Defining and Managing Flows

This chapter provides an overview of defining and managing flows and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Data Flows

PeopleSoft Global Consolidations flows feature provides the ability to capture the change in account balances for a specified period. By considering the different type of flows (or activities) affecting the net balance of an account, you can reconcile account variation using account activities that traditional ledger mapping of accounts is unable to capture.

Data flows for consolidations are used to track and reconcile gross variation. Gross variation is the difference between the opening and closing balances of an account, which can be caused by many activities. For example, the gross variation of fixed asset accounts could be distinguished by additions, disposals, asset impairment, currency translation, and reclassification. Reporting the data flow for specific accounts is often required as part of regulatory reporting.

To track flow amounts you establish flow codes. Flow codes can track each of the activities associated with account balances so that you can easily determine the impact of each activity on the change in account balance. There are two types of flow codes: pre-defined system flow codes and manual flow codes:

Flows are further categorized as source flows and journal flows:

Flow templates link the flow codes with specific accounts. They specify the ledger template and effective date, which flow codes to use, and which accounts to use the flow codes with. You can also preview a flow template. There are two types of flow templates:

All of the flow templates that you want to use for a specific consolidation ledger are specified in a flow group. The flow group is associated with the consolidation model.

See Defining Flow Groups.

Two processes are run to update flow information:

Phases of Flow Processing

There are three phases of flow processing:

Steps for Setting Up Flow Processing

This diagram illustrates the step you complete to establish flow processing.

Steps for setting up flow processing

You complete these basic steps when setting up flow processing:

  1. Turn on and setup flow processing on the consolidation Ledger Template.

    See Establishing Flow Processing.

  2. Modify descriptions for system delivered flow codes and select those system flow codes that you want to appear on your flow templates to suit your reporting purposes.

    See Using System Flow Codes.

  3. Set up manual flow codes that you want to use for your flow templates.

    See Defining Manual Flow Codes.

  4. Assign flow codes and accounts to manual and system activity flow templates. You generally set up flow templates for related groups of accounts, whose changes are captured by the same activities.

  5. Optionally, assign manual flow codes as targets to consolidation rules.

    If manual flow codes are assigned to consolidation rules, the system automatically captures the flow amounts when the consolidation engines are run.

Example: Tracking Fixed Asset Flow Information

The manual flow templates are designed so that users can enter information for financial statement footnotes and cash flow analysis. The templates contain system flow codes to track changes in account balances as well as foreign currency translations, and manual flow codes to track specific types of activity related to the account, such as asset acquisitions and dispositions. If the user has multi-currency business units, then all source flow information must be translated at a closing rate and at a cash flow rate. To illustrate this concept, the following example is presented.

Suppose that fixed asset opening, closing, change, and flow activity amounts (Acquisitions & Disposals) are the following in a foreign currency:


System Flow Codes

Manual Flow Codes









Fixed Assets








FXAJ1 and FXAJ2 are system flow codes that represent foreign currency translation and are calculated by the system. ACQ and DISP represent manual flow codes that are used to track acquisitions and disposals, respectively. Note that the flow codes of FXAJ1, FXAJ2, ACQ, and DISP add up to the Change amount.

Assume the following exchange rates.

Rate Type


Opening Rate:


Closing Rate:


Average Rate:


When the amounts and balances are translated at the Closing Rate you would see the following.


Sum = Change Amount









Fixed Assets








Open balance of 100 is translated at opening rate of 2, which equals 200.

Close balance of 200 is translated at closing rate of 4, which equals 800.

Change amount is 600.

ACQ amount is translated at closing rate of 4 multiplied by 200, which equals 800.

DISP amount is translated at closing rate of 4 multiplied by -100, which equals -400.

FXAJ1 represents the difference between the closing rate of 4 multiplied by the opening balance (4 X 100=400) and the opening rate of 2 multiplied by the opening balance (2 X 100=200), which equals 200.




A x B


Open Bal







Less: Open







When the amounts/balances are translated at the Cash Flow Rate or average rate, you would see the following:


Sum = Change Amount









Fixed Assets








Open and close balances as well as the change amount are still the same as above.

ACQ amount is translated at average rate of 3 multiplied by 200, which equals 600.

DISP amount is translated at closing rate of 3 multiplied by -100, which equals -300.

FXAJ1 is the same as above.

FXAJ2 represents the difference between the closing rate of 4 multiplied by the flow amounts (4 X (200-100)=400) and the average rate of 3 multiplied by the flow amounts (3 X (200-100)=300), which equals 100.




A + B







Flow Amt











Less: Average











Note. Combining FXAJ1 and FXAJ2 flow codes with the cash accounts will produce the net affect of currency translation line item on the cash flow statement.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Flow Processing

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Flows

Page Name

Definition Name



Ledger Template - Consolidation Variables


EPM Foundation, EPM Setup, Ledger Setup, Ledgers, Ledger Template, Consolidation Variables

Establish flow processing for a consolidation ledger and specify the flow records to be used.

System Flow Codes


Global Consolidation, Define Consolidations, Flow Definitions, System Flow Codes

Modify the short and long names of the system flow codes and to specify which system flow codes automatically populate in the flow templates.

Manual Flow Code


Global Consolidation, Define Consolidations, Flow Definitions, Manual Flow Codes

Define manual flow codes.

Manual Flow Code - Notes


Global Consolidation, Define Consolidations, Flow Definitions, Manual Flow Codes, Notes

Enter notes about a manual flow code.

Flow Template - General


Global Consolidation, Define Consolidations, Flow Definitions, Flow Template Setup, General

Select the flow template type and enter a description, ledger template, and effective date for the flow template.

Flow Template - Flow Codes


Global Consolidation, Define Consolidations, Flow Definitions, Flow Template Setup, Flow Codes

Identify which flow codes to use in the flow template.

Flow Template - Account Set


Global Consolidation, Define Consolidations, Flow Definitions, Flow Template Setup, Account Set

Identify which accounts to use in the flow template.

Flow Template - Template Preview


Global Consolidation, Define Consolidations, Flow Definitions, Flow Template Setup, Template Preview

Preview the flow template layout.

Flow Template Setup - Notes


Global Consolidation, Define Consolidations, Flow Definitions, Flow Template Setup, Notes

Enter notes about the flow template.

Flow Group


Global Consolidation, Define Consolidations, Flow Definitions, Flow Group

Assign manual and system flow templates to a flow group.

Flow Group - Notes


Global Consolidation, Define Consolidations, Flow Definitions, Flow Group, Notes

Enter notes about a flow group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Flow Processing

Access the Ledger Template - Consolidation Variables page (EPM Foundation, EPM Setup, Ledger Setup, Ledgers, Ledger Template, Consolidation Variables) and locate the Flow Processing group box at the bottom of the page.

To establish flow processing for the selected consolidation ledger template, in the Flow Processing group box select the Flow Processing check box and define which flow records are used.

Flow Activity Record

Represents the table in which the final flow amounts are stored. This table is used in conjunction with the consolidation ledger to develop reports for flow reporting.

Flow Input Record

Represents the table where the user inputs the flow amounts.

Flow Activity Work and Flow Activity Work 2

Temporary tables for the flow update engines.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing System Flow Codes

Access the System Flow Codes page (Global Consolidation, Define Consolidations, Flow Definitions, System Flow Codes).

System flow codes are predefined by the system and are used to track system-generated amounts. These system flow codes and descriptions are delivered with Global Consolidations. You can change the short and long descriptions and the default settings, but not the flow code.

These fields are displayed on the System Flow Codes page:

Flow Code

Displays the fixed five-digit number assigned to the system flow code. You cannot change this field.

Short Description

Displays the short description for the system flow code. You can change this description.


Displays the long description for the system flow code. You can change this description.

Default in Template

Select this check box to specify that the system flow code will automatically be included when a new flow template is defined. The Open, Close, and Change flow codes are required for every flow template.

The following table lists the seven system flow codes and their definitions.

Flow Code

Short Description





Opening Balance

Represents the year-to-date opening balance.



Closing Balance

Represents the year-to-date closing balance.




Represents the difference between opening and closing balance on the source input template. On the journal flow input template, it represents the activity from journals or batches.



FX Adj for Beginning Balance

Used in the translation of flows at the closing rate. Represents the flow translation adjustment to adjust the opening balance, translated at prior rates to the closing translation rate. This amount is derived from GC source of 08.



FX Adj for Cash Flow Activity

Used in the translation of flows at the cash flow rate (normally an average rate). Represents the flow translation adjustment to adjust the flow amounts translated at the average rate to the closing rate.



FX Translation Gain/Loss

Represents the translation gain loss from the ledger preparation process. This amount is derived from GC source of 02.



Change in Period Activity

Represents the activity for the account. This flow code is critical when producing the templates for any accounts that do not need manual flow codes such as accounts receivable and accounts payable. It is created through the Flow Update engines when updating flows and is used for translating activity at an average rate for foreign currency balances. The difference between this flow code and the change flow code is that this flow code represents the period activity from the consolidation ledger (CLED) whereas the change flow code represents a calculated amount of the difference between opening and closing balance.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Manual Flow Codes

Access the Manual Flow Code page (Global Consolidation, Define Consolidations, Flow Definitions, Manual Flow Codes).

Manual flow codes are defined by the user to track account activity and are used in manual flow templates. You must take into consideration the nature of the account when creating manual flow codes. The flow codes should track the types of activities that affect the balance of the account.

To define a new manual flow code, on the Manual Flow Code - Add a new value page, enter the SetID and five digit Flow Code ID for the flow code, and then specify values in the following fields on the Manual Flow Code page:

Effective Date

Specify the date at which the flow code should be available for use.

Short Description

Enter a short description for the flow code.


Enter a long description for the flow code.

Cash Flow Attribute

Select one of the following attributes for the manual flow code: Operating Activities, Investing Activities, Financing Activities, and Other. These are information-only values used to classify the type of flow code. Their values do not affect flow processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Flow Templates

Access the Flow Template - General page (Global Consolidation, Define Consolidations, Flow Definitions, Flow Template Setup, General).

You define a flow template by specifying SetID and Flow Template ID. On the Flow Template - General page, you specify the following:

Ledger Template

Specify the consolidation ledger template.

Template Type

Select one of the following:

  • Manual Flow Template: Select manual flow template to establish a flow template where flows are inputted.

  • System Flow Template: Select system flow template to capture change in period activity flows..

See Understanding Data Flows.

System Flow Templates

You use the same pages to define system flow templates that you use to define manual flow templates. There are some differences, however, in how you set up the definitions.

If you are producing a cash flow statement using the indirect method, then other changes in activity from balance sheet accounts need to be translated at the cash flow average rate, such as accounts receivable or accounts payable. In this case, a separate system flow template must be setup to capture the change in activity.

Note. The system flow template only needs to be used if the user is consolidating business units in a foreign currency.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInserting Flow Codes in a Flow Template

Access the Flow Template - Flow Codes page (Global Consolidation, Define Consolidations, Flow Definitions, Flow Template Setup, Flow Codes).

Add the flow codes that you require for your flow template and place them in the display order in which you want them to be displayed. If you want to review or edit a flow code, you can click the flow code description link to display the definition of that particular flow code.

Display Order

Enter the display order for the flow codes as they will appear on the Flow Inquiry page. The flow codes are the columns appearing from left to right, based on the value entered for this field; the lowest display order appears first.

Flow Code

Select the flow code value. System flow codes defined as Default In Template automatically populate the Flow Codes grid.

  • For manual flow templates, values available are based on those defined by the system or manual flow codes you previously defined on the Manual Flow Code page.

  • Only system flow codes can be used on system flow templates.

Create Manual Flow Code

(Available only for manual flow templates.) Select the Create Manual Flow Code link to add a new manual flow code on the Manual Flow Code page, then return to the Flow Template - Flow Codes page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInserting Account Sets in a Flow Template

Access the Flow Template - Account Set page (Global Consolidation, Define Consolidations, Flow Definitions, Flow Template Setup, Account Set).

The account set in a flow template is made up of accounts that would logically be associated with the flow template. For example, on a fixed assets manual flow template, you would add accounts associated with fixed assets.

Display Order

Enter the display order for the account. The accounts specify the rows displayed on the Source Flow Input and Journal Flow Input pages, and appear in ascending order, based on the value entered for this field; the account with the lowest display order appears first.

Account Option

Select one of the following options:

  • Select Tree Node to specify a node from an account tree. Then specify the Tree ID, Tree Node, and Validate options.

  • Select Detail to specify a single account. Then specify the account in the Account field.


Select the account from the prompt table. This field is used when the Detail Account Option is selected.

Tree ID

Select the tree ID. This option is active if you select Tree Node as the Account Option. You must select an account structure tree.

Tree Node

Select the tree node based on the Tree ID you selected. Opens the tree viewer so you can select a tree node. This option is active if you select Tree Node as the Account Option.


This option is active if you select Tree Node as the Account Option.Your choices are Node or Detail.

  • Select Detail to list accounts from the tree node on the template. This option is used to facilitate easier maintenance of entering multiple accounts at a time.

  • Select Node to select the entire node. The system then stores the flow amount by tree node. If you select Node, you must also select an Exchange Rate Type and Rate Type for Cash Flows.

These rate type selections enable you to track flows for both cash flow reporting and footnote disclosures. For example, you might record fixed asset acquisitions at a current rate for footnote disclosure purposes and at an average rate for cash flow. Global Consolidations records the flow amount at both rates for reporting purposes.

Exchange Rate Type

Select an exchange rate type. This field is active if you select Tree Node for the account option and validate at the node level. In this situation you are validating the flows at the node level so you must define an exchange rate for the node level results.

Rate Type for Cash Flows

Select the rate type you want to use for cash flows. This field is active if you select Tree Node for the account option and validate at the node level. In this situation you are validating the flows at the node level so you must define an exchange rate for the node level.

Note. If you specify an account in a system flow template that is also listed on a manual flow template, and both flow templates are part of the same flow group, the account in the system flow template will be excluded during flow processing.

There is no setup for node-level currency conversion rules except on the Flow Template - Account Set page. If a detail account or node with Validate set to Detail is selected on the Flow Template - Account Set page, then the currency conversion refers to the currency group set at the consolidation model level.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPreviewing a Flow Template

Access the Flow Template - Template Preview page (Global Consolidation, Define Consolidations, Flow Definitions, Flow Template Setup, Template Preview).

Select View/Refresh Template to display the format of the flow template. The Flow Template - Template Preview page displays the layout of the flow template and how it will appear on the Source Flow Input and Journal Flow Input pages. If you change the parameters of flow codes and/or account set on the previous flow template pages and then navigate to the Template Preview page, update the preview by clicking the View/Refresh Template button.

The format is in rows for accounts and columns for flow codes. Values calculated by the system are identified with #####. Values determined using manual flow codes are blank.

Account/Node and Description

A row is displayed for each account or node specified for the flow template.

00000 Open, 99999 Close, and 99900 Change columns

A column is displayed for each of these required system flow codes. Amounts for system flow codes are calculated by the system, and are signified by #####.

Columns for additional flow codes

A column is displayed for each flow code specified in the template.

Difference to be Reconciled

Displays the net amount of the flow activities for the account. It is calculated by the system and shows the net of the 99990 Change column and the sum of the other manual flow code input columns, and can be used to help reconcile the flow amounts.

Previewing a System Flow Template

Like the Flow Template - Template Preview page for a manual flow template, the Template Preview page for a system flow template displays the layout of the system flow template. It displays the accounts specified on the Flow Template - Account Set page in rows. It also displays the system flow codes from the Flow Template - Flow Code page in columns. Because this template is system derived, you can only review amounts for system flow templates on the Flow Inquiry page. The amounts are displayed in the consolidation currency.

See Viewing Data Flows.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Flow Groups

Access the Flow Group page (Global Consolidation, Define Consolidations, Flow Definitions, Flow Group).

After the flow templates have been completed, you must associate the templates with a flow group and associate the flow group with the consolidation model. Use the Flow Group page to associate manual flow templates with a flow group and indicate whether the flow group includes system flow templates.

Ledger Template

All the flow templates within a flow group must use the same consolidation ledger template.

Create Flow Template

Click this link to open the Flow Templates page and define a new flow template, which can then be included in the flow group.

Manual Flow Templates

Insert a row in this grid for each manual flow template to include in the flow group, and, in the Flow Template ID field, specify the the manual flow template to include.

Include System Flow Templates

Select this check box if the flow group also includes system flow templates.

System Flow Templates

If the Include System Flow Templates check box is selected, insert a row in this grid for each system flow template to include in the flow group, and, in the Flow Template ID field, specify the system flow template to use.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Manual Flow Codes as Targets into Consolidation Rules

After flow setup is complete, you can use manual flow codes as targets within the consolidation rules.

If you assign manual flow codes to consolidation rules, the system generates flow amounts when the consolidation engine is run and the Update Flow Amounts check box is selected on the run control page

This example shows how flow codes are used in a Non-Controlling Interest rule:

Refer to Define Consolidation Rules, Setup Equitization Rules or Setup Elimination Rules or Setup Non-controlling Interest rules for further information on setting up flow targets on the rules.

The flow amounts captured by consolidation rules are categorized as journal flow amounts, and can be reviewed and modified on the Journal Flow Input page.

See Also

Defining Elimination Rules

Defining Non-Controlling Interest Rules

Defining Equitization Rules

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Source Flow Inputs

This section provides an overview of source flow input amounts and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Source Flow Input

Use the Source Flow Input page to enter and review flow amounts for the source balances that are brought in to the consolidation ledger by the ledger preparation process. For each manual flow template that you establish to work with your consolidation model, you can review, change, and add source flow amounts for manual flow codes on the Source Flow Input page. The manual flow template establishes which accounts and flow codes are displayed on the Source Flow Input page.

This example shows the Source Flow Input page for the Fixed Assets template. The Account, Description, and Book Code are all derived from the values specified on the Fixed Assets manual flow template. The amounts in the Open, Close, and Change columns are all derived using the system flow codes specified on the Fixed Assets manual flow template. The columns for ACQ (acquisition), DISP (disposition), Reclass (reclassification), and Impair (impairments), are used to enter actual amounts for the manual flow codes associated with the Fixed Assets template. Because source amounts for the manual flow codes cannot be extracted by the system, you must enter them manually.

After source flow input amounts are entered and validated, you update the flow activity record by running the Source Flow Update process.

You can also use spreadsheets to upload source and journal flow amounts.

See Using the ExcelToCI Spreadsheet Upload Facility.

Source Flow Input and Ledger Format

When defining ledgers, you select one of these formats: trial balance or financial statement. The way the balances are stored and how the consolidation entries are recorded differ for each format, so the Source Flow Input page also differs depending on what Global Consolidations sources are used to derive the opening and closing balances.

See Understanding Ledger Templates.

This table explains the differences in the Source Flow Input page, depending on whether you are using the trial balance or financial statement ledger format:


Trial Balance Ledger Format

Financial Statement Ledger Format

Opening Balance

Derived from the consolidation ledger for the fiscal year selected and the summation of accounting periods zero through the period selected minus one. Comprised of GC sources from source balances (01, 1A) and close process entries (9A-9D).

Derived from the consolidation ledger for the fiscal year selected and the accounting period selected minus one. Comprised of GC sources from source balances, manual journals (03), equitization entries (05's, allocations (07's), and close process (09's) entries.

Closing Balance

Derived from the consolidation ledger for the fiscal year selected and the summation of accounting periods zero through the period selected. Comprised of Global Consolidations sources from source balances (01, 1A) and close process entries (9A-9D).

Derived from the consolidation ledger for the fiscal year and accounting period selected. Comprised of Global Consolidations sources from source balances (01, 1A) and close process entries (9A-9D).


Derived from the closing balance less the opening balance.

Derived from the closing balance less the opening balance.

Note. When using the financial statement ledger format, if the period selected is the first period, then the opening balance will be derived from the last period of the previous fiscal year.

See Consolidation Data Sources.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Source Flow Input Amounts

Page Name

Definition Name



Source Flow Input


Global Consolidations, Prepare Data for Consolidation, Process Flows for Source Data, Source Flow Input

Review the manual and system flow code amounts, change and add manual flow amounts, and monitor opening and closing balances for the source consolidation ledger

Source Flow Update Run Control


Click the Source Flow Update hyperlink on the Flow Source Input page.

Run control page to start the Source Flow Update process.

Flow Attachment


Global Consolidations, Prepare Data for Consolidation, Process Flows for Source Data, Source Flow Input,Attachment

Attach supporting documentation

Source Flow Summary


Global Consolidations, Prepare Data for Consolidation, Process Flows for Source Data,, Source Flow Summary

Review the open and close balances for the template and total flow activity.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Source Flow Input Amounts

Access the Source Flow Input page (Global Consolidations, Prepare Data for Consolidation, Process Flows for Source Data, Source Flow Input).

You enter source flow amounts (also called inputs) for a manual flow template in the source currency by ledger business unit. If book code functionality has been turned on at the system level, then you enter source flow amounts by book code for that ledger business unit.

The Source Flow Input page lists the opening, closing, and change amounts for the accounts specified on the selected flow template. The opening and closing balances are derived from the consolidation ledger from the source in the source currency. In the manual flow code columns, review, change, and add flow amounts that tie to the change amount.


Click the Validate button to compare the difference between the open and closing balances (the change amount) with the sum of the manual flow code amounts. Any errors will be displayed in the Errors grid below the template. The Difference column shows the calculated amount of the Change column and all manual flow code amounts for that row. The value in the Difference column should be zero. If it is not zero, then the status will be Error, and information about the rows that do not add up to zero are displayed in the Errors grid.


Click the Save button to simply save, but not validate, the data that has been entered. Saving does not update the Errors grid. This enables the user to enter large amounts of data and save it without initiating the validate process.

Flow Status

The Flow Status indicates the status of the template, and is set to the following values:

  • Pending: The user enters flow amounts and must validate the template by clicking the 'Validate' button.

  • Error: The template is in error because the sum of the manual flow amounts does not add up to the change amount.

  • Valid - Pending Update: The template is valid and no errors exist. Run the Source Flow Update engine to update the flow activity record.

  • Done: Source Flow Update has been run and the flow activity record is updated.

Source Flow Update

Click this link to access the Source Flow Update Run Control page to start the Source Flow Update process.

See Source Flow Update.


Click this link to add any supporting documentation or spreadsheets with the template.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing the Source Flow Summary

Access the Source Flow Summary page (Global Consolidations, Prepare Data for Consolidation, Process Flows for Source Data,, Source Flow Summary).

The Source Flow Summary page lists the flow code, short description and description. This page allows you to review the opening and closing balances in total for the template as well as the total flow activity.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Spreadsheets to Upload Source and Journal Flow Data

In addition to entering flow amounts manually, you can also enter source and journal flow amounts using the spreadsheet upload process.

See Also

Using the ExcelToCI Spreadsheet Upload Facility

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Journal Flow Inputs

This section provides an overview of entering journal flow input amounts and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Journal Flows

As with source flows, you enter journal flow amounts (inputs) for each manual flow template. The Journal Flow Input page is designed to for users to review, change, and add flow amounts resulting from journals or batches within Global Consolidations. On this page, you can either add flow amounts for journals or batches where no flow codes were specified, and review and update flow amounts for journals or batches where flow codes were specified.

There are two ways in which amounts for journal flows are captured by the system:

After the journal flow amounts are reviewed, changed, or added, and validated on the Journal Flow Input page for a template, you update the flow activity record through the Journal Flow Update process.

See Running the Journal Flow Update Process.

Journal Flow Input and Ledger Format

When installing Global Consolidations, you can choose the ledger format to use: trial balance or financial statement. Because how balances are stored and how the consolidation entries are recorded differ according to the ledger format, the Journal Flow Input page also differs for each format as to what Global Consolidation sources are used to derive the opening and closing balances, and the change amount.

See Understanding Ledger Templates.

This table explains the differences in how balances are derived on the Journal Flow Input page, depending on whether you are using the trial balance or financial statement ledger format:


Trial Balance Ledger Format

Financial Statement Ledger Format

Opening Balance


Derived from the consolidation ledger for the fiscal year selected and the current period activity for the period selected minus one. Comprised of Global Consolidations sources from intercompany elimination (04) entries, and non-controlling interest (6A 6B) entries.

Closing Balance


Derived from the consolidation ledger for the fiscal year selected and the current period activity for the period selected. Comprised of Global Consolidations sources from manual journals, intercompany elimination entries (04), equitization entries, non-controlling interest entries (6A 6B), and allocations.


Derived from the consolidation ledger for the fiscal year selected and the current period activity for the selected period. Comprised of Global Consolidations sources from manual journals, intercompany elimination entries, equitization entries, non-controlling interest entries, and allocations.

Derived from the closing balance less the opening balance.

Note. When using Financial Statement ledger format, if the period selected is the first period, then the opening balance will be derived from the last period of the previous fiscal year.

See Consolidation Data Sources.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Journal Flow Inputs

Page Name

Definition Name



Journal Entries


Global Consolidations, Manage Journals, Manual Journal Entry

Enter manual flow codes on the journal lines.

Journal Flow Input


Global Consolidations, Manage Journals, Process Flows for Journal Data, Journal Flow Input

Review, change, and add journal flow amounts for a manual flow template.

Journal Flow Summary


Global Consolidations, Manage Journals, Process Flows for Journal Data, Journal Flow Input, Journal Flow Summary

Review the open and close balances in total for a manual flow template, as well as the flow activity.

Journal Flow Update Run Control


Click the Journal Flow Update hyperlink on the Journal Flow Input page.

Run control page to start the Journal Flow Update process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Flow Codes to Journal Lines

Access the Journal Entries page (Global Consolidations, Manage Journals, Manual Journal Entry)

If the flow code functionality has been turned on for the consolidation ledger template, you can enter manual flow codes on journal lines, along with the account, amount, and other information.

After the journal entry has been posted, run the journal flow update engine to update the flows to the activity record. The flow amounts will appear in the journal flow input page for the manual flow template. When entering flow codes for journal lines, it is important to select a flow code where both the flow code and the account exist on a manual flow template that is included in the flow group associated with the consolidation model, or the flow amounts will not be processed.

Note. If a journal entry is created with an account where the account exists on a system flow template, then the system activity flow code will be assigned to the journal line amount.

Note. If a journal entry is created with an account where the account exists within a manual flow template and the account set is a node option with a validation at the node level, then the amount will be recorded on the flow activity table with the tree node specified from the template.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering and Reviewing Journal Flow Input Amounts

Access the Journal Flow Input page (Global Consolidations, Manage Journals, Process Flows for Journal Data, Journal Flow Input).

You enter journal flow amounts for each affected manual flow template in the consolidation currency by ledger business unit, and if book code functionality has been turned on at the system level, by book code.

The Journal Flow Input page has the same functionality as the Source Flow Input page with a few exceptions.


Click the Validate button to compare the difference between the change amount with the sum of the manual flow code amounts. Any errors will be displayed in the Errors grid below the template. The Difference column shows the calculated amount of the Change column and all manual flow code amounts for that row. The value in the Difference column should be zero. If it is not zero, then the status will be Error, and information about the rows that do not add up to zero are displayed in the Errors grid.


Click the Save button to simply save, but not validate, the data that has been entered. Saving does not update the Errors grid. This enables the user to enter large amounts of data and save it without initiating the validate process.

Flow Status

The Flow Status indicates the status of the template, and is set to the following values:

  • Pending: The user enters flow amounts and must validate the template by clicking the 'Validate' button.

  • Error: The template is in error because the sum of the manual flow amounts does not add up to the change amount.

  • Valid - Pending Update: The template is valid and no errors exist. Run the Source Flow Update engine to update the flow activity record.

  • Done: Source Flow Update has been run and the flow activity record is updated.

Journal Flow Update

Click this link to access the Journal Flow Update Run Control page to start the Journal Flow Update process.

See Journal Flow Update.


Click this link to add any supporting documentation or spreadsheets with the template.

The Attachments link and Validate button operate as they do on the Source Flow Input page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing the Journal Flow Summary

Access the Journal Flow Summary page (Global Consolidations, Manage Journals, Process Flows for Journal Data, Journal Flow Input, Journal Flow Summary).

The Journal Flow Summary page lists the flow code, short description and description. You can review the open and close balances in total for the template as well as the flow activity.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Source and Journal Flows

This section provides an overview of the flow update process and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Flow Update Process

Flow processing is divided into two phases: Source Flow Update and Journal Flow Update.

Source Flow Update

The source flow update engine validates, translates, and updates the flow amounts to the flow activity record. Even though the templates may be validated, the engine revalidates the flow amounts for the template.

Because the source flow amounts are entered in the source currency, the source flow update engine translates the source flows into the consolidation currency if the source currency is not the same as the consolidation currency. The engine translates the flow amounts both at the closing rate and the cash flow rate.

See Establishing Currency Rules.

After the engine runs, it updates the flow activity record, and sets the status of the flow template to Done. The engine also updates the Source Flow status on the Ledger Enrichment Manager.

See Viewing Source Flow Status.

Journal Flow Update

The journal flow update engine performs two functions.

After it is run, the journal flow update engine updates the flow activity record, and sets the status of the flow template to Done. The engine also updates the Journal Flow status and Flow Journals Pending Status on the Consolidation Manager page.

Note. The Journal Flow Update engine does not perform any translations because all journal flows are entered in the consolidation currency.

Flow Flattener

The Flow Flattener application engine populates the flow flattener table, which designates the flow template and accounts by business unit, scenario, fiscal year, and accounting period. This table is a key input for the Flow Inquiry. The system calls the Flow Flattener application engine when the Source Flow Update or Journal Flow Update application engines are run. Occasionally, you may need to run this engine separately. You can access the Flow Flattener run control page to run this application engine, if needed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process Flow Updates

Page Name

Definition Name



Source Flow Update run control


Global Consolidation, Prepare Data for Consolidation, Process Flows for Source Data, Source Flow Update

Run the Source Flow Update process.

Journal Flow Update run control


Global Consolidations, Manage Journals, Process Flows for Journal Data, Journal Flow Update

Run the Journal Flow Update process.

Journal Flow Update - Pending Batches


Global Consolidations, Manage Journals, Process Flows for Journal Data, Journal Flow Update, Pending Batches

Select to view pending or posted batches.

Flow Flattener run control


Global Consolidations, Process Consolidations, Run Other Processes, Flow Flattener, Run Flow Flattener

Run the Flow Flattener process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Source Flow Update Process

Access the Source Flow Update run control page (Global Consolidation, Prepare Data for Consolidation, Process Flows for Source Data, Source Flow Update).

Unit, Scenario ID, Fiscal Year, and Period

Enter the common consolidation business unit, scenario ID, fiscal year, and accounting period to process.

Run Group ID and Ledger Unit

Select either a run group ID to process or a single ledger unit (the business unit associated with the ledger).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Journal Flow Update Process

Access the Journal Flow Update run control page (Global Consolidations, Manage Journals, Process Flows for Journal Data, Journal Flow Update).

Unit, Scenario ID, Fiscal Year, and Period

Specify the common consolidation business unit, scenario ID, fiscal year, and accounting period to process.

View Pending Batches

Click to view pending or posted batches on the Journal Flow Update - Pending Batches page. This does not have the same functionality as in the Post process. All the pending batches will be processed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Flow Flattener

Access the Run Flow Flattener page (Global Consolidations, Process Consolidations, Run Other Processes, Flow Flattener, Run Flow Flattener).

Unit, Scenario ID, Fiscal Year, and Period

Specify the common consolidation business unit, scenario ID, fiscal year, and accounting period to process.

Jobstream ID

Accept the default value, GC_FLOWFLT, to use the delivered jobstream ID.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Data Flows

This section provides an overview of the Flow Inquiry component and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Flow Inquiry Component

After updating flow amounts, you can review the flow templates (both manual input and system activity) in the consolidation currency for the source and journal flows. The flow template inquiry enables you to look at the template from a single ledger business unit or by multiple ledger business units using a business unit filter tree.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Data Flows

Page Name

Definition Name



Flow Inquiry Selection


Global Consolidations, Consolidation Analysis, Consolidation Inquiries, Flow Inquiry

Enter parameters by which to view flow data.

Flow Inquiry


Click Go on the Flow Inquiry Selection page.

View the results of a flow inquiry.

Flow Inquiry for Selected Amount


Click an amount in the flow inquiry flow template grid.

View detailed information about a flow amount and its associated account.

Flow Audit


Click an amount on the Flow Inquiry for Selected Amount page

View the base flow amount and the source flow amount for their respective currencies for a selected amount.

Get Preference


Click Get Preference on the Flow Inquiry selection page.

Select a preference to use for the Flow Inquiry page. The field values defined for that preference load into the Flow Inquiry selection page.

Save Preference


Click Save Preference on the Flow Inquiry selection page.

Save the current settings to a named preference.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Flow Inquiry Parameters

Access the Flow Inquiry Selection page (Global Consolidations, Consolidation Analysis, Consolidation Inquiries, Flow Inquiry).


Displays the selected preference. If you want to use previously saved selection criteria, select Get Preference and select the preference. If you want to save the selection criteria that you enter on this page, select Save Preference.

See Analyzing Consolidations/Saving and Loading Inquiry Preferences

Business Unit, Scenario ID, Fiscal Year, From Period , and To Period

Specify the common consolidation business unit, scenario ID, fiscal year, and range of accounting periods on which to inquire.


Select the flow template ID. Your choices are dependent on the flow templates you create for the flow group associated with the business unit, scenario, fiscal year, and accounting period.

Translation Type

Select the translation type. You have two options to select from to view the currency translated flows: Cash Flow Rate or Closing Rate.

  • If you select Closing Tate as the translation type, the 99980 FXAJ1 column appears on this page as the translation flow code. It represents the flow translation adjustment to adjust the opening balance, translated at prior rates to the closing balance at the closing translation rate. This amount derives from the GC_SOURCE 08, for currency translations adjustments.

  • If you select Cash Flow Rate as the translation type, both the 99980 FXAJ1 and 99985 FXAJ2 columns appear on this page as the translation flow code. It represents the flow translation adjustment to adjust the flow amounts translated at the average rate to the closing rate.

See Understanding Data Flows.

Book Code Group

Select the book code group by which you want to further filter the inquiry report data. This is an optional field and is only available if you turn on book code functionality on the General Options page and you create book code values with the Book Codes and Book Code Group pages.

Filter Tree

Select the business unit tree used to roll up and navigate through the flow data. The flow inquiry allows you to look at the template from a single ledger business unit or by multiple ledger business units by using the filter tree.

See Using Reporting Trees with Inquiries.

Saving and Loading Preferences

You can save a set of defined values to a named preference, which you can use to generate the flow amounts. Click the Save Preference button after defining the field values, and enter a preference ID and description. To load a previously saved preference, click the Get Preference button, and select the preference. If a preference is currently active, its name appears in the Preference field.

Viewing Results

Click Go to view the Flow Inquiry - Results page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Flow Inquiry Results

Access the Flow Inquiry page (click Go on the Flow Inquiry Selection page).

The flow amounts appear in the grid.

Select a tree node to view the data associated with that node. When you reach an end node, you view details for the filter tree objects within that node.

Drilling on Flow Amounts

When viewing the Flow Inquiry page, click an amount to view more details on the Flow Inquiry for Selected Amount page. The flow amounts and difference amounts that are highlighted as links enable you to click the linked amount in the grid and get more detailed information about the flow amounts for the related accounts.

Note. System flows such as the Open, Close, and Change columns do not have active links for viewing details.

Links on the Flow Inquiry Page

The following links are available on the Flow Inquiry page:

Source Flow Input

Click to view the Source Flow Input page where you can enter and validate flow information for source flow data.

Note. This link is not available for system flow templates.

Journal Flow Input

Click to view the journal flow input page where you can enter and validate flow information for journals.

Note. This link is not available for system flow templates.

Source Flow Update

Click to view the source flow update page where you can submit a request to update the source flow activity amounts.

Journal Flow Update

Click to view the journal flow update page where you can submit a request to update the journal flow activity amounts.

Return to Selection Page

Click to return to the Flow Inquiry Selection page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Flow Inquiry Details

Access the Flow Inquiry for Selected Amount page (click an amount in the flow inquiry flow template grid).

The Flow Inquiry for Selected Amount page provides details about the flow amounts, the account, and flow code by ledger business unit. The flow amounts are segregated by source flow amount and journal flow amount. This distinguishes where the flow amount originated. Selecting any amount in the Source Flow Amount column or Journal Flow Amount column directs you to the flow audit page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Flow Inquiry Difference Details

Access the Flow Inquiry for Selected Amount - Difference Details page (click a difference amount on the Flow Inquiry for Selected Amount page).

On the Flow Inquiry page, drill on the Difference to be Reconciled amount to access the Flow Inquiry for Selected Amount - Difference Details page. Because flow amounts originate from two different sources, the difference amounts are divided into the Source Difference and the Journal Difference columns.

If there are amounts in either column, you can drill down to the relevant input page and correct the difference:

Note. After correcting the flow amount in the respective flow input page, use the Validate button on the flow input page to validate the flow template. After the flow amounts are corrected, rerun the update engine to eliminate the difference to be reconciled amount.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Flow Inquiry Audit

Access the Flow Audit page (click an amount on the Flow Inquiry for Selected Amount page).

Because the flow inquiry amounts are in the consolidation currency and the source input templates are in the source currency, the Flow Audit page enables you to view the base flow amount and the source flow amount in their respective currencies. You can access the Currency Rule setup page by clicking on the currency rule link. You can also drill to the flow input pages when drilling on a flow amount that originated from source flows or journal flows.

You can use the navigation path to navigate back to the Flow Inquiry and Flow Inquiry for Selected Amount pages.

Note. If there are multiple currencies on the input template, then there are multiple rows of data detailing the multiple base amounts with the multiple source amounts and source currency. When drilling on a system flow, the source and journal flow input link will not display as the flow is system generated.