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Netra SPARC T5-1B Server Module HTML Document Collection
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Understanding System Administration Resources

Oracle ILOM Overview

Oracle Solaris OS Overview

OpenBoot Overview

Oracle VM Server for SPARC Overview

Multipathing Software Overview

Oracle Hardware Management Pack Overview

Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Overview

Accessing the Server

Log In to Oracle ILOM

Log In to the System Console

Obtain the OpenBoot Prompt Under Various Conditions

Display the Oracle ILOM Prompt

Redirect the System Console to a Local Graphics Monitor

Oracle ILOM Remote Console

Controlling the Server

Powering the Server On and Off

Power On the Server (Oracle ILOM CLI)

Power Off the Server (Oracle ILOM CLI)

Power On the Server (Oracle ILOM Web Interface)

Power Off the Server (Oracle ILOM Web Interface)

Power On a Server With Multiple Active Domains (Oracle VM Server for SPARC)

Power Off a Server With Multiple Active Domains (Oracle VM Server for SPARC)

Resetting the Server and SP

Reset the Server (Oracle Solaris)

Reset the Server (Oracle ILOM)

Reset the SP

Booting and Shutting Down the OS

Booting and Shutting Down Oracle Solaris

Boot Sequence

Boot the OS (Oracle ILOM)

Boot the OS Manually (OpenBoot)

Shut Down the OS (init Command)

Shut Down the OS (shutdown Command)

Obtaining the OpenBoot Prompt

OpenBoot Prompt

Obtain the OpenBoot Prompt (Oracle Solaris)

Obtain the OpenBoot Prompt (Oracle ILOM CLI)

Obtain the OpenBoot Prompt (Oracle ILOM Web Interface)

Configuring Boot and Restart Behavior

Configuring Boot Parameters

Change the Default Boot Device (OpenBoot)

Enable or Disable Automatic Booting (OpenBoot)

Enable or Disable Automatic Booting (Oracle Solaris)

View All OpenBoot Parameters

OpenBoot Configuration Parameters

printenv Output

Boot Mode Overview (Oracle ILOM)

Configure the Host Boot Mode (Oracle VM Server for SPARC)

Change the Host Boot Mode Behavior at Reset (Oracle ILOM)

Manage the Host Boot Mode Script (Oracle ILOM)

Display the Host Boot Mode Expiration Date (Oracle ILOM)

Override OpenBoot Settings to Reset the Server

Server Restart Behavior Configuration (Oracle ILOM)

Changing Server Identification Information

Change Customer Data on FRU PROMs

Change Server Identifier Information

Configuring Policy Settings

Specify Cooldown Mode

Restore the Host Power State at Restart

Specify the Host Power State at Restart

Disable or Reenable the Host Power-On Delay

Specify Parallel Boot of the SP and Host

Specify Host Virtual Keyswitch Behavior

Reset the Values in the SP to Default Values

Configuring SP and Host Network Addresses

SP Network Address Options

Disable or Reenable Network Access to the SP

Display the SP Network Parameters

Display the Host MAC Address

Connecting to the SP (In-band)

Oracle ILOM In-band (Sideband) Management

Configure SP In-band (Sideband) Access

Matching Devices to Device Names

Importance of Matching a Physical Device to a Name

WWN Syntax

Display Server Components (Oracle ILOM)

Locate Device Paths (OpenBoot)

Correlate WWN Device Names With Physical Locations (diskinfo Command)

probe-scsi-all Device Naming (OpenBoot)

Correlate WWN Device Names With Physical Locations (probe-scsi-all Command)

Identify a Disk Slot (Oracle Solaris)

WWN Syntax in an Oracle Solaris 10 Installation on an Individual Drive

WWN Syntax in an Oracle Solaris 10 Installation on a RAID Volume

Configuring Hardware RAID

Hardware RAID Support

FCode-Based RAID Utility

sas2ircu Utility

raidconfig Commands

RAID Capabilities in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center

Hardware RAID Guidelines

FCode-Based RAID Utility Commands

Prepare to Create a RAID Hardware Volume (FCode-based RAID Utility)

Create a Hardware RAID Volume

Hot-Spare Drives in RAID Volumes (LSI)

Determining if a Drive Has Failed

Service Required Drive LEDs

Locate Error Messages Related to Drives in a RAID Volume

Display Status (FCode-Based RAID Utility)

Display Status (sas2ircu Utility, LSI)

RAID Drive Replacement Strategies

Monitoring the Server

Turn On the Locator LED

Turn Off the Locator LED

Display the Locator LED State of the Server

Updating the Firmware

Display the Firmware Versions

Update the Firmware




Importance of Matching a Physical Device to a Name

These are some situations when you must correlate a logical device name with the device's physical location.

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