The ATG Content Administration versioning system is used to keep track of all assets that are deployed to your Web sites as part of a project. Assets can have multiple versions; for example, if you add an asset such as a JSP page to your sites with a project that you deploy in October, and then edit and deploy it in a subsequent project in November, two versions of it exist: the original version and the latest, or “checked in,” version. For detailed information on deployment, see the ATG Content Administration Programming Guide and the ATG Content Administration Guide for Business Users.

When you deploy a campaign, you deploy all ATG Outreach assets that you have added to it. These include segments, e-mail templates, and the scenario that makes up the campaign. Landing pages are also deployed as assets, but the way they are deployed and the effect this has on your Web sites depend on the landing page. There are several possibilities:

  • If the page already exists on your Web sites, it must already exist in the ATG Content Administration versioning system. In this case, the landing page is added to the campaign and deployed not as a page (a file asset) but as a repository item of type landingPage. The landing page information is sent to the production server so that the campaign works as intended, but the Web site page is not affected by the deployment. The option Already On the Website, URL corresponds to this type of deployment.

  • A similar situation results if you add an existing landing page by using the Search tab in the Landing Page Picker. The landing page must have been added already to at least one other ATG Outreach campaign, and so it exists in the versioning system. The landing page is deployed as a landingPage repository item.

  • The same is true if you select the option A JSP File Asset and browse to an existing JSP page, or add a URL to another site. The page or URL is deployed as a landingPage repository item, not as a file asset.

  • You can select the option A JSP File Asset and then choose to add a new JSP page, one that does not currently exist in the versioning system. In this case, when you deploy the campaign, the page is deployed as a landingPage repository item, and it is also deployed as a file asset. The page does appear on your Web sites.

You can use the campaign’s Assets tab to see the type of asset that is created for any landing page you have added to the campaign. To display the Assets tab, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the campaign’s name in the Current Project field at the top of the page.

  2. Display the Assets tab.

To return to the Structure tab from the Assets tab, display the Current Task: Author link.

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