Setting Up Business Rules for the Operational Warehouse - Enriched

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Account Information

This section provides an overview of account information setup and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Accounts

Like general ledger accounts, accounts in PeopleSoft EPM hold the key to monetary values stored in ledgers. These values are held in certain buckets—accounts—according to their function.

If you have PeopleSoft General Ledger you can duplicate your general ledger account structure from your transaction system using PeopleTools Data Mover to move your accounts to your PeopleSoft EPM database. If you use another online transaction processing (OLTP) system or a legacy system, you can migrate your structure using data migration tools.

PeopleSoft EPM contains a couple of important account tables:


Contains all currently active general ledger and performance (PF) accounts, keyed by setID.


View of the account table that filters for performance (PF) accounts only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Account Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Account Types


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, Business Framework, Account Types

Define the account types to which you will later assign accounts. Account types describe the various categories of accounts that correspond to those on your balance sheet or income statement.



EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, Business Framework, Accounts

Define new PeopleSoft EPM accounts.

Account Nodes


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, Business Framework, Account Nodes

Define the accounts nodes to which you will later assign accounts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Account Types

Access the Account Types page (EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, Business Framework, Account Types).

Account Type

Displays a letter-code that identifies each account type. You assign account codes to new accounts (those not migrated from other systems) that you enter on the Account page.

Values include:

A: Asset

E: Expense

L: Liability

Q: Equity

R: Revenue

F: Force Balancing

D: Detail

Balance Forward

Select if you use this account type primarily to determine whether to store balance forward amounts. How you track balance forward amounts is completely up to you. For example, in your regular accounting system, you may want asset, liability, and equity accounts specified as balance forward accounts, but not revenue or expense accounts. The accounts you define later on the Accounts page will take on the balance forward attribute of the account type you assign to them.

Warning! For accounts that you use with PeopleSoft financial services industry applications it is important that you not deviate from the account type codes mentioned here. All asset accounts must be tagged with an A, expense accounts with an E, and so on.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Accounts

Access the Accounts page (EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, Business Framework, Accounts).

Monetary Account Type

Select from the account types defined on the Account Types page.

Note. To obtain account information on reports, you need to add those accounts to the system. In PeopleSoft EPM, you set up a base of general ledger accounts by migrating them from your transaction accounting system. However, when your data migration is complete, you may find that you need to add new accounts to your system.

Warning! For accounts that you will use with financial services applications—PeopleSoft Funds Transfer Pricing and Risk-Weighted Capital—it is important that you not deviate from the standard account type codes. All asset accounts must be tagged with an A, expense accounts with an E, and so on.

GL Account

Select if the account is a transaction-based account.

PF Account

Select if the account is performance (PF) ledger.

ABM Account

An account tagged as an ABM account creates more detailed information within the performance (PF) ledger. The ABM-specific fields on this page enable you to specify that the performance ledger contain both the appropriate profitability dimension (cost object), and the activity that contributed costs to the cost object.

Object Type

When you select the ABM Account check box, a drop-down list box for object type appears. Select a default object type for the account.

Activity ID

When you select the ABM Account check box, a drop-down list box for activity ID appears. Select a default activity for the account.

Statistical Account

If you are establishing a statistical account, select the check box and select a unit of measure. Statistical accounts store only statistical amounts, not monetary amounts.

Unit of Measure

If you want to track statistical amounts, select a unit measure.

Warning! Although monetary amounts are assigned to performance (PF) accounts, there is no reconciliation per se, as there is in PeopleSoft General Ledger. The performance (PF) account and source dimensions are used to store and reconcile amount facts to the same amounts stored by a general ledger account. Performance (PF) accounts can differ significantly from general ledger accounts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Account Nodes

Access the Account Nodes page (EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, Business Framework, Account Nodes).

You can define accounts nodes to which you will later assign accounts. The page displays an effective date, status, and description for each node.

Click to jump to parent topicSpecifying Ledger Mapping Defaults

As a next step you need to specify your ledger and ChartField mapping.

On the Ledger Mapper Defaults pages, you specify the defaults and behavior for the Ledger Mapper page in EPM. The defaults you specify here determine how a new row in the Ledger Mapper page is presented and edited. You can override the defaults later on the Ledger Mapper page if you want to set up your mappings differently.

You use the Ledger Mapper to map data, such as assets and liabilities, that does not come into the system through one of the optional analytical applications. The Ledger Mapper is described later in this PeopleBook.

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Setting Up Ledger Mapper

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section


The ChartFields that appear on the list come from the LEDMAP_CHART subrecord.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Ledger Mapper Defaults

Page Name

Definition Name



Ledger Mapper Defaults


EPM Foundation, EPM Setup, Ledger Setup, Ledgers, Ledger Mapper Defaults, Ledger Mapper Defaults

Specify tree views to filter the tree information you've set up for your ledger and ChartField mappings.

Ledger Mapper Defaults II


EPM Foundation, EPM Setup, Ledger Setup, Ledgers, Ledger Mapper Defaults, Ledger Mapper Defaults II

Specify the trees, default values, and validations that define how your ledgers and ChartFields roll up, which default values to draw from, as well as whether or not to allow blank values.

Map Ledger to Tree


EPM Foundation, EPM Setup, Ledger Setup, Ledgers, Map Ledger to Tree

Set ledger mapping tree usage.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Tree Views

Access the Ledger Mapper Defaults page (EPM Foundation, EPM Setup, Ledger Setup, Ledgers, Ledger Mapper Defaults, Ledger Mapper Defaults).


The page displays the ChartFields: map from ledger, general ledger account, operating unit, department ID, and product.

Tree View Name

For each ChartField, specify the appropriate tree view name. The prompt displays all views that have Set Control Field as BUSINESS_UNIT and TREE in the name of the view.

Treenode View

For each ChartField, specify the appropriate treenode view name.

Note. If you configure ChartFields of your own to add to the system, you will need to duplicate the tree view, treenode view, and prompts. The system uses the specified views to select members from the trees you specify on the Ledger Mapper Defaults II page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Trees, Default Values, and Validation

Access the Ledger Mapper Defaults II page (EPM Foundation, EPM Setup, Ledger Setup, Ledgers, Ledger Mapper Defaults, Ledger Mapper Defaults II).

Tree Name

For each ChartField including your ledger, select the appropriate tree name from which you'll map values. The tree you select should also represent how your ChartFields roll up for reporting purposes. The tree name is required if you select the Tree check box.


Select whether to map all values in the system for the ChartField row or only to those values that are filtered out through the tree and tree views you selected. If you select Tree, the system requires you to enter the tree name.


To disallow the selection of blank values from prompts and drop-down list boxes for a specific ChartField or for your ledger, select the appropriate validation check box. This validation occurs on saving the Ledger Mapper Defaults component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Ledgers to Trees

Access the Map Ledger to Tree page (EPM Foundation, EPM Setup, Ledger Setup, Ledgers, Map Ledger to Tree).

To specify whether a tree will be used while mapping the ChartField select the appropriate check box in the Select ChartFields to use trees group box.

Note. This page is used for general ledger mapping in addition to ABM ledger mapping. This page and the Ledger Mapping Defaults pages should be defined before you create ledger mapping rules.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Ledger Event Codes

Ledger event codes relate performance ledger data so that you can report on the data or compare data between and within engines and models. Ledger event codes also make it possible for the Data Manager and Allocation Manager to assign an account to the target (as defined in the Data Manager or Allocation Manager) for reporting purposes and for posting.

This section discusses how to establish ledger event codes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up Ledger Event Codes

Page Name

Definition Name



Ledger Event Codes


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, Business Framework, Ledger Event Codes

Establish ledger event codes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Ledger Event Codes

Access the Ledger Event Codes page (EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, Business Framework, Ledger Event Codes).


Use to specify the data that you will tie to the code. This helps you further filter where the amounts for this code originate. You can select from output that originates in your general ledger or transaction system, or in the various PeopleSoft EPM engines.


Specify the account that you want to assign to the ledger event code.

Account Offset

You can also specify the account offset that you want to assign to the ledger event code.

Model ID

(Optional) Specify a model to associate with the code.


(Optional) Specify a record to associate with the code.

Note. If you use PeopleSoft Funds Transfer Pricing or Risk-Weighted Capital, you assign ledger event codes to rules through the Rules pages in those applications. For more information, see the documentation for those applications.

To use ledger event codes appropriately through the Data Manager or Allocation Manager, you need to designate the PF_LEDGER_EVENT_CD field on the TableMap and DataMap system pages.

See Also

Setting Up Tablemaps

Setting Up Datamaps

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Performance Ledger Templates

This section provides an overview of performance ledger templates and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Performance Ledger Templates

A ledger template defines the physical attributes of a ledger and streamlines the ledger definition process. You define the template once and use it for all your ledgers.

When you create a ledger template, the system automatically identifies the list of ChartFields based on the ledger table selected. The ChartFields are identified based on the following criteria:

ChartField is equal to any field between the ACCOUNTING_PERIOD and CURRENCY_CD fields based on the selected ledger table's structure in the database

The currency code field is also always treated as a ChartField.

PeopleSoft provides a number of predefined ledger templates, which include default records and fields that support the ChartFields and other field and record definitions delivered with the system. (SetID does not key the template). If you want to create a new template or modify a template's records or fields, you need to follow the instructions in this section.

You define performance ledger templates using the Ledger Template component.

Note. The last page in the Ledger Template component, Budget Variables, is used by PeopleSoft Planning and Budgeting and is described in that PeopleBook.

See PeopleSoft Planning and Budgeting Preface.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Performance Ledger Templates

Page Name

Definition Name



Ledger Template - Ledger Template


EPM Foundation, EPM Setup, Ledger Setup, Ledger Template, Ledger Template

Set up a performance ledger template.

Ledger Template - ChartFields


EPM Foundation, EPM Setup, Ledger Setup, Ledger Template, ChartFields

Specify ledger template ChartFields.

Ledger Template - Edit and Post Variables


EPM Foundation, EPM Setup, Ledger Setup, Ledger Template, Edit and Post Variables

Assign temporary tables to records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up a Performance Ledger Template

Access the Ledger Template page (EPM Foundation, EPM Setup, Ledger Setup, Ledgers, Ledger Template).


Select this ledger type for ledgers containing detail ledger ChartFields which serve as keys.


Select this ledger type for ledgers to be used for reporting purposes.

EPM Ledger Type

Unless you're working with PeopleSoft Global Consolidations or Planning and Budgeting, you'll select Performance Measurement Ledger. If you change the EPM Ledger Type field, the system resets the values for the ledger records and ChartFields. Your selection here also determines what fields will be displayed on the Detail Ledger page so that the ledger data in the ledger table is uniquely identified.

Note. If you select an EPM ledger type of Consolidation Source Ledger, do not select a journal line table name as journal entries for these tables are not supported.


Used in Consolidations

Select this check box if this ledger template is used for consolidate information for reporting.

Ledger Record

Represents the ledger record that you use to store the balances for each ChartField combination that has posted activity.

Journal Line

Stores detail lines containing the monetary and statistical amounts for each journal entry.

Note. The ledger record and journal line prompts are based on PeopleSoft EPM record metadata. If your desired table is not returned in the prompt, define it in your PeopleSoft EPM record metadata first.

You can access the Record Metadata page for the ledger record or journal line currently selected directly from the Ledger Template page by selecting the link beside the Ledger Record and Journal Line fields. The link text varies based on the ledger record or journal line selected. In the example above, in the Ledger Record field, select the Performance Ledger link to access the Record Metadata page for the ALM_LEDGER_F00 performance ledger.

See Also

Setting Up Record Metadata

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Ledger Template ChartFields

Access the Ledger Template - ChartFields page (EPM Foundation, EPM Setup, Ledger Setup, Ledger Template, ChartFields).

Select Edit Table and View - No Effective Date records to use for this template.

The page accesses a set of default edit table names and reporting views for the ChartFields in the ledger. The edit table value comes from the edit table specified in the Application Designer for this field on the ledger table. The View - No Effective Date field is used for reporting prompts when you do not want to limit the selection by effective date (because historical rows might contain ChartFields that are no longer active). You can change these values if you are modifying your system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Temporary Tables to Records

Access the Ledger Template - Edit and Post Variables page (EPM Foundation, EPM Setup, Ledger Setup, Ledger Template, Edit and Post Variables).

Temp Table 1 Name, Temp Table 2 Name, Temp Table 3 Name, and Temp Table 4 Name

Use to assign up to four temporary tables to the ledger template. Your temporary table selection must match those tables in your ledger template. Each of the four temporary tables represent the journal and ledger records that Profit Manger uses to process your ledgers and journals.

Run Edit for Profit Manager

Select this check box to run edit for the Profit Manager.

Note. The journal and ledger tables have ChartField subrecords. If you add ChartFields, you must modify these table subrecords

See Also

Processing and Posting Journals

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Detail Ledgers

Use the Detail Ledger component to link a ledger template to a detail ledger and specify the balancing options for the journals generated to a detail ledger.

Note. The second page in the Detail Ledger component, Consolidations, is used by PeopleSoft Global Consolidations and is described in that PeopleBook.

See PeopleSoft Global Consolidations 9.1 PeopleBook.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Detail Ledgers

Page Name

Definition Name



Detail Ledger - Definition


EPM Foundation, EPM Setup, Ledger Setup, Ledgers, Detail Ledger, Definition

Identify a unique set of ledger data within the ledger table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Detail Ledgers

Access the Detail Ledger - Definition page (EPM Foundation, EPM Setup, Ledger Setup, Ledgers, Detail Ledger, Definition).

Ledger Template

Select the ledger template to link to this detail ledger.

Click the link that displays alongside the ledger template you select to access the Ledger Template page for that template.

EPM Ledger Type

Displays the type of ledger selected in the Ledger Template field.


Displays for a ledger type of standard general ledger, budget project ledger, commitment budget ledger.

Budgeting Scenario

Displays for a ledger type of budget project ledger and commitment budget ledger.

Scenario ID

Displays for a ledger type of performance measurement ledger and consolidation ledger. Select the scenario ID to use.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Ledger Groups

Ledger groups enable you to group detail ledgers by ledger template and ledger type.

This section discusses how to set up ledger groups.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Ledger Groups

Page Name

Definition Name



EPM Ledger Group


EPM Foundation, EPM Setup, Ledger Setup, Ledgers, Ledger Group

Set up a ledger group and assign detail ledgers to the group and identify the unique attributes of each ledger within the group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Ledger Groups

Access the EPM Ledger Group page (EPM Foundation, EPM Setup, Ledger Setup, Ledgers, Ledger Group).

Ledger Template

Select a ledger template from the drop-down list box. Ledger templates are defined on the Ledger Template pages. Click the link alongside the Ledger Template field to transfer to the Ledger Template Definition page for the selected template.

Ledger Group Type

Select a group type from the following:

Average Daily Balance: Allows only a primary ledger.

Budget: Allows only a primary ledger.

Commitment Control Expense: Used by commitment control budgeting.

Commitment Control Revenue: Used by commitment control budgeting.

Standard: Allows one primary and up to nine secondary ledgers.

Translation: Allows only a primary ledger.

Entering Ledger Details

The Ledger Details grid at the bottom of the page displays two tabs: Types and Attributes.

On the Types tab select the following:

Ledger ID

Select the detail ledger you want to link to this ledger group. The detail ledgers listed are those associated with the ledger template defined on the Detail Ledger page.

Primary Ledger

Select this check box for the primary ledger.

You can specify one primary ledger and up to nine secondary ledgers for ledger groups that have a ledger group type of standard. For average daily balance, budget, and translation ledger group types, you can select only one ledger.

Balanced Ledger

Select if this ledger contains balanced ChartFields or you want to balance the ChartFields.

Currency Translation Ledger

Select if this is a currency translation ledger. Any non-primary ledger may be defined as a translation ledger. Currency translation ledgers are handled differently from normal secondary ledgers with respect to journal processing and multicurrency processing.

On the Attributes tab select the following:

Inherit Base Currency

Select to inherit the base currency of the business unit. The system uses the business unit base currency in the ledger.

Base Currency

If you do not elect to inherit the base currency, enter the base currency to use for the ledger.

Exchange Rate Type Default

Enter a rate type to use as a default.

This field influences which rate type will be used for the secondary lines. The calculation hierarchy is this: The system first checks for a value in rate type for the ledger (see the next field). It will always use this value for the secondary lines, regardless of what you enter in the Exchange Rate Type Default field. The system then checks for a rate type on the primary journal line. If there is one, it uses that rate type for the secondary line. If there is no value in rate type or in the primary journal line, the system uses the value entered in the Exchange Rate Type Default field.

Rate Type

Select the currency exchange rate type to use in the autogenerated journal lines for the secondary ledgers.

Note. If you're setting up a commitment control ledger group, two additional fields display: the Commitment Control Ledger Type field and the Affect Spending Authority field. These fields are specifically for commitment control purposes.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Roll-Ups

This section provides an overview of EPM roll-up engines, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding EPM Roll-Up Engines

In EPM you can run calendar roll-ups on the application data, the performance ledger table (PF_LEDGER_F00), and roll up ledgers on the GL ledger table. In addition you can roll up scenario IDs and business units. Running the roll-up engines enables you to present the same information in a different (aggregated) way.

You can use the calendar roll-ups to roll up accounting periods based on the summary and detail calendars that you defined for your scenario. Most likely, you will use a calendar roll-up before you report on your scenario. For example, you may have monthly values in your current scenario data, but want to see quarterly values.

You can use the scenario ID and business unit roll-up engines to consolidate values. For example, when you define warehouse business units, you may specify that several business units roll up under a consolidated business unit. When you then run the business unit roll-up, the individual business unit data is aggregated into the consolidated business unit and can be reported in that way.

Note. Although the roll-up engines are usually the only job in a jobstream, they must still be set up in a jobstream. No merge is required on this engine.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section


If you are rerunning this job with the same run control parameters, deselect the Rerun check box. This way, if you are assigned the same record suite and you were the last one to run in this record suite, the system does not re-resolve the tables prior to running the job. If you want to re-resolve the permanent tables, select the Rerun check box.

Re-resolving means that data is selected from the permanent table. If re-resolving is not needed (no new data in the permanent table for the given run control parameters), performance could be enhanced. Note that if the Rerun check box is selected, it will flatten (or reflatten) the business unit or the scenario tree.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run Roll-Up Engines

Page Name

Definition Name



Roll-Up Scenario


EPM Foundation, Data Enrichment Tools, Roll-up Accounting Info, Scenarios, Roll-Up Scenario

Roll up scenarios to produce an aggregated scenario set of data based on the scenario tree. Generate your reports after you run the Scenario Roll-Up engine and the Calendar Roll-Up engine.

Roll-Up Calendar


EPM Foundation, Data Enrichment Tools, Roll-up Accounting Info, Calendar, Roll-Up Calendar

Roll up calendars to produce an aggregate set of product data based on calendars.

Roll-Up Business Unit


EPM Foundation, Data Enrichment Tools, Roll-up Accounting Info, Business Units, Roll-Up Business Unit

Roll up business units to produce an aggregate business unit set of data based on the business unit tree.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRolling Up Scenarios

Access the Roll-Up Scenario page (EPM Foundation, Data Enrichment Tools, Roll-up Accounting Info, Scenarios, Roll-Up Scenario).

Business Unit, Scenario ID, Fiscal Year, and Accounting Period

Enter the business unit, scenario ID, fiscal year, and accounting period for the roll-up.

Tree ID

You can select a tree. Ensure that the tree you select contains a setID.

Job ID

Select SCN_ROLL.


Select this check box to roll up the scenarios in the tables associated with PeopleSoft Activity-Based Management AB_JOB_CD_F00, CALC_DETAIL_F00, and CALC_OBJ_F00 tables.


Select this check box to roll up the scenarios in the tables associated with PeopleSoft Scorecard KP_DATAVALS_F00 table.

PF Ledger

Select this check box to roll up to the PF_LEDGER_F00 table.

Click Run to run this request.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRolling Up Calendars

Access the Roll-Up Calendar page (EPM Foundation, Data Enrichment Tools, Roll-up Accounting Info, Calendar, Roll-Up Calendar).

Business Unit, From Scenario ID, Scenario ID, Fiscal Year and Period

Enter the business unit, from scenario ID, scenario ID, fiscal year, and accounting period for the roll-up.

Job ID

Select LED_ROLL.


Select this check box to roll up the calendars for PeopleSoft ABM.

PF Ledger

Select this check box to roll up performance ledger calendars.

Click Run to run this request.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRolling Up Business Units

Access the Roll-Up Business Unit page (EPM Foundation, Data Enrichment Tools, Roll-up Accounting Info (Information), Business Units, Roll-Up Business Unit).

Business Unit, Scenario ID, Fiscal Year and Accounting Period

Enter the business unit, scenario ID, fiscal year, and accounting period for the roll-up.

Tree ID

You can select a tree. Ensure that the tree you select contains a setID

Job ID

Select BU_ROLL.


Select this check box to roll up the business units for PeopleSoft ABM.


Select this check box to roll up the business units associated with PeopleSoft Scorecard.

PF Ledger

Select this check box to roll up business units for PF ledger.

Click Run to run this request.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up and Running Currency Conversion

This section provides an overview of currency conversion process for the OWE and discusses how to:

See Understanding EPM Multiple Currency Processing Concepts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Currency Conversion for the Analytical Applications

In PeopleSoft EPM, you can obtain profitability figures that include the effects of multiple currencies. The economic effects of transactions can be reconciled with accounting effects with greater accuracy. In addition, the effect of currency fluctuations (when analyzing similar business units or processes in different countries) is eliminated.

While data may be brought into EPM in many different currencies, the amounts must be converted to a single currency for each business unit in order for proper engine processing to occur. PeopleSoft EPM engines use these converted base amounts as input and output base amounts from their processes.

The Currency Conversion application engine can be used on any fact table containing the from and to currency code fields and the from and to amount fields (for example the FI_INSTR_F00 or REVENUE_F00 tables).

The Currency Conversion engine enables you to perform conversion on any fact table. However, only temporary tables defined for the fact tables are updated by the conversion engine. The Currency Conversion process should be run between two other jobs. For instance, run a job that populates the temporary table for the fact table, followed by the Currency Conversion engine process to update the temporary table, and then a job following the conversion that updates the actual fact table using the results from the temporary table.

Reports specific to currency processing are not included with PeopleSoft EPM. To view reports in a reporting currency other than your base currency, build a data mart from the PF_LEDGER_F00 table, migrate the selected data to the data mart, and run currency conversion on the data mart.

The Currency Conversion engine can be run either as a job within a jobstream, or it can be called as a function library from another PeopleSoft EPM engine.

Note. Because all ledger accounts, regardless of the engine processes, must go through the PF_JRNL_F00 before the edit and post process in order to populate to the PF_LEDGER_F00, all conversions for ledger accounts must be done on the PF_JRNL_F00 table (rather than directly on the LEDGER or PF_LEDGER tables).

Note. Any desired conversion on the LEDGER table (prior to the PeopleSoft Activity-Based Management engine using base amounts as input) must be done by the delivered ETL tool or by a configured solution created at implementation time.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered Multicurrency Metadata

This table lists delivered multicurrency tablemaps, datamaps, and associated primary record names:

Tablemap/Datamap Name

Primary Record















Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before creating currency conversion rules and rule sets, and associating them with jobs, you must:

See Also

Setting Up Currency Rules for EPM

Setting Up Job Metadata

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up and Run Currency Conversion

Page Name

Definition Name



Currency Conversion Rule


EPM Foundation, Data Enrichment Tools, Currency Conversion, Identify Rules, Currency Conversion Rule

Describe currency conversion rules.

Currency Conversion Rule Set


EPM Foundation, Data Enrichment Tools, Currency Conversion, Create Set of Rules, Currency Conversion Rule Set

Create currency conversion rule sets by grouping one or more conversion rules , creating different rules, and, if different constraints and currency code columns are used, combining rules in a set. You must create a rule set for each rule that you want to run.

Job Conversion Rule Set


EPM Foundation, Data Enrichment Tools, Currency Conversion, Associate Rule Set to Job, Job Conversion Rule Set

Associate a conversion rule set with a job. A currency conversion rule set can be assigned to more than one job, but each job can contain only one currency conversion rule set.

Message Header


EPM Foundation, Data Enrichment Tools, Currency Conversion, Review Conversion Messages, Message Header

Review process information and run control parameters.

Note. This component is used to review any engine messages that result from running a job or jobstream.

Message Detail


EPM Foundation, Data Enrichment Tools, Currency Conversion, Review Conversion Messages, Message Detail

Review engine message details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDescribing Currency Conversion Rules

Access the Currency Conversion Rule page (EPM Foundation, Data Enrichment Tools, Currency Conversion, Identify Rules, Currency Conversion Rule).

Rate Type

Select the exchange rate type to use for this rule. The type that you specify overrides any rate type specified by the business unit. If you don't select a rate type, the system uses the rate type specified for the business unit.

As of Dated

Select to use the as of date. If you do not select this check box, the system uses the period end date (based on the jobstream run parameters) as the effective date for the exchange rate. If you select this check box, any job running with this currency conversion rule uses the as of date to determine the exchange rate.

Constraint Code

Specify a constraint code. Constraints are defined using the Constraint component.

From Currency Code Column

Select the appropriate column from your constraint code. Any field that is not defined in the constraint as a measure is a valid value.

To Currency Code Column

Select the appropriate column from your constraint code. Any field that is not defined in the constraint as a measure is a valid value.

From Amount Column

Select the appropriate column. Any field defined in the constraint as a measure, and that has 1 ? 3 decimal places, is a valid value.

To Amount Column

Select the appropriate column. Any field defined in the constraint as a measure, and that has 1 ? 3 decimal places, is a valid value.

Note. If your amount columns have more than four decimal places, you must define a view for this table to redefine your amount fields. You then use this view to build your metadata and ultimately the constraint that is used as input to the multicurrency rule.

You can add more rows. You must enter field names for at least one from and one to currency code and at least one from and one to amount column. You can enter multiple from and to amount column field names for constraints that contain multiple amount fields, such as the Instrument table (FI_INSTR_F00). After you have set up currency conversion rules, you can create a conversion rule set.

Note. For each rule that you create, you must establish multicurrency tablemaps (identified as target tables), multicurrency datamaps (with amounts specified as measures), and multicurrency constraints. PeopleSoft EPM is delivered with standard table and datamaps for multicurrency. They can be identified by the MC_ prefix.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Currency Conversion Rule Sets

Access the Currency Conversion Rule Set page (EPM Foundation, Data Enrichment Tools, Currency Conversion, Create Set of Rules, Currency Conversion Rule Set).

Expense Sequence Number

Enter a number to control the order in which the Currency Conversion engine runs your rules. To accommodate the addition of future currency rules, use numbers such as 100, 200, 300.

Currency Rule Code

Select the name of the rule that you created.

Note. Each currency rule must be in a rule set. You can also use the rule set to combine multiple currency rules.

After you have set up the currency conversion rule set, you need to associate the rule set with a job.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating a Conversion Rule Set with a Job

Access the Job Conversion Rule Set page (EPM Foundation, Data Enrichment Tools, Currency Conversion, Associate Rule Set to Job, Job Conversion Rule Set).

Job ID

Enter the job with which you want to associate this rule set. You create jobs on the Job Metadata page. When you run this job in a jobstream, the system processes the currency conversion rules based on the rule set associated with the job.

Currency Rule Set

Select the rule set that you created. After you have created a job rule set, you can run the Currency Conversion engine using the rules you have set up.

Note. A currency conversion rule set can be assigned to more than one job, but each job can contain only one currency conversion rule set.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Currency Conversion Process

After you have completed this setup and set up your jobstreams, the Currency Conversion engine runs as part of the jobs that you defined. The engine ensures that all transactions are coded with the information that the system needs to manage multiple currency transactions. The timing of running the Currency Conversion process varies based on your business processes and the PeopleSoft EPM engines involved in your processes. Because most engines use the base currency amounts in their calculations, you must run the Currency Conversion process prior to the other engine processes for the proper base currency amounts to be available for engine processing.

The Currency Conversion engine affects any record in the warehouse that contains currency code and amount fields.

See Also

Delivered Multicurrency Metadata

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Multicurrency Conversion Messages

Access the Message Header (EPM Foundation, Data Enrichment Tools, Currency Conversion, Review Conversion Messages, Message Header) and Message Detail pages (EPM Foundation, Data Enrichment Tools, Currency Conversion, Review Conversion Messages, Message Detail).

Consider the following when you review dependencies:

Note. These pages are described in detail in another chapter of this PeopleBook.

See Streamlining Processing with Jobstreams.