Navigation can be added to steps using commands. The following commands are used for navigation in a step:

The following example shows how you can use navigation commands along with task commands in your steps:

<step id="FirstStep">
  <title>First Step</title>
   <detail>Details of the first step: Demonstrates simple navigation
       <option default="true">
             <label>Next Step</label>
             <command type="EXECUTE_STEP_TASKS" />
             <command type="NEXT_STEP" />
       <option >
             <label>Redo Step</label>
             <command type="DROP_STEP_TASKS" />
             <command type="REDO_STEP" />
       <option >
             <label>Jump to [T]hird Step</label>
             <command type="DROP_STEP_TASKS" />
             <command type="GOTO_STEP" value="ThirdStep" />
       <option >
             <label>Jump to [F]ourth Step</label>
             <command type="DROP_STEP_TASKS" />
             <command type="GOTO_STEP" value="FourthStep" />

Note that when adding navigation options, you should surround the hot-key letter with brackets:

Load [W]izard.

If no brackets are present, CIM automatically designates the first letter as the hot key. CIM will throw a runtime error if a single step includes multiple equivalent hotkeys.

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