The SelectProvider is not a sub-type of Provider, but a distinct type of worker object. Select providers allow users to select items from a list of options.

They are referenced in the tasks.xml input element; for example:

<input type="select" selectprovider="wizardSelectProvider">

You can constrain users to a single selection or allow multi-select. This example shows a single-select option in the user interface:

 [N] Non Switching Datasource
*[S] Switching Datasource
Select one > N

For a multiselect list, a Done option is included automatically:

 [1] Reporting
*[2] Search
 [3] Staging Server
 [D] Done
Select zero or more >

Two properties enable this functionality:

Infinity is represented by -1.

Single selection is the default, but it can be explicitly instantiated with minOccurs=1 and maxOccurs=1.

The multi-select option allows users to choose multiple selections, separate by spaces. Default selections are marked with an asterisk. Multiselects can use a range of either zero-to-many, one-to-many, or many-to-many. Ranges are numerically based (0-1, 1-1, 5-10 are all valid examples). Users mark their selections by entering a space-separated list. Entering an item that is already selected deselects it. Validation ensures that the selection is within the minOccurs and maxOccurs range.

The ISelectProvider interface is shown here:

package atg.cim.worker;

import java.util.List;

import atg.cim.model.SelectProviderOption;

 * ISelectProvider objects are javabeans that provide values to the CIM Framework
by exposing properties based on a use input.  They also provide a list of choices
to the UI */

public interface ISelectProvider {
   * Called by the CIM Framework before calling provideChoices().
 * @return true if the object can provide values
public boolean canProvide();

 * create a list of choices to display to the UI. The List will be modified
 * by the users selection and it will be passed to setUserSelection after user
 * @throws ProviderException
public List<SelectProviderOption> provideChoices() throws ProviderException;

 * This method is called by the framework immediately after a user
 * makes a selection.
 * set the bean values to expose depending on the choice from the UI.
 * The selected options are flaged as Selected in the SelectProviderOption List
 * that was created from the Provide Method
 * @param pChoices The list of {@link SelectProviderOption}. Call isSelected on
 * {@link SelectProviderOption} to find what the user has selected.
 * @throws ProviderException
public void setUserSelection(List<SelectProviderOption> pChoices) throws

 * called by framework to override the minOccurs property
   * @param pMinOccurs
  public void setMinOccurs(int pMinOccurs);

   * called by framework to override the maxOccurs property
   * @param pMaxOccurs
  public void setMaxOccurs(int pMaxOccurs);

   * called by framework to get the minOccurs property
  public int getMinOccurs();

   * called by framework to get the maxOccurs property
  public int getMaxOccurs();

The property name of the SelectProvider has to match the property name of a task that you’re using the SelectProvider for.

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