Processing External Test Scores

This chapter provides an overview of external test score data processing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding External Test Score Data Processing

The ability to receive external test score data and post it to your database is integral to recruiting and evaluating applicants. Academic institutions receive hundreds, if not thousands, of test scores each year. Using your Recruiting and Admissions application, you can receive external test score data, review the data for errors, and post the data, confident that you are not creating duplicate IDs. You can also post test score data to PeopleSoft CRM and have the post process create prospect records directly in CRM.

Recruiting and Admissions supports loading many test scores, such as the ACT, ADA, AMCAS, AP, CRS, DAT, EOS, GMASS, GMAT, GRE, LSAT/LSDAS, SAT, SSS and TOEFL. The ultimate goal in processing external test score data is to update test score data for individuals through electronic data loads. Your institution receives tapes that contain scores, bio/demo, and sometimes transcript data for individuals. For each test, you first load the data into suspense tables. Then, you ensure that you are not going to create any duplicate bio/demo or test records. (It's very hard to identify and correct duplicate records after they've been created.) Finally, you post the bio/demo and test score data to your database. (The search/match/post process posts self-reported academic information to test score candidate data tables.) You follow this process for each test.

Regardless of the test, the same components are used to load, view, and post test score data. The ID of the test that you are processing must be entered on each component. The entry of the test ID determines which fields appear on each page. The test IDs shown in the prompt are based on your test ID security. You must have test ID security defined in order to process external test scores.

To process external test score data:

  1. Load the test score data from a file in your directory into a suspense table using the External Test Score Load Application Engine (SAD_TST_LOAD ) process.

  2. Review and edit the data that you loaded in suspense pages.

    Correct all load errors before moving on to the next step. In the search dialog page of the suspense component, enter the test ID, Error in the Edit Processing Option field and click the Search button. Access each suspense record and correct the errors until every suspense record has a value of Complete (rather than Error) in the Edit field on the Test Score Suspense Data page.

  3. After you have corrected all of the load errors, run the Search/Match/Post Test Scores Application Engine (SAD_TEST_PST) process.

    This process looks for data in your database (based on search parameters that you define on the search/match criteria pages, for example, name, social security number, and birth date) that matches the data that you are posting. For a set of parameters that suggest only a possible match (such as name and gender, for example), the process will not post the record until you can manually determine which records are actually duplicates. You can also choose to create prospect records and assign 3Cs during the post process.

    You can post the test scores to either Campus Solutions or PeopleSoft CRM (if you have installed PeopleSoft CRM) . The External Test Score Mapping page indicates which test scores can be posted to CRM. You can post the following the test scores to CRM: ACT, AP, CRS, DAT, EOS, GMAT, GMASS, GRE, LSAT, SAT, SSS and TOEFL. The following the test scores cannot be posted to CRM: ADA, AMCAS, LSDAS, NCEA, OUAC, QTAC, SATAC, Studielink, UAC, and VTAC. If you post the test scores to CRM, the Search/Match/Post Test Scores process automatically creates prospect records in CRM.

  4. View each suspense record that did not get posted and confirm that it is actually a duplicate.

    In the search dialog page of the suspense component, enter the test ID, Complete in the Edit Process Option field and Perform in the Search/Match Process Option field. Then click the Search button. The search process finds only those suspense records that went through the search/match/post process but did not get posted. The reason the search/match/post process did not post the records is because it found a possible duplicate record in the database. After you access the component, find the parameters for which the process identified a match, then use Search Match to look up the bio/demo information that matches the suspense record and decide on your own whether a person who matches the incoming data already exists in the system. Then, specify whether you want the search/match/post process to add the bio/demo and test record to your database, update an existing record, or ignore the suspense record altogether.

  5. Run the Search/Match/Post Test Scores process again.

    The process posts the suspense records that you manually tagged to post. By this time, all of your suspense records should be posted to your database. When a record posts to your database, the search/match/post process assigns an ID to the person. To view a bio/demo record that the search/match/post process created, select Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Add/Update a Person or Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing , Add/Update a Person. To view a test score record that the search/match/post process created or updated, select Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Results or Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Results.

  6. Purge the suspense tables.

    You should purge the suspense tables as soon as all of the suspense records have been posted to the database. This helps to avoid confusion the next time that you load data into the suspense tables.

  7. (Optional) Review test score candidate data.

    When external test score loads contain additional information about the student, such as academic interests, extracurricular activities, and prior schools attended, the search/match/post process stores the data in the Test Score Candidate Data component.

    The process does not store candidate data if you post the test scores to PeopleSoft CRM.

  8. (Optional) Create prospects from tests.

    Create prospects from posted test scores using query manager to define a specific population.

    See Understanding Creating Prospects from Test Scores with Query.

  9. (Optional) Create applicants from tests. Create applications for posted ADA, AMCAS, or LSAT/LSDAS tests.

    See Pages Used to Create Applications from External Test Score Data.

See Also

Reviewing Test Score Candidate Data

Introducing Customer Relationship Management for Higher Education

Click to jump to parent topicLoading External Test Score Files

To run an external test score load process, you must enter the directory path where the test data file is located (such as \\network\test files\ACT_1.dat). The process loads the data from the file into suspense tables.

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to set up load parameters and load the file.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you load external test scores, you must:

  1. Set up tests and test components.

  2. Set up test ID security for all appropriate users.

  3. Configure the External Test Load Mapping page.

  4. Configure the Ethnic Group Mapping page.

  5. Configure Country Mapping if applicable to the test score being loaded.

See Pages Used to Create Applications from External Test Score Data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Load External Test Score Files

Page Name

Definition Name



External Test Score Load


  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Load

  • or Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Load

Designate the directory location of the test scores that you are loading and enter the load parameters for that test.

Note. You should complete the full loading, search/match and posting process before loading a new set of data. If you have test scores waiting to be processed, such as ACT test scores, do not load a new ACT test score file until you have processed the data in your ACT suspense files.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Load Parameters and Loading the File

Access the External Test Score Load page (Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Load or Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Load).

Test ID

Test ID

Select the test that you want to load. Define test ID values on the Test Tables page. Once the Test ID is entered, the additional fields specific to the test will appear. You must have Test ID Security established in order to select a value. This field is required.

Test Score Input File Name

Test Score Input File Name

Enter the path of the directory and file where the test data resides. This field is required.

For the ADA test only:

In the AADSAS field, enter the name of the directory and file where the AADSAS data resides. This file contains the biographical, parent and family, secondary school, personal statement, release statement, and test score information.

In the AADSAS (Courses Completed) field, enter the name of the directory and file where the list of completed courses resides.

In the AADSAS (Courses Planned) field, enter the name of the directory and file where the planned or in-progress list of courses resides.

In the AADSAS (College) field, enter the name of the directory and file where the list of attended colleges resides.

In the AADSAS (GPA) field, enter the name of the directory and file where the GPA data resides.

In the AADSAS (GPA per College) field, enter the name of the directory and file where the GPA summary for each college resides.

In the AADSAS (GPA per Session) field, enter the name of the directory and file where the GPA summary for each session resides.

Name Prefix

Male, Female, and Unknown

Test score loads do not include name prefixes. They do, however, include gender. Select the prefix according to the gender provided in the test data load. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these translate values. Values are Dr, Miss, Mr, Mrs, and Ms.

Test Parameters

The test components appear based on the test ID that you entered. For example, ACT has seven components as part of its test, but LSAT reports only one component. After the Test ID field is populated, enter the test component corresponding to each test parameter listed. The prompt in test parameters displays only the test components for the test ID. Test components are mapped to the test ID on the Test Table page. You may leave these fields blank for EOS, GMASS, and SSS. The Test components must be entered for all other tests.

See Setting Up External Test Score Loads.

Score and Percentile

For EOS, GMASS, and SSS only: For each test component, enter the score and percentile that you want to appear for all of the EOS, GMASS, and SSS records that you load. EOS, GMASS, and SSS are search tapes and do not deliver test scores. If you used test scores or percentiles as part of your criteria when purchasing the search tape, you have the option of entering that information on the page. The scores and percentiles will be posted for each person on the search tape. You may leave these fields blank.

Mapping Additional Test Codes

For AP, SAT, and SSS only: These tests require that you map additional test codes for the test. To begin, click the button to retrieve the test codes for the test ID. The left column is the delivered test code. This is the code that the testing organization defines. (To view the delivered codes, select Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, and then choose the component that you want to review.) The right column is the corresponding component that you defined on the Test Component page and mapped to the test ID on Test Table page. Select the test component that corresponds to the delivered test code.

Other Parameters

Test Date, Test Day, Test Month, Degree Day, Graduation Day, and Graduation Month

The PeopleSoft date format requires a day, month, and year. If the date format for a test omits one of these numbers, the system asks you to enter the numeric value for the missing number (such as day, month, or graduation day) that you want the load process to use when it converts the date to the PeopleSoft date format. This also allows the program to populate the Degree Date and Graduation Date information to the prospect record if you select the Create Prospect field on the Search/Match/Post Test Scores page. Values for Test Day, Degree Day, and Graduation Day are 1 through 28. Values for Test Month and Graduation Month are 1 through 12.


For LSAT/LSDAS only: Select LSAT or LSDAS to indicate the type of file that you are loading.

Score/Test Type

For ADA only: Select USA or CAN to indicate if the test is administered for the United States or Canada. The test components on the page change based on the option that you select.

SAT I Search, PSAT/NMSQT Search, or AP Search

For SSS only: Your institution can buy the names of students who have either taken the SAT I, PSAT/NMSQT, or AP exams. Select the search tape that you are loading. The format of the file varies according to the test that you are loading.

School Tape Type

For SAT only: Select the type of file that you're loading: College or Secondary. The default is College. The format of the file varies between the two school tape types.

Initial or Full

For DAT only: Select one of these options to determine whether to have the system load the student's middle name initial or the full middle name. The default setting is to load the middle initial.

Click to jump to parent topicCorrecting and Editing Data in the Suspense Record

This section provides an overview of the correcting and editing of suspense data and discusses how to review:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Correcting and Editing of Suspense Data

You edit information in the suspense record. However, remember that the search/match/post process only posts bio/demo data and test score data to your database. The system stores additional data that the test loads contain in the Test Score Candidate Data component. This data does not affect other tables in your database.

Before entering the External Test Score Suspense component, you must enter the test ID and at least one other search criteria. The pages in the component dynamically appear based on the test ID that you enter. The pages in the component are similar in the way that they look and work. For example, every suspense component has a Personal Information page and a Tests page. In addition, they all share the first page: the Test Score Suspense Data page. Some testing agencies ask questions about college preferences, high school activities, and transcript information. Independent of the testing agency, core, and supplemental data are handled similarly within the system.

Much of the data that is loaded into the suspense record is data that the person entered when completing the student profile section of the test. If the person left out information or did not complete the entire section, there will be empty fields in the suspense component.

Many of the values and codes that appear in the suspense component are based on values and codes that the testing agency defines. Contact the testing agency that manages the test for full descriptions of the data that appears in these pages or refer to the test score layouts that you receive from the testing agency.

Correcting Load Errors

An error is indicated on the External Test Score Suspense component when certain values are missing or invalid. You will see an error flag for First Name or Last Name if the value is not populated. In addition an error flag will appear for the following data if it is invalid for the test ID entered: Birthdate, Graduation Date, Test Date, Test Component, Country, Subject Test Code, and Degree Date. An invalid test score is a score that is outside the valid test score range according to the ranges that you defined on the Test Table page. The program validates the country for every test where a country code is received. The country code is validated against the PS Country table, with the exception of GMAT and ADA, which have their own country mapping tables. Find the field that contains the missing value and enter a valid value. You can find the First Name, Last Name, and Birthdate fields on the Personal Information page, and the Test Date and Test Component fields on the Tests page. For other error indicators, look through the suspense component to find the corresponding field and enter a valid value.

After you enter a valid value for the fields that were missing or incorrect, save the component. The Edit field on the Process Options page should now display Complete. Be sure to correct all errors before posting the data.

Note. Data in suspense tables does not affect tables in your database until you post the data by running the search/match/post process. In addition, if you find an error in the suspense component after you run the search/match/post process, you must go to the proper page in your database to make any changes. For example, if you found an error on the Personal Information page in the suspense component, you must go to the Add/Update a Person component in the External Test Score Processing menu to correct the error.

See Also

Using Search/Match

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Correct and Edit Data in the Suspense Record

Page Name

Definition Name



Test Score Suspense Data


  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Test Score Suspense Data

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Test Score Suspense Data

View and correct load process results and test score messages. This page appears for every test ID.

Personal Information















  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Personal Information

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Personal Information

Review and edit the student's personal information in the suspense record. Refer to the data layouts from the testing agency to determine the fields that will appear. Each test has a Personal Information page. The data varies depending on the test ID.















  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Tests

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Tests

Review or edit test data in the suspense record. Some of the information on this page is required (such as test date and test components). If this information is missing in the external test data load, you must enter valid values here before posting the record. Refer to the data layouts from the testing agency to determine the fields that will appear. Each test has a Tests page, with the exception of SAT. The data varies depending on the test ID.



  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Academics

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Academics

For ACT only: Review or edit academic data in the suspense record. Refer to the data layouts from ACT to determine the fields that will appear.

Note that the same changes have been made to the corresponding candidate data page (SAD_ACT_CD_ACAD). ]



  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Activities

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Activities

For ACT only: Review and edit activity information in the suspense record. Refer to the data layouts from ACT to determine the fields that will appear.



  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Interests

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Interests

For ACT only: Review and edit interest data in the suspense record. Refer to the data layouts from ACT to determine the fields that will appear.



  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Education

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Education

For ADA only: Review and edit education data in the suspense record. Refer to the data layouts from Associated American Dental Schools Application Service (AADSAS) to determine the fields that will appear.



  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Courses

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Courses

For ADA only: Review and edit course detail information in the suspense file. Refer to the data layouts from AADSAS to determine the fields that will appear.

Applicant Data



  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Applicant Data

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Applicant Data

For ADA only: Review and edit applicant data in the suspense record. Refer to the data layouts from AADSAS to determine the fields that will appear.

Family Information


Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Family Information

Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Family Information

For ADA only. Review and edit the family information data in the suspense record. Refer to the data layouts from AADSAS (Associated American Dental Schools Application Service) to determine the fields that will display.



Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Essays

Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Essays

For ADA only. Review and edit the personal statement data in the suspense record. Refer to the data layouts from AADSAS to determine the fields that will display.



  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Colleges

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Colleges

For AMCAS only: Review and edit college data in the suspense record. Refer to the data layouts from American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) to determine the fields that will appear.



  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, GPA/Hours

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, GPA/Hours

For AMCAS only: Review and edit undergraduate education data in the suspense record. Refer to the data layouts from AAMC to determine the fields that will appear.



  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Schools

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Schools

For AP only: Use the Schools page to review and edit school data in the suspense record. Refer to the data layouts from Educational Testing Service (ETS) to determine the fields that will appear.




  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Awards

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Awards

For AP and SSS only: Review and edit additional question information in the suspense record. Refer to the data layouts from ETS to determine the fields that will appear.

Additional Information


  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Additional Information

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Additional Information

For CRS only: Review and edit additional information in the suspense record. Refer to the data layouts from Law School Admission Council (LSAC) to determine the fields that will appear.

Profile Data


  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Profile Data

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Profile Data

For GRE only: Review and edit profile data in the suspense record. Refer to the data layouts from ETS to determine the fields that will appear.

Prior Schools


  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Prior Schools

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Prior Schools

For LSAT/LSDAS only: Review and edit prior schools attended in the suspense record. Refer to the data layouts from LSAC to determine the fields that will appear.

Candidate Data


  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Candidate Data

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Candidate Data

For LSAT/LSDAS only: Review and edit candidate data in the suspense record. Refer to the data layouts from LSAC to determine the fields that will appear.



  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Recommendations

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Recommendations

For LSAT/LSDAS only: Review and edit recommendation data in the suspense record. Refer to the data layouts from LSAC to determine the fields that will appear.



  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Academics

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Academics

For LSAT/LSDAS only: Review and edit academic data in the suspense record. Refer to the data layouts from LSAC to determine the fields that will appear.



  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, SAT I

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, SAT I

For SAT only: Review and edit SAT I data in the suspense record. Refer to the data layouts from ETS to determine the fields that will appear.



  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, SAT II

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, SAT II

For SAT only: Review and edit SAT II data in the suspense record. Refer to the data layouts from ETS to determine the fields that will appear.

Student Data



  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Student Data

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Student Data

For SAT and SSS only: Review and edit student data in the suspense record. Refer to the data layouts from ETS to determine the fields that will appear.

School Data


  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, School Data

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, School Data

For SAT only: Review and edit school data in the suspense record. Refer to the data layouts from ETS to determine the fields that will appear.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Test Score Suspense Data

Access the Test Score Suspense Data page (Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Test Score Suspense Data or Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Test Score Suspense Data).

This page provides the status of a suspense record regarding the loading, search/match and posting processes.

Any informational and error messages that external test data load and search/match/post processes generate appear on this page. You can use this page to keep current on the status of an individual's test score processing. These messages can serve historical and analytical purposes, giving you a picture of the kinds of errors encountered in your test score processing. To do so, you would need to wait to purge your test score messages until you have completed your analysis.

Processing Options


Displays the status of the load process for this suspense record. The load process populates this value.

Complete: The load process loaded the test score data without a problem. This record is ready to be posted.

Error: The load process encountered problems when loading the test score data. The system indicates the values that you must correct in the Error Indicators group box. Correct all errors and save the data before running the search/match/post process on this record. After you correct the errors and save the component, the system changes the field value to Complete.

Perform: You set this value manually. This is for informational purposes only.


Displays the status of the search/match process for this suspense record. The search/match process populates this value.

Complete: The search/match process completed successfully.

Error: The search/match process encountered problems. Refer to the log file for information regarding the error.

Perform: The search/match process will process this record the next time that you run the process.


Displays the status of the record regarding the search/match/post process. You can enter these values manually; however, some are entered by the system after processes are run, as described in the following table. If the process created a new person in your database, the process generates an ID for the person and displays it in the ID field on the page. If the process updated an existing person's record, the process displays the ID that was updated in the ID field on the Bio/Demo page.


Post Value


How Set


The posting process encountered a problem.

Set by the system during the search/match/post process.

New ID Add

The system was unable to find a match in the database and will add a record with a new ID to your database when you run the search/match/post process.

When set manually, this value means that the process identified a match and the user determined manually that no duplication exists. When the user runs the search/match/post process again, the process creates a new record and generates an ID, which it displays in the ID field on the Personal Information page.

Set by the system during the search/match process if no match was found in your database (only when you run search/match and post and different times).

Set manually.

No Action

Search/match/post and purge suspense file processes will ignore the record if this value is entered.

Set manually.


Indicates that this suspense record will be removed from the system during the purge suspense file process.

Set by the system during the search/match/post process if the record was successfully processed.

Update ID

The search/match/post process found a matching ID in the database. The process will update the matching records with the data from this suspense record.

When set manually, means that the process identified a match, and the user determined manually that duplication exists. The system makes available the ID field on the Personal Information page. Select the ID that you want the search/match/post process to update. You must save the page and run the search/match/post process to update the record.

Set by the system during the search/match process if a match was found in the database and if your search parameters define that an update should occur in this situation (only when you run search/match and post and different times).

Set manually.

Awaiting Search/Match

This record is in the suspense file and is waiting to be processed by the search/match/post process.

Set by the system during the load external data process.

Note. While you can manually edit the values in the Edit, Search, and Post fields, keep in mind that if a field contains Error and you manually change it without correcting an error, you may experience problems when posting the data.

Error Indicators

Last Name, Test Date, Birth Day, First Name, Graduation Date,High School Graduation Date, and Test Component

When a load error occurs, the load external data process displays the required values that were missing or incorrect in the load. Go to the Personal Information page, the Tests page, or another page in the Suspense component where the missing or incorrect data resides to enter a valid value. When you correct the error, the system clears the check box and the fields will no longer appear. After all of the check boxes are cleared and the component is saved, the system displays Complete in the Edit field.

Search/Match Results

Order Number

You know that the search/match/post process found a match and did not post the suspense record when the Search field contains Perform and displays the search order number that led to the match in the Order Number field. Use this information to decide whether a possible duplicate exists.


Displays the number of matches that the process found at the order number given.


Message Severity

The message severity, such as Message or Error.

Message Text

The message on this row of data.


The detailed message.


Results or other additional information about the message.

Process Instance

The process number of the process that you ran for this record. Process Scheduler generates this number.

Run Date/Time

The day and time that the process ran for this record.

Process Name

The name of the application engine that you ran for this record (for example, in the previous page example, the messages displayed from running SAD_TST_LOAD application engine, which is the External Test Score Load process).

User ID

The user ID of the person who ran the process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Personal Information

Access the Personal Information page (Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Personal Information or Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Personal Information).

Use Personal Information page in the suspense component to review and edit biographical and demographic data loaded through the external test data load. Use this page to edit the person's last name, first name, and birth date, if the external data load omitted these values. The data varies depending on the test ID. Common fields are described in this section.

When the search/match/post process posts the data in the suspense record, the process posts much of this data to the newly created personal information record.

Note. If the search/match/post process finds a match and updates the existing record with the data in the suspense file, the process does not update the personal information. This prevents you from overriding verified information.

Record Number

Displays the test record number. This number is automatically populated based on the Installation parameters.

Date Loaded

Displays the date that you loaded this record.

Last Name, First Name, and Middle Initial

Displays the person's last name, first name, and middle initial or middle name, as they appear in the test record. If the Last Name or First Name fields are empty, enter values.


This field is unavailable until you run the search/match/post process. The search/match/post process generates an ID and displays it here when the process creates a new record.

If the process finds a match and updates an existing record, the process enters the ID of the record that it updated.

If the process finds a match and retains the record in the suspense table, and you decide to update an existing ID (by selecting Update ID in the Post field on the Process Options page), a prompt becomes available. Click the prompt to select the ID that you want to update.


Displays the person's birth date after the load process converts it to the PeopleSoft date standard from the birth date reported on the test.

Name Prefix

Displays a name prefix, according to the gender from the test record and the prefix criteria that you set up on the External Test Score Load page.


The person's gender. The load process converts the person's gender as reported in the test record to the corresponding PeopleSoft gender code.

Ethnic Group

Displays the person's ethnic group. The load process converts the person's ethnicity code as reported on the test record to the corresponding PeopleSoft ethnic group. This value is populated based on the Ethnic Group Mapping page. This setup must be done for the Test ID indicated or a value will not appear.

SSN (social security number)

Displays the person's social security number after the load process converts it to the PeopleSoft standard from the social security number reported on the test.

Address 1, Address 2, City, State,Country and Postal Code

Displays the person's address. The load program validates the country for every test where a country code is received. The country code is validated against the PS Country table, with the exception of GMAT and ADA, each of which has its own country mapping table.


Displays the person's telephone number.

Citizenship Status

Displays the person's citizenship status. This value is populated based on the conversion of the data from the test record to a PeopleSoft value. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Test Score Data

Access the Tests page (Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Tests or Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Suspense, Tests).

Test Date

Displays the day that this person took the test. The load process converts the test date delivered with the test to the PeopleSoft format, which appears here. The search/match/post process posts the test date to your database when you run the process for this suspense record.

Test ID

Displays the ID of the test taken by this person. Define test IDs on the on the Test Tables page. The test ID is entered as a parameter during the load process.


The load process selects this check box if the score and component are valid. You can post the score for this component.


The load process selects this check box if it encounters an error with either the component or the score during the load process. You can view additional information about this error on the Test Score Suspense Data page. The error must be cleared in order for the component and score to post to Test Results. Once the specific error is corrected, the Error check box is cleared and the Post check box is selected.

Test Component

Displays the test components that you selected on the External Test Score Load page for the test ID.

Score and Percentile

Displays the reported score and percentile for each component (if applicable).

Click to jump to parent topicPerforming the Search/Match Process and Posting External Data

This section provides an overview of performing search/match and posting test scores and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Performing Search/Match and Posting Test Scores

The search/match/post process consists of two separate processes that complement each other. The search/match process uses data from the suspense record to determine if the person might already exist in your database. The purpose of the search/match is to prevent duplicate records. Duplicate records are difficult to find and delete after they have been created. The post process uses the data in the suspense record to create persons if they do not already exist and to create or update test score data based on the search/match results. The post process also creates or updates test score candidate data.

You can specify what you want the post process to do when search/match finds a match (or multiple matches). Based on the results of the search/match process, the post process can update the record in your database that matches the suspense record if you are sure that the person in your database is the same person to whom the test data relates. For example, if the search/match process found a matching social security number, you might be confident that this is the same person, so the post process could update the record automatically. You can also define search/match parameters that tell the post process to wait on posting the record. This enables you to review the record and decide manually if it matches a record already in your database. For example, you would want to check whether duplication exists if the only parameters that matched were name and gender.

If the search/match process does not find a match, and you selected the Add option for the New parameter on the Search Parameters page, the post process populates data from the suspense record to your database. Data from the suspense records post to the Add/Update a Person component, the Test Results component, and the Test Score Candidate Data component. After you post suspense data, you must use these components to edit the information.

You can perform the search/match and post processes separately, or you can perform them together. You should run the search/match and post processes in one step. This ensures that you process the records in the correct order.

You might run the search/match/post process more than once for a suspense record. If the search/match/post process finds possible matches in the suspense table, you must manually determine whether a match exists and then run the process again.

You can also create prospect records for all students for whom you post external test data. Before you create prospects as part of the search/match/post process, you can optionally configure test ID mapping options for academic interests, extracurricular activities, religious preference, admit terms, and program, plan and subplan. You can also define event IDs for 3Cs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Perform the Search/Match Process and Posting External Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Search/Match/Post Test Scores


  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Search/Match/Post/Test Scores

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Search/Match/Post Test Scores

Post external test data from suspense files. Before you post the data, however, set up the search/match parameters on the Search Parameters page. You can post a single record or all of the records in the suspense file. You can also create prospect records from this data.

Search Parameters


  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Search/Match/Post/Test Scores, Search Parameters

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Search/Match/Post Test Scores, Search Parameters

Use this page to set up your search/match parameters. These are the rules that determine what the post process should do with the suspense record after the search/match process is complete. This page is the same for each Test ID entered on the Search/Match/Post Test Scores page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Search/Match/Post Test Scores

Access the Search/Match/Post Test Scores page (Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Search/Match/Post/Test Scores or Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Search/Match/Post Test Scores).

Test ID

Enter the test ID that you want to process. Once you enter the test ID, the additional fields specific to the test will appear. You must have Test ID Security established in order to select a value. The prompt will display only test IDs to which you have security to access. This field is required.


The system displays this group box if you have selected the CRM for Higher Education check box on the SA Features page and if the test ID is LSAT.

LSAD Test Score

The system does not display the Post To group box if you select this option. You cannot post LSAD test scores to CRM.

LSAT Test Score

The system displays the Post To group box if you select this option. You can post the LSAT test scores to CRM.

Execution Option

Search, Match and Post

Select this option if you want the process to search your database for records that match the suspense record and post the suspense data to your database. This is the recommended option.

Post Only

Select this option if you want only to post the suspense data to your database (if you select this option, you must have already run search/match or manually changed the Search and Post process options on the External Test Score Suspense page).

Search and Match Only

Select this option if you want to only run the search and match process on the suspense file. You will need to post the data at a later time.

Post To

Campus Solutions

Select this option if you want to post the suspense data to Campus Solutions.

Enterprise CRM

Select this option if you want to post the suspense data to PeopleSoft CRM.

The system displays this option if you have selected the CRM for Higher Education check box on the SA Features page of the Student Admin Installation component and if the test ID is eligible for posting to CRM. If the test ID is eligible for posting to CRM, the system displays the Available for CRM Post check box as selected on the  External Test Score Mapping page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, External Test Score Mapping).

Important: If you have opted to post to CRM and if there is no matching person record in Campus Solutions, the process does not create a EMPLID or any record in Campus Solutions. The process will only send the test score and prospect data as a message to Integration Broker. If you have opted to post to CRM and if there is a matching person record in Campus Solutions, the process adds a new record in the Test Results page for the EMPLID (Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Results or Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Results) in addition to sending the message to Integration Broker.

Ethnicity Update Rules


Update All Records

Select this option if you want the process to post the ethnicity data to the ethnicity records (DIVERS_ETHNIC and ETHNICITY_DTL) for all existing EMPLIDS. The posted ethnicity data can be viewed on the Ethnicity page (Campus Community, Personal Information, Biographical, Personal Attributes, Ethnicity) or on the Regional page of the Add/Update a Person component (Campus Community, Personal Information or Personal Information (Student), Add/Update a Person).

If you select this option and if data already exists for an EMPLID on the ethnicity records, the process inserts a new row into the records for the EMPLID. If the Ethnic Group of NSPEC is currently populated on either ethnicity record, new rows will not be inserted.

Update If Not Populated

Select this option if you want the process to post the ethnicity data only for those EMPLIDS who do not have existing ethnicity data.

Set Hispanic/Latino Indicator

For LSAT/LSDAS only:

Hispanic/Latino Populated

Select this option if you want the process to check the Person is Hispanic or Latino check box on the Ethnicity or Regional page (HISP_LATINO = Y for a DIVERS_ETHNIC record).

If you select this option, the process checks the Person is Hispanic or Latino check box if the person's test score ethnicity data is mapped to an Ethnic Group with the EEO Ethnic Category of Hispanic/Latino (Ethnicity or Regional page displays EEO Ethnic Category as the Ethnic Category).

Do Not Update

Select this option if you do not want the process to check the Person is Hispanic or Latino check box on the Ethnicity page.

If you select this option, the process does not check the Person is Hispanic or Latino check box even if the person's test score ethnicity data is mapped to an Ethnic Group with the EEO Ethnic Category of Hispanic/Latino.

Update IPEDS Ethnicity Flag 

For ACT, LSAT/LSDAS, and AMCAS only:

For New Person Records Added

Select this option if you want the process to check the IPEDS check box on each ethnic group row inserted to the Ethnicity or Regional page (ETH_VALIDATED = Y for each DIVERS_ETHNIC record) only for new EMPLIDS added to the system.

For All Person Records Posted

Select this option if you want the process to check the IPEDS check box on each ethnic group row inserted to the Ethnicity or Regional page (ETH_VALIDATED = Y for each DIVERS_ETHNIC record) for both new and updated EMPLIDS.

Do Not Update

This check box is available only for ACT. Select this check box if you do not want the process to check the IPEDS check box regardless of whether the suspense record contains ethnicity information.

Hispanic/Latino Ethnic Group

For ACT only:

Ethnic Group

Select the PeopleSoft ethnic group code that the search/match/post process should post to the Ethnicity group box of the Ethnicity or Regional page. The process posts this value only if the person is Hispanic or Latino.

Post Processing Parameters

Process Single Record

Select this check box if you want to run the search/match/post process for a single suspense record. The field to the right becomes available. Select the suspense record that you want to process. Only records where the Edit processing option is set to Complete on the External Test Score Suspense component will appear.

Data Source

Select the data source from which this information was received. Data source is a required value on the Test Results page. The search/match/post process will post the value that you select here to the Test Results page. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

Address Type

If the search/match/post process adds a new record to your database, the process loads the address information from the test record into the Addresses page. Select the address type that you want the process to assign to the new address. Define address types on the Address Type Table.

Phone Type

If the search/match/post process adds a new record to your database, the process loads the phone number from the test record to the Personal Information page. Select the phone type that you want to process to assign to the new phone number. This field will appear only for test IDs where the phone number is loaded.

Commit Frequency

The commit frequency enables you to decide how often the data is saved during the Search/Match/Post process. The field defaults to 1000. Edit this field to decrease or increase the number of records that are processed before being saved. The commit frequency can help with the performance of the program. A commit frequency that is too low, however, can slow the program down.

Populate Email Address, Email Type

Select this check box to post an email address to the Email Addresses on the Add/Update a Person component. If you choose to populate an email address, you must then select an email type.

Note. These fields appear only for test IDs where an email address is loaded.

Create Prospects

Select to create prospect records for the IDs that are added or for existing IDs where no prospect record exists from the test score post. The Default Prospect Values group box becomes available to enter default values for the prospect records that the system creates. You can view prospect data in the Create/Update Prospect component under the menu Student Recruiting, Maintain Prospects.

If you have selected the Enterprise CRM option in the Post To group box, the system selects the Create Prospects check box and disables it

You must enter the required fields in the Default Prospect Values group if the Create Prospects check box is selected.

Default Prospect Values

Select the default values that you want the system to assign to the prospects that you create from the test score post. For example, if you select UGRD in the Academic Career field, the system will assign every prospect it creates to the undergraduate academic career. To create prospects in Campus Solutions, you must enter an academic institution, academic career, recruiting status, and recruiting center. To create prospects in CRM, you must enter an academic institution, academic career, and recruiting status. Recruiting Center becomes an optional field if you have selected the Post to Enterprise CRM option. In certain circumstances, you might also want to assign additional information, such as academic program and plan, and admit term, when your test load contains a specific set of prospects.

Academic Program

Because the Academic Program table is keyed by admit term, you must select an admit term to select an academic program. You do not have to assign an academic program.

Assign 3C

If you are posting data to Campus Solutions, select this check box to assign 3Cs to the prospects that you create from the test score post. The Event ID field becomes available.

The system clears and disables this check box if you have selected the Enterprise CRM option in the Post To group box. The 3Cs feature is not available in CRM.

Event ID

Assign an event ID to the prospects that you create from the test score post. Only the event IDs that have the administrative functions PROS (prospect) and PROP (prospect program) are available. PROP is available only if you select an academic program on this page. Define event IDs on the Event Definition page.

If the testing agency provides a graduation date, the process uses the mapping defined on the Admit Term Map page to determine an admit term for a prospect. If the admit term mapping is not done or if the testing agency does not provide a graduation date, the process uses the default admit term defined on the Default Prospect Values group box. To navigate to the Admit Term Map page, select Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, Create Prospects Setup, Admit Term Map.

If the testing agency provides an interest code, the process uses the mapping defined on the Program Plan SubPlan Map page to determine the program, plan and subplan for a prospect. If this mapping is not done or if the testing agency does not provide an interest code, the process uses the default program, plan, and subplan defined on the Default Prospect Values group box. To navigate to the Program Plan SubPlan Map page, select Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, External Test Scores, Create Prospects Setup, Program Plan SubPlan Map.

See Understanding the 3C Engine.

Integration Broker Messages (Applicable Only If You Are Posting to CRM)

The system uses the PeopleSoft Integration Broker's Message Segmentation technology to transmit test score data from Campus Solutions to PeopleSoft CRM. When you post a test score record to CRM, the system creates a message for consumption by CRM. To view this message that contains the test score and prospect data:

  1. Select People Tools, Integration Broker, Service Operations, Monitor, Monitoring, Asynchronous Services.

  2. Click the number link below the New field for the SAD_CRM_DATA queue.

  3. Click the Details link for a transaction (You can view the number of segments created and the transaction ID in the message log for the Search/Match/Post Test Score process).

  4. Finally, click the Edit XML or the Download XML link on the Asynchronous Details page to view the message data.

To enable segmented messages, you will need to select the Segment Aware option on the Node Definitions page for the remote node defined on the local system.

The message has the following parts:

Once the messages are created, the Search/Match/Post Test Scores process sets the Search field to Complete and Post field to Purge on the Test Score Suspense Data page.

The CRM user then uses the PeopleSoft CRM's Manage Import Batches page to import the message data into the CRM production tables.

See PeopleSoft CRM for Higher Education PeopleBook for information about the Manage Import Batches page.

Data Enrichment to CS and CRM

Regardless of whether you are posting to CRM or Campus Solutions, if the person already exists in Campus Solutions, the process enters the following contact data from the suspense record into the Campus Solutions record if the values do not exist in Campus Solutions for the type entered on the run control page:

For example, let us suppose you have selected phone type as HOME on the run control page and a person already has a phone number (480) 555–1212 with the phone type of HOME in Campus Solutions. The test score has a different phone number, (480) 666–6608, for the person. In this case, the process does not update the phone number in Campus Solutions. The phone number remains (480) 555–1212 in Campus Solutions. Conversely, let us suppose you have selected phone type as OTHER and a person has a phone number (480) 555–1212 with the phone type of HOME in Campus Solutions. The test score has a different phone number, (480) 666–6608, for the person. In this case, the process inserts the phone number (480) 666–6608 with a phone type of OTHER and also retains the HOME phone number of (480) 555–1212 in Campus Solutions.

Regardless of whether you are posting to CRM or Campus Solutions, if the following biographical fields do not have a value in Campus Solutions, the process enters the values from the test scores:

If the social security number has a value of 999-99-9999 in Campus Solutions, the process overwrites this value with the social security number provided by the test score. If the biographical fields already have a value, the process does not update the value. For example, if the prospect's birth date is October 8, 1977 in Campus Solutions and the test score has a birth date of October 9, 1977, the process does not update the birth date of the prospect. The birth date remains October 8, 1977

For those testing agencies who send last school attended as part of their layout (ACT, AP, EOS, GMAT, GMASS, SAT and SSS), the process will search against the ACT, ATP, FICE and IPEDS codes in the External Organization Table for a match. The process then sends the External Org ID value to CRM if a match is found. Campus Solutions sends all the other related fields for the External Org ID (Descr, City, State, Postal and Country) to CRM through the External Org EIP.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Search Parameters for Test Score Data

Access the Search Parameters page (Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Search/Match/Post/Test Scores, Search Parameters or Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Search/Match/Post Test Scores, Search Parameters).

Except for the Ignore option, rest of the page functionality is similar to the Search Parms page (Student Admissions, Application/Transcript Loads, TS130, Search/Match/Post Process, Search Parms).

No Matches Found


Ignore: Ignore the unmatched record completely. The process retains the record in the suspense file with the post status of awaiting search/match.

Match(es) Found

One Match and Multiple Matches

Ignore: Ignore the suspense record that matched a record in your database. The process retains the record in the suspense file with the post status of awaiting search/match.

See Also

Setting Up Search/Match Parameters

Click to jump to parent topicResearching Duplicate Records

In the search dialog page of the External Test Score Suspense component, enter the test ID that you want to review, Complete in the Edit Process Option field, and Perform in the Search/Match Process Option field. Then click the Search button. The search process finds only those suspense records that went through the search/match/post process but did not get posted. The reason the search/match/post process did not post the records is because it found a possible duplicate record in the database. Upon entering the component, the Test Score Suspense Data page displays the search/match level involved in the possible match and the number of individuals in the database that match the criteria in the Search/Match Results group box.

For example, let's suppose that the Order Number field in the Search/Match Results group box displayed 40, and that three matches appear. At PSUNV, Order Number of 40 means that the process is checking for a matching name and gender. Therefore, you know that there are three people in your database with the same name and gender as the person in the suspense record. Use the Search/Match component to look up the name and gender that match the suspense record, and compare the other information (such as address) to determine whether the person in the database is the same as the person in the suspense record. Select Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Search/Match or Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Search/Match to access this page.

If the person from the suspense record is not the same as a person in your database, set the Search field to Complete and the Post field to New ID Add.

If the person from the suspense record is the same as a person in your database, set the Search field to Complete and the Post field to Update Existing ID. Then go to the Personal Information page and enter the ID that you want to update. Note, however, that the search/match/post process only updates test score and candidate data information. The process does not update bio/demo data because some bio/demo data may have already been verified.

Click to jump to parent topicRerunning the Search/Match/Post Process

The process posts the suspense records where you manually changed the Search/Match processing option to Complete and the Post processing option to New ID Add or Update Existing ID. By this time, all of your suspense records should be posted to your database. When a record posts a new record to your database, the post process assigns an ID to the person.

To view a bio/demo record that the post process created, select Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Add/Update a Person or Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Add/Update a Person.

To view a test score record that the post process created or updated, select Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Results or Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Results.

To view the additional data from the testing agency not posted to Test Results or Add/Update a Person, select Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data or Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data.

If you chose to create a prospect record, select Student Recruiting, Maintain Prospects, Add/Update a Prospect.

See Also

Tracking Test Results for Prospects and Applicants

Entering or Updating Applicant Biographical Data

Click to jump to parent topicPurging Suspense Files and Test Score Messages

This section discusses how to purge suspense records and test score messages.

Note. If you intend to perform an analysis on your test score processing, do not purge your test score messages with the External Test Score Purge process. Instead, purge them later when you no longer need to view them, using the Test Score Messages Purge process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Purge Suspense Files and Test Score Messages

Page Name

Definition Name



External Test Score Purge


  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Purge

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Purge

Purge suspense records and test score messages for a specific test ID.

Test Score Messages Purge


  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Messages Purge

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Messages Purge.

Purge all test score messages. You can run a process to purge all test scores remaining in your suspense files for all external test scoreloads.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPurging Suspense Records and Test Score Messages

Access the External Test Score Purge page (Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Purge or Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, External Test Score Purge).

Test ID

Enter the test ID that you want to delete from the suspense record. The test ID list that appears in the prompt is based on the Test ID Security.

All Suspense Rows

Select this option to enable the Purge Option for All Rows group box.

Marked Suspense Rows

Select this option to enable the Purge Option for Marked Rows group box.

Purge Option for All Rows

All Suspense Rows

Select this option to purge all the suspense records.

Rows Loaded before or on

Select this option and enter a date to purge all suspense records that were loaded on or before the specified date.

Use the Date Loaded field on the Test Score Suspense Data page to see when you loaded a record.

Suppose you loaded records on May 10, 2009. Subsequently, you loaded another set of records on May 15, 2009. If you select the Rows Loaded before or on option and specify the date as May 15, 2009, the purge process deletes all suspense records that were loaded on May 15, 2009 and May 10, 2009.

Purge Option for Marked Rows

All Marked Suspense Rows

Select this option to purge all the records in your suspense table that are marked Purge in the Post field of the Test Score Suspense Data page.

Rows Loaded before or on

Select this option and enter a date to purge only those suspense records that were loaded on or before the specified date and that are marked Purge in the Post field of the Test Score Suspense Data page.

Suppose you loaded records on May 10, 2009. Subsequently, you loaded another set of records on May 15, 2009. If you select the Rows Loaded before or on option and specify the date as May 15, 2009, the purge process deletes the suspense records marked Purge that were loaded on May 15, 2009 and May 10, 2009.

Message Purge Parameter

Retain Associated Messages

Select this option if you want to retain messages that are associated with the suspense records that you are purging.

Remove Associated Messages

Select this option if you want to remove messages that are associated with the suspense records that you are purging.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Test Score Candidate Data

This section provides an overview of test score candidate data and discusses how to review:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Test Score Candidate Data

The search/match/post process creates test score candidate data only if you are posting to Campus Solutions. If you are posting to CRM, the process does not create test score candidate data.

The search/match/post process posts candidate data (according to the test) to the Test Score Candidate Data component. This component is informational only. The data in this component does not affect other data in your database. For example, if you change a person's name in this component, it does not change the name anywhere else in the system. If you choose however to create prospects from test scores, some of this data is used for the process, such as graduation date, intended major, and extracurricular activities.

Many of the values and codes that appear in the Test Score Candidate Data components are based on values and codes that the testing agency defines. Contact the testing agency that manages the test for full descriptions of the data that appears in these pages or refer to the test score layout that you received from the testing agency.

Before entering the Test Score Candidate Data component, you must enter the test ID. The pages in the component dynamically appear based on the test ID that you entered. The number of pages that appear in the component depend on the test ID. You must have Test ID Security defined for your user ID in order to access the component. The pages shown here are examples of the Test Score Candidate Data component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Test Score Candidate Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Personal Information







  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Personal Information

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Personal Information

This page appears for the ACT, ADA, AMCAS, LSAT/LSDAS, SAT, and SSS. Review the student's personal information as it was received from the testing agency. The fields vary depending on the test ID. This page also indicates if the post process created an employee ID for this person.

Test Score Candidate Data









  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Test Score Candidate Data

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Test Score Candidate Data

This page appears for the AP, CRS, DAT, EOS, GMAT, GRE, GMASS, and TOEFL. Review the student's personal and academic information as it was received from the testing agency. The fields vary depending on the test ID. This page also indicates if the post process created an employee ID for this person.




  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Academics

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Academics

This page displays for the ACT and LSAT/LSDAS. Access a student's test and academic data as reported by the testing agency. The fields vary depending on the test ID.



  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Activities

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Activities

This page displays for ACT only. Access student profile high school and projected college activity information.



  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Interests

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Interests

This page appears for ACT only. Access student profile interest and college preference information.



  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Education

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Education

This page appears for ADA. Review a student's academic history as reported from AADSAS.

Applicant Data



  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Applicant Data

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Applicant Data

This page appears for ADA and AMCAS. Review the student's data to support their application for admission as it was received from the testing agency. The fields vary depending on the test ID.




  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Application

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Application.

This page appears for ADA and AMCAS. View the results of the Create Applicants from Test process for this student. You can also select not to create an application for this student by selecting Do Not Use for Create Appl in the Post Option field.



  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Courses

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Courses

This page appears for ADA. Review a student's academic course work and grades as reported by AADSAS.

Family Information


Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Family Information

Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Family Information

This page appears for ADA. Review the family information.



Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Essays

Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Essays

This page appears for ADA. Review the personal statement data



  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Colleges

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Colleges

This page appears for AMCAS. Review a student's prior colleges attended as well as previous majors and degrees earned, as provided by AAMC.



  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, GPA/Hours

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, GPA/Hours

This page appears for AMCAS. Review a student's grade point averages and credit hours, as provided by AAMC.



  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Awards

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Awards

This page appears for AP. Review the student's awards information including award type and year, as reported from the Advanced Placement exam.



  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Schools

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Schools

This page appears for AP. Review a student's high school and college information as reported from the Advanced Placement exam.

Test Data




  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Test Data

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Test Data

This page appears for the AP, LSAT/LSDAS, and SAT. Review additional test data as reported by the testing agency that is not posted to the Test Results page. The fields vary depending on the test ID.

Additional Data


  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Additional Data

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Additional Data.

This page appears for CRS. Review the student's academic, employment, and search-related data, as provided by LSAC.

Prior Schools


  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Prior Schools

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Prior School.

This page appears for LSAT/LSDAS. Review undergraduate academic data and prior law schools attended, as provided by LSAC.

Candidate Data


  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Candidate Data

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Candidate Data

This page appears for LSAT/LSDAS. Review the student's additional test and application information, as provided by LSAC.



  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Recommendations

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Recommendations

This page appears for LSAT/LSDAS. Review letter of recommendation data as provided by LSAC.

Student Data



  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Student Data

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Student Data

This page appears for SAT and SSS. Review additional information about the student, as provided by ETS. The fields vary depending on the test ID.

School Data


  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, School Data

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, School Data

This page appears for SAT. Review college preference information for a student. If the test type is college, you can review the high school information for the student, as provided by ETS. If the test type is secondary, you can review the colleges that the student submitted test scores to, as provided by ETS. The data that appears on the page depends on the test type that you selected during the external test score load process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Candidate Data Personal Information

Access the Personal Information page (Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Personal Information or Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Personal Information).

Personal and academic data posted from the suspense record appears in these fields.

Test ID

Displays the test you entered on the search page. The pages to the component vary based on the test ID.

Test Date

Displays the day the person took the test.

Personal Data Impacts

Indicates whether the process added a new EMPLID to your database or updated the personal data for an existing EMPLID.

The system displays one of the following values for this field:

  • Caused Personal Data Creation

  • No Personal Data Impact

  • Caused Personal Data Update

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Academic Information

Access the Academics page (Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Academics or Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Academics).

Academic information data posted from the suspense record appears in these fields.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Student Profile High School and College Activity Information

Access the Activities page (Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Activities or Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Activities).

High school and college activities data posted from the suspense record appears on this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Interest Information

Access the Interests page (Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Interests or Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Candidate Data, Interests).

Interest and college preference data posted from the suspense record appears on this page.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Test Score Messages Summary Information

This section discusses how to use the Test Score Messages page to view a list of all test score messages stored in your suspense files for any record loaded through an external test score load.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to View Test Score Messages Summary Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Test Score Messages


  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Messages

  • Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Messages

View a list of all test score messages stored in your suspense files for any record loaded through an external test score load.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Test Score Messages Summary Information

Access the Test Score Messages page (Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Messages or Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Score Messages).

Test ID

Enter the test ID for which you want to view the test messages. The fields that appear in the prompt are based on your Test ID security.

Record Number

Select the record number for which you want to search for test score messages.

Process Instance

Select the process instance for which you want to search for test score messages.

Date Loaded

Select the date loaded for which you want to search for test score messages.

Last Name

Select the last name for which you want to search for test score messages.

First Name

Select the first name for which you want to search for test score messages.


Select the ID for which you want to search for test score messages.


Click to find information matching your search criteria.