




142000—Due From/To B0002



143000—Due From/To B0003



141000—Due From/To B0001



143000—Due From/To B0003



141000—Due From/To B0001



142000—Due From/To B0002


In both examples, the same accounting information is present, but fewer account numbers are required when the Affiliate ChartField is populated. This also means that you need to define fewer elimination sets. An elimination set represents a related group of intercompany accounts that record both sides of each transaction between units.

In the case of the following intercompany receivable and payable relationship, you require only one elimination set if you use the Affiliate ChartField:

Elimination Set

Business Unit




140000—Due From/To Affiliates

If you do not use the Affiliate ChartField, three elimination sets are required:

Elimination Set

Business Unit





142000—Due From/To B0002

141000—Due From/To B0001




143000—Due From/To B0003

141000—Due From/To B0001




143000—Due From/To B0003

142000—Due From/To B0002

See Also

Defining Elimination Sets

Using Inter/Intraunit Processing in General Ledger

Using Interunit and Intraunit Accounting and ChartField Inheritance

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicElimination of Intercompany Investments and Calculating Minority Interests

In consolidating the books of a subsidiary with those of the parent company, you credit the parent with the portion of the subsidiary that it actually owns and exclude what outside investors own. The value of minority interests is reported in terms of the aggregate net assets (equity) rather than in terms of a fractional equity in each of the assets and liabilities of the subsidiary.

To reflect minority interest, General Ledger generates an adjustments entry that debits the investment of the parent in the subsidiary account and credits a minority interest account. The system calculates the adjustment by multiplying the percentage of minority interest in the subsidiary by the total equity of the subsidiary.

Effectively, the combined result of the adjustments and eliminations entries is to express the value of the parent investment in terms of the assets and liabilities of the subsidiary offset by a minority interest liability. The equity ownership for each subsidiary in the consolidation is eliminated, with only the parent company's equity accounts and minority interest account remaining. Consolidated capital stock and retained earnings is equal to the balances of the parent.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicComponents of the Consolidation Process

Consolidations are made up of four elements: data, scopes, rules, and process.


Ledger data is entered and posted through daily journal processing. Data also includes specifying which ledger to use during Consolidations for each business unit. Detail ledgers, as well as summary ledgers, can be used as the basis for consolidation. Ledgers outside of the General Ledger database can be loaded into the database for processing.


Scopes define which business units are included during the consolidation process and how consolidation entries are created. Scopes are created using consolidation trees and elimination units.


Rules determine which ledger entries are identified and eliminated by defining elimination and minority interest sets. These are used in defining the consolidation set that specifies the elimination and minority interest sets to apply.


Based on defined rules and scopes, the Consolidations background process generates consolidating journals and calculation log entries from source ledger data. New entries to the Ledger table are used to generate consolidated reports. The Undo feature enables you to reprocess consolidation as many times as necessary.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIncremental Processing of Consolidations

PeopleSoft General Ledger provides incremental processing of consolidations by recognizing lower level tree nodes that were previously processed when running the current consolidation. The Consolidation process uses the Consolidation Set, As Of Date, currency, and tree name of the process request to identify the tree nodes that have been processed, thereby enabling processing of only the nodes under a specified higher-level tree node that have not yet been processed. Incremental processing of consolidations enables you to consolidate in stages while avoiding reprocessing of portions of the overall organization that have already been successfully consolidated.

When reprocessing a consolidation that was previously run (commonly done for late transactions or discovery of errors) and you need to reprocess lower-level nodes, you can select the Undo Previous Process and the Include All Lower Level Nodes check boxes on the Consolidation Request page. When you select the Include All Lower Level Nodes check box, the undo process identifies all previously processed lower-level nodes and reverses them. If this option is not selected, the undo process only reverses the entries that were created from a single process by matching Consolidation Set, As Of Date, currency, tree name, tree level, and tree node as indicated on the current run control.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEquitization and Changes in Subsidiary Ownership

The Equitization process generates the entries to reflect the equity pickup of subsidiary earnings on the parent's books. It updates the value of the parent's investment and equity income accounts for changes in the subsidiary's value. When the value of an investment in a subsidiary changes for a parent company during the fiscal year, often it is without a physical event (transaction) having been recorded; however, the value of the investment of the parent in the subsidiary must be modified. You can use the PeopleSoft Equitization process when no physical accounting event will have occurred, but the value of the parent investment in the subsidiary has changed.

For example, net income or net loss of a subsidiary increases or decreases the investment value and affects the equity of the parent in that subsidiary.

PeopleSoft General Ledger enables you to set up multiple equitization rules for multiple business units that have complex parent-subsidiary relationships and create journal entries to record the changes within a single process. A ledger for a parent entity can be different from that of its subsidiary but you have the option to generate elimination entries for consolidated reporting.

Equitization can be run alone or in conjunction with consolidation and can share the consolidation tree with the Consolidations process, as well as the ownership sets.

Note. Equitization supports only the Business Unit field as the processing entity. This is unlike the Consolidation process, which allows consolidation of fields other than business unit, such as the Operating Unit field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTimeSpans in the Consolidation and Equitization Processes

You can specify a TimeSpan on the Consolidation Set and the Equitization Group to indicate the type of balances to be posted for consolidation and equitization. If the TimeSpan is a year-to-date type of TimeSpan (for example, BAL), then a valid Journal Reversal Option should be selected; otherwise, there should be no reversal of the consolidation or equitization entries if they are intermediate periods. This is because distinct periods are consolidated that do not include prior periods in the current process. A warning message is issued by the system if the reversal option is selected with a TimeSpan option other than BAL.

Using intermediate TimeSpans (other than year-to-date types) is generally more efficient for processing consolidation and equitization; however, exercise caution when using non-year-to-date type TimeSpans. If changes have been made in ledgers for accounting periods that were previously processed for intermediate periods, it will be necessary to reprocess consolidation and equitization for those periods.

The following conditions must be met to have valid TimeSpans for Consolidation or Equitization:

Note. Incremental processing of consolidations occurs regardless of what TimeSpan is selected for processing. Incremental processing is not available for the equitization process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEffective Dates and Ownership Sets in Consolidation and Equitization

Consolidation and Equitization support the use of multiple effective-dated subsidiary ownership sets. Effective dates dictate to which period of the fiscal year a certain ownership set is applied. There are two options for selecting the dates within the Consolidations Set and Equitization Group:

If you choose to select ownership sets by Period End Dates, the process selects the effective ownership date to use based on each accounting period being processed.

Adjustment Periods are processed with the current (latest) accounting period.

The effective ownership date can also be determined By Process Request As of Date and only the most recent Ownership Set definition is used. Regardless of the option selected, the journals that are created by the consolidation process are dated as of the process request date.

When changing parents and percentages, always add a new effective dated row for the new ownership set so as not to change history. That is to say, do not change the effective date on an existing ownership set that has been used in a previous run if you want to retain the consolidated information, nor should you change the subsidiary entity on an existing ownership set.

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

View Detail

Link that accesses another page for more detailed information.

Ledger Template

The ledger template name is used to prompt correct ChartField names. If you specify a summary ledger template as the ledger template in setting up consolidations, the system displays the Ledger field, where you enter the summary ledger name.

Click to jump to parent topicDetermining Consolidation ChartFields

You can base your consolidations on the business unit or another ChartField.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConsolidating on Business Unit

Although you can consolidate based on any ChartField, General Ledger is delivered with consolidations enabled for the business unit. If you use a different ChartField for your consolidations, substitute that ChartField name when you see a reference to business unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConsolidating on a ChartField Other Than Business Unit

For some organizations, the system is set up to use ChartFields such as operating unit or department instead of business unit to function as separate units. Because they are all conducting the same or similar business practice and have the same structure, all the units are under one PeopleSoft business unit setup. Transactions between these operational units are recorded and need to be eliminated for financial reporting of the business unit. General Ledger enables you to set up the consolidation among the operational units the same way you would to consolidate among business units.

For example, to consolidate on the operating unit ChartField:

  1. If you are using an affiliate field to mark interoperating unit transactions, activate the Operating Unit Affiliate field on the Standard ChartField Configuration page, and associate the Operating Unit field to it.

  2. Add operating units that function as the elimination operating units to the operating unit definition.

    Assign the attribute ELIM_UNIT equal to Y for these elimination units.

  3. Build a consolidation tree that rolls up operating unit values, including regular and elimination operating units.

  4. Set up elimination sets.

    When you define an elimination set using the Affiliate approach, do not include the ChartField on which you are consolidating.

  5. Set up the consolidation set.

    Specify Operating Unit in the Entity field, and enter the business unit for the operating units.

  6. Define and process a consolidation request.

  7. Create reports that are based on the consolidation tree to show consolidated results.

See Also

Elimination of Intercompany Transactions

Summarizing ChartFields Using Trees

PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Engine, "Using Meta-SQL and PeopleCode"

PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Tree Manager, "Creating Trees"

Click to jump to parent topicSelecting an Approach to Intercompany and Intracompany Transactions

You can record activity between business units with the use of the Affiliate ChartField or with separate accounts. The Affiliate ChartField maps transactions between business units while using a single intercompany account. Alternatively, you can use different ChartField values, typically different accounts, for intercompany transactions.

If the consolidation is on business unit, the consolidation process assumes that it is an intercompany consolidation, and the affiliate is the Affiliate field name.

If the consolidation is on anything other than business unit, the process assumes that it is an intracompany consolidation within a single business unit. For intracompany elimination when the Affiliate method is used or where the Affiliate field is required for querying the ledger data, the field name is the associated affiliate field for that ChartField, as defined on the Standard ChartField Configuration page.

See Also

Using Interunit and Intraunit Accounting and ChartField Inheritance

Using Inter/Intraunit Processing in General Ledger

Elimination of Intercompany Transactions

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Consolidation Trees

You define a consolidation based on relationships among the business units and their related elimination units (units to which eliminating journal entries are directed). Each consolidation hierarchy uses a separate consolidation tree. You can consolidate an unlimited number of business units within each tree, and you can define an unlimited number of consolidation trees.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Consolidation Scopes With Trees

Because you likely have several consolidation configurations to accommodate management and statutory requirements, General Ledger enables you to set up any number of consolidation trees. Consolidated business entities appear as nodes, and business units and eliminations units appear as detail values on the tree.

For example, World Wide Consolidation comprises 22 business units in Europe, Asia Pacific, and North America. For financial reporting requirements, the company created a tree that defines the legal entity relationships among these business units, as well as those located elsewhere (Tree Manager, Tree Manager).

The World Wide Consolidation node (WW_Consolidation) represents the final point of consolidation and the relationship among consolidated entities—Europe, ASIA/PAC, and NORTH_AMERICA—and the corporate level elimination unit, ELIM1.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Detail Values

The detail values in a Consolidations tree always consist of the ChartField values that form the basis for consolidation and elimination units. Elimination units are stored in the same table as consolidating ChartField values because they share identical attributes; that is to say, if your consolidating ChartField values are business units, the elimination entities are also defined as business units.

In such a case, the system maintains all your detail values in the general ledger Business Unit table. You can, however, set up consolidations based on any other ChartField.

See Also

Summarizing ChartFields Using Trees

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Elimination Units

With Consolidations, you can automate intercompany eliminations and more accurately analyze consolidated results. When you consolidate business units, the system creates eliminating journal entries. Eliminating journals are directed to an elimination unit, a type of business unit that is designed specifically to support consolidated reporting.

Eliminating journal entries are directed to the elimination unit

The consolidated business entity does not have its own ledger. It is actually a reporting construct made up of the combined ledger balances of the selected business units and the intercompany offset amounts posted to the ledger for the elimination unit.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Add an Elimination Unit

Page Name

Definition Name



General Ledger Definition - Definition


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, General Ledger, General Ledger Definition, Definition

You can use this page to define each elimination unit directly. You can also define elimination units from the consolidation tree.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding an Elimination Unit

Access the General Ledger Definition - Definition page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, General Ledger, General Ledger Definition, Definition).

Add and maintain elimination business units the same as you would add any business unit on the General Ledger Definition page. Make sure to select the Consol - For Elimination Only check box, as this is what distinguishes an elimination unit from other units and its treatment for the consolidation process. You can also add elimination units to the consolidation tree in the same way that you add any detail ChartField value.

The placement of the elimination units on the tree tells the consolidation process what business units' intercompany activity is eliminated within the elimination unit. For example, the ELIM5 elimination unit in the consolidated management reporting tree, CONSOLIDATE_CORP, is defined as the elimination unit for the ASIA/PAC consolidation; therefore, intercompany activity between Japan and Australia are eliminated within ELIM5 .

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Ledgers to Elimination Units

Assigning a ledger to an elimination unit is done the same way that you handle regular business units. The base currency of the ledger must be the same currency used for consolidation.

See Also

Defining Ledgers for a Business Unit

Defining Your Operational Structure

Click to jump to parent topicSpecifying Consolidation Ledgers

To specify a consolidation ledger, use the Consolidation Ledger Sets component (LEDGER_SET).

For each business unit involved in Consolidations, you can specify one ledger as the Consolidation ledger. The Consolidations process uses this ledger as the source and identifies transactions to be eliminated. Consolidation journals reference this ledger for elimination units.

In cases where business units have different base currencies in their primary ledgers, and translation ledgers are maintained for reporting on a single currency, you can use Translation ledgers as Consolidation ledgers. Consolidation does not perform any currency translation. The currency that you specify must have complete balances in place resulting from regular journal posting or from the Currency Translation process.

You specify a ledger for a business unit on the Ledger Sets page. With a common Consolidation chart of accounts, you can also consolidate at a summary level.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Ledger Sets

Page Name

Definition Name



Ledger Set


General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Consolidation, Consolidation Ledger Sets, Ledger Set

Select the combination of business units and ledgers that you want to consolidate for a specific consolidation configuration.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining a Ledger Set

Access the Ledger Set page (General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Consolidation, Consolidation Ledger Sets, Ledger Set).

Automatic Populate Scroll

The Automatic Populate Scroll section enables you to select the parameters that will populate the scroll with the ledgers that you can use. After you choose parameters, click the Refresh button to populate the page.

Note. When you click the Refresh button, the system provides you with only the best guess of ledger names. Review the ledger names populated by the system . and select the ledger that you want to use in the consolidation.


Determines the business units that will appear in the scroll. All business units in a particular tree will appear in the scroll.

As of Date

Use to select a tree if you have multiple trees with the same name.


Populates the Ledger column with the ledgers that have the same base currency defined.

Specify Ledgers to Use

When you click Refresh, the system populates the scroll area with the following:

Business Unit

Populates the valid values in the selected tree for the specified ledger template.


Displays a ledger associated with each business unit that has the specified currency as its base currency. You can associate a different ledger with the business unit by selecting a new one in the drop-down list box.

You can also enter business units and their associated ledgers individually by adding a row. The new business unit does not have to be part of the earlier specified tree.

Note. All business units involved in the consolidation process must have a row defined on the Ledger Set page so that the system knows which ledger to use for each business unit during the consolidation process.

See Also

Specifying Consolidation Journal Options

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Elimination Sets

The elimination set defines a related group of intercompany accounts. When eliminated, the balances of this group of accounts should normally net to zero. To maintain a balanced journal entry, the system posts any amounts that remain after the elimination to a user-defined out-of-balance ChartField. When you run the consolidation, the system processes each elimination set specified in your consolidation definition.

To define elimination sets, use the Elimination Sets component (ELIMINATION_SET).

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Elimination Sets

Page Name

Definition Name



Elimination Set


General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Consolidation, Elimination Sets, Elimination Set

Define parameters for the elimination.

Elimination Lines


General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Consolidation, Elimination Sets, Elimination Lines

Define which accounts you want to eliminate. When you define these accounts, the level of detail required depends on whether you are using the Affiliate ChartField.

Audit Elimination Sets


General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Reports, Elimination Sets Audit, Audit Elimination Sets

Set up criteria to run the GLS2005 SQR for auditing elimination sets. Determines if any duplicate lines exist in consolidation definitions. The system uses the criteria that you enter to generate the Audit Elimination Sets report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining an Elimination Set

Access the Elimination Set page (General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Consolidation, Elimination Sets, Elimination Set).

Ledger Template

Select the ledger template that is used by the ledgers in your consolidation. If you specify a Summary Ledger template as the ledger template, the system displays the Ledger field, where you enter the summary ledger name. The system also displays a detail link; click it to access the Summary Ledger Definition page.


Identifies the elimination for prompt lists.


Describe what the elimination set does. This field is particularly useful for documenting each set in a complex consolidation.


Entity Field

Select the field on which you are consolidating.

This is the field on which you have previously structured your consolidation and on which you have built your consolidation tree.

It is usually the business unit. However, if you have setup your system to use other fields, such as Operating Unit or Department for the business entity and are tracking interunit transactions among these entities, you use Operating Unit or Department as the Entity Field.

Out of Balance Debit and Out of Balance Credit

If the activity within a given elimination set does not net to zero, PeopleSoft General Ledger directs the out-of-balance amount to the Out of Balance field values that you specify on this page.

Field Name

Specify special ChartFields for the out-of-balance amounts. For example, you can enter a department for both the debit and credit field name in addition to an account Value.

For summary ledger templates, the Field Name prompt lists all the ChartFields for the summary ledger template, and the Value prompt is based on how the summary ledger is defined.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering an Elimination Set

Access the Elimination Lines page (General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Consolidation, Elimination Sets, Elimination Lines).

Match Affiliate Value

Select the check box if you use the Affiliate approach for elimination. For a summary ledger that does not have an Affiliate ChartField, the Match Affiliate Value check box is deselected and display-only.

Values to Eliminate

Field and Value

When each intercompany transaction is recorded in a unique account, the Business Unit and the Account or ALTACCT ChartField and their respective values are required. If you use the Affiliate ChartField, and its respective value is already a business unit, do not enter the Business Unit ChartField. The system evaluates business unit and affiliate relationships when you perform the consolidation based on data in the ledger.

In addition to the Account or ALTACCT ChartField, you can specify other ChartFields to further narrow the scope of the transaction being eliminated. This applies regardless of which method you use for tracking intercompany activity. To prevent duplication, the system does not allow you to enter the same ChartFields and ChartField values within the same elimination line.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAuditing Elimination Sets

Access the Audit Elimination Sets page (General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Reports, Elimination Sets Audit, Audit Elimination Sets).

Report Request Parameters


SetID for the consolidation set.

Consolidation Set

Select the Consolidation Set for which you want to run the elimination set audit.

As of Date

Enter the point of reference date for the effective-dated setup information.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Subsidiary Ownership and Minority Interest Sets

General Ledger evaluates minority interest relationships at the time a consolidation is run, based on the data in the minority interest sets and Ownership table. It calculates the adjustment prior to generating elimination entries.

You define the relationship for the subsidiary business unit, the parent company that owns the majority of that subsidiary, and any other minority owners. You do not specify minority owners that exist outside your organization.

If a minority parent exists in the same consolidation tree as a majority parent, General Ledger makes a second adjustment to reflect the minority parent's ownership percentage. Because the original adjustment creates a liability for the minority interest, the second adjustment effectively reduces that liability because a minority parent is included in the consolidated results. This means that you do not overstate your minority interest liability.

General Ledger supports any number of minority parents and generates the adjustment entry at the appropriate point in the consolidation according to the consolidation tree level.

To define subsidiary ownership and minority interest sets, use the Subsidiary Ownership component (CONSOL_OWNERSHIP) and the Minority Interest Sets component (MINORITY_INTEREST).

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Subsidiary Ownership and Minority Interest Sets

Page Name

Definition Name



Subsidiary Ownership


General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Consolidation, Subsidiary Ownership

Define the relationships for the parent company, subsidiary, and any other minority owners.

Minor Int Source (minority interest source)


General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Consolidation, Minority Interest Sets, Minor Int Source

Identify the subsidiary equity and parent investment accounts.

Minority Int Target (minority interest target)


General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Consolidation, Minority Interest Sets, Minority Int Target

Specify the minority accounts of the majority parent company.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Subsidiary Ownership

Access the Subsidiary Ownership page (General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Consolidation, Subsidiary Ownership).

Entity Field

Select the consolidating entity field. This is usually the business unit, but you can consolidate based upon other fields, like Operating Unit. This field should be the same field upon which your consolidation tree is based.

Subsidiary Entity

Organizational unit owned by the parent.

Note. Add a new effective-dated row to reflect valid changes in subsidiary ownership. When adding new effective-dated rows, make changes only to the Specify Parents group box. The Subsidiary Entity field must stay constant, as that is the subsidiary for which you are defining ownership.

Specify Parents


Owner of the subsidiary.

Owner %

Amount of the subsidiary owned by the parent. List any minority owners that exist within your system by adding rows.

Controlling Entity

Indicates which parent is the subsidiary's majority owner. Use this option to indicate a particular parent business unit for which elimination entries will be created. The parent company selected as the controlling entity holds the minority interest liability. Only one parent entity can be the controlling entity.

Note. To prevent duplication, the system does not allow you to enter the same parent entity value twice.


Indicates whether equitization should be run for specified parent entities. The system processes this ownership set only when the subsidiary entity and all the parent entities marked for equitization are included in the consolidation tree.

Parents Ownership %

Total should be less than or equal to 100%.

Minority Interest %

Percentage of minority shareholder ownership.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Minority Interest Source

Access the Minor Int Source (minority interest source) page (General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Consolidation, Minority Interest Sets, Minor Int Source).

Subsidiary Equity

Specifies the ChartField value set that identifies the subsidiary's equity accounts.

Parent Investment

Specifies the ChartField value set that identifies the asset account where the subsidiary is carried on the parent company's books.

Match Affiliate Value

Select the check box if you are using a single investment account and have populated the Affiliate ChartField with the subsidiary.

See Also

Using ChartField Value Sets

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining a Minority Interest Target

Access the Minor Int Target (minority interest target) page (General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Consolidation, Minority Interest Sets, Minority Int Target).

Minority Interest

Field Name and Value

Identifies the parent's equity or liability account for minority ownership in the subsidiary. After General Ledger generates the minority interest adjustment, it eliminates the majority parent's investment account against the subsidiary's equity accounts.

Out of Balance Debit and Out of Balance Credit

Field Name and Value

If the elimination does not balance, the system directs the remaining amount to the appropriate out-of-balance account or ChartFields.

You can specify special ChartFields for the out-of-balance amounts. For example, you can enter a department for both the Debit and Credit ChartFields in addition to an account.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Consolidation Sets

After you define consolidation relationships in your tree and specify intercompany elimination and minority interest sets, you are ready to define the options and controls that tell General Ledger how to process the consolidation.

To set up consolidation sets, use the Consolidation Set component (CONSOL_DEFINITION).

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Consolidation Sets

Page Name

Definition Name



Journal Options


General Ledger, Consolidation, Consolidation Set, Journal Options

Specify consolidation process options.

Set Options


General Ledger, Consolidation, Consolidation Set, Set Options

Specify which elimination and minority interest sets the consolidation will include.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Consolidation Journal Options

Access the Journal Options page (General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Consolidation, Consolidation Set, Journal Options).

Entity Field

Select the consolidating entity field. This is usually the business unit, but you can consolidate based upon other fields, like Operating Unit. This field should be the same field upon which your consolidation tree is based.

Business Unit

When consolidating on other than BUSINESS_UNIT, General Ledger displays a Business Unit field that enables you to designate the business unit as the high order key in the consolidation.

Ledger Set

Specifies a combination of business units and ledgers that act as a centralized location for consolidations.


Select a user-defined TimeSpan for which to process the consolidation. You can select to process year-to-date balances or quarterly and period balances (such as QTR1 , QTR2, QTR3, QTR4 or PER). If you select a year-to-date TimeSpan, the Consolidation Reversal option must be either Beginning of Next Period or End of Next Period; otherwise, the reversal option must be Do Not Generate Reversal. A warning message is issued if the reversal option is not appropriate for the selected TimeSpan.

Note. Performance may be impacted when using a BAL or YTD TimeSpan due to increased volume of data when processing effective-dated ownership sets. Using quarterly or period TimeSpans improves performance. When upgrading to 9.1, be careful to use BAL as the TimeSpan, as Consolidations has historically processed BAL balances.

Elimination Journals

Journal ID Mask

Enables you to specify a prefix for naming consolidation journals. A 10-character alphanumeric ID identifies journals. The system automatically appends the prefix that you specify to the journal IDs. For example, if you specify the journal ID mask to be ELIM, the elimination journal IDs might be ELIM0001, ELIM0002, and so on. Alternatively, the value NEXT causes General Ledger to assign the next available journal ID number automatically.

It is very important to reserve a unique mask value for Consolidations to ensure that no other process creates the same journal ID.


Any valid value from the Sources table entry that identifies the source of the consolidation journals.

Document Type

Required for consolidation journals if Document Sequencing is enabled. Document Sequencing requires that you have a document type for all of the journal entries that you create.

In the following example, Department is the additional ChartField, and the elimination lines contain the following amounts:

ChartField Used in Eliminations - Account

ChartField Used to Group By − Department


Posted Total Amount








- 80.00









During Consolidations, the system generates journal entries that represent year-to-date (YTD) elimination amounts based on the type of account specified in the elimination set. For profit and loss accounts, the system totals the YTD amount based on the sum of periods 1 through n, and for balance sheet accounts periods 0 through n. To facilitate period-based reporting, General Ledger generates a reversing journal for the subsequent period. The resulting net amount on the elimination unit ledger represents the current period YTD amount less the reversal amount generated by the eliminations for the prior period.

Elimination Reversals

Beginning of Next Period, End of Next Period or Do Not Generate Reversal

Indicate whether you want to generate elimination reversal entries for the beginning of the next period, the end of the next period, or not generate a reversal at all. The system directs the journal entries to the respective elimination units as specified in the consolidation tree.

Elimination Includes ChartFields

Select the ChartFields that you want to include in elimination. The ChartFields that are defined for a consolidation definition relate to the ChartFields that are specified for the elimination set:

See Also

Defining Document Types

Defining Journal Source

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Set Options

Access the Set Options page (General Ledger, Consolidation, Consolidation Set, Set Options).

All Elimination Sets Apply

Select to indicate that you want to use all of the elimination sets that are defined for the setID when processing this consolidation set.

Default Minority Int Set (default minority interest set)

Specifies which minority interest set to use for the calculation. Based on the Subsidiary Ownership setup, Consolidations includes all parent and subsidiary sets, provided that all entities involved are within the consolidation scope (the consolidation tree).

Effective-Date Ownership Sets

Select one of the following options for the effective dates that dictate to which period of the fiscal year the Ownership Sets apply:

  • by Period End Date(s) - the Consolidation process applies the ownership definitions that are effective as of the respective accounting period end dates of the periods that are being processed.

  • by Process Request As Of Date - the Consolidation process applies the ownership definitions that are effective as of the process request date.

Note. The journal entries that are created by the Consolidation process are dated as of the process request date, regardless of the effective date of the ownership sets.

To illustrate the Period End Date(s) option, assume that you are running the Consolidation process through June 30, 2009. Additionally, assume that there are two effective-dated ownership sets with one dated January 1, 2009 and the other dated April 15, 2009. Given these effective dates, the Consolidation process applies the Ownership Set that is effective from January 1 to periods 1 through 4 balances, and uses the April 15 Ownership Set for periods 5 through 6 balances. If using the Process Request As Of Date option, the Consolidation process applies the April 15 ownership set for all periods that are included in the consolidation.

Elimination Sets to Process

Elimination Set

If you want to use only a portion of the elimination sets, specify the sets by adding rows in this section.

Minority Interest Sets Override

Ownership Set

Associated with the minority interest set for consolidation set override purposes.

Minority Interest Set

Specifies the minority interest set on a certain ownership set for consolidation set override purposes. This override can be useful, for example, when you use different equity accounts for certain subsidiaries, and thus define separate minority interest sets.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing ChartField Value Sets

Use ChartField value sets to define sets of ChartFields used in consolidation and equitization processes. You can specify individual values, select values from specified tree levels and nodes, or use ranges of detail values. You should use trees or ranges whenever possible to reduce future maintenance if ChartField values change.

You can set up ChartField value sets with the same name but different setIDs for different groups of business units, if ChartField values as part of the consolidation rules are different by business units. For example, Parent Investment on the Minority Interest Set Definition page is specified as a ChartField value set entry. You can define two ChartField value sets both named ACCT_INVESTMENT, but one under setID SHARE and one under SET01 with each having its own set of accounts specified. The setID for the ChartField value set is resolved at runtime, based on the TableSet Control for Record Group FS_12, for each business unit processed.

You can set up ChartField value sets for either detail ledgers or summary ledgers. Specify the summary ledger name, as well as the ledger template. You cannot use a tree to select values for summary ledgers.

See Also

Defining and Using ChartField Value Sets

Click to jump to parent topicPerforming Consolidation

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Perform a Consolidation

Page Name

Definition Name



Consolidation Request


General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Consolidation, Request Consolidation, Consolidation Request

Identify consolidation parameters that the system will process and how often the GLPOCONS COBOL process will run.

Consolidation Process Log


General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Review Results Online, Consolidation Process Log

View how and when consolidation processes are run. This page also shows you the parameters used for undoing previous consolidation processes.

Consolidation Dashboard


General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Review Results Online, Consolidation Dashboard

View the consolidation process status at the tree node level. You can also query the calculation log based on user-specified criteria.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInitiating Consolidation Processing

Access the Consolidation Request page (General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Consolidation, Request Consolidation, Consolidation Request).

Request Parameters


Select the setID of the consolidation set for which you want to run the consolidation process.


Currency used in the consolidation.

Consol Set (consolidation set)

Select the consolidation set to use for the consolidation process.

As of Date

Serves as a point of reference for determining the year and period to consolidate for each ledger in the consolidation. If business units use different calendars, the system evaluates the year and period for each. This date is also used to access the effective-dated setup.

Consolidation Options

Create Journal Entries

General Ledger creates journals that can be edited and posted.

Create Calculation Log

Creates a calculation log that contains the amounts generated by each elimination and minority interest set at each tree node. After the system creates the log, you can inquire on the calculation log with the Consolidation Process Monitor page, or run the Consolidation Out of Balance (GLS2003) and the Minority Interest Eliminations and Adjustments (GLS2004) SQRs. The Consolidation Out of Balance report examines the elimination sets for the consolidation as of the date specified, indicates which elimination sets are in balance and which are not, and shows you the details of any out-of-balance condition. The Minority Interest Eliminations and Adjustments report details the majority and minority parent eliminations and adjustments based on the hierarchical relationship of business units present in the tree.

Include Adjustment Period(s)

Includes balances from the adjustment periods specified in the consolidation set when calculating the elimination.

Edit Journal(s)

Provides the ability to identify an edit error and process the consolidation again. The system clears journals from the original process before regenerating. Not available if Document Sequencing is enabled at the system or business unit level.

Post Journal(s)

Posts journals during consolidation processing. Not available if Document Sequencing is enabled at the system or business unit level.

Undo Previous Process

Select the Undo Previous Process check box when you need to rerun a consolidation for a period that has already been processed. Selection of this check box clears the entries that were created by the previous consolidation for the requested processing periods. If the elimination journals are not yet posted to General Ledger, the process deletes them. If they have been posted, the process removes the amounts from the ledger before it deletes the journals. The same applies to elimination reversal entries. The system identifies the previous process by looking at the key fields in a consolidation process log that stores information about previous processes. You can view the process log on the Consolidation Process Log page.

The extent of the Undo process is based upon whether the Include All Lower Level Nodes check box is also selected. Selecting the Undo Previous Process option alone reverses only the outcome from a single process with matching Consolidation Set, As Of Date, currency, tree name, tree level, and tree node as designated on the current run control.

Include All Lower Level Nodes

Click this option after selecting the Undo Previous Process check box if you want to remove the results of previous consolidation processing of lower-level nodes before processing the tree again at the same or higher levels or nodes.

Undo − Do Not Delete Journals

Select this option to undo the previous consolidation process without deleting the previously-generated journals. This option is primarily useful to countries where document sequencing is required or in companies that use data warehousing or a metadata storage process. If the previous journals were deleted, as in the Undo Previous Process option, the sequencing of documents and metadata would no longer agree with the data. Be careful if you select this option and have journals from the Consolidation process that have not been posted, you can accidentally post those journals and cause eliminations to be double-booked.

Note. If the process ends prematurely during an Undo process, unlock the journals for the process instance before rerunning the Undo process.

Scope of Consolidation


Specify the applicable tree for the consolidation.


Chose Process the Whole Tree to processes all entities defined in the consolidation tree. If you choose Process a Level or Process a Tree Node, the Level and Node fields become available.


Processes all business units at and below a particular tree level. Identify the level in the edit box.


Processes consolidated business units at and below a particular tree node. Identify the node in the edit box.

Tree Effective Date Option

Use As of Date

Uses the date defined for the consolidation.

Use Override Date

Select and use any date that you define in the Tree Override Date field. For example, you may want to consolidate based on a tree that is not yet active to test (using current figures) its effect on future consolidations.

See Also

Using Commitment Control in General Ledger

Defining Document Sequencing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Consolidation Process Log

Access the Consolidation Process Log page (General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Review Results Online, Consolidation Process Log).

This information is useful if you want to undo a previous consolidation process, but have forgotten what parameters were used for that process.

The fields on this page are the same as those found on the Consolidation Request page.

See Also

Initiating Consolidation Processing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Consolidation Dashboard

Access the Consolidation Dashboard page (General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Review Results Online, Consolidation Dashboard).

The Consolidation Dashboard provides an easy way to view and analyze the results of a given consolidation set by date.


The Tree Control area displays the consolidation process status of a given Consolidation Set and Tree, between a certain From Date and To Date.

Calculation Log Criteria

Elim. Set (elimination set)

Specify an elimination set to inquire on consolidation results related to that elimination set.

Minor Set (minority interest set)

Specify a minority interest set to inquire on consolidation results related to that minority interest set.


Specifies a business unit to inquire on consolidation results related to that business unit. If there is an error involving a business unit, you can click the Exception button to the right of the Unit edit box to display information in the Message dialog box.


The consolidation tree is color-coded with the status of each node. Click the node on the tree and click the Exception button to the right of the Node edit box. The system displays a message about the node status in the Message dialog box.


Displays messages regarding the consolidation processing status of a business unit or a node. If there is an error status and the error has been corrected, you can rerun the same process. The consolidation process resumes from the point where the error occurred. Status codes include:

  • OK: The node is completed and the process was successful.

  • Error: An error occurred and needs to be corrected before the process can continue.

  • Warning: An error occurred (for example, a journal edit error), but the process continued.

  • Blank: The process has not reached this node yet.

Consolidation Calculation Log

Consol Entity (consolidation entity)

The business unit or the values of your consolidation entity (for example, operating unit).


Stores either the elimination set or the minority interest set.

Entry Type

Identifies one of the following entry types: elimination, majority parent adjustment, majority parent elimination, or minority parent adjustment.

Click to jump to parent topicConsolidating Across Summary Ledgers

Processing consolidation on summary ledgers offers the following advantages:

The following are the main differences when setting up or running the consolidation process using summary ledgers:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Summary Ledger Consolidations

To set up consolidation on summary ledgers:

  1. Specify the summary ledger template.

    For all the summary ledgers that are used for consolidation, you must specify the consolidation log and consolidation equity temporary records for summary ledger templates on the Ledger Template − Record Definitions page. If you plan to use the Affiliate field to identify intercompany transaction balances in summary ledger, your summary ledger must retain the affiliate values.

  2. Define elimination sets on the summary ledger.

    To consolidate on the summary ledger, use the Elimination Sets page to define elimination sets based on a summary ledger. You must specify both a ledger template and the name of the summary ledger so that the system knows how to prompt for ChartField and ChartField values.

    If the affiliate value is kept in the summary ledger table, and you want to use the Affiliate method of elimination, check the Match Affiliate Value option on the Elimination Lines page. If the Affiliate field is not one of the fields in the summary ledger template, you must specify the business unit value in the elimination set.

  3. Define minority interest sets on the summary ledger.

    Specify the appropriate ledger template and ledger for the summary ledger on the Minor Int Source (minority interest source) page.

    On the Minor Int Target (minority interest target) page, ensure that the Subsidiary Equity and Parent Investment values are ChartField value sets based on the same summary ledger.

  4. Define consolidation ledger set.

    Use the Consolidation Ledger Set page to specify the summary ledger names to be used for each business unit for consolidation.

  5. Define consolidation sets on the summary ledger.

    Use the Journal Options page to specify the appropriate ledger template and ledger for the summary ledger. The ledger set used for consolidation processing should be based on the same summary ledger.

  6. On the Set Options page, ensure that elimination sets are based on the same summary ledger.

See Also

Defining a Ledger Template

Click to jump to parent topicMapping Dissimilar Charts of Accounts

You can perform consolidations across an organization's ledger balances when entities have different ChartField structures. This is important when consolidations must be performed over entities that are not maintained in PeopleSoft General Ledger.

Create a Consolidation chart of accounts that represents a single, common reporting structure. This Consolidation chart of accounts must be mapped to each business unit's different chart of accounts to be included in the consolidation rules.

The Consolidation chart of accounts can be structured at any level of summarization. This flexibility enables you to define a Consolidation chart of accounts at a lower level of detail than is required for reporting, but at a higher level than the individual business unit chart of accounts. Using trees over the Consolidation account, you can summarize up to the required level of external reporting.

The real value of consolidations functionality is the ability to bring in data from many disparate ledger systems and map to a common parent company chart of accounts.

To map dissimilar charts of accounts, use the ChartField Mapping Set component (CF_MAPPING_SET) and the ChartField Value Mapping component (CF_VALUE_MAPPING).

This section provides an overview of a consolidation and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding a Consolidation

Consider this example of three mutually exclusive and disparate charts of accounts. Assume that all business units are set up in General Ledger, and there is a different chart of accounts for each setID.

SetID MFG represents a manufacturing company, FS is a financial institution, and HC is a healthcare facility.

Acct # - MFG

Acct # - FS

Acct # - HC

Account Description by SetID




MFG - Cost of Goods Sold

FS - Interest on Checking

HC - Cost of Goods Sold




MFG - Production Var-Labor

FS - Interest on Savings

HC - Lost Charges − Unbillable




MFG - Production Var − Mat'l


HC - Lost Charges - Supplies




MFG - Production Var − Ovhd


HC - Lost Charges - Other




MFG - Purchase Price Var.


HC - Purchase Price Var.




MFG - Exchange Rate Var.






MFG - Inventory Scrap

FS - Interest − Wholesale

HC - Inventory Adj. − Obsolete




MFG - Inventory Adjustments


HC - Inventory Adj. - Other




MFG − Discount Expense

FS - Group Insurance

HC - Discount Expense







MFG - Salaries

FS - Salaries

HC - Salaries

Notice the difference in the numbering of accounts and the account descriptions. For example, account number 500000 is used for a different purpose in each setID. For purposes of consolidation, we must map each set of accounts to a single, common Consolidation chart of accounts.

This table illustrates a subset of a Consolidation chart of accounts to which individual accounts by setID must be mapped:

Consolidation Account

Consolidation Account Description





Cost of Goods Sold





Indirect Mfg. And Prod Costs










Salary Expense








Other General and Administrative Expenses











Interest on Deposits







Foreign Exchange




As a result of the mappings, each setID has been correlated to a single, common Consolidation chart of accounts.

The example illustrates mapping at the setID level, which presumes that there are one or more business units that share a common chart of accounts under a specific setID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Map Dissimilar Charts of Accounts

Page Name

Definition Name



ChartField Mapping Set


General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Load Ledgers, ChartField Mapping Set

Define which ChartFields are associated with mapping.

ChartField Value Mapping


General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Load Ledgers, ChartField Value Mapping

Convert external data loaded in the Staging table to the PeopleSoft Ledger table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining a ChartField Mapping Set

Access the ChartField Mapping Set page (General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Load Ledgers, ChartField Mapping Set).

Mapping Set Details

Ledger Template

Populates the ledger template ChartFields area when a ledger template is specified.

Ledger Template ChartFields

When you specify a ledger template, the system populates this area with the ledger template ChartFields. You can select which ChartFields are associated with mapping.


Select one of the following options for each ChartField:

  • Keep the Values - Select to retain the ChartField values from source ledger to target ledger.

  • Drop the Values - Select to drop the ChartField values from source ledger to target ledger.

  • Map to New Values - Select to drop the ChartField values from source ledger to target ledger.

Value Set Name

When you select the Map to New Values option for a ChartField, the Value Set Name field becomes available. Select the Value Set that contains the mapping of source values to target values for the ChartField.

View Detail

Click to go to the ChartField Value Mapping page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping ChartField Values

Access the ChartField Value Mapping page (General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Load Ledgers, ChartField Value Mapping).

Target SetID

Select value to indicate the setID to which you are mapping.

Mapped Business Units

Business Unit and SetID

Select the business unit and setID you want to map. Click the Add button to map additional business units. If the business units to be processed come from an external source, then setID values serve as a group name to group business units with the same chart of account structure together so that they can share the mapping rules.

Mapped Values

Target Values

ChartField Value is the Consolidation chart of accounts target ChartField value to which the selected source values will be converted.

Source Values

SetID links the source value ranges with business units defined in the Mapped Business Units section that have the same setID value.

  • SetID From: Enter the source setID for those business units to which the source values apply.

  • Range From and Range To: Enter the range of ChartField values for the source setID to map to the target ChartField value.

A conversion process reads the mapping setup and converts external data that is either loaded to the Staging table, or to the Ledger table itself but under certain ledger names, and populates the PeopleSoft Ledger table. Consolidation is then performed on the Ledger table.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Equitization

During the accounting year the equity of a subsidiary can change affecting the ownership value of a parent in that subsidiary. For example, net income or losses of a subsidiary increases or decreases the investment and owner equity of the parent. General Ledger enables you to set up multiple equitization rules for multiple business units that have complex parent-subsidiary relationships and create journal entries within a single process. A ledger for a parent entity can be different from that of its subsidiary and, as one of the options, you can generate elimination entries for consolidated reporting.

Note. Equitization supports only the Business Unit field as the processing entity. This is unlike the Consolidation process, which allows consolidation of fields other than business unit, such as the Operating Unit field.

This section discusses a:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing of an Equitization Example

In this example, Company M0004 owns 70% of company M0002. In January of 2003, M0002 had a net income of 100 in period 1. An equitization rule is set up to select expense and revenue accounts as the equitization source, and investment and equity income as the target (debit and credit, respectively). The Equitization process creates journals to book 70 to the M0004 ledger investment account and −70 to its equity income account, as indicated by the entries in this table:

 Equitization Source and Target Account Types




Period 1

Period 1

Cash, Receivables, and so on



Investment in M0002


70 a







Income before equity adjustment



Equity income



Net income



Viewing an Example of Multiple Parent/Subsidiary Ownership

If, in addition to the M0002 to M0004 relationship, F0001 owns 20% of M0002 and 60% of M0004, the equity income from subsidiaries for F0001 is 200, with 20 from M0002 and 180 from M0004, as indicated by the b entries:

Equitization Source and Target Account Types





Period 1

Period 1

Period 1

Cash, Receivables, and so on




Investment in M0002


70 a

20 b

Investment in M0004



180 b









Income before equity adjustment




Equity income


<70> a

<200> b

Net income




The Equitization process determines the correct sequence to process. It equitizes from M0002 to M0004 and F0001 first, and then M0004 to F0001, so that the 70 from the first step is included as part of the net income in the second.

Creating Elimination and Minority Interest Entries

An option of the Equitization process enables you to generate elimination and minority interest entries as by-products. If specified, the Equitization process creates the elimination entries that reverse target amounts. As in the Consolidations process, these entries go to the proper elimination business units in the consolidation tree and are used in consolidated reporting. In the following example, elimination entries are generated for elimination business unit ME001:

Elimination Entries





Period 1

Period 1

Period 1

Cash, Receivables, and so.




Investment in M0002


70 a

<70) c

Minority interest liabilities



<30> c









Income before equity adjustments




Equity income


<70> a

70 c

Minority interest expenses



30 c

Net income




If year-to-date elimination for investment is handled in the Equitization process, the Consolidations process should not generate eliminations again.

Offsetting the Source

This option creates entries to offset the equitized source amount for subsidiary entities. It may be useful for special reporting purposes:

Equitized Source Offset Entries Account Types




Period 1

Period 1

Cash, Receivables, and so on.



Investment in M0002


70 a







Equity income


<70> a

Retained earnings offset

100 d


Equitized income summary

<100> d


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing of Components of the Equitization Process

The Equitization process includes the following components:


Data used for calculation comes from ledgers for all the subsidiary business units involved. Different business units can use different ledgers so long as they are within the same physical ledger table (that is, share the same ledger template) and the same currency code.

For example, M0004 uses ledger ACTUALS in the Equitization process, which specified the U.S. dollar as the transaction currency. M0002 uses its U.S. dollar ledger REPORTS in the process because its primary ledger ACTUALS uses the Canadian dollar as its base currency. On the Ledger Sets page, define which ledgers are used in the process within each business unit, keyed by consolidation trees.


Specify which business units to cover during Equitization by creating a business unit tree. You also define the ownership relationships on the Subsidiary Ownership page, specifying subsidiary entities and parent entities with their percentage of ownership. Any parent-subsidiary sets included in the business unit tree are included in the Equitization process.

If you are also performing Consolidations, Equitization can share the consolidation tree with the Consolidation process, as well as the ownership sets, if applicable.


The Equitization Rules component allows you to specify the equitization Source, Target, Subsidiary Offset, and Minority Interest entries. You can then group multiple equitization rules together on the Equitization Group page.


Specify run options for the Equitization background process on the Equitization Request page. General Ledger creates journal entries based on the equitization rules and scope, and you can edit these journals as part of Equitization.

If you need to rerun the Equitization process , select theUndo Previous Process field on the Equitization Request page to reverse all previous processing. If the process fails, unlock all journals before rerunning unpost.

See Also

Defining Equitization Rules

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Business Unit Trees and Elimination Units for Equitization

If you are running the consolidations process as well as Equitization, you can use the consolidations business unit tree to specify which business units to include in the Equitization process. Elimination business units must be part of the tree for elimination entries to be generated. Unlike Consolidations, the order in which Equitization business units are processed is determined by ownership sets (that is, who owns whom) and not by their location in the tree.

See Also

Defining Consolidation Trees

Setting Up Elimination Units

Click to jump to parent topicSpecifying Ledgers for Each Business Unit in an Equitization

For each business unit involved in the Equitization process, you can specify one ledger as the source or target ledger, the same as you would for the consolidation process. You specify the ledger for a business unit on the Ledger Sets page.

See Also

Specifying Consolidation Ledgers

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Ownership Sets for Equitization

Use the Subsidiary Ownership page to define ownership sets, which indicate relationships among the parent company, subsidiary business unit, and any other minority owners.

Use the Equitize check box on this page to indicate whether Equitization should be run for specified parent entities.

See Also

Defining Subsidiary Ownership and Minority Interest Sets

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Equitization Rules

You can define multiple equitization rules for a process. For example, you can define one rule for subsidiary net income and another rule for unrealized gain and loss. Equitization processes all the rules in one ownership set and then proceeds to the next set.

To define equitization rules, use the Equitization Rules component (EQUITIZATION_RULE).

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Equitization Rules

Page Name

Definition Name





General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Equitization, Equitization Rules, Source

Define equitization rules.



General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Equitization, Equitization Rules, Target

Specify ChartField values and details for creating equitization entries.

Subsidiary Offset


General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Equitization, Equitization Rules, Subsidiary Offset

Define an equitization offset, which is used to offset the equitization source. It then becomes part of the subsidiary entities.

Minority Interest


General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Equitization, Equitization Rules, Minority Interest

Specify values for minority interest entries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying the Equitization Source

Access the Source page (General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Equitization, Equitization Rules, Source).

Ledger Template

Specify the template to limit ChartFields applicable to setting up the equitization rule.

Equitization Source

Chartfield Value Set

Defines which entries in the ledgers of the subsidiary will be selected as the equitization source.


Click the link to access the ChartField Value Set page if you want to edit or create a new set.

See Also

Defining and Using ChartFields

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying the Equitization Target

Access the Target page (General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Equitization, Equitization Rules, Target).

Parent Investment and Investment Offset

Field Name

For a parent investment, you must specify Account or AltAcct for this required ChartField, and you must specify a value for it.


Specify either a Constant value or Retain the ledger value.


This field is activated only if the Option field specifies Constant. Enter a ChartField value for the parent investment or investment offset.

Exch Rate Type (exchange rate type)

The system supplies the current exchange rate as a default, but you can also select a specific one.

The system summarizes source amounts (debits) at the level specified by the parent investment ChartField and books them to the account specified in the Value field. However, it creates only one row (with the investment offset Value field) for the credit side.

If the Affiliate ChartField is used in the ledger, the system populates the target entries with the subsidiary business unit value.

When creating an equitization rule, you can establish one or more investment and equity offsets by setID and business unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying the Subsidiary Offset

Access the Subsidiary Offset page (General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Equitization, Equitization Rules, Subsidiary Offset).

You can use these accounts as an income summary on the subsidiary. The equitization summary represents the gross change in an individual subsidiary's value. In the case of net income, you can place the value in the minority interest definition for equity. In this way, you avoid a minority interest elimination entry for each detail value in the net income node.

See Also

Specifying the Equitization Target

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Minority Interest

Access the Minority Interest page (General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Equitization, Equitization Rules, Minority Interest).

If you select Create Equitization Eliminat'n (create equitization elimination), the system generates elimination entries to eliminate the equitization target entries. If you want to generate minority interest entries, specify their value, and the system generates minority interest as part of the elimination. Elimination entries are booked to elimination business units in the consolidation tree.

See Also

Specifying the Equitization Target

Click to jump to parent topicDefining an Equitization Group and Journal Options

Within an ownership set, the consolidation process creates one journal for each business unit involved. If rounding errors occur, Equitization adjusts the amount of the last journal line of each journal to make the total debit amount equal to the total credit amount.

To define equitization group and journal options, use the Equitization Group component (EQUITIZATION_GROUP).

This section discusses how to create an equitization group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define an Equitization Group and Journal Options

Page Name

Definition Name



Equitization Group


General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Equitization, Equitization Groups, Equitization Group

Specify equitization rules and journal options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating an Equitization Group

Access the Equitization Group page (General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Equitization, Equitization Groups, Equitization Group).


Select a TimeSpan for which to process the Equitization entries. If you select a year-to-date TimeSpan, the Equitization Reversal option must be either Beginning of Next Period or End of Next Period; otherwise, reversal option must be Do Not Generate Reversal. A warning message is issued if the reversal option is not appropriate for the selected TimeSpan.

Note. Performance may be impacted when using a BAL or YTD TimeSpan due to increased volume of data when processing effective-dated ownership sets. Using PER or QTR TimeSpans improves performance.

Effective-Date Ownership Sets

Select one of the following options for the effective dates that dictate to which period of the fiscal year the Ownership Sets apply:

  • by Period End Date(s) - the Equitization process applies the ownership definitions that are effective as of the respective accounting period end dates of the periods that are being processed.

  • by Process Request As Of Date - the Equitization process applies the ownership definitions that are effective as of the process request date.

Note. The journal entries that are created by the Equitization process are dated as of the process request date, regardless of the effective date of the ownership sets.

Journal Options

Journal ID Mask

Enables you to specify a prefix for naming equitization journals. A 10-character alphanumeric ID identifies journals. The system automatically appends the prefix that you specify to the journal IDs. For example, if you specify your journal ID mask to be EQTZ, your equitization journal IDs might be EQTZ0001, EQTZ0002, and so on. Alternatively, the value NEXT causes General Ledger to assign the next available journal ID number automatically. It is very important to reserve a unique mask value for Consolidations to ensure that no other process creates the same journal ID.

Journal Source

Any valid Sources table entry.

Doc Type (document type)

Required if Document Sequencing is enabled to indicate the business purpose of your transactions. Document Sequencing requires that you have a document type for all the journal entries that you create to record the equitization change. If you have not enabled Document Sequencing in your system, this field is display-only.

Equitization Rules

Select one or more rules from those that you defined previously in the Equitization Rules component to include in your equitization.

Equitization Reversal

Select either the Beginning of Next Period or End of Next Period for reversal journal entries if processing year- to-date balances.

Select Do Not Generate Reversal if you are using TimeSpan to process for intermediate periods (QTR, PER, and so on).

See Also

Defining Document Sequencing

Click to jump to parent topicPerforming Equitization

After you define equitization rules, an equitization group, and related options, you can proceed to perform an equitization.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Perform Equitization

Page Name

Definition Name



Equitization Request


General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Request Equitization, Equitization Request

Initiate the COBOL Equitization process GLPQEQTZ.

Equitization Process Log


General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Review Results Online, Equitization Process Log

View the keys to use for matching on the Run Equitization page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInitiating Equitization Processing

Access the Equitization Request page (General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Equitization, Request Equitization).

Equitization Parameters


SetID for the equitization.


Currency used in the equitization.

Equitization Group

Defines what equitization rules and journal options apply.

As of Date

Serves as a point of reference for determining the year and period to equitize for each ledger involved. If business units use different calendars, the system evaluates the year and period for each. It is also used to access any effective-dated setups during the process.

Effective dates dictate to which period of the fiscal year a certain Ownership Set is applied. For example, assume you are running the Equitization process up to 6/30/2007. Also, assume your system has two effective-dated Ownership Sets with one dated 1/1/2006 and the other dated 4/15/2007. Given these effective dates, the Equtization process uses the 1/1/2006 Ownership Set for the periods 1 to 3 balances, and uses the 4/15/2007 Ownership Set for the periods 4 to 6 balances. In other words, the Equitization process does not make distinctions for amounts before or after the 4/15/2007 date when applying the two different Ownership Sets. Because the system cannot act on intermediate effective dates, but must deal with whole periods, dates for changes in ownership should be planned accordingly.

Equitization Options

Process Equitization

Required for the system to create equitization journal entries. The system always posts journals because ownership sets that will be processed later may depend on the entries to ledgers for earlier ownership sets.

Include Adjustment Period(s)

Includes balances of adjustment periods that are specified in the equitization group when processing Equitization.

Create Calculation Log

Generates a calculation log that contains pertinent information regarding the Equitization process. After the system creates the log, you can run the Equitization Calculation Log (GLS2008) SQRs.

Edit Journal(s)

When an edit error occurs, you can use the Journal Edit Error page to identify the error and correct it before you process the equitization again. The system clears journals from the original process before regenerating. If journal edit errors occur, you can identify them through the Journal Entry pages. To correct these errors, you must undo the process, correct the problem, and rerun Equitization.

Undo Previous Process

Click the Undo Previous Process option alone and the undo process only reverses the outcome from a single process with matching Equitization Group (or Consolidation set), As Of Date, Currency, Tree name, Tree Level, and Tree Node, of the current run control. You can perform the Undo process by itself, or select it with the Process Equitization option. If the process fails, unlock all journals before rerunning Unpost.

Undo - Do Not Delete Journals

The Undo process does not delete unposted journals. If you select this option and have journals from the Consolidation process that have not been posted, you can accidentally post those journals and cause elimination to be double-booked.

Note. If the process ends prematurely during an undo, unlock the journals for the process instance before rerunning the undo process.

Scope of Equitization


Select the appropriate tree.


Specify if you want to:

  • Process the Whole Tree

  • Process a Level

  • Process a Tree Node


Processes all business units at and below the tree level that you select in the edit box.


Processes business units at and below the tree node that you select in the edit box.

Tree Effective Date Option

Use As of Date

Uses the date defined for the equitization.

Use Override Date

Select this option if you want to override the tree As of Date and enter a date in the Tree Override Date field.

For the Equitization process to identify the correct journals to unpost and delete, information on the Run Equitization page must match the information specified for a previous process. The items that you must match are setID, currency, equitization group, As of Date, and scope of consolidation. This information is stored in a process log.

See Also

Using Commitment Control in General Ledger

Viewing the Equitization Process Log

Initiating Consolidation Processing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Equitization Process Log

Access the Equitization Process Log page (General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Review Results Online, Equitization Process Log).

Select an Equitization Group, Tree, and the start date for the list of processes as Search criteria. The first row of each process contains the keys that you use for matching on the Run Equitization page. The fields on this page are the same as those found on the Run Equitization page, with the addition of Instance, DateTime, and Request No. These fields are created after the process is completed.

See Also

Performing Equitization

Click to jump to parent topicProducing Consolidation and Equitization Reports

General Ledger delivers standard consolidation and equitization reports designed to provide the kind of business information many companies need. Running a report entails selecting it from a menu and entering any necessary parameters. After you have entered the report parameters, you use Process Scheduler to manage the processes, track the status, and generate the report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Produce Consolidation and Equitization Reports

Page Name

Definition Name



Elimination Sets Report


General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Reports, Elimination Sets, Elimination Sets Report

Specify run parameters for the Elimination Sets report that is produced by the GLS2000 SQR.

Lists all definitions of a specified elimination set for financial consolidations.

Minor Interest Sets Report


General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Reports, Minority Interest Sets, Minority Interest Sets Report

Specify run parameters for the Minority Interest Sets report that is produced by the GLS2001 SQR.

Lists the minority interest set definitions for financial consolidations.

Consolid Set Report


General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Reports, Consolidation Set, Consolidation Set Report

Specify run parameters for the Consolidation Definition report that is produced by the GLS2002 SQR.

Lists the options and controls that tell the general ledger how to process a consolidation.

Elimination Out of Balance Report


General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Reports, Elimination Out of Balance, Elimination Out of Balance Report

Specify run parameters for the Elimination Out of Balance report that is produced by the GLS2003 SQR.

Lists detailed information about the elimination sets and ledger amounts processed for a consolidation request.

Minority Interest Eliminations and Adjustments Report


General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Reports, Minority Int Elim/Adjustment, Minority Interest Eliminations and Adjustments Report

Specify run parameters for the Minority Interest Eliminations and Adjustments report that is produced by the GLS2004 SQR.

Lists the results of minority interest calculations for a consolidation request based on the combination of business units present in the consolidation tree. Also shows the same ownership percentage as that on the Equitization Calc Log report, to reflect any different effective-dated Ownership Sets.

Equitization Rules Report


General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Reports, Equitization Rules, Equitization Rules Report

Specify run parameters for the Equitization Rules report that is produced by the GLS2006 SQR.

Lists the definition information and purpose for the equitization rule.

Subsidiary Ownership Sets Report


General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Reports, Ownership Sets, Subsidiary Ownership Sets Report

Specify run parameters for the Ownership Set report that is produced by the GLS2007 SQR.

Lists detailed information of an ownership set.

Equitization Calculation Log Report


General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Reports, Equitization Calculation Log, Equitization Calculation Log Report

Specify run parameters for the Equitization Calculation Log report that is produced by the GLS2008 SQR.

Lists equitization calculation details by process instance.

See Also

General Ledger Reports

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Ledger Interface Utility

General Ledger users often need to send the contents of their regional databases to a corporate location where the data is consolidated into a single database. Using PeopleSoft Application Messaging, the Ledger Interface Utility can send data from either PeopleSoft or non-PeopleSoft databases. The Ledger Interface Utility is delivered with General Ledger.

This section discusses how to:

Note. Review the PeopleTools Integration Broker PeopleBook. The backporting utility enables you to backport PeopleTools 8.5x message queues to message channels used in previous PeopleTools 8.4x releases. It also enables you to backport PeopleTools 8.5x handlers to integration PeopleCode constructs used in previous PeopleTools 8.4x releases.

See Also

General Ledger Reports

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up the Ledger Interface Utility

Page Name

Definition Name



Publish Ledgers Request


General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Load Ledgers, Publish Ledgers, Publish Ledgers Request

Launch the Ledger Publish process (GL_LED_PUB).

Load Ledgers Request


General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Load Ledgers, Request Ledger Load, Load Ledgers Request

Load data from PeopleSoft or non-PeopleSoft databases to the corporate database using Application Messaging.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Ledger Interface Utility

The Ledger Interface Utility transfers both detail and summary ledgers from one database to another. The utility extracts multiple ledger data from a regional database, sends it to the corporate location, and provides for ChartField mapping of detail ledgers. This is done for each regional database in preparation for consolidating all regional data into one corporate database.

PeopleSoft Application Messaging requires that the source and target databases have identical ledger table structures to communicate. This is true for all publish and subscribe application messages. Ledger ChartFields must be the same for summary ledgers. The scope of the Ledger Interface Utility is limited to the transfer of data.

Setting up the utility to send regional databases to a corporate location requires completing several tasks.

Task 1 - Define Message Nodes

Message nodes represent publishing or subscribing entities such as databases or application servers, and they are most often associated with a database name. Both corporate and regional locations need to define message nodes. Corporate defines its own local node and one remote node for each regional location that sends data. Each regional location defines its own local node and defines one remote node for the corporate location.

To define the necessary message nodes:

  1. Define a local message node.

    As delivered, the Ledger Interface Utility publishes data to the standard PSFT_EP message node. Rename the standard local node with a unique node name that is associated with your database.

  2. Verify that the node, as you renamed it, is the local node.

    There can be only one local node at a location. If you attempt to save a second local node, the system displays an error message.

  3. Define remote message node locations.

    A region defines one remote node for its corporate location, and the corporate location defines multiple remote nodes, one for each regional database to be consolidated. If the corporate list is missing a URL for one of the regional databases, the corporate location does not receive the data for that region.

Task 2 - Define the Service Operation Queues

A service operation queue is a logical group of messages. Each message must belong to one (and only one) queue, which specifies a routing. Both publishing and subscribing nodes use this service operation queue.

To define the necessary queue:

  1. Use the delivered service operation named LEDGER.

  2. As delivered, the Ledger service operation contains one routing rule for the standard PSFT_EP message node.

    You can delete the delivered routing rule and create rules that apply to your databases. Regional and corporate locations define different routing rules.

  3. At the local regional location, define one routing rule with a message node name for your corporate location, with Publish To as the direction.

  4. At the corporate location, define a routing rule with one message node name for each regional database that is involved in the consolidation.

    All routing rule definitions must be Subscribe From. If the corporate list is missing a routing rule for one of the regional databases, corporate does not receive data for that region.

Task 3 - Define the Message

A Ledger Interface Utility message contains a general ledger database. The message is the vehicle of transport that carries the database from the regional entity at one URL to the corporate entity at another URL.

The system inserts application data into the message according to the records that you specify in the message definition. Regional message definitions must match corporate message definitions. If you change your table in the database, the changes are automatically inherited by the message definition as long as table names remain the same.

To define the message:

  1. View the LEDGER_LOAD message.

    Because consolidation does not support PeopleSoft Projects or Commitment Control, no ledger record names for Projects or Commitment Control are listed under LED_PUB_REQ in the message definition.

  2. Keep the delivered record names in the LEDGER_LOAD message definition because changing them is considered a customization.

    If you must use a different table name, the table name listed below LED_PUB_REQ must match the ledger table name on the ledger template. For detail ledgers, the record definitions of your new ledger table and your staging table must be identical.

  3. Activate the LEDGER_PUBLISH message at regional and corporate offices.

Task 4 - Create Staging Tables

Because summary account ChartField values are the same for regional and corporate summary ledgers, the summary ledger subscription process writes the subscribed data directly into the consolidated ledger table. Access the Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, General Ledger, Definition page and select the Allow Ledger Load Updates check box.

Because detail ledgers frequently contain account ChartField values that differ between regional and corporate entities, the regional accounts need to be mapped to corporate accounts. To accomplish the mapping, detail ledger data is subscribed into staging tables. A ChartField mapping process reads the staging table, maps it, and writes the resultant data to the consolidated detail ledger table.

To create staging tables:

Task 5 - Publish the Ledger Data

Publishing ledger data is done at regional locations. To publish a regional database, use the Publish Ledger page to select criteria and process options.

Task 6 - Subscribe from the Ledger Data

Using Application Messaging, data is published by initiating a process request on the regional general ledger database. At the corporate location, the subscription process is run automatically on the application server of the subscribing node.

Summary ledger data is written to the summary ledger file, and detail ledger data is written into the staging tables that are defined at the corporate location.

Before you run the ChartField mapping process (task 7), verify the detail ledger data. Add a view to the query tree for the staging table, and save it so that you can query the staging table to ensure that the data is written properly.

Task 7 - Perform ChartField Mapping

Regional detail and summary ledgers must have the same ChartFields and use the same calendar when you assign them to a business unit. Because account numbers often differ between detail and summary ledgers, run the ChartField Mapping process against the detail ledger data that is written to the staging tables. After mapping, run the consolidation process.

For detail ledgers, the system checks the staging table alias against the ledger template definition. If the staging table alias is pointing to the ledger template definition, it is possible for data to be written to an application table in error. To prevent such an error, the subscription process rejects any message whose staging table alias points to an application table that is defined in the ledger template.

If the staging table alias does not point to the ledger template definition, the system writes data into the staging table as specified by the alias.

To perform ChartField mapping:

  1. Verify that the proper detail ledger data resides in the staging table (recommended).

    Add views to the query tree for the staging tables, and save them only once. Query the staging tables to verify that the data is written properly.

  2. Run the ChartField mapping process against the staging tables.

Note. For summary ledgers, the system writes data directly to the application table only if the Allow Ledger Load option on the ledger group is selected.

Task 8 - Load Ledger Data

Loading ledger data is done at the corporate location. To load ledger data, use the Load Ledgers Request page to select criteria and process options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPublishing Ledger Data

Access the Publish Ledger page (General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Load Ledgers, Publish Ledgers, Publish Ledgers Request).

Select run criteria and processing options. An Application Engine process called GL_LED_PUB extracts ledger data from the selected ledger table and publishes an application message according to your request options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading External Ledger Data

Access the Load Ledgers Request page (General Ledger, Consolidate Financial Data, Load Ledgers, Request Ledger Load, Load Ledgers Request).

Select run criteria and processing options. An Application Engine process called GL_LED_LOAD loads external ledger data into the corporate database through Application Messaging.

Consolidation of ledger data is done at the corporate location.

Note. Consolidations does not support PeopleSoft Projects or Commitment Control.

See Performing Consolidation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing the Process

This section describes important things to consider concerning your detail ledgers, summary ledgers, and the process setup before you use the Ledger Interface Utility process.

Detail Ledgers


Summary Ledgers



To complete setup and verify the publication and subscription of information, refer to the PeopleTools documentation for the PeopleSoft Integration Broker, and see the section on using the Service Operations Monitor.