You can configure an asset property to expect a link to another asset as its value. To do so, set up the repository definition so the parent asset property is defined as a repository item of the type to reference as the child asset. In the following example, the definition of property xyz_ref references an item of type xyz_rep_item:

<property column-name="xyz_ref_obj" name="xyz_ref"
  category="Basics" display-name="Reference"
  required="false" readable="true" writable="true"
  queryable="true" hidden="false" expert="false"

By default, the propertyView editor that is used in the Business Control Center for properties of type repository item is popUpPickerEdit.jsp. The editor supplies buttons for creating and deleting the link as well as the mechanism for displaying the asset where the link points.

You can link any number of assets in this way: assets can have multiple child assets that link to their own child assets or back to their parents, and so on.

The type of asset to which a link can be created is constrained to the single repository item type you specify in the definition. Thus, business users can link to only one type of asset from each property. You can, however, specify multiple sub-types as the property type. In this case, business users can select any asset belonging to any specified sub-type as the target of the link. For more information on working with repository item sub-types, refer to Item Descriptor Inheritance in the ATG Repository Guide.

Property links to other assets can also be defined as any of the following types:

  • List

  • Map

  • Set

The editor automatically displays controls that are appropriate for each type.

When business users create links to assets through the asset editor in the Business Control Center, the target assets are automatically added to the current project and deployed like any other asset. For more information, see Creating Linked Assets in the ATG Content Administration Guide for Business Users.

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