How To Work on To Do Entries

Depending on your organization's work distribution practice, there are several ways to work on To Do entries.

When work is manually assigned, a typical approach may be to review the entries in a list and work them one entry at a time.

Regardless of the above methods to define your work list, when ready to work on a specific entry, drill into its respective page using the message description hyperlink. Drilling into an entry from the above work lists makes it your current To Do entry. This entry's key information is displayed on the Current To Do dashboard zone and you may use special action bar buttons to scroll through your work list to the next and previous entries respective to your current To Do.

Fastpath: Refer to Working On A To Do Entry for more information.

When work is assigned "on demand", click on the icon on the Current To Do dashboard zone to request your next task. The returned To Do entry automatically becomes your current To Do. The entry's key information is displayed on the zone but since the entry was no selected from a work list the next and previous action bar buttons are disabled.

Fastpath: Refer to Current To Do zone to learn about all the functions it provides to efficiently resolve the current To Do and potentially other To Do entries that may be related to it.

Resolve the current To Do by fixing the problem indicated in the message and mark the entry as Complete.

Fastpath: Refer to How To Complete To Dos for more information.