Oracle® Solaris 11.2 Programming Interfaces Guide

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Updated: July 2014

Asynchronous Execution Mode

Many XTI/TLI library routines block to wait for an incoming event. However, some time-critical applications should not block for any reason. An application can do local processing while waiting for some asynchronous XTI/TLI event.

Applications can access asynchronous processing of XTI/TLI events through the combination of asynchronous features and the non-blocking mode of XTI/TLI library routines. See the ONC+ RPC Developer’s Guide for information on use of the poll(2) system call and the I_SETSIG ioctl(2) command to process events asynchronously.

You can run each XTI/TLI routine that blocks for an event in a special non-blocking mode. For example, t_listen(3NSL) normally blocks for a connect request. A server can periodically poll a transport endpoint for queued connect requests by calling t_listen(3NSL) in the non-blocking (or asynchronous) mode. You enable the asynchronous mode by setting O_NDELAY or O_NONBLOCK in the file descriptor. Set these modes as a flag through t_open(3NSL), or by calling fcntl(2) before calling the XTI/TLI routine. Use fcntl(2) to enable or disable this mode at any time. All program examples in this chapter use the default synchronous processing mode.

Use of –O_NDELAY or –O_NONBLOCK affects each XTI/TLI routine differently. You need to determine the exact semantics of –O_NDELAY or –O_NONBLOCK for a particular routine.