(USA) Managing PeopleSoft SEVIS Solution Visa Processing for J and F/M Visas

This chapter provides an overview of PeopleSoft SEVIS Solution visa processing and discusses how to:

See Also

(USA) Setting Up PeopleSoft SEVIS Solution Visa Processing for J and F/M Visas

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding SEVIS Visa Processing

Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) is an internet-based system that electronically monitors and reports on international students and exchange visitors and their dependents. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) maintains SEVIS. It is an integral part of the DHS program to improve data collection and reporting, facilitate compliance with regulations, and automate monitoring of school and exchange programs. The PeopleSoft SEVIS Solution collects data, monitors changes, and reports student and exchange visitor changes.

The PeopleSoft system extracts information and sends it to SEVIS to be reported to the DHS. You can audit the information after it is extracted. Once you are satisfied that it is correct, you can produce an XML file for transmission to SEVIS. The system verifies that the transmission was received, and it reports any errors. When you send changes to DHS, you receive an XML file from SEVIS that you use to import the results of the processing. You also receive PDF files containing any new I-20 or DS-2019 forms that are requested.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Business Process Flow for Visa Processing

In this business process flow, it is assumed that you have completed the SEVIS setup in the PeopleSoft Campus Solutions system. This section discusses the PeopleSoft Campus Solutions-to-SEVIS batch interface functionality business process for student (F/M) visas and for exchange visitor (J) visas.

This flowchart illustrates the SEVIS visa processing business process. It shows the flow of the SEVIS alerts through to the XML log and SEVIS processor to the PeopleSoft database and printed I-20 or DS-2019 form.

PeopleSoft business process flow for SEVIS visa processing

Identify New and Changed Data to Submit to SEVIS

Follow these steps for identifying new and changed data to submit to SEVIS.

  1. Run the SEVIS Alerts process.

    Run the appropriate SEVIS Alerts process (Process SEVIS Alerts - F/M or Process SEVIS Alerts - J). The process identifies information that should be submitted to SEVIS regarding new students (F/M visas) or exchange visitors (J visas) and data changes for existing students or exchange visitors. The process also verifies SEVIS business rules, required fields, and certain eligibility edits.

  2. Use pages in the appropriate SEVIS Alerts component to evaluate the results of the SEVIS Alerts process.

    Use the Select Alerts to Report - F/M component to evaluate results for all applicable school codes, and use the Select Alerts to Report - J component to evaluate results for all applicable program sponsors.

    1. Review all information with errors and take appropriate follow-up action.

      Errors indicate transactional data that is missing or that needs to be changed before submission to SEVIS. You can update the SEVIS Master component if errors exist.

    2. Review all information requiring additional data.

      Certain SEVIS events require you to enter additional data.

    3. Review all data set to send to SEVIS on the Alerts Header page.

      The SEVIS Alerts process sets the Send to field to SEVIS based on the default value that is set on the SEVIS Event Types page, and includes the event in the XML file to send to SEVIS. If you do not want to include it in the XML file, change the Send to field to either Master or None.

    4. Select either Master or None for each remaining event.

      Select Master (Master Sync) to directly update the SEVIS Master component with the data for the event without including it in the XML file. Select None to prevent an event from processing until you can review it.

    5. Save your changes to the Alerts Header page in the Select Alerts to Report component (Select Alerts to Report - F/M or Select Alerts to Report - J).

Export Data to SEVIS Master or to the XML File to Send to SEVIS

Run the SEVIS Export process for the appropriate visa type (Export SEVIS Events - F/M or Export SEVIS Events - J).

For events where the Send To field is set to Master on the Alerts Header page, the export process directly updates the active SEVIS Master row with the data from the event.

For events where the Send To field is set to SEVIS, the export process generates an XML file compliant with the SEVIS XML schema. The process creates multiple XML files if the number of records transmitted to SEVIS exceeds 100. The export process also populates the SEVIS Master component with an inactive row containing the data sent to SEVIS.

Upload XML Batch Documents to SEVIS

To upload the generated XML files to SEVIS, you must use a utility that supports secure sockets layer (SSL) and HTTPS. The XML batch document upload process is completed outside the PeopleSoft Campus Solutions system using the utility program of your choice. Consult the U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) web site for information regarding digital certificate registration and batch file transmission.

See Reference Manual for the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System Batch Interface, Application Program Interface (API) http://www.ice.gov/sevis/schools/batch.htm

Import the upload results transaction log using the SEVIS Import Results process.

Download XML Transaction Log and PDF Files from SEVIS

To download the XML transaction log files and any form PDF files (I-20 forms or DS-2019 forms) generated by SEVIS, you must use a utility that supports SSL and HTTPS. The XML transaction log and PDF files are compressed into a single file in zip format. You print the PDF files outside the PeopleSoft system.

Consult the U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) web site for information regarding retrieval and unzipping of the XML transaction log and PDF files.

Note. Carefully evaluate the Application Program Interface (API) to determine the period during which the batch process results remain available. The DHS SEVIS system automatically deletes files that are not downloaded within the specified period.

See Reference Manual for the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System Batch Interface, Application Program Interface (API) http://www.ice.gov/sevis/schools/batch.htm

Import the XML Transaction Log Results

After the compressed batch result file is successfully downloaded and unzipped, import the XML transaction log result files into the PeopleSoft Campus Solutions system using the SEVIS Import Results process.

Run the SEVIS Import Results process for all applicable result files. Evaluate the transaction log results using the SEVIS Import Results pages. Review all transactions with errors and take appropriate follow-up action.

The import process also updates the SEVIS Master component to reflect the data successfully imported to SEVIS and populates the SEVIS ID Maintenance page with the SEVIS IDs for any new students or exchange students and their dependents.

Note. You must resolve eligibility errors returned by SEVIS before the next run of the SEVIS Alerts process. Allow enough time between reviewing the SEVIS XML transaction log results and running the process again so that you can modify student or exchange visitor and dependents transactional data to correct any errors.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the SEVIS Master Component

When you run the SEVIS Export process (Export SEVIS Events - F/M process or Export SEVIS Events - J process), all of the data that you export for submission to SEVIS is stored on pages in the SEVIS Master component (Campus Community, SEVIS, SEVIS Maintenance, SEVIS Master). The SEVIS Alerts process (Process SEVIS Alerts - F/M or Process SEVIS Alerts - J ) compares the master data to the ongoing SEVIS data to detect updates to the student or exchange visitor and dependent data that should be subsequently submitted to SEVIS.

Warning! Do not manually update data on any of the SEVIS Master component pages unless you have made changes directly in the DHS SEVIS Real Time Interface (RTI) that cannot be processed using the Send to Master feature on the Alerts Header page. The data on the SEVIS Master component pages should always match the data on the RTI.

If the Education Level – Change event has been sent, two active rows are permitted on the Program and Financial tabs. Otherwise, each tab should have only one active status row. Update existing active rows. Do not manually add new rows.

Data in the SEVIS Master component is populated by either the SEVIS Extract Process (CCSEVEXT) or the SEVIS Master Sync Process (CCSEVSYF), both of which are part of the Export SEVIS Events process.


If the Send To field on the Alerts Header page is set to SEVIS for an event, the system populates the SEVIS Master component when running the SEVIS Export process (Export SEVIS Events - F/M or Export SEVIS Events - J). The data varies by event. The effective status of each record is set to Inactive until the SEVIS Import Results process runs.

When the Create event (Create Student or Create EV) event is successfully imported to SEVIS and the SEVIS Import process runs, the SEVIS Master component inactive rows are set to Active. If the Create event has errors, the system deletes the SEVIS Master component inactive rows. View the errors on the SEVIS Import Results inquiry page and determine how to correct them before running the SEVIS Alerts process for the relevant visa type again. The Create event appears on the Alerts Header page again when the SEVIS Alerts process runs for that visa type.

When the Update events are processed, an inactive effective status row is added to the appropriate record in the SEVIS Master component. If the event is successfully imported to SEVIS, the data sent to SEVIS is updated on the active effective status row in the SEVIS Master component and the inactive rows are deleted. If the Update event has errors, the inactive rows are deleted in the SEVIS Master component. View the errors on the SEVIS Import Results inquiry page and determine how to correct them before running the SEVIS Alerts process for the relevant visa type again. The Update event appears on the Alerts Header page again when the SEVIS Alerts process runs for that visa type.

The SEVIS Import process for F/M visas also updates the SEVIS status when the following events are successfully processed by SEVIS:

The SEVIS Import process for J visas also updates the SEVIS status when the following events are successfully processed by SEVIS:

Send To Master (Master Sync)

If the Send To field on the Alerts Header page is set to Master, the system populates the SEVIS Master component when the SEVIS Export process (SEVIS Master Sync – F/M or SEVIS Master Sync – J) runs. The data varies by event.

When the Create event (Create Student or Create EV) is processed using Master Sync, new active effective status rows are created for the Bio/Demo, Addresses, Program, Financial, Dependents (if any) and Employment/SOA (J Visa only) pages in the SEVIS Master component. SEVIS Status on the Program page is set to Initial.

Warning! You must, on the SEVIS ID Maintenance page, manually enter the IDs assigned by SEVIS to the student and their dependents for F/M visas or to the exchange visitor and their dependents for J visas. If the SEVIS IDs are not added, when you process the Update events, errors are detected and indicated in the Select Alerts to Report component (Select Alerts to Report - F/M or Select Alerts to Report - J).

When you process the Update events using Master Sync, data from the event is inserted into the appropriate effective status active row in the SEVIS Master component. The existing data on the active row is overwritten with the new data from the event. The data varies by event. In addition, SEVIS Status is updated if the event causes an update.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating and Updating Student or Exchange Visitor and Dependent Data

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create and Update Student or Exchange Visitor and Dependent Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Biographical Details


Campus Community, SEVIS, Personal Information, Add/Update a Person, Biographical Details

Enter or update basic biographical and demographic data for an individual.



Campus Community, SEVIS, Personal Information, Add/Update a Person, Addresses

Update an individual's address information.

Note. This pages does not appear in the Add/Update a Person component when you add a new person. It appears only when you update an existing person.



Campus Community, Personal Information, Biographical, Addresses/Phones, Addresses

Enter or update an individual's address information.

Electronic Addresses


Campus Community, Personal Information, Biographical, Addresses/Phones, Electronic Addresses

Enter or update an individual's email address data.

Visa/Permit Data


Campus Community, SEVIS, Personal Information, Visa/Permit Data

Enter an individual's visa and permit information for SEVIS.

Visa/Permit Data Detail


Click the Visa/Permit link on the Biographical Details page.

Enter an individual's visa and permit information for SEVIS.

Citizenship/Passport Data


Campus Community, SEVIS, Personal Information, Citizenship/Passport Data

Enter or update an individual's citizenship and passport data.

Citizenship Detail


Click the Citizenship link on the Biographical Details page.

Enter or update an individual's citizenship and passport data.

SEVIS ID Maintenance


Campus Community, SEVIS, SEVIS Maintenance, SEVIS ID Maintenance

Enter or update an individual's SEVIS ID information.

Port of Entry Data


Campus Community, SEVIS, Personal Information, Visa/Permit Data, Port of Entry Data

Track an individual's port of entry into the United States for F or M student visas.

Employment Authorizations


Campus Community, SEVIS, Employment Authorizations

Enter or update an individual's employment authorization information for F or M student visas.

SEVIS Employer Address


Click the Employer Address link on the Employee Authorization page.

Enter or update employer address information for F or M student visas.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating and Updating Biographical Data

Access the Biographical Details page (Campus Community, SEVIS, Personal Information, Add/Update a Person, Biographical Details).

The Biographical Details page in the SEVIS Add/Update component is the same as the Biographical Details page in the Personal Information, Add/Update component.

See Adding or Updating Biographical Details Data.

SEVIS requires specific biographical data for each student and dependent. The SEVIS Export process pulls the required data from the Biographical Details page.

In addition to first and last names, the following fields must be completed for each student or exchange visitor and dependent:

Person Information

Last Name

Enter the individual's last name.

Date of Birth

Enter the individual's date of birth.

Birth Information (link)

SEVIS requires that you enter the name of the individual's birth city (J Visa only) and country.

Click the Birth Information link next to the Date of Birth field to enter the individual's birth city and country.

Biographical History


Specify the individual's gender. Options are Male, Female, or Unknown.

(Links at Bottom)

Visa/Permit Data

SEVIS requires that you identify the type of visa issued to the individual.

Click the Visa/Permit Data link to enter the visa type.


SEVIS requires that you identify the individual's country of citizenship.

Click the Citizenship link to the enter the country of citizenship.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating and Updating Addresses Data

Access the Addresses page (Campus Community, SEVIS, Personal Information, Add/Update a Person, Addresses).

Note. The Addresses page does not appear in the Add/Update a Person component (shown here) when you add a new person. It appears only when you update an existing person.

Note. The PeopleSoft system stores up to the ninth digit of the U.S. postal code in the SEVIS Master component to enable you to store bulk mail codes on the Addresses page as part of the postal code without affecting SEVIS processing. The alerts process compares up to the ninth digit of the postal code on the addresses record against the postal code stored in the SEVIS Master component. If the postal code for a U.S. address is too short (1-4 digits or 6-8 digits) when you run the export and alerts processes, an error appears on the Alerts page saying that the postal code is invalid. If the postal code is too long (greater than 9 digits), the process ignores everything after the ninth digit.

For F and M student visas, SEVIS requires a foreign address for each student with a creation reason of Initial or Initial - Change of Status on the I-20 form.

For exchange visitor J visas, SEVIS requires that each exchange visitor have a U.S. address. If the exchange visitor does not have a U.S. address, the system uses the program sponsor's address from the Program Sponsor table to populate required fields for the Create EV event.

The address types reported to SEVIS are based on the types defined in the US and Foreign fields on the SEVIS Setup page. You can view address data on the Biographical Details page, and edit the data on the Addresses page.

The following fields are required for the foreign address:

The following fields are required for the U.S. address:

See Also

Adding a Person to Your Campus Solutions Database

Managing Biographical Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating and Updating Electronic Addresses

Access the Electronic Addresses page (Campus Community, Personal Information, Biographical, Addresses/Phones, Electronic Addresses).

Email Information

Enter the individual's email address. The email address that you select as Preferred is reported to SEVIS as part of the Create Student, Personal Info, Dependent – Add and Dependent – Edit events for F and M visas.

Email address is not required, but is reported when provided.

Note. The SEVIS Schema does not allow for sending a blank email address. If an alert is triggered due to an email address being removed, you will need to use SEVIS RTI to manually delete the email address.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating and Updating Visa and Permit Data

Access the Visa/Permit Data page (Campus Community, SEVIS, Personal Information, Visa/Permit Data).

Visa/Permit Data


Enter the type of visa issued to the individual.

For the PeopleSoft system to send the individual's information to SEVIS, the visa type that you enter must correspond to a visa type defined on the Visa Mapping page, which includes only F, M, or J visa types.

Number, Issue Date, and Expiration Date

Enter the visa number and appropriate dates.

This information is not required or reported.

See Also

Entering Visa and Permit Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating and Updating Port of Entry Information for F and M Visas

Access the Port of Entry Data page (Campus Community, SEVIS, Personal Information, Visa/Permit Data, Port of Entry Data).

You can record data regarding a student's date and location of entry into the United States. The SEVIS system is the official record of this data, however, you might find it helpful to record this information in your PeopleSoft system.

Port of entry data is not required or reported.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating and Updating Citizenship and Passport Data

Access the Citizenship/Passport page (Campus Community, SEVIS, Personal Information, Citizenship/Passport Data).



Enter the country of citizenship to use on the I-20 form or the DS-2019 form.

If you enter more than one non-U.S. country, you must indicate on the form which citizenship country to send to SEVIS.

Passport Information

Passport Number, Issue Date, Expiration Date, and Country

Enter the passport number and associated information.

This data is not required or reported.

See Also

Entering Citizenship and Passport Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining SEVIS ID Information

Access the SEVIS ID Maintenance page (Campus Community, SEVIS, SEVIS Maintenance, SEVIS ID Maintenance).

Note. When SEVIS processes the Create Student and Dependent - Add events for F/M visas or the Create EV and Dependent - Add events for J visas, it assigns SEVIS IDs to the new students or exchange visitors and dependents. You must manually enter the IDs assigned by SEVIS into your PeopleSoft system if you used the Send to Master option on the Alerts Header page to populate SEVIS Master for Create Student, Create EV or Dependent - Add events.

Use this page to store the SEVIS ID provided by the DHS for students or exchange visitors and their dependents. The SEVIS ID is an 11-character unique identifier that SEVIS uses for students and their dependents related to a specific school code and for exchange visitors and their dependents related to a specific program number. The system displays only the SEVIS IDs of the school codes or program numbers for which you have security clearance.

Running the SEVIS Import Results process for new students, exchange visitors, and dependents automatically populates the ID field. You may need to manually enter this value if you initially created the student or exchange visitor, or the dependent using the DHS SEVIS RTI.

SEVIS Schools for F and M Visas

SEVIS School Code, Effective Date, and SEVIS ID

Enter each school code for which the student has an I-20 form or is listed as a dependent on an I-20 form.

Enter the effective date of the SEVIS ID.

Enter the unique 11-digit identifier for the student or dependent for the SEVIS school code.

SEVIS Programs for J visas

SEVIS Program Number, Effective Date, and SEVIS ID

Enter each program number for which the exchange visitor has a DS-2019 form or is listed as a dependent on a DS-2019 form.

Enter the effective date of the SEVIS ID.

Enter the unique 11-digit identifier for the exchange student or dependent for the SEVIS school code.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating and Updating Employment Authorization Information for F and M Visas

Access the Employment Authorizations page (Campus Community, SEVIS, Employment Authorizations).

Employment Type

Employment Type

Select the employment type relevant to the authorization or endorsement for this student.

Options are:

Curricular Practical Training (CPT)

Optional Practical Training (OPT)

Off-Campus (to enter recommendation information for the student to obtain off-campus employment authorization)

M-1 students are authorized for OPT only. The system does not enable you to enter CPT or off-campus employment for an M-1 student.

F-1 students are eligible for all employment authorizations.

Note. The fields in the Employment Details group box remain the same for CPT and OPT. The system displays different fields when you enter the Off-Campus employment type.

Employment Details (for CPT and OPT employment types)

Sequence Number

Displays the number that the system uses to track multiple rows.

Completion Type

This field appears only for the Employment Type of Optional Practical Training for F-1 visas.

Values are:

Pre Completion

Post Completion

Note. For Pre Completion, the OPT end date must be on or before the program end date. For Post Completion, the OPT start date must be on or after the program end date.

Request Status

This field appears for the Employment Types of Optional Practical Training (OPT) and Off-Campus Employment.

For OPT, the Request Status field value is used in combination with other values on the Employment Authorizations page to trigger the OPT Employment – Extend and OPT Employment – Edit events. For example, if the 17 Month Extension check box is selected and the Request Status is Approved, the Extend event is triggered.

Values are:








The default value is Requested.

Note. For rows existing prior to SEVIS 6.0, the Request Field value is set to Unknown in the system. You must change the value for all current OPT students to trigger the appropriate event.

Note. Automatic status change updates are not sent as part of the SEVIS Batch process. You must manually update this field when the status changes.

Warning! For OPT, SEVIS accepts changes to the Start Date, End Date, Employment Code, Completion Type or Academic Year Met fields only when the Request Status field is set to Requested or Pending.

Academic Year Met

This check box appears for the Employment Type of Optional Practical Training (OPT).

Select to indicate that the student has met the full academic year requirement for OPT.

Cancel Employment

Select this check box to trigger the CPT Employment - Cancel or the OPT Employment - Cancel event.

The start date must be later than the current system date for CPT Employment.

Cancellation of OPT Employment may be performed only prior to determination of the OPT by the Service Center.

Start Date

Enter the date when the employment is expected to begin.

End Date

Enter the date when the employment is expected to end.

Note. Review DHS regulations to ensure that you comply with the most recent duration rules for the employment type before entering the authorization start and end date.

The Curricular Practical Training (CPT) employment type requires that the end date be not later than the end date for the student on the I-20 form.

See the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement website for regulations regarding employment duration: http://www.ice.gov/sevis/schools/existing_schools/index.htm

The authorization end date affects the Program – Complete event trigger.

See Trigger Complete Program After.

Employment Code

Select either Part-time or Full-time.

17 Month Extension

This check box appears only for the Employment Type of Optional Practical Training for F-1 visas.

When selected, the employer's name and address are required.

The 17 Month Extension field value is used in combination with the Request Status value to trigger the OPT Employment – Extend event. For example, if the 17 Month Extension check box is selected and the Request Status is Approved, the Extend event is triggered.

Note. The SEVIS Batch process accepts only requests where Request Status is Approved and Completion Type is Post Completion. See the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement website for regulations regarding eligibility for 17 month extensions: http://www.ice.gov/sevis/schools/existing_schools/index.htm

Extension Start Date

This field appears only for the Employment Type of Optional Practical Training (OPT) when the 17 Month Extension check box is selected.

The system automatically enters an Extension Start Date of OPT end date plus one day. You cannot edit this date.

The SEVIS Batch process does not send the Extension Start Date value to SEVIS.

Extension End Date

This field appears only for the Employment Typeof Optional Practical Training (OPT) when the 17 Month Extension is selected.

The system automatically enters an extension end date of the OPT extension start date plus 17 months.

You can edit this date, and might want to do so when a Cap-Gap extension is approved.

The SEVIS Batch process does not send the Extension End Date value to SEVIS.

Course Relevance

Enter remarks identifying the relevance of the employment to the student's course of study.

Remarks are not required, but are submitted if provided.

Student Remarks

This field appears only for the Employment Type of Optional Practical Training (OPT).

Student remarks are optional, but are submitted to SEVIS when provided.


Remarks here are optional, but are submitted to SEVIS when provided.

Employer Address

Click to access the SEVIS Employer Address page, where you can enter employer name and address information.

If the employer is defined in the External Organization table, you can enter it on the SEVIS Employer Address page to populate the fields there (Employer Name, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, and Postal Code).

You can also manually enter employer name and address information on the SEVIS Employer Address page without using an external organization ID.

Note. SEVIS requires employer information for CPT authorizations, but it is optional for OPT endorsements.

Note. The PeopleSoft system stores up to the ninth digit of the U.S. postal code in the SEVIS Master component to enable you to store bulk mail codes on the Addresses page as part of the postal code without affecting SEVIS processing. The alerts process compares up to the ninth digit of the postal code on the addresses record against the postal code stored in the SEVIS Master component. If the postal code for a U.S. address is too short (1-4 digits or 6-8 digits) when you run alerts process, an error appears on the Alerts page saying that the postal code is invalid. If the postal code is too long (greater than 9 digits), the processes ignores everything after the ninth digit.

Employment Details (for Off-Campus Employment Type)

When you enter the employment type of Off Campus, the fields in the Employment Details group box change.

Sequence Number

Displays the number that the system uses to track multiple rows.

Cancel Employment

Select to trigger the Off Campus Employment - Cancel event.

Start Date

Enter the date when the employment is expected to begin.

Note. To trigger the Off Campus Employment - Cancel event, the start date must be later than the current system date.

End Date

Enter the date when the employment is expected to end.

The date entered must be earlier than or equal to the I-20 Program To Date value.


The available options are Economic Hardship, International Organization, and Special Student Relief.

The DHS defines the reasons in the Student Off-Campus Employment Codes section of the Lookup Tables in the Application Program Interface on the U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) web site.

See Reference Manual for the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System Batch Interface, Application Program Interface (API) http://www.ice.gov/sevis/schools/batch.htm

Request Status

This field appears only for the Employment Types of Optional Practical Training (OPT) and Off Campus Employment.

Values are:








The default value is Requested.

Note. Automatic status change updates are not sent as part of he SEVIS Batch process. You must manually update this field when the status changes.


Enter general remarks regarding the student's off-campus employment.

Remarks are not required, but are submitted if provided.

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Full Course Load Exceptions for F and M Visas

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Track Full Course Load Exceptions for F and M Visas

Page Name

Definition Name



Full Course Exceptions


Campus Community, F/M Full Course Exceptions, Full Course Exceptions

Enter or update exceptions to the full course load for an individual with an F or M visa.

External Full Course Exception


Campus Community, SEVIS, F/M Full Course Exceptions, External Full Course Exception

Enter or update information for exceptions to the full course load for an individual with an F or M visa when using the External System Extract process.

Full Course Exception Load


Campus Community, SEVIS, F/M Full Course Exceptions, Full Course Exception Load

Process information for exceptions to the full course load by student group or job code for individuals with F or M visas.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Full Course Load Exception Rules

Access the Full Course Exceptions page (Campus Community, F/M Full Course Exceptions, Full Course Exceptions).

You can specify exception units for students who are not enrolled for a full course of study as defined by the academic level and load rules. You can then track students who have your institution's permission to enroll in less than a full course of study. You are not required to submit to SEVIS the Auth Drop Below Full Course - Add event for those students. For example, a graduate assistant who, by institutional agreement and definition, enrolls for fewer units than typical graduate-level students, might not drop below full-time.

The SEVIS Alerts - F/M process evaluates data entered for students who are not enrolled full-time, but whose data is entered for the combination of institution, career, and term that the process uses.

The page displays the eligible institutions and careers in which the student is eligible to enroll. Enter multiple rows with the term and exception units for students who are granted exceptions that span multiple terms.

You can also use the Full Course Load Exception process to populate this page for large groups of students.

The system displays the student name, ID, school code, school, institution, and career.


Select the term value for which you are granting the student an exception.

The only terms available are those in which the student has been term-activated and in which the student is eligible to enroll.

Exception Units

Enter the full-time exception units that the student is granted.

The External System Extract process evaluates this value to determine the full course status populated in the extract XML file.

You can enter 0.000 for the exception units.


Enter comments if appropriate.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking External Full Course Load Exceptions

Access the External Full Course Exception page (Campus Community, SEVIS, F/M Full Course Exceptions, External Full Course Exception).

You can specify exception units for students who will not be enrolled for a full course of study as defined by the academic level and load rules. You can then track students who have your institution's permission to enroll in less than a full course of study. The exception entered here determines the full-time status populated in the External System Extract process.

The page displays the eligible institutions and careers in which the student is eligible to enroll. Enter multiple rows with the term and exception units for students granted exceptions that span multiple terms.

You can also use the Full Course Load Exception process to populate this page for large groups of students.

Institution and Career

Select the institution and career for which the student is term-activated.


Select the term value for which you are granting the student an exception.

The only terms that appear are those in which the student is term-activated and in which the student is eligible to enroll.

Exception Units

Enter the exception units considered full-time that the student is granted.

The External System Extract process evaluates this value to determine the full course status populated in the extract XML file.

You can enter 0.000 for the exception units.


Enter comments if appropriate.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Full Course Load Exceptions in Batch

Access the Full Course Exception Load page (Campus Community, SEVIS, F/M Full Course Exceptions, Full Course Exception Load).

The Full Course Exception Load page enables you to assign a full course exception for a group of students in either a specific student group or with a specific job code rather than adding an exception one student at a time.

You can use this process to populate the Full Course Exceptions page or the External Full Course Exception page depending on the processing type that you select. You can add multiple rows if you have more than one student group or job code from which you want to select students. If a student meets the criteria for more than one group, the process assigns the lowest Exception Units to the student.

SEVIS School Code

For the direct interface, select the school code from which to select the students.

For the External Extract process, select the school code that you want to use for each student granted the full course exception.

Processing Type

Select the appropriate option based on the process that your institution uses to report data to SEVIS. The options for processing type are Direct Interface and External Extract Process.

The Direct Interface option selects students with an F-1 or M-1 visa status who have an I-20 record for the selected school code and who are term-activated for the combination of institution, career, and term indicated, and who belong to either the student group or job code indicated.

The External Extract Process option selects students with an F-1 or M-1 status who are term-activated for the combination of institution, career, and term indicated and who belong to either the student group or job code indicated.

Report Only

Select to run the process to obtain a listing of the students selected without inserting the data into the student's record. This enables you to check the student population selected before the data is populated.

Clearing the Report Only field allows the data to populate on the Full Course Exceptions page for the students selected.

Student Group

Select the appropriate student group.


Select the setID for the job code.

Job Code

Select the appropriate job code.


Enter the term to appear on the Full Course Exceptions page or External Full Course Exception page.

Exception Units

Enter the exception units to appear on the Full Course Exceptions page or the External Full Course Exception page.


Enter a comment to appear on the Full Course Exceptions page or External Full Course Exception page.

When you run the External System Export process, the XML indicates the full-time status of the student by using the full course exception entered.

For example, suppose that a student is enrolled for nine hours and the level and load rules designated this a three-quarters time. A full course exception of nine hours is entered for the student, so the full-time status for the student is set to Y on the XML output, as shown in the following code sample. In addition, two fields are added to the XML output: the Full Course Override field and the Full Course Exception Units field.

<EducationalInfo> <FullTime>Y</FullTime> - <AcademicData> <Institution>PSUNV</Institution> <InstitutionDescr>PeopleSoft University</InstitutionDescr> <Career>UGRD</Career> <CareerDescr>Undergraduate</CareerDescr> <SEVISSchoolCodeId>DAL214F12345123</SEVISSchoolCodeId> <AdmitTerm>0487</AdmitTerm> <AdmitTermDescr>2003 Spring</AdmitTermDescr> <EnrollTerm>0487</EnrollTerm> <EnrollTermDescr>2003 Spring</EnrollTermDescr> <PrimaryMajorCIPCode>42.0101</PrimaryMajorCIPCode> <PrimaryMajor>PSYCH</PrimaryMajor> <PrimaryMajorDescr>Psychology</PrimaryMajorDescr> <AcademicProgram>LAU</AcademicProgram> <AcademicProgramDescr>Liberal Arts Undergraduate</AcademicProgramDescr> <ProgramAction>ACTV</ProgramAction> <ProgramActionDescr>Activate</ProgramActionDescr> <ProgramStatus>AC</ProgramStatus> <ProgramStatusDescr>Active in Program</ProgramStatusDescr> <AcademicLoad>H</AcademicLoad> <AcademicLoadDescr>Enrolled Half-time</AcademicLoadDescr> <CourseUnits>9.000</CourseUnits> <FullCourseOverride>Y</FullCourseOverride> <FullCourseExceptionUnits>9.000</FullCourseExceptionUnits> <CurrentSessionEndDate>2003-05-15</CurrentSessionEndDate> <NextSessionStartDate>2003-08-27</NextSessionStartDate> <ExpectedGradTerm>0505</ExpectedGradTerm> <ExpectedGradTermDescr>2003 Fall</ExpectedGradTermDescr> <PrgStartDate>2003-01-20</PrgStartDate> </AcademicData>

Click to jump to parent topicCreating and Updating Student Data for I-20 Forms for F and M Visas

The I-20 form pages included in the PeopleSoft system display relevant I-20 form data in a sequence similar to the I-20 form document produced by SEVIS. The SEVIS system produces the actual I-20 form in PDF format using data provided by your institution.

The PeopleSoft system I-20 Form pages are keyed by the student's ID and school code. Access to the form is controlled through SEVIS school code security.

To decrease data entry time, use the I-20 template to populate default values for many of the fields on the I-20 form.

Note. The PeopleSoft system requires that any student for whom you are entering I-20 form data, must have an appropriate F-1 or M-1 visa type defined on the Visa/Permit Data page.

This section discusses how to create and update I-20 form data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create and Update Student Data for I-20 Forms for F and M Visas

Page Name

Definition Name



I-20 Form


Campus Community, SEVIS, I-20 Forms, I-20 Form

Create or update I-20 information.

Program Selection


Click the Select Program Data link on the I-20 Form page.

Select an institution, career, and academic program combination.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering I-20 Form Data

Access the I-20 Form page (Campus Community, SEVIS, I-20 Forms, I-20 Form).

I-20 Form Details

SEVIS Status

Displays the status of the student as reflected in the SEVIS Master component.

Status as of Effective Date

Enter the status as of the effective date. The default value is Active.

Only active I-20 form rows are included in the SEVIS Alerts - F/M process.

Cancellation Reason

If canceling the visa request, enter the cancellation reason.

Entering a Cancellation Reason will trigger the Status - Cancel event if the student has a SEVIS Status of Initial.

Available reasons include:

Arrived under different ID

Offer withdrawn

Record created in error

Registered under different ID

Student not attending

Visa for different SEVIS ID

Cap-Gap Status

Enter a value if requesting a Cap-Gap extension.

Values are:




The value triggers the CapGapExtension event if the I-20 end date is less than or equal to the system current date.

Institution, Career, Acad Program (academic program), and Admit Term

The system displays the following:

The institution entered for the student.

The career entered for the institution.

The academic program entered for the career.

The admit term entered for the student in the specified program.

Select Program Data

Click to access the Program Selection page where you can determine if more than one combination of institution, career, academic program, and admit term exists for the student.

If more than one exists, select the check box on the Program Selection page for the line that contains the information that you want to print on the I-20 form.

The valid institutions for the school code and the valid careers for the institution are based on the setup of the SEVIS School Code table.

Student Information

Family Name, First Name, and Middle Name

Displays the student's last, first, and middle names according to the respective name type entered on the SEVIS Setup page.

Note. You must make any name changes on the Biographical Data page.

See Entering Biographical Details.

Date of Birth

Displays the birth date that is entered on the Biographical Details page.

Country of Birth

Displays the country of birth that is entered on the Biographical Details page.

Admission Number

Displays the I-94 admission number that is entered on the Port of Entry Data page.

Citizenship Country

Select the citizenship country to report to SEVIS.

If the student has only one non-U.S. citizenship country, the system displays it by default.

This field is required.

SEVIS Commuter

Select if the student is a commuter student.

The commuter student indicator is valid only for students whose country of citizenship is Canada or Mexico.

Commuter students are not required to provide U.S. address data.


Select to view the foreign and U.S. addresses based on the address types entered on the SEVIS Setup page.

School Information

Displays the school official, title, address, and approval date information from the School Information section of the SEVIS School Code table.

Student Creation Reason

You can select only one reason. Options are:

Initial Creation

Initial - Change of Status

Continued Attendance

School Transfer Causes the Transfer Date field and text box to appear. You can enter the date, and in the text box, enter the name of the school from which the student transferred.

Reinstatement Request

Other Causes a text box to appear where you must also enter an explanation.

Note. SEVIS accepts the creation reasons of Initial and Initial - Change of Status in batch processing only.

Level of Education

Enter the individual's level of education. The options are based on the visa type entered for the student on the Visa/Permit Data page.

If a visa type is not entered for the student on the Visa/Permit Data page, no options are available here.

This value may appear by default from the I-20 template.

Note. A student must have a visa type on the Visa/Permit Data page for the system to send the student's information to SEVIS.

Values for F-1 visa classification are Primary,Secondary, Associate, Bachelor's, Master's, Doctorate, High School, Language Training, and Other.

Values for M-1 visa classifications are High School, Flight Training, and Other Vocation School.


Click to enter remarks related to the student's level of education.

Comments are required when the Level of Education field value is set to Other. Otherwise comments are optional.

All comments are sent to SEVIS when provided.

The student has been accepted for a full course of study

Primary Major, Secondary Major, and CIP Code

Primary major and secondary major information comes from the academic plan in the PeopleSoft Student Records Student Program/Plan component. The primary major is from the academic plan with the minimum sequence number and the secondary major is from the academic plan with the second most minimum sequence number, both are where the plan type is one of the selected major plan types on the SEVIS Setup page.

See Managing Student Programs, Plans, and Subplans.

If no data exists for the academic plan, the information comes from the academic plan on the application in the PeopleSoft Student Admissions Maintain Applications component.

See Adding and Updating Applications.

The CIP code is the code related to the academic plan as assigned on the Taxonomy page in the Academic Plan Table component (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure).

The CIP code is reported to SEVIS.

See Defining Programs, Plans, and Subplans.

Minor and CIP Code

The minor is determined on the SEVIS Setup page.

The system compares information from either the Student Records academic plan or academic subplan where the plan types are equal to those on the SEVIS Setup page.

The minor selected is the minimum sequence number with the indicated plan type related to the primary major.

If no data exists for the Student Records academic plan or subplan, the information comes from the PeopleSoft Admissions academic plan or subplan on the application in the Maintain Application component.

The CIP code is the code related to the academic plan or academic subplan as assigned on the Taxonomy page in the Academic Plan component or the Academic Sub-Plan Taxonomy page in Academic SubPlan Table component (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure).

The CIP Code is reported to SEVIS.

Length of Study

Enter the number of months normally required for completing the program that the student undertakes.

This value may also display by default from the I-20 template.

From Date

By default, the system displays the start date of the student's Admit Term from the Student Records Student Program/Plan page or the Admissions Application Program Data page as the date when the student's program begins.

You can modify this.

If sending the Create Student event to SEVIS and the student creation reason is Initial or Initial - Change of Status, the from date must be later than or equal to the current system date.

If the Student Creation Reason is Continue the from date must be prior to the current system date.

To Date

Displays the date when the student's program is to be completed.

By default, the system adds the value from the Length of Study field to the from date and displays it here.

You can modify this.

English Proficiency required

Select this check box if the school requires English proficiency for this student.

If selected, you must indicate whether or not the student is proficient by selecting the appropriate values. Options are Student is proficient or Student is not proficient yet.

If this check box is not selected, you must provide an explanation in the text box of why English proficiency is not required at the school.

School estimates student average academic cost for

Months in an academic term

Enter the number of months that the student is to attend courses during an academic term.

This value may also appear by default from the I-20 template.

Tuition and fees

Enter the total amount of tuition expenses that the student must pay.

This value may also appear by default from the I-20 template.

Other expenses

Enter other expenses that the student must pay.

If you enter a value, you must click Description and provide an explanation of the other expense.

This value may also appear by default from the I-20 template.


Click to access the page where you must provide an explanation of the other expenses.

Living Expenses

Enter the total amount of living expenses that the student must pay.

This value may also appear by default from the I-20 template.

Dependent Expenses

Enter the total amount of dependent expenses that the student must pay.

Enter a value here only if the student is accompanied by dependents.

This value may also appear by default from the I-20 template.

Student means of support for the above length of time

Student's personal funds

Enter the total amount of personal funds available to the student for use in paying for expenses.

Funds from this school

Enter the total amount of funds being provided by the school.

If you enter a value here, you must also click Fund Type and enter an explanation of the funds provided by the school.

Fund Type

Click to access the page where you enter an explanation of the type of funds provided by the school.

Funds from another source

Enter the total amount of funds provided from another source.

If you enter a value here, you must also click Description and enter an explanation describing the source of the other funding.


Click to access the page where you enter a description of the source of the other funding.

On-campus employment

Enter the total amount of funds available to the student through on-campus employment.

Funding Verified

Select this check box when the student's funding is verified and the student information is ready to send to SEVIS.

You must select this check box for the student information to be processed for sending to SEVIS. Failure to select it results in the student's information not being selected for submission to SEVIS.

The check box becomes unavailable and an error message appears, if:

  • The total means of support provided by the student is not equal to or greater than the total expenses.

  • No visa type is entered for the student.

  • A dependent is entered, but no dependent expenses are entered.

  • Dependent expenses are entered, but no dependent is entered.

Funding Remarks

Enter optional, general remarks associated with the funding information.

School Certification

School Official

Enter the designated school official (DSO) responsible for the student's record.

This prompt list includes only the DSOs assigned to the school code on the SEVIS School Code table.

This value may also appear by default from the I-20 template.


The system displays the title for the DSO from the SEVIS School Code table.

Date Issued

Enter the date when the I-20 form was issued or entered.

The default date is the system date. You can modify it.

The date is for reference only. It is not sent to SEVIS. The DHS provides the issue date on the I-20 PDF returned from SEVIS.

City and State

Displays the city and state for the DSO from the School Information section of the SEVIS School Code table.

Dependent Information

Enter dependent information.

Warning! Do not delete dependent rows unless you make an error in adding the dependent's ID. If you delete the dependent ID, the dependent events will not be reported to SEVIS. Change the status of the dependent to Cancelled or Terminated instead of deleting the row. If you try to delete the dependent, you receive a warning regarding the ramifications.


Enter the ID of each person accompanying the student as a dependent. (Dependents and their IDs must appear on the Biographical Details page.)

Consult the U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement web site for required data for each dependent.

See Reference Manual for the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System Batch Interface, Application Program Interface (API) http://www.ice.gov/sevis/schools/batch.htm

Relationship Status

Enter the status of the dependent: Active, Cancelled, or Terminated.

If the status is Active, the dependent is reported with the student during the Create Student event or the Dependent - Add event if a Create Student event was previously sent. The Dependent - Reactivate event also uses this value.

If the status is changed to Terminated, and the student has a SEVIS Status of Active, the Dependent - Terminate event is triggered.

If the status is changed to Cancelled,and the student has a SEVIS Status of Initial,the Dependent - Cancel event is triggered.

This is a required field with a default value of Active.


Enter the dependent's relationship to the student. Values include Child and Spouse.

Regulations permit only one spouse to accompany the student during study in the U.S. If you enter more than one dependent as a spouse, you receive an error.

This is a required field.


This field appears only when the Relationship Status field is set to Terminated or Cancelled.

If Relationship Status is Terminated, you must provide the reason for that action. The termination reasons listed are the values provided by the DHS and sent as part of the Dependent - Terminate event.

If the Relationship Status is Cancelled, you must provide the reason for that action. The cancellation reasons listed are the values provided by the DHS and sent as part of the Dependent - Cancel event.

Other Reason

This link appears only when the Relationship Status field is set to Terminated and the Termination Reason is Other.

Select the link to enter a further explanation of the termination reason.

This field is required if Termination Reason is Other.

Dependent Remarks

Enter any additional remarks regarding the dependent.

Remarks are optional, but if provided are reported to SEVIS with the following events: Create Student, Dependent - Add, Dependent - Edit, Dependent - Cancel and Dependent - Terminate.

Create Remarks

Enter any additional remarks regarding the student.

Remarks are optional, but if provided are reported to SEVIS with the Create Student event.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating and Updating Exchange Visitor Data for DS-2019 Forms for J Visas

The DS-2019 form pages included in the PeopleSoft system display relevant DS-2019 form data in a sequence similar to the actual DS-2019 form document produced by SEVIS. The SEVIS system produces the DS-2019 form in PDF format using data provided by your institution.

PeopleSoft DS-2019 Form pages are keyed by exchange visitor's ID and program number. Access to the form is controlled through SEVIS program sponsor security.

Note. The PeopleSoft system requires that any exchange visitor for whom you enter DS-2019 form data, must have the appropriate J-1 visa type defined on the Visa/Permit Data page.

This section discusses how to create and update DS-2019 form data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create and Update Exchange Visitor Data for DS-2019 Forms for J Visas

Page Name

Definition Name



DS-2019 Form


Campus Community, SEVIS, DS-2019 Forms, DS-2019 Form

Create or update DS-2019 information for exchange visitor J visas.

Program Selection


Click the Select Program Data link on the DS-2019 Form page.

Select the program to submit for a student category exchange visitor.

Dependent Details


Click the Details link in that appears in the Dependent Information section of the DS-2019 Form page when the Relationship Status is either Terminated or Ended Status.

Enter the reason for changing a dependent's Relationship Status to Terminated or Ended Status.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering DS-2019 Form Data

Access the DS-2019 Form page (Campus Community, SEVIS, DS-2019 Forms, DS-2019 Form).

DS-2019 Form Details

SEVIS Status

Displays the status of the exchange visitor as reflected in the SEVIS Master.


Enter the status as of the effective date. The default value is Active.

Only active DS-2019 form rows are included in the SEVIS Alerts - J process.

Visitor's Category

Select the appropriate category for the exchange visitor.

Values are:

Alien Physician


Camp Counselor

Government Visitor


International Visitor


Research Scholar

Short-term Scholar


Student Associate

Student Bachelors

Student Doctorate

Student Intern

Student Masters

Student Non-Degree

Student Secondary

Summer Work/Travel



Trainee (Non-speciality)

Trainee (Specialty)

This field is required. The system uses this value to enforce minimum and maximum duration of stay rules when you save the page.

Academic Institution, Academic Career, Academic Program, and Admit Term

If you select any of the student categories other than Student Intern in the Visitors Category field, the system displays the following:

  • The institution entered for the student,

  • The career entered for the institution,

  • The academic program entered for the career, and

  • The admit term entered for the student exchange visitor in the specified program.

Select Program Data

Click to access the Program Selection page, where you can determine if more than one combination of institution, career, academic program, and admit term exists for the student exchange visitor.

If more than one exists, select the check box on the Program Selection page for the line that contains the appropriate information to print on the DS-2019 form.

The valid institutions for the program number and the valid careers for the institution are based on the setup of the SEVIS Program Sponsor table.

Exchange Visitor Information

Family Name, First Name, and Middle Name

Displays the exchange visitor's last, first, and middle names according to the name type entered on the SEVIS Setup page.

Note. You must make any name changes on the Biographical Details page

Gender, Date of Birth, City of Birth, and Birth Country

Displays data entered on the Biographical Details page.

Birth Country Reason

This field appears only if the birth country is USA or a U.S. territory.

SEVIS requires that you enter the applicable reason, either Born to Foreign Diplomat or Expatriated.


Select the citizenship country to report to SEVIS.

If the exchange visitor has only one non-U.S. citizenship country, the system displays it by default.

This field is required.

Permanent Country

Select the country of permanent residence to report to SEVIS.

This field is required.

Position Code

Select the position to report to SEVIS that describes the exchange visitor in his or her home country.

This field is required.

US Address

Address 1, Address 2, City, and State

Displays the exchange visitor's address based on the address type entered on the SEVIS Setup page for the U.S. address.

If this address is blank, the system reports the Program Sponsor Address in the Create EV event as the U.S. address for the exchange visitor.

Creation Reason

You can select only one reason, either New or Continuing.

If you select New, the Start Date and End Date fields appear. You must enter the exchange program start and end dates.

If you select Continuing, the Initial Start Date, Form Number, Start Date, and End Date fields appear. You must enter the exchange program's original start date and the number of the assigned IAP-66 or DS-2019 form in addition to the exchange program start and end dates.

Note. The creation reason is no longer reported to SEVIS in batch, therefore it is assumed that all exchange visitors have a creation reason of New. Use Continuing only for recording historical data. A warning appears when you save the DS-2019 Form with a creation reason of Continuing.

Start Date and End Date

Enter the date that the exchange visitor's program begins and the date that the program is to be completed.

A visitor cannot enter the U.S. more than 30 days prior to program start date. Exchange Program start date must be equal to or later than the current date. The system delivers an error if the start date is not equal to or later than the current system date.

Also, the program duration cannot exceed the maximum duration of stay and cannot be less than the minimum duration of stay.

These are required fields.

Initial Start Date and Form Number

For a creation reason of Continuing, you must enter the original date when the exchange visitor's program began and the number of the IAP-66 or DS-2019 form assigned to the exchange visitor.

The initial start date must predate the current date. The system delivers an error if the start date is not prior to the current date.

The format for the form number is X-1-12345-1234567. The system delivers an error if the format is not correct.

Both the Initial Start Date and Form Number fields are required for a creation reason of Continuing.

Subj/Field Code (subject/field code)

Enter the CIP code that represents the exchange visitor's subject or field of study.

The field is available or unavailable based the Visitor's Category selected. For student categories (Student Associate, Student Doctorate, Student Intern, and so on), the subject and field of study information comes from the student program/plan academic plan with the minimum sequence number where the plan type is equal to the plan types defined for primary major on the SEVIS Setup page. If no data exists on the student program/plan academic plan, the information comes from the academic plan in the Maintain Applications component.

For nonstudent categories (Alien Physician, Aupair, Camp Counselor, Intern, and so on), you must enter the subject or field of study.

The CIP code is the code related to the academic plan as assigned on the Taxonomy page in the Academic Plan Table component (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure).

This field is required. The CIP code is reported to SEVIS.

See Designing Your Academic Structure.

If the exchange visitor code is a program category other than Student, the field is available and you must select the appropriate subject/field code.

Subj/Field Remarks

Enter remarks to further describe the subject and field of study.

Remarks are required.

Degree Level and Field of Study

These fields appear only when Visitor's Category is set to Student Intern.

Degree Level and Field of Study are required fields for a Visitor's Category of Student Intern.

Total Estimated Financial Support

You must enter at least one amount of monetary support in this section

Current Program Sponsor Funds

Enter the U.S. dollar amount of financial support provided by the program sponsor.

Received US Government Funds

Select to report to SEVIS that the exchange visitor has received funding from the U.S. Government.

US Government Agency Code and Amount; US Government Agency Code 2 and Amount

Enter the U.S. Government organization that is providing funds to the exchange visitor, and the U.S. dollar amount of the funding they provide.

For each agency that you enter, you must also enter the amount of funding.

If you enter a value of OTHER in either the US Government Agency Code or US Government Agency Code 2 field, you must enter the name of the agency in the Name field. SEVIS requires that you enter the name of the US government agency providing funds.

Intl Organization Code (international organization code) and Amount; Intl Organization Code 2 (international organization code 2) and Amount

Enter the international organization that is providing funds to the exchange visitor, and the U.S. dollar amount of the funding they provide.

For each organization that you enter, you must also enter the amount of funding.

If you enter a value of OTHER in either the Intl Organization Code or Intl Organization Code 2 field, you must enter the name of the organization in the Name field. SEVIS requires that you enter the name of the international organization providing funds.

Other Organizations Support and Name

Enter the total U.S. dollar amount of funding provided by any other organization, and enter the name of the organization.

Exchange Visitor's Government

Enter the U.S. dollar amount of funding provided by the government of the exchange visitor's country.

Binational Commission

Enter the U.S. dollar amount of funding provided by the binational commission of the exchange visitor's country.

Personal Funds

Enter the total amount of personal funds available to the exchange visitor for expenses.

Total Financial Support

The system calculates the total of funds entered on this page and displays the total here.

Funding Verified and Remarks

Select this when the exchange visitor's funding is verified and the exchange visitor information is ready to send to SEVIS. Enter optional, general remarks associated with the funding information.

You must select the Funding Verified check box for the exchange visitor information to be processed for sending to SEVIS. Failure to select it results in the exchange visitor's information not being selected for submission to SEVIS.

The check box becomes unavailable and an error message appears if:

  • No visa type is entered for the exchange visitor.

  • The visa type is not mapped to 03 on the Visa Mapping page.

  • No amount of financial support is entered.

Responsible Officer

Enter the RO/ARO responsible for the exchange visitor's record. This prompt displays only the RO/AROs assigned to the Program Sponsor on the SEVIS Program Sponsor table.

This field is required.

Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, State, and Postal

Displays the address data entered in the Program Sponsor Information section of the SEVIS Program Sponsor table for the selected responsible officer.

Date Prepared

Enter the date when the DS-2019 form was issued or entered.

The default date is the current system date. You can modify it.

This date is informational only and is not sent to SEVIS. The DHS provides the date prepared on the DS-2019 PDF returned from SEVIS.

Date Signed

Enter the date that the DS-2019 form was signed.

This date is informational only. It is not sent to SEVIS.

Dependent Information

Enter dependent information.

Warning! Do not delete dependent rows unless you make an error in adding the dependent's ID. If you delete the dependent ID, the dependent events are not reported to SEVIS. Change the status of the dependent to Deleted, Ended Status, or Terminated instead of deleting the row. If you try to delete the dependent row, you receive a warning regarding the ramifications.


Enter the ID of each person accompanying the exchange visitor as a dependent. (Dependents and their IDs must appear on the Biographical Details page in the Add/Update a Person component.)

See Reference Manual for the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System Batch Interface, Application Program Interface (API) http://www.ice.gov/sevis/schools/batch.htm

Relationship Status

Enter the status of the dependent: Active, Deleted, Ended Status, or Terminated.

If the status is Active, the dependent is reported along with the exchange visitor on the Create EV event or the Dependent - Add event if a Create EV event was previously sent.

If the status is changed to Terminated, the Dependent - Terminate event is triggered.

If the status is changed to Ended Status, the Dependent – End Status event is triggered.

If the status is changed to Deleted, the Dependent – Delete event is triggered.

The Dependent – End Status and Dependent – Terminate events trigger only if the exchange visitor's SEVIS status is Active.

The Dependent - Delete event triggers only if the exchange visitor's SEVIS status is Initial.

This is a required field with a default value of Active.


Enter the dependent's relationship to the exchange visitor. Values are Child or Spouse.

Regulations permit only one spouse to accompany the exchange visitor during study in the U.S. If you enter more than one dependent as a spouse, you receive an error.

This is a required field.

Permanent Country

Select the country to report to SEVIS as dependent's country of permanent residence.

This is a required field.


Appears only if the Relationship Status field is set to Ended Status or Terminated.

Click to access the Dependent Details page where you must enter the reason for the status – either an end of status reason or termination reason respectively.


Enter any additional remarks regarding the dependent.

Remarks are optional, but if provided are reported to SEVIS with the Create EV, Dependent - Add, Dependent - Edit, Dependent - Cancel, and Dependent - Terminate events.

Country Reason

This field appears only if the birth country is USA or a US Territory. You must enter the applicable reason, either Born to Foreign Diplomat or Expatriated.

Site of Activity

Enter information about the site of the exchange visitor activity.

Warning! Do not delete site of activity rows unless you make an error in adding the site of activity. If you delete the site of activity, the site of activity events are not reported to SEVIS. Change the status of the site of activity to Inactive instead of deleting the row. If you try to delete the site of activity, the system displays a warning regarding the ramifications.

Site of Activity

Enter the site of activity to report to SEVIS.

The default value is the site that is set up on the SEVIS Program Sponsor table. You can add multiple sites of activity when creating an exchange visitor.


Select to indicate the site is the primary site to print on the DS-2019 Form.


Enter the status of the site of activity. The default value is Active.

If you change the status to Active, the system reports a Site of Activity - Add event to SEVIS if a Create EV has already been sent.

If you change the status to Inactive, the system reports a Site of Activity - Delete event to SEVIS.

Address 1, Address 2, City, State, and Postal

Enter address data for the site from the Site of Activity table.

The system displays this information from the Site of Activity Table, but is editable. Changing this data after it is sent to SEVIS triggers a Site of Activity – Edit event.


Enter remarks to further describe the site of activity.

The system sends these remarks to SEVIS with the Site of Activity - Add, Site of Activity - Edit, and Site of Activity - Delete events.

Dependent Details page

Access the Dependent Details page (click the Details link in that appears in the Dependent Information section of the DS-2019 Form page when the Relationship Status is either Terminated or Ended Status).

Fields appear on this page based on the dependent's Relationship Status, either Terminated or Ended Status.

Termination Reason or End Status Reason

If you change a dependent's Relationship Status to Terminated, the Termination Reason field appears where you must enter a reason for terminating the dependent. Valid values are: Conviction of a Crime, Unauthorized Employment, and Other. The available reasons listed are the values provided by the DHS and sent as part of the Dependent - Terminate event.

If you change a dependent's Relationship Status to Ended Status the End Status Reason field appears where you must enter a reason for ending the dependent's status. Valid values are: Death, Divorce, Other, or Over 21.

For either Terminated or Ended Status, if you select a reason of Other you must also complete the Other Reason field.

You can submit only one reason to SEVIS. The system displays an error if you attempt to enter both an termination and an end status reason.

Effective Date

Appears only if you enter a termination reason. Enter the termination date for the dependent.

The field is required for a termination reason.

Other Reason

Appears if you enter an end status reason or termination reason of Other. Provide an explanation for the reason entered.

This field is required for an end status reason or termination reason of Other.


Enter any additional remarks about the end of status or termination.

Remarks are optional, but if provided are reported to SEVIS with the Dependent - Terminate or Dependent - End Status events.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Dependent Search

Using Dependent Search, you can search on a dependent's name to determine who the individual's primary document holder is and how the dependent and primary document holder are related. The system looks at I-20 and DS-2019 forms data to return the results of the search.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used for Dependent Search

Page Name

Definition Name



Dependent Search


Campus Community, SEVIS, Search Tools, Dependent Search

Find the primary document holder for a dependent.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Dependent Search

Access the Dependent Search page (Campus Community, SEVIS, Search Tools, Dependent Search).

Spouse of or Child of

Displays the ID of the dependent's primary document holder, either Spouse of or Child.

The field label change to reflect the dependent's relationship to the primary document holder. For example, suppose that Gabriel Fisher, the dependent on whom you search, is the son of the primary document holder. The field label would be Child of.

School Code or Program Number

Displays the SEVIS school code or program number from the primary document holder's I-20 or DS-2019 form if the form data contains the dependent's ID.

The School Code field appears only if the system finds I-20 form data that contains the dependent's ID.

The Program Number field appears only if the system finds DS-2019 form data that contains the dependent's ID.

View Form

This link appears only if you have security access to the school code or program number listed.

Click to access the form, either the I-20 or DS-2019 form, on which the system found the dependent's ID. The form appears in a new browser window in update/display mode.

If you do not have the security access to the school code or program number, this link does not appear and you are not able to view the forms.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the SEVIS Alerts Process

The SEVIS Alerts process identifies data changes that are reportable to SEVIS, logs those changes, and copies all relevant data into the Select Alerts to Report component for review before you submit the data to SEVIS. You can set the process to run at scheduled intervals. Each time the SEVIS Alerts process (for F/M visas or for J visas) runs, the SEVIS alerts data is moved to SEVIS events history and the SEVIS Alerts process records are refreshed with data from the new run of the process.

Before running the process again, allow for the processing time required for SEVIS to return batch results and to run the SEVIS Import Results process. Refer to the process flow to better understand and determine when to run the SEVIS Alerts process.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Run the SEVIS Alerts Process

Page Name

Definition Name



Process SEVIS Alerts - F/M,

Process SEVIS Alerts - J


  • Campus Community, SEVIS, F/M Alerts, Process SEVIS Alerts - F/M

  • Campus Community, SEVIS, J Alerts, Process SEVIS Alerts - J

Determine the events sent to the SEVIS Alerts table and extract the data to be sent to SEVIS for the respective visa type (F/M or J).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the SEVIS Alerts Process for F and M Visas

Access the Process SEVIS Alerts - F/M page (Campus Community, SEVIS, F/M Alerts, Process SEVIS Alerts - F/M).

The SEVIS Alerts process detects changes to your international student population that should be reported to SEVIS. A unique batch ID is generated each time the process runs. The naming scheme for this batch ID is YYYYMMDD-NNNNN, where YYYYMMDD represents the date on which the process runs and NNNNN represents the unique counter number. For example, the batch ID 20021219-00001 indicates that the process was run on December 19, 2002 and 00001 is the unique counter number. This batch ID and the SEVIS school code are keys to the records that you review on the Alerts Header page in the Select Alerts to Report - F/M component.

Note. All reportable institutions and careers for the SEVIS school code must appear on this page or the data will not be reported to SEVIS.

See Setting Up SEVIS School Codes.

SEVIS School Code

Enter the SEVIS school code for the process that you want to run.

Validate SEVIS CIP Code

Select Yes for the alerts process to compare CIP codes against the corresponding CIP Code Table page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Reporting Codes, CIP Code Table). When the Valid SEVIS CIP Code field on the CIP Code Table page is set to Yes, the process compares the code in the event against the valid code on the table. If the codes do not match, or if no valid code is available for comparing (the Valid SEVIS CIP Code on the CIP Code Table page is set to No), the process generates an error message that appears in the alerts.

The validation process checks for valid CIP codes for these F/M events:

  • Create Student, Education Level – Add.

  • Education Level – Cancel.

  • Program – Edit.

Select No to disable the automatic CIP code validation process. When the validation process is disabled, no validation notices appear in the alerts.

See Modifying CIP and HEGIS Codes.


Click to refresh the page with data retrieved for the specified school code.

Trigger Complete Program After

If you enter a 0 or no number in the F Students or M Students fields, the Program - Complete event will trigger and appear on alerts for a complete program, but not based on the I-20 or OPT end date.

F students

Enter the number of days after either the I-20 end date or the OPT end date has passed for a complete program event to appear on the Alerts page for an F-1 student.

The number can be between 0 and 60.

M students

Enter the number of days after either the I-20 end date or the OPT end date has passed for a complete program event to appear on the Alerts page for an M-1 student.

The number can be between 0 and 30.

Academic Information Selection

As of November 15, 2003, DHS regulations changed for reporting a registration event. The regulations changed from having to report the event within 90 days from the current term start date to having to report it within 30 days from the current term start date. The As of Date on the SEVIS Alerts process reflects this 30-day requirement.

Institution and Career

The system displays values for these when you click Refresh. You cannot edit values for these on this page. You must make valid changes for the SEVIS school code on the SEVIS School Code Table page.

The Institution field appears only if more than one institution is mapped to the SEVIS school code.

Current Term

Enter the current term for each institution and career listed.

The current term appears by default if the system date is between the term begin and end dates and only one term is defined for the institution and career within those dates.

The current term value is used to determine the current session end date that is reported to SEVIS, and it is also used for the Registration and Auth Drop Below FC events.

Next Term

Enter the term that follows the current term for each institution and career listed.

The prompt displays all terms for which the start date is greater than the system date.

This term is used to determine the next session start date that is reported to SEVIS.

As of Date

Enter the date for each institution and career listed.

The Registration and Auth Drop Below FC events are triggered based on this date.

DHS regulations require that you report the Registration event within 30 days of the current term start date. You receive an error if the date that you enter does not meet the criteria. You can set this date prior to the start date of the current term entered if you want to report the Registration event prior to the current term begin date.

You should update this field each time the Current Term and Next Term fields are refreshed.

When you have entered the data, click Run to run the process.

Note. A warning message appears if the SEVIS Alerts process has been run in the past 12 hours. If any of the process's work was in progress when the SEVIS Alerts process for F/M visas runs again within that time period, you might lose the results of that work.

This table lists, by event, what must happen for an event to appear in the Alerts Header page for a student.


Trigger Logic

Create Student

Student has an immigration status on the Port of Entry Data page that equals the SEVIS visa type 01 (F-1) or 02 (M-1).


If the Immigration Status field is blank on the Port of Entry Data page, the student has a visa type on the Visa/Permit Data page that equals SEVIS visa type 01 (F-1) or 02 (M-1) where the country is USA.


The most recent effective-dated I-20 form has a status equal to Active.


The most recent effective-dated I-20 form has the Funding Verified field set toY.


No rows exist in the SEVIS Master component for the user ID and school code on the I-20 form.

Note. For F-1 students, if the Secondary Major CIP and Minor CIP fields are not populated from the academic record of the student during the alerts process, then the process enters a CIP code of 00.0000 for those fields.

Selection Criteria for All Events Listed Below

Student has an immigration status on the Port of Entry Data page that equals the SEVIS visa type 01 (F-1) or 02 (M-1).


If the Immigration Status field is blank on the Port of Entry Data page, the student has a visa type on the Visa/Permit Data page that equals SEVIS visa type 01 (F-1) or 02 (M-1).


The most recent effective-dated I-20 form has an Effective Status of Active.


The most recent effective-dated I-20 form has Funding Verified set to Y.


The SEVIS Status field in the SEVIS Master component is Initial or Active.

Auth Drop Below FC – Add

The student has a SEVIS Status of Active.

The As of Date field on the Process SEVIS Alerts − F/M page is earlier than or equal to the date when the process is run.


The Registration event has been previously sent for the current term on the run control page.


The Auth Reason field is either blank on the Registration page of the SEVIS Master component or the end date of the specified Auth Reason has passed.


The total number of currently enrolled units for all institutions, careers, and current terms on the Process SEVIS Alerts - F/M page is less than the minimum full time level/load rules units for the academic program on the most recent effective-dated I-20 form.

If Instruction Mode values are entered on the SEVIS Setup table, compare to Instruction Mode on Class table. If equal, use only the one class where STDNT_ENRL.UNT_TAKEN is greatest toward calculating full time. If no Instruction Mode values are entered on the SEVIS Setup table, apply all classes toward calculating full time.


No Full Course Exception value exists for the run control term or the units do not meet those required for the exception.

Note. You can also manually enter this event on the Select Alerts to Report – F/M component.

Auth Drop Below FC – Cancel

This event is manually entered on Alerts – F/M. No logic exists to trigger the event.

To manually enter the event, the following conditions must be met:

SEVIS Status is Active.


No inactive effective status rows exist on the SEVIS Master component, Registration page.


A Drop Below Full Course Auth Reason value exists,


The Drop Below Full Course Start Date value on the SEVIS Master component is later than the current system date.

Auth Drop Below FC – Edit

This event is manually entered on Alerts – F/M page. No logic exists to trigger the event.

To manually enter the event, the following conditions must be met:

The student has a SEVIS Status of Active,


No inactive effective status rows exist on the SEVIS Master component, Registration page.


A Drop Below Full Course Auth Reason value exists.

If the date when the event is added is earlier than the Drop Below Full Course Start Date, then New Start Date, New End Date, Reason, and Remarks fields may be edited.

The New Start Date cannot be less than the student's Program Start Date on the SEVIS Master component and must be later than or equal to the date on which the SEVIS Batch request is processed.

The New End Date cannot be earlier than the current date, and it cannot be later than the student's Program End Date on the SEVIS Master component.

CPT Employment – Add

The student has a SEVIS Status of Active.

Employment type is Curricular Practical Training on the Employment Authorizations page and no employment type exists in the SEVIS Master component.

Each new Curricular Practical Training sequence number added to the Employment Authorizations page that does not exist in the SEVIS Master component results in the event being triggered.

CPT Employment – Cancel

The student has a SEVIS Status of Active.

Employment type on the Employment Authorizations page is Curricular Practical Training (02) and Cancel Employment is Y. .


The Cancel Employment value is N on the SEVIS Master component.


Employment Start Date on the SEVIS Master component is later than the current system date.

Dependent – Add

The student has a SEVIS Status of Initial or Active.

A dependent ID exists on the most recent effective-dated I-20 form where the Relationship Status value is Active.


The dependent ID does not exist in the SEVIS Master component.

Dependent – Cancel

The student has a SEVIS Status of Initial.

The Dependent Relationship Status value on the most recent effective-dated I-20 form is Cancelled.


No Termination Reason or Cancel Reason appears on the SEVIS Master Dependents page for the dependent.

Dependent – Edit

The student has a SEVIS Status of Initial or Active.

A difference exists between the data in the SEVIS Master component and the following dependent data:

  • Last Name

  • First Name

  • Middle Name

  • Name Suffix

  • Birthdate

  • Sex

  • Birth Country

  • Citizenship Country

  • Preferred Email Address

  • Relationship on I-20 Dependents page

Dependent – Reactivate

The student has a SEVIS Status of Active.

The Relationship Status value in the SEVIS Master component is Terminated.


The Relationship Status value on the most recent effective-dated I-20 form is Active.

Dependent – Reprint

This event must be manually entered on the Alerts Header page. No logic exists to trigger the event.

To enter this event manually, the following conditions must be met:

The student has a SEVIS Status of Initial or Active.

No inactive status rows exist on the Dependents page in the SEVIS Master component.

The Additional Data prompt displays initial or active status dependents from which to select. You must select the dependent ID to send the event to SEVIS.

Dependent – Terminate

The student has a SEVIS Status of Initial or Active.

The Relationship Status value in the SEVIS Master component is Active.


The Relationship Status value on the most recent effective-dated I-20 form is Terminated.

Disciplinary Action

This event must be manually entered on the Alerts - F/M page. No logic exists to trigger the event.

To enter the event manually, the following conditions must be met:

The student has a SEVIS Status of Active.

No inactive rows exist on the Bio/Demo page of the SEVIS Master component.

Education Level – Cancel

The student has a SEVIS Status of Active.


Two effective status active rows exist on the SEVIS Master component, Program tab.


The Level of Education value on the most recent effective-dated I-20 form does not match the Level of Education value on the Initial Status SEVIS Master Program row.


The From Date value on the most recent effective-dated I-20 form is different from the From Datevalue on the Initial Status SEVIS Master Program row.

Education Level – Change

The student has a SEVIS Status of Active.


The most recent effective-dated I-20 Level of Education value is different from the Level of Education value on the SEVIS Master component.


The From Date on the most recent effective-dated I-20 form is different from the From Date value on the SEVIS Master component, and the From Date value on the current I-20 form is later than the current system date.

Note. For F-1 students, if the Secondary Major CIP and Minor CIP fields are not populated from the academic record of the student during the alerts process, then the process enters a CIP code of 00.0000 for those fields.

Financial Info

The student has a SEVIS Status of Initial or Active.

A difference exists between the data in the SEVIS Master component and the following data on the most recent effective-dated row on the I-20 form:

  • Months in an Academic Term

  • Tuition and Fees

  • Living Expenses

  • Dependent Expenses

  • Other Expenses

  • Student's Personal Funds

  • Funds from this School

  • Funds from Another Source

  • On Campus Employment

Off Campus Employment – Add

The student has a SEVIS Status of Active.

Employment type is Off-Campus on the Employment Authorizations page and no employment type exists in the SEVIS Master component.

Each new Off-Campus sequence number added to the Employment Authorizations page that does not exist in the SEVIS Master component, triggers the event.

Off Campus Employment – Cancel

The student has a SEVIS Status of Active.

Employment type is Off-Campus (03) and Cancel Employment is Y on the Employment Authorizations page.


The Rescind Recommendation value is Y on the Employment Authorizations page for Off-Campus employment.


Employment type is Off-Campus where Recommend Employment is Y and Rescind Recommendation is not Y in the SEVIS Master component.

Off Campus Employment – Edit

The student has a SEVIS Status of Active.


Any of the following field values on the Employment Authorizations page where the employment type is Off-Campus, is different from the same values on the SEVIS Master component:

  • Start Date (greater than or equal to the day that the process runs)

  • End Date

  • Reason

OPT Employment – Add

The student has a SEVIS Status of Active.

Employment type is Optional Practical Training on the Employment Authorizations page and no employment type exists in the SEVIS Master component.

Each new Optional Practical Training sequence number added to the Employment Authorizations page that does not exist in the SEVIS Master component triggers the event.

OPT Employment – Cancel

The student has a SEVIS Status of Active.


Employment type is Optional Practical Training (01), and Cancel Employment is Y on the Employment Authorizations page.


Cancel Employment is N on the SEVIS Master component, and the employment start date on the SEVIS Master is greater than the current system date.

OPT Employment – Edit

The student has a SEVIS Status of Active.


Employment Type on the Employment Authorizations page and on the SEVIS Master component is Optional Practical Training (01).


Cancel Employment is N on the SEVIS Master component.


The End Date or Extension End Dateon the Employment Authorizations page is greater than or equal to the system current date.


If the Request Status on the Employment Authorizations page is eitherRequested or Pending, and any of the following field values on the Employment Authorizations page are different from the same values on the SEVIS Master component:

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Employment Code

  • Academic Year Met

  • Employer Name

  • Employer Address 1

  • Employer Address 2

  • Employer City

  • Employer State

  • Employer Postal

  • Completion Type


If the Request Status on the Employment Authorizations page is Approved and any of the following field values on the Employment Authorizations page are different from the same values on the SEVIS Master component:

  • Employer Name

  • Employer Address 1

  • Employer Address 2

  • Employer City

  • Employer State

  • Employer Postal

OPT Employment – Extend

The student has a SEVIS Status of Active.


Employment Type on the Employment Authorizations page and on the SEVIS Master component is Optional Practical Training (01).


Cancel Employment is N on the SEVIS Master component.


Request Status on the Employment Authorizations page is Approved.


Completion Type on the Employment Authorizations page is Post Completion.


17 Month Extension is N on the SEVIS Master component.


17 Month Extension is Y on the Employment Authorizations page.

OPT Report Participation

The student has a SEVIS Status of Active.


Employment Type on the Employment Authorizations page and on the SEVIS Master component is Optional Practical Training (01).


Cancel Employment is N on the SEVIS Master component.


Request Status on the Employment Authorizations page is Approved.


Last Participation Reported is Not Reported on the SEVIS Master component and the current date is less than or equal to the 6 month report date which is the OPT Extension Start Date plus (6 months minus 15 days). The event continues to trigger until the event is sent to SEVIS or to the SEVIS Master component and the Last Participation Reported field on the SEVIS Master is 6 Month Reported.


Last participation Reported is 6 Month Reported on the SEVIS Master component and the current date is less than or equal to the 12 month report date which is the OPT Extension Start Date plus (12 months minus 15 days). The event continues to trigger until the event is sent to SEVIS or to the SEVIS Master component and the Last Participation Reported field on the SEVIS Master component is 12 Month Reported.

Personal Info

The student has a SEVIS Status of Initial or Active.

A difference exists between any of the following field values on the SEVIS Master component and the same field values on their originating records:

Name Type (The name type to compare against is based on the name type entered as the passport name on SEVIS Setup page. That name type is used to compare the name parts in the SEVIS Master component to the Name Type on the Bio/Demo page.)

  • Last Name

  • First Name

  • Middle Name

  • Name Suffix

On the Bio/Demo page:

  • Birthdate

  • Gender

  • Birth Country

  • Citizenship Country

  • Preferred Email Address

On the Visa Permit Data/Port of Entry page, the Port of Entry Admission Number.

On the I-20 form, the Commuter check box.

The address type for the U.S. address is based on SEVIS Setup Address Mapping page. That address type is used to compare the U.S. address in the SEVIS master component to the Address Type on the Addresses page:

  • Address1

  • Address2

  • City

  • State

  • Postal

Personal Info (continued)

The address type for the foreign address is based on the SEVIS Setup Address Mapping page of the SEVIS Master component. That address type is used to compare the foreign address in the SEVIS master component to the Address Type on the Addresses page:

  • Address1

  • Address2

  • City

  • State

  • Postal

  • Country

Program - Cancel Extension

The student has a SEVIS Status of Active.

The student's visa type is M-1.


The To Date on the most recent effective-dated I-20 form is the same as the original To Date on the SEVIS Master component.

Program - Defer Attendance

The student has a SEVIS Status of Initial.

The From Date on the SEVIS Master component is earlier than the From Date on the most recent effective-dated I-20 form.

Program - Edit

The student has a SEVIS Status of Initial or Active.


A difference exists between English Proficiency Required or English Proficiency on the most recent effective dated row of the I-20 Form and SEVIS Master component.


A difference exists between primary major CIP, secondary major CIP, or minor CIP in the SEVIS Master component and the following data on either the Student Plan/Subplan page or the Application Program Data page:

Primary major, secondary major, and minor are determined by first checking the student plan or subplan, and if no data exists, taking the data from the application plan or subplan.

Primary major, secondary major, and minor are determined from the SEVIS Setup page. Primary major is from the active academic plan with the minimum student career number and minimum sequence number where the plan type is equal to any of the major academic plan types on the SEVIS Setup page.

Secondary major comes from the active academic plan with the second most minimum sequence number where the plan type is equal to any of the listed major academic plan types on the SEVIS Setup page.

Minor uses either the academic plan or academic subplan where the plan types are equal to those entered on the SEVIS Setup page. The minor selected from the academic subplan is the minimum sequence number with the plan type indicated related to the primary major. The minor selected from academic plan is the minimum sequence number where the plan type is equal to any of the minor plan types on the SEVIS Setup page.

Note. For F-1 students, if the Secondary Major CIP and Minor CIP field are not populated from the academic record of the students during the alerts process, then the process enters a CIP code of 00.0000 for those fields.

Program - Extension

The student has a SEVIS Status of Active.

The To Date on the SEVIS Master component is earlier than the To Date on the most recent effective-dated I-20 form.

Program - Shorten

The student has a SEVIS Status of Active.

The To Date on the SEVIS Master component is later than the To Date on the most recent effective-dated I-20 form.


The student has a SEVIS Status of Initial or Active.


The As of date on the Process SEVIS Alerts – F/M component is earlier than or equal to the date when the process runs.


The term in the SEVIS Master component Registration page is not equal to the current term on the Process SEVIS Alerts – F/M component, or the term on the SEVIS Master Registration page is blank.


The student is currently enrolled in any institution, career, or term from the Process SEVIS Alerts – F/M component.


The student has a full course exception for the current term on the Process SEVIS Alerts - F/M page for the institution and career on the I-20 form.

Note. If the Next Term (Process SEVIS Alerts – F/M page) has a start date that is later than the student's length of study To Date (I-20 Form page), then the system selects the Last Session check box on the Addl Data page (Select Alerts to Report – F/M component). This identifies the registration event as registration for the last session available within the student's allowed length of study.


You must manually enter this event on the Alerts F/M page. There is no logic to trigger the event.

The following conditions must be met to manually enter this event:

  • The student has a SEVIS Status of Initial or Active.

  • Reprint Reason is Required on the Additional Data page.

Request Cap – Gap Extension

The student has a SEVIS Status of Active.


The Program End Date on the SEVIS Master component is less than or equal to the system current date.


The SEVIS Master component Cap-Gap Status field is blank and the I-20 Form Cap-Gap Status field is populated.


The SEVIS Master component Cap-Gap Status field is different than the Cap-Gap Statusvalue on the current effective-dated I-20 Form row.

Status - Cancel

The student has a SEVIS Status of Initial.


A cancel reason exists on the most recent effective-dated I-20 form.


No cancel reason exists on the SEVIS Master component.

Status - Complete

The student has a SEVIS Status of Active.


The Program Action is COMP (complete program) on Student Program/Plan for the program on the I-20 form, and the student degree term end date for Completion Term is earlier than or equal to current date and no OPT employment exists where the OPT end date is later than the current date.


The I-20 To date plus the number of days in the M Students or F Students field (as appropriate) on the Process SEVIS Alerts – F/M Run Control page is earlier than or equal to the current date and no OPT employment exists where the OPT end date is later than the I-20 to date.


If the OPT end date is later than the I-20 to date and the OPT end date plus the number of days in the M Students or F Students field, as appropriate, on the Alerts – F/M Run Control page is earlier than or equal to the current date.


If the OPT extension end date is later than the I-20 to date or the OPT end date and the OPT extension end date plus the number of days in the M Students or F Students field, as appropriate, on the Alerts – F/M Run Control page is earlier than or equal to the current date.

Note. The event will not trigger based on the I-20 to date, the OPT end date, or the OPT extension end date if the M Students or F Students field is blank on the Process SEVIS Alerts— F/M Run Control page. However, the event will trigger if Program Action is COMP and the M Students or F Students field is blank.

You can manually trigger this event.

Status - Terminate

The student has a SEVIS Status of Initial or Active.

Program Action is DISC, DISM, WADM, SPND, LEAV, or ADRV on the Student Program page for the institution, career, and program in the SEVIS Master component.


None of the program actions exist in the SEVIS Master component.


The student has no OPT employment, or the end date of the OPT employment is earlier than or equal to the effective date of the program action.


Program Action is WADM, WAPP, or ADRV on the Application Program Data page for the institution, career, and program in the SEVIS Master component.


None of the program actions exist in the SEVIS Master component.


The student has no OPT employment or the end date or extension end date of the OPT employment is earlier than or equal to the effective date of the program action.

You can manually enter this event on Alerts - F/M.

Note. Entering both a Cancellation Reason on the I-20 Form and a Program Action of WADM, WAPP, or ARDV on the Application Program Data page triggers the Status - Cancel event, but it does not trigger the Status - Termination event.

Status - Verify

The student has a SEVIS Status of Active.


The most recent effective-dated row from the SEVIS Master component is 180 days (6 months) less than the current system date.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the SEVIS Alerts Process for J Visas

Access the Process SEVIS Alerts - J page (Campus Community, SEVIS, J Alerts, Process SEVIS Alerts - J).

The SEVIS Alerts process detects changes to your international exchange visitor population that should be reported to SEVIS. A unique batch ID is generated each time the process runs. The naming scheme for this batch ID is YYYYMMDD-NNNNN, where YYYYMMDD represents the date on which the process runs and NNNNN represents the unique counter number. For example, the batch ID 20041219-00001 indicates that the process was run on December 19, 2002 and 00001 is the unique counter number. This batch ID and the SEVIS program number are keys to the records that you review on the Alerts Header page in the Select Alerts to Report - J component.

Warning! All reportable institutions and careers for the SEVIS program number must appear on this page or the data will not be reported to SEVIS.

See Setting Up Program Sponsors.

SEVIS Program Number

Enter the SEVIS program number for the process you want to run.

Validate SEVIS CIP Code

Select Yes for the alerts process to compare CIP codes against the corresponding CIP Code Table page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Reporting Codes, CIP Code Table). When the Valid SEVIS CIP Code field on the CIP Code Table page is set to Yes, the process compares the code in the event against the valid code on the table. If the codes do not match, or if no valid code is available for comparing (the Valid SEVIS CIP Code on the CIP Code Table page is set to No), the process generates an error message that appears in the alerts.

The validation process checks for valid CIP codes for these J events:

  • Create Exchange Visitor

  • Program – Edit Subject

Select No to disable the automatic CIP code validation process. When the validation process is disabled, no validation notices appear in the alerts.

See Modifying CIP and HEGIS Codes.


Click to refresh the page with data retrieved for the specified program number.

Academic Information Selection


The Institution field appears only if more than one institution is mapped to the SEVIS program number.

You cannot edit the institution on this page. You must make valid changes for the SEVIS program number on the SEVIS Program Sponsor Table page.


The system displays the career when you click Refresh. You cannot edit the career on this page. You must make valid changes for the SEVIS program number on the SEVIS Program Sponsor Table page.

Current Term

Enter the current term for each institution and career listed.

The current term appears by default if the system date is between the term begin and end dates, and only one term is defined for the institution and career within those dates.

The current term value is used for the Validate event for student category exchange visitors.

As of Date

Enter the date for each institution and career listed.

The Validate event is triggered for student category exchange visitors based on this date.

Update this field each time the Current Term field is refreshed.

When you have entered the data, click Run to run the process.

Note. A warning message appears if the process has been run in the past 12 hours. If any of the process's work was in progress when the SEVIS Alerts process for J visas runs again within that time period, you might lose the results of that work.

This table lists, by event, what must happen for an event to appear on the Alerts Headers page for an exchange visitor. Unless otherwise noted, all update events in the table are for active status exchange visitors.


Trigger Logic

Create Exchange Visitor

The exchange visitor has a Visa Type on the Visa Permit Data page is SEVIS Visa Type 03 (J-1) where the Country is USA.


Status is Active on the most recent effective-dated DS-2019 form.


Funding Verified is Y on the most recent effective-dated DS-2019 form.


The reason code is provided if Country of Birth is US or US Territory.


No rows exist for ID and Program Sponsor on the DS-2019 form in the SEVIS Master component.

Selection Criteria for All Events Listed Below

The exchange visitor's immigration status in port of entry data is SEVIS Visa Type 03 (J-1).


If the Immigration Status field is blank on the Port of Entry Data page, the exchange visitor's visa type on the Visa Permit Data page is SEVIS Visa Type 03 (J-1) where the Country is USA.


Effective Status is Active. on the most recent effective-dated DS-2019 form.


Funding Verified is Y on the most recent effective-dated DS-2019 form.


SEVIS Status on the SEVIS Master component is Initial, Inactive or Active.


The exchange visitor has a SEVIS Status of Initial or Active.

A difference exists between any of the following fields on SEVIS Master component and the same fields on their originating records:

The Name Type to compare against is based on the Name Type entered as the Passport Name on SEVIS Setup page. Name Type is used to compare the name parts in the SEVIS Master component to the Name Type on the Bio/Demo page.

  • Last Name

  • First Name

  • Middle Name

  • Name Suffix

On the Bio/Demo page:

  • Birthdate

  • Sex

  • Birth Country

  • Birth Location

Address Type for the U.S. address is based on the SEVIS Setup Address Mapping page. Address Type is used to compare the U.S. address in the SEVIS Master component to the Address Type on the Addresses page:

  • Address1

  • Address2

  • City

  • State

  • Postal

Most recent effective-dated row on the DS-2019 for:

  • Permanent Residence Country

  • Position Code

  • Citizenship Country

  • Birth Country Reason

Dependent – Add

The exchange visitor has a SEVIS Status of Initial or Active.

A dependent ID exists on the most recent effective-dated DS-2019 form where the relationship status is Active


The dependent ID does not exist in the SEVIS Master component.

Dependent – Delete

The exchange visitor has a SEVIS Status of Initial.

The relationship status in the SEVIS Master component is Active.


The relationship status on the most recent effective-dated DS-2019 form is Deleted.

Dependent – Edit

The exchange visitor has a SEVIS Status of Initial or Active.

For each dependent listed in the SEVIS Master component, a difference exists between the data on SEVIS Master component and the following data:

  • Last Name

  • First Name

  • Middle Name

  • Name Suffix

  • Birthdate

  • Birth Location

  • Sex

  • Birth Country

  • Citizenship Country

  • Relationship (on DS-2019 form)

  • Permanent Residence Country (on DS-2019 form)

  • Birth Country Reason (on DS-2019 form)

Dependent – End Status

The exchange visitor has a SEVIS Status of Active.

The relationship status on the most recent effective-dated DS-2019 Form is Ended Status and an end status reason is provided.


The relationship status for the dependent ID on SEVIS Master component is Active.

Dependent – Reprint

This event must be manually entered on the Alerts Header page. No logic exists to trigger the event.

The following conditions must be met to manually enter this event:

  • The exchange visitor has a SEVIS Status of Active.

  • No inactive status rows exist on the SEVIS Master Dependents page.

  • Dependents with Initial or Active status are available from the Additional Data prompt list.

    You must select the dependent ID to send the event to SEVIS.

Dependent – Terminate

The exchange visitor has a SEVIS Status of Active.

The relationship status in the SEVIS Master component, Dependents page is Active.


The relationship status on the most recent effective-dated DS-2019 form is Terminated and a termination reason is provided.

Financial Info

The exchange visitor has a SEVIS Status of Initial or Active.

A difference exists between the data on the SEVIS Master component and the following data on the most recent effective-dated row on the DS-2019 form:

  • Received U.S. Gov Funds

  • Current Program Sponsor

  • GovtOrg1

  • GovtOrg1Amount

  • GovtOrg2

  • GovtOrg2Amount

  • InternatOrg1

  • InternatOrg1Amount

  • InternatOrg2

  • InternatOrg2Amount

  • EV Govt

  • Binational Commission

  • Other Org

  • Personal Funds

Program – Amend

The exchange visitor has a SEVIS Status of Initial.

The Start Date on the SEVIS Master component is different from the Start Date on the most recent effective-dated DS-2019 form.


The End Date on SEVIS Master is different from the End Date on the most recent effective-dated DS-2019 form.

Program – Edit Subject

The exchange visitor has a SEVIS Status of Initial or Active.


If the Program Category on most recent dated DS-2019 row is 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, or 1f.


A difference exists between the Subject Field code on the SEVIS Master component and the minimum sequence number on Student Plan where the Plan Type equals any of the plan types defined on the SEVIS Setup for the Institution and Career page of the student exchange visitor.


If the Program Categoryis not 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, or 1f.


A difference exists between the Subject Field code on the SEVIS Master component and the Subject Field code on the most recent effective-dated DS-2019 form.


If Visitor's Category on the DS-2019 Form is Student Intern (1G), and a difference exists between the Foreign Degree Level on the SEVIS Master component and the Foreign Degree Level on the most recent DS-2019 row.


If Visitor's Category on the DS-2019 Form is Student Intern (1G), and a difference exists between the Foreign Field of Study on the SEVIS Master component and the Foreign Field of Study on the most recent DS-2019 row.

Note. For compare processing, the alerts process strips out all blanks and spaces from the Foreign Degree Level and Foreign Field of Study fields and converts the data to all upper case.

Program – Extension

The exchange visitor has a SEVIS Status of Active.

The End Date on SEVIS Master is less than the End Date on the most recent effective-dated DS-2019 form.

Program - Matriculate

The exchange visitor has a SEVIS Status of Active.

The Visitor Category on the SEVIS Master component is different from the Visitor Category on the most recent effective dated DS-2019 Form when any of the following scenarios occur:

  • Student Associate to Student Bachelors

  • Student Associate to Student Masters

  • Student Associate to Student Doctorate

  • Student Bachelors to Student Master

  • Student Bachelors to Student Doctorate

  • Student Master to Student Doctorate

Program – Shorten

The exchange visitor has a SEVIS Status of Active.

The End Date on the most recent effective-dated DS-2019 form is earlier than the End Date on the SEVIS Master component.


The exchange visitor has a SEVIS Status of Active.

This event must be manually entered on the Alerts Header page. No logic exists to trigger the event.

Site of Activity – Add

The exchange visitor has a SEVIS Status of Initial or Active.

A Site of Activity with a status of Active exists on the most recent effective-dated DS-2019 form that does not exist on SEVIS Master component.

Site of Activity – Delete

The exchange visitor has a SEVIS Status of Initial.

A Site of Activity with a status of Inactive exists on the most recent effective-dated DS-2019 form and the same Site of Activity has a status of Active on the SEVIS Master component.

Site of Activity – Edit

The exchange visitor has a SEVIS Status of Initial or Active.

Address 1, Address 2, City, State, and Postal fields for each active Site of Activity on the most recent effective-dated DS-2019 form are different from any of the same fields on the SEVIS Master component.


The name on the most recent effective-dated row on the Site of Activity table is not equal to the name on the SEVIS Master.

Status – Correct Infraction

The exchange visitor has a SEVIS Status of Active or Inactive.

This event must be manually entered on the Alerts Header page. No logic exists to trigger the event.

Status – End

The exchange visitor has a SEVIS Status of Active.

If Program Category on the most recent effective-dated DS-2019 row equals 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, or 1f.

Student Program program action is Complete Program (COMP) for the institution, career, and student career number on the SEVIS Master component, and the program action on the SEVIS Master component is not equal to Complete Program.

Note. You can also enter this event manually on the Select Alerts to Report - J component for all exchange visitor categories.

Status - Invalid

This event must be manually entered on the Alerts Header page. No logic exists to trigger the event.

The following conditions must be met to manually enter this event:

  • The exchange visitor has a SEVIS Status of Initial.

  • No inactive status rows exist on the SEVIS Master Bio/Demo and Employment/SOA pages.

Status - No Show

This event must be manually entered on the Alerts Header page. No logic exists to trigger the event.

The following conditions must be met to manually enter this event:

  • The exchange visitor has a SEVIS Status of Initial.

  • No inactive status rows exist on the SEVIS Master Bio/Demo and Employment/SOA pages.

Status - Terminate

This event must be manually entered on the Alerts Header page. No logic exists to trigger the event.

The following conditions must be met to manually enter this event:

  • The exchange visitor has a SEVIS Status of Inactive or Active.

  • No inactive status rows exist on the SEVIS Master Bio/Demo and Employment/SOA pages.


The exchange visitor has a SEVIS Status of Initial.

The As of Date on the Process SEVIS Alerts - J run control page is the same as or earlier than the current date.


The exchange visitor has a term activation row for the current term on the Process SEVIS Alerts - J page where the institution and career equals the data on Term Activation.

Note. Manually enter this event on the Alerts Header page of the Select Events to Report - J component if the exchange visitor is in a nonstudent program category.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing SEVIS Alerts Process Data

Use pages in the Select Alerts to Report - F/M or Select Alerts to Report - J component to review the events triggered for each student or exchange visitor after running the SEVIS Alerts process for the specific visa type.

The SEVIS school code for F/M visas or the SEVIS program code for J visas and batch ID information are keyed to the data on the Alerts Header page in the component. The batch ID is a unique number generated by the SEVIS Alerts process. Access to the component is controlled through program code or school code security respectively. By using the SEVIS program code or school code and batch ID, you are able to review errors, enter additional data, and indicate if the event should be submitted to SEVIS or to the SEVIS Master component. You can also indicate if a new I-20 is needed for the student or a new DS-2019 form is needed for the exchange visitor.

On the Alerts Headers page, default values appear for the New Form and Send To fields according to the values defined on the SEVIS Event Types page. The system displays these default values only if the event has no errors.

Set the Send To field on the Alerts Header page to Master to update the event in the SEVIS Master component, or set the field to None to prevent processing the event until you can evaluate errors and determine whether to send it to SEVIS or update the SEVIS Master component.

Note. The system automatically sets the Send To field on the Alerts Header page to SEVIS when the Send to SEVIS check box is selected for the event type on the SEVIS Event Types page and when no errors are detected during processing and no additional data is required. Only rows set to send to SEVIS on the Alerts Header page are extracted to the XML file to send to SEVIS.

Clicking Set All "Send To" to SEVIS sets the Send To field to SEVIS for all events where no errors exist and additional data is required.

After reviewing and correcting events data in the Select Alerts to Report component, run the Export SEVIS Events process to create the XML file to send to SEVIS or to update the SEVIS Master component before running the SEVIS Alerts process for that visa type again. Refer to the process flow at the beginning of this document to better understand when to run this process.

Note. Data entered on the Additional Data page in the Select Alerts to Report component is lost if the Export SEVIS Events process is not run before the SEVIS Alerts process is run again for that visa type.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View SEVIS Alerts Process Data

Page Name

Definition Name





  • Campus Community, SEVIS, F/M Alerts, Select Alerts to Report - F/M, Selection

  • Campus Community, SEVIS, J Alerts, Select Alerts to Report - J, Selection

Select data to review.

Alerts Header


  • Campus Community, SEVIS, F/M Alerts, Select Alerts to Report - F/M, Alerts Header

  • Campus Community, SEVIS, J Alerts, Select Alerts to Report - J, Alerts Header

Review data on alerts page.

Addl Data (additional data)


  • Campus Community, SEVIS, F/M Alerts, Select Alerts to Report - F/M, Addl Data

  • Campus Community, SEVIS, J Alerts, Select Alerts to Report - J, Addl Data

Enter any additional data required for this event.



  • Campus Community, SEVIS, F/M Alerts, Select Alerts to Report - F/M, Errors

  • Campus Community, SEVIS, J Alerts, Select Alerts to Report - J, Errors

View event errors.

Message Explanation


Click More on the Errors page.

Review the error message information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Data to Review

Access the Selection page (Campus Community, SEVIS, F/M Alerts, Select Alerts to Report - F/M, Selection).

SEVIS School Code or SEVIS Program Number

The system displays either the SEVIS School Code and associated fields for F and M visas, or the SEVIS Program Number and associated fields for J visas.

Filter Options

If you have a large number of events to view, you can filter the data based on options in this area.

School Official or Responsible Officer

For the F and M visas school official, enter the DSO assigned to the students who appear on the Alerts Header page. The prompt displays all DSOs defined on the SEVIS School Code Table page for the SEVIS school code listed.

For the J visas responsible officer, enter the RO/ARO assigned to the exchange visitors who appear on the Alerts Header page.

Student ID or Exchange Visitor

For the F and M visas student ID, enter the student's ID (EmplID) whose events you want to review.

For the J visas exchange visitor, enter the exchange visitor's ID (EmplID) whose events you want to review. The prompt displays all IDs that have events.

Event Type

Select a specific event to review.


Select to review events that have errors or events that have no errors.

Additional Data

Select to review events requiring additional data or events that require no further editing.

Send to SEVIS

Select to review events that have no additional data, or that have optional or required additional data.

Alert Nbr Range (alert number range) From and Through

The system assigns a unique alert number to each event row for each Batch ID. Select an alert number range to review only the events within the range.


Click to clear the data in theFilter Options group box.


Click to filter the alerts results based on the data entered in the Filter Options group box.

Show All

Click to show all of the events on the Alerts Header page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Alerts Data

Access the Alerts Header page. (For F/M alerts, Campus Community, SEVIS, F/M Alerts, Select Alerts to Report - F/M, Alerts Header. For J alerts, Campus Community, SEVIS, J Alerts, Select Alerts to Report - J, Alerts Header.)

The Alerts Header page lists the events that will trigger when the Process SEVIS Alerts process runs for the specific visa type.

If the Send To SEVIS check box on the SEVIS Event Types page is selected for the event type, and the event has no errors, the system sets the Send To value to SEVIS, and the Extract SEVIS process includes the event in the XML file to send to SEVIS. If the Form Request Available check box on the SEVIS Event Types page is selected, the system also displays the New Form check box already selected on the Alerts Header page to request a new I-20 for F and M visas or a new DS-2019 form for J visas. You can change the default Send To value for each event.

The Extract SEVIS process does not include events set to Master or None in the XML file to send to SEVIS.

When the Send To field is set to Master (for Master Sync), the Alerts process synchronizes the event data by directly uploading it to the appropriate fields on the active effective status row in the SEVIS Master component, and the Extract SEVIS process updates the SEVIS Status value if needed.

For Create Student for F and M visas or Create EV events for J visas set to Master, the Alerts process inserts new active status rows in the SEVIS Master component, and the Extract SEVIS process sets the SEVIS Status to Initial. This enables you to update the SEVIS Master component with data entered manually in SEVIS RTI.

Note. If you set the Send To field to Master for a Create Student, Create EV, or Dependent - Add event types, you must manually enter the SEVIS ID for the student or exchange visitor and their dependents on the SEVIS ID Maintenance page.

When errors occur, the SEVIS Alerts process sets the Send To field to None. You can change it to Master to send the event without clearing the errors. Review the errors before changing it. Correct errors as necessary, and run the Alerts process for that visa type again to trigger the events with no errors before updating the SEVIS Master directly.

An example of when you might want to change None to Master for F and M visas without correcting the data is when the error occurs because the From date is not later than or equal to the current system date for an initial creation Create Student event. The student might have been created in RTI in the past and you need to reflect the dates as they appear in RTI, and therefore the error is acceptable.

An example of when you might want to change None to Master for J visas without correcting the data is when the error occurs because the Start date is not later than or equal to the current system date for Create EV event. The exchange visitor might have been created in RTI in the past and you need to reflect the dates as they appear in RTI, and therefore the error is acceptable.

You can add a row to manually enter an event for a student or exchange visitor if the Allow Manual Addition check box is selected for the event type on the SEVIS Event Types page and the student has a SEVIS ID for the specified school code or the exchange visitor has a SEVIS ID for the specified program code.

When the SEVIS Alerts process for the visa type runs, it moves all events with no errors to the View SEVIS Events History component.

SEVIS School Code or SEVIS Program Number

The page displays either the SEVIS School Code and associated fields for F and M visas or the SEVIS Program Number and associated fields for J visas.

Send All Rows to SEVIS

Click to set all the Send To fields to SEVIS for all events with no errors and for which no additional data is required.

Only events that have no errors and need no additional data can be changed.

Set All Rows to None

Click to set all of the Send To fields to None, preventing them from being submitted to SEVIS during the Extract process.

Send All Rows to Master

Click to set all the Send To fields to Master for all events for which no additional data is required.

SEVIS Alert Events


Click the name to access the individual's Bio/Demo Data page in update/display mode.

The page opens in a new window.


This link is available only when the Compare Detail check box on the SEVIS Event Types page, Event Defaults tab, is selected for the event type

Click to access the Compare Detail page where you can view the changes in data that triggered the event.


Click the link to open the I-20 form for F and M visas or the DS-2019 form for J visas in update/display mode.

The form opens in a new window.


Appears only if errors are detected.

Click the link to access the Errors page.

You must correct errors and run the Alerts Process for that visa type again to be able to set the Send to field to SEVIS. You can select Master without clearing the errors.

Addl Data (additional data) or Reqd Data (required additional data)

If the Addl Data link appears, additional data is optional. Select the link to access the Additional Data page where you can enter the data.

If the Reqd Data link appears, additional data is required. Select the link to access the Additional Data page where you must enter values in the required fields before you can set the Send To field to either Master or SEVIS.

No link appears if no additional data is permitted or required.

For a list of the event types that have required or optional additional data, refer to the description of the Addl Data field on the SEVIS Event Types page.

New Form

The system requests a new I-20 form for F and M visas or a new DS-2019 form for J visas if the event has no errors and if the New Form check box for the event type is selected on the SEVIS Event Types page.

You can override the default value.

Send to

Select Master to update the SEVIS Master component directly with data already entered in the SEVIS RTI. The SEVIS Extract process for the visa type does not include events set to Master in the XML file to send to SEVIS.

Select SEVIS to include the event in the XML file to send to SEVIS. The system automatically displays SEVIS if the event has no errors and the Send To SEVIS check box for the event type is selected on the SEVIS Event Types page.

Select None to prevent the process from updating the SEVIS Master component with the event data or from including the event in the XML file.

DSO Name or RO Name

For F and M visas, the system displays the name of the DSO listed on the most recent I-20 form, and for J visas the system displays the name of the RO listed on the most recent DS-2019 form. Select the name to view a list of DSOs or ROs. If a different DSO or RO is responsible for this event, select the correct one to include in the XML file to send to SEVIS.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Additional Data for an Event

Access the Addl Data page. (For F/M visas, Campus Community, SEVIS, F/M Alerts, Select Alerts to Report - F/M, Addl Data. For J visas, Campus Community, SEVIS, J Alerts, Select Alerts to Report - J, Addl Data.)

Fields and data on this page change based on the event type.

The options of None, Send to SEVIS, and Master Synch appear based on the value set in the Send To field on the Alerts Header page. If additional data is required data, than you must enter it before you can select Send to SEVIS or Master Synch and save the page.

For a list of the event types that have required or optional additional data, refer to the SEVIS Event Types page, Addl Data field description.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Event Errors Data

Access the Errors page. (For F/M visas, Campus Community, SEVIS, F/M Alerts, Select Alerts to Report - F/M, Errors. For J visas, Campus Community, SEVIS, J Alerts, Select Alerts to Report - J, Errors.)

The Errors page lists data errors detected by the Alerts process for the event. You must correct the data error before the event can be included in the XML file to send to SEVIS. However, you can choose to ignore the error for Master Sync and set the Send To field on the Alerts Header page to Master. Most errors indicate that required data is missing for the student or exchange visitor, or the dependent. If data is missing for a dependent, the ID of the dependent is listed in the error. Consult the U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement web site for a listing of required fields by event.

See Reference Manual for the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System Batch Interface, Application Program Interface (API) http://www.ice.gov/sevis/schools/batch.htm

Select the More link to view additional detail regarding the error.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Event History Information

The system provides a listing by ID of each event from the Select Alerts to Report components that did not contain errors. This provides a historical tracking of the events triggered by the Process SEVIS Alerts process for the visa type and the events submitted to SEVIS. You can view the data sent to SEVIS and the results of the processing by SEVIS.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Event History Information

Page Name

Definition Name



History Summary


Campus Community, SEVIS, View SEVIS Events History, History Summary

View a listing of events without errors that have triggered for a student or exchange visitor.

History Detail - F/M


Campus Community, SEVIS, View SEVIS Events History, History Detail - F/M

View the data for each event for F and M visa holders.

History Detail - J


Campus Community, SEVIS, View SEVIS Events History, History Detail - J

View the data for each event for J visa holders.



Click the More link on the History Detail - F/M or the History Detail - J page.

View additional data from the event.

SEVIS Alerts Addresses


Click the Addr Info link on the History Detail - F/M or the History Detail - J page.

View address data related to the event.

Process Detail


Campus Community, SEVIS, View SEVIS Events History, Process Detail

View the results of the processing by SEVIS.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Event History Summary

Access the History Summary page (Campus Community, SEVIS, View SEVIS Events History, History Summary).

All events on the SEVIS Alerts page that do not have errors are listed here. The history summary data is populated each time the Process SEVIS Alerts process for the visa type is run. The date when the event is triggered, the batch ID, and the DSO assigned to the student on the I-20 form for F and M visas or the RO/ARO assigned to the exchange visitor on the DS-2019 for J visas, appear along with the additional information listed here.

SEVIS School Code or SEVIS Program Number

The system displays either the SEVIS School Code and associated fields for F and M visas or the SEVIS Program Number and associated fields for J visas.

Addl Data (additional data)

You can click this link to access the History Detail page where you can view the data extracted for the event.

From the History Summary page for F and M visas, the link takes you to the History Detail - F/M page.

From the History Summary page for J visas, the link takes you to the History Detail - J page.

File Error

Appears only if an error is received from SEVIS.

Click this link to view the error information generated during processing the event and received from SEVIS.

Sent to

Displays the destination where the data was sent: SEVIS, Master, or None.

New Form

The system selects this check box if a new form was requested for the event

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Event History Detail Information

If you ran the Process SEVIS Alerts - F/M process, access the History Detail - F/M page(Campus Community, SEVIS, View SEVIS Events History, History Detail - F/M).

If you ran the Process SEVIS Alerts - J process, access the History Detail - J page (Campus Community, SEVIS, View SEVIS Events History, History Detail - J).

You can view the data that was submitted for the event listed. The data varies depending on the event.

Consult the U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement web site for a listing of data elements sent for each event.

See Reference Manual for the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System Batch Interface, Application Program Interface (API) http://www.ice.gov/sevis/schools/batch.htm


This link appears only for the F and M visas Create Student event.

Click this link to access the Details page where you can view additional data extracted for the event.

Addr Info (address information)

This link appears for F and M visas for the Create Student, Edit Personal, and Student Registration events.

This link appears for J visas Create EV, Personal Info and Validate events.

Click this link to access the SEVIS Alerts Addresses page where you can view address data extracted for the event. For F and M visas, the data should include the foreign and U.S. addresses. For J visas, it should include only U.S. addresses.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Event Process Details

Access the Process Detail page (Campus Community, SEVIS, View SEVIS Events History, Process Detail).

If the Sent To value on the History Summary page is SEVIS, and the SEVIS transaction log is processed for the event through the SEVIS Import Results process, you can view the results of the import on the Process Detail page.

SEVIS School Code or SEVIS Program Number

The system displays either the SEVIS School Code and associated fields for F and M visas or the SEVIS Program Number and associated fields for J visas.

Extract Batch ID

Displays the ID number provided in the upload extract file.

This is a unique number for each extract created by the SEVIS Export process.

Request ID

Displays the identifier used by your school to define the specific record in the upload extract file.

This is a unique number for each event created by the SEVIS Export process.

SEVIS Process Date Time

Displays the date and time that the record was processed by SEVIS.

File Process Result/Error Code

If the event does not load to SEVIS successfully, this field shows the error code returned during the processing of the individual record.

File Upload Status

If the event loads to SEVIS successfully, this field value is Successful.

If the event does not load to SEVIS successfully, this field value is Unsuccessful. You must correct the error and resubmit it to SEVIS. When you run the Process SEVIS Alerts process for that visa type, the system triggers the event again and sends it to the Select Alerts to Report component for review.

Note. You must correct the data before the Process SEVIS Alerts process for that visa type runs again or you will send the event to SEVIS with the error.


If the event does not load to SEVIS successfully, this field provides a text description of the error code returned during the processing of the individual record.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating an XML File to Send to SEVIS

You must run an XML extract process to create the data files in the format that SEVIS requires.

This section discusses how to generate an XML file to send to SEVIS.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Generate an XML File to Send to SEVIS

Page Name

Definition Name



Export SEVIS Events - F/M


Campus Community, SEVIS, F/M Alerts, Export SEVIS Events - F/M

Generate the XML file of F and M visas data for transmission to SEVIS.

Export SEVIS Events - J


Campus Community, SEVIS, J Alerts, Export SEVIS Events - J

Generate the XML file of J visas data for transmission to SEVIS.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating the XML File

Access the Export SEVIS Events - F/M page for F/M visas processing (Campus Community, SEVIS, F/M Alerts, Export SEVIS Events - F/M), or access the Export SEVIS Events - J page for J visas processing (Campus Community, SEVIS, J Alerts, Export SEVIS Events - J).

The SEVIS Export process includes two processes, the SEVIS Extract Process (CCSEVEXT for F and M visas or CCSEVEXJ for J visas) which creates the XML file to send to SEVIS, and the SEVIS Master Sync Process (CCSEVSYF for F and M visas or CCSEVSYJ for J visas) which updates the SEVIS Master directly. Which process runs depends on the visa type, the value in the Send To field on the Alerts Header page for that visa type, and the selection that you make on the Process Scheduler Request page.

To force the extract and Master Sync processes to run at the same time, select the Export and Master Synch option on the Process Scheduler Request page.

When the Send To field on the Alerts Header page is set to Master and you select the SEVIS Master Synch option for the visa type in PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, the process updates the SEVIS Master component directly. Events set to Master are not included in the XML file produced by the Master Sync process.

When the Send To field on the Alerts Header page is set to SEVIS and you select the SEVIS Extract Process option for the visa type, the process extracts data into an XML file that is compliant with the SEVIS Create - Update Student or Create EV schema and therefore ready to send to SEVIS. Only events set to SEVIS are included in the XML file produced by the extract process.

The extract process creates an XML file using a 30-character file name with the SEVIS extract batch ID and the SEVIS school code for F and M visas or the program code for J visas. For example, the XML filename for F and M visas might be 00000000005DAL21400078230.xml where the 00000000005 is the SEVIS extract batch ID and DAL21400078230 is the SEVIS school code. The XML filename for J visas might be 00000000005G-2-10128.xml where the 00000000005 is the SEVIS extract batch ID and G-2-10128 is the SEVIS program number.

Note. The SEVIS system currently accepts XML files with names no longer than 30 characters, including the .xml file extension. The XML file produced by the PeopleSoft SEVIS Export process does not display the first three characters of the extract batch ID.

The SEVIS extract batch ID value is recorded on the Installation Defaults - CC page. The extract process controls and sequentially numbers the extract batch ID value with each new run.

The PeopleSoft application delivers the SEVIS extract batch ID value set to 00000000000000 and the field is set to display-only on the Installation Defaults - CC page.

Warning! Exercise extreme care if you update the SEVIS extract batch ID value. The batch ID value is an important key to SEVIS batch XML documents. PeopleSoft Campus Solutions controls the SEVIS extract batch ID value. The SEVIS system no longer requires sequential batch ID numbering, however, the Batch ID submitted with each file must be unique.

SEVIS School Code or SEVIS Program Number

For F and M visas, enter the SEVIS school code for the data to be exported.

For J visas, enter the SEVIS program number for the data to be exported.

DSO EmplID (designated school official employee ID) or Responsible Officer

For F and M visas, enter the ID of the assigned DSO for the data to export.

For J visas, enter the ID of the assigned responsible officer (RO) or assistant responsible officer (ARO) of the data to export.

This field is optional for either visa type and is used to limit the export file to only those individuals whose current form (I-20 or DS-2019) is associated with the specified responsible ID (DSO or RO/ARO). Depending on business processes, if your institution has multiple responsible IDs, you might find it useful to limit the XML data files to a specific ID. This can assist with the organization and review of transaction log results and forms received from SEVIS.

File Path

Enter the path to the destination where you want the system to store the created export file.

Click to jump to parent topicDownloading and Viewing SEVIS Results

Before you can view results from SEVIS, you must complete the upload of the XML file to SEVIS, the download of the XML transaction log, and the download of PDF form files from SEVIS (I-20 PDF for F and M visas or DS-2019 PDF for J visas) using the utility program of your choice that supports SSL and HTTPS. Many utility programs (freeware, shareware, and licensed) support SSL and HTTPS data transmissions.

Consult the U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement web site for digital certificate and batch file transmission instructions.

See Reference Manual for the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System Batch Interface, Application Program Interface (API) http://www.ice.gov/sevis/schools/batch.htm

After you send the XML file to SEVIS, you receive the upload results from SEVIS to verify that the information was received. You also receive the processed results of the data file and PDF format files for printing the forms.

Warning! The upload command must include an output statement for receiving the transaction log containing the upload results. If the upload is unsuccessful, the file needs to be loaded using SEVIS Import Results process for the visa type so that the SEVIS Master rows are deleted and the error can be corrected. The events appear on the Alerts Header page in the Select Alerts to Report component again after the Alerts process for the visa type runs.

The following is a sample of a cURL command asking for the upload results for F and M visas: cURL -E seviscert2.pem:sevistest -F orgid=SEA214F00078000 -F batchid=12340000091540 -F userid=tpdso-4140 -F xml=@40000091540SEA214F00078000.xml https://egov.ice.gov/sbtsevisbatch/action/batchUpload -k -v -L -o batch91540.xml

The following is a sample of a cURL command asking for the upload results for J visas: cURL -E seviscert2.pem:sevistest -F orgid=G-2-10128 -F batchid=12340000091530 -F userid=kander6952 -F xml=@12340000091530G-2-10128.xml https://egov.ice.gov/sbtsevisbatch/action/batchUpload -k -v -o batch91530j.xml

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Download and View SEVIS Results

Page Name

Definition Name



Import Process


Campus Community, SEVIS, SEVIS Import, Import Process

Enter SEVIS Download process parameters to import the acknowledgement file and results file from SEVIS.

File Upload Result


Campus Community, SEVIS, SEVIS Import, Import Results, File Upload Results

Review the acknowledgement file.

Download Results


Campus Community, SEVIS, SEVIS Import, Import Results, Download Results

Review the transaction log results file.

Student/EV (student/exchange visitor)


Campus Community, SEVIS, SEVIS Import, Import Results, Student/EV

Review the individual transaction record results for a student (F and M visa) or exchange visitor (J visa).



Campus Community, SEVIS, SEVIS Import, Import Results, Dependents

Review the individual transaction record results for a dependent.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDownloading SEVIS Import Results

Access the Import Process page (Campus Community, SEVIS, SEVIS Import, Import Process).

The SEVIS Import Results process loads file acknowledgement and transaction log results obtained from SEVIS into the PeopleSoft Campus Solutions system.

Single File

Select to load a single transaction log file.

File List Driven

Select to load multiple fields.

To load multiple files, you must create a document (for example, .txt) that lists all of the file acknowledgement and transaction log files that you want to load.

This graphic provides a visual example of the file list produces for the File List Driven option.

Example of a file list for the File List Driven option

File Name

Enter the file name using the file naming convention approved by SEVIS.

File Path

Enter the path to the file location.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Results of the XML Upload to SEVIS

Access the File Upload Result page (Campus Community, SEVIS, SEVIS Import, Import Results, File Upload Results).

This page reflects the SEVIS upload results status of the overall batch file from the XML document upload. The information is based on results provided in the file acknowledgement returned by SEVIS.

Note. You must run the SEVIS Import Results process for the visa type to load information from the upload results file produced as a result of uploading the XML file to SEVIS.

SEVIS School Code or SEVIS Program Number

The page appears with the SEVIS School Code field displayed for F and M visas, or the SEVIS Program Number field displayed for J visas.

File Processing Status

Displays the status of the file from SEVIS. The possible status values are Exported, Upload Acknowledged, Transaction Log Downloaded, or Processing Complete.

Each time the SEVIS export process for a visa type runs, a new row with the extract batch ID and either SEVIS school code for F and M visas or the SEVIS program number for J visas appears with the exported file processing status.

After you load the file acknowledgement log from SEVIS, the status changes to Upload Acknowledged.

After you load the transaction log from SEVIS, the status changes to Processing Complete.


Displays the SEVIS batch system from which the transaction log was requested. Values include PROD, ALPHA, or BATCH.

File Upload Date Time

Displays the date and time that the upload request was processed by SEVIS.

File Upload Result/Error Code

If the file processing is unsuccessful, the file upload error from SEVIS appears. This can be any number of explanations of the error from the File Errors Setup Table. One example is File does not comply with SEVIS XML Schema.

You should correct all errors before running the SEVIS Alerts process for that visa type again.

File Accepted

Indicates whether SEVIS accepted the file for processing.

This value is not sent with the transaction log, but remains on the page for historical reference.

Download Result/Error Code

If the file download was unsuccessful, the download error from SEVIS appears. The code and description are based on the SEVIS File Errors table.

You should correct all errors before running the SEVIS Alerts process for the visa type again.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Results of the SEVIS Download

Access the Download Results page (Campus Community, SEVIS, SEVIS Import, Import Results, Download Results).

This page shows the status of the batch XML document processed by the SEVIS system. The information is based on results provided in the transaction log returned by SEVIS after the file is accepted and processed.

SEVIS School Code or SEVIS Program Number

The page appears with the SEVIS School Code field displayed for F and M visas, or the SEVIS Program Number field displayed for J visas.

File Upload Status

Displays the Successful or Unsuccessful file status returned from the SEVIS system.

File Process Result/Upload Error Code

If the file upload is unsuccessful, the file upload error from SEVIS appears here.

File Validation Status

Displays the Pass or No Pass status of the file schema validation performed by the SEVIS system before transaction records are processed.

The value is not included in the transaction log, but remains on the page for historical reference.

Records Requested for Process

Displays the number of unique records included in the XML document to be processed.

Records Successfully Processed

Displays the number of records successfully processed by the SEVIS system.

Records Failed Validation

Displays the number of records unsuccessfully processed by the SEVIS system.

File Validation Errors

File Validation Error

If the file validation fails, the file validation error code from SEVIS appears here.

You should correct all errors before running the SEVIS Alerts process for the visa type again.


Displays the SEVIS file validation error description.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Individual Student or Exchange Visitor Record Results

Access the Student/EV page (Campus Community, SEVIS, SEVIS Import, Import Results, Student/EV).

This page shows the results of an individual student or exchange visitor transaction record. The information is based on results provided in the transaction log returned by SEVIS.

SEVIS School Code or SEVIS Program Number

The page appears with the SEVIS School Code field displayed for F and M visas, or the SEVIS Program Number field displayed for J visas.

Students/Exchange Visitors


Displays the ID assigned to the individual in the PeopleSoft system.


Displays the ID assigned to the individual by the SEVIS system.

For new students or exchange visitors submitted to SEVIS using the Create Student or Create EV event, the SEVIS ID is returned only if the record is successfully processed by the SEVIS system.

School Official or Responsible Officer

Displays the PeopleSoft ID and name of the school official the for F and M visas or the responsible officer for J visas that is assigned to the event.

SEVIS Process Date Time

Displays the date and time that the XML file was processed by SEVIS.

File Process Result/Upload Error Code

If the file upload is unsuccessful, the file upload error from SEVIS appears here.

You should correct all errors before running the Process SEVIS Alerts process for that visa type again.


Displays the SEVIS file process error description.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Individual Dependent Record Results

Access the Dependents page (Campus Community, SEVIS, SEVIS Import, Import Results, Dependents).

This page shows the results of an individual dependent transaction record. The information is based on results provided in the transaction log returned by SEVIS.

SEVIS School Code or SEVIS Program Number

The page appears with the SEVIS School Code field displayed for F and M visas, or the SEVIS Program Number field displayed for J visas.

Students/Exchange Visitors


The system displays the PeopleSoft ID for the student or exchange visitor.


Dependent ID

Displays the ID assigned to the dependent in the PeopleSoft system.

Dependent SEVIS ID

Displays the ID assigned to the dependent by the SEVIS system.

For new dependents submitted to SEVIS using the Create Student event, Create EV event, or Dependent - Add event, the SEVIS ID is returned only if the record is successfully processed by the SEVIS system.

File Upload Status

Indicates whether the record was processed successfully.

This value is not used in the transaction log, but remains on the page for historical reference.

File Process Result/Error Code

If the file upload is unsuccessful, the file upload error from SEVIS appears here.

You should correct all errors before running the Process SEVIS Alerts - F/M or Process SEVIS Alerts - J process for that visa type again.


Displays the SEVIS file process error description.

This value is not used in the transaction log, but remains on the page for historical reference.

Click to jump to parent topicExtracting External Vendor Data

This section provides an overview of external vendor system integration and discusses how to extract external vendor data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Extract External Vendor Data

Page Name

Definition Name



External Extract


Campus Community, SEVIS, SEVIS External System Export, External Extract

Select data parameters for integration with an external vendor.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Integration to External Vendor Systems

For institutions that use a system other than PeopleSoft Campus Solutions for batch interface transmissions to SEVIS, the PeopleSoft application provides a process to extract selected international student biographical, admissions, and records data for loading into a third-party vendor software program. The data is extracted based on the parameters that you enter on the External Extract page. The third-party software uses this data for SEVIS processing.

The External System Export process creates an XML document in a schema defined by PeopleSoft. This XML schema is defined to include fields maintained in the PeopleSoft system that are reportable to SEVIS, as well as additional data fields used by programs (external to Campus Solutions) that provide batch interface functionality to the SEVIS system.

Refer to the PeopleSoft_SEVIS_ExternalSystemExtract.xsd and to the PeopleSoft_SEVIS_ExternalSystemExtract_Definition.xls for specific schema definition and for a list of fields that are included in the XML document that is created by the process.

PeopleSoft Campus Solutions to External Vendor System

The External System Export process exports all current data (for fields defined by the schema) for all students who meet the visa type selection criteria that you specify. The External System Export process creates an XML document that includes all current, relevant data for the population of students that you define.

In the following business process flow, it is assumed that you have completed the SEVIS setup for your PeopleSoft system and that you use an external vendor system for identifying and submitting data to submit to the SEVIS system.

This flowchart illustrates the external vendor system export processing business process. It shows the flow of SEVIS alerts from the PeopleSoft database to the external vendor system, which creates and sends the XML file to SEVIS. It then shows the flow of the SEVIS IDs from SEVIS to the PeopleSoft XML log and printed I-20 or DS-2019 form.

External Vendor System Export process business flow

You must enter data on the SEVIS Setup page, the SEVIS School Code Table page, the SEVIS Program Sponsor Table, the DoS Post Code Table page, the Port of Entry Table page, the Country Mapping page, the Visa Mapping page, and the Suffix Mapping page to make use of the External System Export process. The mappings defined on these pages are important for identifying correct data that are included in the resulting XML document.

You must maintain current visa type information (using country equal to USA) in the PeopleSoft system for the population of individuals that you want to include in an external system extract.

See Also

Entering Visa and Permit Data

(USA) Setting Up PeopleSoft SEVIS Solution Visa Processing for J and F/M Visas

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExtracting Data for External Vendor Systems

Access the SEVIS External Extract page (Campus Community, SEVIS, SEVIS External System Export, External Extract).

You can extract F/M visas data or J visas data for external vendor systems.

File Output

File Path

Enter the path to where you want to place the output file.

File Name

Enter a name for the output file. If you do not specify a file name, the system generates the extracted XML document uses the following naming convention: [ProgramName][RunControlID][ProcessInstance]. For example, CCSEVINT_ExternalSysExport_126.xml.

Report Options

Select each of the reports that you want to generate. Reports are generated in .pdf format. The options are:

Include Full Time Current Term to generate a list of students who are enrolled full time for the current term.

Include Part Time Current Term to generate a list of students who are enrolled part time for the current term.

Incl Not Enrolled Current Term to generate a list of students who are not enrolled for the current term.

Incl Active Prog Not Enrolled to generate a list of students who have an active program but are not enrolled for the current term.

Visa Permit Types

Visa Type

Enter each visa type to use as selection criteria for the program.

The External System Export process selects students and exchange visitors who have the specified visa types defined on the Visa/Permit Data page.

Academic Information Selection


Select the institution to use for the extract.


Select the career to use for the extract.

Admit Term

Select the admit term to use for the extract.

The program uses this value to determine which admission data rows to include in the output.

Current Term

Select the current term.

The program uses the current term that you specify to identify the current term end date from the term calendar. The current term end date is a field that is reportable to SEVIS.

Next Term

Select the next academic term following the current.

The program uses the next term you specify to identify the next session start date from the term calendar. The next session start date is a field that is reportable to SEVIS.

Stop Report Date

Enter the date (usually a prior date) to indicate when an individual is no longer included in the active population.

The program uses the stop report date to limit the individuals included in the active population. The program evaluates the stop report date that you specify, comparing it against the student's most recent enrollment activity for that institution and career. If the student was last enrolled for a term that ended before the stop report date, the student is not included in the extract.

For example, many F-1 students maintain an institution affiliation after graduating by pursuing Optional Practical Training. Consider these students when determining a stop report date.

Additional Name Types

Name Type

Select each additional name types to extract for all individuals included in the extract process.

The program exports all current name data for the types that you specify that are recorded for the individual.

The name data required for SEVIS is included in a separate structure in the XML document created by the process. Select additional names if your external system can make use of them.

Additional Address Types

Address Type

Select each additional address type to extract for all individuals included in the extract process.

The program exports all current address data for the types that you specify that are recorded for the individual.

The address data required for SEVIS is included in a separate structure in the XML document created by the process. Select additional addresses if the external system can use them.

Phone Types

Phone Type

Select each phone type to extract for all individuals included in the extract process.

The program exports all current phone data for the types that you specify that are recorded for the individual.

Email Types

Email Type

Select each email type to extract for all individuals included in the extract process.

The program exports all current email data for the types that you specify that are recorded for the individual.