Copying and Creating Package Repositories in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: September 2014

One Repository Server With Load Balancing

This example connects to and

Configure the depot server with an appropriate proxy_base setting as shown in Configuring a Simple Prefixed Proxy.

Limit the number of back-end connections to the number of threads each depot is running divided by the number of depots in the load-balancer setup. Otherwise, Apache opens more connections to a depot than are available and they stall, which can decrease performance. Specify the maximum number of parallel connections to each depot with the max= parameter. The following example shows two depots, each running 200 threads. See Configuring a Simple Prefixed Proxy for an example of how to set the number of depot threads.

<Proxy balancer://pkg-example-com-myrepo>
        # depot on internal1
        BalancerMember retry=5 max=100

        # depot on internal2
        BalancerMember retry=5 max=100

Redirect /myrepo
ProxyPass /myrepo/ balancer://pkg-example-com-myrepo/ nocanon