The View Mapping system displays assets in the Business Control Center by combining two types of JSP fragments:

The View Mapping system determines how to combine these JSPs by examining the links in the View Mapping object hierarchy, the attribute values stored in the object hierarchy, and the item descriptor in the View Mapping Repository definition file.

itemView JSP Fragments

An itemView object in the View Mapping system contains a pointer to an itemView JSP and identifies the itemView’s mode, such as view or edit. An itemView appears in the Business Control Center as a tabbed page.

propertyView JSP Fragments

propertyView JSP fragments control display of asset properties. Each property data type uses a different propertyView JSP. For example, a property of type date is displayed by default with a date picker JavaScript control; while a property of type big string is presented using the default HTML editor propertyView WYSIWYG HTML Editor. The HTML that displays each data type is generated from the corresponding propertyView JSP fragment.

For example, the default repository itemView for edit mode—Standard RepositoryItem Editor—uses the JSP oneColumnEdit.jsp, in this location:


The oneColumnEdit.jsp page iterates through the properties specified in the asset’s repository definition file. It generates a form field for each property by including the appropriate propertyView JSP fragment.

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