Returns information about a specified set of workflow tasks.

Class Name



None provided; see Usage Notes.

Required Input Parameters


Optional Input Parameters


If true, the query returns only active tasks; otherwise, it returns all tasks, including inactive and completed tasks. Default is true.


If true, the query returns only tasks that are accessible to a particular principal. The default is true. If the principal parameter is set, accessibility is checked against the specified directory principal; otherwise, accessibility is checked against the current user.


The atg.userdirectory.DirectoryPrincipal (which can represent a user, role, group, or organization) whose access rights determine the tasks’ accessibility. If omitted, accessibility is checked against the current user. This parameter takes effect only if the accessibleOnly parameter is set to true.


Determines the tasks’ accessibility, set to one of the following values:

This parameter takes effect only if the accessibleOnly parameter is set to true.

For example, if accessRight is set to execute, only those tasks which can be executed, claimed, and released by the current user or principal are returned.


Specifies how tasks should be filtered by ownership, set to one of the following values:

This parameter takes effect only if the accessibleOnly parameter is set to true.


Repository ID of the workflow subject whose tasks should be returned. If omitted, tasks for all workflow subjects are returned. The subjectId parameter must be set if the activeOnly parameter is set to false; in other words, inactive and completed tasks can be returned relative to a particular workflow subject only.


Name of the workflow process whose tasks should be returned. If omitted, tasks for all workflow processes are returned.


Name of the workflow process segment whose tasks should be returned. This parameter takes effect only if the processName parameter is set. If omitted, tasks for all segments of the specified workflow process are returned.


Process element ID of the workflow task which should be returned. This parameter takes effect only if both the processName and segmentName parameters are set. If omitted and taskElementIds, taskName, and taskNames are also omitted, all tasks for the specified workflow segment are returned.


Process element IDs of the workflow tasks which should be returned. This parameter takes effect only if both the processName and segmentName parameters are set, and if taskElementId is not set. If omitted and taskName and taskNames are also omitted, all tasks for the specified workflow segment are returned.


Name of the workflow task which should be returned. This parameter takes effect only if both the processName and segmentName parameters are set, and if taskElementId and taskElementIds are not set. If omitted and taskNames is also omitted, all tasks for the specified workflow segment are returned.


Names of the workflow tasks which should be returned. This parameter takes effect only if both the processName and segmentName parameters are set, and if taskElementId, taskElementIds, and taskName are not set. If omitted, all tasks for the specified workflow segment are returned.


The Comparator used to sort the tasks returned by the query. If omitted, the tasks are returned sorted first by the workflow process and segment names and subject IDs, then by their order of appearance in the workflow definition.

Output Parameters


Set to the results of the task query, a Collection of TaskInfo objects.


Set to the error message if an error occurs in the course of executing the query.

Open Parameters


Rendered after the task query has been completed, and the results are placed into the tasks parameter.


Rendered if no tasks are returned from the query.


Rendered if an error occurs while executing the query. The errorMessage parameter is set to the corresponding error message.

Usage Notes

WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet performs a workflow task query and returns the resulting Collection of atg.workflow.TaskInfo objects. WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet is typically used in conjunction with another servlet bean, such as ForEach or Range, which can iterate through the Collection to display the TaskInfo objects.

The Scenarios module does not include a Nucleus component of this class, because each component is typically configured to work with a specific type of workflow. When you create a workflow type, you can create a WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet and configure it by setting the following properties in the component’s properties file:


The following example shows how to use a WorkflowTaskQueryDroplet component to display all active tasks that are owned by the current user, and which he or she can execute, claim, and release:

<dsp:droplet name="WorkflowTaskQuery">
  <dsp:param name="accessRight" value="execute"/>
  <dsp:param name="ownership" value="self"/>
  <dsp:oparam name="empty">
    No tasks to execute.
  <dsp:oparam name="output">
    <dsp:droplet name="/atg/dynamo/droplet/ForEach">
      <dsp:param name="array" param="tasks"/>
      <dsp:oparam name="output">
        Workflow subject <dsp:valueof param="element.subjectId"/>:
        task <dsp:valueof param=""/><br/>

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