Using PeopleSoft Quality Graphics

This chapter provides an overview of different types of quality graphics and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicViewing PeopleSoft Quality Graphics

This section discusses how to:

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Page Name

Definition Name



Compare Dataset Statistics


  • Select the View Chart button on the Data Entry From Access List - Review page: Results tab or on the Data Entry By Control Plan - Review page: Results tab.

  • Select the Control Chart in the Display Graph field on the Review Ctrl Plan Performance - Stream Review inquiry page.

View a control chart associated with the selected subgroups.



Select Histogram in the Display Graph field on the Review Ctrl Plan Performance - Stream Review inquiry page.

View a histogram associated with the selected subgroups.

Pareto Chart


Select Pareto of Alarms, Pareto of Comments, Pareto of Corrective Actions, Pareto of Defects, or Pareto of Probable Causes in the Display Graph field on the Review Ctrl Plan Performance - Stream Review inquiry page.

View a Pareto chart of type comments, corrective actions, defects, or probable causes associated with the selected subgroups.

Bar Graph


Click the Graph Results button on the Compare Data Statistics page.

View a bar graph associated with the selected subgroup.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Control Charts

Access the Control Chart page (Select the Control Chart in the Display Graph field on the Review Ctrl Plan Performance - Stream Review inquiry page).

In the upper portion of the page, the control chart associated with the subgroups that you selected appears.

The control chart is rendered as two line graphs for plotting means and variance information. Each point on the control chart represents an individual subgroup.

To the left of each graph, the system displays the values and the appropriate labels for upper control limit (UCL), mean (CL), and lower control limit (LCL).

Note. Control limit labels are not set to scale; however, the control limit boundaries are overlaid to scale on each chart.

In the upper portion of the page, the system displays the control limit status, subgroup size, and unit of measure.

Point Display

Select the number of points to display for the control charts. Values are: 05, 10, 15, 20, and 25.

Click this button to view the next group of control chart points.

Click this button to view the previous group of control chart points.

Label By

Select how to label the control charts. Values are:

  • Day:Hour: Displays the day and hour under each individual subgroup point on the control chart.

  • Hour:Minute: Displays the hour and minute under each individual subgroup point on the control chart.

  • Month-Day: Displays the month and day under each individual subgroup point on the control chart.

  • Subgroup ID: Displays the subgroup sequence ID under each individual subgroup point on the control chart.

  • Year-Month-Day: Displays the year, month, and day under each individual subgroup point on the control chart.

Alarm Count

The alarm count represents the number of subgroups within the current chart that have an out-of-control condition. Next to this field, a bar graph represents the type of alarm that occurred for each subgroup. A red bar extending upward represents a specification violation, and a yellow bar extending upward represents a means (upper) control chart violation. A blue bar extending downward represents a variance (lower) control chart violation.

Additionally, the actual control test description appears when you hover over a subgroup point, enabling you to easily view the specific alarms corresponding to the bar graphs.

Subgroup Details

View details of the subgroup results and test violations for each subgroup.

See Also

Using Control Charts

Defining Control Plans

Reviewing Current Session Results

Reviewing Process Streams

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Histograms

Access the Histogram page (Select Histogram in the Display Graph field on the Review Ctrl Plan Performance - Stream Review inquiry page).

In the upper portion of the page, the histogram associated with the subgroups that you selected appears. A histogram is used to display distribution analysis.

Cell Details

Cell Interval

Displays the high and low boundaries that this cell represents. This field is derived by dividing the distribution range by the number of cells desired for display.

The left brace ({) character indicates in which cell the mean, lower specification limit, and upper specification values are contained.

Cell Midpoint

Displays the midpoint of the cell interval.

Cell Tally

Displays the total number of individual values in a cell.

% of Total (percent of total)

Displays the percent of individual values in a cell.


Summary statistics are calculated based upon active values for this subset.

See Also

Using Histograms

Reviewing Process Streams

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Access the Pareto Chart page (Select Pareto of Alarms,Pareto of Comments,Pareto of Corrective Actions, Pareto of Defects, or Pareto of Probable Causes in the Display Graph field on the Review Ctrl Plan Performance - Stream Review inquiry page).

In the upper portion of the page, a Pareto chart associated with the selected subgroups and attribute type appears. You can create a Pareto chart of alarms, comments, corrective actions, defects, or probable causes. With Pareto charts, you can display attribute counts in a ranked-order format.

Cell Details

Attribute Description

Displays the attribute description. For example, for defects, defect attribute descriptions appear, and for alarms, alarm attribute descriptions appear.

Cell Tally

Displays the attribute count.

% of Total (percentage of total)

Displays the percentage of the number for that particular attribute type for which the attribute accounts. For example, for a Pareto chart of defects, this field represents the percentage of the number of defects for which that attribute accounts.

Cumulative % (cumulative percent)

Displays the cumulative percent value. If you were to plot this line on the Pareto chart, it would represent the cumulative percent line, also known as the Lorenze curve.

Modify Graph

Graph Style

Select the style of graph to display. Options are:

  • Frequency: Displays the order of the attributes by frequency.

  • Cumulative Percent: Displays the order of attributes by cumulative percent. This option redraws the chart using the cumulative percent on the X axis.


Click this button to redraw the Pareto chart with the selected options (cells containing text, cell display limit, and graph style).

The complete list of cell statistics always appears, regardless of the modification options that you select.


Click this button to restore the number of cells that appear in the Pareto chart to the number of cells that appeared when the graph was first displayed.

The number of cells that appear in the Pareto chart can change when you use the Cells Containing Text and Cell Display Limit fields. When you click the Reset button, the cells that appear in the Pareto chart are redrawn to there original appearance. Reset does not effect the graph style.

See Also

Using Pareto Charts

Reviewing Process Streams

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Bar Graphs

Access the Bar Graph page (Click the Graph Results button on the Compare Data Statistics page).

In the upper portion of the page, a bar graph associated with the selected subgroups appears. With bar graphs, you can compare a selected statistic between multiple subsets.


The details (bar item and value) for the bar graph appear.

Modify Graph


Click this button to redraw the bar graph with the options (items containing text and bar display limit) that you selected.

The complete list of details always appears, regardless of the modification options that you select.


Click this button to restore the number of items that appear in the bar graph to the number of items that appeared when the graph was first displayed.

The number of items in the bar graph can change when you use the Items Containing Text and Bar Display Limit fields. When you click the Reset button, the items that appear in the bar graph are redrawn to their original appearance.

See Also

Using Bar Graphs

Reviewing Process Streams

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Data Extractions and Loading Datasets

To define data extractions, use the Define Extraction Criteria component (QS_QSX_DEF). This section provides an overview of datasets and data extractions and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Datasets and Data Extractions

Using the Quality application client, you can generate graphics and perform exploratory analysis of quality data while offline. The data managed by the PeopleSoft application client is called a dataset and contains the related measurement, traceability, attribute, and configuration information required for performing quality analysis. This information is formatted specifically for use by the Quality application client and resides outside the quality database.

Datasets are created as a result of defining and executing data extractions. The information taken from the Quality database fills a dataset based on selection and filtering criteria that you provide. Datasets are composed of spreadsheet-like elements, such as rows, columns, subsets (pages), and cell values. Datasets contain these options for column and row types:

Datasets appear as a spreadsheet in the Quality application client. You create datasets using one of these methods:

Extractions are reusable queries that retrieve data from the Quality database and can be shared by multiple users. The extraction functions (define and execute) are separated to facilitate access by users with different job functions, such as managers and analysts.

Use the Data Extraction PeopleCode process to select a set of inspection data from the PeopleSoft database and analyze it using the Quality application client tools. You define the data to extract and download it to the Quality application client for exploratory and ad-hoc analysis. Use the Quality application client to manipulate, add, change, or delete data to perform what-if analyses of processes and view graphics of the data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before defining a dataset for use by the Quality application client, you must:

You must also use the using the File Locations page to enter the location to store the datasets.

See Defining Additional Common Information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

Extraction Name

Enter an extraction name. An extraction identifies data you select from the Quality database used to create a dataset. Extraction names must conform to Microsoft Windows NT file naming conventions, so avoid using special characters, such as dashes, periods, and apostrophes in names.


Enter the description for the subset. The name must be unique within the dataset.

Graph Preference ID

Select the default graph preference to associate with an extraction.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Define Extraction Criteria - General


Quality, Prepare Analysis, Define Extraction Criteria, General

Define general settings for the extraction.

Define Extraction Criteria - Selection Criteria


Quality, Prepare Analysis, Define Extraction Criteria, Selection Criteria

Define how to filter data for the extraction and select data-entry sessions.

Perform Data Extraction


Quality, Analyze Quality Results, Perform Data Extraction

Execute the Data Extraction PeopleCode process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Extract Settings

Access the General page (Quality, Prepare Analysis, Define Extraction Criteria, General).

Subset By

Select how the system subsets data for the extraction. Options are:

All (Single Subset): All data is displayed as one subset.

Characteristic: The data is divided into subsets according to individual characteristics.

Stream: The data is divided into subsets according to process stream.

Display Options

Select if the system should include one or all other categories of information to display, in addition to session data information.

Select Sessions By

Select how sessions are selected by timeframe. Options are:

All Subgroups: Extract all the subgroups for each process.

Daily Window: Extract the sessions entered in the last n days based on the current date and time. Enter the number of days to subtract from the current date in the Number of Days field.

Specific Date Range: Extract the sessions entered between a certain date range. Enter the date from and from time, and enter the date to and to time.

Subgroup Window: Extract the most current n subgroups entered. You'll enter the number of subgroups in the Number of Subgroups field.

Lock Selections

Select this check box to protect the integrity of the expressions and the amount of data to be included in the extraction. If selections aren't locked here, you can modify them during execution.

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Access the Define Extract Criteria - Selection page (Quality, Prepare Analysis, Define Extraction Criteria, Selection Criteria).

Specify the sessions from which you want to select data. You can limit the extraction to sessions entered for specific values of hierarchy data and trace data from the business unit and quality function, or you can limit data to sessions entered within a certain time period.

Hierarchy Field Selections and Trace Field Selections

The fields vary depending on the quality function. Use these fields to further limit the sessions that are retrieved. Set all operators to ALL if you do not want to qualify based on hierarchy or trace field values. Qualifier values for both fields include:

<>: Greater than or less than the value entered.

=: Equal to the value entered.

ALL: All entries are returned, and there is no qualification on the field.

BETWEEN: Select the field between the values you enter.

LIKE: Select the field where it is like or similar to the value. Use the % character to denote wildcard positions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPerforming Data Extractions

Access the Perform Data Extraction page (Quality, Analyze Quality Results, Perform Data Extraction).

The page displays the extraction criteria defined using the Define Extract Criteria component.

Session History

If you haven't locked the qualifier selections that specify the streams and data content to extract from the database, you can change the values associated with the statements and the history. The new settings are in effect for this run only and aren't saved.


Click this button to run the Data Extraction PeopleCode process. When the process is complete, the system creates a dataset based on the extraction contents. Using the browser, you can display the dataset online if the Quality application client is installed on a local machine, or you can download the file to a local machine.

Dataset Location

Displays the location of where the dataset is created upon completion of the extraction process.

Note. The Data Extraction process creates one file, in the location you specified on the File Locations page. The name of the file is the extraction name with this extension: cld.

View Dataset

Click this button to view the dataset using the browser. You can either download the dataset file to a local machine or open the dataset remotely using the Quality application client. In either case, it is assumed that you have installed the application client software on the computer that you are using.

See Also

Using the PeopleSoft Quality Application Client