Embeds an iframe in the current JSP.

  {page="page-spec" | src="page-spec[otherContext="context"]}
  [dynamic attributes]



Sets the page’s path and file name in two ways:


Sets the page’s path and file name. The src attribute can access pages in another Web application if the current application’s web.xml atg.dynamo.contextPaths parameter is configured appropriately, or if the otherContext attribute specifies the correct context path. For more information, see Invoking Pages in Other Web Applications.


identifies a context path that is not specified in the application’s web.xml; valid with the src attribute.

dynamic attributes

Include additional attributes as needed for the output that your JSP will generate. This tag will pass the attributes into the corresponding output tag. The names of the attributes you include are not validated by the dsp tag library.

Usage Notes

dsp:iframe lets you use an iframe in a page in the same way you use an iframe tag in an HTML page. Furthermore, you can set an iframe page to accept the page parameters from its parent page.

Note: dsp:iframe uses the iclass attribute in place of the cascading stylesheet class attribute to avoid using a Java-reserved word in Java code.


<dsp:iframe src="GraduationAnnouncements.jsp"/>

The GraduationAnnouncements.jsp page is embedded in a parent page as an iframe.

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