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Oracle Solaris Cluster System Administration Guide     Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.1
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Document Information


1.  Introduction to Administering Oracle Solaris Cluster

Overview of Administering Oracle Solaris Cluster

Working With a Zone Cluster

Oracle Solaris OS Feature Restrictions

Administration Tools

Command-Line Interface

Preparing to Administer the Cluster

Documenting an Oracle Solaris Cluster Hardware Configuration

Using an Administrative Console

Backing Up the Cluster

Beginning to Administer the Cluster

Logging Into the Cluster Remotely

How to Connect Securely to Cluster Consoles

How to Access the Cluster Configuration Utilities

How to Display Oracle Solaris Cluster Release and Version Information

How to Display Configured Resource Types, Resource Groups, and Resources

How to Check the Status of Cluster Components

How to Check the Status of the Public Network

How to View the Cluster Configuration

How to Validate a Basic Cluster Configuration

How to Check the Global Mount Points

How to View the Contents of Oracle Solaris Cluster Command Logs

2.  Oracle Solaris Cluster and RBAC

3.  Shutting Down and Booting a Cluster

4.  Data Replication Approaches

5.  Administering Global Devices, Disk-Path Monitoring, and Cluster File Systems

6.  Administering Quorum

7.  Administering Cluster Interconnects and Public Networks

8.  Adding and Removing a Node

9.  Administering the Cluster

10.  Configuring Control of CPU Usage

11.  Updating Your Software

12.  Backing Up and Restoring a Cluster

A.  Example


Administration Tools

You can perform administrative tasks on an Oracle Solaris Cluster configuration by using the command line. The following section provides an overview of the command-line tool.

Command-Line Interface

You can perform most Oracle Solaris Cluster administration tasks interactively through the clsetup utility. Whenever possible, administration procedures in this guide use the clsetup utility.

You can administer the following Main Menu items through the clsetup utility.

Other commands that you use to administer an Oracle Solaris Cluster configuration are provided in the following list. See the man pages for more detailed information.


Switches IP addresses from one adapter to another in an IP Network Multipathing group.


Manages Oracle Solaris Cluster access policies for adding nodes.


Manages Oracle Solaris Cluster devices.


Manages Oracle Solaris Cluster device groups.


Manages the Oracle Solaris Cluster interconnect.


Manages access to NAS devices for an Oracle Solaris Cluster configuration.


Manages Oracle Solaris Cluster nodes.


Manages Oracle Solaris Cluster quorum.


Manages Oracle Solaris Cluster resources for logical host names.


Manages resources for Oracle Solaris Cluster data services.


Manages resources for Oracle Solaris Cluster data services.


Manages resources for Oracle Solaris Cluster data services.


Manages Oracle Solaris Cluster resources for shared addresses.


Creates a zone cluster and interactively configures an Oracle Solaris Cluster configuration.


Administers Oracle Solaris Cluster SNMP hosts.


Administers Oracle Solaris Cluster SNMP MIB.


Administers Oracle Solaris Cluster SNMP users.


Configures system resource monitoring.


Manages the global configuration and the global status of the Oracle Solaris Cluster configuration.


Creates and modifies a zone cluster.

In addition, you can use commands to administer the volume manager portion of an Oracle Solaris Cluster configuration. These commands depend on the specific volume manager that your cluster uses.