Defining Required Consolidation Rules

This chapter provides an overview of required consolidation rules and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Consolidation Rules

Prior to processing consolidations, you need to establish required rules that control how the processes consolidations and specify:

These rules are then associated with the consolidation model and govern the processing of various consolidation engines. This chapter covers how to establish each of these rules, associate them with the consolidation model, and validate them.

After these required rules are established, you define additional rules that determine how the system eliminates intercompany transactions, investments in subsidiaries, and non-controlling interest.

You can also establish flows, which track account movement (data flows) from the consolidated ledger.

When put together, all these rules define a consolidation model, and specify all of the parameters that are used as input into consolidation processing.

This diagram shows the supporting data and rules that you define prior to processing consolidations:

Defining Consolidation Rules

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConsolidation Rules

There are several types of consolidation rules that are associated with the consolidation model:

Consolidation Rule Name

Rule Definition

Tolerance rules

These rules define an acceptable limit or threshold for out of balance amounts for journals generated by the consolidation processes.

Account balance rules

These rules specify which accounts within the consolidation ledger are used to determine if the ledger is balanced.

Ownership rules

These rules specify the accounting methods, equitization thresholds, and ownership levels of a parent for a subsidiary. They are based on the total and voting shares owned by the parent. Ownership rules should be established before you establish elimination, NCI, and equitization rules.

Elimination rules

These rules identify the accounts that store balances due to intercompany transactions, so that the system can eliminate those amounts from the consolidated results.

Non-controlling interest rules (NCI rules)

These rules identify the accounts that store balances for a parent's investment in a subsidiary and subsidiary equity, so that the system can eliminate each parent's investment against subsidiary equity and eliminate the remaining portion of subsidiary equity that is attributable to non-controlling interest from the consolidated results.

For example, if a parent owns 80 percent of a subsidiary (the remaining 20 percent is externally owned), the NCI elimination engine eliminates 100 percent of the parent investment against 80 percent of the subsidiary equity, and then also eliminates the remaining 20 percent of the subsidiary equity against an entry to NCI Liability.

Equitization rules

These rules define how the system recognizes a parent's equity in the earnings of a qualifying subsidiary.

Flow templates

Flow templates define how the system recognizes tracking and reconciliation of gross variation (difference between the opening and closing balances) of an account.

For example, the gross variation of fixed asset accounts can be distinguished by additions, disposals, , asset impairment, currency translation and reclasses.

See Also

Defining Elimination, Non-Controlling Interest, and Equitization Rules

Defining and Managing Flows

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRules, Rule Sets, and Rule Groups

To enable you to share rules among multiple consolidation models, to facilitate using multiple scenarios, and to reduce ongoing maintenance, there is a hierarchy to many of the various rule definitions used for consolidations. At the lowest level, you define an individual rule, and then combine these rules into rule sets, and finally, one or more rule sets comprise a rule group. The rule groups are then associated with the consolidation model. Ownership rules, non-controlling interest rules, equitization rules, and elimination rules follow this hierarchy. The following diagram shows these relationships.

Hierarchy of rules, rule sets, and rule groups

When you associate a rule set with a rule group, you assign it a use order. During processing, the rule sets are processed in sequence in ascending order based on their use order. Unless otherwise specified, within each rule set, the rules are processed by ownership set and rule ID.

When you are defining a new consolidation scenario, you can share or reuse rules, rule sets, and rule groups that you've already created for a previous consolidation model, provided that their consolidation ledgers share the same ledger template and consolidation dimension. When reusing rule sets in new rule groups, you specify a different use order, or insert new rule sets to override the current use order.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Balancing Account Type Rules

This section provides an overview of balancing account type rules and discusses how to establish balancing account type rules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Balancing Account Type Rules

Balancing account type rules define which accounts within the consolidation ledger are used to determine if the ledger is balanced. When you define a balancing account type rule, you include a row for each account type that should balance. Balancing account type rules are set up differently depending on the format of the consolidation ledger template for which they will be used:

Note. Memo accounts are not typically included in a balancing account type rule.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Balancing Account Type Rules

Page Name

Definition Name



Balancing Account Type Rule


Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Common Definitions, Balancing Account Type Rule

Specify which account types within the consolidation ledger determine if the ledger is balanced.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Balancing Account Type Rules

Access the Balancing Account Type Rule page (Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Common Definitions, Balancing Account Type Rule).

Account Type

Add rows within the Balancing Account Types grid for each account type that should be used to balance the consolidation ledger.

Balance Forward

Indicates whether the account type is a balance forward account. This field is display-only and unavailable for entry.

See Also

Defining Account Types, Accounts, and Account Nodes

Understanding Ledger Templates

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Tolerance Rules

This section provides an overview of tolerance rules and discusses how to establish tolerance rules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Tolerance Rules

Tolerance rules define an acceptable limit or threshold for out of balance amounts for journals generated by the consolidation processes. You can assign tolerance rules to elimination rules. The system posts journals when the amount by which a journal is out of balance is less than this threshold.

You can define the tolerance threshold either as a specific amount or as a percentage of the total transaction amount of the consolidation tree node for the out of balance grouping. The percentage is calculated based on the total for the particular rule and node combination. The system creates suspense account entries to record adjustments for out of balance conditions. If the out of balance amount is less than the tolerance threshold, the journal is posted, and an out of balance adjustment is entered into a suspense account. If the out of balance amount is greater than or equal to the tolerance threshold, the system creates the journal with the out-of-balance adjustment without posting the journal. The journal can be force posted, or you can rerun the consolidation process after entering the appropriate adjustments to resolve the out-of-balance amount.

Note. No currency is specified for tolerance rules, but when amounts are processed for consolidations, they are all in the consolidation currency.

If you select the Send Tolerance Email check box on the run control request page, the system sends an email to alert a designated person about the discrepancy. Your organization can then investigate the reason for the discrepancy and determine the appropriate corrective action to take.

Note. Tolerance rules are specified for a setID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Tolerance Rules

Page Name

Definition Name



Tolerance Rule


Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Common Definitions, Tolerance Rule, Tolerance Rule

Establish threshold amounts for out-of-balance accounts.

Tolerance Rule - Notes


Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Common Definitions, Tolerance Rule, Notes

Enter an explanation for a tolerance rule.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Tolerance Rules

Access the Tolerance Rule page (Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Common Definitions, Tolerance Rule, Tolerance Rule).

Tolerance By

Select one of these options to specify how the system should determine the tolerance:

Percentage: The system determines the tolerance by using a percentage of the total amount of the transactions.

Amount: The system determines the tolerance based on an amount that you specify. The amount is calculated based on the greater of either the total debits or total credits within that elimination set, for that rule, node, and group by out of balance amount.


Enter the tolerance threshold percentage. Only available for entry when Percentage is selected in the Tolerance By group box.


Enter the tolerance threshold amount. Only available for entry when Amount is selected in the Tolerance By group box.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Ownership Rules

This section provides an overview of ownership rules and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Ownership Rules

Ownership rules provide a basis for the equitization and non-controlling interest rules that are defined for a consolidation model. When equitization and non-controlling interest rules are processed, they use the information defined in ownership rules for part of their calculations.

Ownership Rules

Ownership rules determine the accounting methods, equitization thresholds, and ownership levels of a parent for a subsidiary based on the total and voting shares owned by the parent.

Note. Ownership rules are setup to accommodate different accounting methods. If a business unit is included in the consolidation tree and ownership rules are setup for that business unit, the business unit will be included as part of the consolidation with consolidation entries based on the ownership level.

An ownership rule defines the ownership and control relationships between a subsidiary and parent. Business consolidation rules use ownership rules to equitize changes in subsidiary equity, and to calculate the non-controlling interest elimination. Ownership does not necessarily imply control. For example, one company may own 60 percent of another subsidiary, but own only 20 percent of the controlling stock. The system uses the control percentage to determine whether or not to equitize. The system uses ownership percentage to determine all calculated amounts, including the amount to equitize, and the amount of non-controlling interest to eliminate.

Ownership rules identify:

The sum of all of the ownership percentages for a particular subsidiary-parent relationship must be less than or equal to 100. Because there may be other owners of a subsidiary that are external to your organization's consolidation structure, the total ownership and control percentages for a particular subsidiary can be less than 100.

During processing the system creates a flattened tree of the ownership structure in PS_GC_OWN_STR_TBL. The system uses this table to:

Review this record to verify that your ownership structure is set up correctly.

Subsidiary equity is eliminated against the parent investment depending on the level of ownership.

You can run the ownership inquiry to review the ownership structure of your organization.

See Viewing Ownership Hierarchies.

Accounting Methods

Ownership rules are setup to accommodate different accounting methods. The accounting methods available in global consolidations are pooling of interests, proportionate, and purchase.

If a business unit is included in the consolidation tree and ownership rules are setup for that business unit, the business unit will be included as part of the consolidation with consolidation entries based on the ownership level. The pooling of interests method is similar to the purchase method, except that in order to use the pooling of interests method, the parents' investment in the subsidiary must be virtually all of the common stock (at least 90 percent of voting stock). The parent uses the book value of the subsidiary's assets and liabilities. Because the parent uses the subsidiary's book values, goodwill is not recorded on the parents book for this type of ownership setup.

If you use the pooling of interests method, the subsidiary must be 100 percent owned by a single parent, eliminating the need for non-controlling interest calculations, and the equitization threshold percent must be in range from 0 to 100.

If you use the proportionate method, only one parent can own a subsidiary. If the subsidiary has two parents, the subsidiary is broken down into two different subsidiaries, each proportionately owned by the respective parent.

The following table outlines the accounting methods and their impact on consolidations:

Accounting Considerations



Purchase (% Control Based)

Changes in ownership




Change In accounting

Subsidiary assets and liabilities

You specify book or fair market value (FMV)

Book value

On subsidiary books

Fair market value (FMV)

Goodwill present




Ownership percentage

Assume 100 percent for consolidation calculation.


You specify.

Multiple parents


In the case of two parents, the subsidiary is broken down into two different subsidiaries each proportionately owned by their respective parent.


100% ownership by one parent.


Employ non-controlling rules.

Eliminate subsidiary equity against parent investment




non-controlling interest rules


In the case of two parents, the subsidiary is broken down into two different subsidiaries each proportionately owned by the respective parents.


100% ownership by one parent.


Treatment of subsidiary's earnings

Similar to purchase

The subsidiary earnings are combined with the parent for the full fiscal year in which the purchase occurs.

The subsidiary earnings are combined with the parent only from the period of purchase onwards.

Ownership Rule Sets and Ownership Groups

Ownership rule sets are a collection of individual ownership rules. Ownership groups are a collection of ownership rule sets that you associate with a consolidation model for the consolidation business rules processing. The ownership rules, ownership rule sets, and ownership rule groups are all effective-dated allowing for changes to your organizational structure. The ownership rules enable you to specify the accounting treatment for parent/subsidiary relationships and the ownership rule sets enable you to bring together all of the various accounting treatments that the parent organization establishes for its numerous subsidiary relationships. The ownership group enables you to tie all of these relationships to the consolidation model and to determine how consolidation rule processing impacts these relationships.

On the Ownership Group page you specify the consolidation and equitization thresholds that will be used for the consolidation.

The consolidation threshold defines the percentage of ownership that requires a subsidiary to consolidate to its parent. The consolidation threshold is informational only. l.

The equitization threshold defines the threshold at which the equity method of accounting goes into effect. The equity method of accounting requires a parent to reflect its ownership percentage of the subsidiary's income in their income statement, with an offset to the investment account for the subsidiary. On the Ownership Rule page you can specify a unique equitization threshold for a subsidiary, or you can specify that the subsidiary use the equitization threshold specified on the Ownership Group page.

An ownership group is composed of one or more ownership rule sets. You associate an ownership group with a consolidation model. You assign a use order to specify the processing order of the ownership rule sets that are associated with an ownership group.

Warning! An ownership rule set can contain ownership rules with multiple subsidiary entities. It is possible for the ownership sets, made up of various ownership rules, to contain the same subsidiary entities. If this is the case, the ownership rule in the ownership set with the lowest numeric use order value is used during consolidation processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Ownership Rules

Page Name

Definition Name



Ownership Rule


Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Ownership Rules, Ownership Rule

Create or modify an ownership rule

Ownership Rule - Ownership Percentage


Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Ownership Rules, Ownership Rule, Ownership Percentage

Define the ownership percentage of the parent-subsidiary relationship. The number of total shares and voting shares owned by the parent determine the equitization and non-controlling interest calculations respectively.

Ownership Rule - Notes


Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Ownership Rules, Ownership Rule, Notes

Enter notes about the ownership rule.

Ownership Rule Set


Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Ownership Rules, Ownership Rule Set

Create ownership rule sets.

Ownership Rule Set - Notes


Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Ownership Rules, Ownership Rule Set, Notes

Enter notes about the ownership rule set.

Ownership Group


Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Ownership Rules, Ownership Group

Combine ownership rule sets to create ownership groups.

Ownership Group - Notes


Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Ownership Rules, Ownership Group, Notes

Enter notes about the ownership group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Ownership Rules

Access the Ownership Rule page (Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Ownership Rules, Ownership Rule).

Ledger Template

Select the ledger template structure. This must be the same template used for your consolidation ledger. This value controls which ChartFields are available.

Consolidation Dimension

Select the dimension (ChartField) by which you are consolidating, for example, Ledger Business Unit.

See Understanding Business Units.

Subsidiary Entity

Select the subsidiary whose ownership relationships and percentages you are defining.

The subsidiary entity identifies the value of the subsidiary, The values that you can enter depend on the Consolidation Dimension (ChartField).

Establishing the Equitization Threshold Method

Select the equitization threshold method that you want to use for the ownership rule. You can select the Use Ownership Group option which will use the threshold value that you specify on the Ownership Group page or you can select the Specify Threshold option, which enables you to specify the equitization threshold value in the Threshold Percent field.

When you run the equitization process, the system uses the selection in the Equitize Parent field on the Ownership Rule - Ownership Percentage page to determine whether to equitize changes in subsidiary equity for each parent-subsidiary relationship. When the Equitize Parent field is set to Use Threshold, the equitization threshold percent of the parent is compared to the control percentage for each subsidiary-parent relationship.

When the control percentage is greater than or equal to the equitization threshold percent, changes in subsidiary equity (for example, net income) are equitized, using the ownership percentage to determine the amount for each subsidiary-parent relationship.

The equitization threshold percentage can be specified both on the Ownership Rules page and on the Ownership Group page. The threshold value entered on the Ownership Group page applies to all entities within the Ownership Group being processed, but you can override it at the main parent level on the Ownership Rules page; the threshold for the ultimate parent is the same as the amount specified for the ownership group associated with the consolidation model.

Indicate whether to use the threshold specified for the ownership group, or to enter a threshold for that subsidiary by selecting one of these equitization threshold methods:

Use Ownership Group

Select this option to use the percentage entered in the Equitization Threshold Percent field of the Ownership Group page to determine whether to equitize changes in subsidiary equity for this parent. This enables you to control whether or not to equitize using the threshold set at the ownership group level. This option is selected by default.

Specify Threshold

Select this option to enter the threshold percentage for the parent on the Ownership Rules page. This value helps determine whether to equitize changes in a parents' subsidiary equity. This enables you to override the ownership group level threshold.

If you select this option, you must also enter the Equitization Threshold Percentage for that particular subsidiary. This percentage will be used for that subsidiary only.

Note. To specify a threshold for a specific parent, select the Specify Threshold method, and then enter the amount in the Equitization Threshold Percent field on the Ownership Rule page where that parent is itself a subsidiary.

Accounting Method

Select the accounting method that you want to use for the ownership rule. You can select one of three options. Pooling, Proportionate, or Purchase.

The method that you select impacts the field edits on the Ownership Percentage page. For example, if you select Pooling, the Subsidiary Entity must be 100 percent owned by a single parent, the Equitization Threshold Percent must range from 0 to 100, and the option to calculate/specify the ownership is not available on ownership percentage page of the ownership rule.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Ownership Percentage

Access the Ownership Rule - Ownership Percentage page (Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Ownership Rules, Ownership Rule, Ownership Percentage).

Add a row for each parent in the Specify Parents grid, and complete these fields:

Subsidiary Entity Shares

The values you enter in this section determine the ownership level and controlling interest of the parent for the subsidiary.

Subsidiary Total Shares

Enter the total number of outstanding shares for the subsidiary. This includes nonvoting shares such as preferred stock.

Subsidiary Voting Shares

Enter the number of voting shares or common stock.

Specify Parents

The values you enter in this section determine the ownership level and the controlling interest of the parent for the subsidiary.


Select the subsidiary's parent.

Parent Total Shares

Enter the total number of shares in the subsidiary the parent owns.

Parent Voting Shares

Enter the total number of voting shares in the subsidiary the parent owns.

Ownership Percentage Option

Enter the ownership percentage option that you want to use for the ownership rule. You can select the Calculate or Specify option. If you select the Calculate option, the system determines the ownership level the parent has for the subsidiary based on the previous inputs for the total number of shares for the subsidiary entity and the total number of shares owned by the parent. If you select the Specify option you must provide an ownership percentage amount.

Ownership Percentage

Enter the percentage of the subsidiary owned by this parent if you are using the Specify ownership percentage option; otherwise the amount is calculated by the system.

This percentage determines the amount to equitize and the amounts for NCI eliminations.

Control Percentage

Enter the percentage of control that this parent exerts over the subsidiary. When the Equitize Parent field is set to Use Threshold, the amount in the Control Percentage field is compared to the equitization threshold to determine whether to equitize.

Controlling Parent

Select to indicate which parent is the controlling entity. Only one parent may be a controlling entity. During processing, the system posts non-controlling interest eliminations for this subsidiary to the elimination entity of the controlling parent's node on the consolidation tree.

Note. The correct placement of the subsidiary in the consolidation tree is at the node where ownership (both direct and indirect) of that subsubsidiary reaches the consolidation threshold. By definition, the parent at that node is the theoretical controlling parent. With the proper placement of the subsidiary in the tree, the first non-controlling interest eliminations will occur at the node of the theoretical controlling parent, since that is where the subsidiary first appears. You can use the Ownership inquiry to determine the controlling parent for a subsidiary.

See Viewing Ownership Hierarchies.

Equitize Parent

For each subsidiary and parent relationship in an ownership set, this field controls whether to equitize. This setting applies only to direct ownership; equitization of indirect ownership is always based on the threshold, either from the parent's ownership rule set or the ownership group associated with the model. Options are:

Yes: Equitize.

No: Don't equitize.

Use Threshold: Compares the control percentage for each subsidary-parent relationship to the equitization threshold percent of the parent's ownership rule, if defined; otherwise uses the ownership group's threshold.

When the control percentage is greater than or equal to the equitization threshold percent, changes in subsidiary equity (for example, net income) are equitized, using the ownership percentage to determine the amount for each subsidiary-parent relationship.

Note. The formula used to calculate Control Percentage = Voting shares of the parent/Total voting shares of subsidiary * 100 %.

The formula used to calculate Ownership Percentage = Total shares of the parent/Total shares of subsidiary * 100 %.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Ownership Rule Sets

Access the Ownership Rule Set page (Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Ownership Rules, Ownership Rule Set).

Ledger Template

Select the ledger template structure. This must be the same template used for your consolidation ledger. This value controls which ChartFields are available.

See Understanding Ledger Templates.

Consolidation Dimension

Select the dimension (ChartField) by which you are consolidating. For example, Ledger Business Unit.

See Understanding Business Units.

Add Ownership Rules

You can optionally populate the Ownership Rules grid with subsidiary entities by either using a tree and optionally specifying a node, or by using a wildcard search to select the values. You can use one option or the other but not in combination with each other.

All business units or departments in a specified tree name are added to the Ownership Rules grid unless you specify a tree node.

Similarly, if you use the wildcard search mode and click Add Department or in the case of a ledger business unit tree Add Ledger Business Unit, the systems adds all business units whose name matches the pattern specified are added to the Ownership Rules grid.

Using the methods in the Add Ownership Rules section to populate the Ownership Rules grid is optional. You can add business units or departments individually to the grid.

Tree Name

Select the tree that contains the required tree node.

Tree Node

(Optional) If you have selected a Tree Name, select the tree node that contains the required ledger business units or departments.

Ledger Business Unit Name Like

If the consolidation dimension is ledger business unit, enter letters to start a wildcard search for ledger business units you want to add to the ownership rule set.

Add Ledger Business Unit

Click to add the ledger business units to the Ownership Rules grid after using the business unit tree or wildcard search option.

Department Name Like

If the consolidation dimension is department, enter letters to start a wildcard search for departments that you want to add to the ownership rule set.

Add Department

Click to add the departments to the Ownership Rules grid after using the department tree or wildcard search option.

Create Ownership Rule

Click to create a new ownership rule.

Ownership Rules

Add a row for each subsidiary entity in the Ownership Rules grid that you want to include in the ownership rule set and complete these fields:

Subsidiary Entity

Select the subsidiary whose ownership relationships and percentages you are defining. The values you can select are based on the Consolidation Dimension (ChartField).

Ownership Rule

Select the ownership rule you want to associate with this subsidiary.

Edit/View Ownership Rule

Click to edit or view the ownership rule associated with the subsidiary.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Ownership Groups

Access the Ownership Group page (Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Ownership Rules, Ownership Group).

Ledger Template

Select the ledger template structure. This must be the same template used for your consolidation ledger. This value controls which ChartFields are available.

See Understanding Ledger Templates.

Consolidation Dimension

Select the dimension (ChartField) by which you are consolidating. For example, Ledger Business Unit.

See Understanding Business Units.

Consolidation Threshold

Enter the consolidation threshold percent amount that you want to apply to the ownership group. This is used for informational purposes only.

The consolidation threshold defines the ownership percentage threshold at which a subsidiary is required to consolidate with its parent.

Equitization Threshold

Enter the equitization threshold percent amount that you want to apply to the ownership group.

The equitization threshold defines the threshold at which the equity method of accounting goes into effect. The equity method of accounting requires a parent to reflect its ownership percentage of the subsidiary's income in their income statement with an offset to the investment account for the subsidiary. If an ownership rule for a subsidiary entity specifies a equitaztion threshold amount, that value is used instead of the value specified on the ownership group page.

Create Ownership rule set

Click to create a new ownership rule set.

Ownership Rule Set

In the Ownership rule set grid, add a row for each ownership rule set that you want to include in the ownership group, and complete these fields:

Use Order

Enter the use order value for your ownership rule sets.

Determines the processing order of the consolidation rules.

Ownership Rule Set

Select the ownership rule set you want to add to the ownership group.

Edit/View Ownership Rule Set

Click to edit or view the selected ownership rule set.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Close Process Rules

This section provides an overview of close process rules and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Close Process Rules

The closing process closes accounts and rolls their balances forward.

The close process uses the following rules:

Similar to the way in which other consolidation rules are established, you define the individual rules, combine the rules into rules sets, and then define a group, which comprises one or more rule sets. You then associate the group with the consolidation model. In the case of close processing, the consolidation model uses the close process group to specify which ChartField values are involved in the close process.

If you are using flows, please note that close processing does not generate flow activity. The necessary flow amounts need to be entered manually using the journal flow input template. System-generated entries in elimination units that are either closed or rolled forward in trial balance modes should be placed onto manual flow templates—even if there is only one flow code needed—rather than on a system template.

Consolidation Ledger Format

When running the close process, you either run year-end or period-end processing, depending on the format of the consolidation ledger. Trial balance consolidation ledgers use year-end processing, whereas financial statement consolidation ledgers use period-end processing. Consequently, the consolidation ledger format determines how you set up the rules for close processing.

Note. The ledger format option is established on the Ledger Template- Consolidation Variables page (either trial balance or financial statement). The ledger format determines which fields are available for entry in the close rule process pages.

This table summarizes the setup required depending on the consolidation ledger format:

Consolidation Method

Close Process Rule Setup

Elimination Entries

Run Control Options

Trial Balance

Compete both the roll forward and close rule setup.

Select the Include Elimination Entities check box for roll forward balances on the Close Process Group page if you are tracking flow activity on the elimination entities.

For elimination entities, only system-generated entries are reversed in the following period.

Enter fiscal year. You can perform year end processing only. No period processing.

You have a request type choice of Close/Roll Forward or Delete.

Financial Statement

Typically only the roll forward rules are setup.

Use the Close rule setup if you want to close certain accounts. For example, you may want to close current year investment account into prior year investment account.

Do not select the Include Elimination Entities check box on the Close Process Group page.

Warning! You should not roll forward elimination entities balances for Financial Statement based consolidation models.

For elimination entities, only non-system-generated entries are processed.

Enter the period and fiscal year.

You have a request type choice of Close/Roll Forward, Roll Forward Only, or Delete.

Source Values Related to Close

Ledger entries that the system generates when you run the close process are identified by the GC_SOURCE field values of 9A, 9B, 9C, or 9D.

The following table describes these GC_SOURCE field values:




Closing Entry

The data originates from the closing process. These entries represent the balances that are closed into the target accounts by the close process.


Roll Forward Entry

The data originates from the closing process. These entries represent the balances that are rolled forward by the close process.


Elimination Reversal – Closing

The data originates from the closing process. These entries represent the reversal amounts booked to period 1 for elimination entity amounts closed during year-end close process. These entries are only created for system-generated amounts in the trial balance ledger format.


Elimination Reversal – Roll Forward

The data originates from the closing process. These entries represents the reversal amounts booked to period 1 for elimination entity amounts rolled forward during year-end close process. These entries are only created for system-generated amounts in the trial balance ledger format.

See Global Consolidations Sources.

Rolling Forward Elimination Entities

For the Trial Balance ledger format, when processing eliminations for period 1, both the period 0 (beginning) balance and the period 1 activity are eliminated with a single entry booked to period 1. The end result is that everything is properly eliminated when looking at consolidated period 1 balances. But, when examining just the activity/flow for period 1, the consolidated amounts do not net to zero.

Consider the following example, where a pair of business units has a 1,000 EUR intercompany payable/receivable balance at year end, and an additional intercompany activity of 500 EUR in period 1 of the next year.

Note. GC Source codes are listed next to each number: 01 = Source Ledger, 04 = InterCo Elims, 9x = Close processing.

See Global Consolidations Sources.

This is what the ledger looks like if the elimination entries are NOT rolled forward:


Intercompany Payables

Intercompany Receivables


Period 0

Source Code

Period 1

Source Code


Period 0

Source Code

Period 1

Source Code


BU 1







BU 2



























Note that the total nets to zero when viewed as a year-to-date balance, but the period 1 activity does not net to zero.

This example displays the ledger with elimination entries that are rolled forward:


Intercompany Payables

Intercompany Receivables


Period 0

Source Code

Period 1

Source Code


Period 0

Source Code

Period 1

Source Code


BU 1







BU 2

































Both the year-to-date and period 1 activity amounts are completely eliminated.

Steps for Setting Up and Processing Closing and Roll Forward Rules

The steps for setting up and viewing close process rules:

  1. Define close rules.

  2. Assign close rules to close rule sets.

  3. Set up roll forward rules.

  4. Assign roll forward rules to roll forward sets.

  5. Assign close rule sets and roll forward rule sets (tied to a consolidation dimension, such as ledger business unit) to a close process group.

  6. Assign the close process group to a consolidation model.

  7. Run the close process application engine.

  8. Review the close process status with the consolidation manager.

  9. Review close amounts and roll forward balances with reports.

See Also

Understanding Ledger Templates

Understanding Ledgers

Managing Consolidation Processing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Close Process Rules

Page Name

Definition Name



Close Rule


Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Close Process Rules, Close Rule

Define a close rule and specify which ChartField value sets to close, and the ChartField values to which the closed amounts will be posted

Close Rule - Notes


Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Close Process Rules, Close Rule, Notes

Record details about a close rule.

Close Rule Set


Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Close Process Rules, Close Rule Set

Define a set of close rules and specify the order in which they are processed.

Close Rule Set - Notes


Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Close Process Rules, Close Rule Set, Notes

Record details about a close rule set.

Roll Forward Rule


Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Close Process Rules, Roll Forward Rule

Define roll forward rules to specify the accounts for which the system rolls forward balances.

Roll Forward Rule - Notes


Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Close Process Rules, Roll Forward Rule, Notes

Record details about a roll forward rule.

Roll Forward Rule Set


Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Close Process Rules, Roll Forward Rule Set

Assign roll forward rules to a roll forward rule set and specify the order in which they are processed.

Roll Forward Rule Set Notes


Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Close Process Rules, Roll Forward Rule Set, Notes

Record details about a roll forward rule set.

Close Process Group


Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Close Process Rules, Close Process Group

Assign close rule sets and roll forward rule sets to consolidation tree nodes and specify the order in which the tree nodes are processed.

Close Process Group - Notes


Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Closing Rules, Close Process Group, Notes

Record details about a close group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Close Rules

Access the Close Rule page (Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Close Process Rules, Close Rule).

Ledger Template

Select the ledger template structure. This must be the same template used for your consolidation ledger. This value controls which ChartFields are available.

See Understanding Ledger Templates.

Consolidation Dimension

Select the dimension by which you are consolidating, for example, Ledger Business Unit.

Close Rule Input

Source Process Option

Select the Source Process Option. The source process selection will be applied to all ChartField value sets in the close rule input. You have two options,

  • Include All Source Processes

    Select this option to include all source types.

  • Specify Source Process Value

    Select this option to specify which data source types to include as input to the close process. This activates the Close Rule Source Input grid, where you can specify your source input options based on the available ChartField value sets. Add a row for each source option that you want to include.

See Understanding ChartField Value Sets.

Close Rule Source Input

The Close Rule Source Input grid is active if you select to Specify Source Process Value as your source process option.

You can identify the consolidation source processes (data sources) that you want to use as input for the closing process rule setup. Add a row for each source process you want to add as input for the close rule. For example, you may want to specify Manual Entry as a source process to include as input for any manual journal entries you want to capture in your closing rule.

See Global Consolidations Sources.

Close Rule Input

Define the set of accounts to close by specifying one or more ChartField Value Sets from the prompt table. Typically, the ChartField value sets you select are based on income statement accounts because this is a close rule. However, the close rule can also be used for balance sheet accounts, such as closing a year-to-date account into an inception-to-date account.

If the ChartField value set you want is not available from the prompt table, click the Create ChartField Value Set link to access the ChartField Value Setup page and create the ChartField value set you require for your close rule setup.

See Defining ChartField Value Sets.

Close Rule Output

The Close Rule Output grid defines which specific dimensions (ChartFields) will receive the closed amounts. Specify the field names (ChartField values), the output options, and the value for the selected field names (ChartField values). Insert a row for each ChartField value that you want include in your rule; Account is required.

Click Get ChartFields to populate the Close Rule Output grid with all of the valid ChartField values.

Field Name

Select the field name (ChartFields or dimensions) for your close rule output. For example, Account, Department, Book Code, and so on. Your choices are based on the ledger template selection and the ledger record that you assign to your ledger template. For example, the ledger record, GC_CLED_MGT_F00 is commonly in use for Global Consolidations ledger templates.

Insert a row for each ChartField value you want include in your rule. You must select Account as a ChartField value.

See Understanding Ledger Templates.


Select Retain to keep the original incoming ChartField value, or select Constant to provide a value for the ChartField value such as an account value.


This field is only available if Constant is selected in the Option field.

Select a value from the prompt table for your selected field name.

For example, if you select Account as a close rule output target and the Constant option, you select a valid value for the account based on the defined set of accounts. Similarly, you can select a constant value for any other defined ChartField value such as department.

The Close Output Rule grid must specify at least one account.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Close Rule Sets

Access the Close Rule Set page (Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Close Process Rules, Close Rule Set).

Ledger Template

Select the ledger template structure. This must be the same template used for your consolidation ledger. This value controls which ChartFields are available.

See Understanding Ledger Templates.

Consolidation Dimension

Select the dimension by which you are consolidating, for example, Ledger Business Unit.


Use the Rules grid to assign close rules to the closing set and specify their processing order.

Use Order

Enter the use order value for your closing rule sets.

Determines the processing order of the close rules.

Close Rule

Select the close rule from the prompt table. Your choices are dependent on the close rules you define using the Close Rules page.

You can click the Create Close Rule link to open the Close Rule page and create a new close rule.

Click the Edit/View Close Rule link to take you to the Close Rule page to modify or view the existing close rules you require for the close rule set.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Roll Forward Rules

Access the Roll Forward Rule page (Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Close Process Rules, Roll Forward Rule).

Ledger Template

Select the ledger template structure. This must be the same template used for your consolidation ledger. This value controls which ChartFields are available.

See Understanding Ledger Templates.

Consolidation Dimension

Select the dimension by which you are consolidating, for example, Ledger Business Unit.

Roll Forward Rule Input

Specify the global consolidations source data processes and ChartField Value sets to be included in the roll forward rule process.

Specify the source processes you want to include for the rule in the Roll Forward Rule Source Input grid if you use the Specify Source Process Value option.

Source Process Option

Select the source process option. You have two options:

  • Include All Source Processes

    Selecting this option includes all source types.

  • Specify Source Process Value

    If you select Specify Source Process Value then the Roll Forward Rule Source Input grid becomes active, where you can specify your source input options based on available ChartField value sets. Add a row for each source option you want to include.

See Global Consolidations Sources.

Roll Forward Rule Source Input

The Roll Forward Rule Source Input grid is active if you select Specify Source Process Value as your source process option.

You can identify the source processes you want to use as input for the roll forward process rule setup. Add a row for each source process you want to add as input for the roll forward rule. For example, you may want to specify Manual Entry as a source process to include as input for any manual journal entries you want to capture in your roll forward rule.

Roll Forward Rule Input

Define the set of accounts to use as input for the roll process rule by specifying one or more ChartField Value Sets from the prompt table. Typically, the ChartField value sets you select are based on income statement accounts because this is a part of the closing process.

If the ChartField value set you want is not available from the prompt table, click the Create ChartField Value Set link to access the ChartField Value Setup page and create the ChartField value set you require for your close rule setup. Alternatively, you can click the Description link to edit or view the existing ChartField value set.

ChartField Value Set

Select the ChartField Value Set for your roll forward rule input.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Roll Forward Rule Sets

Access the Roll Forward Rule Set page (Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Close Process Rules, Roll Forward Rule Set).

Ledger Template

Select the ledger template structure. This must be the same template used for your consolidation ledger. This value controls which ChartFields are available.

See Understanding Ledger Templates.

Consolidation Dimension

Select the dimension by which you are consolidating, for example, Ledger Business Unit.

See Understanding Business Units.

Roll Forward Rules

Use the Roll Forward Rules grid to assign your roll forward rules to the roll forward rule set.

Use Order

Enter the use order value for your roll forward rule sets.

Determines the processing order of the roll forward rules.

Roll Forward Rule

Select the roll forward rule from the prompt table. Your choices are dependent on the roll forward rules you define using the Roll Forward Rules page.

Click the Create Roll Forward Rule link to open the Roll Forward Rule page and create a new roll forward rule.

Click the Edit/View Roll Forward Rule link to take you to the Roll Forward Rule page to modify or view the existing roll forward rules you require for the roll forward rule set.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Close Process Groups

Access the Close Process Group page (Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Close Process Rules, Close Process Group).

Ledger Template

Select the ledger template structure. This must be the same template used for your consolidation ledger. This value controls which ChartFields are available.

See Understanding Ledger Templates.

Consolidation Dimension

Select the dimension by which you are consolidating, for example, Ledger Business Unit.

Consolidation Tree

Select a consolidation tree for the close group.

Close Process Rules

Use the Close Process Rule grid to assign close rule sets and roll forward rule sets to a consolidation tree node and to specify the order in which the nodes should be processed. Insert rows if you need to include multiple tree nodes and their close rule sets and/or roll forward rules. The close process group is assigned to the consolidation model.

Use Order

The use order controls how the system processes the nodes in the consolidation tree. If the rules are defined in a such a way that multiple tree nodes are being processed and they include the same consolidation dimension value, for example, business unit, then that business unit will be processed only once—for the rule that is associated with the higher priority use order.

Consolidation Node

Select a node from the consolidation tree to associate with the close rule set and roll forward rule set.

Click the Tree button to open an interactive view of the tree specified in the Consolidation Tree field. Expand the nodes as needed to select the parent that you want to insert.

Close Rule Set

Select a close rule set. You can click Create Close Rule Set to create a new close rule set, if needed.

If you select a close rule set, you must also select a corresponding roll forward rule set. If the corresponding roll forward rule set field is left blank, then no rules are assigned to the specified tree node.

Roll Forward Rule Set

Select a roll forward rule set. You can click Create Roll Forward Rule Set to create a new roll forward rule set, if needed.

Note. You can specify a roll forward rule set for a node without selecting a close rule set.

Include Elimination Entities

Select this option if you want to include elimination entities for the node selected for the close process.

This option is only valid for trial balance ledger formats. If you roll forward elimination entities, then the balances will be rolled forward to period zero, with a reversing journal of the rolled forward balances in period one.

Note. If the close rule set or roll forward rule set is left blank, then no rules are assigned to that tree node. The system has edits in place to prevent a close rule set from being input without specifying a roll forward rule set. A roll forward rule set can stand alone, but a close rule set cannot.

Set Details

Select the Set Details tab to view and edit the selected close rule and roll forward rule sets.

Edit/View Close Ruleset

Click the Edit/View Close Ruleset link to take you to the Close Rule Set page to modify or view the existing close rule sets you require for your close group rule.

Edit/View Roll Forward Rule Set

Click the Edit/View Roll Forward Rule Set link to take you to the Roll Forward Rule Set page to modify or view the existing roll forward rule sets you require for your close group rule.

Click to jump to parent topicEstablishing Consolidation Models

This section discusses how to define consolidation models.

The consolidation model defines the rules you use for processing a consolidation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Tiered Consolidations

In large multi-national organizations, the consolidation process is often staggered. For example APAC and EMEA may complete their consolidations at different times. If you specify tiered consolidations, as you gather the final numbers from subsidiaries, you can run consolidations at any level of the consolidation tree.

To run tiered consolidations, you must specify which nodes on the consolidation tree can be run independently of other nodes on the Specify Tiered Consolidations page. After you specify tiered consolidations, you must validate the consolidation model, to be sure that there are no dependencies.

See Validating the Consolidation Setup.

After the nodes and order are established, you can then run a consolidation process using any node that you previously specified. An example of processing eliminations using nodes follows:

When consolidation processing is completed for a tree node, you can lock the scenario and specify the tree node so that no further processing can occur for the node.

Note. If the user decides to run the consolidation engines at a higher level node, the system reprocesses the lower level nodes even if the lower level nodes are locked. (Locking does not affect the user's ability to run the elimination and equitization engines.) For example, the user could run the consolidation engines for lower level nodes, but once the engines are run at a higher-level node, the consolidation entries that were previously run will be unposted and the lower level nodes will be reprocessed. A run difference analysis is available to let the user confirm that running at the higher level did not have any net effect on the lower levels.

If any particular subsidiaries parents are found occur in multiple tree nodes, you cannot use tiered consolidations.

See Locking Scenarios.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Establish Consolidation Models

Page Name

Definition Name



Model Definition


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, Business Framework, Models

Create a model definition. You must create a model before you can use it as a consolidation model.

Consolidation Model


Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Common Definitions, Consolidation Model, Model

Define a consolidation model, which associates the rules that control consolidation processing to a common consolidation business unit.

Consolidation Model - Notes


Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Common Definitions, Consolidation Model, Notes

Enter notes about the consolidation model.

Specify Tiered Consolidations


Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Common Definitions, Consolidation Model, Specify Tiered Consolidations

Select individual consolidation tree nodes that can be selected when running consolidation processes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Consolidation Models

Access the Consolidation Model page (Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Common Definitions, Consolidation Model, Model).

Complete these fields to define your consolidation model:

Base Currency

Select the currency used for the consolidation.

Consolidation Ledger

Select the ledger record in which to record the consolidation activity.

The ledger that you select must be defined by using the Ledger Template page with the EPM Ledger Type field set to Consolidation Ledger.

See Understanding Ledger Templates.

Consolidation Dimension

Select the dimension by which you are consolidating, for example, Ledger Business Unit.

See Understanding Business Units.

Consolidation Tree

Select the tree that includes the entities that you are consolidating, and the elimination entity for each node.

Consolidation Node

Select the top node level of the tree on which to consolidate.

You can select any node within the tree; this enables you to use the same tree for multiple consolidation scenarios.

Specify Tiered Consolidations

Click to specify which tree nodes will be used in a tiered consolidation.

Preparation Tree

Select the ledger preparation tree to use for preparing the source ledgers for consolidations. Typically, this will be the same tree used for consolidations if the consolidation dimension is Ledger Business Unit.

This field is required only when the Consolidation Dimension field is not set to Ledger Business Unit.

Preparation Tree Node

Select the top level of the ledger preparation tree to use for preparing the source ledgers for consolidations.

This field is required only when the Consolidation Dimension field is not set to Ledger Business Unit.

Balancing Account Type Rule

Select the rule that specifies which account types must be balanced.

Specifies those account types that are to be used to balance a ledger.

Preparation Group

Select a ledger preparation group identifying a group of rules to prepare data for consolidations.

Currency Group

Select a currency conversion rule group comprising a group of rules to prepare data for consolidations.

Elimination Group

Select the group used to eliminate intercompany transactions.

Non-Controlling Interest Group

Select the group that contains the rules used to eliminate parent investment and subsidiary equity amounts, and generate non-controlling interest adjustments.

Equitization Group

Select the group that contains the rules used to record current year changes in a parent's investment in subsidiaries based on the changes in subsidiary equity, and create related eliminations.

Publish Rule

Select the rule that defines which journals are published.

Close Process Group

Select a close group comprising the close rule sets and roll forward rules comprising the close group for preparing data for Year End processing in Global Consolidations.

Ownership Group

Select an ownership group comprising the ownership rule sets and consolidation and equitization threshold levels for consolidations.

Flow Group

Select a flow group comprising manual and system flow input templates for consolidations.

Edit, View, and Create

Click these links to access the related page in edit, view, or add mode.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Tiered Consolidations

Access the Specify Tiered Consolidations page (Global Consolidations, Define Consolidations, Common Definitions, Consolidation Model, Specify Tiered Consolidations).

In the Order field, specify the order in which you expect to process the tree nodes. This field is informational only. In the Tree Node field, select nodes from the consolidation tree that can be processed separately.

After you have selected nodes and saved the consolidation model, validate the model to make sure that there are no dependencies between the nodes that you selected.

See Also

Validating the Consolidation Setup