Clicks a Link scenario elements can track links that site visitors click, and their navigation habits. A Clicks a Link scenario element is enabled by setting the dsource parameter in a dsp:a anchor tag. For example:

<dsp:a href="content/month_discounts.jsp">
   <dsp:param name="dsource" value="OnSale, MemberDiscount"/>
   Click here to see this month's discounts!

The values that you specify for the dsource parameter—in this example, OnSale and MemberDiscount—are used to name a collection of data stored about that link. You can use a different value for each link or reuse a value such as onsale for similar links.

The Clicks a Link element contains the following optional parameters:

This parameter...

Triggers the Clicks a Link element when…


A site visitor clicks any link whose anchor tag contains a dsource parameter.

from page

A site visitor clicks any link on the specified page, if the link contains a dsource parameter.

Clicks a link from page named /welcome.jsp
a link from page in folder /content/today/

to page

A site visitor clicks any link that goes to the specified page, if the link contains a dsource parameter.

Clicks a link to page named /thismonthonly.jsp
a link to page in folder /content/monthlyspecials

where source name list

A site visitor clicks a link with a specific dsource parameter.

Clicks a link where source name list includes OnSale.
Clicks a link where source name list includes any of [OnSale, MemberDiscount, MonthlyPromo]

For more information, see the ClickThrough Event section of the Using Scenario Events chapter of the ATG Personalization Programming Guide.

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