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StorageTek Tape Analytics Administration Reference Guide, Version 1.0.2
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Logging : Collecting RDA Information Without the User Interface

Collecting RDA Information Without the User Interface

You can collect RDA information manually if you are not able to access the STA user interface.

You send an RDA log bundle only when there is an STA issue, not a library, drive, or media issue that is being reported by STA. RDA logs are valuable only for resolving STA GUI or WebLogic/MySQL issues.

Unlike the GUI, which maintains RDA log bundles in /Oracle/Middleware/rda/snapshots, the manual rda.sh writes snapshots to /Oracle/Middleware/rda/output/.

Note – You can also generate an RDA log bundle through the Service -> Logs menu. This is the preferred method because it makes it very easy to capture the log and download it to the client host. See “Collecting RDA Information With the User Interface”.

Generate an RDA Log Bundle from the Linux CLI

cd /Oracle/Middleware/rda
./rda.sh  [-v]-f

The -v option is optional. It allows you to view the progress of the data collection.

The -f option forces a current data collection.

If you specify the -h option, it provides rda.sh help.

mv  /Oracle/Middleware/rda/output/RDA.STA__HOSTNAME.zip /Oracle/Middleware/rda/output/RDA.STA__HOSTNAME_XXXX.zip

where XXXX is the new RDA ZIP file name.

rda.sh –M [module]

where module is the module name (for example, STA).

The man page displays the following when you enter

rda.sh -M

The purpose of RDA is to assist in problem analysis and troubleshooting of local and remote databases, file systems, and operating system environments in relation to Oracle Products. This tool helps automate the task of gathering information about an Oracle environment for the Oracle Support and Development teams and customers to analyze the Oracle technology stacks quickly.
For example, if a customer has problems with SQL*NET, then Oracle Support may want to view the configuration files and the environment related to the problems. This can include information about the operating system, database, and file system. 

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