Managing Requests for Quotes

This chapter provides an overview of requests for quotes (RFQs) in PeopleSoft Purchasing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding RFQs in PeopleSoft Purchasing

You can establish one RFQ and dispatch it to as many vendors as needed. You can send an RFQ to a vendor that is not yet approved within the PeopleSoft Purchasing system, but the vendor must be approved before you can award the RFQ to that vendor.

The next diagram illustrates the flow of information and transactions involved in the RFQ process. The process includes creating, dispatching, analyzing, and inquiring about RFQs and begins with setting up vendor quote groups:

RFQ process flow diagram

Click to jump to parent topicEstablishing Vendor Quote Groups

PeopleSoft Purchasing enables you to establish groups of vendors specific to particular items, locations, or other criteria under a single vendor quote group ID. You can use these groups to conveniently send RFQs to the entire group or a subset of the group.

This section lists the pages used to establish vendor quote groups.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Establish Vendor Quote Groups

Page Name

Definition Name



List of Vendors


Purchasing, Request for Quotes, Manage Vendor Quote Group, List of Vendors

Select vendors from the Vendor table to add to a vendor quote group.

Vendor Lookup


Click the Vendor Lookup button on the List of Vendors page.

Search for vendors.

Vendor Select by SIC (vendor select by standard industrial classification)


Click the Vendor Select by SIC (vendor select by standard industrial classification) link on the List of Vendors page.

Search for vendors to add to a vendor quote group by using SICs as selection criteria.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating RFQs

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create RFQs

Page Name

Definition Name



Request Quotes


Purchasing, Request for Quotes, Add/Update RFQs, Request Quotes

Create an RFQ.

Dispatch Options


Click the Dispatch button on the Request Quotes page.

Enter dispatch options for the RFQ to dispatch it to the vendor.

This page becomes available when you select a vendor on the RFQ Dispatch Vendor List page and click the To Dispatch check box for the vendor.

Item Description


  • Click the Description button on the Request Quotes page.

  • Click the Item Description link on the Item Description page.

    The item description link comprises the first 30 characters of the item's description in the Transaction Item Description text box on the Item Description page.

Enter and view descriptions for a specific item.

Enter Copy Criteria


Click the Copy From link on the Request Quotes page.

Copy lines from another RFQ or a requisitions.

This page is accessible only when you are in Add mode on the Request Quotes page.

Select lines to copy


Click the OK button on the Enter Copy Criteria page.

Select specific lines to copy to the RFQ from the requisitions or RFQs that you selected on the Enter Copy Criteria page.

To access this page, you must clear the Copy all Req/RFQ lines (copy all requisitions/RFQ lines) check box on the Enter Copy Criteria page.

RFQ Dispatch History


Click the Dispatch History link on the Request Quotes page.

View the vendor location, date, and time that the RFQ was dispatched.

Order By Catalog


Click the Catalog link on the Request Quotes page.

Search for and select items to order from a catalog.

RFQ Currency Information


Click the Exchange Rate link on the Request Quotes page.

View the rules used to calculate exchange rates for the transaction.

RFQ Header Details


Click the Header Details link on the Request Quotes page.

Enter additional header information for the RFQ.

RFQ Dispatch Vendor List


Click the Dispatch Vendor List link on the Request Quotes page.

Select the vendors to whom you want to send the RFQ.

Select RFQ Lines For Vendor


Click the Dispatch Lines link on the RFQ Dispatch Vendor List page.

Specify the lines to send to a vendor.

Vendor Details


Click the Vendor Details link on the RFQ Dispatch Vendor List page.

View vendor contact information.



Click the Address link on the Vendor Details page.

The exact page name is determined by selections that you make on the Vendor Details page.

View the vendor address based on send to, contact, or sales contact information.



Click the Phone Information link on the Vendor Details page.

The exact page name is determined by selections that you make on the Vendor Details page.

View the vendor phone information based on send to, contact, or sales contact information.

Vendor Search


Click the Vendor Lookup link on the RFQ Dispatch Vendor List page.

Search for vendors.

RFQ Header Comments


Click the Header Comments link on the Request Quotes page.

Enter comments for a transaction. You can enter a unique comment or select from predefined standard comments.

Email Message


Click the Send Email link on the Request Quotes page.

Send an email to someone regarding the quote. This email includes links to take a supplier to the Request for Quotes List page (if the installation includes PeopleSoft eSupplier Connection) or links to take the email recipient to the Request for Quotes or the Maintain Responses page.

Item Supply Vendor List


Click the Item Vendors link on the Request Quotes page.

Search for the vendors defined as suppliers of a particular RFQ line item. Select the vendors that you want to add to the vendors available on the Dispatch Vendor List page.

RFQ Line Comments


Click the Line Comments button on the Request Quotes page.

Enter comments for a transaction. You can enter a unique comment or select from predefined standard comments.

Category Search


Select the 1 - Category Search option from the More drop-down list box on the Request Quotes page.

When entering an ad hoc item, search for and select an appropriate category ID for the item. A category hierarchy tree is used to search for the category ID.

View Category Hierarchy


Select the 2 - Hierarchy option from the More drop-down list box on the Request Quotes page.

View information about where a category resides in the catalog tree hierarchy.

RFQ Activities


Select the 3 - Activities option from the More drop-down list box on the Request Quotes page.

Enter and track activities associated with a particular transaction. Keep activity comments organized by logging the due date and selecting the Done check box.

RFQ DOC Status (request for quote document status)


Select the 4 - Document Status option in the More drop-down list box on the Request Quotes page.

Purchasing, Requests for Quotes, Review RFQ Information, Document Status, RFQ DOC Status

Access and review information about procurement documents associated with an RFQ.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating an RFQ

Access the Request Quotes page (Purchasing, Request for Quotes, Add/Update RFQs, Request Quotes).

Note. You cannot associate PeopleSoft Maintenance Management work order information to a manually created RFQ. The PeopleSoft Maintenance Management work order information can be carried with the requisition that is associated to an RFQ.

View Printable Version

Click this link to access the Report Manager page, from which you can print the RFQ.


Displays the status of the RFQ. The RFQ is not available for dispatch until it is in Approved status. The status appears by default from the User Preferences - Procurement: Request for Quote Process page. Values are:

  • Approved: RFQ is ready to be dispatched.

  • Canceled: RFQ has been rejected.

  • Closed: RFQ is closed.

    See Closing RFQs.

  • On Hold: RFQ is pending.

  • Open: RFQ is not ready to be dispatched.

DtTm Open (date and time open)

Displays the date and time when the RFQ opens for vendor response.

DtTm Close (date and time close)

Displays the date and time when the RFQ closes for vendor response.


Displays the currency for the entire RFQ. When you analyze the responses, they can all be converted to this currency.

Line Info

Select the Line Info tab.


Select an item ID. If you used the order function from the catalog or the Select Lines to Copy page from the Enter Copy Criteria page, a value already appears.

If the RFQ line is associated with a requisition line that has one or more distributions that are being pegged, then the Item field is not available.


Select a category. If you selected an item ID, the category appears by default from the Purchasing Attributes page.


Enter the cost that you want quoted. The default for this field is based on the value defined for the item.

More Details

Select the More Details tab.

Due Date

Displays the default value of the current system date, plus the number of lead-time days, but you can override it by entering the date by which you actually need the item.

Physical Nature

Select to indicate if the object is a physical good or service.

Where Performed

Select to indicate the location where the service is most often performed. Values are:

  • Buyer's: Select if the service was physically performed at the buyer location.

  • Ship From: Select if the service was physically performed at the bill from location.

  • Ship To: Select if the service was physically performed at the bill to location.

  • Supplier's: Select if the service was physically performed at the supplier location.

Note. The Physical Nature and Where Performed fields are used as part of the purchasing defaulting hierarchy. The Where Perform field is available when the value in the Physical Nature field is Service. These fields default onto requisition, purchase orders, contract, and RFQ lines. These fields also impact the VAT treatment determination.

Note. If the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit requires closure calendar validation and processing for shipping activities (as defined on the Closure Calendar page), and the reservation lead days include exception dates, then the system adds one day for every closed day to the number of reservation lead days to compare against the scheduled ship date. Therefore, the lead days include only open business days.

Item Information

Select the Item Information tab.

Device Tracking

Indicates whether a line contains a device-tracked item.

See Also

Dispatching RFQs

Understanding the UOM Conversion Hierarchy

Establishing Operation Closure Dates

Defining Freight Terms

Using Device Tracking

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering RFQ Header Details

Access the RFQ Header Details page (click the Header Details link on the Request Quotes page).


Displays payment terms expected for the vouchers that correspond to any purchase orders generated from this RFQ.



Displays the currency for the entire RFQ. When you analyze the responses, they can all be converted to this currency. The corresponding rate type displays next to the currency. This rate type is used for currency conversions when processing the RFQ responses.

See Also

Defining Payment Terms

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCopying Lines from RFQs or Requisitions

Access the Enter Copy Criteria page (click the Copy From link on the Request Quotes page).

Copy Template

Copy From

Select the type of document from which you want to copy information to the RFQ. The fields that appear in the Copy Criteria group box depend on the value that you select here. Values are:

Request For Quotes: Select to copy lines from RFQs. When you select this value, the only available field in the Copy Criteria group box is RFQ ID.

Requisitions: Select to copy lines from requisitions. You can copy requisition information to an RFQ provided that the following are true:

  • The requisition status is Approved.

  • The requisition is not on hold.

  • The requisition is not involved in another sourcing process.

  • If the business unit requires budget checking, the requisition must already be budget checked.

Note. Amount only requisition lines on a requisition will not be copied to an RFQ.

When copying from multiple requisitions or RFQs all active header comments will be copied to the new RFQ.

If you copy an RFQ that originated as a requisition, PeopleSoft Purchasing updates the source status on the requisition line to In Progress, and the requisition cannot be sourced or modified.

The requisition open amounts and quantities are updated when the RFQ is awarded to the purchase order or contract.

The requisition's associated PeopleSoft Maintenance Management work order information and pegging information is passed to the purchase order when the RFQ is awarded to a purchase order.

If you cancel an RFQ copied from a requisition, the system sets the open quantity and amount to the original values.

Selection Criteria

Business Unit

Displays the business unit from the RFQ. The system uses this business unit to search for eligible documents.

Select Req Lines (select requisition lines)

Select the types of requisition lines to retrieve to the Select Lines to Copy page, where you can select the lines that you want to copy to the RFQ. Values are:

  • RFQ Not Required: Select to retrieve requisition lines for which RFQs are not required.

  • RFQ Required: Select to retrieve requisition lines for which RFQs are required.

  • Req Lines (requisition lines): Select to retrieve any eligible requisition lines.

Copy Method

Determines the method by which lines that you select on the Select Lines to Copy page are copied to the RFQ.

When you copy to the first RFQ line, the only available value is Override Existing RFQ. When you copy to subsequent lines, you can select this option to have the current copy selection override all existing RFQ lines.

When you copy to subsequent lines, you can select the Append to Existing RFQ value to add the current copy selection to the existing RFQ.

Copy Criteria

The fields that appear in the Copy Criteria group box depend on the value that you select in the Copy From field. The lines retrieved and available for selection on the Select Lines to Copy page depend on the selections here.

Exclude Auto Source Item

Select this check box to exclude lines that contain items marked for automatic sourcing.

Include Inventory Items

Select this check box to include only lines that contain inventory items.

Stockless Item

Select this check box to retrieve only stockless items, which are items from par replenishment.

Include Reqs With No Vendor (include requisitions with no vendor)

Select this check box to include requisitions with no vendors.

Copy all Req/RFQ lines (copy all requisitions/RFQ lines)

Select this check box to have the system copy all the requisition or RFQ lines to the new RFQ. If you select this check box, you must specify a requisition or RFQ ID in the Copy Criteria group box. If you leave this check box clear, you can select the lines that you want from the Select Lines to Copy page.


If you do not select the Copy all Req/RFQ lines check box, click this button to access the Select Lines to Copy page, where you can view and select lines to copy to the RFQ.

See Also

Using Commitment Control

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Item Vendors to the Dispatch Vendor List

Access the Item Supply Vendor List page (click the Item Vendors link on the Request Quotes page).


Select the item vendors that you want to add to the vendors available on the Dispatch Vendor List page. The vendors that appear are vendors for which item vendor relationships have been established on the Purchasing Attributes - Item Vendor page.

See Also

Defining Attributes and Priorities for Purchasing Item Vendor Relationships

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Vendors for RFQ Dispatch

Access the RFQ Dispatch Vendor List page (click the Dispatch Vendor List link on the Request Quotes page).

Vendor Group

Quote Group ID

Select a vendor quote group ID to make the group the dispatch vendor list for the RFQ. You can add or delete vendors from the list on this page without affecting the original group from which you loaded them. Alternatively, you can create a vendor list by adding vendors directly to the Vendors group box.


Sel (select)

Select the vendor for which you want to view information on the pages accessible from this page.

To Dispatch

Select this check box for the vendor that you want to dispatch the RFQ to. You can select this check box to dispatch to one vendor at a time.


Select the RFQ dispatch method. Values are:

EDX: Select to dispatch by using any EDX method.

Email: Select to dispatch by email. You must have a valid email address set up for the vendor to use this option. Set the vendor email address on the Vendor Information - Address page.

Note. When PeopleSoft eSupplier Connection is installed, the email includes a URL that enables suppliers to review and respond to the RFQ by using a standard web browser.

Fax: Select to dispatch by fax.

Phone: Select to dispatch by phone.

Print: Select to dispatch by print.

See Also

Dispatching RFQs

Entering Vendor Addresses

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDispatching from the RFQ Component

Access the Dispatch Options page (click the Dispatch button on the Request Quotes page).

Test Dispatch

Select this check box to test the dispatch but not actually dispatch the RFQ to the vendor.

Print Copy

Select this check box to print a copy of the dispatch. Use this check box if the dispatch method is something other than print and you need a hard copy for your files.

Print Duplicate

Select this check box to print the word "Duplicate" in the header section of the RFQ printout.

Fax Cover Page

If the dispatch method is fax, enter the location of the fax cover page file.

Server Name

Select the name of the server on which you want this print request to be queued and processed.

Output Destination Type

Specify the destination to which you want the RFQ dispatched: FILE, PRINTER, or WEB.

Output Destination Format

Select the format of the dispatch file. Select the appropriate format based on how you want to send the file to the vendor. Values are:

CSV: Comma delimited (*.csv).

HP: HP format (*.lis).

HTM: HTML documents (*.htm).

LP: Line printer format (*.lis).

PDF: Acrobat (*.pdf).

PS: Postscript (*.lis).

SPF: SQRiBE Portable Format (*.scb).


Click this button to dispatch the RFQ. The system uses the dispatch method set up on the RFQ Dispatch Vendor List page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing RFQ Dispatch History

Access the RFQ Dispatch History page (click the Dispatch History link on the All Quotes and All Vendors inquiry pages).

Fax Dir (fax directory)

If the RFQ was dispatched by fax, the system displays the directory in which the fax file created by the dispatch process was saved.

File Name

Displays the file name assigned to the fax file created by the dispatch process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSending an Email Regarding an RFQ

Access the Email Message page (click the Send Email link on the Request Quotes page).


Displays the text of the message, including links that can take a supplier to the Request for Quotes List page (when PeopleSoft eSupplier Connection is installed) or links that can take an email recipient to the Request Quotes page or the Maintain Responses page.


Click this button to send the email.

Click to jump to parent topicDispatching RFQs

This section provides an overview of the RFQ Dispatch and Print process and discusses how to run the RFQ Dispatch/Print process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the RFQ Dispatch and Print Process

The RFQ Dispatch/Print SQR Report process (PORFQ01) dispatches the RFQs one at a time or in volume in the background. This section discusses how to run the RFQ Dispatch/Print process.

When you run the RFQ Dispatch/Print process from the Dispatch Quote Forms page, you dispatch the RFQ. For hard copy reports only, select the Print Copy check box and specify the number of copies that you want. There is no separate page used to produce a report only.

When you run this process from the Dispatch Quote Forms page, on the Process Scheduler Request page you have three choices:

RFQ Dispatch & Email multiprocess job (RFQDISP)

Select to run the RFQ Dispatch/Print SQR process (PORFQ01) and then the Email Application Engine process (PO_RFQ_EMAIL).

RFQ Dispatch/Print SQR Report process (PORFQ01)

Select to run only the RFQ Dispatch/Print process.

Email Application Engine process (PO_RFQ_EMAIL)

Select to run only the Email process.

When you use the email dispatch method, the RFQ Dispatch/Print process creates an output file in the location that you specify on the File Locations page. The Email process picks up the output file from the specified location and sends out an email message with the RFQ as an attachment. When the dispatch method is fax, the dispatch process creates an RFQ file and a fax control file in the locations that you specify on the File Locations page.

Dispatching RFQs by email requires that you run two processes: the RFQ Dispatch/Print process and the Email process.

To dispatch by email, you first must run the RFQ Dispatch/Print process to update the RFQ email queue table. You must then run the Email process.

The Email process is an Application Engine process that picks up the email output file created by the RFQ Dispatch/Print process in the location specified on the File Locations page and generates an email through the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol gateway. For ad hoc email notifications, it sends out a notification message without a file attachment; for email dispatches, it sends out a message with an RFQ document attached.

If you specify an RFQ contact on the Vendor Details page, the Email process sends the email to the address that you specify in the Email ID field on the Vendor Information - Contacts page. If you do not specify a vendor contact on the RFQ, the Email process sends the email to the address that you specify in the Email ID field on the Vendor Information - Address page:

To simplify dispatching by email, you can use the RFQ Dispatch & Email multiprocess job on the Process Scheduler Request page that you access from the Dispatch Quote Forms page. The RFQ Dispatch & Email multiprocess job automatically runs the RFQ Dispatch/Print process and then the Email process.

If the dispatch method is EDX, the RFQ Dispatch/Print process does not create an output file but updates these EC outbound tables: RFQ_DISPHDR_EC and RFQ_DISPLN_EC.

See Also

Running the RFQ Dispatch/Print Process

Maintaining RFQ Responses

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Dispatch RFQs

Page Name

Definition Name



Dispatch Quote Forms


Purchasing, Request for Quotes, Dispatch Quotes, Dispatch Quote Forms

Define selection criteria and run the RFQ Dispatch/Print process, the Email process, or the RFQ Dispatch & Email multiprocess job.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the RFQ Dispatch/Print Process

Access the Dispatch Quote Forms page (Purchasing, Request for Quotes, Dispatch Quotes, Dispatch Quote Forms).

Process Request Parameters

Fax Cover Page

Select the cover sheet to use for RFQs dispatched by fax in the same run of the process.

Miscellaneous Options

Test Dispatch

Select to do a test dispatch and run the RFQ Dispatch/Print process. If you select this check box, the process runs as usual, but the RFQs are not dispatched and their statuses are not updated.

Print Duplicate

Select to print the word Duplicate in the header section of the RFQ printout.

Print Copy

Select to produce a printed copy of each RFQ processed. If any of the purchase orders processed are by phone, fax, email, or EDX, the system prints a hard copy for review.

Number of Copies

If you select to print a copy, enter the number of copies that you want to print.

See Also

Dispatching RFQs

Click to jump to parent topicLoading RFQ EDX Responses

This section provides an overview of the Load RFQ EDX Responses process and lists the page used to run the Load Inbound RFQ Responses process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Load RFQ EDX Responses Process

Use the Load Inbound RFQ Responses Application Engine process (PO_RFQLOAD) to load RFQ responses received through EDX. RFQ responses can be received through EDI with the 843 transaction.

After running the EDI Inbound Agent, accessed through PeopleTools or Process Inbound EC Agent, you must run the Load Inbound RFQ Responses process. The Load Inbound RFQ Responses process adds the vendor responses to the PeopleSoft tables.

See Also

Understanding Electronic Data Interchange

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Load RFQ EDX Responses

Page Name

Definition Name



Load Responses


Purchasing, Request for Quotes, Load Responses

Run the Load Inbound RFQ Responses process.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the RFQ EIP

This section provides an overview of the RFQ EIP and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the RFQ EIP

The RFQ EIP sends requests for quotation to potential sellers of goods and services. This asynchronous batch publish EIP also supports flat-file processing for EDI transaction X.12 840.

Use this EIP to dispatch requests for quotes to suppliers, usually using EDI.

Run the RFQ Dispatch/Print process to stage the RFQ.

Use the common Publish Outbound Message page to initiate the PO_RFQ Application Engine process that processes the PO_REQUEST_FOR_QUOTE service operation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Use the RFQ EIP

Page Name

Definition Name



Request Quotes


Purchasing, Request for Quotes, Add/Update RFQs, Request Quotes

Create an RFQ.

Publish Outbound Message


SCM Integrations, Publish Outbound Message

Initiate the outbound message publish process for outbound PeopleSoft SCM service operations.

RFQ Message Selection Criteria


Select Request for Quotation on the Publish Outbound Message page to enable the Request for Quotation link. Click the Request for Quotation link to launch the RFQ Message Selection Criteria page.

Launch the Request for Quotation outbound transaction.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the RFQ EIP

PeopleSoft delivers the service operations in PeopleSoft Integration Broker with a default status of Inactive. You must activate each service operation before attempting to send or receive data from a third-party source or another PeopleSoft system, such as CRM.

Before you can use the RFQ EIP, you must:

  1. Setup the service operation within PeopleSoft Integration Broker and Enterprise Components:

    Use the information in the table below and refer to the setup instructions in the PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Integration 9.1 PeopleBook, "Implementing Integrations" chapter, Setting Up Service Operations section.

    Service Operation

    Direction and Type


    Chunking Available?

    Integrates With






    third-party system

    EDI transaction X.12 840

  2. On the RFQ, specify EDX as the RFQ dispatch method.

See Also

Setting Up Service Operations

Understanding PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Enterprise Integration Points

PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing the RFQ EIP

Access the RFQ Message Selection Criteria page (select Request for Quotation on the Publish Outbound Message page to enable the Request for Quotation link, and click the Request for Quotation link to launch the RFQ Message Selection Criteria page).

Selection Type

Select Select Ven (select vendors) to deliver staged RFQs based on the vendors invited. Select Select BU(select business unit) to deliver staged RFQs based on the business units from which the RFQ originated.

BU Sel Type (business unit selection type)

Select 1 Bus Unit to process RFQs that originated from a specific business unit. Select All BUs (all business units) to process all RFQs originating from all business units. This field is available for entry only when you select Select BU in the Selection Type field.

Business Unit

Select a business unit. This field is available for entry only when you select 1 Bus Unit in the BU Sel Type field.

Vendor Selection Type

Select All Vendor to process all RFQs designated for deliver to all vendors. Select 1 Vendor to process RFQs designated for deliver to a specific vendor. This field is available for entry only when you select Select Ven in the Selection Type field.

Vendor SetID

Select a valid vendor setID. This field is available for entry and required only when you select I Vendor in the Vendor Selection Type field.

Vendor ID

Select a valid vendor ID. This field is available for entry and required only when you select 1 Vendor in the Vendor Selection Type field.


Select a valid vendor location code. This field is available for entry only when you select 1 Vendor in the Vendor Selection Type field.

See Also

Maintaining Vendor Information

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the RFQ Response EIP

This section provides an overview of the RFQ Response EIP and discusses how to use the RFQ Response EIP.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the RFQ Response EIP

The RFQ Response EIP processes service operations that receive vendor responses to RFQs.

This asynchronous batch subscribe EIP also supports flat-file processing for EDI transaction X.12 843.

Run the Load Inbound RFQ Responses process to move the service operation data from staging tables to application tables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Use the RFQ Response EIP

Page Name

Definition Name



Load Responses


Purchasing, Request for Quotes, Load Responses

Run the Load Inbound RFQ Responses process.

Data Collection Setup


SCM Integrations, Setup, Data Collection, Data Collection Setup

Set the option to keep transaction log history for electronic data collection transactions and to set the default file suffix.

Data Def Maint (data definition maintenance)


SCM Integrations, Transaction Error Handling, Maintain Data Definitions, Data Def Maint

View data detail or correct errors for subscribe messages that contain data rather than transactions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the RFQ Response EIP

PeopleSoft delivers the service operations in PeopleSoft Integration Broker with a default status of Inactive. You must activate each service operation before attempting to send or receive data from a third-party source or another PeopleSoft system, such as CRM.

Before you can use the RFQ Responses EIP, you must:

  1. Setup the service operation within PeopleSoft Integration Broker and Enterprise Components:

    Use the information in the table below and refer to the setup instructions in the PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Integration 9.1 PeopleBook, "Implementing Integrations" chapter, Setting Up Service Operations section.

    Service Operation

    Direction and Type


    Chunking Available?

    Integrates With






    third-party system

    EDI transaction X.12 843.

  2. Run the Load Inbound RFQ Responses process to move the service operation data from staging tables to application tables.

  3. Use the Data Def Maint page to view service operation data and correct error messages that are picked up in the processing of the service operation.

See Also

Setting Up Service Operations

Understanding PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Enterprise Integration Points

Understanding Electronic Data Interchange

PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker

Click to jump to parent topicResolving Vendor Response Load Errors

This section discusses how to correct vendor response errors.

After you have made the necessary corrections, you can run the Load Inbound RFQ Responses process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Resolve Vendor Response Load Errors

Page Name

Definition Name



Response Errors


Purchasing, Request for Quotes, Resolve Load Errors, Response Errors

Resolve vendor response errors and mark corrected responses for reprocessing.

Item Description


Click the Item Description link on the Response Errors page.

The item description link comprises the first 30 characters of the item's description in the Transaction Item Description text box on the Item Description page.

View descriptions for a specific item.

Header Errors


Click the Header Errors link on the Response Errors page.

View messages that describe header-level errors found in RFQ responses.

Line Errors


Click the Line Errors link on the Response Errors page.

View messages that describe line-level errors found in RFQ responses.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCorrecting Vendor Response Errors

Access the Response Errors page (Purchasing, Request for Quotes, Resolve Load Errors, Response Errors).

Reprocess RFQ Response

Select this check box to enable the Load Inbound RFQ Responses process to reprocess the corrected RFQ responses.


Select the RFQ ID number.

Vendor ID

Select the ID number of the vendor.


Select payment terms agreed upon.


Select the currency that the vendor response is in.

Date Time Responded

Displays the date and time that the vendor responded. This value appears by default from the Enter Responses - RFQ Response page.

Line Info

Select the Line Info tab.

UOM (unit of measurement)

Displays the unit of measurement that the vendor plans to use.

More Details

Select the More Details tab.


Displays the amount that you requested.

Min Qty (minimum quantity)

Displays the minimum amount that you can order from this vendor.

RFQ Price

Displays the cost that the vendor will charge for this item.

Ship Via

Displays the shipping method that the vendor plans to use.

Freight Trm (freight term)

Displays the agreed upon freight terms for this item.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining RFQ Responses

This section discusses how to:

As you receive vendor responses to the RFQs, you can enter them into the database for analysis. To better evaluate and compare all responses, the system converts them to the currency established on the RFQ header. You may receive the RFQ responses through EDX format or you can enter them into the PeopleSoft system. Either way, you are able to review all responses together.

Note. If the installation includes PeopleSoft eSupplier Connection, suppliers can enter their RFQ responses directly into the PeopleSoft system (and a history of supply-side responses is maintained for each RFQ item). Furthermore, if additional collaboration is required, the buyer can clear the Responded check box on the RFQ line to reset the RFQ line status to New in PeopleSoft eSupplier Connection, enabling the vendor to override previously submitted responses.

See Also

Maintaining RFQ Responses

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Maintain RFQ Responses

Page Name

Definition Name



Maintain Responses


Purchasing, Request for Quotes, Add/Update Vendor Responses, Maintain Responses

Enter responses from vendors into the database for analysis, or if the installation includes PeopleSoft eSupplier Connection, view and edit vendor-entered responses.

Once an RFQ has been awarded, the fields on this page are no longer available for entry.

Item Description


Click the Description button on the Maintain Responses page.

View descriptions for a specific item.

RFQ DOC Status (request for quote document status)


Click the Document Status link on the Maintain Responses page.

Access and review information about procurement documents associated with an RFQ.

RFQ Currency Information


Click the Exchange Rate link on the Maintain Responses page.

View the rules used to calculate exchange rates for the transaction.

Response Header Details


Click the Response Header Details link on the Maintain Responses page.

View vendor response method and contact information.



Click the Billing Address or Address links on the Response Header Details page.

View address details for the location relevant to the link selected.

Response Comments


Click the Response Comments link on the Maintain Responses page.

Enter response comments for the RFQ.

The comments that you enter here can also be viewed on the Response Comments page accessed from the Response by Vendor page.

Email Message


Click the Send Email link on the Maintain Responses page.

Send an email to someone regarding the quote. This email includes links that can take suppliers to the Request for Quotes List page (if the installation includes PeopleSoft eSupplier Connection) or links that can take email recipients to the Request Quotes page or the Maintain Responses page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Vendor Responses

Access the Maintain Responses page (Purchasing, Request for Quotes, Add/Update Vendor Responses, Maintain Responses).


Displays payment terms of the vendor response.


Displays the currency of the vendor response.

Line Info

Select the Line Info tab.

Vendor Responded

Select to indicate that the vendor has responded and that the RFQ is ready to be awarded. You can respond to individual lines by selecting the Vendor Responded check box directly or you can respond to all lines or clear all lines by using the Select All or Clear All buttons. This check box is unavailable when the RFQ is awarded.

Note. If the installation includes PeopleSoft eSupplier Connection, suppliers can enter their own RFQ responses directly into the PeopleSoft system. When a supplier submits an RFQ response, the system automatically selects this check box and displays the Supplier History button.

You can also reopen the line for a new vendor response by clearing the Vendor Responded check box and clicking Save. You can also change the Quantity, Price, or Due Date values, but must clear the Vendor Responded check box to change the RFQ status to New, and make it available for further vendor response from within PeopleSoft eSupplier Connection.

When communicating with a vendor in this scenario, it is suggested that you generate an email by using the Send Email link instead of entering comments by using the Response Comments link. The Response Comments page is intended to enable the buyer to manually enter vendor comments received from another source; they appear as vendor header comments (not buyer comments) on the Request for Quote Response page in PeopleSoft eSupplier Connection.

Req Price (requisition price)

Displays the requisition price for the item. This appears only if the line item was copied from a requisition; otherwise, this field is blank.

More Details

Select the More Details tab.

Supplier History

Click this button to access the Request for Quote History page in PeopleSoft eSupplier Connection, where you can view the original RFQ details and supplier-entered responses by date time. This button is visible only when PeopleSoft eSupplier Connection is installed and the supplier has submitted an RFQ response directly into the system. This history can be useful when recollecting supplier responses to specific RFQ lines at a particular time.

See Also

Maintaining RFQ Responses

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Vendor Response Header Details

Access the Response Header Details page (click the Response Header Details link on the Maintain Responses page).

Response Method

Select the manner in which the response was received: Fax, Phone, Print,and EDX. If the response was sent through EDX, the system completes this field automatically.

Note. The system identifies supplier-entered online RFQ responses from PeopleSoft eSupplier Connection as having a Print response method.

Billing Address

Click to view the details of the current billing address.

Address Seq(address sequence)

Select a location that is associated with the vendor, such as corporate office or sales center.


Click to view the details of the address that appears in the Address Seq field.

Click to jump to parent topicAwarding RFQs to Vendors

This section discusses how to analyze and award quotes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Analyze and Award RFQs to Vendors

Page Name

Definition Name



Analyze Quote


Purchasing, Request for Quotes, Award Quotes, Analyze Quote

View RFQ lines one at a time, analyze the vendor response, and award quotes to vendors from whom quotes have been entered.

RFQ Currency Information


Click the Exchange Rate button on the Analyze Quote page.

View the rules used to calculate exchange rates for the transaction.

RFQ DOC Status (request for quote document status)


Click the Document Status link on the Analyze Quote page.

Access and review information about procurement documents associated with an RFQ.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAnalyzing and Awarding Quotes

Access the Analyze Quote page (Purchasing, Request for Quotes, Award Quotes, Analyze Quote).

When you save this page, if you have not already established an item vendor relationship for the selected item vendor combination, the system asks you if you want to create it. If you choose to create the relationship, the ITM_VENDOR table inserts a new row for this item vendor combination. If you choose not to create the data, you can still continue the analysis and award of RFQ responses.

Award List of Items to Vendor

Select a value to award the entire RFQ to one vendor.

List of Items to Award

The RFQ Lines scroll area displays the terms of the original RFQ.

List of Vendors Who Responded

Use the RFQ Award Vendor scroll area to analyze vendor responses, award quantities, and enter comments for each RFQ line.

Line Info

Select the Line Info tab.

Qty Award (quantity award)

Enter quantities to award to the vendor. You can award the entire RFQ line quantity to a single vendor or share the line quantity among multiple vendors.

Total Qty Awarded (total quantity awarded)

Displays the total quantity awarded to all vendors.

Order Qty (order quantity)

Displays the total quantity ordered from all vendors.

More Details

Select the More Details tab.

Minor Ind (minority indicator)

Displays the minority indicator for applicable vendors. This information is supplied by the vendor.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Purchase Orders or Contracts from RFQs

This section discusses how to:

The purchase orders that you create here are placed in the PeopleSoft Purchasing stage tables, where they can be picked up by the sourcing processes. The contracts that you create here and the contract release defaults for the RFQ business unit are automatically generated after you save the data on the Create PO/Contract page.

See Also

Using Voucher and Order Contracts

Maintaining RFQ Responses

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Purchase Orders or Contracts from RFQs

Page Name

Definition Name



Create PO/Contract (create purchase order/contract)


Purchasing, Request for Quotes, Award Quotes, Create PO/Contract

View the awarded vendors of a specified RFQ and create a purchase order or contract based on the vendor and line item response.

Item Description


Click the Description button on the Create PO/Contract page.

View descriptions for a specific item.

RFQ PO Distribution (request for quote purchase order distribution)


Click the Distribution link on the Create PO/Contract page.

Define multiple distributions for the purchase order schedule that you are creating from the RFQ.

Asset Information


Click the Asset Information link on the RFQ PO Distribution page.

Enter asset information for an eligible item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Purchase Order or Contract from an RFQ

Access the Create PO/Contract page (Purchasing, Request for Quotes, Award Quotes, Create PO/Contract).

List of Vendors who Responded

Create Form Type

Select a value to create a purchase order or a contract for the lines awarded to a vendor. Values are:

Contracts RFQ/Resp. Currency (contracts RFQ and response currency): Select to create a contract in the response currency and to have an entry in the UOM/Pricing table on the contract for each currency. With this feature, you can select the default price and currency to be used on the contract releases and ultimately the purchase order.

Contracts Response Currency: Select to create a contract in the response currency. The entry in the UOM/Pricing table on the contract appears in the response currency.

Purchase Order: Select to create a purchase order in the response currency.

Note. If the requisition associated with the RFQ has pegging information then you cannot create a contract from the RFQ. For example, if the requisition associated with the RFQ has PeopleSoft Maintenance Management work order information you will not be able to create a contract from the RFQ only a purchase order. The purchase order will contain the pegging information associated with the requisition.


Select this check box to create the contract or purchase order.

PO Type (purchase order type)

Select a purchase order type:

General: Designates a general purchase order.

Kanban: Designates a Kanban purchase order.

PO/Contracts Defaults

Dispatch Method

Select a dispatch method for either the purchase order or contract.

Tax Exempt Flag

Designates whether the purchase order is exempt from sales and use taxes.

Exempt ID

If the Tax Exempt Flag check box is selected, the tax exempt ID appears by default from the business unit if it is set up with tax exempt status. The tax exempt ID prints on the purchase order.


Indicates the ID of the purchase order or contract to be created. If you have autonumbering enabled, the field value is NEXT, and the ID is automatically generated by the system.


Displays the origin of the purchase order or contract. Origin codes are established on the Origin Codes page and help identify the origins of the transactions.

Ship To

Displays the ship to information defined on the User Preferences - Procurement: Request for Quote Process page. Ship to information assigned to purchase orders usually appears by default from the ship to value entered on the Request Quotes page and the Enter Responses - Maintain Responses page. The ship to address designated on the Maintain Responses page overrides the ship to defined on the Request Quotes page. However, if the ship to value is empty on the Maintain Responses page upon purchase order creation, this ship to value is used.


Displays the user location defined on the User Preferences - Procurement page. Location information assigned to purchase orders usually appears by default from the location value entered on the Request Quotes page.

Match Action

Appears by default from the vendor. If it is not defined there, the value appears by default from the business unit. Values are:

No Match: No match is required.

Standard: Composed of two-way, three-way, and four-way matching, or any matching rules that you have defined.

Match Rule

Select a match rule. Match rules are defined on the Match Rules page and activated on the Match Rule Control page.

List of Items to Award

Use the RFQ Lines group box to select lines that you want to use to create the purchase order or contract.

Distribute by

Select the method by which you want to allocate or charge the expense account distribution. Select Amt (amount) or Qty (quantity). Inventory items cannot be distributed by amount; you must distribute inventory items by quantity.

See Also

Dispatching and Printing Purchase Orders

Establishing PeopleSoft Purchasing Business Units

Defining Transaction Document Autonumbering Options

Creating RFQs

Maintaining RFQ Responses

Defining Origin Codes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining RFQ Purchase Order Distributions

Access the RFQ PO Distribution page (click the Distribution link on the Create PO/Contract page).


Select the Details tab.

IN Unit (inventory business unit)

Displays the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit for the distribution. If the purchase order line is for an inventory item, this field appears by default from the ship to location on the Maintain Purchase Order - Schedules page. If the item is an inventory item and a PeopleSoft Inventory business unit is entered on the first distribution line of the schedule, the due date on the Maintain Purchase Order - Schedules page is validated against the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit closure calendar. This is done to ensure that the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit is open to receive merchandise on that day.

If the RFQ line is associated with a requisition line that has one or more distributions that are pegged, the IN Unit is unavailable for entry.


Enter the item distribution percent for the line.

See Also

Understanding PeopleSoft ChartFields

Creating Purchase Orders Online

Click to jump to parent topicClosing RFQs

This section discusses how to close a RFQ.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Close RFQs

Page Name

Definition Name



Request Quotes


Purchasing, Request for Quotes, Add/Update RFQs, Request Quotes

Close a RFQ.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicClosing RFQs

Access the Request Quote page (Purchasing, Request for Quotes, Add/Update RFQs, Request Quotes).

You use the Status field on the Request Quote page to manually close a RFQ. Request for quotes are not automatically closed after you award them. Use the Lookup button to view options for managing a RFQ. Select the Close value to complete the RFQ and to update its status to Closed. After you close or cancel the RFQ, you cannot update it or change its status.

Click to jump to parent topicInquiring and Reporting on RFQs and Vendor Responses

PeopleSoft Purchasing includes several inquiries and a report that enable you to review and analyze the RFQ and vendor response data.

This section discusses how to compare request and response values.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Inquire and Report on RFQs and Vendor Responses

Page Name

Definition Name



All Quotes inquiry


Purchasing, Request for Quotes, Review RFQ Information, Quotes by Vendor, All Quotes

Inquire on all the RFQs sent to a specific vendor.

Vendor Address


Click the Address link on these pages:

All Quotes inquiry page.

All Vendors inquiry page.

Response By Vendor inquiry page.

View vendor address details based on send to, contact, or sales contact information.



Click the Phone link on these pages:

All Quotes inquiry page.

All Vendors inquiry page.

Response By Vendor inquiry page.

View the vendor phone information based on send to, contact, or sales contact information.

RFQ Dispatch History


Click the Dispatch History link on these pages:

All Quotes inquiry page.

All Vendors inquiry page.

View the vendor location, date, and time that the RFQ was dispatched.

Last Updated


Click the Last Updated link on the following pages:

All Quotes inquiry page.

All Vendors inquiry page.

View the last user to modify the RFQ and the date of the modification.

RFQ Header Comments


Click the Header Comments link on the All Quotes inquiry page.

View RFQ header comments.

RFQ Header Details By Vendor


Click the Header Details link on the All Quotes inquiry page.

View nonessential additional information regarding the RFQ by vendor.

RFQ Line Details By Vendor


Click the Details link on the All Quotes Inquiry page.

View RFQ line information.

Item Description


Click the Item Description link on these pages:

Response Line Details By Vendor page.

RFQ Line Details By Vendor page.

The Item Description link comprises the first 30 characters of the item's description in the Transaction Item Description text box on the Item Description page.

View descriptions for a specific item.

RFQ Line Comments


Click the Line Comments link on the RFQ Line Details By Vendor page.

View RFQ line comments.

View Category Hierarchy


Click the Hierarchy link on the RFQ Line Details By Vendor page.

View information about where a category resides in the catalog tree hierarchy.

All Vendors inquiry


Purchasing, Request for Quotes, Review RFQ Information, Vendors by Quote, All Vendors

Inquire on all vendors for a specific RFQ that was dispatched.

Response By Vendor inquiry


Purchasing, Request for Quotes, Review RFQ Information, Responses by Vendor, Response By Vendor

View RFQ responses by vendor.

Note. If the installation includes PeopleSoft eSupplier Connection, you can view RFQ and vendor response history by using the RFQ Response component in PeopleSoft eSupplier Connection.

Response Comments


Click the Response Comments link on the Response By Vendor inquiry page.

View RFQ response comments.

Response Line Details By Vendor


Click the Details link on the Response By Vendor inquiry page.

View vendor response line details.

Response Information


Click the Response Information link on the Response Line Details By Vendor page.

View details of the response.

REQ/RFQ Cross Reference (requisitions/request for quote cross reference)


Purchasing, Request for Quotes, Requisition/RFQ Xref Report, REQ/RFQ Cross Reference

Generate the REQ/RFQ Cross Reference report (POY6100). This report provides a cross-reference between requisitions and the RFQs created from those requisitions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicComparing Request and Response Values

Access the Response Information page (click the Response Information link on the Response Line Details By Vendor page).

Select Currency

Select the currency:

Resp Curr (response currency): Select to display the prices in the vendor response currency.

RFQ Cur (RFQ currency): Select to display the prices in the original RFQ currency. If the response currency differs from the RFQ currency, values are converted to the RFQ currency.


Use this group box to view original RFQ values.


Use this group box to view vendor response values.