This section describes some of the more frequently used actions that you can add to campaigns through the Perform Action element and shows how to supply parameters for them.

Add Items to Slot

A slot is an area on a Web page, such as a banner, that is typically used to hold rotating content or content that changes more frequently than the rest of the page. You can use this action to add items to a given slot. The slot must already exist in the system.

To configure this action, select the slot you want to change. The editor then allows you to choose the items you want to add.

Use the At Priority option to specify the order to show items in cases where there is more than one campaign (or scenario) contributing items to the slot. If you leave the priority option at the default setting the system shows items in the order in which the slot receives them (usually the order in which you enter them here). If you change the priority, the system shows the items in relative order. Enter any integer. 1 is the lowest priority. For example, items that you define as priority 2 appear before items at priority 1 from a different contributing campaign, regardless of the order in which the slot receives the items.

For detailed information on slots, refer to Using Slots in the ATG Personalization Guide for Business Users.


Change the value of a profile property for any customer to whom the action applies. For example, you could add a custom property called “Likes Opera” to all profiles, and then use this action to change the property’s value to “Yes” if a customer submits a Web site form indicating he or she has attended an opera performance in the last year. You can also use this action to change a person’s parent organization or roles. See the ATG Business Control Center Administration and Development Guide for more information on organizations and roles.

Use this action to change a person’s profile property, parent organization, or roles. In all cases, click the element in the expression and then use the item picker to find and select the new value.

If you are using this action to change a person’s roles, you can either specify all the roles you want the person to have when the action is complete, or append to his or her existing roles. For example, if a person has roles A, B, and C, and you want his new roles to be A, B, C, and F, you can specify either A, B, C, and F as the values of the Roles element, or specify just F.

Redirect to Page

Send customers automatically from one page on a Web site to another. For example, if a customer visits a landing page, and his or her browser does not support the features used on the page, this action could be used to send the customer automatically to a different page that displays the same content in a version supported by older browsers.

To configure this action, specify the target page by filling in one of these options:

Add Item to Order

Allows you to add the specified item to the user’s shopping cart. Enter the SKU ID and the associated product ID (both of which you can select from an item picker). SKUs are identified by a bar code icon. Product IDs are identified by a small blue diamond. You must also specify the quantity of the item to add.

Give Promotion

Allows you to give one or more discounts or other promotions to users who have reached this stage in the campaign. The promotions must already exist in Commerce.

This action simply adds the promotions to the activePromotions property in the user’s profile. They can then be processed as appropriate by Commerce (for example, if the user views an image of an item that is on promotion, the system can check the activePromotions profile property and change the displayed price accordingly). If you want the users in this campaign to be aware that they have been given a promotion, you must communicate that information to them, for example through an e-mail.

For detailed information on promotions, see Creating and Maintaining Promotions in the ATG Commerce Guide to Setting Up a Store.

Revoke Promotion

Allows you to remove one or more existing promotions. The action removes the specified promotions from the activePromotions property in the user’s profile. See the description of the Give Promotion action above.

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