Trusted Extensions Developer's Guide

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Updated: July 2014


m_label_alloc() routine
code exampleindex iconDetermining the Relationship Between Two Labels
declarationindex iconAllocating and Freeing Memory for Labels
m_label_dup() routine
declarationindex iconAllocating and Freeing Memory for Labels
m_label_free() routine
declarationindex iconAllocating and Freeing Memory for Labels
m_label_t typeindex iconLabel APIs
MAC (mandatory access control)
index iconTrusted X Window System Environment
index iconInterprocess Communications
making socket exempt fromindex iconMAC-Exempt Sockets
multilevel operations
security policy forindex iconMultilevel Operations
multilevel ports
description of
index iconMultilevel Port Information
index iconMultilevel Port Information
index iconMultilevel Ports
using with UDPindex iconUsing Multilevel Ports With UDP