31 Installing Content Integration Platform for File Systems and Microsoft SharePoint

This chapter contains procedures for installing and configuring the Content Integration Platform to support publishing from file systems and Microsoft SharePoint systems to WebCenter Sites.

This chapter contains the following sections:

31.1 Installation Overview

This section contains the following topics:

31.1.1 Prerequisites

31.1.2 Packaging

Content Integration Platform is delivered as the following set of files:

File Description
cipagent-vNo.msi (for Windows) cipagent-vNo.rpm.bin (for Linux) These files install Content Integration Agent (CIPCommander and service), and configuration files used to control the Agent process.
csagentservices.war This file installs Sites Agent Services, including property files used to set the detail of log files and regulate access to the WebCenter Sites database.
cs_filesystem_schema.zip This file installs the FileSystem flex family.
cs_sharepoint_schema.zip This file installs the SharePoint flex family.

31.1.3 Where to Install the Files

Content Integration Platform uses native executables.

To install Content Integration Platform: 

  1. Install Content Integration Agent on any computer that runs a supported operating system and can access both the source and target systems.


    For information about supported systems in this release, see the Oracle WebCenter Sites Certification Matrix.
  2. Deploy csagentservices.war to a system that has access to the WebCenter Sites Shared directory.

    The WebCenter Sites system must be fully functional. It must not be a production (delivery) system.

  3. Install the applicable schema on WebCenter Sites:

    • cs_filesystem_schema.zip

    • cs_sharepoint_schema.zip

Complete installation instructions are provided in Section 31.2, "Installing Content Integration Platform."

31.2 Installing Content Integration Platform


To ensure a smooth installation process, read the steps below to gain an understanding of the installation procedure and the information you will be asked to provide. To efficiently complete "Step 3: Installing Schema on WebCenter Sites," you must be an experienced WebCenter Sites administrator.

In this section, you will complete the following steps:

31.2.1 Step 1: Installing Content Integration Agent

  1. If you are using a Windows operating system, install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) on the same computer that will host Content Integration Agent. (The redistributable package is available for download from the Microsoft web site.)

  2. Run the cipagent file on a computer that runs a supported operating system and can access both the source and target systems.

    • Windows:

      Run cipagent- and follow the steps on the screen. The CIP Agent installer is located in CIP Installation Binaries under the Agent folder.

      The following folders are created in the target directory:

          ..all conf files
          ..all certificates and private keys
          ..log file
    • Linux:

      The CIP Agent installer is located in CIP Installation Binaries under the Agent folder.

      Run as a root user the following command on the source system:


      This command installs the following directories:

            cipagent -exe          
              ..all librariesshare  
  3. Back up the configuration file catalog.xml (located in [path_to_cipagent]/conf/ and in Linux in /usr/local/share/conf/).

  4. Edit catalog.xml.

    The catalog.xml file stores configuration settings that are required by Content Integration Agent to connect to the source system and WebCenter Sites. You will edit this file to provide Content Integration Agent with system location and user information.

    1. Using a text editor, open catalog.xm l.

    2. Edit the adapter for Oracle WebCenter Sites.

      Locate the provider element with name "cs" and id "70b1e307-26a1-499c-9295-cf0b6bd01342" and set the following parameters:

      • urlAS: Point to the Web Services module deployed with WebCenter Sites. Only the host name and port need to be modified. Typically, they are the name of the host and port where WebCenter Sites is running. Do not alter the context name and context-related path unless you are sure they differ from the default (http://localhost:8080/csagentservices/InfostoriaService).

      • username: User name of the account that has permissions to modify WebCenter Sites database tables (e.g., fwadmin, the general administrator).

      • password: Above user's password (e.g., xceladmin, assuming fwadmin as the username).

      • context: Leave this blank

    3. If you are using Microsoft SharePoint, edit the adapter for the SharePoint installation.

      Locate the provider element with name "sharepoint" and id "7137dd5d-9ed7-4327-b4fd-8caeebd5889a", and set the following parameters:

      • urlSharepoint: URL pointing to the SharePoint site from which you plan to publish. Typically you need to modify only the host name (the default value is http://localhost).

      • username: User name for the account that has permissions to publishable content.

      • password: Above user's password.

    4. Save catalog.xml.

  5. Restart the Content Integration Agent executable:

    • Windows: Restart the Content Integration Agent service.

    • Linux: Type as root user: /sbin/service cipagent restart


      The Content Integration Agent executable can be run as a standalone process or as a system daemon. The executable will start a simple HTTP server on the default port 7070, which is reserved for CIPCommander communications with Content Integration Agent. Port 7070 is bound to the localhost, and therefore does not expose your system to any additional security risks.The fileserver facility default configuration takes port 7071 and attempts to automatically detect the host name. If you have more than one network interface installed on the machine where Agent is running, we advise changing auto to the DNS name or the IP address that is accessible from the Sites Agent Services installation.Should you need to change the port, edit the port designation in facilities.xml and add -p <port> to all commands that start CIPCommander.
  6. Continue to the next step, "Step 2: Installing Sites Agent Services."

31.2.2 Step 2: Installing Sites Agent Services


Sites Agent Services can be installed on any WebCenter Sites system other than production (delivery). We recommend a content management (staging) system.
  1. Edit the following files in csagentservices.war (all the files are located in csagentservices/WEB-INF/classes ):

    • commons-logging.properties: defines the log file and log detail settings

    • csAgentServices.properties: enables access to the WebCenter Sites database

    1. Using a text editor, edit commons-logging.properties to point to the Agent Services log file (agentservices.log).

    2. Create a data source specific to the application server (more information is available in Part VIII, "Installing Oracle WebCenter Sites.")

    3. Modify csAgentServices.properties to enable access to the WebCenter Sites database.

      Using a text editor, set the following properties:

      • uploader.username: User name of an account with permissions to edit flex families.

      • uploader.password: Password for the provided user name.

      • cs.installDir: WebCenter Sites installation directory (e.g., C:\CS)

      • cs.url: WebCenter Sites URL. Point to the WebCenter Sites web application. The default value is: http://localhost:8080/cs

      Save csAgentServices.properties.

  2. Deploy csagentservices.war on the application server on the WebCenter Sites host.

  3. Restart the application server.

  4. Continue to the next step, "Step 3: Installing Schema on WebCenter Sites."

31.2.3 Step 3: Installing Schema on WebCenter Sites

In this step, you will import the applicable zip file(s), listed below, into WebCenter Sites:

  • cs_filesystem_schema.zip

  • cs_sharepoint_schema.zip

To install schema 

  1. Run catalogmover.bat (or catalogmover.sh on Linux) from the WebCenter Sites installation directory.


    To use CatalogMover, you must connect it to WebCenter Sites:
    1. Choose Server, and then Connect.

    2. Provide the following information:

      Server: The name of the HTTP server you want to connect to, and the port on which the server is running.

      Name: ContentServer


      Below the "Password" field, select (or enter) a value that applies to your WebCenter Sites installation.

    3. Click Connect.

  2. Go to Catalog, and then Auto Import Catalog(s).

    1. Select the file to import.

    2. In the import dialog, fill in the fields as shown below:

      Catalog Data Directory: Leave the default value

      Catalog ACL List: Browser,SiteGod,xceleditor,xceladmin

    3. If necessary, import the remaining files.

  3. Log in to the WebCenter Sites Admin interface as the general administrator (fwadmin/ xceladmin, by default) and continue as follows:

    1. Enable each imported flex family for an existing content management site (names of flex family members begin with the name of the source system). You can also create a new site for the flex family (or families).

    2. For easy access to published content, create a tree tab (for example, FileSystem tab or SharePoint tab).

    For instructions on enabling flex families, creating sites, and creating tree tabs, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebCenter Sites Administrator's Guide.

  4. Continue to the next step, "Step 4: (Optional) Configuring Event Notification."

31.2.4 Step 4: (Optional) Configuring Event Notification

When CIP administrators must be notified of events at the source system and their synchronization, you (or the administrators) can enable any or all of the sample workflows.


The following workflows must be installed and enabled before an asset is published: CIPAssetDeleted and CIPAssetDeletionFailed

For information and instructions on installing sample workflows, see the chapter "Configuring Event Notification" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebCenter Sites Administrator's Guide.

31.3 Verifying the Installation

In this step, you will publish a test folder to WebCenter Sites. You will also verify the synchronization process by adding, deleting, and modifying the test folder's contents.

To verify the CIP installation 

  1. Back up mappings.xml (located on the server that hosts Content Integration Agent).

  2. Select (or create) a test folder with default metadata (defined in the default mappings.xml file). That is:

  3. Test the publishing process. For instructions, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebCenter Sites Administrator's Guide.

  4. Test the synchronization process by renaming, moving, deleting, and creating subfolders and documents (including pictures in SharePoint). Test the attributes by deleting and adding them. (When adding attributes, follow the instructions in the "Remapping" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebCenter Sites Administrator's Guide.)

  5. Test the unpublish process by running the unpublish command (see the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebCenter Sites Administrator's Guide).

31.4 Publishing Production Data

The quickest way to publish objects is to use the default mappings.xml file and flex families provided with CIP. Complete one of the following steps, depending on how your source system is configured:

31.5 Customizing Your CIP Installation

Content Integration Platform can be customized in many ways. For example:

  • Default flex families can be modified for custom scenarios, or they can be replaced with custom flex families.

  • Flex filters can be added to flex families. (If you implement flex filters, make sure to add the corresponding jar files to both the WebCenter Sites and Sites Agent Services applications.)

  • Attributes can be modified on the source system, or added to the source system.

  • New document types can be added to the source system.

  • Workflows can be implemented in order to notify administrators of CIP-related events that occur or fail to occur in WebCenter Sites, in response to changes on the source system.

Information about customizing a CIP installation can be found in the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebCenter Sites Developer's Guide.