This section describes the components you configure for Search Testing. See the ATG Search Query Guide for more information about these components.

A Search test replicates a user-entered web site query

For details about how Search works, see Chapter 2 in the ATG Search Administration Guide.

  1. The SearchTestingFormHandler receives the search input information and passes it to the QueryFormHandler, which, in turn, passes information to the respective request processor components:

    • Facet Search Tools uses facet information to determine the refineConfig for the search query as well as the facet selections that will constrain it, updating QueryRequest accordingly.

    • The Search Configuration Request Processor passes search configuration information to QueryRequest.

    All other inputs are passed directly to QueryRequest.

  2. The QueryFormHandler sends the QueryRequest via Routing components to ATG Search.

    • If your environment defines and indexes multiple catalogs, all indexed catalogs are searched.

    • In a multisite environment, if your environment defines and indexes more than one site, all indexed sites are searched.

  3. ATG Search generates a result set in the form of an XML document that it sends back through the Routing components, which translate the XML document into a Search Response object.

  4. The QueryFormHandler receives the Search Response object and passes it to the following components for processing:

    • FacetSearchTools determines, from the Search Response object, the list of facet values and selections to display.

    • SearchConfigurationRedirectProcessor uses the Search Response object to determine whether the results activate redirection rules and if so, effectively disables those rules, so that the users are not redirected but instead view test results. In this circumstance, test results will indicate that redirection rules were activated.

  5. FacetSearchTools and SearchConfigurationRequestProcessor save their results to the Search Response object via the QueryFormHandler.

  6. The Search Testing UI receives the Search Response object and displays test results according to the settings the merchandiser specified when creating the test.

  7. Saving a search test causes the SearchTestingFormHandler to create a searchTest item in the Search Testing repository.

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