Using Commitment Control

This chapter provides an overview of commitment control in PeopleSoft Purchasing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Commitment Control in PeopleSoft Purchasing

In PeopleSoft Purchasing, commitment control enables you to track or control commitments, obligations, or expenditures. You can track for encumbrance accounting, as well as check validation against predefined, authorized budgets. Commitment control enables you to automate large portions of the accounting control process.

When you set up your budgets, you designate amounts for those budgets and associate them with the appropriate PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit. After budgets are established, you can track and control all transactions in the procurement life cycle against the overall budget.

From a budgetary perspective, the procurement life cycle includes pre-encumbrances, encumbrances, and expenditures, all of which are tracked against a designated budget. When you use commitment control, the system deducts each type of financial obligation from the budget and tracks it according to obligation type; this enables you to determine how many dollars you have committed in pre-encumbrances, encumbrances, and expenditures. You can liquidate your pre-encumbrance and encumbrance balances by amount or quantity. Depending on the liquidate method that you specify on a document, the budget processor uses that method scheme to calculate the remaining spending authority accordingly.

Here is a high-level overview of the procurement life cycle in commitment control:

  1. When you generate a requisition, a pre-encumbrance is created in your budget records by the budget-checking process.

  2. When a requisition is sourced to a purchase order, commitment control liquidates the pre-encumbrance from the requisition and establishes an encumbrance for the purchase order.

  3. When the purchased goods or services are delivered and the purchase order references a voucher, commitment control liquidates the encumbrance and records an expenditure.

You can set up commitment control to act on transactions that exceed your budget limit. Transactions and future obligations that exceed the budget are exceptions. You can specify the degree of control and corrective action that you want to enable individual users to exercise over exceptions. Commitment control warns you of exceptions if transactions and future obligations exceed your budgeted amounts. You can set this feature to prevent transactions that exceed a designated budget or to warn you about transactions that exceed a budget, and therefore, require corrective action.

Here are some examples of corrective actions:

Commitment control enables you to receive warnings about activities that may send your budgets over their approved amounts. For example, a transaction that exceeds the budget can trigger a workflow warning to personnel at a higher level, while still going through the system as if the necessary budget existed. The transaction can also be rejected and stopped without approval from a higher authority. In either scenario, you can define options in PeopleSoft General Ledger that provide you with control over how your system handles exceptions for individual budgets and business units.

Commitment control also enables you to determine a budget date default scheme to use when setting up your system for the first time. Use the Installations Options page to define your preferred budget date defaults. You can either automatically change the accounting date to the document's accounting date, or you can copy the budget date from the predecessor document.

You can view summarized budget checking information for affected transactions on the PeopleSoft Purchasing requisition and purchase order inquiry pages.

See Also

Understanding PeopleSoft Commitment Control

Setting Up Basic Commitment Control Options

Setting Installation Options for PeopleSoft Applications

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered Source Transaction Types for Purchasing

PeopleSoft Purchasing delivers seven source transaction types for use in PeopleSoft Purchasing. This table illustrates the delivered source transactions types along with their selection criteria (header record field name and field value) that the system uses for selecting source transactions for budget-checking.

Note. You can modify the selection criteria for these source transaction types but special care should be taken when performing the modifications. These modifications are best done by programmers with extensive experience in PeopleSoft application code.

Source Transaction Types

This table illustrates the delivered source transaction types for use with PeopleSoft Purchasing:

Source Transaction Type

Selection Criteria (Field Name and Field Value Pertaining to Header Record)

Interpretation of Selection Criteria


(requisition pre-encumbrance)

REQ_STATUS = A (approved)

REQ_STATUS = C (closed)

REQ_STATUS = X (canceled)

REQ_STATUS = LA (line approved)



Requisitions that meet this criteria will be budget checked: requisitions that are not on hold, requisitions with valid ChartField combinations, and those requisitions with a status of approved, closed, canceled, and line approved.

Note. The line approved status is only applicable if you are using the PeopleSoft eProcurement application.

If you do not require approval before budget checking, then you could modify the selection criteria and enter a REQ_STATUS = PA (pending approval), and perhaps O (open).


(requisition - non-prorated)

REQ_STATUS = A (approved)

REQ_STATUS = C (closed)

REQ_STATUS = X (canceled)

REQ_STATUS = LA (line approved)




Non-prorated value adjustments (REQ_PRECNP) selection criteria should be the same as requisition pre-encumbrance (REQ_PREENC) selection criteria.

If you modify the selection criteria for one source transaction type you should also modify the selection criteria for the other source transaction type.


(purchase order - encumbrance)

PO_STATUS = A (approved)

PO_STATUS = C (closed)

PO_STATUS = X (canceled)

PO_STATUS = D (dispatched)

PO_STATUS = PX (pending cancel)


POST_DOC = Y (ChartField combinations are valid)

Purchase orders that meet this criteria will be budget checked: purchase orders that are not on hold, purchase orders with valid ChartField combinations, and those purchase orders with a status of approved, closed, canceled, dispatched, and pending cancel.

If you do not require approval before budget checking, then you could modify the selection criteria and enter a PO_STATUS = PA (pending approval), and perhaps O (open).


(purchase order encumbrance - non-prorate item)

PO_STATUS = A (approved)

PO_STATUS = C (closed)

PO_STATUS = X (canceled)

PO_STATUS = D (dispatched)

PO_STATUS = PX (pending cancel)



Non-prorated value adjustments (PO_POENCNP) selection criteria should be the same as purchase order encumbrance (PO_POENC) selection criteria.

If you modify the selection criteria for one source transaction type you should also modify the selection criteria for the other source transaction type.

Warning! You should not modify the selection criteria for these source transaction types:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommitment Control Budget Processor Process in PeopleSoft Purchasing

The Commitment Control Budget Processor Application Engine process (FS_BP) enables you to budget check your transactions independent of the online budget checking feature or the batch transaction creation processes. You can select process parameters that capture exactly the group of transactions that you want for budget checking. You access this process from the menu for requisitions, purchase orders, and procurement cards.

The Commitment Control Budget Processor process operates the same whether it is initiated in batch mode using the Process Scheduler or when it is initiated from the purchase order and online entry pages. The batch mode affects a group of transactions whereas the online entry pages affect one transaction. The process compares the total amounts on each transaction (distribution) line to the available amounts in the referenced budget. If any line has an amount that exceeds the available budget, allowing for acceptable tolerances, that line fails budget checking and the system generates an exception message.

After you run the process, the transaction statuses and exception messages are on a batch log, which you can view by clicking the Message Log link on the Process Details page.

All lines on a transaction must pass budget checking for the transaction to receive a Valid budget status. Transactions with an Error budget status have one or more budget exceptions, which is a transaction or a transaction line that has failed budget checking. Transactions in Error status must be corrected.

The budget processor records liquidations in the commitment control ledger (LEDGER_KK) as taking place in the fiscal year and accounting period in which the liquidation takes place. For example, when a voucher liquidates a purchase order, the liquidation is recorded using the fiscal year and accounting period of the voucher.

Note. Commitment control is not automatically invoked for requisitions and purchase orders built from batch processes. These transactions must be approved and budget checked using separate processes. If you are using commitment control, a requisition cannot qualify for online sourcing until it has been budget checked and has a Valid budget status.

See Also

Budget Exceptions

Using Purchase Order Sourcing

Understanding the Budget Checking of Source Transactions

Setting Up Basic Commitment Control Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOpen Period

Open period for receipt accrual transactions is the allowable open date range for accounting entry creation and for budget checking transactions if you are using commitment control. If the accounting date falls within the open period date range, the system posts the accounting entry to the actuals ledger. If the transaction budget date falls before or after the open period date range, the system provides an error or warning message to prevent or warn you from running budget checking.

Open period for requisition or purchase order transactions is the allowable open date range for budget checking transactions when you are using commitment control. If the transaction accounting date falls before or after the open period date range, the system provides an error or warning message to prevent or warn you from running budget checking.

When running budget checking, the system translates the accounting date to a fiscal year and accounting period in the budget ledger.

If you are using commitment control, the system sets open period checking to issue errors as a default. You can activate or override open period checking for PeopleSoft Purchasing on the Purchasing Options page. You enter the open period date range according to general ledger business unit on the Update Open Period page.

The system validates the open period for requisitions, purchase orders, procurement cards, requisition and Buyer's Workbench (for cancel and close), batch reconciliation processes, and receipt accrual transactions.

See Also

Defining and Updating Open Periods and Adjustment Periods

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLiquidation Method

Liquidate method is a document schedule control option that instructs the Commitment Control Budget Processor process how to accurately calculate and relieve outstanding pre-encumbrance and encumbrance balances from the budget ledger. You can selectively determine how to liquidate an encumbrance or pre-encumbrance at the document schedule level. To enable this functionality, configure your system to liquidate by quantity. Otherwise, all transactions liquidate by amount. Use the Purchasing Definitions - Business Unit Options page to determine whether a purchase order business unit liquidates by quantity and determine the default liquidate method. You can then modify the liquidate method on the requisition or purchase order, and change it to the desired liquidation method. If you choose to distribute by amount, you can not liquidate by quantity.

When liquidating your balances by quantity, the budget processor must adhere to the following rules:

See Also

Setting Installation Options for PeopleSoft Applications

Defining PeopleSoft Purchasing Business Units and Processing Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDocument Tolerances

For information on document tolerances see the discussion on the topic.

See Running Document Tolerances.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBudget Pre-Check

When running a budget check only (budget pre-check), the budget processor performs the budget checking and edits that it normally does when a budget or transaction is posted, but it does so without committing changes (postings) to the general ledger records such as the Ledger_KK record. The check only feature is specifically intended to check one document, but does not update the Commitment Control tables (ledger and activity log).

To enable budget pre-checking for Purchasing, select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Install, Installation Options, Commitment Control. Then, select the Purchasing check box in the Enable Budget Pre-check section. You must also ensure that if the Purchasing check box is selected in the Enable Commitment Control section on the Installation Options - Products page

The Budget Pre-Check button is available for use on these PeopleSoft Purchasing pages:

When you perform budget pre-check only processing, the statuses of Provisionally Valid or Error on the transaction pages indicate whether a budget is available. If you click the Budget Pre-Check button and if the budget check is valid, then the system sets the budget header status for the requisition to Prov Valid. If the budget check is not valid, then the system sets the budget header status to Error with a link to the Exception page.

See Also

Checking Budget Journals and Transactions Without Posting

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBudget Exceptions

When using commitment control with PeopleSoft Purchasing, you track all requisition, purchase order and non-prorated purchase order transactions, procurement cards, and receipt accrual transactions that you submit, even if they cause you to go over budget. If you have a transaction that causes you to go over budget, you can adjust either your transaction or your budget to handle the exception.

Inevitably, some transactions do not pass the budget-checking process and the system identifies them as exceptions. Some of the circumstances that generate errors include:

Depending on the configuration of your control budgets, the exact reason that a budget has insufficient funds varies from budget to budget. The budget may be on hold, closed, or simply out of funds. Additionally, you may have set up some budgets to approve transactions even if they go over budget amounts. Because of this, exceptions fall into two categories: warnings and errors.

Error Correction

You can correct errors for transactions by taking one or more of the following actions:

Transactions fail budget checking if they have at least one line that fails budget checking for at least one budget. These transactions are candidates for overrides on either a budget basis or a transaction basis. You are notified of exceptions in two ways: online and through workflow notification.

In an online situation, you receive a message regarding a transaction status when the budget-checking process is complete. The message indicates the type of exception the transaction created and enables you to access the Transaction Exception page, where you can either view the warnings generated or override the errors.

In a batch budget-checking situation, users are notified of exceptions through workflow, based on their individual security profiles in the system. The system generates an appropriate worklist for each user. Your users have access to a list of budgets that caused exceptions or a list of transactions with exceptions. These two options are available through the PeopleSoft menus or through the worklist.

There are a few different methods to access and override exceptions. You can:

The worklist contains a complete list of exceptions, stating the exact cause of the error or warning. These methods enable you to inquire about exceptions and to set overrides. Once the transaction is overridden, the system sends a warning notification.

See Also

Using Workflow

Setting Up and Running Exception Notification

Understanding Viewing and Handling of Budget Transaction Exceptions

Viewing and Handling Budget Transaction Exceptions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBudget Overrides

Various override attributes can affect a budget-checked transaction:

The actual process of overriding a budget just requires selecting a check box on the appropriate page. A super user can access either the Budget Exceptions page or the Transaction Exception page to override specific budgets or transactions.

See Also

Viewing and Handling Budget Transaction Exceptions

Setting Up Commitment Control Security

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEffects of Changes to Budget-Checked Transactions

Altering a transaction that has been through budget checking results in the deletion of all existing exception rows for the transaction. The Commitment Control Budget Processor process deletes the exception rows when the altered transaction is budget checked again. This includes the deletion of override marks for any budgets that appear on the altered transactions. A message to this effect appears when the budget is identified for override and you save the page.

Altering a transaction after it has been budget checked forces the Commitment Control Budget Processor process to treat the transaction as if it were new when budget checking is performed again. All previous exceptions are deleted, and any new ones are recorded as the transaction moves through the Commitment Control Budget Processor process.

Similarly, altering budgets can affect active transactions. The Commitment Control Budget Processor process reacts to the most current budget data. Consequently, if you alter your budgets and run a budget check, errors on active transactions can change.

Note. If your transaction fails the Commitment Control Budget Processor process, you must override the budget information using the Budget Exceptions page. Otherwise budget changes can be made by increasing the budget by editing the budget entry.

To make changes to transactions that have been budget checked:

  1. Open the source transactions and make the changes to specific transactions.

  2. Save your changes.

  3. Run the Commitment Control Budget Processor process again to check the budget.

    The Commitment Control Budget Processor process removes the original commitment control journal and creates a new one with the changed transactions.

This table lists examples of transaction changes and their resulting effects:

Transaction Change


Change requisition quantities and requisition item prices.

Changes final pre-encumbrance amount generated during budget checking.

Change purchase order quantities and item prices.

Changes final encumbrance amounts generated during budget checking.

Modify ChartFields.

Sets the budget status to Not Checked. Requires another run of the budget processor.

Cancel, delete, or insert a requisition line.

Sets budget-header status to Not Checked. Requires another run of the budget processor to release the pre-encumbrance.

This table lists examples of budget changes and their resulting effects:

Budget Change


Change arrangement of budgets. Move a detail budget under a new summary budget. Technically, you would be changing the tree or the node level within the same tree that the system uses to translate the relationship between a detail budget and a summary budget. You may be moving a node to a new tree.

If this change results in a transaction that is no longer controlled by the original budget, you must change all relevant transactions to reference the budget in its new location or to reference a new detail budget.

Increase or decrease budget amounts.

Generates different exceptions for all affected transactions. Increasing your budget decreases exceptions and decreases your budget increases exceptions.

Adjust tolerances for a particular budget.

Increasing tolerances generally enables more transactions to pass budget checking within tolerance. Decreasing tolerances generally enables fewer transactions to pass. Although this alteration does not change the total number of exceptions, it does change the proportion of errors and warnings generated for a particular transaction or budget. You receive more warnings and fewer errors.

Alter the status of a budget.

There are three possible statuses for budgets: Open, Hold, and Closed. If you change the status of a budget, that action affects all referencing transactions captured in the next budget check.

See Also

Viewing and Handling Budget Transaction Exceptions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommitment Control and PeopleSoft Purchasing Close Processes

If you have commitment control enabled, the Close Requisitions (PO_REQRCON) and Close Purchase Orders (PO_PORECON) Application Engine processes consider this functionality.

After you have selected your process parameters and run a close process, the process verifies whether you have enabled commitment control. If it is enabled, the process updates the budget distribution lines and the budget header on all requisitions (for PO_REQRCON) or purchase orders (for PO_PORECON) that meet the close criteria. The status on the distribution line and the header changes from V (valid) to N (not checked).

The close processes set the budget status to Not Checked and the fully liquidated flag to Yes. Run the budget processor to relieve the remaining encumbrance.

For example, you have a purchase order for 100.00 USD, but after discounts, the vendor only invoices you for 98.00 USD. Before running the Close Purchase Orders process, the remaining 2.00 USD still exists as an encumbrance. When you close the purchase order, you must liquidate the remaining encumbrance for 2.00 USD. For this reason, the Close Purchase Orders process set the budget status to Not Checked and fully liquidated flag to Yes. You then run the budget processor to relieve the remaining encumbrance. The running of the budget processor is not an automated step in the close processes.

The commitment control process creates separate closing entries in the PeopleSoft Commitment Control activity log for purchase orders and requisitions. The activity log retains and displays the complete budgetary life cycle of purchase orders and requisitions.

See Also

Viewing the Activity Log

Closing Requisitions

Closing Purchase Orders

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBudget Checking Receipt Accruals

This process is used to budget check the expense and encumbrance reclassification transactions. You can budget check either type.

See Also

Performing Budget-Checking for Receipt Accruals

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Activity ID

Activity ID assigned to the individual tasks or events that you want to update in a project.

Advanced Budget Criteria

Select to access the Budget Exceptions - Refine Inquiry Criteria page.

Budget Date

Budget date of the transaction line. You define which field the system uses for the budget date for the transaction in the source transaction definition.

Budget Period

Period to which the budget transaction posts.

Exception Type

Select to limit the exception rows retrieved to transactions with either an Error or Warning exception. This is a required field.

Foreign Amount

The amount of the line in the entry currency.

Line Status

Use to limit the rows to lines with either Error or Warning exceptions.

Maximum Rows

Select the maximum number of rows that are to appear in the scroll area.

Monetary Amount

The amount in the base currency of the primary ledger.

More Budgets Exist

If selected, the transaction has more exceptions than the number that you entered in the Maximum Rows field.

More Lines Exist

If selected, the transaction has more transaction line exceptions than the number that you entered in the Maximum Rows field.

Override Budget

Select to update the control budget although the transaction exceeds the budget. This option is available only if the budget transaction fails budget checking and you have super-user authority. It is not available if the source transaction type does not enable overrides and the budget header status is Not Checked. The budget header status appears as Not Checked if you changed the source transaction after the Commitment Control Budget Processor process issued the exceptions and you have not run the process again.

After you override a budget with exceptions, adjust the budget available amount, or adjust the source transaction amount; the transaction passes budget checking.

Override Transaction

Select to enable the entire transaction to update the control budget, even if error exceptions exist. This option is available only for super users. This option is not available if the transaction passes budget checking with only warning exceptions. You can select it prior to budget checking or after you run the Commitment Control Budget Processor process and it returns errors.

PC Business Unit (PeopleSoft project costing business unit)

Business unit assigned to the project in PeopleSoft Project Costing.

Resource Type

Resource category, such as labor, associated with a given cost. This is used in conjunction with resource categories, resource subcategories, and resource groups.

Tran Type (transaction type)

Select the type of transaction that you want to budget check. Values are:

REQ_PREENC: Requisition pre-encumbrance.

REQ_PRECNP: Non-Prorated requisition pre-encumbrance.

PO_POENC: Prorated purchase order encumbrance.

PO_POENCNP: Non-prorated purchase order encumbrance.

PO_PROCARD: Procurement card transaction.

PO_RAENC: Receipt accrual encumbrance.

PO_RAEXP: Receipt accrual expenses.


Displays the related accounting entry type.

Budget Override Available Info

Click the Budget Override Available Info button to determine the reason why you cannot override a single budget entry.

Budget Check

Click to run the remote call budget processor again once you override the transaction or a budget. You should also run the process again if you change the requisition, purchase order, or procurement card transaction.

Tran Override Available Info (transaction override available information)

Click the Tran Override Available Info button to determine the reason why you cannot override the transaction.

Budget Override

Select the Budget Override tab to access a page that enables you to access the Budget Exceptions page or Budget Details page. You must have authority to inquire about the budget to access these pages.

View Exception Details

Click the View Exception Details button at the exception header level to access the Exception Details page for transaction headers to view the budgets with error or warning exceptions, budget ChartFields, and any overrides.

Run Control ID

Create a unique run control ID for each type of source transaction that you want to budget check independently of other source transactions. If you use the same run control ID for purchase orders and requisitions, the budget processor will process both purchase orders and requisitions existing at the time the run control ID is used to initiate the budget checking process. For example, this occurs if you have created a run control ID of BPO1 for both purchase orders and requisitions. However, if you create a different run control ID for purchase orders and requisitions, the different source transactions are processed independently of each other. For example, creating BPPO1 for purchase orders and BPRQ1 for requisitions enables you to budget check the two source transactions independently of one another.

See Also

Commitment Control Budget Processor Process in PeopleSoft Purchasing

Understanding PeopleSoft ChartFields

Setting Up Application-Specific Installation Options

Viewing Budget Details and Transaction Activity

Viewing and Handling Budget Transaction Exceptions

Processing Source Transactions Against Control Budgets

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Partial and Final Liquidation

If you are using commitment control, you can specify partial or final liquidation of a requisition when it is sourced to a purchase order. When you create or modify a purchase order, you can designate that the purchase order is final, prompting the system to liquidate the preceding requisition. You can make your purchase order the final document to be affected by the preceding requisition, for less money than you originally authorized. You can also reverse the finalization of the document.

In PeopleSoft Purchasing, you can perform partial or final liquidations where the successor transaction references and liquidates its predecessor, including:

The system fully liquidates document lines automatically upon completion of the subsequent transaction when you designate the transaction as final. The system then creates the appropriate accounting entries to relieve outstanding pre-encumbrances and encumbrances, performing the reversing entry according to the document type and entry event of the referenced transaction.

Using partial and final liquidation, you can:

At times, multiple transactions reference the same predecessor. If two payment vouchers for two invoices of 500.00 USD each are associated to the same 1000.00 USD purchase order, only the second payment voucher is considered final. The first 500.00 USD payment voucher is considered partial, because an additional 500.00 USD encumbrance remains outstanding. If the first 500.00 USD actually represents the last expected action against the order, you can designate the voucher as final for less and relieve the entire 1000.00 USD encumbrance.

Partial and Final Liquidation Example

For example, suppose that you create a requisition for 200.00 USD and run budget checking. The system shows an increase of 200.00 USD to the existing pre-encumbrance amount of 40.00 USD.




5,000,000.00 USD


0.00 USD


1000.00 USD


240.00 USD

Then create a purchase order that references this requisition for 165.00 USD. When you run budget checking, the pre-encumbrance decreases and the encumbrance increases by 165.00 USD.




5,000,000.00 USD


0.00 USD


1165.00 USD


75.00 USD

Create another purchase order that references this requisition for 25.00 USD, finalize the purchase order and run budget checking. The total for all purchase orders is 190.00 USD, but the pre-encumbrance is liquidated with the full requisition amount of 200.00 USD. The pre-encumbrance decreases and the encumbrance increases by 25.00 USD.




5,000,000.00 USD


0.00 USD


1250.00 USD


40.00 USD

To liquidate a requisition for an amount lower than the original:

  1. Reduce the quantity or price total on the purchase order to the correct amount

  2. Click the Finalize Document button.

  3. Save the purchase order.

  4. After approving the revised purchase order, run budget checking to confirm the correction.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReversing Partial or Final Liquidation

You can also reverse finalization of a purchase order or voucher. The system then restores the original budgetary amount to the preceding documents that had previously been liquidated. If you do not declare a document final (for less), no additional liquidation takes place. The system replicates the partial or final status of a document down to all the document distribution lines associated with the given document schedule, adjusting all ledgers accordingly.

For example, you can process a requisition for 1000.00 USD, then create a purchase order for only 700.00 USD, without expecting to spend the remaining 300.00 USD that the requisition authorizes. You can declare the purchase order final (for less), thereby liquidating the pre-encumbered 300.00 USD from the requisition and freeing that money for other purposes.

If you find later that you need to spend another 250.00 USD on the purchase order from the original requisition, you should either click the Undo Finalize Line button or the Undo Finalize Entire Document button and save the purchase order. Then, select to budget check the revised purchase order document again. You can declare the purchase order partial, thus liquidating the requisition and freeing the last 50.00 USD for other purposes.

When you finalize the purchase order document on the affected requisition and then perform a budget check on the purchase order again, the Final field is selected and the Budget Line Status value on the Statuses tab is set to Valid on PO Distribution. Also, the Commitment Control Close Flag check box is selected on the Details tab on the Maintain Requisitions – Distribution page.

When you undo finalize on the purchase order document on the affected requisition and then budget check the purchase order again, the Final field is cleared, and the Budget Line Status field value on the Statuses tab is set to Valid on PO Distribution. In this case, the Commitment Control Close check box is deselected on the Details tab on the Maintain Requisitions – Distribution page.

To reverse a reduction:

  1. Clear the final check box for the affected line or lines, or click the Undo Finalize Entire Document button.

  2. Save the purchase order.

  3. Run budget checking to confirm the correct amount.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBudget Checking After Partial or Final Liquidation

You must budget check each purchase order after you declare it either final (for less) or partial. During budget checking, the system treats a finalized purchase order as a direct encumbrance, still subject to pre-encumbrance tolerance checking.

Note. If two or more purchase orders are linked to one requisition, none of those purchase orders can be finalized until all of those purchase orders have passed budget checking.

Note. You cannot change a purchase order's liquidation status while its budget-checking status is in Error or once the distribution has been canceled.

Note. You can only indicate that a purchase order is partial after it has successfully completed budget checking.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning Entry Events After Partial or Final Liquidation

If you're using entry events, you must run them after budget checking. This generates your pro forma accounting entries, adjusted for finalization or partialization.

See Also

Understanding Commitment Control in PeopleSoft Purchasing

Using Entry Events

Click to jump to parent topicBudget Checking Requisitions

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Budget Check Requisitions

Page Name

Definition Name



Req Budget Check (requisition budget check)


Purchasing, Requisitions, Budget Check, Req Budget Check

Run the Comm. Ctrl. Budget Processor process for requisitions. Commitment control must be enabled for PeopleSoft Purchasing.

Maintain Requisitions - Requisition


Purchasing, Requisitions, Add/Update Requisitions, Maintain Requisitions - Requisition

Create requisitions online.

Requisition Exceptions


Commitment Control, Review Budget Check Exceptions, Purchasing and Cost Management, Requisition, Requisition Exceptions

View budget check exceptions for requisitions. Users with appropriate authority can override the budget exceptions on this page.

Requisition Line Drill Down


Click the View Exception Details button on the Requisition Exceptions page for transaction headers for a specific requisition line.

View line details for requisitions with budget exceptions.

Line Exceptions


Commitment Control, Review Budget Check Exceptions, Purchasing and Cost Management, Requisition, Line Exceptions

View requisition lines on a requisition with budget check exceptions. Users with appropriate authority can override the budget exceptions on this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBudget Checking Requisitions Using the Commitment Control Budget Processor Process

Access the Req Budget Check page (Purchasing, Requisitions, Budget Check, Req Budget Check ).

To budget check requisitions, select REQ_PREENC in the Trans Type field.

Process Options

Req ID (requisition ID)

Values are:

All: Select to budget check all requisitions.

Some: Select to display the From and To fields. Budget checks all requisitions that match the range specified in the From and To fields.

Value: Select to display the Req ID field. Budget checks the requisition that matches the ID specified in the Req ID field.

Req Date (requisition date)

Values are:

All: Select to budget check all requisitions.

Some: Displays the From and To fields. Budget checks all requisitions for which creation dates fall within the dates specified in the From and To fields.

Value: Displays the Req Date field. Budget checks requisitions for which creation dates match the date specified in the Req Date field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBudget Checking Requisitions Using Online Pages

When you create online requisitions, you can budget check them in realtime by clicking the Budget Check button on the Maintain Requisitions - Requisition page. This invokes the Commitment Control Budget Processor process by remote call.

See Also

Commitment Control Budget Processor Process in PeopleSoft Purchasing

Creating Requisition Header Information

Click to jump to parent topicBudget Checking Purchase Orders

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Budget Check Purchase Orders

Page Name

Definition Name



Budget Check Request


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Budget Check, PO Budget Check Request

Run the Comm. Ctrl. Budget Processor process for purchase orders. You must enable commitment control for PeopleSoft Purchasing.

Maintain Purchase Order - Purchase Order


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Add/Update POs, Maintain Purchase Order - Purchase Order

Enter or change purchase order information online.

Purchase Order Exceptions


Commitment Control, Review Budget Check Exceptions, Purchasing and Cost Management, Purchase Order, Purchase Order

View budget check exceptions for purchase orders. Users with appropriate authority can override the budget exceptions on this page.

Purchase Order Line Drill Down


Click the View Exception Details button on the Purchase Order Exceptions page for transaction headers for a specific purchase order.

View line details for purchase orders with budget exceptions.

Line Exceptions


Commitment Control, Review Budget Check Exceptions, Purchasing and Cost Management, Purchase Order, Line Exceptions

View lines on a purchase order with budget check exceptions. Users with appropriate authority can override the budget exceptions on this page.

Purchase Order (NP) Exceptions (purchase order non-prorated exceptions)


Commitment Control, Review Budget Check Exceptions, Purchasing and Cost Management, Purchase Order Non-prorated, Purchase Order (NP) Exceptions

View budget check exceptions for non-prorated purchase orders. Users with appropriate authority can override the budget exceptions on this page.

NonProrated Purchase Order Line Drill Down


Click the View Exception Details button on the Purchase Order (NP) Exceptions page for transaction headers for a specific non-prorated purchase order line.

View line details for non-prorated purchase orders with budget exceptions.

Line Exceptions


Commitment Control, Review Budget Check Exceptions, Purchasing and Cost Management, Purchase Order Non-prorated, Line Exceptions

View lines on a non-prorated purchase order with budget check exceptions. Users with appropriate authority can override the budget exceptions on this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBudget Checking Purchase Orders Using the Commitment Control Budget Processor Process

Access the Budget Check Request page (Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Budget Check, PO Budget Check Request).

To budget check prorated purchase orders, select PO_POENC in the Trans Type field.

To budget check non-prorated purchase orders, select PO_POENCNP in the Trans Type field.

Process Options

PO ID (purchase order ID)

Values are:

All: Budget checks all purchase orders.

Some: Select to display the From and To fields. Budget checks all purchase orders that match the range specified in the From and To fields.

Value: Select to display the PO ID field. Budget checks the purchase order that matches the ID specified in the PO ID field.

PO Date (purchase order date)

Values are:

All: Select to budget check all purchase orders.

Some: Displays the From and To fields. Budget checks all purchase orders for which creation dates fall within the dates specified in the From and To fields.

Value: Displays the PO Date field. Budget checks purchase orders for which creation dates match the date specified in the PO Date field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBudget Checking Purchase Orders Using Online Pages

When you create online purchase orders, you can budget check them in realtime by clicking the Budget Check button on the Maintain Purchase Order - Purchase Order page. This invokes the Commitment Control Budget Processor process by remote call.

See Also

Commitment Control Budget Processor Process in PeopleSoft Purchasing

Creating Purchase Order Headers

Click to jump to parent topicBudget Checking Procurement Cards

You can now perform budget check and ChartField edit validations for your procurement card transactions during the Statement Load process and online processing. Use the budget processor to invoke budget check and ChartField edits after staged data is loaded into the Statement Load process and when users use the Reconcile Statement component.

You can use the budget check or the ChartField Edit validation process during:

Note. To budget check procurement cards, first select the procurement card option on the Installation Options page.

Users can access the Budget Check Exceptions page to fix all rows that did not pass budget check. All failed rows must be fixed before successfully passing budget check.

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Setting Installation Options for PeopleSoft Applications

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Budget Check Procurement Cards

Page Name

Definition Name



Load Statement


Purchasing, Procurement Cards, Process Statements, Load Statement

Run the ProCard Load Statement Application Engine process (PO_CCLOADLD) to load the statement lines from the staging table into the statement tables and to perform auto-reconciliation using the settings that you defined on the Procurement Card Load Statement Options page.

Reconcile Statement - Procurement Card Transactions


Purchasing, Procurement Cards, Reconcile, Reconcile Statement, Reconcile Statement - Procurement Card Transactions

Review, manage, and approve procurement card transactions loaded by the ProCard Load Statement process. You can view all of the procurement card transactions that you have been granted authority to access on the Card Data page.

Budget ChartField Validation


Purchasing, Procurement Cards, Process Statements, Budget ChartField Validation

Run the Comm. Cntrl Budget Processor process for the procurement cards in batch mode.

Budget Check Exceptions


Commitment Control, Review Budget Check Exceptions, Purchasing and Cost Management, Procurement Card, Budget Check Exceptions

Review procurement card transactions that failed the budget check process.

Source Transactions - Definition


Commitment Control, Define Control Budgets, Source Transactions, Source Transactions - Definition

Define source transactions for commitment control.

Note. Select Planned as the value for the Commitment Control Amount Type field.

Budget Definitions - Control Budget Options


Commitment Control, Define Control Budgets, Budget Definitions, Budget Definitions - Control Budget Options

Establish budgetary controls.

Note. If you select Entries Must Balance on the Control Budget Options page, enter a default account value for at least one setID for budget entry offsets.

You must also enter a source transaction offset account for each source transaction type that affects this budget definition.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBudget Checking Procurement Cards During the Statement Load Process

Access the Load Statement page (Purchasing, Procurement Cards, Process Statements, Load Statement).

See Also

Loading Procurement Card Statements to Application Tables

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBudget Checking Procurement Cards Using the Reconcile Statement - Procurement Card Transactions Page

Access the Reconcile Statement - Procurement Card Transactions page (Purchasing, Procurement Cards, Reconcile, Reconcile Statement, Reconcile Statement - Procurement Card Transactions).

When you create modify procurement cards using the Reconcile Statement - Procurement Card Transactions page, you can budget check them in realtime when you save the page. This invokes the Commitment Control Budget Processor process by remote call.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning Budget Period-End Processes

This section provides an overview of budget period-end processing and discusses how to run budget period-end processes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Budget Period-End Processing

Because a budget period can span a calendar or fiscal year, PeopleSoft uses the term period-end universally and applies it to the end of a budget period, the end of a fiscal year, or the end of a calendar year.

The budget period-end processes enable you to continue budgets across budget periods or fiscal years. You may have budgets that stay in force for more than one fiscal period. You may have project budgets that span more than one calendar year. Consequently, you may want to keep budgets in force across these time frames. The commitment control feature in PeopleSoft Purchasing provides you with two options.

You can keep a budget active beyond the end of a fiscal period, allowing purchasing transactions to reference that budget and to remain unaffected by fiscal period-end accounting procedures. This option is useful for project-related budgets that are finite in scope.

You can also close a budget at the end of a budget period and reestablish it in the next period while keeping all outstanding transactions active into the next budget period. This option is useful for ongoing accounts and budgets that you want to infuse with additional funds at regular intervals. You can end one period and start the next one with new amounts in selected budgets. You do not lose your outstanding transactions from the previous budget period, which saves you from having to enter them all over again in the new budget period. PeopleSoft Purchasing enables you to roll these transactions over into the new budget period automatically by using these budget period-end business processes.

Budget period-end processes differ from fiscal period-end processes. Your fiscal period-end closing entries have no effect on the commitment control ledgers. Therefore, fiscal period-end closing entries do not invoke the Commitment Control Budget Processor process for budget checking.

See Also

Loading Procurement Card Statements to Application Tables

Closing Purchase Orders

Closing Requisitions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run Budget Period-End Processes

Page Name

Definition Name



Close Requisitions


Purchasing, Requisitions, Reconcile Requisitions, Close Requisitions

Run the Close Requisitions process and produce the Close Requisition SQR report (PORQ009).

Close PO


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Reconcile POs, Close Purchase Orders, Close PO

Run the Close Purchase Order process and produce the Close Purchase Order SQR report (POPO008).

PO Rollover


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Budget Year End Processing, PO Rollover Workbench, PO Rollover

Select purchase orders to rollover and change their statuses to Pending before running the PO Rollover1 process. Check the roll status of the purchase orders.

Purchase Order Selection


Click the Selection Criteria link on the PO Rollover page.

Use the filters to choose purchase orders for consideration for rollover.

Purchase Order Details


Click the Secondary Lines button on the PO Rollover page.

View additional details for purchase orders listed on the Purchase Order Selection page.

PO Rollover1


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Budget Year End Processing, Request PO Rollover1, PO Rollover1

Run the PO Rollover1 process.

Budget Check Request


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Budget Check, Budget Check Request

Run the Commitment Control Budget Processor process.

PO Rollover2


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Budget Year End Processing, Request PO Rollover2, PO Rollover2

Run the PO Rollover2 process.

Click to jump to parent topicRolling Over Purchase Orders at Budget Period-End

This section provides an overview of purchase order rollover process and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Purchase Order Rollover Process

If you are using commitment control, you can use purchase order rollover to budget check distribution lines against budgets with expiring budget periods and then roll funds over to new budget periods. PeopleSoft Purchasing enables you to select specific purchase orders to rollover.

Purchase orders that are canceled, fully vouchered, on hold, in process, or have not been successfully budget checked are not qualified for rollover. In addition, distribution lines that are canceled, closed or fully liquidated (that is, the commitment control close flag (KK_CLOSE_FLAG) is set to Y) do not qualify for rollover.

The system places strict requirements on purchase orders and their interdependence with accounts payable, receiving, and commitment control before it makes the purchase orders eligible for rollover. To assist you in reviewing details about why the purchase order is not qualified for rollover and provide you a way to manage exceptions across a large data set, the system provides two options for working with rollover exceptions.

First, you can use the PO Rollover View page to define specific fields that create data sets that you can use to review purchase order rollover information. A search ID value is used to define a data set. As an example of creating a data set, you might want to include only those purchase orders where the Project ChartField is within a range or you might want to exclude purchase orders where the Project ChartField is populated.

When you run the PO_POROLLVW process, the system creates the search ID that you define. You can then use the PO Rollover Workbench to retrieve the search ID with the corresponding rollover details. You can also use the workbench to identify purchase orders that you do not want to rollover. The system filters these purchase orders out for future iterations of the POROLLVW process.

The next rollover exception option enables you to view which purchase orders are not qualified for rollover. To view the purchase orders, you run the POROLLEXP process to create the PO Rollover Exceptions report. You can run the report from within the PO Rollover Workbench, the PO Rollover View page, or the PO Rollover page, or you can use the Non Qualified PO Listing menu option. The report displays the non-qualified purchase orders and their associated documents. To populate the tables to produce the PO Rollover Exceptions report, run the PO Rollover view process to select the disqualified orders.

Note. When a purchase order is over expensed and an associated voucher has been deleted, then the rollover process sets the PO distribution status to Complete.

See Also

Creating Purchase Orders Online

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Rollover Purchase Orders

Page Name

Definition Name



PO Rollover View


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Budget Year End Processing, Request PO Roll View, PO Rollover View

Create a data set for retrieval by the purchase order rollover workbench by initiating the Rollover View (PO_POROLLVW) Application Engine process.

PO Rollover (purchase order rollover)


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Budget Year End Processing, PO Rollover Workbench, PO Rollover

Select purchase orders to rollover and change their status to Pending before running the PO Rollover1 process. Check the roll status of purchase orders.

Purchase Order Details


Click the Secondary Lines button for any row on the PO Rollover page.

View additional details for purchase orders listed on the PO Rollover page.

POs Not Budget Checked


Click the POs to Budg Chk for Finalizing link on the Purchase Order Details page.

View details about purchase orders that have yet to reach a budget check status of Valid, thus enabling requisition finalization.

PO Rollover1


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Budget Year End Processing, Request PO Rollover1, PO Rollover1

Run the PO Rollover1 process.

Budget Check Request


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Budget Check, Budget Check Request

Run the Commitment Control Budget Processor process.

PO Rollover2


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Budget Year End Processing, Request PO Rollover2, PO Rollover2

Run the PO Rollover2 process.

Roll Open Encum (roll open encumbrance)


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Budget Year End Processing, Request PO Roll Open Encum

Run the PO Roll Open Encum process.

Run Roll Exception


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Budget Year End Processing, Non Qualified PO Listing

Run the Non Qualified PO Listing process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Data Set for Retrieval by the Purchase Order Rollover Workbench

Access the PO Rollover View page (Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Budget Year End Processing, Request PO Roll View, PO Rollover View).

Note. It is recommended that you create data sets that are no greater than 1000 rows. Any larger and the processing times on the purchase order rollover workbench can be substantial.

The PO Rollover View page enables you to limit the information contained in a data set. You use the page to define selection criteria for the PO_POROLLVW process. Along with limiting basic information, such as a business unit, a buyer, or a purchase order, you can limit the data set to ChartField values. For example, you can limit the data set to a specific ChartField or a range of ChartFields.

In addition, you can limit information in data sets using logic operands against a ChartField. These operands include, for example, Begins with, Equal, and Less than. So if you want to include ChartFields for a specific fund affiliate, you would use the In operand. The system displays a General Ledger Business Unit field that you use to select a fund affiliate to include in the data set.

Search ID

Enter a search ID for this data set. The search ID is used to retrieve the data set on the PO Rollover page.

Note. If the search ID is reused for different search criteria, the previously selected data will be overwritten. PeopleSoft recommends a unique search ID for each different set of search criteria.

Roll Status

The following rules apply to purchase order selection:

When you select Rolled and None and a purchase order has both statuses, the line becomes available for selection. All distributions with these statuses appear with the appropriate roll error on the More Details tab on the Purchase Order Details page. The rolled distributions are not included in the rollover processes:

Important! When you select and stage a line for rolling, it is removed from staging if it reappears on the PO Rollover page, is available for selection, and is not selected for staging again. Therefore, successive applications of the filters on this page should be more restrictive.


Select this check box to find purchase orders that have no other roll status, because they have not yet been selected for rolling, or they have been selected and then removed from the selection process.


Select this check box to find purchase orders that have been selected for rolling.

Mid Roll

Select this check box to find purchase orders on which you have run the PO Rollover1 process. Purchase orders with this header status are protected from all actions except budget checking and rollover. Purchase orders with this status cannot be copied into vouchers.


Select this check box to find purchase orders that have been rolled.


Select this check box to find purchase orders that have been identified during the PO Rollover1 process as being in error and, therefore, are not eligible to continue the Rollover process. When you want to include disqualified purchase orders, the program does not delete them from the processing results. Selecting this check box is useful for customers who want to see the documents that may require additional work before the year-end roll.

Hold from Rollover

Select to hold the selected purchase orders from rolling over when you know that there is additional work to be done on the order. For purchase orders to be eligible to set to Hold from Rollover, they should be in a roll status of None or Pending. When purchase orders are in a Hold status they are not qualified for PO Rollover 1 (PO_POROLL1) or PO Rollover 2 (PO_POROLL2) rollover processing.

Exception Report

Use this grid box to indicate that you want to run the PO Rollover Exceptions report and to define the sort method for the report.

Run Exception Report

Select to also run the PO Roll Exceptions report when you run the PO Roll View process. Exception types are made up of the rollover error and information associated with the error. For each rollover error type, the report displays the error title and information. Examples of exception types include "Invalid budget status on PO" and "Invalid budget status on PO and voucher."

Exception Type

Select to sort the PO Rollover Exceptions report by exception type. The system sorts the report first by Search ID and business unit, then by exception type, and finally by purchase order keys.

Purchase Order

Select to sort the PO Rollover Exceptions report by purchase order ID. The system first sorts the report by Search ID and business unit, then by purchase order ID, and finally by exception type.

Other Information


Click this button to initiate the PO_POROLLVW process that creates the data set that you can select on the PO Rollover page.

See Also

Selecting and Qualifying Purchase Orders for Rollover

Running the PO Rollover1 Process

Running the PO Rollover2 Process

Understanding PeopleSoft ChartFields

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting and Qualifying Purchase Orders for Rollover

Access the PO Rollover page (Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Budget Year End Processing, PO Rollover Workbench, PO Rollover).

Purchase orders that have been received or partially received, but not yet vouchered are available for selection for purchase order rollover processing on the PO Rollover page. To retain the relationship between the purchase order and the receipt, the PO Rollover2 process updates the purchase order distribution number on the receipt distribution to match the new purchase order distribution number.

However, if there is one receipt for the purchase order that has been partially vouchered, the PO Rollover page is unable to maintain the relationship between the associated documents. Therefore, the purchase order is not available for selection for purchase order rollover processing. The Roll Status field is set to Part Vchrd (partially vouchered) and the Roll Error field on the Purchase Order Details page is set to One receipt partially vchrd (one receipt partially vouchered). A receipt is considered partially vouchered if the sum (quantity or amount) of all associated vouchers is less than the amount or quantity on the single receipt.

Purchase orders that you selected on the PO Rollover View page appear if they qualify for rollover. Purchase orders that are canceled, fully vouchered, on hold, in process, or that have not been successfully budget checked do not qualify for rollover and do not appear on this page.

Distribution lines do not appear if they are canceled, closed, or fully liquidated (that is, if the commitment control close flag is set to Y), because they are not qualified for rollover.

Important! Once you select a line for rolling and set the status to Pending, use the PO Rollover page to reselect it if it appears again on this page and is available for selection. Otherwise, the system removes the line from staging.

Business Unit and Search ID

Select the search criteria then click the Search button. If you select only a business unit, then multiple search IDs will display. If multiple search IDs contain the same purchase order number then that purchase order will display multiple times on the page. If you select a business unit and a search ID, then only the data from the specific search ID will display on the page.

Run Roll Exception

Click to access the Run Roll Exception page where you can define report values for the PO Roll Exception report. This report provides a list of purchase orders that are not qualified for the rollover. The system uses a combination of the user ID and business unit to determine the run control ID for the report, and you can define the business unit and search ID for the report.

Finalize Requisition

When running the PO Rollover1 process, you can choose to finalize requisitions associated with the purchase orders selected for the process.

To help you prepare for requisition finalization, this field provides the finalization qualification status of the requisition associated with the purchase order that you selected for purchase order rollover processing. Values are:

Not Qualified: Requisition is not qualified for finalization.

No Requisition: There is no requisition associated with the selected purchase order.

Qualified: The associated requisition qualifies for finalization. A requisition qualifies for finalization when all purchase orders with the same requisition key fields have reached a budget check status of Valid.

Not Applicable: The distribution has an associated requisition; however, it has already been rolled.

Note. Requisition finalization in conjunction with the PO Rollover1 process is not available when the Keep PY Encumbrances Open option is selected for the purchase order.

Roll Status

Displays the roll status for a purchase order. The roll status is the current state of a purchase order. When rolling over purchase orders, the system budget checks distribution lines against budgets with expiring budget periods and then roll funds over to new budget periods.

Outstanding PO Encumbrance

Displays the encumbrance balance when commitment control is installed. When you create a purchase order, commitment control liquidates the pre-encumbrance balance from the requisition and establishes an encumbrance for the purchase order. You can view budget details for the purchase order. Click the Encumbrance Balance link to access the PO Accounting Entries Inquiry where you can select a General Ledger business unit and commitment control ledger group to use as a budget inquiry.

PY Encum Open (prior year encumbrances open)

Displays whether the prior year remaining encumbrance is open or closed. If Y appears in the field, the encumbrance is closed. If N appears in the field, the prior year remaining encumbrances for the purchase order is open. You can update the value by selecting the purchase order and clicking the PY Encum Open or the PY Encum Close button.

Click the Secondary Lines button for any row to access the Purchase Order Details page. Use the Purchase Order Details page to view additional details for the purchase order.

PY Encum Open (prior year encumbrances open)

Click to keep the prior year remaining encumbrances open for the selected purchase orders. When you click the button, the system displays a Y in the PY Encum Open field in the Budget Year End Details grid.

Warning! If you select this option, remaining purchase order encumbrances for the prior year are not liquidated, and cannot be liquidated going forward.

If you select this option, you can perform purchase order rollover in one step using the PO Roll Open Encum process. Purchase order rollover processing can be completed in one step, because budget checking is not required for the prior year's encumbrances before the creation of the distributions for the new budget period.

PY Encum Close (prior year encumbrances close)

Click to close the prior year remaining encumbrances for the selected purchase orders. When you click the button, the system displays a N in the PY Encum Open field in the Budget Year End Details grid. If you used the PY Encum Open button to check selected lines, you can undo the selection using this button.

Hold From Rollover

Click to hold the selected purchase orders from rolling over. Purchase orders eligible to be set to Hold from Rollover should be have a roll status of None or Pending. After you click the button, the system places the selected purchase orders in a Hold status. The system saves your updates when you click Save. When purchase orders are in a Hold status they are not qualified for PO Rollover 1 or PO Rollover 2 rollover processing.

Release Hold

Click to release the selected purchase orders from Hold status. After you click the button, the system places the select purchase orders in a None status and they will become eligible for future rollover processes. Only purchase orders with a Hold status are updated when you click Save. When in a None status, and a purchase order has distributions that have previously been rolled, only the distributions that have not been rolled appear for the purchase order details. The lines are available for selection on the PO Rollover page.


Select the purchase orders for the rollover processes and then click the Save button. After you click the Save button the system changes the roll status of those purchase order to Pending.

Important! If a purchase order is in multiple data sets and it has been set to a roll status of Pending from a specific search ID, the status will not display as Pending when you retrieve the other data sets. You will need to recreate the data sets by re-executing PO_POROLLVW to display any updates to the statuses.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Purchase Order Details

Access the Purchase Order Details page.

More Details Tab

Select the More Details tab.

POs to Budg Chk for Finalizing (purchase orders to budget check for finalizing)

Select to access the POs Not Budget Checked page, where you can view details about purchase orders that have not yet reached a budget check status of Valid.

Bringing the budget check status of these purchase orders to Valid enables the associated requisition to be finalized by the PO Rollover1 process.

Roll Error

Rollover error code. Values are:

IPO: Invalid budget status (purchase order).

IVC: Invalid budget status (voucher).

N: No error.

PV: Invalid budget status (purchase order and voucher).

PVR: Invalid budget status. Purchase order and voucher items received.

R: Rolled.

REC: Items received but not vouchered.

VR: Invalid budget status; voucher and items received.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the PO Rollover1 Process

Access the PO Rollover1 page (Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Budget Year End Processing, Request PO Rollover1, PO Rollover1).

The PO Rollover1 process adjusts amounts and quantities on current distributions to enable the budget processor to liquidate the selected purchase orders. The process then creates new distribution lines with the rolled amounts and quantities. The new distribution lines are held in a staging table until you run the PO Rollover2 process. It also returns outstanding amounts and quantities to the corresponding requisition and modifies various flags and statuses in the PO_HDR, PO_LINE_DISTRIB, and PO_LINE_DIST_NP tables in preparation for the Commitment Control Budget Processor process.

Note. You must budget check the purchase orders after you run the PO Rollover1 process and before you continue to the PO Rollover2 process.

Note. The PO Rollover1 process acts only on purchase orders when the Keep PY Encumbrances Open check box is clear on the PO Rollover page.

Finalize Requisitions

Select to finalize qualified requisitions associated with the purchase orders selected for processing by the PO Rollover1 process. A requisition qualifies for finalization when all purchase orders containing the requisition key fields have reached a budget check status of Valid.

If this option is selected and a processed requisition does not qualify for finalization, remaining quantities and amounts are returned to the requisition.

Run Exception Report

Click to access the Run Roll Exception page where you can define report values for the PO Roll Exception report. This report provides a list of purchase orders that are not qualified for the rollover. The system uses the run control ID from the PO Rollover1 page to assign the run control ID for the report.

See Also

Commitment Control Budget Processor Process in PeopleSoft Purchasing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the PO Rollover2 Process

Access the PO Rollover2 page.

The PO Rollover2 process breaks the relationship between the rolled purchase order and the prior year's transactions in the commitment control tables and to close all distributions not rolled.

The PO Rollover2 process updates the KK_ROLLED field in the KK_SOURCE_HDR commitment control table to Y for all rolled purchase orders. This update to KK_ROLLED prevents the budget processor from processing and modifying the existing transaction. Instead, the budget processor assigns the purchase order a new transaction ID the next time the rolled purchase order is budget checked. The budget processor bypasses distributions created in prior budget periods.

Once the budget check process is complete, you must run the PO Rollover2 process. The run control page provides the option to complete the rollover process by business unit or by individual purchase orders.

The process closes or cancels the old distribution lines by setting the DISTRIB_LN_STATUS field to C (completed) or X (canceled). Select X only if the entire amount of the distribution was rolled over. The data held in the staging tables is then inserted into the PO_LINE_DISTRIB and PO_LINE_DIST_NP tables.

Note. You must budget check after running the PO Rollover1 process and before continuing to the PO Rollover2 process.

Note. The new distributions must be budget checked.

See Also

Commitment Control Budget Processor Process in PeopleSoft Purchasing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the PO Roll Open Encumbrance Process

Access the Roll Open Encum page (Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Budget Year End Processing, Request PO Roll Open Encum).

Note. The process acts only on purchase orders when the Keep PY Encumbrances Open option is selected on the PO Rollover page.

The PO Roll Open Encum process combines PO Rollover1 and PO Rollover2 processing, along with functionality that keeps rolled remaining encumbrances open in the prior budget year. The process makes changes to the rolled distributions that prevent the budget processor from re-validating and liquidating them in the prior budget year. This functionality enables you to track unexpended amounts by individual purchase orders during a budget period without returning unexpended amounts to the budget.

In one step, the process adjusts amounts and quantities down to what has been vouchered on the distribution and creates new distributions for unvouchered amounts. These actions can be completed in one step, because budget checking rolled distributions in the prior budget year is not required, as the intent of the process is to prevent the liquidation of the remaining encumbrances.

Because budget checking of rolled distributions in the prior budget year is not performed when using this process, finalizing associated requisitions is not an option.

Run the budget processor after the PO Roll Open Encum process to budget check newly created distributions and to create their encumbrances in the new budget period.

From Date/To Date

Enter the range of budget dates assigned to purchase orders that you want to roll into a new budget date.

Budget Date

Enter the new budget date that you want to assign to purchase orders successfully rolled by the process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Non Qualified PO Listing Process

Access the Run Roll Exception page (Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Budget Year End Processing, Non Qualified PO Listing).

Use this page to create the PO Rollover Exceptions report. The report displays the non-qualified purchase orders and their associated documents.

To populate the tables that produce the report, you need to run the PO Rollover View process to create a data set on which to run the report. The report is also available as an BI Publisher report.

You can also access the Run Roll Exception page using the PO Rollover View and PO Rollover 1 pages and by using the PO Rollover Workbench.

Business Unit

Select a PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit to limit your report to non-qualified purchase orders within this one business unit.

Search ID

Select a search ID. A search ID is made up of a data set that you define on the PO Rollover View page. The system uses the data set to create the PO Rollover Exceptions report. The report contains the purchase orders that are not qualified for rolling over.

Exception Type

Select to sort the PO Rollover Exceptions report by exception type. Exception types are the kinds of errors that prevent purchase orders from rolling over. The system sorts the report first by purchase order ID and business unit, then by exception type, and finally by purchase order keys. An example of an exception type is when a budget status on the purchase order is not valid.

Purchase Order

Select to sort the PO Rollover Exceptions report by purchase order ID. The system first sorts the report by purchase order and business unit, then by purchase order ID, and finally by exception type.

Click to jump to parent topicEstablishing Purchasing ChartField Security

To facilitate ChartField Security functionality, Oracle delivers PeopleSoft Purchasing with components that are already set up for use with ChartField security. You can deactivate the settings, modify the settings, or add security for components. ChartFields are the fields that store charts of accounts and provide the system with the basic structure to segregate and categorize transactional and budget data. PeopleSoft Purchasing enables you to secure specific accounts to prevent unauthorized users from viewing or editing financial information. The ChartField Security feature provides the framework for you to define the ChartField security method and configure and maintain security for specific PeopleSoft Purchasing ChartField fields and records. You can define the security method based on users, roles, and permission lists.

Customers can assign a group of users, roles, or permission lists to a rule in one page using a default effective date. The rule applies to all products. Customers can assign many rules to a user, role, or permission list in one page. Different rules can be assigned to different products for one user.

Chartfields are secured at the distribution level on the purchase order and requisition entry transactions. Values for ChartFields on the Purchase Order Defaults page for the purchase order header are not secured. When you create a transaction, the distribution values may default onto the transaction. When you save the transaction, the ChartField security will validate to ensure that the user can create and maintain documents using those secured ChartField values.

By default, most components in PeopleSoft Purchasing are secured when the product itself is enabled. You can activate or inactivate ChartField security for certain Purchasing components that include transactions, such as data entry for purchase orders and requisitions, search lists, inquiries, and prompts.

The core system for establishing ChartField security is described in the PeopleSoft Application Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook. Also, the book provides descriptions of the Purchasing components and pages affected by ChartField security.

See Securing ChartFields.

See Securing ChartFields for PeopleSoft Purchasing.