In order to deploy Web content such as static text and binary files to staging and production Web servers, install and configure a Publishing Web agent on each Web server.

Note: You use the ATG Web Server Extensions installer to install the Publishing Web agent. You can also use it to install a DistributorServer for a Content Distributor system. For information on using the installer to do so, as well as general information on Content Distributor systems, see the Content Distribution chapter in the ATG Platform Programming Guide.

Installing on Windows

To install the Publishing Web agent on a Web server running on Windows:

  1. Make sure the Web server machine has a Java Virtual Machine installed.

  2. Download the Oracle ATG Web Commerce Web Server Extensions executable file from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud site,

  3. Run the ATG Web Server Extensions executable.

    The installer displays the Welcome dialog box.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Specify the installation directory for the Publishing Web agent. The default (and recommended) directory is c:\ATG\ATGWeb10.2.

  6. Click Next.

    The installer displays the list of Web server extensions you can configure during the installation process. By default, the DistributorServer and the Publishing Web agent are both selected. You can uncheck the DistributorServer option for this installation.

    For information on configuring the DistributorServer for a Content Distributor system, see the Content Distribution chapter in the ATG Platform Programming Guide.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Specify the RMI port to be used by the Publishing Web agent. The default is 8860. If this port is already taken—for example, by the PublishingAgent of an ATG production server running on the same machine—you must reset this to a unique value. You can reset RMIPort in one of the following properties files:

    • \config\atg\dynamo\server\

    • \home\localconfig\atg\dynamo\server\

    Note: Later, when you Define the Deployment Topology, you specify the same port number for the Web agent in the Admin Console deployment UI.

  9. Click Next.

  10. Specify the local directory to be used by the Publishing Web agent. The default is C:\ATG\ATGWeb10.2\home\doc. You can specify the Web server’s document root directory or any subdirectory within the root directory.

  11. Click Next.

  12. Specify a name for the program folder that the installer will create within the Windows Programs folder. The default is ATG 10.2\ATG Web Server Extensions. The program folder will contain a shortcut for starting the Publishing Web agent.

  13. Click Next.

    The installer displays the installation directory you selected and indicates it is ready to install the Publishing Web agent.

  14. Review the setup information:

    • Click Next to start the installation.

    • Click Back to change any settings.

  15. After installation is complete, click Finish to close the installer.

Installing on UNIX

To install the Publishing Web agent on a Web server running on UNIX:

  1. Make sure the Web server machine has a Java Virtual Machine installed.

  2. Download the Oracle ATG Web Commerce Web Server Extensions executable file from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud site,

  3. Make sure you have execute permissions with this command or its equivalent:

    chmod +x filename

  4. Run the installation program.

  5. When prompted, enter the local directory to be used by the Publishing Web agent.

    You can specify the Web server’s document root directory or any subdirectory within the root directory.

  6. The installer displays the Web server extensions you can configure during the installation process: the DistributorServer and the Publishing Web agent. By default, both selected. You can deselect the DistributorServer option for this installation.

    For information about the DistributorServer and the Content Distributor system, see the Content Distribution chapter in the ATG Platform Programming Guide.

  7. Specify the RMI port to be used by the Publishing Web agent. The default is 8860. If this port is already taken—for example, by the PublishingAgent of an ATG production server that runs on the same machine—you must reset this to a unique value. You can reset a PublishingWebAgent’s RmiServer.RMIPort property in one of the following locations:

    • /config/atg/dynamo/server/

    • /home/localconfig/atg/dynamo/server/

    Note: Later, when you Define the Deployment Topology, you specify the same port number for the Web agent in the Admin Console deployment UI.

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