administrators-group, ATG Control Center Users
user access, ATG Control Center Users, Access to Generic Activities
Activity Manager, Access to Generic Activities
AddNoteFormHandler, AddNoteFormHandler
agent (see deployment agent)
deployment, Deployment Process
versioning, Versioning APIs
assemble, Running ATG Content Administration
application module
copy to asset management server, Copy the Application Module to the Asset Management Server
Approve and Deploy Project workflow element, Workflow Action Elements
approve for production deployment task
production-only workflow, Production-Only
staging/production workflow, Staging/Production
approve for staging deployment task
staging/production workflow, Staging/Production
Approve Project workflow element, Workflow Action Elements
asset locking, Asset Locking and Check-in
optimize, Optimizing Workflow Performance
release locks after deployment , Workflow Action Elements
asset management servers
checksum caching, Checksum Caching on the Asset Management Server
cluster, Setting Up an ATG Content Administration Cluster
(see also ATG Content Administration cluster)
copy application module, Copy the Application Module to the Asset Management Server
set up, Setting Up an Asset Management Server
switch deployment setup, Configure Switch Deployment on the Asset Management Server
AssetDiffFormHandler, AssetDiffFormHandler
assets, Terminology, Versioning Terminology
check in, Versioning Process, Asset Locking and Check-in, Workflow Action Elements
check out, Versioning Process
customize display in BCC, Customizing Asset Display
form handlers for data, View Mapping Form Handlers
head version, Versioning Terminology
hide properties, propertyView
link to from another asset property, Setting Up Linked Assets
optimize operations on, Optimizing Merge, Revert, and Check-in Performance
purge versions, Purging Asset Versions
resolve conflicts, Workflow Action Elements
secure access to, Managing User Access and Security
sort properties, propertyView
types, Repositories
version number, Versioning Terminology
versioning system, Versioning Assets
versions, Versioning Process
ATG Content Administration
users (see users)
ATG Content Administration cluster, Setting Up an ATG Content Administration Cluster
configure, Configure Cluster Servers
deploy from, Configure Deployment from a Cluster
deploy from multiple clusters, Configure Deployment from Multiple Asset Management Server Clusters
FileSynchronizationDeployServer , Manage Distributed File Assets
hosts defined, Define the Cluster Hosts
install servers, Install Cluster Servers
manage file assets, Manage Distributed File Assets
manage workflows, Identify the Workflow Editor Server
name, Set the Cluster Name
session backup, Configure Cluster Servers
set up, Setting Up an ATG Content Administration Cluster
switch deployment configured for, Configure Deployment from a Cluster
ATG Content Administration server (see asset management server)
ATG Control Center (see ACC)
author task
production-only workflow, Production-Only
staging/production workflow, Staging/Production


versioning caches, Create and Configure Versioned Repositories
Check Assets are Up to Date workflow element, Workflow Action Elements
check in
workflow element, Workflow Action Elements
Check In project’s Workspace workflow element, Workflow Action Elements
check-in, Asset Locking and Check-in
optimized, Optimizing Merge, Revert, and Check-in Performance
checksum caching, Cache Checksums for File Assets
asset management servers, Checksum Caching on the Asset Management Server
production servers, Checksum Caching on Production Servers or Agents
checksum verification, Checksum Verification Deployment Mode
cluster (see ATG Content Administration cluster)
Complete Process workflow element, Workflow Action Elements
Complete Project workflow element, Workflow Action Elements
ConfigFileSystem, Versioned Content Repository
configure as shared, Shared ConfigFileSystem for Multiple Agents
configure for switch deployment, Configure Default Target VFSs for Switch Deployments
conflict resolution
check in workflow, Workflow Action Elements
content review task
production-only workflow, Production-Only
staging/production workflow, Staging/Production
ContentRepositoryVFSService , Versioned Content Repository, Configure a Custom VFS to Expose New Item Types, ContentRepositoryVFSService
ContentRepositoryVFSService component
properties, ContentRepositoryVFSService
Create Project workflow element, Workflow Action Elements
CreateProcessFormHandler, CreateProcessFormHandler
currentItemCacheSize, Create and Configure Versioned Repositories
currentItemCacheTimeOut, Create and Configure Versioned Repositories


database, Introduction
(see also versioned database)
non-versioned, Production Environment
optimize asset operations, Optimizing Merge, Revert, and Check-in Performance
schema, Database Schema
versioned, Content Development Environment
Delete Project element, Workflow Action Elements
deployment, Terminology
agent (see deployment agent)
API, Deployment Process
ATG Content Administration cluster, Configure Deployment from a Cluster
check in, Asset Locking and Check-in
checksum verification, Checksum Verification Deployment Mode
data source, Configure Deployment Data Sources and Destination Repositories
destination repositories, Configure Deployment Data Sources and Destination Repositories
details, View Deployment Details
enable distributed, Enabling Distributed Deployments
errors on MS SQL, Initializing Targets on MS SQL with Clustered Primary Keys
full, Full Deployment
incremental, Incremental Deployment
lock assets, Asset Locking and Check-in
manual, Deployment Scheduling
mode (see online deployment, switch deployment)
multiple ATG Content Administration clusters, Configure Deployment from Multiple Asset Management Server Clusters
multiple sites, Deploying Unique Data to Multiple Sites
overview, Target Site Basics
performance, Cache Checksums for File Assets
queue, Deployment Scheduling, Manage the Deployment Queue
recurring, Configuring the RecurringDeploymentService
release asset locks , Workflow Action Elements
requirements, Target Site Basics
revert assets, Workflow Action Elements
roll back, Roll Back Deployments
schedule, Set Deployment Parameters
security of targets, Manage Asset Security on Target Sites
stop, Stop Deployments
target site (see target site)
deployment agent
define for target site, Configure Target Site Deployment Agents
essential/unessential, Configure Target Site Deployment Agents
identify on target, Identify Deployment Agents
Publishing agent, Production Environment
Publishing Web agent, Production Environment
responsibilities, Plan Deployment Agent Responsibilities
start, Running Deployment Agents
start Publishing agent, Running Deployment Agents
start Publishing Web agent, Running Deployment Agents
types, Production Environment
view status, View Deployment Agents Status
deployment event listeners, Configure Deployment Event Listeners
configure, Creating and Configuring a DeploymentEventListener
events, Understanding Deployment Events
deployment topology
plan, Plan Deployment Topology
DeploymentEmailer , Creating and Configuring a DeploymentEventListener
DeploymentManager, Production Environment
deploymentQueueSchedule property, Deployment Scheduling
DeploymentServer , Deployment Process
DeploymentServer component
allowMissingNonEssentialAgents property, Configure Target Site Deployment Agents
destination repositories, Destination Repositories
create, Create and Configure a Destination Repository
data source, Create a Destination Repository Data Source
foreign repository mappings, Create and Configure a Destination Repository
map to source repositories, Define the Target Site
RepositoryMapper, Create and Configure a Destination Repository
update list, Update the Destination Repositories List
development lines, Versioning Terminology
branches, Versioning Terminology
snapshot, Versioning Terminology
workspace, Versioning Terminology
direct SQL deployment
configure, Configure Direct SQL Deployment
configure prefix and suffix, Define the Target Site
definition, Direct SQL Deployment
drop_bizui_all_ddl.sql script, Destroying ATG Content Administration Tables
subscripts, Destroying ATG Content Administration Tables
drop_publishing_ddl.sql script, Destroying ATG Content Administration Tables
drop_user_profile_ddl.sql script, Destroying ATG Content Administration Tables
drop_versioned_file_repository_ddl.sql script, Destroying ATG Content Administration Tables
drop_versioned_process_data_ddl.sql script, Destroying ATG Content Administration Tables
drop_versionmanager_ddl.sql script, Destroying ATG Content Administration Tables
drop_viewmapping_ddl.sql script, Destroying ATG Content Administration Tables
drop_workflow_ddl.sql script, Destroying ATG Content Administration Tables


file assets, Terminology, Repositories
back up, File Asset Storage
binaryFileAsset extensions, Extend the PublishingFileRepository Definition
checksum caching, Cache Checksums for File Assets
configure JSP support, Configure JSP File Asset Support
configure support for non-default item types, Configure Support for Other File Assets
delete, Deleting File Assets from the File System
import into versioned content repository, Import Initial File Assets
manage on ATG Content Administration cluster, Manage Distributed File Assets
metadata, Versioned Content Repository
metadata table, File Asset Storage
performance optimizations, Cache Checksums for File Assets
set security, Web Assets
store in versioned content repository, Versioned Content Repository
store metadata, File Asset Storage
synchronize with FileSynchronizationDeployServer , Manage Distributed File Assets
system location, File Asset Storage, Changing File Asset Storage Location
textFileAsset extensions, Extend the PublishingFileRepository Definition
port used by, Changing the Port Used for File Asset Deployment
FileSynchronizationDeployServer , Manage Distributed File Assets
FireWorkflowOutcomeFormHandler, FireWorkflowOutcomeFormHandler
form handlers, Form Handlers
AddNoteFormHandler, AddNoteFormHandler
AssetDiffFormHandler, AssetDiffFormHandler
BinaryFileAssetFormHandler, BinaryFileAssetFormHandler
CreateProcessFormHandler, CreateProcessFormHandler
FireWorkflowOutcomeFormHandler, FireWorkflowOutcomeFormHandler
item properties, View Mapping Form Handlers
ProcessSearchFormHandler, ProcessSearchFormHandler
ProjectDiffFormHandler, AssetDiffFormHandler
ProjectFormHandler, ProjectFormHandler
Repository AssetFormHandler, RepositoryAssetFormHandler
SegmentAssetFormHandler, SegmentAssetFormHandler
TaskActionFormHandler, TaskActionFormHandler
TextFileAssetFormHandler, TextFileAssetFormHandler
view mapping, View Mapping Form Handlers
FTP server
deploy file assets to, Extend the PublishingFileRepository Definition


getItemMapping tag, getItemMapping
parameters, getItemMapping


importAssetUI script, Initialize the Database
importBizui script, Initialize the Database
importDPSI script, Initialize the Database
importPublishing script, Initialize the Database
importRepository script, importRepository
item descriptor
modify ACL list, Create and Configure Versioned Repositories
item types
configure support for new, Extend the PublishingFileRepository Definition
configure TypeMapping componentsfor custom types, Configure TypeMapping Components for New Item Types
javaServerPage, Configure JSP File Asset Support
selective versioning , Create and Configure Versioned Repositories
versioning default, Create and Configure Versioned Repositories
itemMapping, itemMapping
item descriptor, itemMapping
properties, itemMapping
itemView, itemView
item descriptor, itemView
item properties, itemView
JSPs, itemView and propertyView JSP Fragments
itemViewMapping, itemViewMapping
item descriptor, itemViewMapping
properties, itemViewMapping


LocalVFSService, LocalVFSService


main branch, Versioning Terminology
versioned module, Create the Versioned Module
map modes, Map Modes
add mode, Map Modes
view mapping (see view mapping)
merge, optimized, Optimizing Merge, Revert, and Check-in Performance
MS SQL Server database
initialization errors , Initializing Targets on MS SQL with Clustered Primary Keys


one-off target
define, Define the Target Site
online deployment, Online Deployment
compared to switch deployment, Online versus Switch Deployments
configure, Configure Online Deployment
ownerCacheEnabled, Background Deletion of File System Assets, File Assets


import data, Initialize the Database
configure for direct SQL deployment, Define the Target Site
process, Terminology
object properties, Process Object Properties
ProcessSearchFormHandler, ProcessSearchFormHandler
processTaskInfo items, Standard Repositories
production-only workflow, Production-Only
approve for production deployment task, Production-Only
author task, Production-Only
content review task, Production-Only
verify production deployment task, Production-Only
wait for production deployment completion task, Production-Only
project, Terminology
add assets, Versioning Process
approve and deploy in workflow, Workflow Action Elements
approve in workflow, Workflow Action Elements
complete, Workflow Action Elements
create in workflow, Workflow Action Elements
delete in workflow , Workflow Action Elements
object properties, Project Object Properties
purge, Purging Asset Versions
user access, Project and Workflow Security, PublishingRepository Security
ProjectDiffFormHandler, AssetDiffFormHandler
ProjectFormHandler, ProjectFormHandler
propertyView, propertyView
item descriptor, propertyView
JSPs, itemView and propertyView JSP Fragments
properties, propertyView
propertyViewMapping, propertyViewMapping
item descriptor, propertyViewMapping
properties, propertyViewMapping
Publishing agent, Production Environment, Publishing Agent
start, Running Deployment Agents
Publishing Web agent, Production Environment, Publishing Web Agent
install, Installing the Publishing Web Agent
UNIX, Installing the Publishing Web Agent
Windows, Installing the Publishing Web Agent
start, Running Deployment Agents
Publishing.WebAppRef module, WebAppRef Reference Implementation
Publishing.WebAppRefVer module, WebAppRef Reference Implementation
publishing_ddl.sql script, Table Creation Subscripts
PublishingActivities.xml file, Access to Generic Activities
PublishingDeploymentSchedulableService, Deployment Scheduling
PublishingFileRepository, Versioned Content Repository
extend, Versioned Content Repository, Extend the PublishingFileRepository Definition
import initial data, Import Initial File Assets
item type hierarchy, Versioned Content Repository
JSP support, Configure JSP File Asset Support
set security, Extend the SecuredPublishingFileRepository Definition, PublishingFileRepository Security
PublishingRepository, Standard Repositories
security, PublishingRepository Security
publishingSecurity.xml file, PublishingRepository Security
PublishingSecurityPolicy , PublishingRepository Security
PublishingTypeMapper component
modify for custom item types, Configure TypeMapping Components for New Item Types
PurgingService, Purging Asset Versions
event listener, General Safeguards
on-demand purge, On-demand Purges
protected versions, Protected Versions
restricted operations, Restricted Operations
roll back purge, Protected Versions
scheduled purge, Scheduled Purges
summary metrics report, On-demand Purges
transaction timeout, Purging Asset Versions
use of BCC during purge, Restricted Operations
validation checks, Validation Checks
PWS tag library, Introduction


RecurringDeploymentService, Set Deployment Parameters
configure, Configuring the RecurringDeploymentService
extend, Configuring the RecurringDeploymentService
Release Asset Locks workflow element, Workflow Action Elements
remoteHosts, Configure Deployment from a Cluster, Define the Cluster Hosts
remotePorts, Configure Deployment from a Cluster, Define the Cluster Hosts
remoteRMIPorts, Configure Deployment from a Cluster, Define the Cluster Hosts
Reopen Project workflow element, Workflow Action Elements
repositories, Repositories
configure on target site for switch deployment, Configure Target Repositories for Switch Deployments
destination, Configure Deployment Data Sources and Destination Repositories
(see also destination repositories)
import assets, importRepository
standard, Standard Repositories
types, Repositories
versioned, Versioned Repositories
(see also versioned repositories)
versioned content, Versioned Content Repository
repository assets, Terminology, Repositories
configure support for, Configure Repository Asset Support
export from production site, Export Repository Data from the Production Server, exportRepository
import, importRepository
import initial, Import Initial Repository Assets into Versioned Repositories
set user access, Create and Configure Versioned Repositories
repository caches
invalidate after deployment, Post-Deployment Tasks
invalidate selectively after switch deployment, Selective Cache Invalidation
repository definition file
attributes and tags, Create and Configure Versioned Repositories
layer in config directory, Create and Configure Versioned Repositories
multiple files, Create and Configure Versioned Repositories
verify, Create and Configure Versioned Repositories
RepositoryAssetFormHandler, RepositoryAssetFormHandler
RepositoryMapper, Create and Configure a Destination Repository
Revert Assets Immediately on Target workflow element, Workflow Action Elements
revert, optimized, Optimizing Merge, Revert, and Check-in Performance
RMI port, Manage Distributed File Assets, Configure Deployment from a Cluster
roles, Business Control Center Users
ATG Portal, Business Control Center Users
default user account, Business Control Center Users
EPub-Admin, Business Control Center Users
EPub-Manager, Business Control Center Users
EPub-User, Business Control Center Users
PublishingRepository access, PublishingRepository Security
workflow access, Project and Workflow Security


export repository assets, exportRepository
import versioned content, Creating a Versioned Module, importRepository
secured repositories
default, Extend the SecuredPublishingFileRepository Definition
disable, Disabling a Secured Repository
set user access, Create and Configure Versioned Repositories, VersionRepository Security
SecuredPublishingFileRepository, Extend the SecuredPublishingFileRepository Definition, PublishingFileRepository Security
security, Managing User Access and Security
ACC access, ATG Control Center Users, Access to Generic Activities
disable secured repository, Disabling a Secured Repository
project access, Project and Workflow Security, PublishingRepository Security
PublishingFileRepository, PublishingFileRepository Security
PublishingRepository, PublishingRepository Security
secured repositories, VersionRepository Security
user roles, Business Control Center Users
versioned repositories, Create and Configure Versioned Repositories
workflow access, Project and Workflow Security, PublishingRepository Security
SegmentAssetFormHandler, SegmentAssetFormHandler
selective cache invalidation, Selective Cache Invalidation
SelectiveDeleteVFSService, SelectiveDeleteVFSService
Send Task Notification workflow element, Workflow Action Elements
server (see asset management server)
session backup
ATG Content Administration cluster, Configure Cluster Servers
shared tables
versioned repositories use of, Create and Install the Versioned Database Schema
snapshot, Versioning Terminology
source repository
define, Define the Target Site
staging/production workflow, Staging/Production
approve for production deployment task, Staging/Production
approve for staging deployment task, Staging/Production
author task, Staging/Production
content review task, Staging/Production
verify production deployment task, Staging/Production
verify staging deployment task, Staging/Production
wait for production deployment completion task, Staging/Production
wait for staging deployment completion task, Staging/Production
standard repositories
import assets, importRepository
PublishingRepository, Standard Repositories
VersionManagerRepository, Standard Repositories
standard repository, Standard Repositories
configure for direct SQL deployment, Define the Target Site
summary metrics report, On-demand Purges
switch deployment, Switch Deployment, Destination Repositories
asset management server setup, Configure Switch Deployment on the Asset Management Server
ATG Content Administration cluster configured for, Configure Deployment from a Cluster
background deletion of file assets, Background Deletion of File System Assets
compared to online deployment, Online versus Switch Deployments
ConfigFileSystem configured for, Configure Default Target VFSs for Switch Deployments
configure target site, Configure Switch Deployment
optimize performance, Configure Switch Deployment
repositories configured for, Configure Target Repositories for Switch Deployments
selective cache invalidation, Selective Cache Invalidation
WWWFileSystem configured for, Configure Default Target VFSs for Switch Deployments
SwitchableLocalFileSystem , Background Deletion of File System Assets, Local Copy During Switch Deployment, SwitchableLocalFileSystem
SwitchingDataSource, Switch Deployment, Configure Target Repositories for Switch Deployments, Configure Switch Deployment on the Asset Management Server, SwitchableLocalFileSystem
SwitchingDataSource component
properties, Configure Switch Deployment on the Asset Management Server


create for versioned database, Create ATG Content Administration Tables
installation script for versioned database, Create ATG Content Administration Tables
tags (see PWS tag library)
target site
configure online deployment, Configure Online Deployment
configure shared ConfigFileSystem, Shared ConfigFileSystem for Multiple Agents
configure switch deployment, Configure Switch Deployment
define, Define the Target Site
deployment agents, Configure Target Site Deployment Agents
identify, Identify Deployment Target Sites
initialization options, Define the Target Site
initialize, Initialize Target Sites
manage security, Manage Asset Security on Target Sites
type, Define the Target Site
task, Terminology
TaskActionFormHandler, TaskActionFormHandler
taskInfo property, Standard Repositories
TaskInfoPurger, Standard Repositories
textFileAsset, Extend the PublishingFileRepository Definition
set security, Web Assets
TextFileAssetFormHandler, TextFileAssetFormHandler
TypeMapping components
configure for custom item types, Configure TypeMapping Components for New Item Types


user_profile_ddl.sql script, Table Creation Subscripts
manage access to assets, Managing User Access and Security
roles, Business Control Center Users
(see also roles)
types, ATG Content Administration Users


Validate Project Deployed on Target workflow element, Workflow Action Elements
validation checks
in PurgingService, Validation Checks
verify production deployment task
production-only workflow, Production-Only
staging/production workflow, Staging/Production
verify staging deployment task
staging/production workflow, Staging/Production
versioned content repository, Versioned Content Repository
import initial data, Import Initial File Assets
set security, PublishingFileRepository Security
versioned database
back up, Back Up the Database
create tables, Create ATG Content Administration Tables
destroy tables, Destroying ATG Content Administration Tables
initialize, Initialize the Database
script to install tables, Create ATG Content Administration Tables
versioned database schema, Create and Install the Versioned Database Schema
columns required, Create and Install the Versioned Database Schema
create, Create and Install the Versioned Database Schema
install, Create and Install the Versioned Database Schema
shared tables support, Create and Install the Versioned Database Schema
versioned module
create, Create the Versioned Module
create for Web application, Create the Web Application’s Versioned Module
JSP support, Create the Web Application’s Versioned Module
versioned repositories
cache behavior properties, Create and Configure Versioned Repositories
configuration properties, Create and Configure Versioned Repositories
configure, Create and Configure Versioned Repositories
create, Create and Configure Versioned Repositories
CurrentVersionItemCache, Create and Configure Versioned Repositories
define with multiple files, Create and Configure Versioned Repositories
HeadOfLineCache, Create and Configure Versioned Repositories
import assets, importRepository
import initial assets, Import Initial Repository Assets into Versioned Repositories
register, Register the Versioned Repositories
set user access, Create and Configure Versioned Repositories
set VersionManager, Create and Configure Versioned Repositories
shared database tables, Create and Install the Versioned Database Schema
specify to VersionManagerService, Configure the VersionManagerService
verify definition file, Create and Configure Versioned Repositories
versioned_file_repository_ddl.sql script, Table Creation Subscripts
versioned_process_data_ddl.sql script, Table Creation Subscripts
VersionFilePropertyDescriptor, Extend the PublishingFileRepository Definition
versioning system
APIs, Versioning APIs
branch, Versioning Terminology
checkout by multiple users, Versioning Process
checkout by single user, Versioning Process
database schema, Content Development Environment
development lines, Versioning Terminology
head version, Versioning Terminology
main branch, Versioning Terminology
purge asset versions (see PurgingService)
snapshot, Versioning Terminology
support in database schema, Create and Install the Versioned Database Schema
terminology, Versioning Terminology
version numbering, Versioning Process
versioned database, Content Development Environment
VersionManager, Versioning Terminology
workspace, Versioning Terminology
VersionManager, Versioning Terminology
manage asset versions, Versioning Process
set in VersionRepository, Create and Configure Versioned Repositories
versionmanager_ddl.sql script, Table Creation Subscripts
VersionManagerRepository, Standard Repositories
VersionManagerService, Versioning Terminology
add custom VFS, Set Up the VersionManagerService to Manage the Custom VFS
configure, Configure the VersionManagerService
map properties, Configure the VersionManagerService
properties, Configure the VersionManagerService
configuration properties, Create and Configure Versioned Repositories
versoning system
VersionManager, Versioning Process
VFS (see virtual file system)
view mapping, Customizing Asset Display
architecture, View Mapping System
attributes, View Mapping System
change asset presentation, Overriding Default Asset Display Settings
create for new item types, Customize the Business Control Center to Support New Item Types
create repository items, Overriding Default Asset Display Settings
edit items, Overriding Default Asset Display Settings
fallback map mode, Map Modes
fallback mode, Map Modes
form handler components, View Mapping Form Handlers
form handler interface, View Mapping Form Handlers
form handlers, View Mapping Form Handlers
getItemMapping tag, getItemMapping
hide asset properties, propertyView
import, Initialize the Database
inheritance, View Mapping System
itemMapping, itemMapping
itemView, itemView
itemViewMapping, itemViewMapping
JSPs, itemView and propertyView JSP Fragments
map modes, Map Modes
propertyView, propertyView
propertyViewMapping, propertyViewMapping
repository, View Mapping Repository
sort asset properties, propertyView
viewmapping_ddl.sql script, Table Creation Subscripts
virtual file system, Virtual File Systems
choose implementation, Virtual File Systems
ConfigFileSystem, Versioned Content Repository
configure custom VFS, Configure a Custom VFS to Expose New Item Types
configure for JSP support, Configure JSP File Asset Support
configure on target site for switch deployment, Configure Default Target VFSs for Switch Deployments
configure target for custom VFS, Configure a Custom VFS on Deployment Targets
ContentRepositoryVFSService, Versioned Content Repository, ContentRepositoryVFSService
JournalingFileSystemService, JournalingFileSystemService
LocalVFSService, LocalVFSService
SelectiveDeleteVFSService, SelectiveDeleteVFSService
specify to VersionManagerService, Configure the VersionManagerService
SwitchableLocalFileSystem, SwitchableLocalFileSystem
WWWFileSystem, Versioned Content Repository


wait for production deployment completion task
production-only workflow, Production-Only
staging/production workflow, Staging/Production
wait for staging deployment completion task
staging/production workflow, Staging/Production
Web application
copy module to asset management server, Copy the Web Application Module to the Asset Management Server
create versioned module to asset management server, Create the Web Application’s Versioned Module
WebAppRefVer module, Create the Web Application’s Versioned Module
workflow target
define, Define the Target Site
workflow_ddl.sql script, Table Creation Subscripts
workflows, Terminology, Project Workflows
(see also production-only workflow, staging/production workflow)
add elements, Workflow Action Elements
approve and deploy project, Workflow Action Elements
approve project, Workflow Action Elements
check for conflict resolution, Workflow Action Elements
create, Creating Project Workflows
delete project , Workflow Action Elements
edit, Creating Project Workflows
installed, Installed Workflows
manage on ATG Content Administration cluster, Identify the Workflow Editor Server
optimize performance, Optimizing Workflow Performance
phase out, Creating Project Workflows
production-only, Production-Only
release asset locks , Workflow Action Elements
revert assets, Workflow Action Elements
staging/production, Staging/Production
user access, Project and Workflow Security, PublishingRepository Security
validate deployed project, Workflow Action Elements
workspace, Versioning Terminology
check in, Versioning Process
optimize check-in, Optimizing Merge, Revert, and Check-in Performance
WWWFileSystem, Versioned Content Repository
configure for switch deployment, Configure Default Target VFSs for Switch Deployments
owner cache file, File Assets

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