The Discussion Gear lets users participate in threaded online discussions with other users in the community. Registered users can create discussion boards as well as read, reply to, and post messages. Portal Administrators and Community Leaders can moderate these forums and edit the discussion boards as necessary.

Instance Configuration

To configure an instance of the Discussion Gear:

Discussion Gear messageThread Cache

The Discussion Gear maintains forums in a SQL repository. If the messageThread item cache in the repository is too small, the Discussion Gear’s performance will not scale as the size of the forum or threads increase. The item cache must be large enough to hold a list of all threads in the forum, and it must be large enough to hold a list of all replies to a thread in the forum. The default size of the item cache is 1000. The appropriate size for your site depends heavily on the amount of activity in a forum.

Set the item cache in the definition of the messageThread item descriptor in the Discussion Gear repository definition file. Set the item-cache-size attribute by including a file like this in your CONFIGPATH at /atg/portal/gear/discussion/discussionRepository.xml :

   <item-descriptor name="messageThread" item-cache-size="50000">

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