The following table lists the modules that you are most likely to use with Merchandising. More modules are listed in the ATG Modules appendix in the ATG Platform Programming Guide.




Included with DCS-UI.Versioned.

Supports multisite functionality.


Included with DCS-UI.Versioned.

Contains sub-modules that contain HTML and Flex UIs for ATG Commerce applications that run on ATG Content Administration. MerchandisingProductCatalog and anything that is not specific to the implementation of Merchandising has been moved to this module from (now DCS-UI.Versioned).


(Formerly Contains an HTML UI in which Merchandising activities are performed. This module accesses ATG Content Administration (Publishing.base, BIZUI), and the UI elements that are used to build the UIs for a Content Administration environment (AssetUI), ATG Commerce, and Merchandising (DCS). It also makes Merchandising and ATG Content Administration available to a single instance.

Including this module also includes DCS.DynamicCustomCatalogs.Versioned, which supports multisite functionality.


Contains an HTML UI that is used by Search Merchandising and Faceted Search, which are ATG Search add-on features of Merchandising. This module accesses the ATG Commerce parts of the ATG Search integration framework (DCS.Search), Merchandising (DCS-UI.Versioned), and additions to the UI framework in support of these ATG Search add-on features (AssetUI.Search). Files from the DCS-UI.Search module that were in the //applications/DCS-UI depot have been moved to //product.


Contains code that supports versioned ATG Commerce extensions to the ATG Search integration framework. If you use ATG Search, ATG Content Administration and ATG Commerce, you must specify this module.


Contains code that supports versioned custom catalog extensions to ATG Search. If you use ATG Search, ATG Content Administration and ATG Business Commerce with ATG Consumer Commerce, you must specify this module.


Contains ATG Content Administration extensions to the ATG Business product.

Including this module also includes B2BCommerce.


Contains ATG Content Administration extensions to the ATG Consumer Commerce product.

Including this module also includes B2CCommerce.


Contains BUSINESS CONTROL CENTER components. Required by Merchandising.


Contains the Site Administration components for a system that does not support ATG Search. Required only if users on the server need the Site Administration utility.

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