Setting Up ACG and SMART Grants

The Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG) and National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant (SMART) awards affect several setup steps and processes. ACG and SMART functionality is available for all phases: Financial Aid Term, Eligibility, Packaging, Disbursement, and COD Reporting.

This chapter provides an overview of ACG and SMART grants and discusses how to:

See Also

Setting Up Financial Aid Terms

Setting Up Packaging Basics

Setting Up Disbursement Rules

Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

Preparing for Awarding and Packaging

Awarding and Packaging Students

Using Common Origination and Disbursement

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Eligibility Requirements for ACG and SMART Grants

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Eligibility Requirements for ACG and SMART Grants

Page Name

Definition Name



ACG/SMART Processing Options


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, ACG/SMART Grants, ACG/SMART Processing Options

Set up the evaluation and awarding options for ACG and SMART grants.

Equation Group Setup


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, ACG/SMART Grants, Equation Group Setup

Set up and maintain equation groups to be used by Financial Aid processes.

ACG/SMART Reporting Options


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, ACG/SMART Grants, ACG/SMART Reporting Options

Set up ACG/SMART reporting options.

Eligible CIP Codes for SMART


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, ACG/SMART Grants, Eligible CIP Codes for SMART

Set up and maintain eligible CIP codes for SMART grants. Data is stored by aid year.

ACG State Program Codes


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, ACG/SMART Grants, ACG State Program Codes

Maintain list of eligible state high school program codes for ACG. Data is stored by aid year.

COD Edit Codes


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, File Management, COD Edit Codes

Maintain list of valid COD edit codes used by the grant components.

Academic Level Table


Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Level/Load Rules Table, Academic Level Table

Set up several student level calculations such as Academic Level, NSLDS Loan Year, and Direct Lending Year.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Evaluation and Awarding Options for ACG and SMART Grants

Access the ACG/SMART Processing Options page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, ACG/SMART Grants, ACG/SMART Processing Options).

Grant Participant

Select the grant programs for which the grant evaluation process should process students who have the qualifying HERA academic level. Values are:

ACG and SMART: Select and evaluate students for both ACG and SMART grants.

ACG Only: Select and evaluate students for ACG grants.

SMART Only: Select and evaluate students for SMART grants.

Awarding Option

Select the minimum grant eligibility status required to award the ACG/SMART grant during the Packaging process. Values are:

Eligible: Only award if the eligibility status is at this level.

Eligible, pending: In addition to the eligibility status of Eligible, also award if the status is Eligible, pending.

Academic Level Equation Option

Optional. If this field is left blank, the grant processes assign the HERA level calculated in the student's FA Term record.

Select a custom equation that calculates the student's HERA academic level and assigns the value in the student's grant eligibility record.

CIP Code Source (classification of instructional program code source)

Required for SMART participants. Select from Academic Plan, Academic Program, and Academic Subplan.

CIP Code Equation (classification of instructional program code equation)

Required for SMART participants. Select the equation that derives the student's CIP code.

The delivered equation FAASSCIPFATM is the default equation for most schools. It uses the CIP Code source and the student's academic program, plan, and sub-plan information stored in FA Term to determine the CIP code. It does not verify that the CIP code is SMART eligible.

Schools can also create a custom equation to determine the CIP code.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic Setting Up Financial Aid Process Equation Groups

Access the Equation Group Setup page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, ACG/SMART Grants, Equation Group Setup).

Use the Equation Group Setup page to assign the equations to be used to evaluate a student's grant eligibility. Do not create equation groups until you have determined how and when to incorporate the use of equations in your business processes.

You can create multiple equation groups based on your grant evaluation business process. Equation groups primarily determine whether students are eligible to receive ACG or SMART grants, but can also be designed to verify that students continue to maintain their eligibility.

Equation Group

Select your name for the equation group. If in Add mode, enter the name in free-form text.

Group Type

Required. Select the specific grant that is evaluated for this Equation Group. Values are:

ACG 1: ACG evaluation for students with HERA level 0 or 1.

ACG 2: ACG evaluation for students with HERA level 2.

SMART 1: SMART evaluation for students with HERA level 3.

SMART 2: SMART evaluation for students with HERA level 4.

SMART 3: SMART evaluation for students with HERA level 5.


Displays the user-defined description of the equation group.

Equation Name

Select the equation to be added to the group. Use the delivered equations, or those designed by your institution.

The available equations that can be selected are filtered based on the grant for which the equation has been created.

Equation Sequence

Assign a sequence number to determine the order of execution of each equation in a group. This is important if you require a value determined by an earlier equation to be used by a later equation in the group.

For more information about equations and equation groups,

See Using Delivered Equations for HERA Eligibility Evaluation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting ACG and SMART Reporting Options

Access the ACG/SMART Reporting Options page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, ACG/SMART Grants, ACG/SMART Reporting Option).

Use this page to define grant origination processing options for ACG and SMART grants.

Reporting School Code

Select the owning school code used for Pell.

Disbursement Offset

Enter the number of days from the scheduled disbursement date that can be used to select disbursement records for reporting to COD. To select disbursement records prior to the scheduled date, use a negative signed number.

Originate Offered Awards

Select this check box to include ACG and SMART awards in offered status for origination. If not selected, only grants with an accept status are originated.

Disb Prior to Transmitting (disbursement prior to transmitting)

Select this check box to restrict the reporting of disbursement information to COD until the individual disbursement has been paid to the student's account.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining CIP Codes for SMART

Access the Eligible CIP Codes for SMART page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, ACG/SMART Grants, Eligible CIP Codes for SMART).

The page displays all SMART grant eligible Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) codes. The codes are set up and populated by aid year.

Oracle monitors changes to the list of eligible CIP codes and delivers them where necessary. You can also enter changes to the eligible CIP codes.

You can use the Aid Year Rollover process (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Aid Year, Aid Year Setup) to copy the codes from one aid year to another.


Displays the CIP code.


Displays the program description of the CIP code.


Indicates whether the CIP code is eligible to make new awards for the aid year. Values are:

Active: Indicates that the program is eligible for a first time SMART recipient for the aid year.

Inactive: Indicates that the program is not eligible for first time awards for the aid year, but may be used to award a renewal SMART grant for eligible students who were awarded in a previous aid year.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining ACG State Program Codes

Access the ACG State Program Codes page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, ACG/SMART Grants, ACG State Program Codes).

Use this page to view, add, or delete ACG state program codes. The page displays all ACG grant eligible state high school program codes. The codes are set up and populated by aid year. Oracle provides this information for each new aid year. You can use the Aid Year Rollover process (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Aid Year, Aid Year Setup) to copy the codes from one aid year to another.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up COD Edit Codes

Access the COD Edit Codes page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, File Management, COD Edit Codes).

This page displays all COD edit messages for the specified aid year. These codes and descriptions display in the ACG/SMART origination pages. Use this page to set up and maintain the list of valid COD edit codes used by the grant components.

Oracle delivers COD edit codes every year.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Academic Level Rules to Calculate HERA Levels

Access the Academic Level Table page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Level/Load Rules Table, Academic Level Table).

Use the Level/Load Rules Table component to define several student level calculations such as Academic Level, NSLDS Loan Year, and Direct Lending Year. For HERA level calculation, the FA term process uses the NSLDS Loan Year settings to determine the student level to assign based on the student's completed units. This is because the NSLDS loan year values match the student level values that are reported to COD. The student's overall HERA academic level is based on this value and, depending on the term, the Weeks of Instruction (WI) method and the corresponding WI level.

The values in the CUM Units/Terms column and the NSLDS Loan Year column define how the student's HERA level is calculated. For the values in the page shown, a student's HERA level is as shown in the following table.

If the student's cumulative completed units are:

This HERA level is assigned:

0 to 23

1st year, previously attended

24 to 47

2nd year

48 to 71

3rd Year

72 to 99

4th Year

More than 99

5th Year

Note. The Academic Level and Direct Lending Year columns on the Academic Level Table page are ignored by the HERA level calculation.

If your school participates in the SMART grant program, define your grade level progressions from 1st year through 5th year.

See Also

Defining Academic Level and Load Rules

Managing Financial Aid Terms

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Financial Aid Term for HERA Academic Level Calculations

Two methods exist for calculating a student's HERA academic level. The method that you use is determined by the aid year for which you assessing a student's eligibility for an ACG or SMART grant.

For aid years 2008 and 2010 onwards, you must monitor students' academic progress using grade levels determined by total completed units and the load level rule assigned in the HERA Academic Level Rule Setup page.

This method is called the HERA Level/Load Rule method in PeopleBooks.

For aid year 2009, you must monitor students' academic progress based on the school's federal academic year (completed units and weeks of instructions).

This method is called the Federal Academic Year method in PeopleBooks.

Note. You may see unexpected HERA academic level calculations as a result of the calculation methods changing from one aid year to the next. The Financial Aid Term process continues to determine HERA academic levels using the appropriate calculation method for the term's aid year.

This section includes an overview of HERA academic level calculations with examples and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding HERA Academic Level Calculations

This overview contains discussions about:

Describing the HERA Level/Load Rule Method

The HERA Level/Load Rule method is based on the total number of units completed towards the student's degree.

Note. Remember that you must use the HERA Level/Load Rule method for the 2010 aid year onwards.

The following graphic shows the steps for the HERA Level/Load Rule method.

Describing the Federal Academic Year Method

To calculate a student's HERA academic level using the Federal Academic Year method, the two components of the institution's federal academic year are measured:

Both components are then used to determine the student's level. The level is based on each component meeting a specific threshold.

Note. Remember that you must use the Federal Academic Year method for the 2009 aid year only.

The following graphics shows the steps for the Federal Academic Year method:

In the following two examples for calculating HERA academic level and monitoring progression, the term-based institution has a 30-week academic year of 24 units. The fall and spring terms are 15 weeks and the summer term is 10 weeks. Term Units Enrolled and Term Weeks of Instruction are cumulative at the end of the term.

In the first example, the student enrolls for 12 units each term:


Term Units Enrolled

Term Weeks of Instruction (WI)

Beginning of Term Level

End of Term Level

Fall 2007

12 (12)

15 (15)



Spring 2008

12 (24)

15 (30)



Fall 2008

12 (36)

15 (45)



Spring 2009

12 (48)

15 (60)



By the end of the spring 2008 term, the student reaches the second year level by meeting the level thresholds for both the units and weeks of instruction. By the end of the spring 2009 term, the student reaches the third year level.

In the second example, the student begins enrollment in the spring 2008 term:


Term Units Enrolled

Term Weeks of Instruction (WI)

Beginning of Term Level

End of Term Level

Spring 2008

12 (12)

15 (15)



Summer 2008

12 (24)

10 (25)



Fall 2008

12 (36)

15 (40)



Spring 2009

12 (48)

15 (55)



By the end of the student's summer 2008 term, the unit threshold for a second year student is met, but not the WI threshold. The student remains at the first year level at the end of the term. By the end of the fall 2008 term, the student completes enough WI to advance to a second year level.

Steps for Calculating HERA Academic Levels Using the Federal Academic Year Method

For all aid years and academic level methods, HERA academic levels are calculated for only non-graduate, non-professional students based on the NSLDS year.

To calculate HERA academic levels using the Federal Academic Year method:

1. Determine the method for Weeks of Instruction.

2a. Calculate Beginning of Term and End of Term Cumulative Units.

2b. Calculate Beginning of Term and End of Term Cumulative Weeks.

3a. Determine level from Cumulative Units.

3b. Determine level from Cumulative Weeks.

4. Compare levels to determine HERA academic level.

Note. Remember that the Federal Academic Year method is currently used for aid year 2009 only.

Here is more detailed information about each step:

1. Determine the Method for Calculating Weeks of Instruction

Refer to the final regulations to determine which of the four methods are available to your institution. Then select the method to use for calculating weeks of instruction or ignoring weeks of instruction. The four methods are:

Exact Accounting

This method derives WI from the scheduled dates of the enrolled classes in the term. The current method for calculating WI for budgets and Pell awarding is used.


Terms Attended

This method assumes that every term has the same WI value, including nonstandard terms. WI equals the number of weeks in a school's academic year divided by the number of payment terms.


Credits Earned

This method derives a WI value by converting the enrolled units for a term to a WI value. The ED formula is:

(# units in term x #weeks in academic year) / (# of units in academic year)

For example, if a student enrolls in 12 units for a term and the school has a 24 unit, 30 week academic year, the term weeks would be (12 x 30)/24 = 15 weeks of instruction.


Grade Level

This method does not calculate weeks of instruction. The student's HERA academic level is calculated based on the number of acceptable units completed by the student.

This is calculated by taking the total number of completed units (including transfer units) and then subtracting unacceptable work, such as Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, testing out, life experience, work experience, remedial, and units earned while not in an eligible program. Use the remaining units to derive the HERA academic level using the HERA academic level rules.

The Grade Level method is based on the assumption that if a student is completing enough units to advance a grade level according to the school's requirements, then the weeks of instruction requirement is being satisfied.

2a. Calculate Beginning of Term and End of Term Cumulative Units

Calculating cumulative units is similar for both the HERA Level/Load Rule and Federal Academic Year methods. The following table explains how cumulative units are calculated for the three methods that use weeks of instruction and the Grade Level method is explained after the table.

Cumulative Units

Projected Term

Enrolled, Term Not Started

Enrolled, Term in Progress

Term Completed

Beginning of Term

All completed units less the current term plus Transfer, Test credit, and other units, less adjustments.

Excess FA Units assigned to remedial type courses are not included.




End of Term

Same units calculated for Beginning of Term plus projected units for the current term.

Same units calculated for Beginning of Term plus enrolled units for the current term.

Same units calculated for Beginning of Term plus anticipated, in progress, and competed units.

Same units calculated for Beginning of Term plus completed units for the current term.

The Grade Level method follows the same rules as the other three methods except that it does not allow certain transfer work to be included in the cumulative units. The transfer units not allowed are the same as those not allowed in calculating weeks of instruction for the other methods, which includes:

This transfer work is identified in the transfer credit evaluation module during the review for inclusion in the Financial Aid Weeks of Instruction statistics. The HERA Academic Level page (Financial Aid, Financial Aid Term, Maintain Student Financial Aid Term, Acad Level, click the View HERA Academic Level link) displays the beginning of term and end of term cumulative units.

2b. Calculate Beginning of Term and End of Term Cumulative Weeks

To calculate the cumulative weeks of instruction (WI), the FA Term module first calculates WI for each term the student was enrolled (and expected to enroll for projected terms). If a student has transfer work, a separate WI might also be calculated for those transfer units. Note that WI must be calculated for terms prior to the 2009 aid year.

The Term Weeks field on the HERA Academic Level page documents the weeks of instruction per term. Term weeks is usually recalculated when a student's enrollment for a term changes. There are also conditions where the term weeks resets to zero if the student does not enroll or fails to complete any courses. As shown in the following table, calculation of Term Weeks varies depending on when FA Term is run.

Calculation Method


How Term Weeks Value Is Calculated

Exact Accounting


Assigns the number of weeks of the default session that is set up for the term.

During Enrollment

Recalculated based on the schedule of each enrolled course.

End of Term

Term Weeks are reset to zero under these conditions:

  • Term Source becomes No Data.

  • Student withdraws from term. (Uses same criteria that FA Term driver uses to identify withdrawn students.)

Transfer weeks are unaffected by these conditions.

Terms Attended


Defaults to the calculated value of the number of weeks in the academic year divided by the number of payment periods in the academic year.

During Enrollment

Does not change.

End of Term

Term Weeks are reset to zero under these conditions:

  • Term Source becomes No Data.

  • Student withdraws from term. (Uses same criteria that FA Term driver uses to identify withdrawn students.)

Transfer weeks are unaffected by these conditions.

Credits Earned


Based on the projected enrolled units FA term uses to determine load.

During Enrollment

Adjusts based on changes to the number of enrolled units.

End of Term

Term Weeks are reset to zero under these conditions:

  • Term Source becomes No Data.

  • Student withdraws from term. (Uses same criteria that FA Term driver uses to identify withdrawn students.)

  • The Fully Graded date of the term has passed, but the enrolled classes yield no earned units.

  • The Fully Graded date of the term has passed, but all completed classes yield failed grades.

Transfer weeks are unaffected by these conditions.

Grade Level


Not Applicable

During Enrollment

Not Applicable

End of Term

Not Applicable

To calculate Transfer Weeks of Instruction, use the formula:

(# total adjusted transfer units x #weeks in academic year) / # of units in academic year

where # total adjusted transfer units is the number of transfer units accepted by the school less any unacceptable transfer work, such as Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, testing out, life experience, work experience, remedial, and units earned while not in an eligible program. FA Term automatically calculates transfer weeks of instruction and stores the value in the Transfer Weeks field.

For example, if a student transfers in 15 units (12 regular, 3 AP units) to a 24 unit, 30 week school, the transfer weeks would be (12 x 30) / 24 = 5 transfer weeks.

Note. Transfer Weeks of Instruction calculation is not required when using the Grade Level method.

For information on reviewing and updating transfer credit information,

See Reviewing Transfer Work for FA Term HERA Level Determination.

To calculate Cumulative Weeks of Instruction, add the Term Weeks and Transfer Weeks values from all prior FA Term rows:

BOT Cumulative Weeks of Instruction

All previous terms Term WI and Transfer WI values where the term end date has passed and at least 1 credit earned plus Current Term Transfer WI.

EOT Cumulative Weeks of Instruction

BOT Cumulative Weeks of Instruction plus Current Term Weeks of Instruction.

3a. Determine Level from Cumulative Units

Determine the level from cumulative units by applying the academic level rule found in the HERA Level Rule Set Up page (Set up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, ACG/SMART Grants, HERA Academic Level Set Up).

Here is an example of a HERA level rule a school might create:

Level 1

10–23 completed units

Level 2

24–47 completed units

Level 3

48–71 completed units

Level 4

72–120 completed units

A student with 50 cumulative units would have a calculated level of 3.

3b. Determine Level from Cumulative Weeks

To determine the level from cumulative weeks, use this formula:

(Cumulative Weeks of Instruction / # of weeks in academic year) + 1

The number of weeks in the academic year is taken from the value in the Hours/Credit in Acad Year field on the HERA Weeks of Instruction Set Up page (Set up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, ACG/SMART Grants, HERA Weeks of Instruction) based on the student's career, academic program, or academic plan. There is no rounding of fractional data.

For example, if the cumulative number of weeks is 45 and the number of weeks in the academic year is 30 weeks, the level would be (45 weeks / 30 weeks) + 1 = 2.5 (second year).

4. Compare Levels to Determine HERA Academic Level

To determine the HERA academic level, compare the levels derived from cumulative units and cumulative weeks and assign the lower value. In the previous examples, if the level from units is 3 and the level from weeks is 2, then the HERA academic level assigned is 2 (second year).

Note that the Grade Level method does not calculate a level from WI. Instead, the level calculated from units is assigned as the HERA level from the Cumulative Units calculation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Financial Aid Term for HERA Academic Level Calculations

Page Name

Definition Name



HERA Academic Level Rule Set Up


Set up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, ACG/SMART Grants, HERA Academic Level Set Up

Set up and maintain HERA academic level rules, which are used by FA Term to calculate the credit portion of the undergraduate student's academic level.

Copy HERA Academic Level Set Up


Click the Copy button on the HERA Academic Level Rule Set Up page.

Copy HERA academic level parameters from one aid year to another.

HERA Weeks of Instruction Set Up


Set up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, ACG/SMART Grants, HERA Weeks of Instruction Set Up

Select parameters used to calculate a weeks of instruction value for non-graduate, non-professional level students.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the HERA Academic Level Calculation Rules

Access the HERA Academic Level Rule Set Up page (Set up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, ACG/SMART Grants, HERA Academic Level Set Up).

Use this page to assign HERA-level-specific academic level load rules for calculating the student's levels and to set the default level load rule for your undergraduate academic careers. Under the Federal Academic Year method, these setting are used to calculate the credit portion of the student's academic level.

The setup structure is aid-year specific to allow flexibility in assigning different Academic Level rules if the rules change from year to year. The Financial Aid Term process calculates HERA academic student level values to be used to evaluate, award, and disburse ACG and SMART grants.

For academic programs or academic plans that require a separate academic level rule, define those programs and plans. The FA Term build process determines the academic level rule to use based on finding a matching row with the student's information in the following order: Plan, Program, Career.


Use this button to copy setup data from one aid year to another. You can also use the Aid Year Rollover process (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Aid Year, Aid Year Setup) to copy this setup information.


Select each undergraduate academic career that could qualify for ACG or SMART grants.


Enter only those academic programs that require a different academic level rule to calculate their HERA academic level different from the rule defined for the student's academic career.


Enter only those academic plans that require a different academic level rule to calculate their HERA academic level different from the rule defined for the student's academic career or academic program.

Academic Level Rule

Select the academic level load rule to calculate the student's HERA student level progression.

The academic level rules are created in the Level/Load Rules Table page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCopying Setup Data from Year to Year

Access the Copy HERA Academic Level Set Up page (click the Copy button on the HERA Academic Level Rule Set Up page.)

Warning! Because the HERA Academic Level setup includes the aid year, you must set up data for each aid year that requires the HERA academic level to be calculated. The HERA academic level is not calculated if this setup is missing for a particular aid year.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Parameters for Weeks of Instruction Calculations

Access the HERA Weeks of Instruction Set Up page (Set up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, ACG/SMART Grants, HERA Weeks of Instruction).

Use this page to select and store the parameters used to calculate a weeks of instruction value. These are applied to all non-graduate, non-professional level students.

Default Setup

Weeks of Instruction Method

Select the method by which weeks of instruction is calculated. Values are:

Credit Based

Exact Accounting

Grade Level Based

Term based

Academic Calendar Type

Select the number of regular terms and payment periods. Values are:

Quarter, 3 payments

Quarter, 4 payments

Semester/Trimester, 2 payments

Semester/Trimester, 3 payments

Hours/Credits in Acad Year (hours or credits in the academic year)

Enter the number of hours or credits that defines the academic year.

Weeks in Program Acad Year (weeks in program academic year)

Enter the number of weeks of instruction that defines the academic year.

Begin Weeks of Inst Calc Term (begin weeks of instruction for calculating term)

Enter the first term in which the calculated weeks of instruction is used to determine the student's HERA academic level. This should be the first term of the 2009 aid year.

End Weeks of Inst Calc Term (end weeks of instruction for calculating term)

Enter the first term for the 2010 aid year for which weeks of instruction is not used in determining the HERA academic level. Starting with this term, HERA levels are calculated based on the schools academic level progression defined in the HERA Academic Level Setup component.

Note. The Grade Level method does not require a completed Hours/Credits in Acad Year field or Weeks in Program Acad Year field to perform a HERA level calculation. You must provide information however, to support the HERA level calculation when a manual override of the student's weeks of instruction method is performed.

Career/Program/Plan Set Up

Use this group box to set up specific careers, programs, or plans. Default values display when you select a career, program, or plan; you can override any of the defaults.

The Career/Program/Plan Set Up group box contains the same calculation parameters that are applied to specific academic careers, academic program, or academic plans. When FA Term calculates a student's HERA academic level, the process determines which settings to use searching first for the student's academic plan, then the academic program, then academic career. If none is found, FA Term code uses the default setting to calculate the student's weeks of instruction.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Packaging and Repackaging Processes

To include ACG and SMART grants in your Packaging plans, you must follow instructions in the given sequence because of the dependencies associated with the various areas of setup.

This section provides an overview of Packaging rules for ACG and SMART grants and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Packaging Rules for ACG and SMART Grants

To include ACG/SMART grants in Packaging plans, you must:

In Bundle 11, January 2009, the Financial Aid module was updated to accommodate fifth-year students, because the Ensuring Continued Access to Student Loans Act of 2008 (ECASLA) added a fifth-year undergraduate senior grant level for students in a five-year program of study.

The manual, auto, and mass Packaging routines as well as the Repackaging process work the same to award fifth-year students as they do to award fourth-year students.

Note. You must set up a separate aggregate area to award fifth-year undergraduates (for example, SMART3). If you try to assign U5 – fifth year aggregate level to the SMART2 aggregate area currently used for U4 – fourth year aggregate level, students do not receive their maximum SMART award eligibility as a fifth-year undergraduates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Packaging and Repackaging

Page Name

Definition Name



Initial Setup


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Financials, Item Types, Item Types, Initial Setup

Create item types for ACG1, ACG2, SMART1, SMART2, and SMART3.

Aggregate Level Cross-Reference


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Awards, Aggregate Level Translation, Aggregate Level Cross-Reference

Populate the new HERA Academic Level.

Aggregate Aid Limit


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Awards, Aggregate Aid Limit

Create multiple unique aggregate areas for each ACG and SMART grant program by academic level.

Aggregate Area-NSLDS Cross-Reference


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Awards, Aggregate Level Translation, Aggregate Area-NSLDS Cross Reference

Map aggregate area limits to corresponding NSLDS aggregate categories.

FA Item Type 1


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Awards, Financial Aid Item Types, FA Item Type 1

Populate the HERA Academic Level and ACG/SMART Aggregate Area.

FA Item Type 2


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Awards, Financial Aid Item Types, FA Item Type 2

Populate Meet/Need Cost and Award Remainder Rule.

FA Item Type 3


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Awards, Financial Aid Item Types, FA Item Type 3

Set up Campus Self Service for ACG/SMART grants.

FA Item Type 4


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Awards, Financial Aid Item Types, FA Item Type 4

Populate specific Term Category minimum and maximum values for ACG/SMART.

Repackaging Plan


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Awards, Repackaging Plan

Set up rules for ACG and SMART Repackaging plans.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Item Types for ACG and SMART Grants

You must set up five Item Types, one for each award type, ACG1, ACG2, SMART1, SMART2, and SMART3.

Access the Initial Setup page in the Student Financials application and set up the five item types.

See Completing Student Financials General Setup.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding the HERA Academic Level to the Aggregate Table

Access the Aggregate Level Cross-Reference page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Awards, Aggregate Level Translation, Aggregate Level Cross-Reference).

Use this page to populate the Aggregate Level Cross Reference Table for the HERA Academic Level.

NSLDS Loan Year

Select the year level. HERA Academic Level is only available when the NSLDS Loan Year values are one of the following:

1st Year – Never Attended

1st Year – Previously Attended

2nd Year

3rd Year

4th Year

5th Year+

Academic Level

Select the corresponding HERA academic level for each aggregate level from the following values:

1st Year – Never Attended (U0)

1st Year – Previously Attended (U1)

2nd Year (U2)

3rd Year (U3)

4th Year (U4)

5th Year (U5)

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Aggregate Aid Limits

To ensure that the Packaging and Awarding processes correctly track and maintain the unique academic level limits for the ACG and SMART programs, you must create five aggregate areas for ACG1, ACG2, SMART1, SMART2, and SMART3 for each aid year.

Note. If you establish only two aggregate areas (one for ACG and one for SMART), aggregate history is not correctly reflected and both the Packaging process and the NSLDS Push for Aggregates process does not work correctly. You must define five unique aggregate areas.

Access the Aggregate Aid Limit page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Awards, Aggregate Aid Limit).

Federal ID

Select ACG or SMART.

Financial Aid Type

Select Grant when Federal ID is ACG or SMART.

Undergrad Lifetime (undergraduate lifetime)

For each aggregate area, specify one of the following limits:

ACG1 – 750.00

ACG2 – 1300.00

SMART1 – 4,000.00

SMART2 – 4,000.00

SMART3 – 4,000.00


Aggregate Level

Associate the following Aggregate Levels and corresponding Aggregate Limits to each Aggregate Area:

ACG1 for U0: 750.00

ACG1 for U1: 750.00

ACG2 for U2: 1,300.00

SMART1 for U3: 4,000.00

SMART2 for U4: 4,000.00

SMART3 for U5: 4,000.00

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Aggregate Area Limits to NSLDS Aggregate Categories

Access the Aggregate Area-NSLDS Cross-Reference page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Awards, Aggregate Level Translation, Aggregate Area-NSLDS Cross Reference).

Note. Ensure that you have five aggregate areas for ACG1, ACG2, SMART1, SMART2, and SMART3 for each aid year.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Financial Aid Item Types

Access the FA Item Type 1 page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Awards, Financial Aid Item Types, FA Item Type 1).

You must set up a Financial Aid Item Type for ACG1, ACG2, SMART1, SMART2, and SMART3.

Financial Aid Type

Select Grant.

Federal ID

Select ACG or SMART.

Aggregate Area

Select the corresponding aggregate area you set up on the Aggregate Aid Limit page to associate it with this FA Item Type.

Academic Level

Specify the corresponding HERA Academic Level for these FA Item Types:

ACG1, 1st Year

ACG2, 2nd Year

SMART1, 3rd Year

SMART2, 4th Year

SMART3, 5th Year

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Award Rules for ACG and SMART Item Types

Access the FA Item Type 2 page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Awards, Financial Aid Item Types, FA Item Type 2).

The following fields have specific requirements for ACG or SMART grants.

Meet/Need Cost

Select Straight Need/Cost.

Award Remainder Rule

Select Last-Dllrs (last dollars).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Campus Self Service for ACG and SMART Grants

Access the FA Item Type 3 page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Awards, Financial Aid Item Types, FA Item Type 3).

From PeopleSoft Campus Self Service, the student can:

Students cannot accept a reduced or partial ACG/SMART award through self-service. If students were permitted to accept a partial ACG/SMART award, it could impact any subsequent repackaging of that award. This is controlled by the FA Item Type setup pages; when an item type is defined as either ACG or SMART on the FA Item Type 1 page, the Reduce option is not available on FA Item Type 3 page.

See Also

PeopleSoft Campus Self Service 9.0 PeopleBook, "Setting Up Financial Aid Self Service," Setting Up Self-Service Actions and Access in Packaging

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Award Limits for ACG and SMART Item Types

Access the FA Item Type 4 page. (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Awards, Financial Aid Item Types, FA Item Type 4).

The following fields have specific requirements for ACG or SMART grants.

Award Limits by Term Category


Enter a number less than the Maximum field value.


For semester based grants, enter these maximums:

ACG1: 375.00

ACG2: 650.00

SMART1: 2,000.00

SMART2: 2,000.00

SMART3: 2,000.00

For quarter-based grants, enter these maximums:

ACG1: 250.00

ACG2: 433.00

SMART1: 1,333.00

SMART2: 1,333.00

SMART3: 1,333.00

Note. In quarter-based cases where there is an extra dollar remaining to meet the maximum award, the system assigns that dollar to the last term. For examples, 433, 433, 434 to total 1,300 and 1,333, 1333, 1334 to total 4,000.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating an ACG/SMART Repackaging Plan

Access the Repackaging Plan page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Awards, Repackaging Plan).

Create a repackaging plan for your Pell eligible students (Pell Eligibility flag = Y) with the following repackaging rules:

Note. Select the Validate Remainder of Package check box for the last Validate Item Type rule (SMART 3) to ensure that the Repackaging process reduces the remainder of the student's package in case repackaging Pell or ACG/SMART creates an overaward condition.

The system performs the following evaluations for each Pell, ACG, and SMART award.

Pell Grant Awards

The system performs the following evaluation when repackaging Pell Grants:

ACG1 Awards

The system performs the following evaluation when repackaging ACG1 awards:

ACG2 Awards

The system performs the following evaluation when repackaging ACG2 awards:

SMART1 Awards

The system performs the following evaluation when repackaging SMART1 awards:

SMART2 Awards

The system performs the following evaluation when repackaging SMART2 awards:

SMART3 Awards

The system performs the following evaluation when repackaging SMART3 awards:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Disbursement Rules for ACG and SMART Grants

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Defining Item Type Disbursement Rules

Processing Enrollment Transactions Through the Enrollment Component

Defining Subject Areas

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Assign Item Type Disbursement Rules

Page Name

Definition Name





Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Disbursement, Define Item Type Rules, Indicators

Define disbursement authorization rules for a financial aid item type.



Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Disbursement, Define Item Type Rules, Groups/Thresholds

Define additional restrictions necessary for disbursement of the item type.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Disbursement Rules for ACG and SMART Grants

Access the Indicators page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Disbursement, Define Item Type Rules, Indicators).

Use this page to select specific rules used to hold disbursements of financial aid monies.

ASG HERA Level Match (ACG/SMART grant HERA level match)

Select this check box to compare the HERA level in the grant eligibility record with the beginning of term HERA level in FA Term. Authorization fails if the values do not match.


ASG CIP Code Match (ACG/SMART grant Classification of Instructional Programs code match)

Select this check box to compare the CIP code stored in the grant eligibility record to the student's derived CIP code from Student Records data, which is from the student's program, plan, or sub-plan and the CIP Code source setting in the ACG/SMART Processing Options page.

Authorization fails if the values do not match. If the student has more than one CIP code due to having multiple active programs, plans, or sub-plans, one match satisfies the rule.


ASG Minimum GPA (ACG/SMART grant minimum grade point average)

Select this check box to verify that the current GPA meets the minimum GPA assigned for the item type ASG Minimum GPA field.

For non 2nd year ACG item types, the GPA from the current FA Term record is used. If the award is defined as a second year ACG grant, then the GPA that is checked is the current GPA for the term where the student completed their HERA level 1.

Note. The rule fails for new transfer students awarded 2nd year ACG and first time financial aid recipients because they would not have any prior FA Term information. Use the disbursement override functionality to disburse the award.


ASG Incomplete Grades (ACG/SMARTgrant incomplete grades)

Select this check box to check for any enrolled course prior to the current term where the grade is still considered in progress (a final grade has not yet been posted). Only courses requiring a grade are checked. If the rule fails, the term in which the course is enrolled displays an error message.

ASG Pell Grant Awarded (ACG/SMART and Pell grant awarded)

Select this check box to verify that the student has been awarded and has accepted a Pell grant for the current aid year.


SMART Enrollment Verification

Select the value to verify that the student is enrolled in at least one course for the student's SMART grant eligible major. Values are:

Course Catalog: Checks for matching eligible CIP course code in the Course Catalog table.

Subject Table: Checks for matching eligible CIP course code in the Academic Subject table.

Note. The assignment of CIP codes in the Course Catalog Table or Academic Subject Table is not required setup and so this rule might not be available to all institutions. Consult with Student Records staff to determine if this rule can be used and if yes, for which table.

In addition, the rule does not take into consideration any individual override of the student's enrolled courses by their academic advisor. An academic advisor could determine that an enrolled course is acceptable for the student's major regardless of the setup. These cases cannot be recognized by the new rule and must be authorized using the current disbursement override functionality.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Authorization Rules for ACG and SMART Grants

Access the Groups/Thresholds page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Disbursement, Define Item Type Rules, Groups/Thresholds).

The ASG Minimum GPA field displays the GPA used by the ASG Minimum GPA rule. You can update this field only if the ASG Minimum GPA check box is selected on the Indicators page.

Click to jump to parent topicWriting and Using Equations for ACG and SMART Eligibility

This section provides an overview of equations used for ACG and SMART eligibility and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Equations Used for ACG and SMART Eligibility

This section describes the following components:

Equation Groups

Use one equation group per award type (ACG1, ACG2, SMART1, SMART2, SMART3). Within the equation group, specify the order to run the equations by setting the sequence.

Equation Engine Variables

The global variables listed here are available to all equations in the equation group. The variables listed in the first column are passed in and can be updated by the equation. The variables listed in the second column are examined when returned from each equation.

Updateable Global Variables

Global Variables Returned from Equations









TABLE_ID (hardcoded value of '1')




















REVIEW_FLAG (valid values: blank or Y)


The global variables RESULT, MESSAGE_SET_NBR, and MESSAGE_NBR are reset before each equation calculation.

All other global variables are set before the first equation group is called.

If an equation updates the value of a global variable (other than RESULT, MESSAGE_SET_NBR, and MESSAGE_NBR), the new value is passed on to any subsequent equations that are called.

After all equations in an equation group have been executed, any changes to the global variables (other than EMPLID, INSTITUTION, AID_YEAR, STRM, TABLE_ID, REVIEW_FLAG, RESULT, MESSAGE_SET_NBR, and MESSAGE_NBR) are saved in the Eligibility tables.

Any MESSAGE_SET_NBR and MESSAGE_NBR values generated by each equation are saved in the Eligibility tables.

Evaluation of Equation Results

Results from all equations called are evaluated with an AND condition:

In the following examples of equation group RESULTS, UNDTRMND indicates UNDETERMINED.






Student Status Eligibility












Eligible, pending review






























Eligible, pending review







Eligible, pending review






Eligible, pending review






Ineligible, pending review






Ineligible, pending review






Ineligible, pending review






Ineligible, pending review






Eligible, pending review

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDesigning HERA Equations

You can design equations to:

All equations must return a message (message set number and message number) so that it can be displayed to the user.

Equations that perform evaluations for grant eligibility must return a result (PASSED, FAILED, UNDETERMINED) and a message (message set number and message number).

Creating Equation Groups for Special Purposes

You can create special equation groups to evaluate special business processes such as a census reevaluation of eligibility or renewing eligibility for subsequent terms. These may not require the same equations used to make the initial eligibility determination. For example, you could create a special equation group for students already made eligible that would perform census date re-evaluations that only check the student's current enrollment and GPA.

Updating Fields in the Grant Eligibility Record

To update fields in the eligibility record, set the corresponding global variable for the field you want to update with your value. If you use equations that use an eligibility record field that has been updated by another equation, ensure that the equations are executed in the correct sequence. The Grant Eligibility Status field cannot be set by an equation.

Using the Override Fields on the Eligibility Record

If you write equations that update those fields with a corresponding override field, such as HERA Academic Level, CIP Code, or GPA, add logic to check the override field setting and not replace the current value as needed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWriting Equations for Specific Grant Functions

Here are some guidelines for writing equations for the grant process.

Equations designed to evaluate grant eligibility criteria must generate a RESULT and a message (message set number and message number). The possible result can be PASSED, FAILED, or UNDETERMINED:

For each result, set a corresponding message catalog entry. The message appears on the ACG/Grant Eligibility pages to communicate how the equation result was determined.

The overall grant eligibility status is based on the evaluation of results from all equations in the equation group. You can write several simple individual equations to pass information. These equations do not determine the student's eligibility status for the grant themselves, but as a part of the equation group.

Requiring a Student to Be Reviewed

The REVIEW_FLAG variable field automatically forces a record to be resolved by manual review. When the grant process reviews all equation group results, if any equation sets the REVIEW_FLAG to Y, the status is either Eligible, pending review or Ineligible, pending review.

Note. These status values can be set without setting the REVIEW_FLAG. You can create an equation that determines whether the student is a new transfer student and set the review flag to force the record to be reviewed so that the GPA calculation is performed manually.

Equation Security

For information about Equation Engine security, refer to the chapters on setting up and using the Equation Engine in the PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.0 Application Fundamentals PeopleBook.

See Setting Up Equation Engine.

See Working with Equation Engine.

See Equation Engine Programmer's Guide.

Identifying Equations to Be Used by ACG, SMART, or Both

To associate an equation with ACG or SMART processing, an Equation Engine application prompt must be assigned to the equation. Adding an application prompt for a grant type allows the equation to be included in an equation group for that grant type. The application prompt is assigned on the Equation Engine Editor page. The valid application prompts are in:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Delivered Equations for HERA Eligibility Evaluation

The following equations were created to test the PeopleSoft Campus Solutions grant review process. Some might be applicable for use at your institution. Others might be used to develop similar equations that are more applicable based on your business requirements.

Completed Equations



Uses the CIP Code source and the student's academic program, plan, and sub-plan information stored in FA Term to determine the CIP code.

The equation does not verify that the CIP code is SMART eligible.


Assigns the student's CIP code.

Design notes

This should be the default equation used by most schools to determine the CIP code.

This equation is intended to be assigned on the ACG/SMART Processing Options page and should not be used in equation groups.

The equation currently passes a result and messages, but because it is not called from an equation group, they do not appear on the page. This does not affect how the equation determines CIP code.

Suggested local modification




Evaluates the student's CIP code stored in the grant tables for SMART eligibility.


PASSED: CIP code is SMART eligible.

FAILED: CIP code is not eligible or CIP code is blank.

Design notes

This should be a mandatory equation for SMART equation groups.

Suggested local modification

Logic eventually must be added for handling renewal awards where the qualifying CIP code is no longer eligible for new awards. Currently there are no CIP codes that lose eligibility for SMART.



Verifies that the student is Pell eligible based on current ISIR data.


PASSED: Student is Pell eligible.

FAILED: Student is not Pell eligible.

UNDETERMINED: An ISIR does not exist.

Design notes

Equation finds the last official ISIR loaded and determines whether the PS_ISIR_CONTROL.PELL_ELIGIBILITY field value is Y.

Suggested local modification




Verifies that the student's FA load in FA Term is full time.


PASSED: Student is full time.

FAILED: Student is not full time.

Design notes

Equation gets the current FA_LOAD value from FA Term to verify full-time status.

Useful before the student enrolls for the term. After the term begins, switch to monitoring the current load in FA term.

Suggested local modification




Verifies that the student's current load in FA Term is full time.


PASSED: Student is full time.

FAILED: Student is not full time.

Design notes

Equation gets the current FA LOAD_CURRENT value from FA Term to verify full-time status.

Useful after the term has begun. Can be used as part of a census re-evaluation.

Suggested local modification




Checks the NSLDS history tables for previously reported ACG eligibility.


No results are set.

Design notes

This equation sets the REVIEW_FLAG if ACG history data exists. This causes the record to be reviewed manually to complete the review. A message also appears on the grant eligibility page.

Suggested local modification

Can be modified to read the eligibility criteria met and use the same values for the current eligibility record.



Assigns the GPA from Term History (PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM.CUM_GPA).


No results are set.

Design notes

Messages appear on the grant eligibility page to indicate whether the GPA was updated.

The equation respects the GPA override.

Suggested local modification

Calculate a new GPA based on manipulating the STDNT_CAR_TERM enrollment information.



Assigns the student's GPA from the cumulative GPA field on FA Term.


No results are set.

Design notes

Messages appear on the grant eligibility page to indicate whether the GPA was updated.

The equation respects the GPA override.

Suggested local modification

Modify to use the calculated GPA if an override GPA is not acceptable to use.



GPA check for ACG2 recipients.





Design notes

The equation performs the same check as disbursement authorization does for ACG2 recipients. It looks for the earliest FA Term record that the student was enrolled where the beginning of term HERA level is 1 and the end of term level is 2. The GPA threshold is hard coded for 3.0.

If no FA Term record that meets the criteria can be found, UNDETERMINED is set. This may be a new transfer student or one who had not applied for financial aid in previous terms.

Suggested local modification

Modify the GPA if your school uses a different grading scale.

Modify the beginning of term HERA level to include 0 – 1st year, never attended.



Verifies the student's citizenship and eligible noncitizen status.






If the aid year is 2009 or earlier:

Get the current effective dated row in PS_ISIR_STUDENT.



then PASSED,

If not, then FAILED,

If no ISIR_STUDENT row exists, then UNDETERMINED.

A different message appears depending on the result.

If the aid year is 2010 or later:

Get the current effective dated row in PS_ISIR_STUDENT.



then PASSED,

If not, then FAILED,



then PASSED,





Messages (Set 14426)

5010: PASSED: US citizenship/eligible non-citizenship has been confirmed

5011: FAILED: US citizenship/eligible non-citizenship has not been confirmed

5012: UNDETERMINED: Not enough citizenship data exists for the student

Suggested local modification

Equation does not check ISIR comment codes or the alien registration number reported.

Equation Templates

The following equations are examples of how to accomplish a specific evaluation. They are not intended to function at your institution without modification. You should create new equations to use any of the described functionality.



ACG eligibility determined based on the student having a completed checklist.


PASSED (and REVIEW_FLAG is set to Y)


Design notes

A customer suggested this equation during the Alliance conference.

The equation assumes that a completed ACG checklist indicates that the student is eligible. The REVIEW_FLAG is set so that the user must review the student's information to determine the actual eligibility criteria the student met. No review of the checklist items is performed.

Suggested local modification

Schools must create a new SQL statement to replace the delivered FAAS_COMPLETE_CHKLST_EXIST if they use different checklist names.

If a school uses checklists as the only method for determining ACG eligibility, it could enhance it by:

  • Creating unique Checklist Items that represents the actual condition that the student met to be eligible for ACG – HS program, AP/IB, rigorous coursework. The equation could be modified to assign the eligibility reason code based on the existence of the relevant checklist item. If this were done, the REVIEW_FLAG would not be required to be set. The State program code could be assigned as well.

  • Creating a unique message if the checklist exists, but the checklist is not complete. This would probably pass UNDETERMINED status, but a new message, such as ACG grant checklist exists, but is currently in progress.



Determines whether the student self reported ACG eligibility on the ISIR. Makes ineligible for ACG if the student did not self-report.




Design notes

A customer suggested this equation during the Alliance conference.

If an ACG self-identifying comment does not exist, the FAILED status makes the student ineligible.

The equation checks all loaded ISIRs for the student for the existence of comments 267, 268, 269, or 270. If any were received, the equation passes. If none exist, the equation fails.

Suggested local modification

This equation can be modified so that it is merely informational and a message appears on the Grant Eligibility page. Do not set the RESULT to FAILED if no comment exists. Set no result.

Can be modified to only check the current loaded ISIR for comments.

Can check the ISIR staging tables instead of only the loaded ISIR data.



Checks to see if the student meets the ED eligibility criteria for ACG based on External Education, External Subject information.





Design notes

This equation is based on a current customer practice. This assumes that the school updates the student's external education records with ACG-specific external subject codes after review by staff.

Each external subject code indicates the eligibility criteria met by the student. The codes and their meaning are:

  • ACG1 – Student meets state scholars requirement.

  • ACG2 – Student meets ED high school ACG requirement.

  • ACG3 – Student meets the AP/IB ACG requirement.

  • ACG4 – Student not eligible for ACG.

Based on the entered code, the ACG Eligibility reason field can be set by the equation, as well as the state High School program code. Currently the equation only sets ACG Eligibility Reason Code 1 (if ACG1 is posted), but can be modified to set 2 (if ACG3 exists) and 3 (if ACG2 exists).

If none of the external subject codes are found, the equation passes an UNDETERMINED status, which prevents a final status from being updated by the process. This assumes that all ACG candidates have one of these codes to indicate eligibility.

The equation looks at the external subject table without regard to what type of external data is present.

Suggested local modification

In addition to modifying the external subject codes you use (and creating a new equation SQL routine), if you can determine the high school program code to assign, that logic can also be entered. This can be accomplished by creating additional external subject codes.



ACG eligibility check using student groups.


PASSED (and REVIEW_FLAG is set to Y)



Design notes

This equation was suggested by a few schools based on how they currently track whether or not a student is eligible for ACG. The equation is designed to identify if the student has an eligible student group. If so, the review flag is set so that the record must be reviewed manually in order to indicate the ACG eligibility reason code required by COD. If the student has an ineligible student group value, the student is made ineligible. If no student group data exists, the STATUS is set to UNDETERMINED, which prevents the system from automatically setting a final eligibility status.

Two student groups were created: ACG1 to represent ACG eligibility and ACG4 to represent ineligibility for ACG. The equation checks for the existence of these student groups. If none exists, UNDETERMINED is set so that the record is reprocessed. If ACG1 exists, PASSED is set with the REVIEW_FLAG. This would cause an Eligible, pending status (assuming all other equations passed) so that a manual review can be performed and the actual eligibility criteria determined. If ACG4 is found, FAIL is set, which makes the record ineligible.

Suggested local modification

The equation searches for only two student groups. This can be expanded to handle more student group codes.

If a student group value is tied to a specific ACG eligibility reason code, then this value can be assigned by the equation and written to the eligibility table. If this is done, then the setting of the REVIEW_FLAG may not be necessary.

If not all ACG candidates use student groups to determine eligibility, you could modify the equation to not set an UNDETERMINED result if no group exists.



ACG check to see if the student has met the AP requirement for ACG by examining the external test score tables.





Design notes

This checks the PS_STDNT_TEST_COMP tables for records where the TEST_ID = AP when the SCORE is greater than or equal to 3.0. This table is populated by the external test score load process.

If two or more AP rows that meet the criteria are selected, the equation PASSED. If not, then it FAILED. If no rows exist, no result is set.

Suggested local modification

Equation might require modification to only check scores that are accepted by the school. The equation currently checks all loaded test scores that are AP.

If IB scores can also be loaded into this record, then modify the equation to include IB test scores.



ACG check to see if the student has met the AP or IB requirement for ACG by examining the student's external transcript data.





Design notes

The equation uses SQL routines to check the PS_EXT_ACAD_SUBJ for AP and IB subjects. If no subjects exist, no result is set and a message is posted. If subjects exist, the equation passes or fails based on the selected rows.

Suggested local modification

Equation uses the external GPA value as the basis of the AP/IB score. This might require modification if schools capture the score elsewhere in the record.



HERA level check. The student's level is calculated without test credits and compared with the current HERA level. If different, the REVIEW FLAG is set.



FAILED (and REVIEW_FLAG is set to Y)

Design notes

This equation calculates the HERA level by taking the total cumulative units and subtracting all test credit units. Using the same level rule as the FA Term process, the HERA level is determined and then compared with the FA Term calculated level. If they do not match, then a FAILED result is set and the REVIEW_FLAG is set to Y. If the levels match, PASSED is the result.

Suggested local modification

Modify to perform an alternate total number of completed units value that your school prefers to use.



High School graduation date check from the external education (transcript) tables.





Design notes

Because this structure does not actually have a graduation date field, some customers use the PS_SFA_EXT_ACAD.TO_DT field for this purpose. The equation checks the TO_DT for all records where EXT_CAREER = HS. Based on the student's level, the high school graduation date requirement differs. If a high school record exists with no TO_DT value, the result is UNDETERMINED. If the TO_DT exists, the equation results in either PASSED or FAILED.

Level 0,1: 01/01/06 and after

Level 2: 01/01/2005 and after

Suggested local modification

Additional criteria might be added to further validate the transcript information. You might combine this equation with FAASDGRADDT2.



High school graduation check from the admissions application.





Design notes

This equation looks at the admissions application data structure for the graduation date at the last school attended. The school must belong to a specific user-defined school type.

Based on the student's level, the high school graduation date requirement differ. If a high school record exists with no GRADUATION_DATE value, the result is UNDETERMINED. If the GRADUATION_DATE exists, the equation results in either PASSED or FAILED.

Level 0,1: 01/01/06 and after

Level 2: 01/01/2005 and after

Suggested local modification

The school type defined in the equation must be modified.

You might combine this equation with FAASDGRADDT1.



Checks to see if the student has an incomplete graded course in a past term.

If one exists, set the REVIEW_FLAG and post message.



Design notes

Similar to what is performed by disbursements, this equation uses the FAASS_GET_INCOMPL_GRADE SQL to select any courses with either an incomplete or missing grade in a course where the session end date has already passed.

Suggested local modification

SQL might require updating to modify the grade marks that represent an incomplete grade at your school. Currently, 'I' and blank are hard-coded in the SQL.

May want the SQL to not include any courses in the same term as the equation is evaluating.

Modify the equation to set a FAILED result instead of only setting the review flag.



Checks for any posted transfer coursework for the student where no FA Weeks Calculation Statistics have been calculated.

Use this equation to identify potential review candidates when running the grant eligibility process. This equation sets the review flag, which prevents an eligibility record from being set to an Eligible or Ineligible status. To update any new transfer work, you must rebuild FA Term to recalculate the HERA level of the student, and then rerun the eligibility process.




Design notes

  1. Get the max effective dated, ACTIVE row in STDNT_FA_TERM for the student with the same term value and get the career (ACAD_CAREER), academic program (ACAD_PROG_PRIMARY) and academic plan (ACAD_PLAN) values.

  2. Using the EMPLID, ACAD_CAREER, ACAD_PROG and ACAD_PLAN, look for a match in PS_TRNS_CRSE_SCH

Where any of the following fields is greater than 0:



If no row exists, then Result = PASSED.

Message (14426, 5160): No posted transfer coursework for the student's career, program, and plan.


Check the value of these fields:SSR_FAWI_TKN, SSR_FAWI_TKN_GPA, SSR_FAWI_TKN_NOGPA,


If any is greater than 0, then Result = PASSED

Message (14426, 5161): Transfer weeks of instruction review appears to have been completed

If none (all fields are 0 or blank), then set REVIEW FLAG to Y and Result = PASSED

Message (14426, 5162): Student appears to have posted transfer coursework that requires review.

Note. Equation cannot determine whether any posted transfer work with 0 in the FAWI fields was reviewed and no units were allowed. For example, all credit was earned while enrolled in an ineligible program or the credits were exclusively AP or International Baccalaureate (IB) courses.

Suggested local modification

Can be used as a template for creating an equation that checks the transfer test credit or other transfer credit records.

Special Use Equations



Determines the CIP code the same as in FAASCIPFATRM, except that it uses the student's program, plan, and sub plan information in Student Records rather than the Financial aid Term record.

The equation does not verify that the CIP code is SMART eligible.



Design notes

This is an alternate CIP code equation intended as an example of using non FA Term information to determine the CIP code. This equation is not intended to be used in equation groups, but is set on the ACG/SMART Processing Options page.

Suggested local modification

The equation is coded to get the same results as the FAASCIPFATRM equation. Additional modification is required in order to determine which code to select when the student has multiple programs, plans, or subplans.



Alternate HERA level calculation that does not include test credits in the total units used to calculate the student's level.



Design notes

An alternate equation that is set on the ACG/SMART Processing Options page. If not used, the HERA level calculated by the FA Term process is used. This calculates and assigns the student's HERA level stored in the grant record.

This is similar to the equation FAASDCKHERAL.

If used, may cause conflicting level values between the grant record and FA Term. The FA Term value must match in order for awarding and disbursements to function.

Suggested local modification

Modify to derive a total completed units based on your institution's requirements.



ACG Driver Equation. Calls multiple existing equations for an ACG eligibility determination.





Design notes

For the ACG grant, the student must only meet one of the rigorous study requirements to become eligible. This conflicts with the equation group evaluation logic. If one failed, then the eligibility status would become Ineligible (or Ineligible, pending review if the review flag was set). This equation reviews the results for each equation called and sets a PASSED status if only one equation passes and the rest either fail or are undetermined.

This equation processes the results for each attached equation in sequence. When a PASSED result occurs, the driver equation stops. If no called equation passes, then if one resulted in UNDETERMINED, the driver equation results in UNDETERMINED. If none resulted in UNDETERMINED, then the driver equation results in FAILED.

This equation demonstrates how to call the following equations: FASSDAPTEST, FAASDAPTSTEX, FAASDACGRIG, FAASDACGCHKL, FAASDACGSGRP.

Equations that are added must be able to set a result status of PASSED, FAILED, and UNDETERMINED.

Any individual equation called from this main equation should not be used in the same equation group, as it has already been called.

An example equation group using this driver equation would contain:

  • FAASDACGDRVR – to determine whether the ACG requirement is met.

  • FAASSPELLELG – Pell check.

  • FAASDCITIZEN – US Citizenship check.

  • FASSFTLOAD – Full time load check.

Suggested local modification

Schools must add the equations they require to be executed.