Performing EDI TS130 Transcript Transactions

This chapter provides overviews, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

The EDI Manager provides the tools you need to manage electronic commerce transactions with your trading partners. To assist you in setting up the EDI Manager for recruiting and admissions application and transcript transactions, we have created some sample definitions in the EDI Manager. However, before processing EDI transactions, you might need to modify the setup to fit your particular needs. Therefore, it is important that you become familiar with PeopleSoft EDI architecture and recruiting and admissions processes to understand the implications of your EDI implementation decisions. The following paragraphs explain how this information can be set up.

When a trading partner submits an EDI transaction, it needs to address it to a specific business unit. In other words, the EDI agent needs to know in some way to which business unit to forward the transaction. Therefore, you must define entity codes that tell the EDI Manager where to forward the transaction. This PeopleSoft system includes sample entity codes for admissions transcript and application transactions, as well as sample internal and external partner definitions.

When you receive an EDI transaction from a trading partner, the first record of the transaction includes a Transaction ID that identifies the transaction type. The EDI agent uses the transaction ID, in conjunction with the trading partner ID, to determine which inbound map to use to process the transaction data. Similarly, when you initiate an outbound transaction, the EDI agent puts the appropriate transaction ID in the first transaction record so that the recipient knows what kind of transaction you have sent. The PeopleSoft system includes sample transaction definitions, partner profile definitions and conversion data profiles.

Electronic commerce maps specify how the EDI Agent transfers data between PeopleSoft business documents and the staging tables in the PeopleSoft database. The EDI agent uses inbound maps to transfer data from PeopleSoft business documents to the staging tables, in preparation for processing by your Recruiting and Admissions application. PeopleSoft has created sample inbound map definitions.

When you add a trading partner, you assign to it a map profile, which lists the electronic commerce maps that the EDI agent can use to process transactions from the partner. The PeopleSoft system includes sample data mapping profile definitions.

The example data mapping profile definition provided is ADM_EDIMP - Admissions EDI Map Profiles. This definition lists the map assignments for the Admissions Transcript Transaction (ADM_TRNS_TS13O) and the Admissions Applicant Transaction (ADM_TRANS_TS189).

See Also

PeopleSoft Supported Integration Technologies: "EDI Manager," Setting Up Trading Partners

PeopleSoft Supported Integration Technologies: "EDI Manager," Defining EDI Transactions

PeopleSoft Supported Integration Technologies: "Mapping EDI Transactions," Creating Electronic Commerce Maps

PeopleSoft Supported Integration Technologies: "Mapping EDI Transactions," Creating Map Profiles

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding EDI TS130 Transcript Transactions

Recruiting and Admissions enables you to load external academic transcripts through EDI (Electronic Data Interchange).

To perform EDI TS130 transcript transactions:

  1. Process the inbound EC agent.

    Specify the location of the file that you want to load into the suspense file on the Schedule Inbound EC Agent page.

  2. Load the EDI data for transcript transactions.

    Run the TS130 Load process to load the data into staging files.

  3. Review and edit the data that you loaded in suspense pages.

    Correct all load errors before moving on to the next step. In the search dialog page of the suspense component, enter Error in the Edit Processing Option field and click the Search button. Access each suspense record and correct the errors until every suspense record has a value of Complete (rather than Error) in the Edit field of the Process Options page.

  4. After you have corrected all of the load errors in the suspense files, run the organization search process.

    This process looks for a match of the organization based on the ATP, ACT, FICE, or IPEDS code loaded against the same codes stored on the Organization Table, School Data page. The system compares the EDI School Subject and EDI Course Number on the EDI TS130 Courses page with the school subject and school course number on the School Course Classification page.

  5. Resolve and edit any course errors resulting from the organization search process.

    In the search dialog page of the suspense component, enter Error in the Edit Processing Option field and click the Search button. Access each suspense record and correct the course or organization errors until every suspense record has a value of Complete (rather than Error) in the Edit field of the Process Options page. If more than one match is found for an organization, the EDI Org Process Options Search field will be set to Error and the Search/Match results will show the number of schools that matched on the code used as shown. You will need to resolve that error and run the Organization Search process again for the courses to be populated.

    This process looks for data in your database (based on search parameters that you define on the Search/match Parameters page, to include, for example, name, social security number, and birth date) that matches the data that you are posting. For a set of parameters that suggest only a possible match (such as name and gender, for example), the process does not post the record until you can manually determine which records are actually duplicates.

  6. After you have corrected all of the organization and course errors in the suspense files, run the search/match/post process.

    This process looks for data in your database (based on search parameters that you defined on the Search/match Parameters page, to include, for example, name, social security number, and birth date) that matches the data that you are posting. For a set of parameters that suggest only a possible match (such as name and gender, for example), the process does not post the record until you can manually determine which records are actually duplicates.

  7. Check each suspense record that did not get posted to see if it is actually a duplicate.

    In the search dialog page of the TS130 Staging component, enter Complete in the Edit Process Option field and Perform in the Search/Match Process Option field, and then click the Search button. The search process finds only those suspense records that went through the search/match/post process but were not posted. The reason the search/match/post process did not post the records is because it found a possible duplicate record in the database. After you access the component, find the parameters for which the process identified a match, and then use search/match to look up the bio/demo information that matches the suspense record and decide whether a person who matches the incoming data already exists in the system. Then, specify whether you want the search/match/post process to add the bio/demo and test record to your database, update an existing record, or ignore the suspense record.

  8. Run the search/match/post process again.

    The process posts the suspense records that you manually tagged to post. By this time, all of your suspense records should be posted to your database. When a record posts to your database, the search/match/post process assigns an ID to the person. To view a bio/demo record that the search/match/post process created, select Develop Enrollment, Process External Data, Use, Bio/Demo Data. To view a test score record that the search/match/post process created or updated, select Develop Enrollment, Process External Data, Use, Test Scores.

    Purge TS130 staging table records on the TS130 Purge Parameters page. You can also purge messages in this process. If you want to perform an analysis on your TS130 processing, perhaps at the end of a year, do not purge your messages with this process. Instead, purge them at a later date when you know you no longer need to view them.

See Also

Purging All EDI Messages

Tracking Test Results for Prospects and Applicants

Entering or Updating Applicant Biographical Data

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the EDI Applications and Transcripts Business Process

EDI is a means of transmitting data electronically from one entity to another. Through the EDI Manager you can receive data files from external sources and load important recruiting and admissions data into staging tables where you can review and edit the data. Then, you can post the data to tables in your database.

Recruiting and Admissions supports EDI transactions for transcripts and applications. For example, an applicant can fill out an application online using a third-party vendor, which then sends the application electronically to your institution. Additionally, an external institution can electronically send you an applicant's transcripts. In either case, you can load the data from a file into staging tables, review the data, and post it to your database.

The EDI transaction supported for the transcript load is the Admissions Transcript Transaction (ADM_TRNS_TS13O). The data transmitted through the EDI data load includes personal information, academic status, dates of attendance, session and course information, grades earned, degrees awarded, testing information, and more.

The inbound transaction supported for the application load is the Admissions Applicant Transaction (ADM_TRNS_TS189). The data transmitted through the EDI data load includes personal information, names, addresses, residence data, application entry and questions, session and course information, degrees awarded, testing information, and more.

If you receive a transcript or application for a person who does not exist in your database, the system can add the person to your system (depending on the parameters you set up). If the person already exists in your database, the system can update the person's records (depending on the parameters you set up).

The file that you load into EDI Manager is a business document that you receive from an EDI translator. The example setup provided with your system was developed using a Supply Tech business document. Your institution, however, might receive your business document from another EDI translator.

See Also

PeopleSoft Supported Integration Technologies: "EDI Manager"

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Ethnicity in the System

You must ensure that your system is set up to correctly populate ethnicity information during the TS130 and TS189 posting processes. To do so:

This is an example of ethnic groups defined on the Conversion Data Profile page:

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing the Schedule Inbound EC Agent

Use the Schedule Inbound EC Agent (inbound electronic commerce agent) page to specify the location of the file that you want to load into the suspense file. The Schedule Inbound EC Agent (ECIN0001.sqr) process converts the data in the file according to your setup in the EDI Manager. After the process converts the data, it loads it into temporary files until you run the load process.

To process the inbound EC agent for recruiting and admissions transactions:

  1. Select PeopleTools, EDI Manager, Monitor EDI Processing, Schedule Inbound EC Agent.

  2. Select the Single File run option.

  3. In the Single File Path field, enter the directory path of the file that you want to load.

  4. In the Single File Name field, enter the name of the file that you want to load.

  5. Select Do Not Force in the Force Profile group box.

  6. Clear the check boxes in the File Options group box.

See Also

PeopleSoft Supported Integration Technologies, "EDI Manager"

Click to jump to parent topicLoading EDI Data for Transcript Transactions

This section discusses how to use the EDI TS130 Load Parameters page to load EDI TS130 transcripts into staging tables. You can also elect to create a TS131 acknowledgement file with this process. You send acknowledgement files to the institution that sent you the transcript. It acknowledges the receipt of the transcript and confirms that the institution the transcript was sent to was the institution that received it, and that the information sent is correct. Since you send the acknowledgement file to the institution that sent the transcript, it also confirms for you that the transcript came from the proper office at the institution indicated as the sender and that certain key elements of the transcript were received as they were sent. Before you can create EDI TS131 acknowledgement files, you must define defaults for the acknowledgement files on the TS130/TS131 Setup page.

See Also

Defining TS130 and TS131 Controls

Reviewing TS130 Outbound Transactions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Load EDI Data for Transcript Transactions

Page Name

Definition Name



EDI TS130 Load Parameters


Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, Load Process

Use the EDI TS130 Load Parameters page to load EDI TS130 transcripts into staging tables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading TS130 Transcripts into Staging Tables

Access the EDI TS130 Load Parameters page (Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, Load Process).

Warning! You should complete the full loading, search/match, and posting processes before loading a new set of data. If you have data waiting to be processed, do not load a new file until you have processed any data in your staging files.

Regulatory Region

The system uses the value entered here to populate ethnic group fields during TS130 staging.

Important! Ensure that the ethnic groups defined on the Conversion Data Profile page match those defined for the regulatory region entered here.

Create Acknowledgement (TS131)

Select to create a TS131 acknowledgement file. The system creates the file according to the standards defined on the TS130/131 Setup page. After the system creates the file, you can send it to the original sending institution to acknowledge receipt of the transcripts.


Enter your institution code. The system uses the institution code to determine which setup values to use from the TS130/131 Setup page when creating the file.

File Name

Enter the path to where you want the system to write the file, and enter the name of the created file.

Male, Female, and Unknown

An EDI load does not include a person's prefix. It does, however, include gender. In these fields, select the prefix that you want entered according to the gender provided in the EDI load. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

After you load the data into staging files, you can view the data in the EDI TS130 Staging pages.

EDI Name Type

Select the path to where you want the system to write the file, and enter the name of the created file. Since a transaction can have multiple names for a student, you must indicate which name type to use for the Primary PeopleSoft name. This is the name posted to the NAMES table. Indicate, in hierarchical order, the EDI name types you want to use for this purpose. These are delivered translate values, based on the name types defined in the TS130 Standards documentation. It is important that you enter all EDI name types that you may receive. If a name type is not entered and the student only has that name type, then the student will be loaded with a blank name and the record will display an error.

Click the Run button to run the EDI TS130 Transcript Load/Edit process at user-defined intervals.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing and Editing the EDI TS130 Staging Pages

You can use the EDI TS130 Staging component to review or edit the transcript data that you loaded through the EDI transaction. If you have not run the posting process, any changes you make post to your database when you run the posting process, which means the data posts to the person's record (unless otherwise noted).

The EDI TS130 transcript staging pages are holding tables and are not linked to your database. Personal, organization, and transcript data from these tables post to your database during the posting process, but the data is not shared. In other words, if you change a value in one of these pages, your database is not affected until you run the posting process. Data from these records can post to personal data, to the Education component, and to the Test Results page. If, during the posting process, the data causes a new record to be added, the person is added to your demographic data.

You can access the EDI TS130 Staging pages to review the information stored here at any time during the Processing TS130 transcript business process. For example, you might prefer to look at the data immediately after loading it, after running the organization search process, after posting it, or after each of those steps, depending on your procedures.

Note. Be cautious when editing the data in your staging files prior to posting so that you do not inadvertently create duplicate records.

If you find an error in these pages after the posting process, you need to go to the applicable page in your application to make any changes.

This section discusses how to review EDI TS130:

See Also

The Postsecondary Electronic Standards Council Website

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review and Edit the EDI TS130 Data

Page Name

Definition Name



EDI TS130 Process Options


Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Process Options

Review or edit the process options in your EDI TS130 staging table. This page provides the status of an EDI TS130 transcript record regarding the loading, search/match and posting processes. You can determine if a record is waiting to be processed, if a record instigated a new person to be added to your database, or if any errors were encountered during the search/match or loading processes.

EDI TS130 Org Process Options (organization process options)


Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Org Process Options

Review or edit the process options for external organization records in your EDI TS130 staging table.

EDI TS130 Names


Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Names

Review or edit the names of applicants loaded through the EDI TS130 data load.

EDI TS130 Addresses


Student Admissions, Application Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Addresses

Review or edit the addresses of applicants loaded through the EDI TS130 data load.

EDI TS130 Bio/Demo (biographical/demographic)


Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Bio/Demo

Review and edit the biographical and demographic data loaded through the EDI TS130 data load.

EDI TS130 Bio/Demo 2 (biographical/demographic 2)


Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Bio/Demo (2)

Review and edit the biographical and demographic data loaded through the EDI TS130 data load.

EDI TS130 RAP (requirements, attributes, and proficiencies)


Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 RAP

Review or edit transcript degree data loaded through the EDI TS130 data load. Requirement, Attribute, and Proficiency information fall under a session.

EDI TS130 Previous Colleges


Student Admissions, Application Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Previous Colleges

Review or edit previous college data loaded through the EDI TS130 data load.

EDI TS130 Org Data (organization data)


Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Org Data

Review and edit the organization demographic data loaded through the EDI TS130 data load. This page contains data about the external organization that this transcript data is regarding. Organization data does not post to your database.

EDI TS130 Acad Status (academic status)


Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Acad Status

Review or edit high school academic status data loaded through the EDI TS130 data load. If the organization you are viewing is a high school, this page contains high school academic information about the person in regard to this organization.

EDI TS130 Activities


Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Activities

Review or edit transcript degree data loaded through the EDI TS130 data load. Activity information falls under a session.

EDI TS130 Test Scores


Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Test Scores

Review or edit test score data loaded through the EDI TS130 data load.

EDI TS130 Sessions


Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Sessions

Review or edit transcript session data loaded through the EDI TS130 data load. Multiple sessions can come from one organization. For example, one session could make up the Fall of 9th grade, whereas another session could make up the Spring of 9th grade.

EDI TS130 Academic Summary


Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Academic Summary

Review or edit academic summary data loaded through the EDI TS130 data load.

EDI TS130 Courses


Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Courses

Review or edit transcript course data loaded through the EDI TS130 data load.

TS130 Course Detail


Click the Course Detail link on the EDI TS130 Courses page.

View additional course information.

EDI TS130 Degrees


Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Degrees

Review or edit transcript degree data loaded through the EDI TS130 data load. Degree information falls under a session.

EDI TS130 Additional Info


Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Additional Info

Review or edit additional information loaded through the EDI TS130 data load.

EDI TS130 Messages


Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Messages

View EDI TS130 processing messages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing EDI TS130 Staging Process Options

Access the EDI TS130 Process Options page (Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Process Options).

Processing Options


The system displays the status of the load process for this suspense record. The load process populates this value.

Complete: The load process loaded the transcript data without a problem. This record is ready to be posted.

Error: The load process encountered problems when loading the transcript data. The system indicates the values that you need to correct in the Error Indicators group box. Correct all errors and save the data before running the search/match/post process on this record. After you correct the errors and save the component, the system changes the field value to Complete.

Perform: You set this value manually. It is for informational purposes only.


The system displays the status of the search/match process for this suspense record. The search/match process populates this value.

Complete: The search/match process posted the transcript data without a problem. If the process created a new person in your database, the process generates an ID for the person and displays it in the ID field on the Bio/Demo page. If the process updated an existing person's record, the process displays the ID that was updated in the ID field on the Bio/Demo page.

Error: The search/match process encountered problems when posting the transcript data.

Perform: The search/match process processes this record the next time you run the process.


The system displays the status of the record regarding the search/match/post process. These values can be entered manually, however, some are entered by the system after you run the processes as described in the following table.


Post Value


How Set


The posting process encountered a problem.

Set by the system during the search/match/post process.

New ID Add

The system was unable to find a match in the database and will add a record with a new ID to your database when you run the search/match/post process.

When set manually it means that the process identified a match and you determined manually that no duplication exists. When you run the search/match/post process again, the process creates a new record and generates an ID, which it displays in the ID field on the Bio/Demo page.

Set by the system during the search/match process if no match was found in your database (only when you run search/match and post and different times).

Set manually.

No Action

Search/match/post and purge suspense file processes will ignore the record if this value is entered.

Set manually.


Indicates that this suspense record will be removed from the system during the purge suspense file process.

Set by the system during the search/match/post process if the record was successfully processed.

Update ID

The search/match/post process found a matching ID in the database. The process will update the matching records with the data from this suspense record.

When set manually it means that the process identified a match and you determined manually that a duplication exists. The system makes available the ID field on the Bio/Demo page. Select the ID that you want the search/match/post process to update. You must save the page and run the search/match/post process to update the record.

Set by the system during the search/match process if a match was found in the database and if your search parameters define that an update should occur in this situation (only when you run search/match and post and different times).

Set manually.

Wait Search

This record is in the suspense file and is waiting to be processed by the search/match/post process.

Set by the system during the load external data process.

Note. While you can manually edit the values in the Edit, Search and Post fields, keep in mind that if a field contains Error and you manually change it without correcting an error, you might experience problems when posting the data.

Error Indicators

Last Name, First Name, Test Component, and Course Error

When a load error occurs, the load external data process selects the required values that were missing or incorrect in the load. Go to the Bio/Demo page, the Tests page, or another page is the Suspense component where the missing or incorrect data resides to enter a valid value. When you correct the error the system clears the check box. After you clear all of the check boxes and save the component, the system enters Complete in the Edit field.

Search/Match Results

Order Nbr

You know that the search/match/post process found a match and did not post the suspense record when the Search field contains Perform and displays the search order number that led to the match in the Order Number field. Use this information to decide whether or not a possible duplication exists.


The system displays the number of matches the process found at the given order number.

Note. Additional status information can be viewed on the EDI TS130 Messages page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing EDI TS130 Organization Staging Process Options

Access the EDI TS130 Org Process Options page (Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Org Process Options).

This page provides the status of EDI TS130 transcript organization data regarding the loading, search/match and posting processes. You can determine if an external organization record is waiting to be processed, if the person linked to this organization record instigated a new ID to be added to your database, or if any errors were encountered during the search/match or loading processes.

When organization data comes in with an EDI load, the system does not create new organizations in your database. During the Organization Search process, the system searches through your database to find a matching external organization for the organization data that comes in. Therefore, the organization must already exist in your database for this transcript data to process. An error occurs if the process does not find a matching organization.

Organization data is linked to a personal EDI TS130 record. The organization controls the transcript information related to the person linked to this record. The system does not process the organization data until you process the matching personal record.

Processing Options


The system displays the status of the load process for this organization suspense record. The load process populates this value.

Complete: The load process loaded the organization data without a problem. This record is ready to be posted.

Error: The load process encountered problems when loading the organization data. View details about the error on the EDI TS130 Messages page. Correct all errors and save the data before running the search/match/post process on this record. After you correct the errors and save the component, the system changes the field value to Complete.

Perform: You set this value manually. This is for informational purposes only.


The system displays the status of the search/match process for this suspense record. The search/match process populates this value.

Complete: The search/match process posted the organization data without a problem.

Error: The search/match process encountered problems when posting the organization data.

Perform: The search/match process processes this record the next time you run the process.


The system displays the status of the record regarding the search/match/post process. These values can be entered manually, however, some are entered by the system after you run the processes as described in the following table.


Post Value


How Set


The posting process encountered a problem.

Set by the system during the search/match/post process.

New ID Add

The system was unable to find a match for this organization in your database. To post data for this person regarding this organization, you must manually enter a valid organization ID on the EDI TS130 Org Data page.

Set by the system during the search/match process if no matching organization was found in your database.

No Action

Search/match/post and purge suspense file processes will ignore the record if this value is entered.

Set manually.


Indicates that this suspense record will be removed from the system during the purge suspense file process.

Set by the system during the search/match/post process if the record was successfully processed.

Update ID

The system found a matching organization ID in the database. Consequently, data from this organization for this person can be updated.

Set by the system during the search/match process if a matching organization was found in the database.

Wait Search

This record is in the suspense file and is waiting to be processed by the search/match/post process.

Set by the system during the load external data process.

Note. While you can manually edit the values in the Edit, Search and Post fields, keep in mind that if a field contains Error and you manually change it without correcting an error, you might experience problems when posting the data.

Search/Match Results


The system displays number of external organization matches found in your database for this record.

Note. Additional status information can be viewed on the EDI TS130 Messages page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing EDI TS130 Name Data

Access the EDI TS130 Names page (Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Names).

View all the names parts loaded for the student by name type. The name appearing at the top of the page is the name that will be posted to the NAMES record. This name was determined by the Name types you entered on the TS130 Load Parameters page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing EDI TS130 Address Data

Access the EDI TS130 Addresses page (Student Admissions, Application Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Addresses).

View the address types loaded for the student. Click the Address button to access the TS130 Address, where you can view the address loaded through the TS130 Load process. You can also click the Edit Address link on the TS130 Address page to edit address data. If a new record is created when you post EDI TS130 data, address information from this page is used to populate the new record. If a matching record is found in your database and you have defined that matching records should be updated with EDI TS130 data, this EDI TS130 personal data does not overwrite any data in the existing record.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing EDI TS130 Staging Bio/Demo Data

Access the EDI TS130 Bio/Demo page (Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Bio/Demo).

The EDI TS130 Bio/Demo page contains biographical and demographic data for the person from the EDI TS130 transcript load.

If the system creates a new record when you post EDI TS130 data, the system uses personal information from this page to populate the new record. If the system finds a matching record in your database this EDI TS130 personal data does not overwrite any bio/demo data in the existing record, even if you have specified that matching records should be updated with EDI TS130 data. To protect verified information, the system never updates bio/demo data through external data loads.

If you have not run the posting process and you edit the data on this page, then the edited data posts to the person's record when you post the data.


After the load process runs, this field is display-only and is empty. After the search/match process runs this field is accessible and contains the ID of the person in your database if a match was found, or NEW if a new record will be added during the posting process. After the posting process runs, this field is display-only and displays the ID of the person in your database to whom this EDI data posted.

This field is unavailable until you run the search/match/post process. The search/match/post process generates an ID and displays it here if the process created a new record.

If the process finds a match and updates an existing record, the process enters the ID of the record that it updated.

If the process finds a match and dumps the record into the suspense table, and you decide to update an existing ID (by selecting Update ID in the Post field on the Process Options page), a prompt becomes available. Click the prompt to select the ID that you want to update.

Ref Nbr Qualifier (reference number qualifier)

The type of reference number indicated in the EDI TS130 load for this person.

Number (reference number)

The actual reference number from the EDI TS130 load.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing EDI TS130 Staging Bio/Demo (2) Data

Access the EDI TS130 Bio/Demo (2) page (Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Bio/Demo (2)).

If a new record is created when you post EDI TS130 data, personal information from this page is used to populate the new record. If a matching record is found in your database and you have defined that matching records should be updated with EDI TS130 data, this EDI TS130 personal data does not overwrite any data in the existing record. If you have not run the posting process and you edit the data on this page, the edited data posts to the person's record when you post the data.


The system selects this check box if the record indicates that the person is disabled.

Full-Time Student

The system selects this check box if the record indicates that the person is a full-time student.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing EDI TS130 Requirements, Attributes, and Proficiencies

Access the EDI TS130 RAP page (Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 RAP).

Test/Requirement Code

Indicates a particular national, regional, state, or local requirement for a course.

Description 1

Specifies the main category of the requirement, attribute, or proficiency.

Description 2

Specifies the lesser category of the requirement, attribute, or proficiency.

Usage Indicator

Designates the achievement or characteristic being described as a requirement, an attribute, or a proficiency. Possible values are Attribute, Prfncy (proficiency), and Reqmn (requirement).

Condition or Response Code

If selected, indicates that the student or course meets the requirement, attribute, or proficiency.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing EDI TS130 Previous College Data

Access the EDI TS130 Previous College(s) page (Student Admissions, Application Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Previous College(s)).

View previous colleges supplied by the sending institution on this page. Information includes the institution name, the begin and end dates, as well as degree data. This data is informational only and not posted to the Education component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing EDI TS130 Staging Organization Demographic Data

Access the EDI TS130 Org Data page (Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Org Data).

Note. An organization must exist in your database for transcript data from that organization to post to your database. If the organization search process resulted in multiple or no matches, you need to manually choose an organization ID on this page. If the organization does not exist in your database, you need to add a new organization to your database and then return to this page and insert the new ID. The organization search process must be run again to process the courses for the new external organization once it is entered on this page.


The descriptive name of this external organization as provided in the EDI load.

Organization Type

The type of external organization (such as School). Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

External Org ID (external organization ID)

If the organization search process found a match for this organization in your database, its ID appears. If more than one or no potential match is found during the organization search process, Error appears in the Search field of the Org Process Options page. In such a case, an organization does not appear in this page. To investigate the reason for the error, go to the EDI TS130 Staging - Messages page. If no match is found, you must manually choose the appropriate organization ID. If the organization does not exist, you need to add it to your database and then return to this page to select the new ID.

See Adding Organizations to Your Database.

Term Type

The type of term used by this external organization.

External Career

The external career for this organization. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these translate values. Values are Graduate, High School, Law, Medical, and Undergraduate.

Inbound School Type

The EDI school type for this external organization comes from the EDI record. Its description appears next to the field.

ACT Code, ATP Code, FICE Code, and IPEDS Code

The ACT code, ATP code, FICE code, and IPEDS code appear. The organization search process uses these codes to search for a matching external organization in the database.

Organization Address

Click this button to access address information for this external organization.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing EDI TS130 Staging Academic Status Data

Access the EDI TS130 Acad Status page (Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Acad Status).

View additional information about the student's attendance at the organization listed on the EDI TS130 Org Data page. After you post the EDI TS130 data, you can view transcript data for this person through the Education component or through the Education Summary inquiry component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing EDI TS130 Staging Activity Data

Access the EDI TS130 Activities page (Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Activities).

Qualifier Code

Identifies a specific industry code list, such as Activ Cd (activity code) or Award Cd (award code).

Note. You can view activity code information on the Extracurricular Activities page and award code information on the Honors/Awards page after the person becomes a prospect or applicant and the data is posted to the database.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing EDI TS130 Staging Test Score Data

Access the EDI TS130 Test Scores page (Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Test Scores).

Test ID

The ID of the test taken by this person. Define test IDs on the Test Tables page.

Test Date

The PeopleSoft standard date format as translated from the EDI test date.

Test Date Error

The system selects this check box if it detected an error on the test date.

Test Level

A free-form text description of the level of the test for cases in which there are multiple levels to a test. For example, for the International Baccalaureate Test, "H" represents the higher level and "S" represents the subsidiary level.


The system translates the test component to your institution component code by matching the subtest code delivered with the EDI load and the subtest code on the Test Tables page.

Subtest (subtest code)

The test component code from the EDI record. A corresponding subtest code must be defined for the test component on the Test Table for the test component to be populated during the TS130 load process.


The reported score from the EDI load.


The system selects this check box if the component will be posted to your database.


The system selects this check box if it detected an error on the test component.

Note. You can view the test results posted for a person through the Academic Test Summary page or the Test Results page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing EDI TS130 Staging Session Data

Access the EDI TS130 Sessions page (Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Sessions).

Term Type

The term type used by this external organization. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.


The external career to which this transcript session pertains. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

Ext Term (external term)

The actual external term that this data applies to (such as FALL or SPRING). The values available to you in this field depend on what you entered in the Term Type field. Define external terms on the External Term Table page.

Acad Level (academic level)

The academic level of the person at the time this data was collected or issued. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these translate values. Examples of the values are 10th Grade, 11th Grade, Freshman, and Postdoctoral.

Term Year

The term year relevant to this session.

From Date and To Date

The first and last date that the applicant attended this school for this session.

Certificate Received Date

The date that you ran the EC Inbound Agent process.

Data Medium

The data medium default for this session is EDI. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing EDI TS130 Staging Academic Summary Data

Access the EDI TS130 Academic Summary page (Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Academic Summary).

View academic data specific to the session listed for the student. This data will include grade point average (GPA), units attempted and completed, as well as class rank information. If an N appears in the Cumulative field, the data shown is specific to the session listed. If a Y appears in the Cumulative field, the data is cumulative to show overall academic statistics as of the end of the session listed. The latest cumulative information is posted to the academic summary section of the Education component during the search/match/post process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing EDI TS130 Staging Course Data

Access the EDI TS130 Courses page (Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Courses).

The Org Search Process finds course matches based on the EDI School Subject and EDI Course Number. The EDI fields are compared against the School Subject and School Course Number defined for the Organization on the School Course Classification page. If a match is found, the School Subject, Course Number and Description from the School Course Classification Table are populated on EDI TS130 Courses and the Course Post flag is set to Y. If a match is not found based on the Subject and Number during the Org Search Process, the Edit Process Option will be set to Error and the Course Error flag will be set to Yes on the EDI TS130 Process Options page.

You can choose to post the course without having a match. The error flag will not be set on the course and you are able to select Course Post which allows the course to be posted to External Course instead of having to manually data enter the course. You can select the School Subject and Course Nbr prompts to search for an appropriate course or leave the fields populated as they are. If you determine you want this course to be posted even though a match was not found, select Course Post and Save. If you select Course Post for all the courses that did not find a match and save, the Edit Process Option on EDI TS130 Process Options will automatically change from Error to Complete. If you decide not to post one or more courses, you will need to manually go change the Edit Process Option to Complete in order for the transcript to be posted.

External Course Number

The sequential number of this row of course data. The first data item (or row) loaded is 1. The next row is 2. Courses fall under a session.

Crse Error (course error)

The system selects the course error display-only check box if there was an error during the posting process. For example, the system selects this check box if it fails to find a matching course for the course loaded through the EDI load. See the Messages page for more information on this error.

Course Post

The system selects this check box if this course will be posted to your database.

School Subject

If the system finds an external subject area on the School Course Classification page for this school that matches the external subject area loaded through the EDI load, it populates the subject area from the School Course Classification page here. If it does not find a match, it populates the value from the External Subject Area field here, and selects the Crse Error check box. The system compares the subject areas when you post the record.

Course Nbr (course number)

If the system finds a course description and external subject area on the School Course Classification page that matches the description of the EDI course number and the external subject area from the load, it populates the course number here, and the description in the field to the right. If it does not find a match, the system leaves this field blank and selects the Crse Error check box. The system compares the course descriptions when you post the record.


The external career comes from the EDI load. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

EDI School Subject

The external subject area loaded from the EDI load. When you post this record the system compares this value to the external subject areas and course descriptions set up for this external organization on the School Course Classification page. If it finds a match it populates the School Subject field with the corresponding subject area from the School Course Classification page. If it does not find a match the system populates the School Subject field with the value in this field. The description appears next to the field.

EDI Course Number

The course number loaded from the EDI load. The description from the EDI load appears next to this course field. When you post this record the system compares the description of the EDI course number and the external subject area to the course descriptions and external subject areas set up for this external organization on the School Course Classification page. If it finds a match it populates the Course Nbr field with the corresponding course number from the School Course Classification page. If it does not find a match the system leaves the Course Nbr field blank and selects the Crse Error check box.

The Description field is display-only if a match is found from your School Course Classification setup. If a match is not found, you can edit the Description field.

EDI External Course Type

The external course type defining this course, such as Course and Event. External Course Type comes from the EDI load. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

Course Level

The course level comes from the EDI load. This course could be described, for example, as an Honors, AP, or Regular course. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

Units Taken

The number of units taken for this course.

Grd In/Official (grade in/official)

The grade information for this course.

Course Detail

Click this button to view additional data regarding this course.

Note. View transcript data posted through the EDI load for a person through the Education component or through the Education Summary inquiry component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing EDI TS130 Staging Degree Data

Access the EDI TS130 Degrees page (Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Degrees).

Degree Nbr (degree number)

Displays the sequential number of this row of degree data. The first data item (or row) loaded is 1 and the next row is 2.

Degree Date

The date the student received or will receive this degree.

Honors Category

Honors the person received for this degree (if applicable). Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these translate values. The delivered values are Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, None, and Summa Cum Laude.

Field of Study 1 and Field of Study 2

The particular subject areas or concentrations for this degree (if applicable).

Note. You can view the degree data posted for a person through the Education component or through the Education Summary inquiry component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing EDI TS130 Staging Additional Information

Access the EDI TS130 Additional Info page (Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Additional Info).

EDI Trans Type

The purpose of the transaction. Values are Original, Replace, Duplicate, Response, Re-Submission, Confirmation, and Mutually Defined.

Transaction Type

The type or transcript or student record being sent. Values are District or Postsecondary.

Ref Nbr Qual (reference number qualifier)

A code identifying the type of student identification being sent in the Reference Number field. Refer to the Student Educational Record Transaction Set 130 (TS130) for a definition of the values.

Status Reason

The reason the transcript or student record is being sent. Refer to the Student Educational Record Transaction Set 130 (TS130) for a definition of the values.

Unit Type

The external unit type from the last SUM loop transmitted for the student indicating the type of credit used by the sending institution. Refer to the Student Educational Record Transaction Set 130 (TS130) for a definition of the values.

Reference Number

The reference information as defined by the reference identification qualifier field.


An indicator of whether or not the data on this page is a summary or all work included in the record. A Y in the field indicates the data is cumulative.

Course Level

The level of work that is reflected in the GPA and hours on this page. Refer to the Student Educational Record Transaction Set 130 (TS130) for a definition of the values.


The total number of units the student attempted on this record as transmitted in the last SUM loop of the record.

External GPA (external grade point average)

The GPA for the student as transmitted in the last SUM loop of the record.

Class Rank

The class rank of the student as transmitted in the last SUM loop of the record.


The total number of units the student attempted and earned on this record as transmitted in the last SUM loop of the record

Hours Earned

The total number of hours included in the GPA for this summary as transmitted in the last SUM loop of the record.

Class Size

The total number of student in the class to help position the student's rank as transmitted in the last SUM loop of the record.

Name Component

The code identifying the type of name component. Refer to the Student Educational Record Transaction Set 130 (TS130) for a definition of the values.

Date Time Period

The date the class rank was determined.


The free-form text of the name component or the full name as indicated in the name component field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing EDI TS130 Messages in the Staging Table

Access the EDI TS130 Messages page (Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Messages).

Any informational and error messages that the EDI TS130 load, organization search, search/match, or posting processes generates appear on this page. These messages can serve historical and analytical purposes, giving you a picture of the kinds of errors encountered in your EDI processing. To do such an analysis, you would need to wait to purge your EDI messages until you have completed your analysis.

You can also look to these messages to ascertain any changes you want to make to your staging data before posting it to your database.

Run Date/Time

The day and time the last process ran for this record.

Process Instance

The process number of the last process run for this record.

User ID

The user ID of the person who ran the last process for this person.

Process Name

The name of the last SQR run for this record. For example, in the previous page example, the last SQR run was ADTRNPST.SQR (the load process).

Message Set Number and Message Number

The message set number and message number, which come from the message catalog.

Message Severity

The message severity (such as Message or Error).

Message Text

The actual message on this row of data.


Details about the message in the Message Text area.


Results or other additional information about the message.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the Organization Search Process

This section provides an overview of the organization search process and lists the page used to run the Organization Search process.

After you have loaded the TS130 data and corrected any error resulting from the load process, run the organization search process to match the organization and course data.

When you click the Run button, the Organization Search process does the following: Uses the FICE, ATP, ACT, or IPEDS code found on the EDI TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Org Data page to find a match to the same codes stored on the Organization Table, School Data page. If a match is found, the system populates the Ext Org ID, Term Type, and External Career fields on the EDI TS130 Org Data page.

The Term Type and External Career fields will only be populated if the system defaults for those fields are populated on the Organization Table, School Data page.

The system updates the EDI TS130 Courses page (Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Courses) based on the search process. The system compares the EDI School Subject and EDI Course Number fields on the EDI TS130 Courses page with the school subject and school course number on the School Course Classification page (Campus Community, Organization, Create/Maintain Organizations, School Course Classification).

If the system finds a match, it sets the course to Course Post. If the system does not find a match, it sets the Crse Error (course error) flag for the course and also sets it on the EDI TS130 Staging, EDI TS130 Process Options page.

To post the course as it is, select the Course Post check box and save the page. If you post all of the courses for which no match was found, the Edit Process Option field on the EDI TS130 Process Options page automatically changes from Error to Complete. If you decide not to post one or more courses, you must manually change the Edit Process Option field to Complete in order for the transcript to be posted.

To rectify a course error:

  1. Clear the Course Nbr (course number) field

  2. Press TAB.

  3. Click the prompt to select the appropriate course.

The system clears the Crse Error check box, but you must select Course Post to post the course. The appropriate courses do not appear if you do not press TAB before selecting the course number prompt. You must return to TS130 staging and correct the errors before posting the data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Run the Organization Search Process

Page Name

Definition Name



EDI TS130 Org Search (organization search)


Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, Organization Search Process

Run the process to match organization and course data from the transmitted student record.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up TS130 Search/Match/Post Parameters, and Processing and Posting the EDI Staging Files

After you have reviewed the staging tables, specify on the Search Parameters page which EDI data to load into your database as new records, which data to append to existing records in your database, and which data to ignore. After choosing your search/match parameters, you can also set up the parameters for posting the EDI TS130 data, and then you can run both processes at once: to search for matching people in your database and to post the external EDI TS130 data according to the parameters you set up. The EDI TS130 Post process contains logic to prevent the posting of duplicate data in the following areas: External data and external academic summary. The following fields are used to determine if a new row should be added to external data and external academic summary during the process: EmplID, External Organization ID, Career, Data Source, Transcript Type, Transcript Status, Academic Level, From Date, and To Date. If the session data on the EDI TS130 staging matches the data on the External Education page, a new row is not added. The exception to this logic is if the EDI Transaction Type (BGN01) equals Replace (05), Re-Submission (15), or Reissue (18). In this case, the existing data is updated with the new data. If the data does not match, a new row is added.

External degree: The following fields are used to determine if an external degree should be added during the process: EmplID, External Org ID, External Career, Data Source, Degree Status, Degree Date, and Degree. If the degree data on EDI TS130 staging matches the data on the Courses and Degrees page, a new row is not added. The exception to this logic is if the EDI Transaction Type (BGN01) equals Replace (05), Re-Submission (15), or Reissue (18). If the data matches and the transaction type is one of these values, the existing data is updated with the new data. If the data does not match, a new row is added.

External courses. The following fields are used to determine if an external course should be added during the process: EmplID, External Org ID, Data Source, School Subject, Course Number, Begin Date and End Date, and Grade In. If the course data on EDI TS130 Staging matches the data on the Courses and Degrees page, a new row is not added. The exception to this logic is if the EDI Transaction Type (BGN01) equals Replace (05), Re-Submission (15), or Reissue (18). If the data matches and the transaction type is one of these values, the existing data is updated with the new data. Additionally, if the Grade In field on the Courses and Degrees page is blank and the remaining data matches, the Grade In field will be updated with the grade from EDI TS130 Staging. If the data does not match, a new row is added.

This section discusses how to:

Note. The recommended option is to select the Search, Match, and Post option to search for matching people in your database and post the EDI TS130 data to the database in one step.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up TS130 Search/Match/Post Parameters, Process, and Post the EDI Staging Files

Page Name

Definition Name



Search Parms


Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, Search/Match/Post Process, Search Parms

Set up your search/match parameters for processing the EDI TS130 transcript staging table.

Post Parameters


Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, Search/Match/Post Process, Post Parameters, ADM TS130 Post Parm

Set up post parameters and to post EDI TS130 transcript data. You can post a single record or all records in the staging table.

Post Parameters


Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, Search/Match/Post Process, Post Parameters, ADM TS130 Post Parm 2

Set up your address type for the search/match process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Search/Match Parameters

Access the Search Parms page (Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, Search/Match/Post Process, Search Parms).

Note. The words Parameters Refreshed appear if this is the first time you have entered this page with this run control ID, or if any of the parameters on this page changed since the last time you accessed this page with this run control ID.

No Matches Found


Select one of the following options to specify what the search/match/post process should do when it does not find a matching record in your database.

Add: Add the unmatched record to your database, including personal data.

Suspend: Keep the unmatched record in the suspense file to be looked at manually.

Ignore: Ignore the unmatched record completely. The process marks the record to be purged.

Match(es) Found

This group box contains one row for each search/match criteria order defined by your institution. Define search/match orders on the Search/Match Criteria page.

Order Nbr (order number)

For each order number, select what you want to do with the EDI record if the search/match/post process discovers one or more matching records.

One Match and Multiple Matches

Select whether you want to add, update, suspend, or ignore matching records.

Add: Add a new record to your database using the suspense record.

Update: Update the existing record with the data in the suspense record. Remember, the process does not update bio/demo data.

Suspend: Keep the suspense record back in the suspense table. You need to determine manually whether or not this record matches a record in your database.

Ignore: Ignore the suspense record that matched a record in your database. The process marks the record to be purged.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPosting the EDI TS130 External Data

Access the ADM TS130 Post Parm page (Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, Search/Match/Post Process, Post Parameters, ADM TS130 Post Parm).

Execution Option

Search, Match and Post

Select this option if you want to perform the search/match and the post process at the same time. This option is recommended. The EDI TS130 Search/Match/Post process looks for matching data in your database. You can define search/match parameters that tell the process what to do in the case that it finds a match. After the process has performed the match, it posts the EDI TS130 external data to your database.

Post Only

Select this option if you only want to post the external data to your database.

Search and Match Only

Select this option to only run the search and match process on the suspense table. Note that the process only flags the data, according to the parameters you set up, which tells the posting process to create a new person, update an existing person, or ignore the incoming data. However, the process does not create a new person or update an existing person until you post the data.

Post Processing Parameters

Process Single Record

Select this option to process and post a single record. After you select this, select the appropriate record you want to post. If you prefer to process the entire staging table, do not select this option.

Data Source

Select the data source that you want the process to assign to any transcript information that posts to your database. The default is School, but you can select a different value. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

Academic Institution

Enter the academic institution to post with the academic summary and course data.

Grading Scheme

Enter the grading scheme to populate for each course on the Courses and Degrees page.

Summary Type from External Career

External Career and Summary Type

Cross-reference fields that work in conjunction with external academic summary data from incoming transcripts. These two fields enable the posting of External GPAs to students' external education records—external GPA is tied to summary type, which is a child of external career. External career data is loaded with the TS130 table. By defining desired summary types for each external career that has been loaded, the EDI TS130 Transcript Srch/Post process writes external career, summary type, and external GPA data to the external education record.

Click the Run button to run the EDI TS130 Transcript Srch/Post process at user-defined intervals.

Note. You can view the data in the EDI TS130 Staging pages at this time. To view the transcript data posted for a person, use the Education component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Address Types

Access the EDI TS130 Post Parm 2 page (Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, Search/Match/Post Process, Post Parameters, ADM TS130 Post Parm 2).

All of the addresses in EDI TS130 Staging post to the PeopleSoft tables. The Address Type chosen in the Address Search Usage hierarchy is used solely for search/match purposes.

Address Usage Order

Indicates the usage order for the address type in the search process.

Address Type

Select the address type to be used in the search process.

Click to jump to parent topicPurging the EDI TS130 Staging Table and Messages

This section discusses how to purge the EDI TS130 staging table and messages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Purge the EDI TS130 Staging Table and Messages

Page Name

Definition Name



EDI TS130 Purge Parms (EDI TS130 purge parameters)


Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, Purge Process

Purge records and messages, if applicable, from the EDI TS130 staging table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPurging Staging Tables

Access the EDI TS130 Purge Parms page (Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, Purge Process).

Purge Processing Parameter

All Suspense Rows

Select this option to purge all records in your staging table, regardless of the posting status shown in the Post field of the Process Options and Org Process Options pages.

Marked Suspense Rows

Select this option to purge only those records in your staging table marked Purge in the Post field of the Process Options and Org Process Options pages.

Purge Option for Marked Rows

This group box appears when you select the Marked Suspense Rows option.

All Marked Suspense Rows

Select this option to purge all the records in your staging table that are marked Purge in the Post field of the Process Options and Org Process Options pages.

Rows Loaded before or on

Select this option and enter a date to purge only those staging records that were loaded on or before the specified date and that are marked Purge in the Post field of the Process Options and Org Process Options pages.

Use the Dt Loaded (date loaded) field on the EDI TS130 Process Options page to see when you loaded a record.

Suppose you loaded transcripts on May 10, 2008. Subsequently, you loaded another set of transcripts on May 15, 2008. If you select the Rows Loaded before or on option and specify the date as May 15, 2008, the purge process deletes the transcript records marked Purge that were loaded on May 15, 2008, and May 10, 2008.

Rows Posted before or on

Select this option and enter a date to indicate that you want to purge only those staging records that are marked Purge in the Post field of the Process Options and Org Process Options pages and that were posted on or before the specified date.

Use the Dt Posted (date posted) field on the EDI TS130 Process Options page to see when you posted a record.

Suppose you posted transcripts on May 10, 2008. Subsequently, you posted another set of transcripts on May 15, 2008. If you select the Rows Posted before or on option and specify the date as May 15, 2008, the purge process deletes the transcript records marked Purge that were posted on May 15, 2008, and May 10, 2008.

Message Purge Parameters

Retain Associated Messages

Select this option if you do not want to purge messages associated with the files that you are purging.

Remove Associated Messages

Select this option if you do want to purge messages associated with the files that you are purging.

Click the Run button to run the EDI TS130 Transcript Purge process at user-defined intervals.

Click to jump to parent topicPurging All EDI Messages

This section lists the page used to purge all EDI messages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Purge All EDI Messages

Page Name

Definition Name



EDI Message Purge


Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, EDI All Message Purge

Purge all EDI messages. You can run a process to purge all EDI messages in your staging files.