Defining Your Organizational Structure

This chapter provides an overview of organizational structure requirements and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Organizational Structure Requirements

Before you can define consolidation rules and establish consolidation models, you must define the supporting data that describes your organizational structure, including:

General options

These include installation options, country and state information, accounting calendars, timespans, currency-related tables, user defaults, units of measurement, market rates, and so on.

Business units

These include all hierarchical entities on the consolidation tree.

Elimination entities

Entities used to book intercompany eliminations.

Account types, accounts, and account nodes

These include the accounts, their account types (categories such as Asset, Liability and so on), and the account nodes to be used on account rollup trees.

Ledger templates and ledgers

The ledger used for consolidation.

Models and scenarios

Models and scenarios by which to group and process consolidation data.


These include trees to establish the account rollup and consolidation entity hierarchy.

The topics in this chapter are covered in detail in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Performance Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook The information covered in this chapter provides supplemental details that are specific to Global Consolidations.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up General Options

There are several supporting objects that you must establish within PeopleSoft Enterprise Performance Management that are used by Global Consolidations. These include installation options, country and state information, accounting calendars, timespans, currency-related tables, user defaults, units of measurement, market rates, and so on. Refer to PeopleSoft Enterprise Performance Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook for details.

See Setting Up EPM Infrastructure, Business Rules, and Security.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Business Units

This section provides an overview of business units and discusses how to establish business units for Global Consolidations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Business Units

Business units in Global Consolidations can be legal entities, a portion of a legal entity, or a collection point for consolidation-specific entries. Several categories of business units are used in Global Consolidations. It is important to understand how they differ and the terms used to refer to them.

Warehouse Business Unit

Represents a strategic view of an organization that is used for reporting and analysis by PeopleSoft EPM. Because ledger records are associated with a business unit, each set of ledger data that you load into PeopleSoft EPM must be associated with a warehouse business unit. Each of your subsidiary business units must be defined as a warehouse business unit.

Common Consolidation Business Unit

A warehouse business unit that is associated with a consolidation ledger. This is the highest level business unit, to which all subsidiary amounts are consolidated. To designate that a business unit is a common consolidation business unit, on the Warehouse Business Unit page, in the Business Unit Type group box, select the Consolidated check box.

The system uses this business unit to determine the setID, which is the key in defining the common calendar and common chart of accounts for the consolidation model. This is the business unit that you specify when entering the parameters for running the consolidation engines. Even though consolidations can be performed on any dimension, or ChartField, a common consolidation business unit is always required.

You must define a warehouse business unit for each subsidiary, affiliate, and consolidation tree node. You will also need to establish warehouse business units to hold elimination results for each node on the consolidation tree.

See Defining Elimination Entities.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Business Units

Page Name

Definition Name



Warehouse Business Unit


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, Business Framework, Warehouse Business Units

Establish warehouse business units and specify their base currency and type.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Business Units for PeopleSoft Global Consolidations

Access the Warehouse Business Unit page (EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, Business Framework, Warehouse Business Units).

This page is described in detail in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Performance Management Fundamentals PeopleBook. The Business Unit Type group box is particularly important to PeopleSoft Global Consolidations, and includes these options:


Select to indicate a business unit to which you are associating a consolidation ledger. For example, when you are defining a common consolidation business unit, you would select this check box. Typically you would not select this check box for subsidiary business units.


Select to disable this business unit from running processes; as a result, the business unit does not appear as a valid business unit in the drop-down list boxes on run control pages. When consolidating by business unit, you may select this check box for business units on your consolidation tree that are used as summarization nodes or as elimination business units, as long as you do not intend to use those business units for additional processing. Selecting this check box in Add mode disables the Create BU button.

In general, elimination entities for ledger business units should be marked as non-processing to ensure that elimination entities are not selected when the system populates the ledger preparation rule with business units to be processed.

This example shows a simple consolidation tree and how business units are hierarchically arranged on the tree:

In the example, AMERI and USCON are summarization nodes, so they should be set up as non-processing business units. Business units E1000, E1300, and E1330 are elimination business units, and they should also be set up as non-processing business units. The root node, business unit 10000 in this example, is the common consolidation business unit.

Note. It is not a requirement for the common consolidation business unit to be the root node on the consolidation tree.

See Also

Establishing Warehouse Business Units Manually

Guidelines for Consolidation Trees

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Elimination Entities

This section provides an overview of elimination entities and discusses how to establish elimination entities.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Elimination Entities

Elimination entities are used to book the journal entries that result from consolidation processing. These entities are part of your consolidation tree; there must be a single elimination entity for each branch or parent node on the tree. The elimination entity doesn't necessarily represent an actual object within your organization, rather it is a logical object that the system uses to book elimination journals. The objects that you use as elimination entities must be previously defined.

For example, if you are consolidating by business unit, you would need to establish a warehouse business unit for each elimination business unit (by using the Warehouse Business Unit page). Likewise, if consolidating by department, each elimination department would need to be established (by using the EPM Foundation OW-E Department Dimension Maintenance page).

Defining Warehouse Business Units as Elimination Entities

When you define a warehouse business unit that is solely used an elimination entity, select the Non-Processing option in the Business Unit Type section.

This is an example of a warehouse business unit that will be defined as an elimination entity:

Note that the Business Unit Type is Non-Processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Elimination Entities

Page Name

Definition Name



Elimination Entity


Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Common Definitions, Elimination Entity

Establish elimination entities by identifying the entities to which elimination journal entries that result from consolidation processing are booked.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Elimination Entities

Access the Elimination Entity page (Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Common Definitions, Elimination Entity).

To access the page, specify the setID, consolidation dimension, ledger template, and value. The value is equivalent to the name of the elimination entity, and represents its value within the consolidation dimension.

Specify the effective date and status.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Account Types, Accounts, and Account Nodes

This section provides an overview of account types, accounts, and account nodes and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Account Types, Accounts, and Account Nodes

Accounts categorize monetary values stored in ledgers and classify the nature of a transaction. Typically you can load subsidiary ledger accounts by using the extract, transform, and load (ETL) tool within PeopleSoft EPM, but you may need to create the accounts used by your consolidation ledger.

Account types categorize accounts that normally appear on a balance sheet versus those that appear on an income statement, and also specify whether or not accounts are balance forward accounts. You need to define your organization's account types and assign the balance forward flag appropriately. When you define a new account, you associate it with an account type.

Account nodes are used with account trees to associate detailed accounts with the tree. In this example, the account nodes CASH, RECEIVABLES, INTERUNITREC, and INVENTORIES are all assigned ranges of detailed accounts.

See Also

Establishing Warehouse Business Units Manually

Setting Up Account Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Account Types and Accounts

Page Name

Definition Name



Account Types


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, Business Framework, Account Types

Define account types to assign to each account. Account types typically designate balance sheet or income statement accounts.



EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, Business Framework, Accounts

Define accounts.

Account Nodes


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, Business Framework, Account Nodes

Define the account nodes that you use to assign accounts to an account tree.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Account Types

Access the Account Types page (EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, Business Framework, Account Types).

Balance Forward

The Balance Forward check box, in combination with the Consolidation Ledger Format Option, controls how the account data is stored and processed.

  • Select the Balance Forward check box to store and/or process the data for that account type as an end-of-period balance.

  • Clear the Balance Forward check box to store and/or process the data for the account type as a period-activity amount.

    For financial statement ledgers, you typically you define asset, liability, and equity accounts as balance forward accounts, but not revenue or expense amounts.

    For trial balance ledgers, amounts are always stored as period activity. The balance forward flag is used in inquiries which use the Period Balance/Period Activity option.

When you define accounts by using the Accounts page, the accounts adopt the balance forward attribute of the account type that you assign to them.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Accounts

Access the Accounts page (EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, Business Framework, Accounts).

Monetary Account Type

Select the account type associated with this account.

Within the Account region, indicate which application this account is associated with.

GL Account

Select for your Global Consolidation accounts. This indicates that the account is a transaction-based account.

The remaining fields on this page do not apply to PeopleSoft Global Consolidations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Account Nodes

Access the Account Nodes page (EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, Business Framework, Account Nodes).

On the Account Nodes page, define account nodes which you will later associate with trees and assign accounts to. The Account Nodes page displays an Effective Date, Status, and Description for each node.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Ledger Templates

This section provides an overview of ledger templates and discusses how to:

See Also

Defining Performance Ledger Templates

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Ledger Templates

A ledger template is similar to metadata; it describes the physical structure of ledger record objects, and designates which database records a ledger uses. In addition, for consolidation ledgers, it defines the ledger format and consolidation processing method.

Ledgers for which you need to establish ledger templates are:

Consolidation Ledger Formats

On the consolidation ledger template, you specify whether the consolidation ledger uses a financial statement format or a trial balance format.

Consolidation ledgers using the financial statement format store and process ledger data in this manner:

Consolidation ledgers using the trial balance format store and process ledger data in this manner:

Processing Options for Consolidation Ledgers

For trial balance format ledgers, you specify whether to run the consolidation processes using year-to-date (YTD) data or data for a single period.

For financial statement format ledgers, the system uses the end-of-period balance for balance forward accounts, and the period activity amounts for non-balance forward accounts.

Note. After you establish the processing method and ledger format, don't change them.

See Also

Defining Performance Ledger Templates

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Ledger Templates

Page Name

Definition Name



Ledger Template


EPM Foundation, EPM Setup, Ledger Setup, Ledgers, Ledger Template

Define the database records used for a ledger template.

Ledger Template - ChartFields


EPM Foundation, EPM Setup, Ledger Setup, Ledgers, Ledger Template, ChartFields

Define the database records used for ChartFields for this ledger template.

Note. This page is used only by certain ledger types. It is not used if the EPM Ledger Type (PeopleSoft Enterprise Performance Management ledger type) field is set to Consolidation Source Ledger.

Ledger Template - Edit and Post Variables


EPM Foundation, EPM Setup, Ledger Setup, Ledgers, Ledger Template, Edit and Post Variables

Define the database records used for edit and post variables.

Note. This page is not used if the EPM Ledger Type field is set to Consolidation Source Ledger.

Ledger Template - Consolidation Variables


EPM Foundation, EPM Setup, Ledger Setup, Ledgers, Ledger Template, Consolidation Variables

Define the database records used for consolidation-specific objects.

This page is available only for ledger templates used in consolidations, such as consolidation ledgers and consolidation source ledgers. Select the Used in Consolidations check box on the Ledger Template page, or set the EPM Ledger Type field to Consolidation Source Ledger or Consolidation Ledger, to access this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Consolidation Ledger Templates

Access the Ledger Template page (EPM Foundation, EPM Setup, Ledger Setup, Ledgers, Ledger Template).

Note. General instructions for defining ledger templates appear in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Performance Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook The following information applies specifically to ledger templates created for use with Global Consolidations.

To define a ledger template for a consolidation ledger (CLED):

  1. Access the Ledger Template page, specifying the ledger template ID.

  2. Select the Detail Ledger option.

    Consolidation ledgers must be detail ledgers.

  3. Select Consolidation Ledger in the EPM Ledger Type field.

  4. Select the Used in Consolidations check box, if applicable.

    This is optional for a consolidation ledger. Select Used in Consolidations only if this consolidation ledger will be used as input to another consolidation.

  5. Select the ledger record (table) name.

    This is the database record that you create for the consolidation ledger (GC_CLED_MGT_F00 or a clone based on this record).

  6. Select the journal line record.

    This is the database record that you create for the journal table (GC_JRNL_MGT_F00 or a clone based on this record).

Completing the Ledger Template - ChartFields Page

Select the ChartFields tab to access the Ledger Template - ChartFields page and enter values for the location of tables for the ChartFields.

Completing the Ledger Template - Edit and Post Variables Page

Select the Edit and Post Variables tab to access the Ledger Template - Edit and Post Variables page.

The database records are GC_CLED_MG1_T, GC_CLED_MG2_T, GC_CLED_MG3_T, and GC_CLED_MG4_T, for temp tables 1–4, respectively or cloned versions of these temp tables if your consolidation ledger structure was modified.

Completing the Ledger Template - Consolidation Variables Page

Select the Consolidation Variables tab to access the Ledger Template - Consolidation Variables page, and select the database record that you defined for each of these objects.

The Source Staging and Source TSE Record tables are not used by a consolidation ledger (CLED) and should be left blank; the remaining fields are required.

The Staging Journal variable is required when publishing consolidation journal data back to a ledger in PeopleSoft General Ledger. The value in this field should be the name of the journal publish table. The default value is GC_JPUB_MGT_TBL.

  1. Select the ledger format option and the processing method.

    Financial-statement-based ledger formats must use the Use period data processing method.

  2. Select flow processing if you want to use data flows for consolidations.

    After selecting the flow processing option, enter the Flow Activity Record, Flow Input Record, Flow Activity Work, and Flow Activity Work2 data base records that you defined for each of these objects.

    The Flow Activity Record value is GC_FLOW_MGT_F00.

    The Flow Input Record value is GC_FLIN_MGT_F00.

    The Flow Activity Work value is GC_FLOW_MG2_T.

    The Flow Activity Work2 value is GC_FLOW_MG3_T.

See Also

Establishing Required Record Objects

Understanding Ledger Templates

Understanding Journal Publishing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Source Subsidiary Ledger Templates

You also must define ledger templates for all subsidiary ledgers used as source data for consolidations. This information is used by the ledger preparation engine to locate the source data during processing.

Note. General instructions for defining ledger templates appear in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Performance Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook The following information applies specifically to ledger templates created for use with PeopleSoft Global Consolidations.

This illustrates the Ledger Template page for a subsidiary ledger:

To define a source subsidiary ledger template:

  1. Complete the Ledger Template page:

    1. Select the EPM ledger type.

      Select Consolidation Source Ledger for non-PeopleSoft source ledgers. The other ledger types listed are PeopleSoft ledgers; select the appropriate type if your source ledger is from another PeopleSoft application.

    2. Select the Detail option.

      Consolidation source ledgers must be detail ledgers.

    3. Select the Used in Consolidations check box.

    4. Specify the ledger record.

      This should be the database record that contains the source ledger data such as PS_LEDGER.

  2. Access the Ledger Template - Consolidation Variables page, and specify the database record used for the source staging ledger and the Source Transaction Set Edit (TSE) Record.

    The remaining fields on the page do not apply to source subsidiary ledger templates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Spreadsheet/Manual Entry Ledger Templates

You also must define ledger templates for all spreadsheet/manual entry ledgers used as source data for consolidations. This information is used by the ledger preparation engine to locate the source data during processing. To define a spreadsheet/manual entry ledger template:

Note. General instructions for defining ledger templates appear in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Performance Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook The following information applies specifically to ledger templates created for use with PeopleSoft Global Consolidations.

This illustrates the Ledger Template page for manual entry ledgers:

  1. Complete the Ledger Template page:

    1. Select the EPM ledger type.

      Select Spreadsheet Input Ledger for spreadsheet/manual entry ledgers.

    2. Select the Detail option.

      Consolidation source ledgers must be detail ledgers.

    3. Select the Used in Consolidations check box.

    4. Select the ledger record.

      This should be the database record that contains the spreadsheet/manual entry ledger data.

      In this case the record is GC_LEDMANL_F00.

    5. Select the Journal Line record.

      In this case the record is PF_JRNL_F00.

  2. Complete the Ledger Template - ChartFields page.

  3. Access the Ledger Template - Consolidation Variables page, and specify the database record used for the source staging ledger and source TSE record.

    The database record used for the source staging ledger is GC_SLED_MANL.

    The database record used for the source TSE record is GC_TSE_MANL_FLD.

    The remaining fields on the page do not apply to spreadsheet/manual entry ledger templates.

Consolidation Ledger Type Summary

This table summarizes the most commonly used consolidation ledger types, consolidation variables, and whether they are used in consolidations:

Ledger Use

Ledger Type

Select Used in Consolidation Check Box?

Consolidation Variables SRC_TSE and SRC_STG Required?

Consolidation Variable Other Required?

Consolidation Ledger

Consolidation Ledger




Source Subsidiary — Consolidation Source

Consolidation Source




Source Subsidiary—Standard GL and other sources

Standard General Ledger





Source Subsidiary –Spreadsheet/Manual

Spreadsheet Input




Click to jump to parent topicEstablishing Ledgers

This section provides an overview of ledgers and discusses how to define consolidation ledgers or consolidation source ledgers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Ledgers

After you have defined ledger templates for your consolidation ledger, spreadsheet/manual entry ledgers, and consolidation source ledgers, you create the ledgers with which to associate them. These ledgers are always detail ledgers. When establishing a ledger, you indicate whether it must balance. For trial balance format ledgers, you also need to specify the format in which the data is received, by account type.

The rules that apply to the relationship between the source subsidiary ledgers and the consolidation ledger are:

Account balances are stored in the consolidation ledger as debit (positive) or credit (negative) values. You must load the source ledger into the warehouse with the account balances as debit or credit amounts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Establish Ledgers

Page Name

Definition Name



Detail Ledger - Definition


EPM Foundation, EPM Setup, Ledger Setup, Ledgers, Detail Ledger, Definition

Create a detail ledger and associate it with its ledger template.

Detail Ledger - Consolidations


EPM Foundation, EPM Setup, Ledger Setup, Ledgers, Detail Ledger, Consolidations

Indicate if the ledger should be a balanced ledger, if any account type balances are in YTD format, and establish contact information for the different phases of consolidations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Consolidation Ledgers or Consolidation Source Ledgers

Access the Detail Ledger - Definition page (EPM Foundation, EPM Setup, Ledger Setup, Ledgers, Detail Ledger, Definition).

Enter the description, and select the ledger template used by this ledger.

Optionally, complete the remaining fields on this page, which vary depending on the EPM ledger type of the associated ledger template (specified on the Ledger Template page):


Enter the name of the detail ledger. This field acts as a filter, and associates only the subset of data from the database ledger record defined by the specified ledger to this ledger. This field is available when the EPM ledger type is a non-EPM source ledger, such as Standard General Ledger, or when the EPM ledger type is set to Consolidation Source.

Budgeting Scenario

Indicate to which budgeting scenario this ledger is associated. (Applies only when the EPM ledger type is set to one of the budget ledger types.) This field acts as a filter, and associates only the subset of data from the database ledger record defined by the specified budgeting scenario to this ledger.

Scenario ID

Specify a scenario for this ledger. The scenario acts as a filter, and associates only the subset of data from the database ledger record defined by the scenario to this ledger. This option applies only to these EPM ledger types: consolidation ledger, performance management ledger, and planning ledger. If the EPM ledger type is Consolidation Ledger, you typically leave the Scenario ID blank. For consolidation source ledgers based on an EPM ledger (the EPM ledger type is Performance Management or Planning Ledger and the Used in Consolidations field is selected), enter a scenario ID to use the data defined by that scenario as input for consolidations.

Access the Detail Ledger - Consolidations page (EPM Foundation, EPM Setup, Ledger Setup, Ledgers, Detail Ledger, Consolidations).

Balanced Ledger

Select if you require that accounting entries balance for this ledger. If this check box is not selected, the system permits unbalanced accounting entries.

Account Type

If any of the balances for the various account types in the ledger are received as YTD amounts, select the account type in the Account Types Received as YTD grid, adding rows as needed.

In the Contact List for Consolidation Processes region specify who to contact for information about the different phases of consolidations, by ledger business unit.

For each row, indicate the Ledger Business unit, the Employee ID of the contact person, and the Functional Area for which the contact person is responsible. Select the Work Number and Email tab, then enter the contact person's Work Phone number and Email Address. Select the Department and Location tab and enter the Department, Location, and any Comments.

Note. You associate a consolidation ledger with a common consolidation business unit when you establish a consolidation model.

See Also

Establishing Consolidation Models

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Models and Scenarios

This section provides an overview of models and scenarios and discusses how to set up models and scenarios.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Models and Scenarios

Models and scenarios group together related rules that are used as a unit of work when processing. A model is a categorization within which you group related data. Models are associated with a scenario. A scenario represents a related set of data to treat as a distinct group—such as budget, actual, or forecast—to process together.

See Also

Setting Up Models and Scenarios

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Models and Scenarios

Page Name

Definition Name



Model Definition


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, Business Framework, Models

Establish a model.

Scenario Definition


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, Business Framework, Scenarios

Establish a scenario.

WBU Scenario Definition (warehouse business unit scenario definition)


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, Business Framework, WBU Scenario Definition

Associate a scenario with a business unit, and establish journal approval options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Models and Scenarios

To set up models and scenarios:

Access the Model Definition page to define models (EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, Business Framework, Models).

You must create a model definition before you can further define the model as a consolidation model.

Access the Scenario Definition page to define scenarios (EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, Business Framework, Scenarios).

When creating the scenario for use with consolidations, select the Consolidated check box, and then on the Scenario - Historical Business Rules page, select the consolidation model in the Consol Model field.

Associate a scenario with the common consolidation business unit by using the Warehouse Business Unit Scenario Definition page (EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, Business Framework, WBU Scenario Definition).

Note. You do not need to associate any other business units used in the consolidation with the scenario.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Trees

This section provides an overview of how trees are used in Global Consolidations and discusses how to create trees.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Trees

Trees are used in Global Consolidations to describe your consolidation structure, for reporting, and for defining ChartField value sets. For detailed information about creating trees, see the PeopleTools Tree Manager documentation.

See PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Tree Manager

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGuidelines for Consolidation Trees

You create consolidation trees to depict the hierarchical relationship of the entities within a consolidation. You must define a different consolidation tree for each unique dimension by which you consolidate. For example, to create two consolidation models—one that consolidates by business unit and one that consolidates by department—you would need a separate tree for each. You assign one consolidation tree per consolidation model. When you process consolidations, you specify which node of the tree (and its descendents) to consolidate. Consolidation trees are node-oriented trees.

Each branch or parent node in your consolidation tree must include one, and only one, elimination entity. Journal entries created during consolidation processing are booked to the elimination entity. This is a "logical" object that must be defined within the dimension table of the consolidation dimension. For example, if your consolidation dimension is department, then you need to create a "logical" elimination department at each node of the consolidation tree. If you are consolidating by business unit, you need to create a business unit definition for the elimination entity. Typically the root node of a business unit consolidation tree is the common consolidation business unit, but that is not a requirement.

When processing eliminations, equitization, and non-controlling interest, the system uses the tree structure to determine where to book the resulting journal entries. Elimination and non-controlling interest book the entries for each entity in the consolidation tree at the corresponding elimination node. Equitization records the reversing entries in the elimination node; the equitization entries are booked to the parent. In cases where transactions occur between business units (or other consolidation dimension) located at different levels of the tree, the application engines use the lowest common elimination entity between parent and subsidiary to book the entries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Other Trees

Besides the consolidation tree, there are other trees that you need to define. For example, you use an account tree when establishing ChartField value sets to specify a group of particular accounts. You must create a business unit tree for the consolidation model even when you are consolidating by a dimension other than business unit. In addition, trees are used for some inquiry pages as reporting trees, and control the level at which information is grouped. Trees used as inquiry page reporting trees must be defined with the Use of Levels field set to strictly enforced.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Tree Metadata

You must establish metadata for each tree that you define. Within the PeopleSoft Performance Warehouse framework, the metadata is used when running processes and using inquiry pages. Refer to the PeopleSoft Enterprise Performance Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook for information about setting up metadata.

See Setting Up and Flattening Tree Metadata.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Trees

Page Name

Definition Name



Tree Manager


Tree Manager, Tree Manager

Create trees.

Tree Metadata


EPM Foundation, Business Framework, Tree Metadata, Tree Metadata

Establish metadata for the tree that is used when running processes and using inquiry pages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Trees

For detailed information about creating trees, see the PeopleSoft Tree Manager documentation in PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Tree Manager.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Tree Metadata

For detailed information about establishing tree metadata, see PeopleSoft Enterprise Performance Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook.

See Setting Up and Flattening Tree Metadata.