Managing SMB File Sharing and Windows Interoperability in Oracle Solaris 11.2

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Updated: July 2014


directory-based mapping by using IDMUindex iconManaging Directory-Based Identity Mapping by Using Identity Management for UNIX
directory-based name mappingindex iconManaging Directory-Based Name Mapping for Users and Groups
rule-based identity mappingindex iconManaging Rule-Based Identity Mapping for Users and Groups
SMB groupsindex iconManaging SMB Groups
SMB mounts
in a local environmentindex iconManaging SMB Mounts in Your Local Environment
in the global environmentindex iconManaging SMB Mounts in the Global Environment
SMB sharesindex iconManaging SMB Shares
by using IDMUindex iconUsing Identity Management for UNIX
IDMUindex iconManaging Directory-Based Identity Mapping by Using Identity Management for UNIX
ephemeral IDindex iconMapping User and Group Identities
group names
index iconHow to Remove a User or Group Mapping Rule
index iconHow to Add a User or Group Mapping Rule
showing for a particular identityindex iconViewing a Mapping for a Particular Identity
showing for all established mappingsindex iconViewing All Established Mappings
user and group identitiesindex iconMapping User and Group Identities
user names
index iconHow to Add a User or Group Mapping Rule
index iconHow to Add a Directory-Based Name Mapping to a User or Group Object
users and groups by name
index iconHow to Import User Mappings From a Rule-Mapping File
index iconManaging Directory-Based Name Mapping for Users and Groups
users and groups by name ruleindex iconManaging Rule-Based Identity Mapping for Users and Groups
using IDMUindex iconManaging Directory-Based Identity Mapping by Using Identity Management for UNIX
viewing detailsindex iconViewing Details About Mappings
Windows account namesindex iconMapping Well-Known Windows Account Names
SMB group propertiesindex iconHow to Modify SMB Group Properties
SMB share propertiesindex iconHow to Modify SMB Share Properties (zfs)
a multiuser shareindex iconHow to Mount a Multiuser SMB Share
an SMB share on a directory you ownindex iconHow to Mount an SMB Share on a Directory You Own