Designing XAI Senders

XAI senders are responsible for define outgoing message destinations and for " responding" to the XAI executer.

For each sender, you must reference an appropriate XAI class. The information in this section describes the sender classes that are provided with the system.

You must create senders to "respond" to the various staging table receivers in the system.

Note: Sample Data for Initial Install. When first installing the system, sample XAI senders for each of the above "response" conditions are provided. Your implementation may use these records or remove them and create your own.

Next, design the senders for "responses" to other receivers, for example the JMS queue receiver or JMS topic receiver. The system provides XAI classes to use for these senders. Use the class JMSSENDER for a JMS queue sender and TPCSNDR for a JMS topic sender.

Finally, review all your outgoing messages and determine the mechanism for communicating with the target system for each message.

The topics below describe configuration required for senders that route a message via an HTTP sender, a flat file sender or an email sender.