The tags described here are used to configure how the Asset Manager UIs of the Business Control Center appear to users based on the activity, workflow, or task they use to access it. This table includes tag names, descriptions, attributes, and nested tags. Note that the rules described here apply to each individual taskConfiguration.xml file as well as the composite file that ATG assembles the individual files into. For example, every tab must have an initial view when the composite file is generated, but an initial view need not be specified in each individual task configuration file.

These tags are defined in the taskConfiguration_1.0.dtd located in the <ATG10dir>/AssetUI/lib/classes.jar/atg/dtds/web/assetmanager directory. Refer to the following table to learn about the tags available to you:



Additional Information


Encloses the set of tags that define how a customized task behaves.

id is a required attribute that identifies the name of the activity for which you are providing settings. The name you provide has no significance outside of this file.
inherit-from is an optional attribute used to identify an activity from which the activity set to the id attribute inherits settings.

Nested Tags:
<activity-name> is required



Encloses the name of an activity as it is defined in a generic activities file. Use this tag if you define an activity that’s visible in the Business Control Center.


Encloses tags that describe the Details pane.

Nested Tags:
You are required to use at least one of these tags when you use <asset-editor>.


Encloses the component path and name that provides configuration settings. When nested in <activity> or <task> tags, it identifies a Configuration Manager. When nested in <view> tags, it identifies a component of class atg.web.assetmanager.configuration.FilterableBrowseListView
(for list views) or atg.web.assetmanager.configuration.
(for tree views).


Encloses the component path and name that configures the Navigation pane to support a given view.

This configuration tag is nested in <view> tags.


Encloses the set of tags that define settings applied to all activities and tasks by default.

Nested Tags:
You are required to use at least one of these tags when you use <default-activity>.


Encloses the set of tags that define the settings applied to all tasks and workflows.

Nested Tags:
You are required to use at least one of these tags when you use <default-task>.


Encloses the name used to identify a tab or view. Use this tag rather than <display-name-resource> when you want the same name to display to all users regardless of locale.


Encloses the key that is mapped to the tab’s or view’s name in a resource bundle. Use this tag, rather than <display-name> when you want to provide localized names.


Encloses the tab identifier for the tab that is visible when the application opens.


Encloses the view identifier for the view that is visible when the tab that contains it is accessed for the first time.


Encloses the set of tags that determine, when a view mapping mode is requested for a given item type, the item mapping name and view mapping mode that are returned.

Nested Tags:
<item-mapping-name> or
<view-mapping-mode-override> is required


Encloses the name that identifies an item mapping. An item mapping represents a set of screen elements.


Encloses an item type in this format:

combine is an optional attribute used to override inherited item type settings. Set combine to remove or append.


Encloses the types of items that the item mapping settings apply to.

combine is an optional attribute used to override inherited item type settings. Set combine to replace.

Nested tag:
<item-type> is required


Encloses the identifier for a button.

combine is an optional attribute used to override inherited operation settings. Set combine to remove or append.


Encloses <operation> tags that identify button available in a given context.

combine is an optional attribute used to override inherited operation settings. Set combine to replace.

Nested tag:
<operation> is required


Encloses a JSP that contains content for a screen element.


Encloses the name of the resource bundle that maps a UI element to its label. The value of this tag must include the path to the resource bundle where each directory is separated by a period instead of a slash.


Identifies a tab and contains nested tags that define how it displays.

id is a required attribute that identifies the tab.
combine is an optional attribute used to override inherited tab settings. Set combine to replace or remove.

Nested Tags:
You are required to use at least one of these tags when you use <tab>.


Encloses the identifier for a tab. This tag is used alongside other <tab-id> tags, all of which are nested in a <tab-order> tag in order to specify the order of tabs in the UI.

combine is an optional attribute used to add values to or override inherited tab settings. Set combine to remove or append.


Encloses tags that list tabs in the order used to display them in the UI.

combine is an optional attribute used to override an inherited ordering. Set combine to replace.

Nested tag:
<tab-id> is required


Encloses a series of nested tags that define how tabs display.

Nested tags:
<tab-order> or <initial-tab> is required


Encloses the set of tags that defines how a task appears.

id is an optional attribute used to identify a specific task. Use this attribute when you are defining a generic task or a task that will inherit settings from another resource.
inherit-from is an optional attribute used to identify a resource from which this task inherits settings.

Nested tags:
<workflow-name> or <task-name> is required
You are required to use at least one of these tags when you use <task>.


Encloses the name of a task as it is defined in a workflow .wdl file.


Encloses all tags in the task configuration file.

Nested tags:
<default-activity> or <default-task> is required


Identifies a view and contains nested tags that define how it displays.

id is a required attribute that identifies the view.
combine is an optional attribute used to override inherited view settings. Set combine to replace or remove.

Nested Tags:
You are required to use at least one of these tags when you use <view>.


Encloses the identifier for a view. This tag is used alongside other <view-id> tags all of which are nested in a <view-order> tag in order to specify the order of views in the UI.

combine is an optional attribute used to append or override inherited ordering settings. Set combine to remove or append.


Identifies the input view mapping mode used to determine, in combination with the item type, the output view mapping mode and item mapping name.

mode is a required attribute that identifies the input map mode.
combine is an optional attribute used to override inherited settings for the input mode. Set combine to replace or remove.

Nested Tag:
<item-mapping> is required


Encloses a series of nested tags that specify view mapping settings.

Nested Tag:
<view-mapping> is required


Encloses the name of the output map mode to use.


Encloses <view-id> tags that list views in the order used to display them in the UI.

combine is an optional attribute used to override inherited ordering settings. Set combine to replace.

Nested Tag:
<view-id> is required


Encloses tags that define how views display.

Nested Tags:
<view-order> or <initial-view> is required


Encloses the name of a workflow used by the .wdl file. Include the path of the .wdl file relative to the workflow registry.

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