ONC+ RPC Developer's Guide

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Updated: July 2014


porting TCP applications from TS-RPC to TI-RPCindex iconPorting an Application
portmap port numberindex iconportmap Operation
portmap sequence
index iconTypical Portmap Sequence (For TCP/IP Only)
index iconportmap Protocol
server crashes andindex iconTransports and Semantics
nettype parameter forindex iconnettype Parameters
TCP (Transport Control Protocol)
RPC protocol andindex iconTransports and Semantics
tcp transport typeindex iconnettype Parameters
TCP/IP streams
index iconRecord-Marking Standard
index iconRecord-Marking Standard
index iconRecord TCP/IP Streams
index iconMemory Streams
rpcgen tool
index iconDefault Mode Version of add.x
index iconCompile-Time Client and Server Templates
index iconrpcgen Compile-Time Flags
index iconSoftware Environment Features
programs using low-level raw RPCindex iconSimple Program Using Raw RPC
thread library
threadindex iconTwo Client Threads Using Different Client Handles (Real Time)
thread.h fileindex iconMT User Mode
address look-up services
index iconRegistering Addresses
index iconAddress Look-up Services
index iconRPC Routines???Expert Level
address reportingindex iconReporting RPC Information
address translation
index iconPorting Issues
index iconRegistering Addresses
index iconName-to-Address Translation
call semanticsindex iconCall Semantics
data representationindex iconData Representation
identifying remote procedures
index iconProgram Number Registration
index iconProgram and Procedure Numbers
index iconTransports and Semantics
index iconProgram, Version, and Procedure Numbers
index iconProgram, Version, and Procedure Numbers
information reportindex iconUsing Transient RPC Program Numbers
information reporting
index iconUsing Transient RPC Program Numbers
index iconReporting RPC Information
interface routines
index iconTop-Level Interface
index iconStandard Interfaces
index iconSimplified Interface
index iconProgrammer's Interface to RPC
index iconProgrammer's Interface to RPC
index iconTop-Level Routines
index iconOverview of Interface Routines
index iconOverview of Interface Routines
bottom-levelindex iconBottom-Level Interface
caching serversindex iconServer Caching
expert-levelindex iconExpert-Level Interface
intermediate level
index iconIntermediate-Level Interface
index iconIntermediate-Level Routines
low-level data structuresindex iconLow-Level Data Structures
index iconxdr_reference Syntax Use
index iconSimplified Interface
index iconStandard Interfaces
index iconStandard Interface Routines
top-lvelindex iconServer for Trivial Date Service
library selection, rpcgen toolindex iconCompile-Time TI-RPC or TS-RPC Library Selection
name-to-address translation
index iconPorting Issues
index iconRegistering Addresses
index iconName-to-Address Translation
network selectionindex iconNetwork Selection
index iconRecord-Marking Standard
index iconTransports and Semantics
index iconProtocol Overview
index iconProtocol Overview
index iconCall Semantics
index iconTransport Protocol
and authenticationindex iconProgram and Procedure Numbers
authenticationindex iconProgram and Procedure Numbers
binding and rendezvous independenceindex iconBinding and Rendezvous Independence
identification of proceduresindex iconProgram and Procedure Numbers
identification proceduresindex iconProgram Number Registration
identifying procedures
index iconProgram, Version, and Procedure Numbers
index iconProgram, Version, and Procedure Numbers
in XDR languageindex iconRPC Message Protocol
record-marking standard
index iconRecord-Marking Standard
index iconRecord-Marking Standard
transport protocols and semantics andindex iconTransports and Semantics
version numberindex iconProgram and Procedure Numbers
raw, test low-level programsindex iconSimple Program Using Raw RPC
transient RPC program numbers
index iconRPC Program Number Assignment
index iconUsing Transient RPC Program Numbers
transport selectionindex iconTransport Selection
identifying proceduresindex iconTransports and Semantics
TI-RPC (transport-independent remote procedure call)
and library selection, rpcgen toolindex iconSoftware Environment Features
interface routines
index iconClient Program to Call printmsg.c
index iconClient Program to Call printmsg.c
library selection, rpcgen toolindex iconrpcgen Compile-Time Flags
obtaining currentindex iconAUTH_DES Authentication Verifiers
ping program
index iconping Service Using RPC Language
index iconExample Service Described in the RPC Language
time server program
index iconTime Server Program (rpcgen)
index iconCompile-Time MT Auto Mode
index iconrpcgen Preprocessing Directives
time service
intermediate level client for
index iconClient for Time Service, Intermediate Level
index iconClient Side of the Intermediate-Level Interface
intermediate level server forindex iconServer Side of the Intermediate-Level Interface
rpcbind routineindex iconAUTH_DES Authentication Verifiers
top-level client for
index iconClient for Trivial Date Service
index icontime_prot.h Header File
top-level server forindex iconServer for Trivial Date Service
toplevel server forindex iconClient for Trivial Date Service
time synchronization
AUTH_DES authentication
index iconNicknames and Clock Synchronization
index iconNicknames and Clock Synchronization
index iconAUTH_DES Authentication
AUTH_KERB authenticationindex iconAUTH_KERB Authentication
time-out periods
rpcgen tool
index iconTime-out Changes
index iconRPC Programming Techniques
time.x programindex iconTime Server Program (rpcgen)
time.x program
index iconMT Auto Mode: time.x
index iconrpcgen Preprocessing Directives
timed client creation
index iconRPC Routines???Intermediate Level
index iconRPC Routines???Top Level
intermediate level interfaceindex iconClient for Time Service, Intermediate Level
top-level interfaceindex iconClient for Trivial Date Service
TLI file descriptors
passing open
index iconServer Side of the Expert-Level Interface
index iconClient Side of the Expert-Level Interface
top-level interface routinesindex iconTop-Level Routines
top-level interface routines (RPC)
index iconServer for Trivial Date Service
index iconTop-Level Interface
index iconClient Program to Call printmsg.c
index iconClient Program to Call printmsg.c
index iconClient for Trivial Date Service
index iconTop-Level Interface
index iconClient Program to Call printmsg.c
index iconClient Program to Call printmsg.c
overviewindex iconTop-Level Interface
index iconServer for Trivial Date Service
index iconClient for Trivial Date Service
transaction IDs
index iconTransports and Semantics
index iconProgram, Version, and Procedure Numbers
index iconProgram, Version, and Procedure Numbers
transient program numbers
index iconRPC Program Number Assignment
index iconUsing Transient RPC Program Numbers
transport handles
serverindex iconClient Authentication Handle
SVCXPRT serviceindex iconUsing Port Monitors
SVCXPRT] serviceindex iconSharing the Service Transport Handle
transport protocols
RPC protocol andindex iconTransports and Semantics
transport selection
RPCindex iconTransport Selection
rpcgen toolindex iconNetwork Types/Transport Selection
transport types
interfacesindex iconTop-Level Interface
rpcgen toolindex iconNetwork Types/Transport Selection
transport-level interface file descriptors
passing open
index iconServer Side of the Expert-Level Interface
index iconClient Side of the Expert-Level Interface
treesindex iconOptional-Data
TS-RPC (transport-specific remote procedure call)
library selection, rpcgen toolindex iconrpcgen Compile-Time Flags
rpcgen tool
index iconcpp Directive
index iconrpcgen Tutorial
type definitions
RPC languageindex iconRPCL Type Definitions
XDR language
index iconSyntax Notes
index iconTypedef
index iconTypedef