The Profile Migration Manager is a utility provided with the ATG platform that you can use to migrate items (and selected properties) from one profile repository to another. Among other uses, it allows you to migrate an environment in which a single ProfileAdapterRepository is used for internal and external users to one in which internal profiles are stored separately.

The utility migrates items from a ProfileAdapterRepository to an InternalProfileRepository. If you are running your application with the –layer Preview switch, you can use the ExternalProfileRepository instead of the ProfileAdapterRepository as the source of the profiles to migrate. (For more information on the Preview layer and the ExternalProfileRepository, refer to the ATG Business Control Center Administration and Development Guide.)

To use the Profile Migration Manager, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the /atg/userprofiling/ProfileMigrationManager in the ATG Dynamo Admin Server at the following URL:


  2. Use the Properties listing to configure the migration parameters as required. See the descriptions of the available properties below. To change a property value, click the name of the property, select or type the new entry in the New Value field, and then click Change Value.

  3. Click Build Plan to display a list of the items that qualify for migration. The list shows the number of qualifying items of each item descriptor and the repository IDs of the items that will be migrated.


    Click Build and Execute Plan to display the list of qualified items and start the migration.

When the migration is complete, the message “INFO Plan execution finished” appears. If you do not see the message, check the logs for error messages.

Note that the profile migration manager does not delete the profiles from the source repository after copying them to the destination. If you want to remove the profiles from the source, you must delete them manually.

Migrated profile items keep the same repository ID. In other words, a user item with ID 10001 in the source repository has the same ID, 10001, in the destination repository.

If any errors occur during the migration, the entire transaction is rolled back, and the destination repository is returned to its previous state.

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