Authorizing and Disbursing Financial Aid

This chapter provides an overview of authorizing and disbursing financial aid and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Authorizing and Disbursing Financial Aid

This section lists prerequisites and discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can authorize and disburse a student's aid, accepted financial aid awards must exist for the student. You must also set up global disbursement rules and financial aid item type disbursement rules for each eligible career before authorizing or disbursing awards.

See Also

Defining Basic Global Rules for Authorization

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAuthorization and Disbursement

After a student is awarded financial aid and accepts the award, you authorize each payment disbursement and disburse the money into the student's account. That is, disbursing financial aid to students includes two distinct steps:

  1. The authorization process uses rules to determine whether a particular award can be disbursed to a student's account. The rules can be set up to apply to all students in a particular career or to particular awards for a career.

  2. Disbursement is the transfer of funds from the Financial Aid system to the student's account in the PeopleSoft Student Financials system.

Financial aid awards can appear on the student's account:

See Also

Entering Groups of Transactions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBackground Authorization and Disbursement

Financial Aid enables you to authorize and disburse aid to individual students or to a group of students. You authorize and disburse aid for a group of students using two background (batch) processes:

  1. Authorize awards using background authorization.

  2. Disburse awards using background disbursement.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOnline Authorization and Disbursement

Authorization and disbursement can be done online for individual students and the disbursement process immediately credits the student's account. If the authorization of an award is not successful, the system provides a message explaining each failure. You can revise the student's record and attempt to authorize the award again. If you are unable to authorize an award and want to override the rules that are set up for the career and the award, you can access another page and authorize the award using an override. Authorizing with an override should be done only in very special circumstances because after the award has been authorized, it is easily disbursed. An award can be disbursed only after it is successfully authorized.

Warning! When financial aid is disbursed in batch from PeopleSoft Financial Aid, it appears in Financial Aid pages as if the funds have been applied to the students' accounts. This is not true. The students' accounts are not actually credited until Student Financials Posting processes apply the funds to the students' accounts. The scheduling of batch disbursement processing should be coordinated with the student financial office to ensure that aid is promptly applied to the students' accounts.

Note. The online authorization and disbursement processes do not use the authorization and disbursement calendars. Security for the online authorization and disbursement pages should be closely controlled because aid can be disbursed at any time in the aid year.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAnticipated Aid

When you define financial aid item types, you choose whether the award should be reflected on a student's account in PeopleSoft Student Financials as anticipated aid prior to disbursement. Anticipated aid is financial aid that you have awarded but not disbursed to a student.

You can view anticipated aid for a student in one of two ways:

See Also

Reviewing Anticipated Aid

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicService Impacts on Disbursement Authorization

You can use service impacts to prevent disbursement of financial aid funds. Disbursement authorization verifies whether an active service indicator exists for the disbursement term. If the service indicator has been assigned a service impact intended to stop the disbursement of funds, the item type fails authorization. Generally, negative service indicators should be used to hold disbursements.

See Also

Viewing, Assigning, or Removing Service Indicators

Click to jump to parent topicManaging User Edit Messages

User edit messages are financial aid office communication records that can be assigned to students for a given aid year. Financial aid offices can use these messages to track financial aid-related events for a student to supplement (or to use as an alternative to) the Campus Community 3C's communication records.

To withhold the disbursement of financial aid funds, assign message codes to global or item type disbursement rules in user edit messages. User edit messages can be assigned manually, in batch, or automatically in the NSLDS Transfer Monitoring Alert file process.

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Defining User Edit Messages

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Assign User Edit Messages

Page Name

Definition Name



Review User Edit Messages


  • Financial Aid, Disbursement, Maintain User Edit Messages, Review User Edit Messages

  • Financial Aid, Awards, Maintain User Edit Messages, Review User Edit Messages

Assign new user edit messages or update existing ones for a student for a given aid year and term.

Process User Edit Messages


Financial Aid, Disbursement, Process User Edit Messages, Process User Edit Messages

Assign, update, or delete user edit messages for groups of students.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning User Edit Messages Manually

Access the Review User Edit Messages page (Financial Aid, Disbursement, Maintain User Edit Messages, Review User Edit Messages).

Msg Type (message type)

Enter a message type. Values are:

Error: A severe message type category that indicates a problem that might necessitate halting financial aid processing for the student.

Informtnl (informational): Indicates a student event that has no effect on the student's financial aid processes.

Warning: Indicates a student event that might negatively affect the student's financial aid processes.

Msg Code (message code)

After a message type is selected, the available message codes are limited to those with a matching message type.

Msg Dt/Tm (message date and time)

Displays the date and time that the record was first assigned.


Enter the term for which the user edit message applies. This is a required field.

Msg Action (message action)

Enter the current action taken on the edit message. Values are None Taken, Pending, and Resolved. Edits set to a resolved status do not hold financial aid disbursements.


User-defined field.

User ID

Displays the ID of the user who entered the record.

Dt Compl (date completed)

Displays the date that the Msg Action field is set.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning User Edit Messages in Batch

Access the Process User Edit Messages page (Financial Aid, Disbursement, Process User Edit Messages, Process User Edit Messages).

Population Selection

Population selection is a method for selecting the IDs to process for a specific transaction. The Population Selection group box is a standard group box that appears on run control pages when the Population Selection process is available or required for the transaction. Selection tools are available based on the selection tools that your institution selected in the setup of the Population Selection process for the application process and on your user security. Fields in the group box appear based on the selection tool that you select. The fields behave the same way from within the group box on all run control pages and application processes. If your institution uses a specific delivered selection tool (PS Query, Equation Engine, or external file) to identify IDs for a specific transaction, you must use it.

Note. For a PS Query, include EMPLID as part of the criteria to be used by the run control. Your query must also include the bind record PS_SCCPU_STDNT_BND, which requires EMPLID.

See , Using the Population Selection Process.

Processing Mode

Update Messages

Select this option to have the process update the Msg Action or Process fields or the comments for existing user edit messages for a group of students.

Insert Messages

Select this option to have the process insert new user edit messages for a group of students.

Delete Messages

Select this option to have the process delete existing user edit messages for a group of students.

Error Reporting Selection

You can select to display error messages only, no messages, or all the messages that the process encounters as it runs. If you display at least the error messages, you can decide whether to investigate and resolve the problems.


The fields in the Parameters group box are used differently depending on the processing mode that you select.

Here is an example of the Parameters group box when the processing mode is Insert Messages:

The fields in the Parameters group box are used to create the user edit messages for the selected students.

A user edit message is not inserted if a record with the same Institution, Aid Year, Term, Msg Type, and Msg Action already exists.

In addition, a user edit message is inserted only if the student is active for the aid year of the intended term.

Here is an example of the Parameters group box when the processing mode is Update Messages:

The fields that are located above the Update Fields section are criteria fields. Any records that are selected by the selection tool must also meet these additional criteria to be updated.

Only the fields that appear in the Update Fields section can be updated: Process, Msg Action, and comments.

Here is an example of the Parameters group box when the processing mode is Delete Messages:

The fields in the Parameters group box are criteria fields. Records that are selected by the selection tool must also meet these additional criteria to be deleted.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning Background Authorization and Disbursement

This section provides an overview of background authorization and disbursement, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Background Authorization and Disbursement

In most situations, you run authorization and disbursement as background processes for all students who have not had their awards authorized or disbursed.

Before running these processes, ensure that all terms and careers are specified in your authorization and disbursement calendars and that all financial aid item types needed are correctly defined in the disbursement calendar. You can review a summary of your authorization calendar and disbursement calendar using the View Calendar Settings (DISB_AUTH_CAL_SMRY)component.

The background processes use the authorization and disbursement calendars and the Disbursement Date field on the Disbursement ID page to control whether awards can be disbursed. You can also use the Authorize Aid page and the Disburse Aid page to further refine the group of students and the financial aid item types. These pages provide more flexibility than using only the calendars and provide an improvement in performance.

Using these pages, you can redesign a background process previously defined by the disbursement and authorization calendars as a single run control with multiple rows that runs more efficiently. Also, a commit to the database occurs as each row of run parameters is processed, rather than waiting for the entire background process to finish.

The Term and Item Type fields on the Authorize Aid and Disburse Aid pages act as a filter against the criteria defined in the calendar. For example, you set up your disbursement calendar for aid year 2006 to select all valid terms and all item types. You can set up the batch authorization and disbursement processes to run for only one of the valid terms by creating a run control row that selects only that term. If you select specific financial aid item types for processing using the Item Type field, remember that:

If you do not use the Term and Item Type fields, use the authorization and disbursement calendars to define the records to be processed, and not the batch run settings on the Authorize Aid and Disburse Aid pages.

See Also

Authorization and Disbursement Calendars

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

Process Instance

Displays the unique identifying number assigned by Process Scheduler to each active row when the authorization process runs.

Run Date and Time

Displays the most recent date and time that the process has been run.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run Background Authorization and Disbursement Processes

Page Name

Definition Name



Disbursement Calendar Summary


Financial Aid, Disbursement, View Calendar Settings, Disbursement Calendar Summary

Review your institution's disbursement calendar for a particular financial aid year by effective-dated row.

Authorize Calendar Summary


Financial Aid, Disbursement, View Calendar Settings, Authorize Calendar Summary

Review your institution's authorization calendar for a particular financial aid year by effective-dated row.

Authorize Aid


Financial Aid, Disbursement, Process Award Authorizations, Authorize Aid

Authorize financial aid in batch by selecting records for authorization and then running the Background Mass Authorization process.

Disburse Aid


Financial Aid, Disbursement, Process Disbursements, Disburse Aid

Disburse financial aid in batch by selecting records to disburse and then running the Background Mass Disbursement process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAuthorizing Financial Aid in Batch

Access the Authorize Aid page (Financial Aid, Disbursement, Process Award Authorizations, Authorize Aid).

You can restrict the authorization process to specific terms and financial aid item types, as well as set up and process multiple institutions and aid years using the same run control ID. If you do not restrict the authorization process, the process evaluates all students defined in the authorization calendar that have awards with a status of Accepted (where the current disbursement amount does not match the current authorized amount—unless the reauthorize option is selected). The process then uses the global and financial aid item type disbursement rules to determine whether an award can be authorized. If an award requires manual authorization, you receive an error message during background processing.


Select to indicate that this row of settings can be processed. You can insert additional rows and have more than one aid year active at the same time. When you run the authorization process, all active rows are processed. The authorization process cannot update rows that have this check box cleared.

Update Switch

Select to have the background authorization process update the database. To perform a test run of the authorization process, clear this check box.

Select Awards in Offered Stat (select awards in offered status)

This check box is available when the Update Switch check box is cleared. Select to have the authorization process review only awards in Offered status. This option is available only when you are performing a test run so that you do not inadvertently authorize and disburse offered awards.

Process Selected Terms

Select to authorize only selected terms instead of all terms defined for this aid year in the authorization calendar. If cleared, all terms defined in the authorization calendar are authorized.


List the terms defined in the authorization calendar for this aid year that you want to authorize. Only terms defined in the authorization calendar are available for selection.

Process Selected Items

Select to process only selected financial aid item types instead of all financial aid item types.

Note. The authorization calendar does not define which financial aid item types to authorize. If you do not select this check box, all financial aid item types are processed.

Item Type

Select the financial aid item types that you want to authorize.


Run the Background Mass Authorization process (FAPAUTHS) when you are ready to authorize students in batch.

Authorization results done in test mode can be viewed on the Student Authorize/Disburse page.

See Reviewing Authorization and Disbursement Results.

See Also

Defining Disbursement and Anticipated Aid

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDisbursing Financial Aid in Batch

Access the Disburse Aid page (Financial Aid, Disbursement, Process Disbursements, Disburse Aid).

Only awards that have been authorized (but the disbursed amount does not match the authorized amount) are included in the batch for disbursement. You can restrict the disbursement process to specific terms and financial aid item types. You can also set up and process multiple institutions and aid years using the same run control ID.


Select to indicate that this row is active for the current aid year. You can insert additional rows and have more than one aid year active at the same time. The disbursement process skips rows that have this check box cleared.

Honor Disbursement Date

Select to have the disbursement process compare the disbursement date on the Disbursement ID page against the current date for all selected financial aid item types. The process disburses only those awards that have a disbursement date that is earlier than or equal to the current date. Use the Grace Period (Days) field to allow disbursement dates within a specified number of days to be disbursed as well.

Grace Period (Days)

This field is available only if you select the Honor Disbursement Date check box. Enter a limit to the number of days before the disbursement date that funds can be processed for disbursement. For example, if you never want funds to be disbursed more than five days before the scheduled disbursement date, enter 5 in the field. If you want the disbursement date to be earlier than or equal to the current date without exception, enter 0 in this field.

For example, assume that you are running the disbursement process on 09/11/00, and you want to process all awards with disbursement dates of 09/15/00 and earlier. You would enter 4 in this field for these disbursement dates to be processed.

Process Selected Terms

Select to disburse only selected terms instead of all terms within the aid year.


Enter the terms defined in the disbursement calendar for this aid year that you want to disburse.

Process Selected Items

Select to disburse only selected financial aid item types instead of all the financial aid item types selected on the disbursement calendar.

Important! The financial aid item types that you select on the Disburse Aid page do not override the disbursement calendar settings. For example, if the disbursement calendar indicates that all financial aid item types except 900000000001 should be processed, and the Disburse Aid page specifies that only item type 900000000001 should be processed, then no disbursements are made.

Item Type

Select the financial aid item types that you want to disburse. Although all financial aid item types are available for selection in this field, only financial aid item types defined in the disbursement calendar are eligible for processing.


Run the Background Mass Disbursement process (FAPDISBS) when you are ready to disburse aid in batch.

Click to jump to parent topicDisbursing Aid Manually

Although you generally run authorization and disbursement for large numbers of students as a background process, you can use the Disburse Aid page to authorize and disburse aid online for an individual student. You can authorize and disburse all of the aid for a term or for a particular award for the term. The page requires you to authorize each award individually.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Disburse Aid Manually

Page Name

Definition Name



Disburse Aid


Financial Aid, Disbursement, Disburse Aid, Disburse Aid

Authorize and disburse aid manually for a single student, one award at a time.

Disburse Aid - Message Detail


Click the Messages link on the Disburse Aid page or the Disburse Aid with Overrides page.

Review messages for authorization failure, disbursement failure, and disbursement success, as well as override messages.

Disburse Aid - Message Detail: Description



Click the Messages link on the Disburse Aid - Message Detail page or on the Student Authorize/Disburse page.

View further information about the displayed message.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAuthorizing and Disbursing Aid Manually

Access the Disburse Aid page (Financial Aid, Disbursement, Disburse Aid, Disburse Aid).

This page displays all of the student's financial aid awards for the selected term. The financial aid award must have a status of Accepted for the Authorization button to be available. The page shows awards by term, so you can disburse aid only for one term at a time. This can help prevent disbursing aid for subsequent terms unintentionally.

Disb ID (disbursement ID)

Displays the disbursement ID for the award that falls within the selected term. If the award (such as a Direct Loan) has more than one disbursement that falls within the term, multiple disbursement IDs for the award are on this page.

Disb Date (disbursement date)

Displays the date that the disbursement ID is scheduled for disbursement.


Displays the award amount that the student has accepted.


Displays the amount that has been authorized for disbursement for that disbursement ID. This amount is zero until you have successfully authorized the award, using either the Authorization button on this page or the background authorization process.

Net Disb Bal (net disbursement balance)

Displays the net disbursement balance, which differs from the accepted amount if the actual amount that the student receives is reduced by any administrative fees. This situation occurs for many student loan programs. The amount reflects the net disbursement after fees are taken out.


Displays the amount that has been disbursed to the student for that disbursement ID. This amount is zero until you have successfully disbursed the award, using either the Disbursement button on this page or the background disbursement process.


Click to run the authorization process for the disbursement ID of a specific financial aid item type for the displayed term. Authorization uses global and financial aid item type disbursement rules to determine whether the award can be authorized. If authorization is not successful, the process generates a message explaining the reason for failure. If authorization fails, your institution's business processes determine whether any corrective action is required by the student, financial aid office, or another department to resolve the failure. After authorization is successful, the Disbursement button becomes available.


Click to disburse a specific financial aid item type for the term. This button is available for use only after successful authorization of the award. Click this button to start a disbursement program and send a quick post of funds to the student's account in PeopleSoft Student Financials. If the student does not already have a student account set up, sending the disbursement also establishes the student's account.


Click to access the Disburse Aid - Message Detail page and review messages for authorization failure, disbursement failure, and disbursement success. If authorization passes successfully, no messages appear.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Authorization and Disbursement Failure Messages

Several loan types have special authorization rules that are not set up in the Global Disbursement (Disbursement Rules: Global - Indicators page) or Item Type (FA Item Type 5 page, Disbursement Rules: Item Type - Indicators, Groups/Thresholds, Checklists/Tracking) disbursement rules setup pages.

Messages for these special loan item types and missing term data are described in this section.

Error Messages for FFEL, Direct, and Alternative Loan Item Types

The authorization process checks the LOAN_STDNT_AWD record to verify that funds have been received for the student. If funds have not been received, the following authorization error message is sent: Funds for this disbursement have not been recorded in the system.

After funds have been received by electronic roster or by manual entry in the CommonLine Disbursement Maintenance page, the authorization process can reevaluate the item type.

You cannot use the Disburse Aid with Override page to override this authorization error.

Error Messages for ACG and SMART Grant Item Types

The disbursement authorization process verifies for ACG and SMART grant item types that eligibility has been established in the ACG/SMART Grant Eligibility component. The current status for the same grant type and term must be Eligible. Any other value results in an authorization error message.

The authorization process verifies that the academic level in the eligibility record matches the level assigned to the item type, which is a new field in the Financial Aid Item Type component. If the values do not match, the award fails authorization and an authorization error message is logged.

Error Messages for Perkins Loan Item Types

If a Perkins loan item type is set up in the Financial Aid Item Type page to require a completed master promissory note, the authorization process checks whether the requirement has been met. If not, one of these error messages is sent:

You cannot use the Disburse Aid with Override page to override this authorization error.

Error Message for Missing Term Data

If you manually change a student's career, program, or both in the Financial Aid Term record and do not populate all corresponding fields in that record, you create a condition that prevents disbursements from occurring. Packaging the student with missing term data causes the STDNT_AWRD_DISB field to be incomplete.

When you attempt to disburse any monies, you receive the error message: Fatal Error - Business Unit Not Passed. This indicates that the business unit is missing from the STDNT_AWRD_DISB field. The STDNT_AWRD_DISB field is populated as part of the Financial Aid Term record and then propagated to the student award table as a result of award posting.

To resolve this error, you must populate the Financial Aid Term record completely, post the student's awards, and then authorize and disburse the aid.

Click to jump to parent topicDisbursing Aid with Overrides

If you want to disburse the student's award even though it has failed authorization, you can use the Disburse Aid with Override page to override the authorization rules. Disbursing aid by overriding the authorization rules should be done only in special cases.

Warning! Because the Disburse Aid with Override page enables you to override both the global and financial aid item type disbursement rules, you might want to limit the number of users who have access to this page.

This section discusses how to authorize and disburse aid using overrides.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Disburse Aid with Overrides

Page Name

Definition Name



Disburse Aid with Override


Financial Aid, Disbursements, Disburse Aid with Override, Disburse Aid with Override

Authorize and disburse aid using overrides. These overrides prevent global and financial aid item type rules from being enforced.

Disburse Aid with Overrides - Message Detail (inquiry)


Click the Messages link on the Disburse Aid page or the Disburse Aid with Override page.

Review messages for authorization failure, disbursement failure, disbursement success; review override messages.

Disburse Aid with Overrides - Message Detail: Description (inquiry)



Click the Messages link on the Disburse Aid - Message Detail page or on the Student Authorize/Disburse page.

View further information about the displayed message.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAuthorizing and Disbursing Aid Using Overrides

Access the Disburse Aid with Override page (Financial Aid, Disbursements, Disburse Aid with Override, Disburse Aid with Override).

The Disburse Aid with Override page displays all of the student's financial aid awards for the selected term. The financial aid award must have a status of Accepted for the Authorization button to be available. The page shows awards by term, so you can disburse aid only for one term at a time. This helps to prevent disbursing aid for subsequent terms unintentionally.

Override Authorization

Select to have the authorization process ignore the global and financial aid item type disbursement rules. Then click the Authorization button to run authorization and make available the Disbursement button.

After you have authorized an award with overrides, the system clears this check box. The only way to determine whether the amount was authorized with overrides is to click the Messages link. The message Authorization has been Overridden! indicates that overrides were used.

Note. If you attempt to override authorization for external loans, such as the FFEL Stafford, Plus, and Alternative loans, the funds must be received at your institution or the authorization process fails, regardless of the override.

The descriptions for the other fields on this page match those on the Disburse Aid page.

See Also

Authorizing and Disbursing Financial Aid

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Authorization and Disbursement Results

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Review Authorization and Disbursement Results

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Authorize/Disburse


Financial Aid, Disbursement, View Disbursement Status, Student Authorize/Disburse

Review a student's authorization and disbursement activity by term. The page displays only the awards that you have authorized or tried to authorize.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing a Student's Authorization and Disbursement Activity

Access the Student Authorize/Disburse page (Financial Aid, Disbursement, View Disbursement Status, Student Authorize/Disburse).

Disb ID (disbursement ID)

Displays the disbursement ID for the award that occurs within the selected term. If the award has more than one disbursement that occurs within the term, and these disbursement IDs have been authorized, use the scroll arrows to view the other disbursement IDs.

Disb Plan (disbursement plan)

Displays the disbursement plan associated with the award.


Displays the award amount offered by the financial aid office to the student when the student was packaged.


Displays the award amount that the student has accepted.

Auth (authorized)

Displays the total amount that has been authorized for disbursement for that disbursement ID. This amount is zero until you have successfully authorized the award.


Displays the total amount that has been disbursed to the student for that disbursement ID. This amount is zero until you have successfully disbursed the award.


You can view any authorization or disbursement messages for this disbursement ID in this group box.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Award Summary Information

You view summary information regarding a student's financial aid awards and the authorized and disbursed amounts on several pages. These pages all include the authorized and disbursed amounts but vary in additional information and format.

Award Summary By Date

Use the As of Award Summary page (Financial Aid, Awards, View by Date, As of Award Summary) to review a student's aid information as of a particular date. The page displays information for the entire aid year, including the financial aid item type, the career, and the offered, accepted, authorized, and disbursed amounts for each award in that aid year. The information is from student award information and the authorization and disbursement processes.

See Reviewing Award Summary by Date.

Award Summary Information

Use the Award Summary page (Financial Aid, Awards, View Term Award Summary, Award Summary) to view a student's awards and the offered, accepted, authorized, and disbursed amounts for each award for the entire aid year. Totals for each type of amount are displayed at the bottom of the page. Authorized and disbursed amounts might not equal the accepted amount if not all terms have been disbursed.

See Reviewing an Annual Award Summary.

Award Summary Information By Category

Use the Award Category Totals page (Financial Aid, Awards, View Award Category Summary) to view awards by award category for the entire aid year. Totals for each award category and information about unmet need (including both federal and institutional calculations of need) are available. If the student has been overawarded by either federal or institutional calculations, the unmet need information is highlighted in red. You can click the drill-down button to view the awards included in each category—and the award status, offered, accepted, authorized, and disbursed amounts, and career, disbursement plan and split codes.

See Reviewing Award Summary Information by Category.

Earnings Summary and Awards

Use the Awards/Earnings Summary component to view a student's financial aid awards and campus earnings. Information for each award includes the associated career, offered amount, accepted amount, authorized amount, and disbursed amount. The campus earnings information includes hours worked and gross earnings expressed in year-to-date, month-to-date, and quarterly amounts.

See Managing Work-Study.